tv CBS Overnight News CBS June 20, 2016 3:08am-4:01am EDT
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♪ an ohio gun store owner is dead following a tragic accident during a gun safety class. james baker of the gun shop was killed when a student accidentally shot through a wall. baker wasn't teaching the class, sitting in the wrong place wrong time. >> actor anton yelchin has died. his car accidentally rolled and pinned him against a wall in the driveway of his home in california. yelchin best known for playing in the "star trek" films and had major parts in terminator salvation and indy hit "green room" yelchin just 27 years old. >> learning more about the 12
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girls rescued from a house of horrors in southeast pennsylvania. they were found living with a man in the town of feasterville. demarco morgan is there. >> reporter: many neighbors were concerned what was happening inside lee caplin's house. this woman tells us she had no clue what was happening on the other side of her fence. >> normal kids. playing. riding bikes. >> no, very sheltered. mainly see them in the front yard working, small garden in the front. they would sit down and work the garden. >> reporter: investigators came to the home on thursday and fund a 12 amish girls raging in age from 6 months to 18 years old living with caplin. arrested. and faces charges, statutory sexual assault. the oldest victim told police she is the mother of a 3-month-old and 6-month-old fathered by caplin. caplin told police he began
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having sex with her at 14. the girl's parents told investigators they gave their daughter to caplin as payment for a loan and thought it would be legal after doing research online. the parents are also under arrest. the girls are now in the state's custody. in lancaster county home to a large amish community. the public safety director says investigators will interview the girls tomorrow. >> kids were living down in the basement on air mattresses. but, they -- they i guess they were home schooling the kids there was home work down, down there. >> reporter: the children aper to be in good condition. authorities have not confirmed if all of the girls are related. >> demarco morgan in feasterville, pennsylvania. thank you, demarco. >> oakland, california's police department is investigating a sex scandal involving allegations of officers having
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sex with a minor. now, two other internal investigations have surfaced regarding confidential information being shared with people outside of the department. and, racial text messages exchanged between officers. >> i want to assure citizens of oakland that we are hell bent on rooting out this disgusting culture and holding those accountable, responsible for their misdeeds. >> mayor libby schaaf is beyond frustrated with the frat house mentality in the oakland police department. after two years as chief, sean went resigned amid a sex scandal investigation involving several police officers accused of having sex with a minor. replaced, and now paul figaroa left the top spot. >> ton other officers. >> this 18-year-old who goes by
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the name of celeste guap is at the center of the sex scandal. she told our affiliate two years ago, she slept with at least three oakland police officers. guap did not kid herself a victim at the time. >> you know, these men in uniform, you know. giving you protection. >> reporter: guap is cooperating with oakland pd internal investigation, and sharing with them text messages between her and an officer. stay off east 14 from fruitvale to 42, there is a uc operation. officer wrote about an undercover prostitution sting. to which she replied. thank you, daddy. i appreciate it. i've dent want to go to jail. >> this is clearly a set back. i assure you some heads will roll. that is what is going to help us make a new start so we can do that hard work that we have to do. every day. to rebuild that trust with this community. >> the oakland police department is under a federal judge's watch. they are now re-examining their policies and conducting a
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nationwide search for their next police chief. for now the department will be overseen buy a city administrator. >> thank you. thursday voters in britain will decide whether to stay in the european union. >> reporter: in the homestretch of a bitter referendum campaign. advocates from both side took to the political field to rally support. >> i think we should take the chance now as a country to take back control. former london mayor, one of the key supporters for britain to exit the european union today called on support tires turn out on thursday. >> this is our cue, this is our chance, this is our moment. [ applause ] prime minister david cameron on the bbc tonight called on the uk to stand united with europe. >> of course we would survive outside the european union. find a way. it is my very, very clear view it would be less good.
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>> the remain campaign argues trade between eu countries is easier making the economy stronger. and the 28 nation block gives brits freedom to live and work in other eu countries and makes britain secure. the leave campaign says the eu impose tootz many rules on british business and want to take back control of their borders and reduce the number of people come hering to work. the referendum has deeply divided the nation. the campaign was temporarily suspended last week after a gunman reportedly targeted a member of parliament, jo cox because of her push to stay in the eu. the uk hasn't had a referendum on europe. hard to predict this thursday. opinion polls have varied widely giving both side the lead. >> the global economy. everyone with it. we'll be watching. thank you. >> up next, the ideology of isis, what an expert will be telling congress when he briefs them on the terror group. ♪
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(sound♪ of music ♪histling) introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. our bacteria family's been on this alright kiddos!erations. everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria. max cover is another great way to lysol that. does your mouth often feel dry? multiple medications,
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♪ this tuesday, senate homeland governmental affairs will have a meeting on ideology of isis, joining me, hassan hassan, best-seller of "isis inside the army of terror." what are you going to tell the senators they don't know about isis? >> well, well, the ideology of isis is quite complicated. many people have spoken about it. but i think i tried to convey the kind of, how, how the ideology plays out on the ground in syria and iraq. rather than just, what, what books they read and, basically what inspires the group and how this group recruits people. i have spoken to, dozens of isis members. i asked them about what books
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they read. what kind of, what clerics they follow, and how they -- view things. so, you know, that, i tried to, like, pass on a sense of how that works on the ground. >> okay. cia director, john brennan said there is no direct link between isis and the orlando shooter. does this orlando attack mean the war with isis is heading in a new direction? >> absolutely. i think there is a very, i mean the war against isis is that, across, across, crossroads. it's, the group is weakened on the ground. militarily on a military level. the group is not doing very well. it is losing ground. however, i think there is -- a very important, moment, now, where, we are facing. which is that. that the, the appeal of the group is becoming removed from how the group -- the group does on the ground. meaning, whatever -- happens on the ground, won't affect the international appeal for the group. >> hassan hassan in washington. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> still ahead, a report from the japanese island of okinawa where tens of thousand protested against u.s. military bases.
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in japan are located on this very small island. and many of okinawa say bases bring trouble. in may an ex-marine who works on the base was arrested in connection with the rain and murder of a okinawa woman. a sailor pled guilty to rain. another sailor arrest ford drunk driving after injuring two people. okinawans told us they're not anti-american. they just want the u.s. military on this island since the end of world war ii, gone, or dramatically downsized. >> making sure. >> u.s. military officials tell us they too are outraged by the recent crimes after the death of the 20-year-old they instituted a 30 day period, banning drinking off base and imposing a curfew. while thousand of marines are in the process of being relocated off the island. this is a hard location to give up. okinawa is right in the heart of east asia. >> certainly an important location. adriana diaz in okinawa. thank you. >> coming up next, meet piper the wonder dog, covering plenty
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well tonight we end with air traffic controller who gives new meaning to the definition of bird dog. here is kris van cleave. >> well i didn't think there is any denying it. he has the cool factor done to a tee. >> reporter: easy to spot in these pictures why piper the airport canine has a global following on social media. the 8-year-old border collie sits tight with the coast guard hovering feet away. or, as the blue angels taxi by. but those goggles and ear guard he is wearing aren't just a photo op. he is on the job. piper protects aircraft at traverse city, michigan, airport
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from bird and wildlife. >> go get them. >> here he hones ian on geese on the main run way and they take off. bird strikes can be catastrophic. but often lead to costly repairs and forced landings. pipe hears been on the job two years have you noticed a difference in that time. >> the coast guard commander is one of piper's big fans. >> quite honestly been in a number of airports. they usually shotgun blanks. bird get used to that. they know just a sound. nothing is going to happen. deploy a dog that chase after them. the fight or flight instinct. they go running. and they remember it. and piper's partner, brian edward. >> what's the best part of having piper here with you every day. >> get to work with my best friend every day. >> he had piper three years. despite not being previously trained. it took this old dog a year to get comfortable on the tarmac.
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>> the airport is home. i have to drag him out of here. whenever we leave. >> it was edward's idea to post pictures on instagram. now piper has 10,000 more followers than traverse city has residents. that's nothing to shake a stick at. honestly piper would rather you throw it. kris van cleave, cbs news, traverse city, michigan. >> that's the "cbs overnight news" for this monday. for some of you the news continues. for others. check back with us a little later this morning. for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city.
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welcome to the "cbs overnight news." it's been a week and a day now since omar mateen went on a bloody rampage at a packed orlando nightclub. he killed 49 people and wounded 53 others before he died in a hail of police gunfire. we expect to get greater insight into mateen's motives today when the justice department releases partial transcripts of his conversation with police. mateen spoke with 911 operators during the bloodbath. funerals are under way in florida and puerto rico for those killed. david begnaud in orlando. >> reporter: 2:02 this morning. one week later to the moment of the massacre. church bells tolled across orlando -- 49 times for 49 victims. in the heart of orlando at
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first united methodist church. the reverend started sun day's service with word of support for the lgbt community. >> we hurt. because when the shooter shot those members of the lgbtq community, each of us have lost a brother and sister in creation. >> the gay community gets behind the slogan it gets better. how do you convince someone grieving what happened that it will get better at some point. my faith says that one day all will be equal. god doesn't show partiality toward any group of people. and yet loves all. >> reporter: on this father's day, florida's governor honored the three dad who died.
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cbs news learned federal investigators are working 'round-the-clock in 12-hour shifts, probing among other things whether or not the shooter, omar mateen had an accomplice. today, attorney general loretta lynch speck to john dickerson on face the nation. >> we have information that he over the course of time, he, sadly look too many individuals was consuming radical jihadist information online and was becoming radicalized here in the united states. >> one place you won't hear a word about the shooter as it the hospital where 49 crosses line a waterfront memorial. as mourners walked by in near silence. rosa lee ramos sat in front of her son's cross. he was just 23. >> the three shots that the person did to my son. [ indiscernible ] >> there was a shootout here. >> reporter: when her son was shot. he gave his cell phone to a friend begging that friend to call his mother.
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>> he wanted me to call you. my mom is a doctor. i know what to do. today, the stepfather played the voice mail. >> please call me back soon as you can. >> rosalee ramos does not know who left the voice mail on her phone. today after spending an hour in the front of her son's cross. she took his cell phone to fbi investigators. this memorial has become something of a sacred space. the sadness has create aid silence punctured by the water walls, the bird, and tears. >> powerful image. david begnaud. thank you. >> on the campaign trail, donald trump says the country should seriously consider profiling muslims in the united states. even those who are u.s. citizens. the presumptive republican presidential candidate told john dickerson of "face the nation"
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it is a terror fighting tool, and it wouldn't be the worst thing to do. >> you look to speak plainly. in september you said there possibly should be profiling. as a bottom line are-up talking about increasing profiling of muslims in america? >> will i think profiling is something we are going to have to start thinking about as a country. other countries do it. you look at israel, you look at others. they do it. they do it successfully. and, you know, i hate the concept of profiling. but, we have to start using common sense and we have to use, you know, we have to use our head. you know i see people that, i have seen it recently. we had a, a case where -- you know, very much, you know, in my case, where we had, we had tremendous numbers of people coming into a speech i was making. and you know, people that obviously had no guns, had no weapons, had no anything. they were being, going through screening.
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and they were going through the same, the same, you know scrutiny, absolutely same scrutiny at some body else that looked like it could have been a possible person the we have to really look at profiling. we have to look at it seriously. other countries do it. it's not the worst thing to do. >> trump said law enforcement should investigate mosques in the u.s. the justice department will release partial transcripts of omar mateen's telephone conversations with hostage negotiators while inside pulse nightclub. john dickerson discussed this with attorney general loretta lynch. >> after he called 911, hostage negotiators reached out to fry to ascertain who was he why was he doing this and the status of the victims. there were three calls. and we'll be releasing the partial transcript tomorrow. >> in orlando, walt disney world put up a fence around the lagoon where a young boy was carried away by an alligator and posted new signs warning of alligators and snakes. for some, little too late. here's mark strassmann.
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>> reporter: 2-year-old lane graves the first guest ever killed by an alligator at disney world. but the predators have long lurked in resort waters. this unverified social media post from 2009, purportedly shows an alligator near a disney ride. >> no, this is disney. safe. no way they would be stupid enough. >> san diego lawyer, david hydeen was vacationing with his family in april 2015. 2 alligators chased his 5-year-old son. awe saw something coming on him like a submarine. i looked. went oh, my god that's an alligator. boom, i reacted grabbed him. thank god. >> the family was staying at disney's coronado springs resort. located 3 1/2 miles from the grand floridian resort and spa where graves was killed. >> hyden says he warned a hotel manager and showed her this photo
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he took of one of the gators. >> the response, i just couldn't believe it, it was -- those are resident pets. and we have known about them for years. >> reporter: there are no signs warning abut alligators in the spot where lane graves died tuesday night. in fact a massachusetts mom posted photos of her own son which she claims were in the same area less than an hour earlier. thursday, disney said, it was conducting a swift and thorough review of its procedures. including the number, placement and wording of our signage and warnings. but critics wonder why the company's review took so long. >> there was an alligator submerged under the water. >> paul santa maria attacked by an alligator in disney world in 1986 when he was 8 years old. >> it came up out of the water. and, hit me. and knocked me to the ground. it's just started throwing me around trying to pull me into water. >> reporter: in a statement, the parents of lane graves said, word cannot describe the shock and grief our family is experiencing over the loss of our son.
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there has been no official response from the state department after a group of american diplomats put their opposition to u.s. policy toward syria in writing. 51 mid level state department employees signed a letter urging u.s. military strikes to take out the syrian government's air force and artillery. the state department set up an internal system for dissent after vietnam. this is the first time so many have signed on to protests. >> good morning. norah, it is rare to see dozens of american diplomats formally object to u.s. policy. but after five years of brutal war, some within the obama administration have had enough and are calling for action. with an estimated 500,000 people dead in syria, and thousand of refugees fleeing for their lives, dozens of american diplomats called for a radical change.
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the 51 state department officials who signed the classified internal memo argue that the u.s. should destroy syrian dictator bashar al assad's military might. the diplomats told cbs news, that assad faced no consequence for brutality. continuing to ignore assad while fighting isis is dragging out the five-year war. and they believe is creating new extremists. but president obama has long been hesitant to intervene in another mideast war. in 2012. he threatened military action if assad used chemical weapons. >> we have communicated in no uncertain terms with every player that is a red line for us. >> but backed off when assad killed 1,000 in a sarin gas attack outside damascus more than a year later. isis has thrived inside the war zone.
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while mr. obama has committed teams of special operators to target isis leaders, he told charlie rose, that u.s. military involvement would be sharply limited. >> that does not mean that -- that we should be deploying troops everywhere where a crisis is taking place. we have to be judicious where we use military power. >> senator john mccain blamed policies in iraq and syria for the isis inspired attack in orlando. >> he pulled everybody out of iraq. i predicted at the time that isis would go unchecked. there would be attacks on the united states of america. so he is directly responsible. >> kerry promised to meet with the diplomats and discuss their idea. but with just seven months left in office, it is unlikely that president obama will change course. margaret brennan, cbs news, the white house. >> meanwhile, u.s. backed rebels fighting the syrian government are coming under fire from the
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russian air force. david martin reports. the attack by russian fighter bombers on american backed opposition forces appeared to be deliberate and to ignore repeat u.s. warnings. it happened in southern syria, where two su 34s. bombed opposition forces. some of them trained and equipped by the pentagon as part of the war against isis. when the american run command center which tracks russian flights in yellow up on the big screen, realized what had happened. it called the russian command center in syria on a hot line set up to avoid incidents like this. demanding the planes cease-fire. two american f-18 jet fighters were dispatched to provide air cover for the troops on the ground as they tried to evacuate their casualties. by the time the f-18s arrived, the russian planes were headed away. although still close enough to see.
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but when the f-18s broke away to refuel, the russians return for a second bombing run. another call went out to the russian command center in syria. demanding the planes wave off. and the crew of an airborne command post tried to contact the russian pilots directly. but got no response. the su 34 conduct aid bombing run, leaving a small number of opposition fighters dead on the ground. it's been nearly nine months since russia intervened in syria's civil war. though russian planes have flown close to american aircraft before this was the most serious incident between the two militaries. >> the "cbs overnight news" will be right back.
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(sound♪ of music ♪histling) introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. our bacteria family's been oni like to watch them clean,ns. but they'll never get me on the mattress! new lysol max cover with 2x wider coverage kills bacteria on big, soft surfaces. discover a new way to lysol that. what are you doing? sara, i love you, and... [phone rings] ah, it's my brother. keep going... sara, will you marry... [phone rings again] what do you want, todd???? [crowd cheering] keep it going!!!! if you sit on your phone, you butt-dial people. it's what you do. todd! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do.
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i know we just met like, two months ago... yes! [crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone] narrator: breakfast. dishes. dinner. dishes. marriage. dishes. divorce. dishes. sleeping. (snoring) (sputtering) dishes. not sleeping. dishes. life. dishes. death. dishes. existence. dishes. dishes, dishes, dishes... every dish, every time. only finish has the power ball to take on anything.
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the orlando massacre renewed the debate over gun control. for many people who live in cities and suburbs. guns are a threat to life. for a lot of people in america's wide open spaces guns are a way of life. ted koppel reports. >> reporter: if you have ever wondered where the deer and the antelope still roam, this is it. it is still a storybook west, you know to so many people. >> the big fellow the one who looks like he has been riding all his life and bears a striking resemblance to teddy roosevelt, bob model. this is his mooncrest ranch. a few miles outside of cody, wyoming. boys! those are some of bob's ranch
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hand getting ready to feed the horses. when they head up into the mountains they will be carrying rifles for protections against wolves and coyotes or to put down a horse that's broken a leg. done here a couple men carry handguns >> you never know when you may need it. >> reporter: an enormous piece of land. model owns 5,000 acres and then another 195,000 acres of public land surrounding his ranch. so you are sitting on roughly 200,000 acres of my land? >> i am. >> well you are welcome. >> i appreciate that. >> but i would say to you -- i am a good steward. i use it for grazing my live stock. and i am also a licensed big game outfitter. and you are lucky to have me. watching after your land. >> you know when people who don't hunt, and you look around, and what is that guy talking about conservation they're
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killing him. >> hunters play an important role in conserving, not only wildlife, but our resources upon which the wildlife live. >> there is no getting around it. guns -- are big in wyoming. more guns per capita than any state in the country. as for the residents of park county, that's where cody is located. here is the sheriff, scott stewart. >> if they have guns in the home. the low end is 4 to 5. high end is going to be anywhere from 100 to more.
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>> and how many people in this county do not have guns? >> i would say, a very minority. >> reporter: still when it comes to the rate of gun related murders, wyoming is below the national average. sheriff steward will tell you he its all right with all the guns out here. he has only a handful of deputies. >> we might have three on dutien the count yep to cover 6,000 miles. of county. a deputy on one side get a call. 40 miles away. chances are he is not going to get there to intervene in any conflict going on. >> so what you are telling me, people need to be able to take care of themselves? >> absolutely. >> reporter: guns are woven into the tapestry of all of the old wyoming families. that of retired senator allen simpson for example. how long have you simpsons been out here? >> my great grandfather came to jackson in 1884. my grandmother lived to be 100. she was born in salt lake in 1874, two years before the custer battle. she always carried a derringer in her purse. >> assume back then folks needed their guns. >> without guns there would be
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no west. this takes a 30 caliber. >> reporter: there is simpson concede a strain of violence in his family. >> my grandfather murdered a guy in the main street of cody in august of 1923. >> reporter: because? >> my grandfather was a lawyer. so he represented this guy. the guy didn't like the result. came up behind my grandfather. hit him in the back of the head. >> reporter: simpson's grandfather got a gun and shot his client. killed him. a local jury voted for acquittal. and then, there is the senator's own boyhood. >> i was an assassin. we were bad, stole shells. 22 shorts. and would go out into the hills and see how close we could come to each other in the rocks. >> alan simpson you will not be surprise to learn is no fan of gun control legislation. >> gun control in wyoming is how steady you hold your rifle. >> mack, go ahead and take a few shots first. >> reporter: that's the senator's son, collin with his son, mack.
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they call him big mack. >> what's wrong with it? >> reporter: does this sort of match what your dad did with you? i mean what al did with you? >> absolutely, ted. what i am doing here with the boys is exactly what we did. >> reporter: there is a real effort to instill gun safety. people in other places don't understand how careful we are. how much we understand. how we learn from a young age. >> age 13, dylan roamro is a crack shot. it is an expensive sport though. his father had him draft a contract outlining what he is prepared to do in order to keep shooting. >> have to keep a gpa above 3.95. not do any drugs or alcohol. ever pretty much.
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and just stay out of trouble with the law, my teachers. respect him and my mom. >> reporter: dylan started shooting when we was 7. that's how old ella is now. but she and her dad, beau allen, have already been at this a while. >> hey, good shot. >> nice shot. >> when's the first time you shot a gun? >> well, i think it's when i was 5. >> reporter: you an old hand at this. doing this a long time? you look coming out shooting with your daddy? >> yeah. >> reporter: that is 5-year-old haley o'neal with her daddy justin. showing her how to thumb back the hammer on her pistol. sweet as can be. clearly having a good time. >> yes, sir. >> reporter: there aresome people that might watch this, boy, is awful young. awful young? >> not at all, actually. >> reporter: tell me why? >> respect starts now. respect of life.
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respect of country. respect of game. everything starts now. that all starts when they're impressionable. >> haley. turn around. >> i just want to know one thing. did you have a good time? did you enjoy this? would you like to do it again? >> at this point, some gun control advocates in major sit jeez may be shaking their heads in disbelief. folks out here though couldn't care less. >> and they don't give a [ bleep ] what people think of them back there. while they're killing each other every day more than they are out here. why do we have to listen to that? >> reporter: out on a pheasant shoot, says collin simpson, people and their guns get along just fine. >> it is a community event. a family event. the memories that i have with my father and my brother and my two boys and my wife and my, i mean you name it. those are wonderful memories. >> reporter: to a great ex-tent our perspective on guns is shaped by where we live. this is the view from cody, wyoming.
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>> for many, the killings in orlando seem like a road we have traveled before. here's steve hartman. >> reporter: this week we suffered the worse mass shooting in u.s. history. but another tragedy may be what happens next week. >> we will mourn. we will celebrate the lives lost. and then, it's become to business as usual. >> reporter: malcolm graham has seen this vicious cycle up close. a year ago today, his sister, cynthia heard and eight others were shot to death at the emmanuel a & e church. he thought it would be the final straw, leaders would try something, anything, to stop the plague. >> i just can't figure out what is going to happen to happen for honest men and women to meet in
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the middle to do what's best for all citizens. >> reporter: what worries him most is our country is so far down the road, mourn, move on, repeat. that some day soon we will accept the shootings as status quo. >> all these things tend to blend together. my job, my hope is we don't forget. >> reporter: remembering them all, all the recent shootings. i pulled this up. is a tall order. remember chattanooga? >> i do. >> reporter: even for those who care the most? do you remember roseburg, oregon. >> no. >> reporter: hercimur county, new york. >> i don't. >> reporter: eventually i will say, charleston. they will say i don't remember it? >> yeah. >> the senate will now observe a moment of silence for the victims of the orlando attack. >> reporter: every time there is a shooting we have these moments of silence. but they have taken on a hollow ring. we have candlelight vigils then abandon our outrage before the wax hits the ground. malcolm wonders how many of
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these pictures do we have to see? will there ever be a death toll large enough? a victim, innocent enough to make us finally bring this parade to an end? if there is hope, it's that every time a shooter takes another life, he add to the army of friend and family who will not be quieted. >> you tell the story wherever you can. and who ever is willing to listen. you just tell the story. >> reporter: because some times we need to be reminded? what we promise to never forget. steve hartman, on the road, in charlotte, north carolina.
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captioning funded by cbs it's monday, june 20th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." a week after the terror attack that left 49 people dead inside an orlando nightclub, the community comes together in a show of strength and love. and as more victims are laid to rest today, the fbi is set to release transcripts of the gunman's negotiations with police. southwest states are bracing for a record-breaking heat wave today. a scorcher that's already proven deadly. >> i can't wait to get back home. i'm ready to get to you guys. and cleveland rocks. powered by lebron james, the cavs pulf
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