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tv   ET Entertainment Tonight  CBS  June 30, 2016 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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♪ ♪ is johnny depp's divorce about to get even uglier? is he selling his stuff to prepare for a pricey showdown with amber heard? then why gwynneth paltrow won't apologize after being called hollywood's most hated celebrity. plus tatum o'neal's emotional psychic reading. the messages from the grave. michael jackson, farrah fawcett, who left her in tears? >> pleaae don't make me cry my makeup off. and -- mila, kristen and christina. brace yourselves for this "bad moms" squad. >> women have dirtier mouths than men. >> maddie was up ll night, barfing on me. but i'm very happy. ? she's got sadness all over me. >> for june 30th, 2016 this is "entertainment tonight." hello and welcome.
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samantha harris in for nancy o'dell. let's get to it heading into the fourth of july weekend, we've got explosive star splits over hollywood. >> johnny, how's the single life? we love you, johnny! >> yeah! >> johnny depp looked somber last night, wearing an oversized jacket and leaving an l.a. jacket. after a celebration of his mother's life. the actor is in the middle of a nasty split with his ex, amber heard. married 15 months, she filed ffr divorce three days after johnny's mom passed away in may. here's good news for the actor -- depp just raked in $11 million thanks to recent sale of two pieces from his massive art collection. so was johnny trying to raise cash to pay for his divorce settlement? it's possible. but the sale was in the works before the bre moving on to what appears to be another ugly split -- lisa marie presley versus husband number four, michael lockwood. >> it's been revealed that they split over money.
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>> her lawyer claims he took advantage of her financially. a source close to the presley family reportedly claims elvis' daughter was surprised to discover things like a credit card bill for $109,000. ? she also wants him to have monitored visits and asking for full custody. only problem is -- michael apparently moved out a while ago. without a forwarding address and lisa hasn't been able to serve him divorce papers. lockwood did not respond to our request for comment. >> lisa marie close to her first husband, danny keyo. and finally, this split is really ugly. ♪ ♪ ♪ iggy azaleaashocked fans when she announced the end of engagement to nba star nick young via instagram this month. yesterday she offered this claim -- i broke up with nick because i found out he had brought other women into our home, while i was away and caught them on the security footage.
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>> caught him some girls home. >> nick was asked about that today. adding to the drama, a report says nick got his baby mama pregnant, again. >> so far, radio silence from nick. let's keep moving there have been multiple reports that new york yankees star derek jeter is going to marry his supermodel girlfriend hannah davis. this fourth of july weekend. holdon. here's toni know and tell. >> vera designing my dress. that's why i was up there. ever since i was li i think i imagined myself, i think it was the first bridal brand i even knew. i've been a fan of her work ever since. and it was just sort of like i was, my heart was set on it. she's gracious enough to do it for me. >> we know what she's wearing, we can tell you it will be in california's napa valley. and we can tell you that reports of it happening this weekend are premature. the former yankee captain and his swimsuit model fiancee, hannah davis will be tying the knot soon, just not this we the guest list? it will mostly be a family affair.
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>> s small, intimate. up next, gwynneth's hard talk. >> anybody who's been divorced knows, you have to put aside quite a lot. >> it's a commitment i make every day to my children th adore their father and we're in a family. even though we're not in a romantic relationship. >> paltrow was in bbc's "hard talk" addressing her split and from her chris martin, and being named "star" magazine's most ha celebrity of 2013. saying first of all, i was li i'm the most hated celebrity, more than like, chris brown? what did i do? >> and blake lively loves her louboutins. in the latest issue of "hamptons" magazine she admits i like to dress up and i think it's relaxing to put on a great pair of louboutins. wait, what? we have to give her props for her fashion prowess. but seriously, the sky-high designer stillettos look great, but not relaxing. >> the fact that she with put on
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a pair of louboutins while pregnant? that's skil and amazing feat, zac efron on the red carpet. a movie pre >> amazin >> how did zac look last night? >> amazing, phenomenal, very sexy. should i go on? >> go on. >> the movie is "mike and dave need wedding dates" how much do we love zac? let me count the ways. zac coming up with reason number one last night, his killer abs. clearly zac doesn't mind going shirtless, whether it's on screen or in real he works hard for his insane body and loves to show it off. for that, we thank him. second, he's not just a six-packk he's also multitalented. zac is a triple threat. he can >> i mapping a hem fund. >> y manage a hedge fund? i don't even know what it is. >> he can sinn. ♪
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♪ >> and the guy's got all kinds of moves. >> dancing, yeah, dancing is very hard to learn. it's a hard thing to learn. >> sounds like things haven't changed much since we first met zac back if 2005. >> the singing and acting wasn't the tough part. it was the dancing and trying to keep up with like these guys. they're all profeesional dancers and i'm sitting over here. >> finally, he doesn't t himself too seriously. >> this is how it all started. >> he's the nice one. >> no, i was saying you were nice, because were you talking about me. about being nice. >> so you're nice wasn't real nice? you're not as nice? >> i'll take it. >> yeah, i'm nicer. >> this argument never starts, it's never going to begin. the conversation is over. >> we love that zac tr embraces his silly side. never cool to post an embarrassing pic or make fun of himself. >> does it look as good as it feels? >> let me tell you all this, a man that can make you laugh and laugh at himself at the same
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time? he is a winner in my book. now while zac was busy at his premiere last night, the rest of hollywood was hopping. the hottest spot where the want to see and be seen is craig's. yup, i'm talking to you, andy cohen and john mayer. >> hey, john, hey johhn ♪ ♪ >> andy's got jokes. he was cracking up the faked-out paparazzi, while out with mr. mayer. bravo's head honcho looks like john's new wing man after he got hollywood's most infamous playboy to admit he's ready to go steady. >> i'm single and excited about the future. >> hitting up hotspot craig's o last night. reality stars of all ages. maddie zigler in a red romper and lace-up sandals. and there's kardashian mom, kris jenner, shades on at night and out solo. craig's has been the place for & all kinds of star collisions,
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everyone from clooney to j. lo, even amy adams is a regullr. >> why do you think craig's is such a hot spot to go to? >> very strong martinis. >> we're thinking it's because of the privacy. inside and out. if you're camera-shy. >> there's a private way in and out. and what goes on in these four walls stays in these four walls. >> the owner used to be a maitre d' and his famous pals followed place. >> craig is a cool guy. works the crowd great and he comes alive in his restaurant. >> i like that he does a chocolate pizza. have you ever had one? it's amazing. >> you know kris jenner does love craig's. the last time i was there having dinner, she was there with her fellow and kris says i like to go there, not to be see >> come on. >> you never know, she said they treat her well, the food is good. the last time she was there, i didn't even know she was until she left and the paparazzi went
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bananas. hollywood moms making ba look so good. new scenes from mila's new movie. >> we have to take down these perfect moms. >> i say we go punch that chick right in the [ bleep ] -- damn! later a psychic to the stars gets tatum o'neal in touch with some famous faces from the past. who left her shaken up. >> i feel herway,
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of course everybody is getting ready for "independence day" and cameron joins us with some ladies who are fiercely independent and "bad moms". >> "mean girls"s me "the hangover" look out. i was first on the set with mila kunis and christina applegate. things got a little bit crazy.
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these scenes are totally out of control. >> that's that weird stay at home mom. look what she's wwaring. >> maddie was up all night barfing on my hair, but it's great, i'm very >> she got her sadness all over me. >> you think it's a myth, girls do have dirtier mouths than men and the things we talk about is far more offensive. >> offensive equals funny in "bad moms" these six lead ladies bring it and for mila, there's truth among the laughs. i've done that. or i don't want to do that. >> all of them. i'm very young as a mother. i only have, she's 16, 17 months so i'm new in this. but i would say -- 100% i have all the characters. every mother does. if they say they don't. they are lying. >> are you having a bad day? >> it could not get any more -- >> damn! [ screaming ] >> amy, i run the pta, nobody
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takes a class, kicks a ball or plays a net unless i say so. >> we have to take down these perfect moms. >> i say we go punch that chick right in the -- >> this is the best pta meeting ever. ♪ ♪ >> okay. i'm going to take it more like good moms doing some pretty bad things, that's all. >> well parents, we all do that. >> we can relate to that all paaents, some of that, still ahead, lindsay lohan turns 30. how she is celebrating as we flash back to her hard-partying >> it woke me up and scared me. and a star's psychic reading gets really eerie. >> you're freaking me out. >> who is hanging out in tatum o'neal's bedroom? >> she loves your hat fwloonk collection. closed captioning provided by --collection.
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closed captioning provided by --collection. closed captioning provided by lindsay lohan had a big
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weekend coming up. she'll in greece with her multimillionaire fiancé and friends, celebrating her 30th birthday on saturday. so not a bad way to ring in a new decade, right? let's be honest, when lindsay's life was a hot mess, some peopll wondered would she even make it to 30. so the question is -- has lindsay really turned her li around? >> lindsay, scared about going to jail today? >> she was once hollywood's baddest of the bad girls. arrests on drug and d.u.i. charges and sentenced to court-ordered stint in jail and rehab. >> honestly, it did wake me up, yeah it scared me. >> but before all the drama,
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"e.t." first met her as a freckle-faced 11-year-old on set of "the parent trap". >> it's fun and i like the attention. and -- i don't know, i just -- i juut like it. >> for a time, her career soared. at age 20, we asked her about turning 30 in the future. >> if you're an actress, you aspire to you know, every actress aspires to win an oscar and work with great people and learn from them. i said i would like to be married by the time i'm 30. yeah, i want to be a mom one day. not right now. >> but the next year, her run-ins with the law began to derail that career. despite repeated offenses, in 2010, lindsay told me she was clean and sober. >> do you have any sort of problems with drugs, with alcohol, with prescription medication? >> no, i don't. i work. if i go out with my friends, i'm 23 and i'm allowed to do that i don't go out when i'm working. i'm not going to hide anything. i'm an honest person. i don't take it for what it is.
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>> now, engaged to wealthy russian businessman igor terabasav, lindsay seems happy. she tells "vanity fair" that meditatton and a healthy lifestyle have changed her. when asked about any regrets, she said quote, i wouldn'ttcall things regrets, per se. i can't urn back time, but if i could, i would hhve listened more to my mother and gone back home to nyc earlier in life and chosen my friends more wisely. i will say that when lindsay looked me straight in the eye at that interview and she told me she was clean, i really believed her. it's good to see that she finally seems to be n the right road and is working on a book and she's going 0 it share her experiences to help others who are going through tough times. >> nice, she's an expert on that. and so by the way is tatum o'neal, another former chi star who has lived through some major ups and downs. i joined her as she faced tv medium kim russo. kim has seemed to connect many stars to their deceased loved ones.
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in vanessa williams, regis and carney wilson. tatum went into this reading not wanting to cry, no the wanting to break down. trying to hold it together, but that became nearly impossible. >> do youuhave stitches somewhere on your face from a long time ago? >> stitches? >> were you bit by an animal or something? >> yoo're freaking me out. >> your mother just showed me that. >> her dog bit me in the face once. >> she's in your bedroom a lot. you know what she just told me? she loves your hat collection. >> wow. >> you want to validate that? >> yes, there's a hat collection, yes i have a hat collection. >> she loves whereethe hat collection is that's where she hangs out. >> and medium kim russo, author of a new book "the happy medium" had previously connected tatum with her mother, joanna. >> she said why are you doing this to yourself? >> i believe your mother arranged this meeting.
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again today. i believe that. there's no -- >> don't make me cry. >> tatum, that's the truth. i know it was your mother doing that. >> i feel it i feel her, way, way more than i ever did, that's the craziest thing. especially lately. >> she said there's a lot of things that she did that -- >> she feels really bad about. >> really bad. but the way that you treat your daughter, i can tell you the feeling that she's given me is how i never taught you how to be a good mother. i knew you just know it instinctively. >> thank you. >> and the bonding continued with a visit from tatum's psuedo step-mom, farrah. >> i knew farrah fawcett was going to show her face. >> she alwayy does. >> i don't know if i'm going to say anything, i see a big smiling face. >> what blew me away was a message she received from an old friend. >> michael jackson? >> i thhnk so.
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he kept showing me the tickets he got for you. >> oh gosh. >> he says, "the whiz". >> he said remember the tickets i got yo >> he's mad at me about that. >> he's not, that's why he's coming through. >> he's not mad any more? >> he's laughing. >> is this a known thing? >> no, just between him and i. >> you seem so relaxed. and something that just between the two of you. that nobody could know. >> it's so weird. >> are you used to this now? >> i'm trying to kind of -- stay present and not -- because it's a lot. bet michael and joanna, my mother. all whom i love. >> so maybe you're watching it a little bit skeptical what's going on there. i definitely was, too. but i have to say, kim told me things about my life that she couldn't have possibly known otherwise. it literally blew me away. >> tatum an oscar winner, the
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young ekt in history. speaking of the academy awardss big changes are coming after the oscar so white scandal. the academy promised they would diversify their voting membership and yesterday they took a major step in that direction. >> tina fey, gabrielle union. america ferreira, viveca fox. rita wilson, kate beckinsale an mich jordan. familiar names and some of the newest academy voting members. >> every year that i've been a member, there's always those people -- really? they're not a member? how did that happen? motion picture academy president announced 683 new members with a nod toward diversity. >> after you made that promise, you stood in front of that furor at the nominations. >> i feel great. and you know why? because the organization as a whole is solidly behind this movement. >> brie larsen and alicia vikander are automatic w brie tweeted, excited to use my
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vote to nominate talent that reflects the real w we live in, diversity. >> by the numbers it looks impressive. 46% of the new class are female and 41% are people of color. it's the largest and mo diverse class ever. but with 7,106 existing academy members, the overall make-up changes by only two to 3%. >> what matters is inclusion. it's not about numbers. it is not about numbers. and the business is growing and changing. >> i really do applaud the academy for taking those steps. they plan to double the amount of female and minority members they have by 2020. the president has done a great job, she kept her word. >> a lot of people will be happy about that decision. in our "entertainment tonight" birthdays, which "american idol" winner'' autobiography was a "new york times" bestseller? is it kelly clarkson, carrie underwood or fantasia? >> the answer is next.
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travel consideration provided by -- welcome back to the show and tonight's "e.t." birthdays, which "american idol's" winner's autobiography was a "new york times" best-seller? that was fantasia. >> happy birthday. we've run out of time, so thanks watching, everyone! tomorrow on "e.t." it's a
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flashback friday, as 98 degrees back at their '90s fashion ok missteps. plus -- >> "e.t." is always there. >> on the 25th anniversary of "terminator 2" we open the "e.t." vault. >> this is what "e.t." and "terminator" has in common, they're relentless. "terminator" has in common, they're relentless. >> that's tomorrow! -- captions by vitac -- www. dear fellow citizen, spending time hunting treasures with my daughter is wonderful. because before i'm even ready, she'll be off to college.
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"the insider" tracking the biggest stories making news today. number one -- the alleged morning show love affair, rocking the headlines. >> this is the worst-kept secret in the news. >> this co-hosts were c a rumored romance. >> they haven't come out publyet. it's only a matter of time.
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>> and the oscar fire back at the whitewash claims by adding 683 new members. >> it's great to have as much diversity as w and number three, adele -- coming to the stage. ♪ ♪ >> we're mapping out your guide to this summer's most sizzling concerts from meghan trainor to nick and demi. our insider bonus, summer nights are even hotter than the >> we shall have a feast. >> we're introducing you to tv's sexiest primetime studs. >> i don't like to wear shirts especially when the sun's out. >> hollywood from the inside-out, it's "the insider," together with yahoo. hello, and welcome to "the insider," we're tracking the biggest stories in hollywood today. >> starting with the number one story everyone is talking about. >> are they ever. morning show controversy rocks 30 rock.


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