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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  July 5, 2016 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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when you think back, rocket science. katie and meisha are hearing keeping an eye on things this morning. >> yes, happy tuesday, so yes, not only septa dealing with issues on the commute this morning but four accident out there, wet roadways, so kind after mess. >> watch out for the spin outs. >> rain falling heavily in portions every new jersey, and more after snapshot at this point, storm scan, what i do come bearing at least in terms of good news is the fact that we are seeing the worse of this begin to winds down at this point. you still have some pretty heavy rain, mentioned, was thunderstorm out there, at this point, just showers, some steady rain, most note fly through atlantic, and another pocket set to cross into along the new castle kent county border. further north you travel at this point things are looking at low weather still flashflood new jersey,
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delaware, with you about to expire, but do still have rain falling down could lead to pretty tricky travel. so please take heed. also, stick around, meisha has your full report. seventy-four the current temperature, both atlantic city as well as philadelphia at the philadelphia international airport. and the dew point are really close to these value. in short, it is incredibly muggy outside. even if it is not raining at this point, and it won't be for many of you, as the next couple of hours wear on it, will feel awfully steamy, since we're off to such mild start, no problems heating all the way to the upper 80s meisha, a lot of times these systems bring refreshing air masses,. >> katy? just have to take whatever hand mother nature deals us, but, this morning, what i want to talk about is your wet roadways, that's what you are waking up to happy tuesday,
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where we have an accident, second one of the morning actually, in this same general vicinity. so just make note, it looks like, by the way, whenever we have drivers out of their vehicles walking around, it is really going to slow things down, you have to be very careful. but looks like this is another spin out. like jim had pointed out sitting up at the desk, hands full every minutes ago, that's what we're seeing a the love when we have wet roadways, people think they can gas it a little bit just because not a loft vehicles out on the roadways, that's when things happening, especially under bridges, side streets. does look like this is spin out situationment weaver another accident 95 south at the ends of the girard point bridge. make note of that. looks like just trying to get it cleared out of the way, 20th street mean the ben parkway block that left lane, that's going to cause some significant school lounges, as well, more coming up in about ten minutes, jim, over to you. >> septa says if you can find another way to work take it.
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riding regional rail trains, first gee to "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch live at suburban station. >> reporter: brooke, jim, good morning, live here inside suburban station, major hub for septa regional rail riders, but take a look right now, not very but i at this point, but of course still very early in the morning, commute here, septa now scrambling to keep up service, minus 120 regional rail cars this morning. so for the summer service, running as close to the schedule as possible every half hour. they'll be bypassing other stops, so septa officials urging riders near center city to use subway, trolley and bus options. >> norristown high speed lines, route 101 and 102 trollies all expand their rush hour service in the morning, and evening. there is also now extra parking secured near
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philadelphia area septa transit hubs, and parking fees there could apply, for septa, this is going to be the new normal, at least until it bounces back from losing 120 silver liner five cars, brought on line, between 2010 and 2016. their cost about $274 million, and their lost today bridges daily capacity down by 50% by some estimates, septa saying, nerve ' now down some 13,000 regional rail seats a september an inspector found cracks on low bearing beam on one car, similar cracks on 100 silver line cars, fleet now pulled from service and that trickle down will be felt this morning. >> already seen a lot of outreach from businesses. >> told their employees, you know, the challenges that you'll have with coming in on regional rail. we do expect crowding
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conditions. >> it is even packed now when you have seven cars going to trenton, so, i mean, have to leave earlier to go to work. >> and waking up early this morning, back live now, might be one solution, another might be finding an alternative way to get to where you're trying to go, perhaps bus, trolley or subway service. now, if you do have a pass, regional rail service, you are asked to hole onto that. septa working on fare credit system. septa also has reached out to it rail manufacturer, about this part situation, and trying to figure out now if this will be a well fixed or perhaps new part fix. >> also, labor costs will be factored in, too, so for at least the sum they are is going to be the schedule, so if you have to go somewhere on regional rail, go on line, and also check out your route or again, perhaps, find another route. brooke, jim, back into you.
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>> team coverage continues with jan, on train getting reaction from early morning commuters. jan? >> good morning, just pulled into the summer ton station, actually started at the end of the line at the west trenton station, with only dozen people, and you can see there is rail car is already starting to fill up this morning. as people trickle in, take their seat, and these people are fortunate, because they have a seat into center city. we're sitting here with alex freedman this morning, from yardley, you hopped on super early. how are the crowds this morning, compared to a regular trip? >> regular crowd, everybody knows what happens, people probably rescheduled their schedules. >> got up little earlier? >> absolutely, yes. >> now, what are your plans? because in speaking to, you know, your friends, sitting nearby, they're not so much concerned about this part of the trip. it is the return home when they're fight that rush hour, amount of people. so what's your plan?
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>> i just do modified schedule, seems to me it fits my schedule. probably 4:00 train. >> reporter: so far so good, fingers crossed this. >> so far so good. the good thing about this train, regular one is three car, this one is five, which is obviously helpful. >> definitely. back into you. >> thanks a lot, jan, a lot of people pointing out the same things that will be little helpful. >> indeed. our coverage continues on line, complete list of septa rail changes, head to our website >> so far, no one is claiming responsible for the three suicide attacks in saudi arabia that killed several people. one of the bombings was outside the mosque where the profit muhammad is burried. now, isis is claiming responsibility for two bombing in baghdad sunday killed more than 200 people. it is the worse single attack there since 2,003. >> for the first time
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president obama will join hillary clinton, on the campaign trail, their first joint appearance will be in charlotte, north carolina, the president actually endorsed clinton weeks ago, clinton's aids hope it will help unify the democratic party around clinton, and preview the way the president will stump for clinton before the november election. the democrats are holding their convention here in philadelphia, of course, just 20 days before the opening gavel at the wells fargo center. >> tweet from donald trump fueling speculation about a possible runningmate. he tweeted about a meeting with iowa senator, joani earns, confirming he's under consideration. also tweeted about mike pence, and arkansas senator tom cotton. he could announce his vp choice before the gop convention, which starts july 18th, that's in cleveland. >> still ahead this morning, nasa makes history.
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>> june i's to jupiter is success, so now that the giant spacecraft has enters orbit what's next? wellie take a lock at the mix ahead. >> half people people are expected to travel to the rio owe limb pill, finds out what's in the water raising concerns, that's coming up. >> your ride to work could be a tough one if you take septa. stay with us all morning long for updates, and you can get the latest on
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dear fellow citizen, spending time hunting treasures with my daughter is wonderful. because before i'm even ready, she'll be off to college. and though i've planned for it, i may need a loan to help her pay her way there.
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just like i do for my son. citizens bank student loans call 1-866-999-0150 as a leader in student lending, we have student loan options that others don't. including better alternatives to federal loans. i can show you how to pay for your own child's way to college. in case you don't find that treasure chest. if you have a question about student loans, ask me. sincerely, michele wright fellow mom and fellow citizen. citizens bank student loans call 1-866-999-0150 to apply now. can show you coverage options to fit your budget. oh -- ohhh! she slimed me. [ laughs ]
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>> nasa sell breathing history making, very history making mission to jupiter this morning. >> after traveling nearly, get this, 2 billion miles, over five years, the juno aircraft is now orbiting the largest plan net our solar system, correspondent hena daniels shows us the reaction in mission control. >> welcome jupiter. >> nasa scientists cheered and gave each other high fives, as they declared mission juno, accomplished. the spinning solar powered spacecraft successfully enters jupiter's orbit shortly before midnight. after completing 35 minute engine burn. the high steaks maneuver allowed juno roughly the size after basketball court to slow itself down significantly.
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and hit a target, just a few miles wide. >> a mission of this complexity, to accomplish tonight, is just truely amazing. >> to actually have it, to know that we can all go to bed tonight, not worrying about what's going to happen tomorrow, pretty awesome. >> over the next 20 months, scientists hope to learn more about the planet's competency, and uncover new clues about how our solar system began. hena daniels, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> /ousted to always fall asleep in that class. >> that's why i'm looking at this class, starting to doze off. >> was it because they turn the lights off or because he was lost? >> ya! probably a little mixture of both is my guess, right? >> i wanted to show you "skycam 3", facing south, shot from the very own station headquarters, looking at the
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entire center city skyline here, see reflection coming in off the buildings off in the distance here, so what that's telling you the skies are trying to brighten up. now, here are your current conditions. keeping in mind, that the dew point is still very very high, granted, the feels like value, still at 74 degrees, as is the air temperature, but it is a very, very soupy 74 degrees. so you'll walk out the door, i actually posted this on twitter earlier, guys, coming back from the beach, lucky, you having had nice long weekends, i would not bother with the intrinsic hairstyle, stick with the beach hair, not good hair day unfortunately. >> still very souply stay that way for many days heaviest batches of rain, pretty much it, moving out to sea at this point southeastern burlington county, new castle to kent, still steadier rain, but starting to see the skies clear out the further north and west you travel.
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won't see it get replaced dew point continue to creep up with time, we likely seeing dew points in the 70s, which is awfully hi, right into the weekend. try to beat the heat, one place to travel to is the shore, though, not much better. upper 80s by thursday, everyone gets in on the heat and humidity here city of philadelphia can expect couple every strays days into the 90s, with the humidity, yes, feeling quite uncomfortable being couple of showers and thunder storms along, as well. >> thank you so much. i'll put your attention right outside right away. beef a lot going on guys, guys. take a look at this. this is where we have an accident, 95 south, before penn's landing.
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everyone out of their vehicles walking around, so it will certainly slow you noun that area. here, what you are looking at is someone has flat tire, the schuylkill westbound, approaching conshohocken. so you can see, where the flat tire situation is, but you can also see how heavy those volume leafs of traffic are right now, very busy, basically, anywhere that we look. vine eastbound at 20th, blocking left lane, looks like it has just since been cleared out of your way so looking okay there. we do have downed tree here huntingdon at creek road, do have lanes block here, as women, make note of. that will and also, we've got construction still lingering delaware 495 northbound the ramp from hey road. more coming in a little bathe. more coming in a little bathe. stay right where you are, prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, all giant produce is triple checked. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant.
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grand canyon and glacierger than national parks combined. and that's not the only thing you can only find in new york state. ♪ you can find it all only in new york. new york. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer vacation at
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trying to make me eat my greens?low. no, just trying to save you some green. whaaat?! thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. my giant. >> hey, welcome back. now, it is time for look at newspaper headlines, from across our region. >> for the news journal in delaware, man tried to abduct two women in newark late sunday, early monday in two separate attack, in one case the man put rag saturate wad chemical over the victim's mouth. both women fortunately were table get away. police say the man is white, early to's, around five and a half feet tall with a thin build. >> from the delaware county daily times, more than 100 people gathered in front of borough hall in east lansdowne yesterday. to unveil artifact from the 9/11 attack.
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the steel artifact from the world trade center landed in subway during the attack will be a part of memorial wall expected to be completed by september. >> from the times every trenton, black bears in princeton, bear was seen near the intersection of her on town and autumn hill road, the second siting in the town in three days, another bear possibly the same one was seen in harrington woods saturday. >> that's a look at some of the newspaper headlines, from around the delaware valley. >> in other news, 13 children will remember the fourth of july as the day they became us citizens. >> the children came from all over the world, and took the oath at the betsy ross house. afterward, bells rang, 13 times, to celebrate the 13 original colonies. the ceremony a popular independence day tradition. >> coming up on "eyewitness news", at harming discovery off the shore of rio rio de janiero as they get ready to host the olympics next month. we are excited about this, former phillie lenny dykstra will be joining us live in our studios to talk about his new
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tell-all book, we'll ask him about his rapid rise to stardom, then coming up at 6:50, katy? >> brooke, still seeing some pretty soaking rainfall across portions of delaware valley, flashflood watch also still in effect, but that, too, is an ever changing situation, so you want to stick with us, for the latest on the forecast, also, just how hot will it get? we are looking at a string, my friends, of 09 plus degree days, stick around, full details on the other side.
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dear fellow citizen, hunting treasures with my daughter is wonderful. because before i'm ready, she'll be off to college. i want to help her pay her way there, like i do for my son. call 1-866-999-0152 as a leader in student lending, we have student loan options that others don't. if you have a question about student loans, ask me. sincerely, michele wright fellow mom and fellow citizen. call 1-866-999-0152 to apply now.
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>> sad story, so far police have not filed charges against florida father who shot and killed his own teenage son at a gun range. police say 14 year old steven, was shooting with his 64 year old dad at sarasota firing range. the sheriff's offers says steven was hit at spent shell casing bounced off a wall. he was returned to a hospital, but died short time later. the teenager's sister and brother were also at the gun range at the time. >> more surgery ahead for the virginia teenager hurt by an explosive device in new york city central park over the weekend. authorities say, 18 year old connor golden stepped on the device, that had been hidden boo a rock, explosion severely damaged his foot and family members say golden may need part of his leg amputated. investigators don't believe it is connect today terror,
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believe it is from a so-called lobby he is. >> now many worries about the safety of rio beaches. scientists at rio federal university have discovered high levels of a drug resistant bacteria. >> on the shores of the bay, hosting event one month from now. >> we believe that true hospital sewage goes to the municipal sewage, against to the bay, or to other rivers, and it finally get to the beach. >> that doesn't sounds good, authorities however say athletes and visitors will be safe, in the sailing arena has internationally accepted recall levels of bacteria. >> coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news", septa's commuter chaos. >> if you take septa, you should find another way to work today if possible. we have live team coverage. justin?
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>> resuming regional rail service after defect reveals thirds of their fleet. live from suburban station, that report coming up. >> looking outside, couple every accident out, there flat tire on the schuylkill, and downed tree, and updates with septa. all of the updates coming up. we'll take quick break, stay wh
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>> flashflood watch is in effect. >> katie is tracking more showers, and even a thunderstorm. >> she'll time out your day, morning, i'm jim donovan. >> i'm brooke thomas, 63 time to get you caught up. here's what you need to know in your morning minute. >> today might be a test of your patience if you ride the
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regional rail lines. >> september and it riders tours toed make due with more than 100 cars out of service. >> nasa did it again. >> celebrating milestone in space. >> this team has work so hard. and we have such great people. >> campaign 2016. heads to north carolina today. >> hillary clinton will be joined by president obama for the first time in charlotte. while trump campaigns with bob worker in raleigh. >> leading the room in happy birthday for his daughter malea. >> the ben franklin parkway still managed to sparkle despite steady rain for welcome america. >> i always like a good fireworks show, 20 minutes long, i mean, look, you'll have an opportunity for a
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second one. >> exactly, lot of towns postponed their fireworks shows because of last night because of the weather. you can always check out our guide to be a >> and that's not necessarily a bad thing, rain didn't bother people who still watched fireworks, still watched celebrations and now, you get more. do little traveling, do little figure out where you can go on our website, and -- >> first, the humidity. >> yes, i think pretty cool. katie so the rain still going this morning, what can we expect? >> right now at least it has been cleared out over philadelphia, actually going to see the clouds eventually break, for some sunshine, fooling steamy, flashflood watch posted across portions of the area. going right to the maps and show it to you, it has been since a little amendment dollars here through southeastern pennsylvania at this point. any and all flashflood watches have been allowed to expire because thankfully worse of the rain has moved out. issue through delaware, portions of southern new jersey, keep that flashflood watch for another couple of hours here, as we look at
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storm scan3, though, at this wider zoom, the brunt of this now since moved out to sea. let me zero in on the area, at this point, you have got couple of areas where the rain still falling steadily, one band will move across the bay but regardless, the worse has pretty much already happened. >> the problem so often with is stems, see refreshing air mistake the place of the soupy air mass, it does not happen this time folks rather looking ahead to string of not only hot and humid days but 909 plus degrees heat will easily lead to some of the days producing triple digit heat index values, so, that's something we will be talking about as the show progresses, meantime at least things starting to look up in the wet weather department. not out of the woods just yet, but getting better with every passing hour.
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>> morning, happy tuesday to you. looking at right now accident 95 south, before penn's landing, the second crash of the morning and around the same area right lane block, right shoulder obviously clearly and looks like this might and spin out situation. but i stretch, seeing back you ups at girard. take a look at this, approaching, trying to approach that area, where that accident is, and it is very slow moving here. >> you have the accident that will start to slow you down little bit there. also, flat tire pulled all the way out to the shoulder. let me pull out of the way. you can see the traffic volumes levels around. >> this i'm pointing it out so you know what's over there. that isn't causing this necessarily, that's just because it is busy. then another accident here, the blue route northbound, off ramp to the schuylkill, vehicle spun out, into the
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ditch. roadways very wet. keep the speeds slow, keep good distance between you and the car in front of you. huntingdon road at creek road, lanes blocked, in that area, also construction delaware kind of still lingering out there this morning, 495 northbound ramp from hey road closed, and this will be closed until july 15th. septa regional rails running special schedule because of deflective fleet. expect over-crowding, justin finch of course more coming up in a little bit, jim, over you. >> well, could be challenge get to go work if you're regional rail line rider. >> defect in some of the rail cars forcing the transit agency to temporarily bend the fleet corks mean a crowded commute. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch live at suburban station, good morning, justin. >> might be rethinking today, septa bounces back interest there is live inside suburban
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station, not quite that overwhelming at this moment. we saw train arrival earlier but not more dramatic than earlier, we are told. septa end its ridership are adjusting after losing a third of the regional rail cars, today's commute now down about 13,000 feet, to adjust. septa now on that modified saturday schedule with rush hour service. with trains running about every half hour run the trains fill up, they are bypassing other symptoms. septa officials near center city to use subway, trolley, bus options. the market frankford line, and broad street line, norristown high speed lines, and route 101 and 102 trolleys, are adding morning and evening rush hour service. you will also found extra parking near philadelphia area septa transit hubs fees play apply, 100 silver liner rail
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cars brought on line between 2010 and 2016. costing some $274 million. that lost since daily capacity down by 50% by some estimate. back on friday, a septa inspector found cracks on load bearing beam on one car, then, more cracks were found on a hundred five silver liner five cars. >> i've been with septa for 20 something years in different cap as tills, have never seen it from standpoint where it was a fleet wide issue that would take that much, take that many vehicles out of service at once this is unprecedented. >> back live, septa official ron hopkins calling this a third of their fleet down on unprecedented lots for septa. again looking live here at suburban station, seeing what appears to be somewhat fluid start, it is just beginning,
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also told that septa is in touch with its rail manufacturer, hyundai becomes how to fix these cars we're told this will be a process of labor also diagnosing the issue. again, traveling over regional rail throughout the summer you will want to go to, and map out your schedule first. live here in suburban station, justin finch, brooke, jim being back to you. >> thanks, getting pretty busy there. >> indeedment team coverage continues with january on train with live mobile three getting reaction from early morning commuters. jan? >> guys, having little trouble hearing you, but see this rail car, seats filling up quickly but still have open spots. i just talk to a septa employee, he says, this is pretty much a good picture of all of the carson this particularly train. started out west trenton, just moved paths jenkintown, elkins
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park,. >> i normally catch the 6:10, somerton, so, i mean, did i see it on the news this morning, and i was told by conductor yesterday >> we'll have to get back to jan. >> meanwhile, continuing on line, complete list of service changes, head to our website >> new this morning, police are investigating a murder, died of gunshot wounds to the face. police found parked car that had been hit twice by gunfire. >> also this morning, an s.u.v. and car collided in philadelphia's east oaklane neighborhood.
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hurting the car's drivers police say woman left an argument and drove off in the suv, when she hit the karat cheltenham avenue covington road. the man in the car was not involved in the argument, but, he did break his leg. broad gamblers to taj mahal despite the presence every striking casino workers. nearly 1,000 members of atlantic city's main casino walk off the job last friday, they won a contract that restores its members health insurance, and retirement pension plans, terminated by taj's previous owners in 2014. no word on when both side will return to the bargaining table. tonight your chance to become an instant millionaire. >> mega millions now stand at whopping $449 million. jim long as big monday. >> i yes. >> the region overcome with lottery fever, this is potentially the seventh largest lottery jackpot ever in the u.s. you know, been more than two years since mega millions jackpot grew this large. the drawing is tonight.
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your chance of matching all of the numbers one in 259 million. but, don't let that scary away, because you can't win if you don't play. so good luck. over 300 million, then i get involved in the office pool, and then 400 million i would buy individual ticket. >> i give my $2 today, too. >> very good. we're in it to win it. still ahead on "eyewitness news" this morning, one of the most colorful phillies of all time, lenny dykstra, joining us liver in our studios to talk about his new tell-all book. nothing is off the table. we're talking stardom, steroids, and fall from grace. lenny dykstra coming up next. >> and jim keeps saying he's going it buy knee one of these, but the snug is he so yesterday. now we'll it will but the tortilla towel. , you got to see this, this year's must have beach accessary coming up. >> ♪ >> i'm back to work after a
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long holiday, lot of it you shall ice on the roads, the rales, and my friend misch a has you covered. stay with us. >> ♪ when you're the parent of a disabled child, you realize that the world can be a harsh place. but you also realize it can be a really loving, wonderful place. when i saw donald trump mock somebody who was disabled, i was appalled. you gotta see this guy... ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh, i don't remember! that reporter suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. it told me everything i need to know about his heart
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>> the all day fourth of july celebration on the parkway ended with a credible fry works as it always does, over the philadelphia museum of art. >> the crowds dwindled, as the night went on, because of the rain. but, those who stayed, say it was worth it you know, i don't do rain. >> no. >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> little james brown across the river, added flare to the fireworks, crowds there were little thinner, again. because of the rain. >> several communities postponed their fireworks due the to weather. see the post pointsment at >> i walk out the door shall i felt like i needed a second shower before i got to the car. >> my goodness. >> it is discusting outside, so muggy, what's different about this scenario, so often, see rain move through in the summertime, bridges about change that's actually refreshing. >> warmfront lifting in here even though pushing away, wet weather draws to close, actually see dew points stay very high the next couple of days, actually up until the weekends. so let's take you outside first and for most a lot of
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people headed back to work this morning, we will take you out to one of the furthest souter out lied philadelphia, 72 degrees, in birdsboro, really high hematid at this, said the rain cleared out but he can actually what he is echoing, temps, humidity, on the rise, very steamy outside, and that will continue for us, we take you across the river here see if i can zero in, 73 degrees, kerry higgins sent in in mt. laurel, did say, that the barometer still falling, conned up being little headache kind of day, a the love people feel those changes when you have the changes in the weather pattern, that could be a problem little bit of aches and pains coming along with that, we go to one more in the state of delaware rain has continued to fall most of the morning. lisa collection in right now with just a hint of sunshine little clearing going on, steadier rain off to her south we go out to the maps, right up and down i95, one little pocket of rain pushing
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through, the wilmington area for example. steadiest and heaviest of the rain pretty much. just into kent county at this point, but see how things are starting to clear out. this will be slow process, granted, but we will eventually see the skies, beach day, gets progressively better and better. interestingly, still pretty high up at eight later today. skies continue to clear, but still got some showers to dodge. it is still pretty dreary outside that said, 8 degrees the expected high though. over next couple of days, heat, humidity, double one, four of the next seven days, easily low or mid 90s, will easily make it heatwave. couple of scatter showers or thunderstorm chances. that will come most notably thursday then again on saturday. >> summer here. >> coming in every day with a bang, whether it be rain or sunshine or humidity. >> thanks so much, katie, good morning everyone, just string
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of problems this morning, it is wet roadways out there. it is very slick conditions, what we are seeing a lot of spin out crashes, take a look, guys, accident 95 south before penn's landing blocking right lane, shoulder obviously, then some activity going on with the left with the truck. so because that far seeing some significant backups all the way 95 south past betsy ross bridge. >> we lead to our hour of the rush hour, but an accident will post major problems on top of all of that congestion. spin out, see it spun all the way out to the ditch again like i was saying talking about spin out crashes all morning long, so, i'm afraid to say i think we've got some hydroplaning going on with all of the rain we had overnight even this in morning, seems like it is tame erring offer just little bit. looking here van pulled all the way off to the right shoulder, flat tire it, won't slow you down, backing out of the way here you can see the congestion levels on the
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schuylkill westbound approaching conshohocken. spec over-crowding and jim, brooke, back over to you. >> time is 6:49. >> jessica joins us live from new york with a preview, good morning, jess. >> good morning, president obama hits campaign trail with hillary clinton, we will look at the impact it could have on the race and the controversial decision, to have the two ride on air force one. astronomer what nasa learns from its history making, also how floridians fighting delicious way to fight off a fish, a role doll 100 years after his birth from the big friendly giant to the giant peach. the news is back in the morning, see in you about ten minutes, guys? >> all right, we will be watching, thanks, jeff. well, the 1993 phillies were a wild bunch that made it all the way to the world
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series. the spark club from the team is here to talk about his new book that documents hads rise and fall. pat gal ween guy they call names. >> thanks, brooke, joining thus morning, the dude, one and only lenny dykstra, morning, my friends. >> just got a look at the cover of your book, wild ride over the past couple of years, why the book, why now? >> longer than cull elf years, but, now, because i'm ready. i've been asked to write a book before, and i just wasn't ready to put it all out there. so now that i, like, kind of went to i got free room and board by the federal government, hotel. >> one way to put it. >> yes, you know, three meals a day, so i kind of like there ready to tell anyway, so it is real, it is raw, it is honest, and good read. test entertaining. >> so in your book you talk about your your playing days,
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wild ride, and the financial and the business industry. is there anything about that that would you change? whether you're used to winning, if you take the attitude i had on the baseball field, why i was successful, but take that attitude off the field, it can lead to you what led me, which was finding my own private plane, to ends up in a cooler, you know? so, you know, you learn a lot from that. and you learn what's important to you. but anyway, it is in the back, in the past, so i'm moving the ball down the field now. >> during your playing career you've been outspoken about taking steroids in your time. let's look at a moment here where maybe that gave you a competitive edge. three, two, pimples, swing and well hit ball to centerfield.
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it is out of here, lenny dykstra, and the phils have taken a four to three lead here in the tenth, number two in the series for the dude, the only hits given up by mark rollers. >> so 93 and game five, big homerun. >> one of my favorite games on the road. i like to silence the crowd, you know? >> did you good job with that right there. but talk about you and your playing career, obviously open about the steroid use. >> yes. >> would you do the same? would you do it the same all over again? >> course. either do it the same or you get fired, you get paid 80,000, $06,000, and take orders from somebody, meaning, everybody was doing it. so, what are you going to do, like, let the person next to you do it? here is the deal. when there is so much money at steak, people make decisions they wouldn't normally make. so it was hard to not complete with somebody that was doing it.
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>> you had great run, 1986 big year, then come over to the philadelphia phillies, what is the most fond moment of your time here in philadelphia? >> well, i mean, i get to play in the two bet cities in all of the whole country, i live in like la now. like lala lands. oh, guys -- i'm okay with myself. i mean, the fans know baseball, they know sports, anthocarp. so going to the world series there, and here it don't get any better than that. >> you've had outspoken teammates, outspoken but had john kruk, curt schilling, darren daulton. who is your favorite teammate of all time? >> they're all great teammates but probably my favorite dave hull inches, ya, probably the base base runner i ever played with, all great teammate, truck, daulton, i mean, that was just a great team. we made that met team look like children compared to the way we partied. we partied in philly.
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it was like a warm up, you snow. >> so you got some book signings coming up, chester county book company in west chester, then tomorrow, barnes and noble, haddonfield road in cherry hill. everyone should get out there. >> absolutely i'll say hi look them right in the eye like i always do, and say hi and sign whatever they want. and like i said, appreciate being here, thank you very much. >> lenny dykstra, appreciate it. coming up next we will be right back, three to go, don't right back, three to go, don't go for all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant.
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been trying to prepare for this day... and i'm still not ready. the reason i'm telling you this is that there will be moments in your life that... you'll never be ready for. your little girl getting married being one of them. ♪ ♪
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6:58 am
>> so before we leave here's what you need to know today. >> septa commuters in for a difficult commute, today, they pull one thirds every it rail cars because after defect. we resource guide on >> nasa celebrating its his tore i can mission into jupiter's orbit, the mission to learn more about the solar system. president obama will make his first appearance on the campaign trail today with hillary clinton in north carolina, donald trump is also in north carolina key battleground state. that's three to go. >> let's get last check on weather and traffic. >> oh, just feels so steamy outside. we do still have little bet weather to dodge, and here is one of the spots out on the back walk here, things dry for the moment, very steamy at rehoboth, a lot of clouds, won't see ton every sunday shine, here is the snapshot view of storm scan, starting to clear thing out little bit to the north.
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but still got heavy rain in south jersey and portions of delaware, meisha. >> thanks so much, katie do. have this spin out crash still out there, 59 south before penn's landing blocking the right lane and also the left shoulder. you can see the backups are pretty significant, nine the a south past the betsy ross bridge, give yourselves extra time this morning, you will need it in matter where you are. >> and move over snuggy, make way for snack i. the tortilla towel is the perfect beach accessary if you want to look like rolled up mexican food. >> and apparently a lot of people do it, already sold out on line, really bummed about there is the tortilla towel can make you look like a taco, a case dill a, burito? >> i need it. >> nasty. >> i could get it for you. i need to buy her a snuggy she is always freezing in here. >> and now your halloween costume all taken care of. >> to look like a taco? >> next on cbs this morning, unusual friendship unfolding at our nation's zoo's, how helping to save endangered cat. back at 4:30 a.m.
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have a great day. ♪ good morning. it is tuesday, july 5th, 2016, welcome to "cbs this morning." president obama hits the campaign trail for the first time today with hillary clinton. donald trump demands to know who's paying for their flight on air force one. >> i suicide bomber targets one of the islam's holiest site. what's behind the attacks around the world? plus, nasa sends a spacecraft into jupiter's orbit. plus, we begin today with today's "eye opener." your world in 60 seconds.


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