tv Sunday Morning CBS September 25, 2016 9:00am-10:31am EDT
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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> osgood: good morning. i'm charles osgood and this is sundae morning. a very different edition of "sunday morning," different for you and certainly very different for me. as i told you a few weeks ago, today is my last day as host of "sunday morning." turns out, there truly is a time to every purpose under heaven. as the book of ecclesiastes
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tells us. what makes it different is that instead of me telling you what our family of correspondents and contributors will be reporting they, i'm told, are going to be report can on me. i'm not exactly sure what they're going to say, but i believe my prepared and colleague rita braver does. good morning, rita. >> good morning, charlie. that's right. this morning, all you have to do is relax and watch tv. because we're having a celebration of of charles osgood. >> good morning, this is charles osgood. >> we begin at the beginning. charlie has had one of the most memorable careers in broadcast journal." time is running out to get the -- >> almost 50 years at cbs. >> i'm charles osgood this is "sunday morning." >> 22 here at "sunday morning." it's a broadcaster's dream.
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>> looking back, which i now can do. ♪ sunday morning's are filled -- >> coming up charles osgood on the air. >> i'm an on this me mason here is another's side to charles' story, did you know he had ha top 40 hit? >> what did you think? >> i was delighted. quite unexpected. >> we'll tell you about charlie, the music man, later on "sunday morning." >> i'm martha teichner, what rhymes with understood? osgood, of course. it's understood that charlie knows a thing or two about rhyming. >> on a fine summer day, the water led up to her knee. >> that's right called poetic license. it requires a very rye sense.
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charlie's will be on display. >> i'm mo rocco we all know how charlie loves to tie one on. i think you're great. but you without a bow tie is a little bit of a let down. >> not what you expected. people say, i can't get away with wearing a bow tie. >> the natty neck wear of that sartorial sultan, charles osgood ahead this "sunday morning." >> i'm lee cowan, remember all those summer sundays when charlie was no where to be found? well, we found him, here on the french rivierz do you have a routine here? >> there are a couple of naps involved. usually after lunch. and that lasts right up until cocktail time. so the day sorta slips away. >> you're invited later on
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>> i'm tracy smith. as we told you this is "sunday morning" is all about charlie. and all of his friends and colleagues are here to do the honors. to start us off i'm presuming to take over one of charlie's weekly dues tee by in throw duesing a special page from our "sunday morning" almanac. january 8, 1933, 83, eight months and 17 days ago today, the day charles osgood wood was born in new york. he was joined just shy of a year later by his baby sister, mary anne. and together they shared a childhood of simple pleasures. summers meant happy times at their grandparents' home in massachusetts. where they whiled away the long days fishing and flying kites. back in new york, charlie and mary anne shared a room in a
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small rental apartment and charlie began his school days at our lady of refuge in the bronx. that all changed in is the 42, when charlie's father, a textile salesman, was transferredded from new york to baltimore. in baltimore charlie and his sister welcomed a much younger brother, ken. they experienced a unique period in our history. who better to tell that part of charlie's journey than charlie himself as did he right here on "sunday morning" a few years ago. ♪ >> osgood: baltimore, maryland, birth place of the great babe ruth and of the star spangled banner. edgar allen poe did, too, so did this young khan. charles osgood wood. the year was 194t i was nine
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years old. like many 9-year-old boys, i was in love with baseball. and radio. the world around. and what a world it was back then, a world at war. a world of rationing and air raid drills and victory guard fence. still see that boy in my mind's eye, happy in that terrible time as omaha 9-year-old can be. >> we interrupt this program to bring you a special news bull ten. the japanese have attacked pearl harbor. >> two days before i turned nine, i had to pin a tiny japanese flag flag to the big map i had tacked to my bedroom wall. it would be june 4 the date of america's great victory in the battle of midway, before i could
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happily pin up an american flag. did i mention that i loved baseball? the orioles then were not the orioles of today, in those days they were a struggling triple-a team. i loved them anyway. especially when my father would take me out to the ballpark to see the games. in baltimore in 1942 there were white wooden houses with big front porches and grand white stoops. many still standing, along with it is brie mow seltzer tower, with a distinctly american twist. in those days there was 40 foot tall bromo seltzer bottle on top of the tower. that would be the date under the clock, in baltimore they would meet under the fence. in 1942, milk was delivered in bottles, the mail was delivered twice a day and that boy named
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charlie wood had a paper would the. you have a stack of them held together by a strap, pull one out as you approach the customer. into the throwing position, this is where accuracy and journalism comes in. whether in the bushes or on the roof. my best boyhood pal was a girl, my slightly younger sister mary and the war and loved radio as much as i did. the street lights are up and down here. >> on april day as mystery as my boyhood memories we vivid our old house on edgewood road. this is on the roof. >> no. we didn't. good radio signals, though. >> the fbi and -- radio was my window of the on the world. a world unto itself, a world
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more fantastic and more real than the world i saw every day in baltimore. >> the speed of light, a crowd of dust and a -- >> the lone ranger -- anything that you haven't got your finger in? >> yes, a wedding ring. >> edgar bergen the only ventriloquist to succeed on radio. >> the shadow knows. >> i even knew what the shadow looked like, and he was invisible. american radio of the 1940s had profound influence on me, the reason i'm doing what i do today instead of playing the organ at a skating rink. i could imagine no career more delightful except perhaps to play short stop for the orioles. that was unrealistic, i was afraid of ground balls. in those golden days of radio i never minded the intruckss of sponsors, the commercials were entertaining. we both loved them. >> you want a peppy pup then you
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better hurry up. >> i took piano lessons at the peabody institute, an august institution that's still there. director robert sirota had a surprise for me. >> we even actually have your report card. charles o. wood, 350 edgewood road, says that you took four terms of piano satisfactory. >> i was stunned that you still have a piece of paper with my name on it. i still remember the song i played, the happy farmer, almost didn't get to perform when they forgot to call my miami. ♪ in the evening our family would gather around the piano and sing our favorite songs. that was what families did in 1942, with the shades drawn and the lights dimmed in the midst of a terrible war.
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for a few minutes we let the rest of the world go by. ♪ >> so long, charlie, we're grateful for the memories. see you on the radio. >> charlie you provided the sound track so so many on "sunday morning," thank you, i'll see you on the radio. we'll never be able to rock the bow tie like you. charles, i have watched you and listened to you for years as a fan, even competed against you on a lot of sunday mornings, still as a fab. there is no finer broadcaster than you. there is no finer broadcaster than you. so i say with great respect and admiration, i'll see you on the radio. retirement rabbit from voya.ey orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. over time, your money could multiply. hello, all of you.
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>> i'm rita braver. any story by charles osgood is one of a kind. as is the story of charles osgood and his long career on the air. >> here it is, right here. nature's cooling system. the great american elm tree. >> whether describing a national treasure or deploring the plight of the homeless. >> osgood: being cold is not an abstraction but a reality you can feel in your bones. only thing matters is to escape from the cold and now. you know what this is, of course. >> charles osgood says, he wants us to take a closer look. >> osgood: maybe in some cases to be angry or amused or sorta shake your head about this crazy world. by the way, it is a crazy world. >> which helps explain how an
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economics major at fordham university in the bronx -- the cold weather was the same when you were here? >> yes, it was. >> ended up at the campus radio station. >> osgood: i spent more time here than i did at the -- in the classrooms or doing homework. >> he started as a classical music dj in washington, d.c. but at some point you were to become a news reporter. what was the inspiration for that? >> osgood: there was a job that was available and i knew how to get it. >> his business big time news job was at abc. >> osgood: good morning, this is charles osgood. >> then in 1967, he joined wcbs radio in new york. ed. >> osgood: today mrs. martin is the proud possess or of a plant that towers like jack's bean stalk, look like a tomato plant is nicknamed fred. >> his distinctive style soon landed him a job at the cbs
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network. >> the osgood file. >> in 19 1 he launched one of the longest running features in radio history. what came to be own as the osgood file. >> edward r. murray knew how to use his voice. >> several stories a day in two-minute segments that are surprisingly complex to craft. >> osgood: see you on the radio, i say that every week, a phrase some people say. i've got piece of mail or two complaining that this sentence seems to contradict itself. short sentence, short paragraphs, there's nothing that can't be improved by making it shorer and better. >> when the idea of live television was presented to you, was that exciting for you or foreboding? >> it scared me to death. good evening, time is running out to get the hostage -- >> in fact he says the first time he anchored a broadcast he got some constructive criticism
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from a legendary mike wallace. >> osgood: he said, you looked like you was -- had gone into a room to empty the waste baskets and you looked up and saw walter cronkite's chair and said, ohh and you sat in the chair. you said to yourself, i hope nobody catches me doing this, hope nobody's watching. >> but soon he realized -- >> osgood: good evening -- he just needed to be himself on camera. >> it takes two to tango but more than two to make any kind of peace in the middle east. >> osgood: it's important that the audience be comfortable and they won't be if you're not comfortable. >> in 199, charles osgood took over "sunday morning" from the venerable charles kuralt. >> osgood: good morning, i'm charles osgood this is "sunday morning." i know, it sounds strange to me, too. but here we are. >> you've got to know that the audience came to, not just
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accept you, but to really be very fond of you. what was that like as you started to realize that? >> osgood: i think if you do something every week, you show up in their homes then they get to know you. when you knock down the door say, may i come in. ♪ we have actors and artists, not just politicians ♪ >> in the 22 years since, charles osgood has taken us to cuba, explored american architectural landmarks, even served up thanksgiving dinner. in the process, helping "sunday morning" earn three recent emmys for outstanding morning program. through it all, he followed his own wise counsel. >> osgood: before your working
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years are through, i hope whatever work you do makes you happy. makes you smile, you may be at it quite awhile. ♪ the feeling is not half bad ♪ >> so long, charles, thank god your voice will continue to engage us. >> i ditto that. we thank you for everything. >> we'll see you on the radio. >> i grew up in the "sunday morning" family watching you because i had to. because my dad was on the show then i fell in love watching you as a great broadcaster and even more than that a great gentleman. congratulations, charlie, on a great. >> i we're going to miss you on "sunday morning," you set the goal for elegance and beautiful storytelling. >> see you on the radio, charlie! slowing you down. but your immune system weakens as you get older increasing the risk for me, the shingles virus. i've been lurking inside you since you had chickenpox.
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you've got a shot against shingles. single shot zostavax. a leading consumer testing the top laundry detergents. the winner - persil 2 in 1, didn't only beat tide... it beat every single detergent tested. boom. switch to persil proclean 2 in 1. #1 rated. >> osgood: say hello to tilly, has people rolling over. this particular chicken is of the human restraint more or less, free range chickens answer to no man. they come and go as they wish. the canada goose. sheep like little girl here there's wool. raw material for a story. easter chicks and easter eggs, there is the nest egg, cash people silt aside.
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i don't mean to sound vulgar but good rule to follow is literally, too watch your ass. >> good morning. i'm serena altschul. from the studios of great artists, charles osgood has always used his light touch to help his subjects look their best. here are just two examples. charlie's story on the underground artist who became a legend and his visit to a pair of painters in their prime. >> he stalks the new york city subways waiting for his chance to strike. when the opportunity comes, he moves fast. he has to. opportunity for keith hairing is a blank advertising poster. using a piece of chalk, the young man from cute town, pennsylvania, draws a picture, which he finishes in a minute or two then moves on. he may do as many as 30 such drawings in a way. all different, but all the same in certain ways.
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he puts them down here so that millions can see them and millions do. >> you don't have to know neg about art to appreciate it. there aren't any hidden secrets or things that you're supposed to understand. >> but he's got to be careful. because technically what he's doing is illegal graffiti. he doesn't think he's defacing anything he believes it is art. many subway riders seem to agree. but the law is the law. for haring it's short lived and worth the humiliation because he wants ordinary people, subway riders to see his stuff. is it art? well, upstairs, there doesn't seem to be any question. he's done murals like this one. and you'll often find him working on paintings that look like the subway drawings, this big one for all its size only took him couple of hours to do. here, too, he works fast. >> i think it's more important to make a lot of different things and keep coming up with new images and things that were
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never made before than to do one thing and do it well. they come out fast, but it's a fast world. >> osgood: so fast has keith caught on in this fast world that now he has a one-man show at a gallery in soho. here are the same images, the cookie cutter man, baby, arts, dolphins and space ships. only now it is the art world looking on. they think it's art all right. >> i can't get over it. >> osgood: he has become a hot property. >> i want to buy a few of these. >> they pay plenty. $15,000 for that two hour special we saw him working on. not bad for a 24-year-old kid from kutztown. iep though he now gets fancy prices for his work, still, every chance he gets it's back down into the subway system looking around to make sure the compost is clear. then, going to it. art for the people. all for the price of a subway
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token. >> osgood: call it a portrait of friendship. two friends, ambling through an art gallery. everett cutler. >> one little thing that he selects. >> and anthony benedetto. >> just beautiful. >> they were both born 7 years ago two days apart. both gone to the same new york city high school. >> i probably knew his name but we didn't know each other. i was not quite 16 when i quit. then through some coincidences we met -- it was more than 15
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years ago. >> osgood: of course that's not the end of the story because each went on to great things. edward left school to illustrate comic books like the shadow. today, he's one of our finest portrait painters. who has painted a virtual gallery of 20th century america five presidents posed for him. his painting of gerald ford and ronald reagan hang in the white house. and anthony grew up to be tony bennett. of the american song book. but he's always said he has two careers while tony bennett keeps singing. ab on this knee benedetto is hard at work painting. bennett, drops in on kinstler's occasional master class. >> the angle of the needle, the light going through it. the shadow.
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>> he taught me about painting. it's all in the light. i was just watching your hand. >> what does it take to paint a picture, one guy to paint it one guy to hit him over when it's time to stop. >> in this case i was that other guy. >> that's remarkable. >> i love the way you left out the jacket and -- because of the conception. it's also very fresh. an asbestos-related disease, you may have a right to vote on a plan to reorganize and pay claims in the garlock/coltec bankruptcy. garlock's and coltec's products were used in industrial and maritime settings,
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including where steam, hot liquid or acid moved in pipes. votes must be filed by december 9, 2016 call 844-garlock or go to >> osgood: back with the explosion, popularity of rock and roll took place. you and handful of other people, what was it that caused that to happen? >> they began to hear it. because certain stations played certain music. the music that we play, have to have play station in order to play it of. the cultures come together you
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bee gyp to see one and another's life and so forth in the music came together. ♪ >> i'm anthony mason hard to imagine charles osgood without an instrument close at hand. he's our very own music man. never failing to strike just the right note. ♪ "sunday morning" hasn't needed a house band. >> you know the song. ♪ you are my sunshine my only sunshine. >> we had charlie. he was his own accompanist.
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even in his office you could catch charlie at the keyboards. ♪ you've been known to stop in the steinway show room from time to time. >> yes, indeed. charlie, who owns three steinways, fell in love with music hearing his mother play piano at home. piano was your first instrument? >> yes. toy piano was my first instrument. i started playing buy ear before i started taking lessons. >> did you have musical aspirations? >> i never thought that i would be a professionally pianist. >> but music's always had a leading role in his life. in 1955, when he was about to be drafted into the army he met an officer in december blues. >> i remember of the united states army band. what instrument do you play? i'm the announcer.
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so i said, when do you get out? he said, next month. >> you saw a job opening. >> he would serve three years as the army band's announcer. >> the president who is making a rapid recovery -- >> when president eisenhower was recovering at walter reed army hospital, charlie was enlisted as his personal disk jockey. >> i was put in a studio with a stack of records that had all been chosen as his favorites. i spent most of the day playing records for eisenhower. >> charlie started writing songs, too. i don't think most people know that you had a top 40 hit. >> well, it's true, though. >> working with john cacavas who he met in the u.s. army band he wrote a tribute to america's fighting forces, that in 1966 was recorded by senator everett dirkson. >> he couldn't play anything. he couldn't sing anything. so he recited those lyrics.
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>> there have been men down through the years, who have died that others might be free. >> by january 1967 "gallant men" had climbed to number 29, one spot above "wild thing ." what did you think of this thing started climbing the charts? >> i was delighted, he was delighted, too. >> in the '60s he also wrote a song called "black is beautiful." nancy wilson recorded it. and later sang it with him on "sunday morning." ♪ charlie was able to explore his wildest musical fantasies. he performed at the grand ol' opry.
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and played banjo with the boston pops. he played the organ at yankee stadium. ♪ and other exotic instruments. >> it's actually a -- about 12 people that played the dulceola. ♪ >> and he'd end every year with a christmas carol, often solo. sometimes with special guests. ♪ charles osgood has always understood the enduring power of
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music at transitional moments in our lives. as he himself explained in a 1995 story of the anniversary of ve day. >> with every parting there was always a fear that it might be, hope that it would not be the last parting. maybe that's why this song by vera lynn used to sing became an anthem that to this day can bring tears to the eyes of many an old soldier. >> so play it again, charlie. >> osgood: ♪ we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but i know we'll meet again, some sunny day ♪ >> and now here with a tribute to charles osgood is the united states army band and chorus. ♪
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for senate, katie mcginty will stand up to the big oil polluters. she'll work to protect our air and water and make us a leader in clean energy jobs. and millionaire pat toomey? he's for the big oil polluters. toomey voted to protect twenty-four billion dollars in tax breaks for oil companies. and they've given toomey seven hundred thousand dollars in campaign contributions. pat toomey: he's not for us. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> elegance. graciousness. beautiful manners. not the first three attributes we associate with tv news in the 21st century. which is one of the many reasons we are grateful to charles osgood. >> it starts with your voice, warm, comforting, iconic. your voice lulls one in, whether narrating a story or singing christmas carols or recite go a little ditty, i know a few things about voices, yours is one of the best in broadcasting. and to borrow from the "saturday night live" character linda richman, your voice, charles osgood is like buttah. >> for me and many others the best is every time you sit at the piano and share your shots in rhyme. a shame you're stepping down right now, because have you even the news? the world is feeling darker lately. we could use a muse. >> i come back to that voice
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which gives "sunday morning" its music, it's tempo and humanism. maybe less folksy than it first seems. it leaves room for bitter irony, for recognition of all the world's horrors. but it also evokes a child like sense of wonder. unquenchable believe in the human capacity to grow and change. >> there are very few tv news icons whose stock in trade is reassurance that life will go on and mankind will flourish. you were one of them, maybe the only one. >> it's been one of the great honors of my life to be in your chorus from time to time. in age of us against them you made us feel we were all in it together. what a gift that has been. >> you showed us how to be classy, kind and earnest. in an age of urgent intolerance and irony. on "sunday morning" some people go to mass but they return home to you bringing these stories to
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the masses. charlie, for 22 years you've been the sun at the center of this show. thanks for shining on all of us in your orbit. >> thank you, charles,. >> thank you, charles. >> thank you, charlie. >> charlie, thank you. >> >> osgood: smile and show your dimples, you'll find it's very simple ♪ you can think of something comic simple ♪ you can think of something comic call. simpthanks to chantix. you can think of something comic call. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history
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♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ >> i'm martha tirer, where charlie osgood excels is in his use of what we call unbound poetic license. from down the hall i decided to pay charlie a friendly call. so, charlie, hi. >> hi, martha, what's up? >> i have a question about
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poetry. >> osgood: i don't think anything that i do is poetry. there are certain parts of london if you're ever there at night where the streets all seem to glow can a peculiar sort of light, a throw back to another time, imagination, quickens and suddenly you think of a doyle or dickens. >> lines like these he's famous for, when you hear it you know what's in store. >> you should stay away from nut tree, that is if you are a crow. they go to endless trouble there to get crows off their backs and to make crows feel unwelcome and give crows heart attacks. >> we had a death threat in the newsroom, somebody called up said tell, osgood, if he does any more of those stupid poems i'm going to kill him. >> from a colleague for this murderous intent. >> osgood: if somebody did one of those poems it would be justifiable homicide. so i'm always --
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>> dangerous in more ways than one. for example, this limerick that is racy fun. >> osgood: pretty young lad hailed from mass. not what you expect. you laugh because you expected something else. so, well, that doesn't rhyme now but it will when the tide comes in. >> charlie's audience can bet money on his poems being funny. for example, the time he wrote about a lawsuit between the makers of yuck and the makers of slime. >> playing with something as wretched as slime, little kids have just a wonderful time. it wiggles and stretches it's clam me and green it says drippy as anything you've ever seen. >> some noise about toys with a
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great punch line, i'll say. >> osgood: don't let anyone tell you that slime does not pay. >> every heard of posslq. it's acronym obsolete but amusing to repeat. a person of opposite sex slayering living quarters from those census bureau people sorters. >> osgood: there's nothing that i wouldn't do if you would be my posslq. you live with me and i with you, you will be my posslq. i'll be your friend and so much more. that's what a posslq is for. >> if his rhymes seem goofy it could be because, his inspiration is dr. seussy. >> osgood: nothing could be more enjoyable than reading his stuff. then he heard it again, just a very faint yehp as if some tiny person was calling for help. >> it's true, he narrated "horton hears a who." >> osgood: you hear a song you
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can't get it out of your head. >> charlie's poems are like that, too. why, well, here's a clue. >> well, as a member of the academy of american poets i happen to have a poetic license. anybody can do it. >> but they don't and probably won't. who else with such zeal would rhyme about great brand ma lucille. >> osgood: 89 years of aiming is lucille but she says you are only as old as you feel. want to see what lucille is now able to do? these are one-inch pine boards, not just one board but two. >> here's to charlie, our res rent wit. tv's poet lawyer receipt. >> charlie let just say it to this i way i've seen everyone of your shows over the last 22 years, i know it's a great show. you're a great host. it will continue to be a great
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show. my son, who is 12 years old, sunday morning he says, is it time for the cbs "sunday morning" show? i say, yes, it is. he turns it right on. so, on behalf of my son and myself, we'll see you on the radio, pal. when pat toomey went to wasworking for wall street... toomey's plan would risk social security on the stock market, lining bankers' pockets with fees from our benefits that... could total billions, even if the market crashes, and seniors lose everything. katie mcginty is working for us. a mother of three, and ninth of ten kids, mcginty knows what matters. she'll fight for equal pay, affordable college, and... she'll always protect social security. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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katiejoey, ricky, eileen,hnny, me, and colleen...immy, all 10 of us raised on a policeman's salary and a mom working as a restaurant hostess. imagine trying to do that today, with washington looking out for the favored few. i'll bring a different point of view to the u.s. senate - working class roots and the mother of three, i'll put middle class families ahead of wall street. i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message because it's your turn to get ahead.
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yes, when it comes to commanding that most distinctive of neck wear, we all know there's only one true master. you got some beautiful ones here. >> osgood: i got a lotta ties, you know. there's some right there. >> i love that one. >> osgood: some in here. >> a whole drawer. try picturing charles loss good without a bow tie this would look good with this shirt and jacket. it just seems -- i like these. incomplete. >> catch you up on the bock stores and take a peak at the weather we'll have those stories and more. first here are the headlines for this sunday morning the 31st of december. >> through the decades he's worn a kaleidoscope of bow ties that have captivated fans and colleagues alike. >> always wanted to do something as a reporter. it's real.
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it is not a clip-on the tie is real. just like the man. >> in 1992 he was positively undone by his morning news cohost, meredith vieira. >> is it real bow tie? do you mind? >> in 2011 charlie tied one on with comedian jimmy fallon. it might surprise you that charlie hasn't always worn a bow tie. when did you put on your first bow tie? >> it was to do a weekend broadcast. good evening, i'm charles osgood this is sundae night news. >> it of the back in the 1980s at the suggestion of producer that charlie and his signature sartorial accessory tied the knot. >> osgood: you need 22 cents postage now. >> you do realize that people are very in to your bow ties. >> . >> osgood: well, enough so that i now, if i'm going to make an appearance anywhere, i -- i
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almost always wear a bow tie. >> i think you're great but you without a bow tie is a little bit of a let down. >> osgood: not what you expected. people say, you know, i can't get away with wearing a bow tie. i didn't know it was against the law. >> for a time at cbs it was a law that charlie, and only charlie, wear a bow tie. >> put pineapple juice in my pineapple juice. >> when former cbs anchor harry smith began cohosting cbs this morning he innocently showed up in a bow tie. >> howard stringer was the president of cbs news we were doing a camera test, i had on a bee tie. there was charles osgood with a bow tie. he says, no. not two guys with bow ties on tv. >> this news organization's not big enough for two guys with bow ties. >> not on morning tv. >> what has charlie osgood done for the bow tie? >> you know, he's a proud
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emblem. it's an absolute accompaniment. to all that he is. >> they say is that perfect is the enemy of good. that's certainly true when it comes to bow ties. who do you think of this bow tie? >> i think it's a nice. >> but -- a little too perfect. that doesn't mean necessarily mean that it's pretied tie. >> do you doubt that i tied this myself? >> i don't doubt it. >> i will unfurl mine if you unfurl yours. >> okay. >> all right. >> osgood: now let's see who could -- >> i was afraid you were going to say that. >> it's not a competition. >> hell it isn't. >> let's go. we're on. it's so hard. to find the right -- i like
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that. now the most important question of all. how good do we look? >> osgood: i if i we look pretty damn good. >> yeah. >> when i heard that you were leaving, i thought, maybe -- maybe there's a place for me on cbs "sunday morning." then i realized that there are certain requirements that you have to be aware of. and i didn't know whether i could get those requirements done. i can't do this. you're a master at everything do you including tying a bow tie. i wish you all the very best.
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his home away from home and what a home it is. when charles osgood invited us to his picture-postcard home in the south of france, the one with the sun made of stone in the driveway and the stunning mediterranean views, it was both a generous and intimidating offer. after all, how do you sit across from your boss let alone the newsman you grew up watching and ask him about a career that's lasted as long as you've been alive. do you remember the first piece you did for television? >> no. >> truth is he made the conversation easy. like he does with all conversations, even when he was correcting me on the art of writing. there's a big difference between the right word and the wrong word. >> osgood: well, all the words are wrong except for the right one. >> his style, manner, his
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curiosity are as fresh as the grapes hanging in his garden. >> osgood: these are descendants from grapes that were here. just passing through. >> but little has satisfied his professional pat let more than his emmy winning run at "sunday morning." >> osgood: a lot of television is about ratings. i don't like to think of it as rating as people watching the show and getting some satisfaction outed of it and learning something and not having something forced down their throats. >> you love it, don't you? >> osgood: i do. i cannot think of anything that has given me more pleasure professionally than "sunday morning." because, first of all, it's great to be part of something that people love and i know that they do. >> he loved it so much he barely took time off, but when did he, he came here.
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and why wouldn't he? it's a place where leisure is cherished. not something you squeeze into two weeks around national holidays. >> it's very seductive here. it also encourages you to be a bit lazy. >> in a good way. >> to goat up late, eat too much, drink too much. >> jean, charlie's wife, is his ever-present companion. >> you almost need to eat with it a fork. >> okay. >> do you have a routine here? >> there are a couple of naps involved. there's usually one nap right after lunch. and that lasts right up until cocktail time. so the day sorta slips away. >> there is, of course, the piano. ♪ his concert grand piano that
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occupies his time and most of the living room. and not a bad view from the piano bench to look out on to the mediterranean. >> osgood: yes, that's right. there are french songs written about this very view. >> he bought that steinway from cbs back when it owned columbia records and it's a historic piano indeed. >> osgood: this is the piano that glenn used. and frank sinatra songs. mitch miller also used it for everyone of his sing along with mitch records. >> this piano? >> osgood: this is the one. >> outdoors, flowers bloom at every corner surrounding his pool with a fragrance and color that are pretty hard to beat. each year charlie and jean work
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off the calories from the brie and the baguettes. they do it together like they have done everything. do you remember your first date? >> i do. >> that depends on what you call a date. because the first time you ever asked me to go some place, you wand me to go to a basketball game. >> that's what you asked her out to at first? >> yeah, wasn't that romantic? >> did you say yes? >> no. >> osgood: i think she had to arrange her sock drawer. >> he must have done something right. they have been married now for 42 years. have five kids and three grandchildren. was there one piece of advice that you would give? >> eat more ice cream. >> hard even to get the whole family together but we managed to gather three of the kids. jamie, annee and winston, in his
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new york apartment. >> that persona that he is on television encam sue late him pretty well. >> they loved growing up with their dad's passion for baseball. his knowledge of history and their home being full of music. >> he was always playing the piano. >> always? >> always. always in the background. >> right. dad was always playing the piano or banjo. >> what was that like you'd bring friends over. >> totally embarrassing. your dad is sitting around in his robe playing the banjo? definitely not cool when you're 12 or 13. >> start singing and it would be too much. >> what was cool, was their dad's skills in the kitch ebb. >> we had our own sunday morning routine where our dad would make us pancakes for breakfast. so, that went away when "sunday morning" started. i remember i'm relieved that this chapter of his life is over so that we can kind of bring that routine back into our
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lives. >> bet back pancakes again? >> i have not had a decent pancake in 122 years. >> we're ready here. >> in fact, charlie's not really retiring. >> this is charles osgood. >> he'll still be on the radio mostly from new york. >> the osgood file, this is charles osgood. >> but also here in france. he built a makeshift studio down in his basement. reality, though, is life will be different after today. in all sorts of yet to be determined ways. so what's i.t. going to be like for you, jean, to hear charlie say "see you on the radio" for the la last time? >> that's all right because it means he'll be here more, won't it? >> not a bad place to turn a page. >> what's one thing you'd want people to know about the next chapter in your life? >> osgood: i don't even know what the next chapter of my life
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is going to be. but i will have a little more time, without a doubt, to be with jean and the kids. and the grandkids and friends that you have. it's like asking somebody when they're dying, are you ready? no, no, i want there to be a tomorrow. and there will be. >> just different tomorrows. >> osgood: that's right. ♪ like a human fingerprint, no two whale flukes are the same. because your needs are unique, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and life insurance solutions
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>> osgood: good morning, i am charles osgood this is "sunday morning." given the terrible events in paris at the magazine this past week, that seems only right. add the name columbia, now, to our list of terrible shared national events. add the names and faces of the seven lost crew members of the shuttle columbia to our space
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exploration role of honor. if you have not heard sad news it's our duty to report that princess diana is dead. five days after terrorist attack you can see, hear and feel america rising. >> i'm bill geist. there's just no telling what kind of story charlie will make his own. i'll show you what i mean. >> the yanks are the champs now, two years in a row. the west coast may perceive as foul beasts with hearts -- yankees are well thought of here. beloved. can you imagine that you were a natural for television when you first started doing that? >> i'm a natural ham. >> osgood: she is a natural ham. with a deep love and knowledge of french cooking, the wonderful sense of humor brought haute cuisine down to earth. >> not a good example of crepes
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i'll say, goodbye. >> osgood: i'm sure when people see julia child having something like that happen in the way it reassures them. >> they're delighted. >> osgood: whenever you are alone in the kitchen. >> osgood: after all, we're not the horse and buggy days. right here these still are the horse and buggy days. this is lancaster county, pennsylvania. amish country. at 73, a genuine intellectual. >> osgood: you have a background of intellect that doesn't fit the image of the politicians. >> or as the madison, jefferson, people that started this country think you shouldn't read books. >> osgood: on the whole if there's anything to this reincarnation business you can do a lot worse than to come back
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taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides. that lets you write con the screenen if you try to write, on a plain old mac the difference can be seen (it doesn't work) get the surface pro (the keyboard detaches from the screen) get the surface pro (i like the blue!)
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♪usic: suspenseful if your heartburn medication's not doing its job... the food you eat during the day... music: loud mariachi band can also haunt you at night. so try nexium 24hr. just one pill each day... shuts down your stomach's active... acid pumps to stop the burn of frequent heartburn... all day and night. have we seen them before? ♪ banish the burn with nexium 24hr. >> osgood: these days perhaps you notice as you watch tv screen there are often many things at once competing to be seen. while someone like me is talking hoping to be understood, the chance of understanding i'm afraid is not too good. if the person speaking, above his or her head, to either side other information to be read, about the time and temperature,
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latest market quotes, the price of gold and traffic and upcoming program notes. i think the tv gimmick that i dislike most of all is that little moving sign below referred to as a crawl. which moves in from the right and comprehension depends on the viewer's eye and must be followed until each sentence ends. the poor talking anchor person stands no chance at all, he or she might just as well be talking to the wall. when the screen is completely cluttered i suspect that you will find there is likely to be corresponding clutter in the mind. so here on "sunday morning" this is something you won't see. it happens, no one every mentions it to me. >> i've known charlie for more than 53 years now. i have to reveal to you that he has knotted been entirely honest with you. the thing about his name, it's
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not really charlie osgood he should have told you himself, he didn't, so it falls to me to do it for him and i'm going to try to do it in the fashion that he could have or should have done it himself. in verse. i admit that it's slightly uncouth to remind an old man of his youth, but in our case it's fair, because you know, i was there and we're both getting on, that's the truth. you might think that a person could claim to use his own name, charlie thought key, which was wood. but he couldn't. please, let me explain. for those who appear on the air, a name is a thing you can't share. back in june '63, this was on abc. charles wood had it first fair and square. so our charlie thought he'd ex
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cued grandpa's name as his nom deplume. >> >> osgood: the osgood file. this is charles osgood. i'm charles osgood. this is "sunday morning." >> more than half of the century's past who would have thought that the new name would last. but it has. i'm sure that the name will endure since the old one has long been out classed. is so it's charlie. got there too late for his own name to resonate, whose incomparable style the beloved osgood file has evolved into our charles the great. he'll be missed. it is surely a blow to lose someone we've gotten to know year by year, on and on. but he'll never be gone. we'll see him on the old radio.
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our special today is the don't you hate that? when they don't tell you how much something costs and you have to ask? maybe that's why i always make sure to... ... "bring up the costs associated with your services." i know. transparency about costs. just one way edward jones makes sense of investing. [ rear alert sounds ]," [ music stops ]on ] ♪ on the road again ♪ just can't wait to get on the road again ♪ [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ♪ on the road again ♪ like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ♪ [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month. the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa?
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>> osgood: like the down of a thistle. i heard him explain as he drove out of sight, happy christmas to all, and to all good night! >> osgood: i've always loved the idea of sharing the stage with the boston pops orchestra, as we did in this performance of "the night before christmas" back in 2003. so i'm very grateful that five of my friends from the pops, including cello quartet plus my cousin, are here to share this stage with me. ♪ sing it again ♪ i knew i'd be leaving but i
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didn't know when ♪ after 22 years today is the day ♪ it's my last "sunday morning," what more can i say except ♪ so long, it's been good to know ya ♪ so long, it's been good to know ya ♪ so long, it's been good to know ya ♪ what a long time since i've been home ♪ and i've got to be triking along ♪ my cbs news colleaguea you are the best ♪ you've taught me a lot and i know i've been blessed ♪ as for all of you viewers please know that it's true ♪ i'm going to sunday mornings with you ♪ so long it's been good to know ya note ♪ so long it's been good to know ya ♪
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been a long time since i've been mom ♪ and i've got to be drifting along ♪ >> charles, thank you for 22 years of broadcasting excellence. my "sunday morning" hang over won't be the same without you. >> congrats on amazing 22 years, thanks so much. i'll see you on the radio. >> charlie, thanks for a great 50 years here at cbs. all the best. >> see you on the radio.
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>> osgood: "sunday morning" has been without a doubt has been the most satisfying 22 years of my life in broadcasting. right now i'm now proud to tell you that my successor will be someone we all know and think the world of. jane pauley. congratulations, and welcome. >> pauley: thank you so much, i am honored beyond words to follow in your footsteps. but enough about me. i have news about your bow tie. the bow tie you are wear canning right now is bound for the smithsonian's national museum of american history in washington, where it will join the original stopwatch of our sister broadcast "60 minutes" as part of its permanent collection. proof, as if anyone needed it,
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that you have made broadcast history. congratulations. and please don't be a stranger. >> osgood: i promise. what's going on here? i'm val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. we're putting away acorns. you know, to show the importance of saving for the future. so you're sort of like a spokes person? more of a spokes metaphor. get organized at once i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my wife... ...what we're building together...
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...and could this happen again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? i spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... ...turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless you doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding.
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both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. dickerson: ahead this morning on "face the nation," vice presidential candidates mike pens and tim kaine along with house speaker paul ryan and senator bernie sanders coming right up. >> osgood: we leave you this "sunday morning" at the mouth of the patuxent river alon chesapeake bay's western shore, not far from baltimore, my boyhood home. captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations
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>> osgood: i'm charles osgood. we'll be off next sunday morning so cbs sports can bring you a special presentation of the nfl from london. please join jane pauley here again in two weeks. as for me, i will see you on the radio. i want to thank you all our wonderful audience and i also want to thank all these people. [ applause ] captioned by media access group at wgbh
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does pat toomey speak for you? i also want to thank the nra for it's, uh, strong support for my campaign. pat toomey: he opposes an assault weapons ban and got an "a" rating from the nra. "i have had a perfect record with the nra." and on women's health? "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey: does he really speak for you? senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i'm really good at war. i love war in a certain way. including with nukes, yes including with nukes. i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. i want to be unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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captioning sponsored by cbs >> dickerson: today on "face the nation," on the eve of the first presidential debate, we'll talk to both candidates' running mates. donald trump says it can be dangerous to overprepare for debates. hillary clinton spent most of the week privately prepping for a debate that tens of millions are likely the watch. just how important is monday's showdown at hofstra university? we'll ask both vice presidential candidates, virginia senator tim kaine and indiana governor mike pence. then we'll hear from two more key figures in this year's election. house speaker paul ryan and bernie sanders. plus we'll get some pre-debate analysis from our own bob schieffer. and will the charlotte police department release video and evidence from last week's shooting put an end to the protests? it's all ahead on "face the nation." good morning and welcome to "face the
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