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tv   Eyewitness News  CBS  November 12, 2016 2:07am-2:41am EST

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stay committed to your goals, stay true to yourself. make sure that what you do -- you want to do it, nobody else. it's not another person's dream but it's your dream. >> byron allen, coming to you from and this is "the american
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athlete". get ready to hang out with some of the world's greatest sports superstars. keyshawn johnson. >> you know what? i be right behind you. carrying your briefcases. suitcases full of money. >> jason kidd. >> i was very fortunate, you know, to have two parents that were supportive of me. >> and sugar shane mosley. >> if you get up to my weight, maybe we can go at it for a couple million, what do you think? >> that would be great. >> keyshawn johnson, how you doing? >> what's up. >> how old were you when you started playing football? >> 16 years old, when i started playing organized football. i didn't start until late.
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sophomore year of high school. then i started. that is when i decided i wanted to play football. prior to that, basketball, baseball. ones in love with it. as far as playing it. i liked to watch it on tv, watched the game. mocked what the players did on the football field. i can translate that from television to doing it without -- mentally without doing it on the football field. once i step onto the field, i want to be able to do that. >> has success changed you? >> i wouldn't think so. it has made me smarter, i would think, and wiser, but in terms of changing me, it is going to be difficult because i stand for a lot of different things. being successful, there can be pluses and minuses. there have been a lot of both in doing the things i do. there's been a lot of, you know, jealousy, envy, a lot of broken hearts and i guess what
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you call promises that are not promises. but those sort of things. but it is all learning experience. all a learning experience. >> how have your kids changed your life? >> you know what? it had, i guess, from day one having my daughter was a big reflection on the way i was ging to prepare in life. growing up, coming from usc -- i had my daughter when i was a senior in college so it put more focus and working hard because a lot of things i do are for them. not me. i have lived a pretty good life so far. >> you didn't always. >> you don't. most people that grow up in urban areas or innercity areas, you struggle, go through things, make a switch and change, things happen for the better. so that was, i don't know, so long ago, it is almost to a point where, in the back of me mind, i put it completely out
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and concentrate on the focus of today, not 20 years ago. >> you've come a listening way from being homeless, sleeping in a car with your mother. >> uh-huh. >> do you think about that? >> i don't focus on anything of that sort. just something 20 years ago. i move forward. >> still passionate about the game of football? >> i am in the off-season as fired up as during the season. as the season gets into the season, i get more focused on football. now my focus isn't football. my focus is trying to make my business grow and be successful. football is what i do. i do that for a living. everyone says i don't catch balls in the off-season. no, i don't. if i can't catch a ball in the month of july, august, september, therefore, then i'm in the wrong sport. >> tell me about your real estate development company. >> it is a development company i started about three and a half years ago. what our main focus is is to
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redevelop urban areas throughout the entire country. not just los angeles but move into other areas and take down things that may sit for a hundred years and needs to be redeveloped and need a big shopping center there because the urban dollar doesn't go to the suburbs. we recycle the dollars in the same neighbors. all the focus doesn't have to be in black areas but hispanic, asian. it doesn't all have to be there. we try to go in, redevelop the area, bring dollars and make jobs. >> fast forward, what do you want to see? >> i hope i'm the old guy coming down the escalator. there he go. he got about $8 billion. i hope i'm the dude. >> the old guy coming down the
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escalator, talking about $8 billion. >> that is the dude that own them teams, he's got about $8 billion. that's what i'm talking about. >> who holds the nfl record for the most passing yards in a single game? the answer when we return. coming up next, jason kidd and sugar shane mosley. >> one of the top fighters in this is the new 2017 chevy cruze. i'm only going to show you half it. what do you think? i think it looks very sleek. the lights remind me of audi lights. and it starts at $22,190. nice. but, there's another side to this car. oh, wow. i love it. this is the first-ever chevy cruze hatch. well, that's pretty impressive. wow. so check it out. yeah, that's awesome. i do like it a lot. now that you know it's a hatchback, what does it make you think of? young professional slash weekend warrior. the whole business in the front, party in the back sort of thing.
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does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena. redid you say 97?97! yes. you know, that reminds me of geico's 97% customer satisfaction rating. 97%? helped by geico's fast and friendly claims service. huh... oh yeah, baby. geico's as fast and friendly as it gets. woo! geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. you mean like they got married?t union of a cheez-it and a chip. umm... i guess... you'd make a pretty bride in that wedding gown. oh, it's a lab coat so... hey everyone, joe's getting married!
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bam bam ba bam... oh, i'm not... we take time for our cheese to mature... our crispy cheez-it grooves.
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who holds the nfl record for the most passing yards in a single game? norm van brock, who threw in september 1951. >> jason, how are you doing? >> great. >> jason kidd, you are not much taller than me. >> one of the short guys. >> how tall are you? >> 6',3". >> uh-oh, there's hope. 6',3", just stand a little straighter, that's not bad. 6',3", huh? >> yep. >> what made you think you could hang with those seven foot guys? >> i don't think i can hang with them.
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i can use my speed to outquick them. except for the tallest, i have to use my strengths. my speed is one. >> you are from san francisco? >> the bay area. >> how many kids? >> two younger sisters. >> is that right? >> yes. >> i'm the oldest. >> when did you get the idea i can go play professional basketball? >> i don't know. that's a good question. that still sometimes i'm amazed at the things i can do on the court. i think the biggest thing is that my parents always never put pressure on me to be successful in basketball. they always let me make my decisions. did i want to play basketball, soccer or baseball? they never say jason you need to be practicing on free throws for two hours. they just let me be myself. that was the biggest thing that i always complimented my parents on is not putting pressure on me. >> not putting pressure on you.
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let you blossom. >> like a flower. you never want to put too much water when you are watering your flowers, just make sure it opens perfectly. that is what i think they did for me. >> if you weren't playing basketball what do you think you would be doing? >> tell you the truth, i want to be a teacher, a history teacher. >> i love that. that is great that you would go back. >> that is my mom. my mom wants me to go back because there will be life after basketball. everybody has to understand that. i understand that. i mean, being injured or being hurt. your career can come to an end in a minute. so you always have to have something. another door to open. another career to fulfill. and hopefully i can be as good in teaching as i am in basketball. >> also you collect sports memorabilia. >> yeah. >> baseball. >> i'm a big baseball fan. >> really? >> ken griffey, frank thomas. those are modern players but willie mays, sam my koufax
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jersey. >> these are the things you have collected? >> yes. >> you have a positive attitude. where did you get that? >> mom and dad. the outlook on life, to watch them go to work from 9:00 to 5:00 and provide for three kids. never complain, never see them fight in front of me or my sisters is something i will always treasure. that is something you always hear about parents fighting in front of the kids. my parents never did that. you always have an outlook that is positive and thing also work out, though things are going bad. sooner or later thing also change around. >> your dad was a supervisor at twa? >> yes. for 32 years. >> is that right. >> yeah. >> twa. longevity in one career was another thing. never bounce around from job to job. always with one company. same thing with my mom with
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bank of america. commitment and loyalty. >> yeah. >> that is a big deal. my dad just retired from ford motor company after 32 years. >> long time. >> long time. >> but that is the pride i have in my dad and mom, for them to be able to stick with one job, not bounce around. things were tough on days where it was cold, they didn't want to go to work but they had to provide for three kids, did what they had to do and i turned out all right. >> what advice would you give to young people? >> the biggest thing is dream. >> to dream? >> yeah. not let anybody tell you that dreaming is wrong, because we all dream. maybe in class or at work. and one of those dream also come true. as long as you work hard at it, make sure if you do get knocked down or somebody tries to take it from you, that you get right back up, you don't quit. there's nothing wrong with getting knocked down or somebody saying no. because that should make you want to prove to them and
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yourself that you can do it. >> all right. you are a good man. just remember we're buddies now. >> yeah. >> though i'm only 5',9" and talking about dreams, i would love to get an nba contract. i don't know if you know of anybody that's looking for 5',9", 35 years old. >> they are always looking for veteran players. >> yeah? >> yeah, to take on a younger guy to help him through the league. i know you will get a phone call. >> that is right, keep the dream alive! >> nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> who holds the nba record for the most assists in a single game? the answer when we return. coming up next, sugar shane mosley. new gold bond psoriasis relief. salicylic acid controls recurrence of psoriasis symptoms. plus intensive moisturizers. new gold bond psoriasis relief.
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in the lotion aisle.
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who holds the nba record for most assists in a game? 30 assists for the orlando majic in december of 1990. >> sugar shane mosley, how are you doing, man? >> how you doing, man? >> good to see you. >> where did you grow up? >> pomona. i have been here now 29 years. >> how old were you when you started boxing? >> i started boxing at the age of eight. >> eight years old. >> eight years old. there was a lot of great champions in the gym at the time. mike weaver, richard sal davar.
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>> what did your dad do? >> originally an amateur boxer. he started when he was younger, then came back to the gym just to stay in shape. i kind of brought him to the gym and i became the one he began training, the boxer in the family. at eight years old i wanted to go in the ring. >> did you? >> yeah. i see a lot of kids working out, sparring. i would get in there, move around with those kids. they had been in there a year or two. i got in there, pretty good. i was always energetic and stuff. got in there and one of the top fighters in the state at the age of nine. >> nine. >> age of nine i was the state champion. >> from there where? >> i kept winning title after title. i was like number one in the area for so long. state, regional, national
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champion. we did like invitationals. i was just the number-one kid. always. always been. i was named sugar shane when i was nine years old by the great champions in the pomona gym. from then on i was always the top guy all the time. >> for a number of years throughout your career you didn't get the respect you were due. why do you think that happened that way? >> i think because i didn't have the right representation behind me as far as promoter. i didn't have people behind me to push me, get me out there where people know this kid is for real and he is a great kid. >> how many fights? >> i was 20 and 0, 19 knockouts before the title. everybody had their title fight but me. i didn't have it. >> 20 and 0 with 19 knockouts?
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19 guys walking around out there, been knocked out by him. 19! if he calls you, get right back to him. >> the road was so hard, so long, a lot of people didn't want to fight me. then i just never got the opportunity to get that early so it came late for me. after beating dela hoya that's what made everything -- of everybody see me for who i was, a great fighter. i knew de la fighter but not me. >> what do you recommend? >> stay committed, stay true to your goals. make sure what you want to do, you want to do it, not nobody else. not another person's dream but your dream. life can be fun. also family. family is also very important.
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you know, for you. nobody can love you like your mother and father, sister and brother. they just can't do it. because they are not really a family. stay real close to your family. stay true to yourself and, you know, with all your heart, go after your goals, your dreams. you can do it. anybody can. as long as you they stay disciplined and focused. >> setting goals is important because it keeps you focused? >> setting goals is very important because i stay focused. you know, i got the big bear. i think about it every day. going through with my workouts. they are just that much more intense, every day. every day i look at them, stretch. get up in the morning and run. work out. everything is just that much more intensified. and i make sure that i'm the type of person that strives for
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perfection when i'm in the ring. if there is something i'm doing wrong, i want to know so i can make it 100 better. so when i get into the ring there is no mistakes, no faults, no knowledge. it's just pure artwork. >> what do you do to get through the toughest moments? >> i like to just be by myself and kind of meditate, go over what was done wrong, how can i fix it and make it right. there's nothing you can do to make it right and what can i do to ease it? so i would say just being by myself, listening to soft music and getting away. going over what's really important in life and go from there. >> what do you like to do when you are not training? >> when not training i like to
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play a lot of bs ball. love basketball. that is like the second -- my second sport, you know. >> if you ever get up to 185 pounds, maybe you and i can go a couple rounds for about $5 million, what do you think? >> great. >> you think so? >> when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. 80% of recurrent ischemic, strokes could be prevented. and i'm doing all i can to help prevent another one. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? cry-proof, stay-proof look?
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neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena. you brush your teeth diligently... two times a day right? but 80% of bacteria aren't even on teeth. eughty purschunt?! colgate total's different. it fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. protecting 100% of your mouth's surfaces. colgate total for whole mouth health. ♪ ♪ and off you go, ♪ ♪ ♪ and off you go, ♪ ♪ ♪ and off you go, ♪ for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the lasting energy of 100% whole grain quaker oats... and off you go. of bad breath germs% for a 100% fresh mouth.
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feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... ...or dance. listerine®. bring out the bold™ whatcha got there? new cheez-it sandwich crackers made with real cheese ummmm....sammiches sandwich with a d sammich... sandwich sammich sammich see!!! ahahaha! we take time for our cheese to mature, in our new cheez-it sandwich crackers. sammiches... new infallible pro-glow the pro look in longwear. go pro with an all-day glow for up to 24 hours. resists dry-out, and fade-out. new infallible pro-glow foundation. from l'oreal makeup designer/paris. i'm only going to show you half it. what do you think? i think it looks very sleek. the lights remind me of audi lights. and it starts at $22,190. nice. but, there's another side to this car. oh, wow. i love it. this is the first-ever chevy cruze hatch. well, that's pretty impressive. wow. so check it out.
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yeah, that's awesome. i do like it a lot. now that you know it's a hatchback, what does it make you think of? young professional slash weekend warrior. the whole business in the front, party in the back sort of thing. when you ache and haven't you're not you. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. you brush your teeth diligently... two times a day right? but 80% of bacteria aren't even on teeth. eughty purschunt?! colgate total's different. it fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. protecting 100% of your mouth's surfaces. colgate total for whole mouth health. i'm only going to show you half it. what do you think? i think it looks very sleek. the lights remind me of audi lights. and it starts at $22,190. nice. but, there's another side to this car. oh, wow.
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i love it. this is the first-ever chevy cruze hatch. well, that's pretty impressive. wow. so check it out. yeah, that's awesome. i do like it a lot. now that you know it's a hatchback, what does it make you think of? young professional slash weekend warrior. the whole business in the front, party in the back sort of thing. htake care of what makes you,e. you. right down to your skin. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results® well, that's it. i'd like to thank our guests, everybody here at and you. until next time, peace.
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>> announcer: the following paid presentation is proudly sponsored by samsung, delivering you innovation and technology and quality connected home electronics, appliances, phones, televisions, computers, and tablets. samsung -- bring it home. how would you like to come home to a house that is fresh and clean? it just feels brighter and fresher. how would you feel about your home if it always seemed housekeeping just left? happy? relaxed? how about if your carpet and floors were vacuumed automatically or even on-demand? the future is here. >> as a mom and as a woman who's in charge of keeping her house clean and tidy, you definitely need one of these. i mean, you can turn it on, you can leave the house, and you can return home and your house is clean. and you really don't have to do much other than push a button. >> the samsung is a real vacuum cleaner. it is not a floor sweeper. it is a legitimate vacuum cleaner. the only difference is you don't have to drag it around the house. it does the cleaning by itself.
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>> when you were a kid, you looked to the future, right? rockets, space travel, jet packs, hand-held communicators, and even robots. one by one, they're all coming true. the future is here, and technology makes your life better every day. introducing the samsung powerbot, our most advanced robotic vacuum. a true vacuum cleaner with 10 times the suction of the competitor, the powerbot intelligently learns your home to take care of it, even while you're away. samsung's own state-of-the-art visionary mapping system enables the powerbot to navigate the most efficient path. it provides thorough coverage. built-in sensors avoid obstacles and prevent it from going down stairs, all with the single purpose of getting your floors clean. wi-fi connectivity adds even more convenience by letting you control powerbot with your phone. the powerbot even notices objects you occasionally leave behind and temporarily reroutes. it's plain smart. pet hair, dirt, dander, dust --
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it handles it all every day. it even finds its way back to the recharging dock by itself. the competitor is basically a sophisticated floor sweeper. the powerbot is setting new standards for robotic vacuums. the powerbot is a powerful vacuum with state-of-the-art robotic intelligence added. >> the greatest thing about the powerbot is actually the power. the name is actually quite accurate. it is powerful. >> it's amazing how much dirt is actually picked up when i empty the filter on a regular basis. it's -- it's kind of gross to know that there's that much stuff in my house, and it's great to know that the samsung is actually picking up that much dirt. >> it's multitasking at its best. i love that it's cleaning my house while i'm doing other things. >> announcer: samsung designers started smarter. they took the best from everything before. they started with the design of a quality upright vacuum, the kind with full, 12-inch-wide brushes and sturdy rollers, then added a powerful motor that can be relied on daily. then they incorporated a
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cyclonic-force separation system to ensure that powerful suction lasts longer. they even included bag-free, easy-empty convenience. they added easy pass wheels for thresholds and transitions, plus automatic suspension to easily adjust from hard floors like tile, vinyl, and wood, to area rugs and deep-pile wall-to-wall. then they added a sophisticated camera system to map floor plans. nine additional sensors are fully integrated with a central processor to recognize your unique home layout. the true power of this technology is that you'll never really think about vacuuming again. this is the sixth generation of robotic vacuums from samsung, yet the first we've ever brought to you, because of our commitment to perfection. how would you feel if you knew your house was automatically vacuumed every single day? you'll love coming home to this feeling -- a cleaner house. it really is like having a housekeeper. this is the future you signed up for. when samsung set out to create a robotic vacuum cleaner, we knew


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