tv Eyewitness News at 11 CBS November 13, 2016 11:00pm-11:36pm EST
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the piece on your left is torqued rift #4, in the center is the sadness, and on the right, of course, nurse debriefing a staircase. nurse debriefing a staircase? baptiste legrand was pretentious, even for a post-impressionist painter. his work is off-putting and overrated, in my opinion, but there's no accounting for taste, is there? together, these paintings are worth roughly $60 million. gregson: that building was full of people all afternoon. how the hell does somebody steal three paintings and nobody notices? our killer is a flimper. he flimped. it's a pickpocket's trick. you use the distraction of a bustling crowd to plunder your mark. the poisoning of the iao key-holders, the video threat to the financial sector, it was all just a ploy to get the stock exchange chasing its tail while the thief pulled $60 million worth of artwork off the wall without anyone noticing. yeah, but i've been to the stock exchange-- that place is packed to the gills with security cameras and alarms. distraction or no distraction, you can't just walk out
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with three canvases under your arm. you can if the entire system is off-line while it's being checked for signs of hacking. i doubt john q. citizen knows the ins and outs of the exchange's security protocols. you got to think somebody on the inside helped them out, huh? we talked to lillian dunbar-- she's the chief of operations over there. she's offered us access to hr files, phone records, even internal e-mails, anything that might help recover the paintings. so we comb through all the files. any luck, we spot a suspect. unfortunately, there isn't enough time for luck. the exchange has a thousand employees. it would take days to consider each one of them in turn, and by the time we've identified a suspect, assuming we do at all, our paintings will have disappeared into the murky depths of the black market, along with our thief. so i think there's a more efficient way to find the needle in this haystack. what's that? well, with your permission, captain, i'd like to burn the haystack down. three stolen masterpieces are on their way back home tonight, after the nypd recovered the modern art stashed in a hunts point warehouse. i don't know what your friend is so upset about. those paintings look just like the real thing.
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jericho is an art forger par excellence. he usually spends weeks preparing a single counterfeit. and i asked him to do three in ten hours. so needless to say, he doesn't think it's his best work. watson: i think they're convincing. local news thinks they're convincing. because local television reporters are the gold standard for investigative journalism. so now what? we just wait? the publicity surrounding the staged recovery should temporarily kill the market for stolen art. our thief will have to spend time convincing any potential buyers that he still possesses the real legrands. and how's he gonna do that? the same way that anyone convinces anyone of anything these days: by ranting about it online. i created accounts for us on several dark web sites known to host conversations about black market goods. we'll monitor them for posts of the stolen artwork, and hopefully the thief should reveal himself soon enough. "give to a gracious message a host of tongues, but let ill tidings tell themselves when they be felt." why are you quoting antony and cleopatra?
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there was an oncologist i knew. he used to recite that to himself whenever he had to deliver a bad prognosis. it's just a reminder to speak simply and honestly to a patient and not sugarcoat the bad news. are you going to tell me i have a tumor? no. i was just thinking about what you said about fiona last night. i mean, she's smart, compassionate, beautiful. yet you still think she might not be right for me. is that what you think? i don't know. i just know that you've never been through a breakup before. fake deaths don't count. and besides, moriarty did that to you; you did not do that to her. listen, breakups are never easy, but they don't have to be that bad. so just try and remember: "give to a gracious message a host of tongues, but let ill tidings tell themselves when they be felt." lights up on three devious travelers of the silk road. silent wolf, hungrybox and doctor bumrush.
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they are buyers and purveyors of stolen goods all, and they are commiserating about a great fraud perpetrated by their much loathed nemesis tha popo. "tha popo's lying, man. the art on the news is fugazi." "i'm with you. "cops are trying to cover their asses. "the real legrands are still out there. "i got a guy who knows how to get them. message me." "i may just do that. "no chance those paintings are genuine. "just a transparent attempt to thwart the sale of the real legrands." okay. so, if these guys are talking about the art online, then i guess we have three good suspects. except they're not three suspects. they're three screen names owned by one man. (sighs) why don't you just tell me what's going on here. there was a great deal of chatter on the dark web about the heist yesterday. most notably these three posts. i compared them to internal stock exchange employee e-mails. distinct lexical patterns and phrases from all three
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recur in correspondence written by the same man: brian beale. hmm. he looks familiar. he should do. we passed him in the lobby yesterday. mr. beale is a cyber security expert, and he works for the firm which ran the stock exchange's systems audit yesterday. so he had access to the building during the robbery, and he would understand the chaos that would be created by an attack on the iao key-holders, and he's out there trying to discredit our art recovery story. marcus is going to meet us at his home in half an hour. if you wish to change your clothes, i would ask that you hurry. landlord says he hasn't seen mr. beale in a couple days. you recall that the back door of arrondissement 21 was a grotesque shade of burgundy? tip of this crowbar is covered in flecks of burgundy paint. perhaps it's the tool used to break into the restaurant so that mr. beale could envenomate the foie gras. could be enough for a conviction right there. well, it might be enough to sate your future girlfriend,
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but professional pride requires recovered paintings, real ones. watson: wherever those paintings are, we're gonna have to find them ourselves. he's gone. still warm. 30 minutes, maybe. i'll call for a bus and csu. watson: coagulopathy in the tear ducts, discoloration of the armpits, swollen glands. venom, no doubt. this time delivered straight from the fangs of a deadly coastal taipan. how can you tell? there's one right behind your foot. (snake hissing) what do i do? i'm gonna look that up. i'd start with "don't get bitten." i don't know anythingnow about rabbits, i'm gonna look that up. but i do know that when you get your coupon and spend $75 at toys"r"us, you get a $10 gift card to use in december.
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cool. it's not like there's a whole bunch of rabbits about to sneak up on us. you're funny! uhhhh, eh... there's a rabbit behind me, isn't there? just a few.... get your coupon, spend $75 in store and get a $10 gift card to use in decemb.r toys"r"us ...awwwesome! taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides. brookside. enjoy your phone! you too. (inner monologue) all right, be cool. you got the amazing new iphone 7 on the house by switching to at&t... what??.... aand you got unlimited data because you have directv?? okay, just a few more steps... door! it's cool get the iphone 7 on us and unlimited data
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watson: i-is that... oxyuranuss cutellatus. yes, the very same coastal taipan from brian beale's apartment. the venom from that snake killed eight people, including the last person who kept it as a pet. i thought that animal control was impounding it. an animal shelter is no place for an exotic reptile. it would be destroyed. we're just looking after it until i can deliver it to a friend at the zoo. in the meantime, i'm just enjoying its company. it's quite beautiful, don't you think? and dangerous. in my experience, those two traits are often a package deal. oh, you're still obsessing about your theory, huh? it's more than a theory; it's a likelihood. brian beale had a partner. we found the blueprints to the u.s. stock exchange on beale's desk; we found the crowbar that he used to break into the restaurant to poison the iao key-holders; we found the source of the poison. i'm not disputing that brian beale was involved. i'm disputing that he acted alone. i don't think that snake belonged to him. i think it belongs to his partner. there was a terrarium in beale's bedroom. he had snake food. he even had snake medication.
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all easy enough to plant. have a whiff of that snake. you'll notice a very distinctive musk. and i only mention it because... mr. beale's apartment did not smell of musk in the slightest. yeah, i'm gonna have to take your word on that. yes, the optimal temperature for a coastal taipan is 75 degrees fahrenheit. mr. beale's thermostat kept his home at a crisp 67 degrees. it's much too chilly for a tropical snake. that only proves he's an inconsiderate roommate to reptiles. it does not prove that he had a partner who framed and killed him. you must admit the timing of his death is highly suspicious; we're meant to believe that he successfully milked a deadly snake for months, only to be bitten one day after he fenced the stolen paintings? okay, so who's the missing thief? who's trying to frame brian beale? when this argument began, i wasn't sure. but that was before a friend of mine at columbia's herpetology department lent me the skeleton of a coastal taipan. i wasn't about to try my experiment on the fangs of a live one. but now i know.
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i've seen these exact same markings before. this is ridiculous. h-how did you even get a warrant? we looked through the trash you put out on the curb last night, mr. lima. we found pet store receipts that show you purchased the supplies needed to house and feed a coastal taipan. watson: the venom from that species poisoned seven people at arrondissement 21 and killed your friend brian beale. i don't even know who that is. sure you do. you went to gracely high together. you signed his yearbook. we found it at his apartment. go tigers. bell: you also got a parking ticket down the block from the restaurant at 3:15 a.m. on the night the place was broken into. holmes: we're certain that you were the burglar that evening. you staged a robbery at your own kitchen to throw suspicion off other members of staff such as yourself. i ate some of that foie gras, remember? i was sick for two days. now, why in the hell would i dose myself with snake venom? because you're immune. holmes: as you well know,
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there's a process called mithridatism. it's named after king mithridates vi, ruler of ancient pontus. he was so afraid of being poisoned that he would regularly ingest very small doses of various toxins in order to build up an immunity. i-i think you may have seen the princess bride one too many times. except that iocane powder is fictional. immunizing yourself against snake venom is a scientific reality. last night, i had the opportunity to examine the jaws of a coastal taipan. i realized that the scars on your hands, scars i initially attributed to your work as a line cook, were in fact a perfect match for the taipan's symmetrical bite pattern. and it makes sense that you've been bitten. you'd been handling that snake for months, milking it to draw out its venom. hard work pays off. you managed to poison the key-holder lunch without anybody looking in your direction. and it set up your next play-- robbing those paintings from the stock exchange. you got too greedy when you decided not to share with brian, though. up until that point, pretty tight plan.
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mateo: all your, uh... evidence is circumstantial. i mean... i went to high school with brian beale. so did 900 other people. and, yeah, i got a parking ticket that night. that happened a half a dozen other nights, too. i leave my car at work and take the subway home if i have too much to drink after hours. you may have had enough for a... a warrant, but if you had enough to arrest me, you already would have. i'm right, aren't i? we're not quite ready to answer that question just yet, mr. lima. uh, what are you doing? something's preventing the water from soaking into the soil here. don't worry. tree pythons are... nocturnal, right? i think.
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(chuckles) i have to give you credit for devising such a clever hiding place, mr. lima. he will be arresting you now. (footsteps approaching) watson: oh, there you are. i just heard from marcus. the curator at the whitney took a look at the painting you found in the python terrarium. it's the real mccoy. or legrand, as it were. that's one down. actually, the other two should be recovered soon. mateo lima's case went federal. he took a deal and gave up the name of the guy who bought them. wise move. the u.s. government could inject him with poisons he's not inoculated against. i'm going out for coffee. you want to join? i can't. i have a video chat with fiona. you know, i bet she'd love to hear about this case. (computer chiming) enjoy your coffee, watson. (sighs) (quietly): "give to the gracious message a host of tongues,
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live from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia, this is cbs3 "eyewitness news" at 11:00. making voices heard for a fifth day in a row. demonstrators take to the streets of philadelphia speaking out against donald trump's presidential win and tonight his message to the protesters. meantime, the president-elect is wasting no time building his team. today he selected the first two members of his administration, evening i'm natasha brown, thanks for joining us. donald trump will also need to appoint a supreme court justice. the president elect also discussed the protests happening like the one here in philadelphia today. telling the demonstrators that they don't need to be afraid. cbs3 correspondent fills us in now on all of the days
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developments. in his first tv interview, donald trump told 60 minutes he won't challenge marriage quality. lesley stall asked him if he wants the court to appeal row versus wade >> it would go back to the states. it could go back to the >> some women won't be able to get an abortion >> by state >> well, perhaps have to go to another state >> trump also acknowledged he's relying on lobbyiests on his transition team >> they know at the system right now, but we're going to phase that out >> on sunday, trump announced who key appointments, chairman of the republican national committee reince priebus will serve as white house chief of staff, steve bannon will be chief strategist. a campaign statement referred to the two men as equal partners. the administration will face growing tensions at protests spread across the country for a
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fifth day. >> racism and homophob obey will go unheard >> and into the night. from san francisco to new york. security is growing tighter, barricades been set up as protesters vowed to keep demonstrating on the days and weeking to come >> how long do you plan to be out here >> as long as it takes until our message gets across. >> reporter: in the interview with 60 minutes, trump asked protesters not to fear his presidency >> we're going to bring our country back. certainly don't be afraid >> he says he wants people to give him a chance. cbs news new york. the president-elect also says he won't accept the $400,000 salary that comes with the office. recent reports of racist behavior have surfaced. anita oh has the latest from the university of pennsylvania where minority students they they're under attack. >> it's shocking.
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>> reporter: from fear to anger, shock to sadness, students are reacting to recent reports of hateful acts targeting minorities after tuesday's presidential election >> it sends a message that it's acceptable. that we condone this through our democratic election. radnor township are investigating after a black student reported three men assaulted her and knocked her to the ground while yelling president-elect trump's name. it happened this night under the septa station on campus >> i didn't expect in. >> reporter: in response. the university finds this conduct deplorable and considers this racist behavior that runs completely counter to our values. the naacp's philadelphia chapter also harshly condemned the violence >> it's tragic and unfortunate that something like that would
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happen as the result of what is called a democrat process. >> reporter: this was a response to a group target african-american american freshman at the university of pennsylvania in which students received threatening messages, including a calendar event marked daily lynching >> that's a real hate driven crime. i don't get that. >> i feel a bit scared. >> reporter: there was also hope >> recent days you may have seen more people adding a safety pen to their clothing, a jess chamber that means you're safe with me. >> if you're angry it's a time to bind together as a nation. >> reporter: anita oh cbs3 "eyewitness news." police meantime are investigating a rash of violent attacks that took place saturday in center city. police stay an off-duty police officer is among several victims who were assaulted by a large group of juveniles. joe holden reports.
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>> reporter: police swarmed the 1600 block of walnut street in center city just after 6:00 saturday. investigators say a group of teens assaulted as many as a half dozen people. an off-duty police officer detective and his wife were caught up. both punched. the detective's bone was fractured. an eyewitness who did not want to go on camera told cbs3 the teens four or five dozen had crowded around 17th and walnut. he says he heard a scream then watched the teenagers run there was traffic, jump on cars and randomly hit and punch people along the way >> it's crazy. my brother works down the road. it's usually a pretty good area. i was walking down here earlier. i wouldn't expect something like that. this block of walnut is crowded and heavily traveled generally it's pretty busy. i can't believe something like that would happen. >> the eyewitness to the attack said he overhead talk this was
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coordinated over social media. many people weren't aware of what happened 24 hours earlier >> i would say be on extra alert. tensions are a little high. >> philadelphia police made two arrests. both are juveniles. in center city, i'm joe holden cbs3 "eyewitness news." ? >> new tonight, one firefighter suffered a minor leg injury baileying a two alarm blaze. flames broke out 7:45 on east 22'nd street. . let's turn to good news, the birds big win, the eagles shutdown the nfl highest scoring team at the linc, sports director don bell joins us they really needed this >> this was a got to have. they averaged three points per
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game. but on any given sunday, desperation can turn a decent game into a great one. we fast forward. eagles trying to protect a four point leave, matt ryan going to deep to gabriel and he is gone. 76 yards. felons take a 15-13 lead. ryan matthews possessed today 109 yards on the ground, two touchdowns, eagles up 21-15, birds up by nine later. trying to protect this lead. ryan, picks off by leo at his mckelvin, eagles win 24-15. i look at it as 1 and 0 as the second half on the season, that was my message to the team all week. we need to start one and 0. in the second half. >> it's a big game for us as an offense and team to pull off a tight win like this. i'm obviously halfway through the season, to get this win, to
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go in the plus category. it's huge but you know, i think the bit thing we pulled one out in the end, and we haven't done that yet >> you hear carson talking about being in the plus category, win column, five and four, four and zero at home. something happens when they play in front of the home crowd. they're pretty good good undefeated right now. >> brotherly love, i'll tell you. thank you so much. birds fans were fired up as you can imagine after the big game. they had plenty to say about the win. >> writhe matthews showed up. he was gone all year, barely carried the ball. he got three points? hundred yards, two touchdowns today, he came to play and the eagles came to play and that's the w. >> all we got to do is catch the football. catch them. we were catching today. we were making touchdowns. that's all. keep on catching them >> that's all you got to do. can't get easier. the birds face the seahawks next week in seattle. eagles fans are rely malitiaing
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this victory. connect with us and share your nicetown about the birds big win. >> police are investigating a shooting that took place at a bar overnight in pennsauken, inform. it happened about 2:00 this morning in the 1400 block of route 73 north. just outside of the reading gall banquet hall. police tell us two men were shot. both taken to the hospital. no details yet on their condition at this hour. very somber and anniversary in paris one year. french fred attended a memorial ceremony is the concert hall. unveiling a plaque and also laying a wreath. 89 of the victims were killed there while attending a rock concert. remembers were held at other attack sites. in new zealand at least two people were killed in a powerful earthquake three that rock theed the country. it hit new zealand's south
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island. it's epicenter about veep miles northeast of christ church. it happened early sunday after midnight. the quake trigger erred a tsunami about six feet high. officials are warning residents to stay on guard. >> we now know around the country, that the risk has been downgraded to coastal warnings. people to continue to be cautious. >> authorities have not yet declared a national emergency. a humanitarian sets up a refuge camp exhibit in philadelphia. on independence hall where doctors without borders reconstructed the scene of a refuge camp. hundreds of people got a first hand look at what it's like to be a refuge at a war-torn nation. there were several stations set up. including small tents showing exactly where. reassuring news about the safety of a popular a
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