tv CBS Weekend News CBS December 24, 2016 6:30pm-7:01pm EST
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captioning sponsored by cbs the storm before christmas. today ice and rain slow down holiday travelers. a plane carrying an nfl team slides out of bounds. where is the dangerous weather headed next. also tonight security is heightened at america churches following calls for attacks by isis. u.s. troops welcomed home for the holidays find creative ways to celebrate with their loved ones. >> at home, can't wait until you're home. >> and put on an ugly christmas sweater for a good cause. >> we got one for her as well. this is the "cbs weekend news."
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good evening, i'm demarco. i should add merry christmas and happy hanukkah. there are gatherings across the country calling for calls for attacks by isis. specific churches to be targeted is on a pro isis website. pelosi department have been nofd. undawned new yorkers attended services at st. patrick's cathedral. last minute shoppers were out in full force apparently hoping the best deals are for those who wait. several parts of the country, snow, ice and rain are complaftincomplicating holiday . we have more on that. >> this isn't the white christmas many travelers didn't hope for. all of this snow in wisconsin caused the plane carrying the minnesota vikings off the runway last night. no one was hurt. >> snowing, really big flakes. >> people across the northwest and mid west are bracing for more travel headaches. heavy snow and freezing rain are
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expected to slow down some of the estimated 103 million americans taking to the airways, rails and roads this holiday season. >> we are projecting that the busiest times to travel are going to be the first few days before the holiday season and the first few days after. >> about 94 million people will be taking advantage of lower gas prices on their holiday road trips. >> we encourages dryers try to leave early in the morning and if at all possible try to avoid driving through major cities during peak travel times. try to travel on the holidays if you can. >> bad weather was to blame for more than 620 u.s. flat cancellations on friday. according to flight tracking website, flie flight flightawar. this is causing line lines and flight delays at lax. >> i missed my connecting flights so we'll see when i get
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home. >> but for many troubles wouldn't dampen their travel cheers. >> we'll go down to disney world, california. >> here at laguardia airport, lines are moving along and that's the case of majority of airports across the country. demarco as of this afternoon there have been less than a hundred u.s. flight cancellations. >> thank you. keeping track of the holiday storms at cco in minute appear list. -- minneapolis. what's it molly. >> we have a powerful system out west affecting the rockies right now as well as the four corners. that will continue to moo off as that area of low pressure does. we'll see things start to deteriorate. much of the portion of the country rocky's plain states and upper mid west we're now seeing snow develop off to the east northeast. some strong thunderstorm heading
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near christmas day sunday for the plain states specifically around the kansas where we can seesaw veer weather. we do have a blizzards warning for most of north dakota as well as south dakota they could see a split or more so many areas more like 15 mches and the mches andm warnings for portions of minnesota and winter storm warnings can strong storms awe of coursing portions of southern minnesota so that treeing rain will switch over to snow. western portion of the country looking little bit hazardous for travel as well as the upper mid west but the eastern portion not looking too bad. demarco, back to you. >> thank you. president elect donald trump says he's shutting down his charity many foundation to eliminate conflict of interests. mr. donald trump and his aids are looking how to close it down. carrie fisher is in a los angeles hospital tonight after apparently suffering a heart
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attack yesterday aboard a flight from london. today harrison ford sent his best wishes. in his latest book the 60 year old actress revealed she and ford had a crete affair in the 19 7 star wars movie. it's hanukkah. the jewish festival of lights. for the first time since 1978, it begins on christmas eve. honda lashanukkah last eight dah night the candle is lit on the menorah symbolizing the tr triuh of light over dr. pope francis led midnight mass at st. peter's basilica. rings in christmas and celebrates the birth of jesus. in their final holiday messages from the whitehouse today, president obama and first lady michelle obama gave a special shout out to american troops over seas. >> as always, many of our troops are far from home this time of the year. and their families are serving and sacrificing right along with them. >> more than 240,000 u.s.
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service members are deployed in 170 foreign countries this weekend end. have found creative ways to celebrate with their loved ones back home even managing to appear with them in their holiday photos. here are some of their greetings. >> stwea sweetheart just want ty hi, we love you and miss you so much. we hope you're doing well t wish you a merry christmas. >> hi. i just want you to know how i missed you especially with the holidays coming up. i can't wait to see you again in 2017 and of course i want to wish you merry christmas. i love you. bye. >> merry christmas. we both love you and we both
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miss you. thank you for the flowers. bye. stay safe. >> high baby, i love you. i miss you so much. i wish you were home for the holidays but we're sending you our love and strength. come home to me soon. i love you. >> have a good christmas. bye i love you. >> i love you. come home soon. >> i love you bye. >> wishing you a merry christmas, dan boswell. love you and miss you. >> hi. merry christmas. i miss you so much. next christmas will be extra special. can't wait until you're home in may for a break.
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then finally we'll be together. miss you. >> we love you. >> successful military operations require planning, secrecy and precise execution. tim axelrod find out what happens when you add in some holiday magic. lieutenant bo farrell wherea good night became great for his brother mac the starting point guard. grateful to see both safe where matt was in afghanistan. >> i miss you very much. >> but when it turned out bo was actually in south bend, it became a moment these brothers will remember forever. same thing at elementary school in virginia last week.
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jackson rescott had an xbox at the top of his wish list. >> i have a big christmas magic for you. >> but santa had a better idea. marine staff sergeant david rescott deployed over seas the last eight and-a-half months left his son's jo jaw hanging on until he reached for a phone. for the last couple weeks, it's been the season for a battalion of military moms and dads, sons and daughters to pull off the kind of surprise attack. >> you never called me back. >> no one minds being the target of. just this week a couple daughters recording the mannequin challenge at their school in oklahoma had a surprise wait at the end of the line. seeing their dad for the first time in a year.
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specialist christine rainey surprised her ten year old kayla in south carolina and master sergeant john lang shocked his 20 year old daughter a hockey nut who is the first chicago blackhawks game ever. was bitter sweet since her dad wasn't there to share it until he was. another holiday anecdote to all that news that's left us asking what's with the world by showing us what's right. jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. >> nice. now we have the story of a photographer who uses his lens to shine a light on whom -- hum. time magazine nawmed him the ion saw gram photographer of the year. hears michelle hiller. >> joy with contemplation. fathers with sons, people at
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play, people living. the subjects are almost always black and resonate the truth of the man who shoots them. >> i'm called the father, a person who feels on some level this country doesn't really acknowledge the spirit of black communities. >> jamaican-born ruddy a 47 year old father of two began photographing his neighborhoods in brooklyn in 2002. he now shares his images on instagram, the picture is in my head. my task is to get it out. >> this year was different. moved by the deaths of young black men of the streets, he considers himself a journalist on a mission. >> the message is more important. the emotion that is in the image is most important. and it seems to be resonating. after zigzagging across the country he has acquired 263,000
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instagram followers. >> i want to broadcast them so that other people would recognize that strip of my color and i'm your uncle i'm your brother i'm your neighbor. >> the irony roye says only by looking beyond the lens did he see that himself. >> i didn't once go to coal country and tell 9 story of people who are also losing their jobs, people who are also disenfranchised, people who are also hungry, people who don't look like me going through the same struggles i'm going through. >> struggles he intends to california chor in the new year. ruddy roye calls 2016 the year of protest. 2017 he homes will be the year of healing. michelle miller cbs news brooklyn. >> coming up next, steve hartman >> coming up next, steve hartman let's us in on secret of secret santa. >> every year steve hartman
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appointed rounds. tonight steves shows us how it all began. >> merry christmas. >> it's the one story that never gets old. every year we ride with secret santa as he and his eaves hand out hundreds of hundreds of strangers across the country. >> oh my god, this is crazy. >> you've no doubt seen the happy endings. but almost no one knows the humble beginnings. the legend of secret santa can actually be traced back to a single act of kindness in houston, mississippi. it was 1971, a homeless man had wandered into town and he was starving. the stranger stopped here at the dixie diner and ordered the biggest breakfast on the menu. his plan was to sneak out before the bill came. but the owner, a guy named ted horne said what was about to happen. he snuck up behind the guy with a $20 bill in his hand and said i think you may have dropped this. and tha>> that was the end of i.
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>> david and sandra horn are ted's children. he died in 2009 but that one gift keeps giving. >> that one little $20 just look what it did. >> it's difficult to imagine that. >> the money went to man named larry stewart who vowed that day if he ever got rich. he would return the favor in spades. larry eventually became a multiminute air in the first secret santa. his identity revealed only after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2006. which brings us to larry's good friend. >> larry was hospitalized. >> the current secret santa. >> i went up to visit him at light moon light shining in kind of surreal. and i said do you have any regrets. he said yes. i said what is it. he said i just wish i could have helped more people. >> after giving away more than a million dollars to total strangers, larry still melt more
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needed to be done. >> that's when i assume the responsibility. >> over the last decade this new secret santa has run the total to more than $2 million and counting. tomorrow we'll take you on his latest sleigh ride which comes with a twist. the job of giving a green will fall to some deserving estles in blue. until then i'm steve hart man on the road in kansas city, kansas. we'll be right back. >> ugly christmas sweaters.
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they aren't just for people anymore. michelle macaluso shows us how pets are joining the party and helping to support where they come. >> advertis tis the season to md mingle at sweater party and some people can't resist making their pets participates. >> we have our own sweaters so we got one for her as well. >> this fund raiser for the who main rescue alliance gave a chance for people to put their pets in party outfits for a good cause. >> i feel good. >> melissa enjoys dressing up her rescue dog hershey but he's not used to wearing a hat. some pet owners are willing to pay $20 for a photo of fido with santa. >> it's for a good cause. >> gary putt familiar ha familig
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>> finally tonight, a poem nearly 200 years old becomes part of family christmas traditions around the world better known as the night before christmas. here's the reading by our very own charlie rose. >> twals th twation the twas the christmas throughout the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. the stockings were hung by the chimney with care hoping soon st. nicholas would be there. the children were nestled all snug in their beds when visions of sugar plumb plums danced in r head. mama in her cur chief and in in my scalp settled for a long winter's nap. when arose such a clatter, i
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sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. way to the window tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. the moon on the breast of the new fallen snow gave a lust ter of midday to objects below. when what do my wandering eyes did appear but a miniature slay slay -- wha sleigh with a reignr so lively and quick i knew in a moment he must be st. nick. his courses they came and he whistled and shouted and called them by name. now dasher now dancer, perhapser and vixen. on comet, cue identify on dawner and blitzen to the top of the porch and top of the wall dash away, dash away, dash away all as dry leaves before the wild fly when they meet with an
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obstacle mount to the sky. up substitute house top the courses they flew with a sleigh full of toys and st. nicholas too. with a twin cling on the roof the prancing and pawing. turning around down the chimney st. nicholas came with a bound. he was dressed all in if you are from his head to his foot and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. a bag of toys flung on his back he looked like a pedestrian her opening his pack. his eyes had a twin come, his cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry. his mouth was drawn up by a bow and the beard of his chin was as white as the snow. the stuff of a pipe he held tight in his teeth and smoke encircled his head like a wreath.
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he had a brought face and a little round belly that shook when he laugh like a bowl full of jelly. he was chubby and plump and quite jolly old elf and i laughed when i saw him inspite of myself. a wink of his eye and a twist of his head sooner gave me to know i had nothing to dread. he spoke not a word but went straight to his work and filled all the stockings then turned with a jerk. and laying his finger aside his nose and giving a nod up the chimney he rose. he sprang to his sleigh to his teen gave a whistle and away they all flew like the bound of a thistle. i heard him explain he drove out of sight. happy christmas to all and to all a good night. >> that's the cbs weekend news for this saturday. i'm de marco morgan in new york for all of us at cbs
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"e.t.'s" look back at a year of big reunions. >> i look like my younger brother. >> from home improvement to an even fuller house. >> action. >> candace cameron bure gives us season 2 secrets. >> i cried reading the script. ♪ >> plus the cast of happy days back together. eat e behi "e.t." behind the scenes as the stars remember their mentor, gary marshal. >> makes me want to cry right now. >> boy band flashbacks. 98 degrees on their '90s fashion missteps and -- ♪ >> new kids on the block back on tour with paula abdul. >> we're bringing the happy back. >> plus -- ♪ >> jon bon jovi on the
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