tv Eyewitness News CBS January 6, 2017 2:07am-2:38am EST
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>> 9 snow is falling and this say live look at the penndot salt yard in north town beginning to look like a winter wondrerland and in the city light snow arrived and roads have been treated to get slick spots to a minimum. >> and wintry weather moving across the region with more to come in the overnight hours. expect a slow-go to work and school tomorrow.
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>> i'm jessica dean let's goat go to kate bilo.with mor >> the storm is moving west and intensifying as we start to get coastal influence. this was phasing we talked about northern piece of energy connecting with the coastal lo low. you see how this is happening and niling in over portions of delaware right now. this piece continues to move through tonight and intensification of the snowfall within the next 3, 4 hours especially across the philadelphia area and shifting to the shore point through the overnight hours before this clears out overnight. there's still a lot of snow moving through west vir ver and still a few more hours of steady stuff to get through. let's time it out here. around midnight tonight you can see the snow steady around philadelphia and suburbs into south jersey and delaware as well that continues to shift east ward still snowing aex. we see the back edge this by a.m. still snowing at a good
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clip in philadelphia and intensifying down the shore and portions of delaware as well. by 3 a.m. we see winding down of the snow in the city and it's still snowing down the shore and after 5, 6 a.m. that finally begins to move out and we'll see sunshine peek through early friday morning. it will not be actively snowing during the morning commute. but the problem is, the damage may have already been done as we will see some slick spots on area roads coming up i'll show you that next chance for snow as we head into saturday. here's winter weather advisory went into effect 8:00 tonight and continues until 6:00 tomorrow and areas shaded in purple are areas that will see the most snow out of this and it's a small tweak from areas north. you see on the snowfall map coating to two inches and i have included the city in that 1 to 3" range because some spots have seen a good coating to inch out there more yet to come. so watch for a slow go on friday morning and another threat for snow this weekend
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especially for the coast. i'll make that down coming up. >> people are understandably concerned about the road conditions they will encounter or the morning rush. david spunt is at penndot road in norris up to where's there has been a lot of activity day ape night. >> this is home based for penndot vehicles out on the road. a lot have been here the last couple hours. they've been taking off about the last hour or so. the snow started picking up early in the last 0 minute and tonight penndot crews say they will be out as long as they need to be out over the next few hours. >> dump trucks in norristown loaded up thursday night in preparation for the first snowfall of 2017 and it may just be a couple of inches but people are ready for whatever happens. >> i'm prepared you know it's winter we should be expecting it. so, he yeah, no big deal. >> jerry veter lives in montgomery country and made sure he got home perfect the snow starting falling and others took the same advice. officials from the philadelphia
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suburbs to shore salted and brined roads for most of the day. >> we have whatever we need available. >> a coating to" is expected and moving east towards the shore. it's expected to stop before the rush hour drive in the morning. >> it's been warm the last few days and now it will get cold and we'll get snow and we'll get more and we'll be fine. police do a great work keeping the road clear and everything else so we'll be fine. >> about a year ago penndot released realtime track of the snowplows online you can see if they're near you to make sure penndot is taking care of the roads. may not need to for this storm. if you want to there's a lincoln our web site cbs reporting live norristown, montgomery count question, david spunt, cbs, eyewitness news. >> make sure to wake up extra early our team will be on the
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air 4 a.m. with the latest weather and road conditions. they'll also have any school delays or closures. >> a broken water main sends water gushing through homes in north east philadelphia. chopper 3 over the scene on me melbrook road the water department said a 8" gave way and in some cases came in front and gushed out the backdoor sdmrt gas guy told me your water heater is pob will bally definitely gone. it he depends on the furnace how high that gets. i have a freezer in my house underwater. that's got to be ruined i guess. >> residents say they complained about a sinkhole on the street and it's unknown what led to today's break. >> the incidents are startling the search is on for a couple of men exposing themselves to people in south jersey. the indecent exposures are happening medford and eavesha eaveshamham township and hof eversham.
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>> you have multiple reports of similar lude acts taking place in the same general area offer a short amount of time and yet police are looking for two very different suspect. just before 6 p.m. wednesday, wood lake drive, eaveshamham township she reported a small slim man exposing himself. >> investigators agree they say the man at the went owe is likely the same man seen in the rendering wanted for seven other loud and luring crimes over the summer. >> this is a picture from over the summer. >> that's him. >> eerd brandon was one of those victims in july. he and his friend were chased by the suspect and yelled the word kidnapper until the man ran off. >> definitely different guy than on the news earlier. >> there's the twist this incident comes one week after two similar cases of ludeness were reported in eaveshamham and medford township.
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in those police are looking for a different many naked man. >> i'm not even sure what to say. >> described as chubby and excessively hairy this it second suspect was seen walking without clothes on december 21 on huntingdon circle medford and is accused of chasing two teen girls while xlutly nude december 0 in eaveshamham township. in both cases was seen exiting a cherokee style jaep with sticker on left window they're on high alert for -- >> sounds like there's a punp of pervs around here to be honest. >> with k-9 they believe he enter ed on foot and anyone with information on either of the men should contact police. reporting live in eaveshamham, alexandria hof, >> spengler waived his hearing on indecent assault charges
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accused of inappropriately touching a 103-year-old woman in a wayne nursing home. they reported it happened three times on three separate occasions and spengler remains on unsecured bail and his next court date is yet to be auns noed. >> police in burlington are asking for the public's help to hunt down a suspect in a road raim attack. it happened along bromley boulevard burlington township december 14. the man, believed to be in 20s. has distinct braided goatee and >> and police are investigating a kensington neighborhood home invasion around noon. an 87-year-old man answered a knock on the door from four men claiming to be gas workers checking on a gas leak and then they forced their way inside. they got away with cash and cell phones and no one was injured. the family of a mentally
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challenged man that was beaten on live facebook feed is sharing their outrage tonight. four people are facing hate crime charges. it shows the 18-year-old victim bound and gagged crotching in corn he of a rome. the suspects kicked, choked and cut the man. the hate crime charges resulted from both suspects's use of racial slurs and reps to the victim's disability. >> yeah, this should never have happened. we're overwhelmed and surprise surprised. we're happy that certain concerned. >> action news that video are reprehensible. >> police say the four suspect picked the victim up for a mcdonald's and held him for two days and forced him to drink from a toilet there. >> are new developments tonight in bill cosby sexual assault trial and the district attorney says he will not fill the request to get a jury from another county and the da is
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opposed to holding the trial somewhere other than montgomery country. he's charged with assaulting former temple employee andrea con stan. >> today officials testified before the senate armed services committee telling lawmakers there's no doubt russian leadership interfered in the election. and assessment president-elect trump dismissed. and former indiana senator john coats director of national intelligence. >> tickets are hot off the press presenting press officials unveiled them today, 250,000 all which are color coded and use high tech security features. they will be delivered for public distribution next week. >> an update to a story we brought you at 11 tall deing acollege band will march at trump's inauguration despite
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intense debate of whether or not they should. billy hawkins announced that decision in the afternoon and dueling petitions circulated and some encouraged the band to back out. tall deing ais a historic a block college. >> and how the ballet is responding to a claim. how nicole brewer looks at both sides. >> and also, amazing rescue at a western ski resort. a man jumped into action to save his friend. >> new guidelines turning conventional wisdom on its hea head. how they may prevent life-threatening peanut allerg allergys in children. >> and live storm scan 3 shows snowfalling across the region. kate bilo will tell us when the rain arrives
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this is a live look from norristown snow is falling and expected to fall through the night. kate bilo is tracking it and what you can expect tomorrow and through the weekend coming up in a few minutes. >> she performed as sugar plum fairy in the nut cracker this season and a dancer says she was let go because of her high hight. >> nicole brewer joins us with reaction to her claim and ballet response. >> this is interesting. she says it's been stat tour and they say about finding the right fit. either a way there's no dance around the issue of esthetics in the world of ballet. when you think of a preem aballerina. >> lien, >> thin. >> muscular. >> they tend to be tall. >> perhaps not too tall at least according to sarah michelle morosky a principle dancer at the ballet who says her contract was not renewed because of her hight. >> she was cast as the sugar
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plum fairy and the company was quick to respond saying "building world class ballet company is similar to building a world class sports team. there's excellent athletes whose careers are better fulfilled at one team than another but there's better officials that willful fill it. >> it is a business. they have to do what they have to do. >> you have to think of the overall makeup of your company. >> kate richter professioner says her stat tour may have made it difficult to find suitable male partners. >> with ballet there's esthetic of certain hight, weight, skin coloren fortunately to to this day. >> dancers have faced the -- khaipsed the face of ballet but white women of a certain size
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in white tutus remain. >> if you don't fit that vision there won't awb place for you in the company. >> a sense of uniformity says needs to change. >> you see change in runways and you should have it in the dancing world. >> it needs to grow. >> and now richter says arctictis director now in third year is trying to elevate the program and were likely many factors that went into the decision perhaps even financial ones. >> hm, love the voice of the people there telling it like it is. >> yes. >> thanks. >> on cbs healthwatch dramatic shift they say could reduce peanut allergies in the norm west. most national guidelines should start eating foods that contain peanuts as an infant. and this new advice came after research found early introduction to high risk babies prevented more than 0% from developing peanut
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allergies >> dramatic moments in colorado as a skier dangles from a lift. >> the man's backtrack strap got caught around his neck cutting off circulation. a friend of the man climbed up the pole, across the lines and on to the chair lift. they' ed him a knife which he used to cut the skier loose. >> he fell, 10, 11 feet into the powder and the patrol immediately jumped on him. all eight of them. cpr. reresuscitation and he started breathing again. >> man is out of the hospital tonight and managed to walk away with broken ribs and sore neck. his ordeal comes just a day after we saw a young boy's backpack get stuck on chair nrivt utah. >> kate joins us as the snowfalls outside. >> it's looking look a winter wonderland. >> it looks delightful.
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>> it's nice to see it. it's been first significant snow we've had this season and it looks nice out there. not so nice if you have to drive in it. i heard from witnesser and facebook saying the roads are faring well out there for now and as you head to the overnight hours it gets cold erin snow sticks and there could be slick spots into the morning commute. let's go ahead and take a look at what is happening outside and this is the roof cam focused on the parking lot there and cars are covered and what i want to you notice in the parking lot at least is that the actual road surface is not covered. it had been treated and so any treated surface will fare a quhol lot better and slippery spots out there mainly collecting now on untreated surfaces and grassy surfaces and sky deck is covered and can see the road that. sidewalks witness and we have a couple hours to go before the steady stuff starts to wiped down. .ookin looking winter like outside for sure definitely not as bad as
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it can be on the roads. >> you see the dark purple shading west and that's what's going to be swipinging through here within the next couple hours and as we widen out again that coastal piece of energy starting to takeover here. we'll see that transfer and the snow will intensify along the immediate coastline during the over hours. heaviest is into the northeast along the 95 corridor and slow downs even with reduced visibility ft. roads are fai fairing well traveling in the falling snow, cold enough to accumulate. below feesing everywhere. upper 0s, low 0s. light, fluffy snow perfect snowflakes out there it's looking nice. if you're out and about overnight moderate snowfall rates will slow you down out there and slick travel for friday morning each on the front walkway shovel it and brush the snow off the car and leave plenty of time tomorrow morning to get where you need to go.
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i've about told about delays. it's a kiv call. it depends on the decision in the morning. could be a delay for some and most will have school on friday for sure. >> watch for icy spots friday afternoon as we refreeze as the kun goes down overnight tonight steady ntion by a.m. and 4 a.m. you see the system switching off the coast. you focus to the next system and this is forecasting headache. first one pretty straightforward behaving as we said at the would and this is close call. it's moving off the coast and i talk about the edge of the form does it move far enough inland on saturday to produce big snow for the coast and one model has snow making it to the city and others teen it offshore. we'll know home when we get the first system out of the way and one to watch especially at the coast where some spots down the shore if the western track verifies could see over he 4, 5 hi" of know. we already have a winter storm
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wax for atlantic city, cape may count question and these areas will heat or 2 out of the stem and possibly more tomorrow. we'll have the latest information and that storm has not formed yet we have to see how it be haivtz. >> arctic blast will follow whether we debt to the sim or not. sundays worse, blustery with single digit wind chills and i know saturday feels like teens all day long here we go 6 a.m., heights of the afternoon you woyk up sundays morning to dangerous wind chills in the single digits. so, winter has returned. cloudy with light snow overnight. snow ends, gradual kleeling tomorrow eye 4 and weekend is bitterly road along the coast. that's something we keep a close eye on. surprised and monday barely cold and it does respoupd by the end of next week we may be
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[ goat bleat ] by peggy lee playing ] [ it'y [ crow caws, music continues ] this is gonna be awesome! when it comes to buying a house... trulia knows the house is only half of it. and with 34 map overlays like playgrounds, demographics, schools, and more... you can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. trulia. the house is only half of it.
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>> question s. will we have a all star. >> that's a good good question do you want to help joel embib get a date they go hand-in-hand crazy this social media thing. friday sixers travel to boston and hope to do so with joel embib. he has symptom issued, he is quickly becoming a household name and super stardom is around the corner s that enough to get what he wants. embib is doing well in the first all star voting return placing one responsible out of the starting front court and also taken to social media in
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effort to get attention of rhianna who he calls his crush. pretty brown says if that pushes him to be a better player go for it. >> if it does it's another reason for me to try to help promote him. >> i had a different agenda. if that's side benefit for joel i can see that. he's got good taste. >> former sixer kyle korver hit the jackpot the 5 a-year-old three point special sliingt on way from atlanta to cleveland cavaliers. he spent four seasons in philadelphia and eighth in nba history and three pointers mad made. look out lebron and company. >> drexel hosting unc wilmington. drexel dragon getting dancing and team was flat all night. denzel ingram had 22 point. six threes on the evening and ingram gets into sharing mood. he had 22 and 114 rebounds and
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unc rolls 90-27. >> after missing more than 15 months with injuries tiger woods is ready for a come back. 41-year-old will be in his year at torey pines january 26 and he is 652nd ranked player until the world and according to "forbes" more people are betting on woods to win april's masters than any other golfer. >> let's go to hawaii. >> ah. >> no seriously let's go. >> tournament of champions. we show you this because it makes us jealous, lovely. >> to the fifth hole we go jimmy walker having a great round today. he'll drop this long punt for eagle. good form. >> oh, man put your golf voice on good form, good form. >> long eagle. >> look at that. >> under par. >> this is like our cbs3 screen reader and we have hig highlists with sharks, and whales.
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>> the social services organization concidio hosted three king's day celebration. >> eyewitness news was on hand for festivities tonight three kipdz and philly phanatic were on hand to district goyvrt children the latino holiday is after the wise mann cording to the bible went across the dessert to present jesus with symbolic gifts. kate. >> we head into the weekend and threat for accumulating snow generally out of the city forecast but down the shore another system moving off the coast could brush the shoreline with accumulating snow. several inches possible in
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