tv CBS This Morning CBS March 20, 2017 7:00am-8:58am EDT
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>> ♪ >> ♪ ♪ good morning. it is monday, march 20th, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." fbi director james comey testifies this morning on russia's influence in the election. he'll also face questions about president trump's wiretap allegations. we'll talk to the top democrat on the house intelligence committee, congressman adam schiff. a former teacher is accused of kidnapping a student. the urgent search for them across the united states. plus gayle gets a rare interview with comedian dave chappelle. only on "cbs this morning" why he felt trapped by the success of his show and walked away from millions. but we begin with a look at today's "eye opener," your world
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in 90 seconds. >> have you seen any evidence of any collusion between trump world and the russians? >> i'll give you a very simple answer. no. >> the heads of the fbi and nsa prepare to testify before congress. >> there is circumstantial evidence of collusion. there is direct evidence, i think, of deception. and that's where we begin the investigation. >> president trump criticized north korean leader, kim jong-un, after the country tested a new rocket. >> we're speculating that the fire has some sort of human cause. >> people in colorado evacuated because of a wildfire just outside of boulder. >> the smoke was everywhere and very strong. >> it's american rock 'n' roll that turned us all on. >> the world honoring the revolution life of chuck berry. ♪ >> on the senate side of the capitol this morning,
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confirmation hearings begin for president trump's supreme court pick, judge neil gorsuch. >> in florida, a man using a bat to smash the window of a burning car and reach the driver, unconscious inside. >> all that -- >> this incredible fall captured on the skier's helmet cam. he was able to walk away from it. >> here comes zach johnson with the shot of the day. >> the chicken dance. >> and all that matters. >> and that's it! the baylor bears are going to the sweet 16! >> last time we went to the sweet 16 we had craig sager and we did a tribute for him so we're going to do the same thing for you. >> on "cbs this morning." >> the south carolina gamecocks for the first time in program history are headed to the sweet 16. >> to all you fans from villanova and duke who want to stay at my house during the final four -- [ laughing ] it ain't over.
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>> that was a bit sinister in my book. >> this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." norah o'donnell is off. we're pleased to have alex wagner with us. >> is there anything you want to say to charles barkley? we did not appreciate that. >> i thought i would do it later. but it's a very painful morning for me. >> i'm sorry, charlie. >> he was laughing a little too hard. >> i think so. >> yeah. >> all right. we're beginning a very, very significant week in washington that may help define the early stages of donald trump's presidency. we will see big developments involving the supreme court, health care and the nation's intelligence. two of the country's highest ranking intel officials could shed light on the extent of russia's involvement in the presidential election. fbi director james comey and the
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director of the national security agency, mike rogers, will be questioned by members of the house intelligence committee. >> james comey is expected to address president trump's claim that he was wiretapped during the campaign by president obama. he's also likely to be asked about possible criminal investigations into people close to the president over ties to russia. jeff is outside the capitol with this much-anticipated hearing. jeff, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. for two weeks now fbi director james comey has been urging the justice department to publicly reject the president's wiretapping claim. since that hasn't happened this morning, comey will do it himself early on in this hearing. fbi director james comey will face tough questions from both problems and democrats on the fbi investigation into russian interference in the campaign. >> wiretap covers a lot of different things. i think you're going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks.
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>> comey will be asked whether there is any evidence trump tower was wiretapped by the obama administration as originally alleged by president trump in a series of tweets. but on sunday, the chairman of the house intelligence committee, republican devin nunes says the evidence he's seen suggests otherwise. >> was there a physical wiretap of trump tower? >> no. there never was. >> reporter: the administration is also not backing down after it recently cited an unsubstantiated report claiming british intelligence may have helped president obama tap trump tower. over the weekend, a former british ambassador to the united states accused the administration of peddling falsehoods. >> it never hurts to say you're sorry. >> reporter: republican congressman will hurd suggested mr. trump apologize for the accusations. >> and it's not just sorry to the president, but also to the uk for the claims
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inmiation that the uk was involved as well. >> reporter: there will be limits to what director comey can reveal today. typically the fbi does not comment on ongoing investigations. the last time comey broke with protocol during the clinton e-mail server investigation, he was accused of playing politics. charlie. minutes ago president trump tweeted former director of national intelligence james clapper and others stated that there is no evidence potus colluded with russia. this story is fake news and everyone knows it, close quote. california congressman adam schiff is the ranking democrat on the house intelligence committee. he is with us from washington for his only interview before the committee hearing. congressman, good morning. >> good morning to you, charlie. >> it's good to have you here. you said yesterday that there was circumstantial evidence of collusion. what's the circumstantial evidence? >> well, some of it i can't go into, but some of it will be discussed at the hearing today and we'll see just how much
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director comey is willing to discuss. i was surprised to see director clapper make that kind of categorical statement because that's not consistent with what i've reviewed. i also think in addition to that circumstantial evidence there's very direct evidence of deception and probably the very best public example i can give you for that is when michael flynn lied about his conversation with the russian ambassador. this wasn't just any conversation, this was a conversation he had about the russian response to sanctions that were imposed on russia by president obama over what? over their interference in the campaign to help donald trump. so the question, of course, is why was he deceptive about this? why would he lie about that conversation? why was it necessary to fire him? these are some of the issues that we need to look into. >> is it also relevant that the real story that congress and all others should be looking into is the leaking of classified information. must find leaker now. >> you know, leaks are certainly anni issue and they have been a
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issue for this president and other presidents in the past. but i think that's for the president a convenient way to say don't look at the underlying problem here, let's just look at one of the effects that has come to light, the leaking problem. i think that's a bit of a dodge. you know, leaks are always an issue. but the real problem here is you had a foreign adversarial power intervene in our election, a very close election, and what our intelligence community tells us is they're going to do it again. if we're going to protect the country, we need to know exactly what the russians did, how they did it, how to protect ourselves, how to protect our european allies who are facing elections right now that the russians are interfering in. that's a far bigger issue than the issue of leaks. >> congressman, do you expect a definitive answer from mr. comey today that everyone else has shut down but mr. trump that president obama did not wiretap president trump? >> i do. i think there's every reason to
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expect that's what the director is going to say. i think that's accurate. certainly that puts the director in an awkward position of criticizing the president, but it's time to put this to rest. there is absolutely no evidence to support the president's baseless accusations against his predecesso predecessor. the longer this goes on, the more damage that is done. now this wrecking ball has bashed into our british allies, our german allies and it's time that we put this to rest. >> congressman, some of your democratic colleagues would like to see a subpoena of the president's tax returns as part of this investigation. do you expect that that will happen? >> it's possible. i think we need to lay the framework and the groundwork and establish the evidence that the russians used financial entanglement as a way of exerting their influence over business people, over political leaders. if the evidence leads in that direction, then i think there's a good case to be made that we need the tax returns to either corroborate or disprove what the
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russians may have been doing in terms of trying to financially entangle the trump organization. but i don't think we're there yet. >> congressman adam schiff, big day today. thanks for your time. >> you bet. thank you. the house is expected to vote this week on the bill to repeal and replace obamacare. a new cbs news poll shows just 12% of americans support the republican health care bill in the house. 41% oppose it. the white house is considering new trade-offs for conservative republicans in the house to ensure the bill's passage, but the changes may reduce its chances in the senate. major garrett is at the white house. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this white house knows time is running out on health care reform and even president trump's strongest republican supporters in congress say big ideas to come. tax reform, infrastructure spending, the border wall, all depend on health care and this president's ability to cut a deal. with his health care bill and much of his domestic agenda hanging in the balance this week, president trump said failure was not an option.
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>> we're going to get something done. i think it's going to be terrific. and it's going to be so much better than obamacare. >> reporter: a house vote looms thursday, prompting house speaker paul ryan to seek votes among undecided moderate republicans by retooling the bill to make it more affordable to those heading towards retirement. >> we believe we should have even more assistance for that person in their 50s and 60s because they experience higher health care costs. >> reporter: the congressional budget office estimated under the gop plan a 64-year-old with an income of $26,500 would pay $14,600 in yearly out of pocket costs. that's compared to just $1,700 under obamacare. every republican vote is critical, as no democrats are expected to back mr. trump's first big initiative. house minority leader, nancy pelosi. >> what they have put forth is a terrible bill. 24 million people kicked off of health insurance, which the speaker calls an act of mercy.
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an act of mercy. >> reporter: house passage is only one challenge. skeptical senate republicans like ted cruz of texas said the current legislation is dead on arrival. cruz spent saturday at the president's mar-a-lago club working on potential fixes. >> the current house bill as drafted i do not believe it will pass the senate. it doesn't fix the problem. >> reporter: tonight president trump will hold a rally in kentucky to whip up support for the house bill to repeal and replace obamacare and the republican divisions are quite visible there. mitch mcconnell embraced that plan today in an op-ed while kentucky's other republican senator, rand paul, called it obamacare-lite and therefore worthy of defeat. >> thank you very much, major. senate confirmation hearings begin this morning for president trump's supreme court nominee, neil gorsuch, will appear before the senate judiciary committee. he is currently a denver-based federal appeals court judge.
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he is nominated to fill the seat vacated a year ago when justice scalia died. jan crawford is live where the hearing will take place. >> reporter: senators will put judge gorsuch to the test. he'll give his opening statement here later today but only after hearing from every member of the senate judiciary committee. now, there's no question that he's qualified. the question is whether democrats will say he's too extreme and move to block his nomination. his confirmation won't change the balance of the court. he would be replacing a conservative. but democrats and liberal groups argue that this is not his seat to have and they are still very angry that republicans blocked president obama's nominee for the seat, judge merrick garland. so democrats are going to want to know where gorsuch stands on a wide range of social issues. they say if he is shown to be out of the mainstream, they will use every tool available to
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oppose him. now, to get confirmed, gorsuch will need 60 votes, which means eight democrats will have to vote for him. if that doesn't happen, senator majority leader mitch mcconnell will try to persuade republicans to invoke the nuclear option and end the filibuster which means gorsuch could be confirmed with a simple majority. north korea's new long range rocket engine test is raising new concern this morning. leader kim jong-un oversaw the test firing yesterday and celebrated with military leaders. president trump commented yesterday aboard air force one. >> north korea's acting very, very badly. he is acting very badly. >> the test came as secretary of state rex tillerson wrapped up his trip to asia. he said the strategic patience approach to asia has failed. he met yesterday with xi jinping and spoke optimistically about conversations between president xi and president trump. >> there were very good
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exchanges to improve the understanding of china's view of the relationship with the united states and president trump's view as well. and he looks forward to enhancing that understanding and the opportunity for a visit in the future. >> mr. trump will reportedly host the chinese president in florida next month. firefighters are working to contain a wildfire this morning near boulder, colorado. more than 400 homes were evacuated as the fire burned 60 acres of land. people in more than 800 other homes were told to be ready to evacuate. crews dropped water and chemicals on the flames from aircraft yesterday to try to control this fire. officials believe that people may have started the fire because it began in an area that is used by hikers. it is around 50% contained. no one has been hurt. music fans around the world are paying tribute to chuck berry, a man many consider to be the father of rock 'n' roll. ♪ early in the morning
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♪ i'm giving you a warning >> the prolific singer and songwriter inspired many musicians. he died at the age of 90 after he was found unresponsive in his home in st. louis. we look back at his legendary career. vlad, good morning. >> good morning. you can tell chuck berry's impact by the heart-felt words of fellow musicians. bruce springsteen called his death a tremendous loss of a giant for the ages. keith richards said one of my big lights has gone out. and mick jagger summed it up by saying your music is engraved inside us forever. ♪ chuck berry wrote some of rock's most memorable guitar riffs and did it with a lyrical style embodied the joy and rebellion at the heart of rock 'n' roll. his style blended r & b and
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country. it was his hit in 1955 that thrust the st. louis native into the national spotlight. ♪ he wrote classic after classic. ♪ riding along in my automobile ♪ ♪ my baby's beside me at the wheel ♪ >> he understood what american teenagers were thinking, what they needed. >> taylor hackberg directed the documentary "hail hail rock 'n' roll." >> there was no one that wrote songs bike chuck berry. those songs live forever. >> his onstage swagger helped propel him to stardom. in 1972, berry told charles osgood how he developed his signature strut known as the duck walk. >> i slipped and fell, but i rolled over and put it in the act and got back up. ever since then, i got such a big ovation that i kept doing it. >> but his reign as rock royalty was not without controversy, including several run-ins with the law and some time behind
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bars. the berry he knew was complex. >> chuck was in equal parts charming and brilliant and impossible. >> berry's influence can be heard in bands as diverse as the beach boys. ♪ then everybody be surfin' ♪ >> the beatles. ♪ and the rolling stones keith richards. >> he is the poet of rock 'n' roll. ♪ >> chuck berry was preparing to release his first album in nearly four decades simply called "chuck." it was scheduled for release later this year and would consist mostly of new compositions. no word whether the release schedule will change in the wake
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of his death. it's funny, we talked about all these contemporary artists saying how great chuck berry was, but there's a famous jam session of elvis presley, carl perkins, jerry lee lewis and elvis and they're all sitting in a jam studio and talking about how great chuck berry was. johnny cash is the last one. >> how did you hear this? >> it's called the million dollar quartet, there's a recording of it. these guys in 1955 jamming in sun records and they do "brown-eyed handsome man." >> not bad for a former hair dresser, huh? what a life he had. vlad, thanks for that. famed physicist stephen hawking made a dramatic announcement this morning. ahead, how he plans to
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back in the spotlight after stepping away from this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news." good morning, i'm rahel solomon. teenage suspect in custody accused of as all the ago police officer. police say the 17 year old, nearby convenience store, allegedly struggled with the officer and did get away, but caught hiding nearby. the officer is not seriously injured. >> katie the first day of spring, going to feel like it soon? >> absolutely. today will end up being pretty typical day for march 20th, standards anyway, rahel, did officially mark the equinox early this morning, so just about an hour ago, we made it official, put the time stamp on the beginning of spring. beautiful sunrise. here at cape may courthouse, you will find the sunshine across the board all day today. happy spring to you. in the the ups and downs,
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little taste of february come wednesday. we rebounds pretty quickly with couple every front moving through. see that thermometer swing going on here, but chance every rain along the which with that. >> nice to see that sunshine, katie, but with that we are getting some slow downs. use the sunglasses, exit pulled off to the right shoulder, 95 northbound, route 320, also very busy around there. plus, another accident, downed traffic signal, earlier 130 at cooper street. left lane blocked north and both southbound directions. >> thank you, next update 7:55, up next on cbs this morning, more on the manhunt for teacher accused of kidnapping a high school freshman. make it a good
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morning news shows celebrating st. patrick's day literally the only way they know how. >> top o the morning to you. we're live and a great friday morning st. paddy's day to you. >> top of the morning. >> top of the morning to you. >> top of the morning to you. >> top of the morning there. >> top of the morning to you, wendy. >> top of the morning to you, bill. >> top of the morning to you. >> top of the morning to you lad and lasses. >> top of the morning to you. >> top of the morning to you, laddies. >> officers determined the victim was shot on denver avenue. officers located blood on the car and weapons. we will bring you more information as it becomes available. >> well, top of the morning to you. >> oh, gosh.
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always so bad when they put it like that. but that day i remember thinking whatever we do, please let's not say top of the morning. never came out of your mouth that day. >> you left your leprechaun hat at home and we thank you for that, charlie. >> we did wear green, alex. what were you going to say? >> i didn't say top of the morning. >> i'm not going to say that. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." we are covering a very busy week ahead on capitol hill with pivotal moments in several big stories. here's what we'll be watching for today. fbi director james comey will testify this morning on russia's influence in the presidential election, and president trump's wiretap allegations. also this morning supreme court nominee neil gorsuch begins his senate confirmation hearings. and later this week, the house is expected to vote on the republican plan to replace obamacare. >> here's a look at some other big stories making headlines around the globe. the milwaukee journal sentinel says there has been a sharp increase in complaints about the
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adverse side effects of drugs. in 2015 more than a million reports were filed with the food and drug administration. that is an increase of 477% in 12 years. reporting by patients and doctors is voluntary. experts say this surge likely indicates a growing number of harmed patients and more vigilant reporting. "the san francisco chronicle" reports the president of the ride-hailing company, uber, has resigned. jeff jones was hired six months ago. uber was hit by several controversies, including video of the ceo. in a statement jones said this, the beliefs and approach to leadership that have guided my career are inconsistent with what i saw and experienced at uber. "the times" of london says steven hawkins has a ticket to ride into place. he revealed his plans this morning in a television interview. >> i thought no one would take me, but richard branson has
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offered me a seat on virgin galactic and i said yes immediately. >> the 75-year-old hawkin has spent a lifetime unraveling the mysteries of the universe. police are searching this morning for a former teacher accused of convincing a teenage student to run away with him. investigators in tennessee believe that tad cummins kidnapped 15-year-old elizabeth thomas. he was fired from his teaching job last week over alleged inappropriate behavior with this teenager. he faces charges of sexual contact with a minor and aggravated kidnapping. on the day elizabeth disappeared, both wrote cryptic messages on instagram. she posted a quote about beauty and the beast. cummins wrote let's do this. omarvil villafraca has more. >> reporter: she was last seen wearing black leggings and a flannel shirt, but now
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investigators have no idea where thomas or her suspected kidnapper, tad cummins, are. part of the reason, both of their cell phones have been turned off. >> it's devastating. >> reporter: james thomas has this message for the man suspected of taking his younger sister, 15-year-old elizabeth thomas. >> even if he doesn't go with her, if he could leave her somewhere safe and let the police know where she is so we can have her. if he can just drop her off in a public place, say hey, here she is. >> reporter: a friend dropped thomas off the morning of march 13th. eight hours later, information obtained by the tennessee bureau of investigation placed the teenager about 70 miles away in decatur, alabama. surveillance video appears to show suspect tad cummins putting gas in his silver nissan before allegedly meeting up with thomas on the morning she disappeared. >> we honestly have no idea where these two individuals are right now. >> reporter: despite amber alerts in tennessee and alabama,
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josh devine with the tennessee bureau of investigation says the agency isn't getting the influx of tips they need. >> either they're off the grid, so they're outside the view of the general public, or they're outside our original concentration area here in the southeast. >> reporter: 50-year-old cummins worked at the central tennessee high school where thomas is a freshman. in a letter to the murray county school district, thomas family attorney jason wattly claimed another student saw cummins kissing thomas in january. the school district said they suspended him when they were notified of the allegations, but the school waited more than a week to take action. >> any suggestion that he was suspended immediately when these allegations came out is just false. >> my heart breaks for the family of beth thomas. >> reporter: over the weekend, cummins' wife begged him to come home. >> this is not who you are. we can help you get through this. >> what is it going to take in your mind to get any sort of clue? >> it takes one person who might
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be driving down a road and sees that tennessee license plate and they call 911. that breaks this thing wide open. >> it's been a week out. are you still optimistic? >> you have to be optimistic. the mission of our agency is to find him, make sure he's in custody and bring her home. >> reporter: the tennessee bureau of investigation says cummins, who has no criminal record in tennessee, is armed with two handguns. they also believe he has been planning this by some time by watching survivalist shows. >> thanks a lot, omar. let's hope it doesn't go on too much longer. it's a horrible story. we turn now to a new york legend, pulitzer prize-winning columnist jimmy breslin is being remembered. the front page of today's "daily news" says he gave voice to the city's powerless. he died yesterday at age 88 from complications from pneumonia. he wrote more than 20 books and ran for public office in 1969.
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breslin shared his secrets to writing with me in 1992. >> i would say if you're going to write, the first thing you should do is to use a pen and paper. the closer the hand is to the words, the better it is. now, second would be a typewriter. everything after that gets you into varying degrees of trouble leading up to the worst of all, which is the computer, word processor, whatever you call it. they get on these computer terminals and see one thing in front of them, that screen. and the hands are so fast, they can move it so well and everything happens, and nothing happens. >> there he is. this is what it said in the "daily news." he was the biggest, the baddest, the brashest, the best columnist in new york city. if the city doesn't have a jimmy breslin, they need one. >> he covered them all. >> i remember the day he got the pulitzer prize. >> wow. would you reveal all of your
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dna secrets to your boss for a 30% discount in health care costs? something to think about ahead. depends on what the secret is. ahead why some employees might have to pay more for their privacy and graphic new images illuminate the fast-growing refugee crisis in south sudan. they were captured by scott pelley. he will be here to share what he learned about the famine affecting millions of people. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during
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concern is growing over a bill that would let companies request genetic testing and effectively charge employees more for health insurance if they refuse. the bill aims to clarify rules for workplace wellness programs. employers would be able to offer discounts of up to 30% to those who participate. for the average family of four, that could be a difference of more than $1500 a year. tony is here with why some are calling this a penalty for privacy. good morning. >> good morning. your genetic profile can reveal whether you have a disease or predisposition to problems like
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cancer. critics of this new bill say there's no telling how companies could use that information in the future, so to them it's a choice between losing privacy or losing what could be thousands of dollars in savings. >> so this is my grandmother. >> and she had it? >> she had it, yes. >> most of the time jocelyn doesn't mind discussing the genetic illness that runs through her family attacking the vein in the liver. >> my grandmother passed it to two sons and watch two sons die of this gene. >> but she wouldn't want a boss to know the details of her family tree. >> how do you think you wolf if an employer said we want to see your genetic tests or we'll charge you 30% more for your health insurance? >> i think it would feel like a penalty. >> but what she calls a penalty, north carolina congresswoman virginia foxx sees as motivation. she introduced a bill that would allow companies to offer insurance discounts to workers who undergo genetic testing as part of a workplace wellness program. >> if they don't participate in the wellness program, their
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premium will be the same as everyone else. >> with the exception of the people who participate in the program. >> well, it's an incentive to participate in the program. >> it's hard to imagine a good reason for wanting this information. >> nancy cox is president of the american society of human genetics. in a letter to congress, her organization and dozens of others said the bill would impose draconian penalties on employees. federal law bans companies from using genetic information to hire, fire or discriminate, but critics say a simple blood or saliva test could eventually reveal so much about a person's health and abilities that the urge to peek might be irr irresistib irresistible. >> there are possibilities for nis using this information that make it very important for this information to be private. >> were you surprised when you saw the opposition to this bill? >> we are totally surprised. >> representative foxx points to the benefits of companies engaging in workers' health.
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>> it will save people money and also help them achieve a better quality of life. >> most large companies offer wellness programs, which are supposed to encourage healthy living, preventing disease and lower health costs, but jocelyn linder doesn't think she'll ever join one if it meant handing over her genetic information. >> i think all of us deserve our privacy and i think all of us deserve health care. >> the kaiser family foundation reports there's little evidence so far that wellness programs actually improve workers' health. this bill passed a committee in the house and congresswoman foxx is optimistic about its chances of becoming law but the opposition is mounting. >> and you can sense the question is just beginning to be discussed. >> the ability to look inside our bodies and tell something about the future is far outpacing our ability to decide how to regulate that. >> thank you, tony. ahead how washington close can affect -- only on "cbs this
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searching for answers may feel overwhelming. at cancer treatment centers of america. the evolution of cancer care is here. tens of millions of dollars on the table when he walked awa po show. a lot of people wondered what t? that's the quote. >> thinking. >> chappelle said he had sod up for his integrity as an artist. the spotlight helped him avoid getting caught in a trap. >> it's so much bigger than souch bigger than money. >> it was bigger than these na shows one time and they were bu
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finds water when it's scarce. and they d trap. i didn't know this. baon >> so they put a lump of salt in for the baboon. the baboon hand in the hole, grabs the salt. thal bigger and he's trapped, he can't get his hand out. all he does is wt go of the salt. et to let go of the salt. so the bushman co baon, gives him all the salt he wants. the baboon gets thirsty. the rts to is water. the bushman follows himo their i was smart enough to let go a gr? >> i ndow very, very smart. >> who knew that about to. >> dave chappelle has much more
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to say about his life and his career. we went with him to his hometow. coming up in our next half hour, how it gives him time t makes h better comic. better comic. you're watching t you'dreamt about it, it, maybe you should just helped over a million people just like you start their own businesses.galz. spring is on. just like you start their own businesses.galz. and it's time to get growing. so while you're doing your thing, we'll do what we do best. to get you ready to live life outside. as america's #1 professional lawn care company, trugreen can tailor a plan that turns your ordinary lawn into an extraordinary one. that will thrive and stay healthy throughout the year.
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>> live from the doctor. bs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news." >> good morning, everyone, i'm jim donovan. more than zero seven restaurants are involved in philadelphia's fourth annual wine week they say the celebrations sees orthopedics wine lovers and novices alike with tastings throughout the city. the philadelphia region is home to more than 20 vineyard and wineries, to get more information visit philly wine we send it right over to katie for a look at today's forecast. >> looking at very nice day for the first day of spring, many of us have been toning down the days and hours and now we made it, and we're into the season here with the equinox happening earlier in the morning. next system moves in as minor event. you see the rain right now over indianna, ohio, the bulk will bypass us to the south.
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couple of scattered showers, but generally clouds tomorrow, then arctic blast, sends us back to the 40's for couple of days, before we quickly rebounds, meisha? >> katie, thank you so much. take a look at the sun glare, what you are driving into moving in the eastbound direction, so pack the sunglasses also there is an accident here 309 south past quaker mill road. pulled off to the left lane. but just watch out for that, very slow around there, plus disable tractor-trailer 95 southbound, one lane blocked there. over to you, jim. >> thank you, meisha. next update 8:25, coming up on cbs this morning, scott pelle shares more of the report on the famine in south sued ann, i'm jim donovan. make it a great day.
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♪ it is monday, march 20th, 2017.% welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead, including more of our rare interview with comedian dave chappelle. he opens up about what to expect from his highly anticipated netflix special. plus whether he misses the chappelle show. there will be limits to what comey can reveal. typically the fbi does not comment on ongoing investigations. >> the president has said in a tweet the real story that congress, the fbi and all others should be looking into is the leaking of classified information. >> i think that's for the president a convenient way to say don't look at the underlying problem here. >> even republican supporters in
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congress say big ideas to come, tax reform, infrastructure spending, the border wall all depend on health care and this president's ability to cut a deal. senators are going to be putting judge gorsuch to the test. there's no question that he's qualified. the question is whether democrats will say he's too extreme and move to block his nomination. >> firefighters are working to contain a wildfire this morning near boulder, colorado. more than 400 homes were evacuated. >> you can tell chuck berry's impact by the heartfelt words shared my fellow musicians. bruce springsteen called his death a tremendous loss of a giant for the ages. >> shania ray on the break. she hits the trail and it's a quick bucket for west virginia. oh my goodness! are you kidding me? that was almost a full court shot! i'm charlie rose with gayle king and alex wagner.
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norah is off. we expect major developments this week on some of the biggest stories in washington, including the supreme court, health care and the nation's intelligence. this morning fbi director james comey and the director of the national security agency, mike rogers, will testify on capitol hill. comey could reveal what the fbi has learned about russian interference in the presidential election. the fbi director is also expected to be asked about president trump's unproven claim that former president obama had him wiretapped. the president tweeted this this morning. the real story that congress, the fbi and all others should be looking into is the leaking of classified information. must find leaker now. california congressman adam schiff, the ranking democrat on the house intelligence committee, told us this morning that leaks are always an issue. >> the real problem here is that you had a foreign adversarial power intervene in our election, a very close election, and what our intelligence community tells us is they're going to do it
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again. and if we're going to protect the country, we need to knowrus how they did it, how to protect ours. >> he also said there is no evidence to support the president's wiretapping claim. south sudan is the world's youngest country, established less than six years ago. it's also one of the planet's least developed countries. violence has displaced more than two million people since 2013, leading to famine. "60 minutes" last night, scott pelley traveled to the east african country and witnessed humanitarians trying to help 5 million south sudanese people. >> what you see here is half of one plane load. each plane load will feed 1600 people for 30 days. now, that seems like a lot, exempt the town of mayom has 50,000 people who need food, so it's going to take 27 air drops. the south sudan emergency
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response costs $1.5 million a day. >> we watched that crowd yesterday wait all day for those air drops. >> right. >> and at the end of the day, some of those people left with nothing. >> i had to personally reassure several people, don't worry, more food is coming, the planes will keep coming. >> owewomn davies and brian are from new york, they arrive weeks before the air drop. they gather every member of every family to register for a ration card. >> we have to have everybody show up so we know that the food isn't being misdirected or misused. >> what do you mean by that? >> we might have a situation where if you dropped, you know, 100 metric tons of food, you don't know how it's being distributed. it might be distributed to their friends. it might get diverted to another community entirely. they might start charging for it. so the goal is to reduce that by putting it in the hands of every
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individual household. >> the ration card is supposed to be a guarantee which prevents panic at the drop zone. but after we left, the fighting erupted again. the air drops stopped and 7,000 left with little or nothing. >> scott pelley joins us at the table. i watched your piece last night and everywhere you looked, it seemed to be one painful story after another. is there anything that you can say struck you most about the devastation you saw? >> oh, gayle, the isolation of these people for two reasons, because of the civil war that they're suffering under, and also the isolation that was created by the mud, the swamp. hundreds of years ago the arabs named this swamp the sud, which in arabic means the barrier. and about half the population of south sudan is stuck in place about six months out of the year. there's no way to drive any kind of a vehicle into that area.
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it's not accessible by boat by and large, and so these very expensive air drops are the only way the world food program can save those lives. >> the fastest growing refugee crisis in the world today? >> absolutely. there was so much hope, charlie, just a few years ago when south sudan gained independence from sudan. since the 1950s, as you know, there's been a terrible war going on there. more than 2 million people were killed in that civil war. the united states and the bush administration helped broker the separation of south sudan. there was great jubilation and expectation that things would go well, and yet they haven't. there's oil under that ground and now the two main tribes of south sudan are fighting each other essentially over the oil. the leaders of those tribes. >> scott, i visited the chad/sudan border in 2009 and i remember the story that the south as you point out was one of hope. some analysts say this famine is
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a man made crisis. tell us about that and whether there are enough resources being allocated towards this. >> it is a manmade crisis. this isn't a massive crop failure because of the weather. 90% of south sudan is farmable and 4% of it is under cultivation and it's all because of the civil war. these are terrible killing fields that these people are living in. even united nation refugee camps are overrun by militias and burned down. it is just one of the most vicious civil wars in the world, and that's why these people are destitute and literally starving to death. a famine declaration by the world food program is very rare, and yet it's happened here. >> so where is hope? >> wow, charlie. hope in the moment is coming from those aircraft that are flying over south sudan, dropping all of that food. hundreds and thousands of tons
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of food being dropped by aircraft as you can see in that picture. the world food program is about the only hope these people have. much of what the world food program does is paid for by the united states of america. and as long as that money is continuing to flow, these people have a chance to live. >> will it continue to flow with this budget? >> that's a very good question. president trump is suggesting big cuts in our contributions to the united nations and the world food program. it could really, really cut into what's possible there. world food program was created in 1961 at the suggestion of the united states because millions of people had died in a famine in china, and it was decided then that that just was never going to happen again and that any time a situation like this occurred, the world was going to come in and make sure those people don't starve to death. and now that principle is under threat. >> you painted a very graphic
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picture. once you see it, you can't act like you did not see that. >> you can't unsee those images. the world food program does critical life-saving work. thanks, scott. she was called one of the most powerful people in washington you've never heard of. she was president obama's deputy chief of staff for operations. she is now in our toyota green room to share what working with the former president was like and how he enjoyed playing the role of matchmaker in her
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comedian dave chappelle takes note of certain faces in the crowd at his shows. >> when you're on stage are you looking at one particular person or looking out at the crowd? >> i look at a bunch of people. sometimes i can't see past the first three rows. >> if they're not engaged, does that bother you or throw you off? >> comedians typically look at the faces that aren't laughing
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more than the ones that are. but you know, this could be anything. it could be someone with a really warm laugh. you feel like satisfied. there's so many different -- after 30 years, i got a headful of just faces that i remember. >> ahead only on "cbs this morning," dave chappelle reflects on the first laugh he ever got as a stand-up comic. he was 14. his complicated career path since then. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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the most exciting time of your life behind you? >> it might be. but that's okay. if you look at the things that have made everything so exciting, one that pace of life is sort of unsustainable, so that's one sort of running off of adrenaline every day. that's exciting. the actual experiences, you know, part of me thought i had met the queen, i have met the pope, i was at nelson mandela's funeral, i've been on charlie rose, what is there left? >> that was part of my conversation in 2014 with alyssa mastromonaco who was an aide to president obama, more than an aide. at the time she was preparing to leave the white house during the 2008 presidential campaign, she
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was the director of scheduling and advance. she went on to serve in the white huse as the youngest woman to be deputy chief of staff of operations. her new book is called "who thought this was a good idea and other questions you should have answers to when you work in the white house." alyssa mastromonaco joins us now. >> hi. >> charlie, she writes about that interview in the book and says, i mean it was charlie rose. i hadn't done an interview in years. charlie is an icon. i was worried about looking like a ditz in front of him. after the first five minutes, it was like talking to an old friend. >> magic. >> let's recreate the magic. >> there you go. >> you told me at the time it changed your life. >> it did change my life. i had never been a person who was out there. i didn't think that my job was to be on camera. it was to be running things. and people -- there are people who should be out there and people running things and i decided to stay behind the scenes. >> one of the things she would do is arranging scheduling. she would say, general, you will
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do this. >> exactly. >> you talk about being a woman in the old boys club and how at times it was intimidating but other times you said, oh, no, i'm going to show people how it's done here. not in an arrogant way, but you were very confident. >> i was. well, i think that being -- you know, i knew what i knew and i think that's one of my strengths. i know what i know and i know what i don't know. so if we were going to -- if we were talking about going on a foreign trip and the national security council wanted to put in an extra couple of stops, i was like, no, we're not going to do that. and when it came to the president was so wonderful about also understanding people's strengths and weaknesses and knowing that if i said that, alyssa is probably right. % >> at one time he said remember your words have power. >> he did. >> which i thought was a very powerful part of the book. >> that had never occurred to me. i was very upset about something someone had said to a reporter and i wrote a sort of unhinged
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e-mail to the entire senior staff. >> those e-mails go into permanent record. >> i was like we should have each other's backs, so i was very upset. i thought everyone would ignore it but someone told the president about it and he felt the need to talk to me about the strength of my words. >> this is not your typical white house talk. how hard was it to get to that layer of truth? >> so i actually had a much harder time trying to -- you know, you go through a book and you have so many iterations of what you think the book is going to be. when i was trying to be a little bit more lofty, it was like i struggled. i ended up on zoloft trying to do it. and then actually a good friend, min mindy kahling, i said what do i do? she said write an essay for every chapter and it will come. so i wrote an essay per chapter and i got a cowriter who understood me, lauren, and she
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pulled the great stuff out of me. >> where does the title come from? >> the title comes from barack obama himself because if he was on the road and you got an e-mail that said who thought this was a good idea, which was not uncommon, you knew that he knew you thought it was a good idea and he wanted you to just own your -- you know, your decision, which i always did. it was my idea. >> you said your goal is to get women more interested and excited about government in this bok. >> well, i think that this book hopefully makes government a little bit more relatable, a little bit less scary. really if you have the passion and commitment, you can do it. you don't have to be harvard educated with a dad who was a congressman to work in the white house. >> just really quickly, when you look at this trump white house, which has gone through its share of rocky roads, you've been on the inside. >> i have. >> is this uncommon or par for the course? >> this is pretty uncommon, i
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think. the first 100 days you're trying to get your bearings and it seems anything that existed before them they're just shooting down for sport. >> how angry is the president, president obama, about these allegations of wiretapping? >> so i don't know how angry he i know the rest of us were pretty pissed. >> because why, alyssa? >> because it's insane. it's an insane accusation. and it's an insane accusation for a president to accuse another president of and also for anyone who knows barack obama. he wouldn't do that. >> thank you. >> more real talk from alyssa mastromonaco. >> thank you guys very much. >> thanks and congratulations. "who thought this was a good idea" is on sale tomorrow. a pair of twin toddlers stirs up double the trouble after bedtime. how the brothers had some fun when mom and dad were out of sight. how a popular fleece jacket can pollute the ocean. you're watching "cbs this morning." so this year, they're getting a whole lot more. box 365, the calendar.
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doctors recommend taking allergy symptoms claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. every day. wendy's doesn't put up with mushy fish sandwiches like some do. their north pacific cod is breaded in crisp, flaky panko for a big... that's deliciously different.
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it's dinner time and you worked overtime. so you have... no time. but you don't have to cut corners, mom! wendy's kids meals are now just $1.99 after 4pm for a limited time. and you can treat yourself too. it's about time. baby monitors are always watching. one captured these 2-year-old identical twins in new york city stirring up double trouble when the lights went out. time lapse video shows how they escaped for their cribs for an impromptu pillow party. dad entered the room to put them back in bed but the fun resumed after they left. this is why twins are so terrifying. >> but it's like as soon as dad leaves, they go right at it. what a bond. >> look at that.
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when dave chappelle walks away from a >> good morning, i'm rahel solomon, septa police hope you can help them track down some people caught on camera, a brawl last week. south philadelphia mother took, police say it all happened over a snowball fight near the race-vine station. people caught on cam are are not officially suspect, as police do not want to talk to them. checking the forecast with meteorologist, katie fehlinger. the first day of spring. so happy to say so. >> we've all been counting down specially last week not just nor'easter but very cold air in place. understandable we would look so much forward to this first day of the spring season, and looks sunny. live picture outside burn
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ville, bucks county, now sort of make out the grass under the snow cover. so melting continues region wise, temperature wise, mid 30's, feeling a little bit cooler than that, if you feel even the most modest after breeze. keep that in mind, but for the most part daytime highs are at least seasonable, warmer, do have two chilly days, at least sunshine. >> do still have the sunshine, thanks, katie many looking outside, we have delays through the media elwin line, also, river line, running about 25 minutes delays, signal problems here. so heads up on that, make sure to check the schedules on line, also an accident, downed wires, ardmore, route 30 lancaster, near rittenhouse place, very slow moving around the area. and also, disable tractor-trailer here 295 southbound before route 168. one lane blocked there, all over -- overall, slow commute. next update 8:55, ahead on cbs this morning, rare interview
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♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning" on this first day of spring. i can't believe it, charlie. when i was in school back in the day, i always thought it came on the 21st of march. you did too? >> there are facts and alternative facts. >> it came in at 6:29 -- very good -- 6:29 a.m. eastern time. spring is officially here. right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "the san francisco chronicle" says former 49ers star dwight clark has als. his famous touchdown catch put the 49ers in the 1982 super bowl and they went on to win it. in a letter posted on the internet, the 60-year-old clark said he suspects football caused his condition.
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he called for more effort to make the game of football safer. especially as it relates to head trauma. "the washington post" says donations surged for the nonprofit group meals on wheels after president trump proposed funding cuts. the organization's national office took in more than $100,000 in private donations since thursday. now, that's compared to $1,000 on a normal day. the group serves more than 2 million americans. and "usa today" reports on a united nations study out today ranking the happiest countries in the world. norway is number one, followed by denmark, iceland, switzerland and finland. the u.s. came in at number 14, dropping one spot from last year. the key factors in determining happiness include income, employment, family and social access to doughnuts apparently not one of them. >> norway. >> cheeseburgers always good. comedian dave chappelle has been making us laugh for more than 30 years. he studied theater at a performing arts high school in
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washington, d.c., and then he started sneaking into comedy clubs back when he was 14 years old. his career exploded after his show on comedy central but he abandoned the show at the height of his success. now he is back with a three-part stand-up comedy special. he often shies away from interviews but he agreed to sit down with us for a chat you will see only on "cbs this morning." >> there's all sorts of speculation and if you really ad it seems like it was more peace of mind than it was about money. >> was talking to a guy and he basically said to me that comedy paradox. i think that that was an irreconcilable moment for me, that i was in this very successful place, but the emotional content of it didn't feel anything like what i imagined success should feel like. it just didn't feel right. >> so y'all ready?
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some sketch comedy, all ready to see some sketches? >> do you miss the chappelle show? >> yeah. but it's like breaking up with a girl and you still like her but in your mind, that bitch is crazy, i'm not going back. i do like to move around. >> he not only left the show, walking away from a $50 million deal, he left the country, going to south africa to escape. >> did the fame scare >> fame, but not so much that i'd get on a plane to africa. s but fame is a horrifying concept when it's aimed at you. at the end of the day, you don't have that much control over it, you just try to conduct yourself as best you can. >> i thought of doing drugs when i was little. just like you. >> for two seasons his best was comedy central's "chappelle show." wildly popular. >> is anyone up for a game of
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basketball. >> we talk about prince and that show was one of the fun jest ones. >> we tried to get prince. we've got this sketch and it's about you and prince was like no, he's just like no. but then he saw the sketch and he loved it. it was a complete coincidence that when the sketch came out, wn you walked awayo the rock in 2005, you were still working. it's just all the things that you were doing. you really stayed low. altitud comfortable with. you know, i found a way to do what i liked to do and avoid some of the parts of it that i was uncomfortable with. >> what were you uncomfortable with? >> well, i mean if you look at me, right, physically, like now, i'm like 40 pounds heavier than i was when i did "chappelle
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show." people are like how did you gain all that weight? by resting and eating and paying attention to myself. i have actual relationships with my kids. i've been all over the country touring all my life, but i never saw anything. now i've seen everything. i could talk to people. i have time to stop. if someone said they like me, it's not like i brushed past them. i have time to stop like you do? it was just like the way that i engaged the world was different. >> i'm starting to get to the point where i like my life to mean something. >> reporter: like when he came to allen university in columbia, south carolina. he wanted to talk to the students. >> it's okay to be afraid because you can't be brave or courageous without fear. the idea of being courageous is that even though you're scared, you just do the right thing anyway. so in 2004, i walked away from $50 million and in november i
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made a deal for $60 million. >> welcome back home, man. >> thank you. >> yes, sir, yes, sir. >> he also went to the church named after his great grandfather, a piece of his family's history he wanted to explore. >> hi. i'm here to bail out my buddy. oh, okay. well, while you're here, you do fit a description. >> his own history is rooted in stand-up comedy. he started performing when he was only 14. >> do you remember when you got your first laugh? >> yeah. first night i was onstage. i remember remember who introduced me, i can remember what my introduction was. >> let me hear, let me hear. >> a guy named j.t. newton. he said, you know, folks, everybody starts somewhere and tonight this young man is doing stand-up comedy for the first time. and he goes, who knows, we may be witnessing the birth of a
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star. please welcome dave chapel. i did pretty good. he said that's all for you, kid. that's all for you. but they were treating it like i was in the make-a-wish fo foundation and they just wanted to give me a little boost. but it was encouraging and it felt so good. you'll go through a million bad nights to get those good ones. >> this is a place where animals live a [ bleep ]. tonight it is a place where human beings will get drunk and throw up. >> his good nights now involve juke joint, part concert, part party and all dave. >> you never go to a party where everyone shows up at the same time. the juke joint is a place where everyone shows up at the same time and we start and we finish the night together, and it's just like -- it's a very
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eclectic crowd. >> what do you want us to feel in there? >> it's like love and camaraderie and kinship. you know. just a reminder. my town is so small, you throw an event like that in town, it's the big dance. >> that small town is about 20 miles outside of dayton, ohio, and far away from the pressure of big city life. >> are you ever out here at night walking? >> yeah, i walk at night, especially when i first get back from the road. it's nice out. scary too. >> why? >> there's raccoons rustling in the woods. >> are you scared of raccoons? >> very much so. that's an irrational fear that i just have. >> so if we want to get to you, just get a raccoon. >> i'm not scared of them. if i see them up close, they freak me out. they're a little too bold. they got little hands. >> the town is progressive and artsy. >> hey, man, i'm sauorry to hea about your dad. hold on just a second.
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>> a place he said he's treated like a neighbor, not a big star. >> are you calmer here? >> generally speaking, yeah. to things. i think for a comedian if you just not as effective. but if you -- it gets a little ! >> it's that corporate world le departed comedy central. where key & peele became the comedians to watch. >> i think there's speculation that dave doesn't like key & peele or dave thinks -- >> no. i'm a fan of their show. when i did "the chappelle show" there were certain conventions of the show that the network resisted, and i fought the network very hard so that those conventions could come to fruition. >> we are looking for clayton bigsby. >> look for further, fella, you found me.
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>> the first time i did that black/white supremacist sketch, well, it's ten minutes should be five minutes long. why should it be five minutes long? so whe & peele and i see they're doing the format that i created and at the end of the show it says created by key & peele, that hurts my feelings. >> i've been gone for a very long time. surprise, it's me. >> right now he's focused on his new creation, the highly anticipated multimillion dollar netflix specials. >> you know, america has a racial hot seat. i think we can all agree that's the truth. we can also agree that hot seat is traditionally occupied by african-americans in general. african-american men in particular. >> dave, you tell jokes from everything, from race to politics. do you worry about crossing the line or is there a line that you won't cross? >> although i can see that in recent years that seat has been occupied by mexicans and i dare say arabs.
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and we, the black americans, would like to thank you both for your sacrifice and your struggle. >> comedy is weird. the line moves, it changes. but i think a lot of -- especially in comedy, a lot of it has to do with intent. >> and your intent is? >> to make people laugh. to reconcile paradox. i'm like just openly -- just openly vent. i think whulen you get to a certain altitude there's more scrutiny over the things you say because the platform is so powerful. >> so you spent this time with him. what is the takeaway that you come away with most? >> number one, that he's extremely smart, as most comedians are. when you talk about how do you walk away from $50 million. he didn't like, charlie, being controlled. everybody came in with all sorts of ideas about how his show should be done, cut this out, put this in. people that didn't really understand him and understand his comedy so it wasn't worth
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that. to me he was such a man of integrity. there were a lot of snickers and what's wrong with him. but when you talk with him, it's very clear. he's very committed to who he is. so i totally get that. and i didn't at first, i didn't. >> does he seem whole at this point? >> he seems very whole. he's married. he's been married to the same woman for a very long time. has three great kids and lives in this town in ohio. he's very, very happy and can't wait to get on the road. he said he's very nervous, very nervous what people say about the netflix special. >> these will be three different specialist? >> starting tonight. the first one is tonight. there are a couple of more opportunities to hear more of our interview with dave chappelle on the "cbs this morning" podcast starting today. he shares the venues when he performs. you can find it on itunes and apple's podcast app. to see more moments you didn't see on tv, watch our web extras on coming up, the fabric in a lot of our clothes can contribute to water pollution and harm aquatic life. ahead, how one synthetic jacket
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fibers like those in synthetic clothing are contaminating aquatic life. ben tracy shows us how one company is working to fix that problem. >> reporter: they're in everything from yoga pants to running shorts to that soft fuzzy fleece. tiny shreds of plastic that shed in the wash and can be eaten by the same marine life we eat. unlike driers, most washing machines don't have filters that trap lint, so when you throw synthetic garments in the wash, material breaks off and can slip past sewage treatment plants and into waterways. the so-called microfibers have turned up in waters across the globe, including lake michigan and along the shores of the gulf of mexico. >> when we see reports showing microfiber in the ocean, in fish, in plankton, we're alarmed by its impact. >> reporter: doug freeman is chief operating officer of patagonia, which is trying to find a solution. the company known for its outdoor apparel such as fleece
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jackets, funded a study on microfibers last year. researchers at the university of california santa barbara found that a jacket released as many as 250,000 microfibers when washed in the machine. newer, higher quality garments shed less than older ones. >> even a water treatment plant that's filtering up to 95%, there's still a really high number that are getting through. >> reporter: project researcher bess rough says underwater creatures cann ingest the material. >> for fish they're in their intestines and so direct ingestion with fish isn't that bad. >> if you're aware this is a significant problem and you're contributing to it, why not stop selling these items. >> because in many cases these items have longer useful life than their biodegradable
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counterparts. ultimately we come down to choices. you know, do we want something that has that microfiber impact or do we want something that's more throw away. >> reporter: patagonia has not yet changed how it designs its fleece but they are working to find new fabrics that shed less. they also want their customers to buy only the clothes they actually need and wash them less. >> we encourage customers to wash it just as few times as you possibly can. you don't need to wash it with every use. spot cleaning is really important. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," ben tracy, los angeles. >> bravo to doug freeman and patagonia for even noticing. >> i'm never going to wash my fleece again. i'll keep wearing it. >> use the lint brush. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back.
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>> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news." good morning, everyone, i'm jim donovan, within the half hour, emergency teams have rescued a man beneath wilmington's north market street bridge. chopper three was overhead as crews strapped the man in a harness, hoist today dry lands, and will be check out by doctors. it is not clear how the man got stuck down near the water line of the brandywine river. now, we turn to katie for a look at the forecast. >> forecast overall, jim, just going to have a lot of ups and downs. there is eventually larger storm system that we have to track for the upcoming weekend. let's wack it back here, take a look at how today pans out. clouds, even few snow showers, yes, even snow showers up front, up-state new york. that's not going to be a problem for us other than few stray showers late tonight. and they would be strictly rain showers for most every us, overall very quiet start to the season, spring here shall more seasonable
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temperatures, mostly sunny skies, overall nice weather. now tomorrow more clouds than anything. we do rebounds, but we drop right back off again in the had's for couple every days thankfully sunshine at least, but also another turn around, so off we go again, to the point we hit the mid 60s, but storm system to track, right now looks most likely day for rain would be sunday. meisha? >> lots going on. all right, katie, thanks so much. a lot going on, we have two accident in the area. both accidents have traveled trapper, route 130 at cooper street, left lane block, northbound and southbound. also route 70 eastbound past route 41, two lanes block there. you can see 21 piles per hour there, very close moving around the areas. also, an accident downed wires, talking about this, ardmore, route 30 lancaster avenue, near rittenhouse place. traveling around 13 miles per hour here. so heads up, traveling slow basically anywhere, including media elwin line, river line, mass transit. check the schedules on line, jim? >> thank you, meisha.
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>> announcer: ashamed and afraid of potentially a lethal condition. >> all i did was destroy myself. >> announcer: can the doctors fix her, or is the damage already done? >> i want to take my life back. >> he slapped me upside the head, i heard a snap. >> announcer: a dralmic - dramatic transformation. victim to survivor. and a controversial treatment that blinded a woman. >> diane sawyer is off the hook in a defamation lawsuit that could cost abc 6 billion dollars. >> dr. travis: welcome to the show, breast surgeon dr. kristi funk is in the house! [ applause ] >> dr. t
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