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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  August 9, 2017 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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we are following breaking news in france a vehicle slammed in the group of soldiers gagged a paris suburb , why authorities are calling it a deliberate act. they will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. >> just it is president trump issued a stunning warning to north korea the communist nation ramps up new threats this time setting sights on the u.s. territory of guam so is what next in the war of word. beach battle over margate 's dune project head to federal court we are live with the big decision, judge is expected to make this morning. today is wednesday august 9th good morning i'm
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rahel solomon. i'm jan carabao. jim donovan's off, katie and meisha are keeping an eye on things this morning. >> good morning, ladies, we are looking outside, nice dry roadways, katie, that is great this morning but we have a water main break that happened yesterday a street that has caved in that will slow you down. a lot going on. >> sounds like it. weather should not impact you as much in the next five minutes sun will rise. already light of day is out there which is so nice to see. i feel like we have had so many gray starts to the day as ovulate but this is a morning where we will not find much of anything to report on storm scan so lets move ate long here. we are looking at a gorgeous shot outside at kutztown area middle school in the last couple minutes looking closely we will see that haze rolling across the soccer field you do have to look closely but we do have just enough left over moisture that has allowed that to form this feels like a fall morning to me. it is so crisp outside and clear and stays that way all
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day but still nice and warm. might as well be football season. six is five current temperature right now, lower 60's elsewhere on i-95. look at those suburbs in the 50's, even 40's in the coolest spots, of course, up in the moore tane us terrain but i'll walk out with a extra layer and be grateful did you. in the afternoon this is what you do dress in layers because afternoon just looks absolutely stellar. in the city we will hit 84 degrees. full sunshine. wall to wall. shore to poconos and every where in between. meisha, does it get better then this? how long does it last though. >> that is the question, every time you say that i say great, but for how lock. >> by the way, football season is upon us. >> it is coming. >> good morning, everybody. happy wednesday. so something that we're not loving because we have an accident at schuylkill eastbound at the curve, and yes, it is very busy and you are most definitely slowing down. not only is accident pulled off to the right shoulder which will obviously give you
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a gaper delay and it is already but we are dealing with a left lane that is blocked as well. it is forcing these drivers to put on their brakes causing everybody back there to have to stop. this is really going to start to slow you down heading out there again, schuylkill eastbound at conshohocken curve, right shoulder and that left lane is block, factor in some extra time already. i would say at leann extra 30 minutes, and every time it passes it will be even more than. that i will keep you posted on that. ninety-five at bridge street headlights moving in the southbound direction we are lag good, busy but still traveling at posted speed we are okay there. forty-two at new jersey turnpike both directions looking okay, looking great there we have some construction going on that should be clearing right about now route 70 between 206 and route 72 alternating lanes in both directions, jan, back over to you. meisha, thank you, break ing news, authorities in france are on the hunt for a man they say rammed his dark bmw in the group of soldiers
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in the suburbs just outside paris. we have learn six shoulders were injured in this attack this morning, mayor of the town there is calling the attack targeting security forces quote without a doubt deliberate. there is in word on how soldiers are doing this morning. this attack comes four days after a teen tried to attack security forces guarding the eiffel tower. citizens of guam are on edge after north korea revealed a possible plan to strike the u.s. territory. now elected officials are reassuring residents that they are safe. it comes amid finding of new intelligence revealing that north korea has the ability to produce a nuclear war head small enough to fit atop a missle. governor of guam said there is no immediate threat. >> there are several levels of defense all strategically placed to protect our island and our nation. additionally, i have reached out to the white house this morning, an attack or threat on guam is a threat or an
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attack on the united states. >> president trump vowed to answer north korea's threats with quote fire and fury like the world has never seen, lawmakers on capitol hill believe trump's reaction is making this tense situation worse. new this morning philadelphia police are investigating shooting death of the 22-year old man late last night in strawberry mansion. the man was shot three times in the stomach, near york and garnett streets around 11:30. victim was driven in the private vehicle to temple university hospital where he underwent surgery and then later died. >> we believe the victim was standing on the curb when the shooter fired three shots, striking the victim all three times. from witnesses the victim then ran south on garnett street. >> police say they are right now reviewing surveillance cameras from the area and looking for a suspect wearing white t-shirt and camouflage shorts or pants. if you have any information you are asked to call police. more violence in morning police are investigating
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gunfire in wilmington delaware crime scene unit marked off 10 spent shell casings near north pine street and east sixth street at 2:30 this morning. police november motive, no suspects but they tell cbs-3 their investigation is not over. at new jersey shore battle to resume a controversial dune project in margate is moving from the beach to the courtroom today. >> "eyewitness news" reporter trang do is live with more on how this stalled project is affecting residents good morning, trang do. >> reporter: well, good morning, rahel and jan. scene here speaks for itself. we will take a look here, an atlantic county judge issued a restraining order to halt work on this project after seeing these images. federal judge will hear the same arguments for and against continuing work later to day. for people living in margate summer 2017 has been marred by the formation of the body of water that they never asked for. >> health hazard, inconvenience, definitely not
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ideal. >> reporter: dubbed by locals as lake christie massive pools of water formed as a result of the governor's controversial dune construction project blocked off beach access in parts and has been breeding grounds for harmful bacteria. >> our fear is this is the new normal for margate, that we are being asked to essentially live with this. >> reporter: governor christie ordered dunes be built following hurricane sandy but city officials who have opposed from day one say construction has been hit by major drainage issues after heavy period of rain. >> one-third of our beach is now, unusable because of this colossal screw up. >> reporter: in the hearing thursday attorneys for the state via tell conference admitted that the current situation is less than ideal. >> in retrospect maybe digging out behind the dune as much as they did was not a good idea. >> reporter: superior court judge julio menendez ruled in margate's favor putting a week long work stoppage in place a
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move cheered by mayor michael decker. >> it makes me very happy, we just can't allow this to continue, doing wrong and continuing to do wrong. >> reporter: battle is far from over, the judge ordered the state department of environmental protection, army core of engineers, their contractor and margate officials to hold daily meetings to come up with a drainage solution, parties met monday and tuesday and will spar again in federal court wednesday morning. taking another look at within of the pools of what the their shut down many of the beaches here, that hearing in federal court is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. and margate residents say they plan to be there. it is opened to the public but for now we are live i'm trang do for cbs-3 "eyewitness news" back over to you. we will follow this, thanks, trang do. travel could get tricky this morning for some as crews deal with the water main break in south philadelphia. break has three outer southbound lanes of south broad street closed between 32 , 3300 blocks. 12-inch main ruptured near
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broad and geary streets leaving a gaping hole in the middle of the road. officials are working to restore what the tore three nearby businesses. philadelphia man accused of sexually assaulting and killing his one year-old stepson is expect to make a preliminary appearance in court today. twenty-five year-old salim salem is facing charges in the death have the baby back in june. police found the child un response with bruces and abrasions in the home in the 1700 block of south conestoga street. baby was later pronounced dead at children's hospital. salem has been held without bail in the philadelphia county jail. when we come back story of a woman who had stomach pains and doctors discovered it was because of something that she swallowed a decade ago. brazen robbery right in the middle of rush hour traffic, how it has new york city taxi cabdrivers worried about where they stash their cash. we will also have this. it is amazing how it has just grown and such a need all over the world this woman
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wants every young person to have a friend regardless of ability, how she started bringing these people together in this weeks story of brotherly love. ♪ >> new laid gaga song or one i have not heard of yet. >> i like it. >> today's weather may be the cure for what ales you. >> katie's back with the forecast up next.
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well, back now on "eyewitness news" this morning with new video of a brazen bandit roaming streets of the new york city. >> check this out this video from midtown manhattan shows a man walking his bike to a cab stopped in traffic and reaches in the cab and snatches cash right out of the shirt pocket of that cabby before getting away. in this case the suspect got away with $78, police say there have been at lee, seven similar robberies since june and some cases the suspect even punches the driver there. just sitting in traffic. let's send it over to katie because i hear you have a good forecast. >> i think we will look ahead to a day to bolt up and savior if you have the opportunity to get outside take advantage of that, today and tomorrow for that matter. high pressure on our side.
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nice wide zoom of the eastern 23rd of the u.s. shows quiet weather for most of us. central plains different story depending where you, panhandle of texas getting hit hard but high pressure in store for most of us,e of the mississippi river here across mid-atlantic and northe. with that high pressure still in place it does promote fair weather. as we look in the next couple days you will note that is right through tomorrow, that high pressure still will keep control presiding over our forecast, sunshine, low humidity, light wind and early morning lows bottom out in the 60's close to where they should be but slightly below average. that is how our highs pan out as well. we are warming up as efficiently as we should but in the to the average level that we should be because we started off from a cooler place in recent days but back to full sunshine. nice an warm but in the seasonal. normal high 86. close but not there that wind out of the north means with light wind and out of the north dry air mass and it also
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promotes a very good hair day. later in it we will drop down to 65 degrees under nice clear skies, very comfortable if you want to forgo air conditioning looking ahead maybe lower 80's are the story, a theme right through next week, big difference is it does begin to turn unsettled by the weekend. we could see soaking rain again next monday, meisha. >> all right, so yeah like you said save your today, good morning everyone. nice dry roadways but we do have some problem spots out there. this is one of them. we have an accident schuylkill eastbound near conshohocken curve. we have vehicles pulled off to the right shoulder that will cause a little bit of a gaper delay and also more importantly blocking left lane these vehicles coming up are forced to move over to the right lane. one single lane at the schuylkill at this time will cause backups. backup shot, schuylkill at the blue route, so this is actually going to cause some backups on to the blue route now. you can see our time sensor here would i factor in extra time. would i factor in another 45 minutes, with every passing
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five minute chunk right new we are getting more and more vehicles on the roadways that will increase. definitely give yourself some extra time up on the blue route that will slow us down. then we are talking about a water main break that happened yesterday but because of it south broad street near geary street two right lanes are block, it was three now two. your alternate to get around this will be 20th street. that is probably your best bet would recommend taking it as well. then this is where we have a street cave-in, yesterday, 21st street is closed between arch street and race street your alternate 20th and 19th and they are hoping to have this reopened, this afternoon, jan, back over to you. so here's a strange story, doctors in australia had to surgically remove wire from a woman's braces after she accidentally swallowed it 10 years ago. doctors said that the 30 year-old woman arrived complaining of severe abdominal pain, she was turned away first time but when she return, still in pain doctors did a cat scan and see it
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turns out that wire punctured her small intestines in several different places. i don't know how this happened >> how is it possible. >> glad she's okay. back here at home six years ago a local teenager wanted to help her autistic twin brother make friend. >> as ukee washington shows news this weeks story of brotherly love, thanks to bet of them hundreds of young people with special need now have a club all their own. >> reporter: it started in south jersey and grown by leaps and bounds we caught up with one of the events in lawyers forward these kid know how to have fun with empty tissue boxes filled with ping-pong balls. >> tie it around their weigh and you have to shake it out. >> you got it, kid. >> reporter: some of them have special need, some have only limited speaking skills and then in this group called fantastic friends they are all pared up with other young
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people for social activities. gabriel duran runs suburban philadelphia chapter. >> people with special need but i love that i get to change that stereotype. >> reporter: marisa hacker is 21 and started first fantastic friends chapter when she was 15 inspired by her twin brother, matt. >> it was very challenging. people didn't understand him or didn't really understand him. >> they need a community where they can come together and feel like they have ton of love and support. >> help me make new friends. >> reporter: now there are seven fantastic friends chapters across the country so from california to new york, this is within of the volunteers and hanging out with member stephen anderson. >> stephen's the best, very friendly, funny, he is not afraid to talk to anybody. >> i like fantastic friends, it is fun, we meet people.
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>> reporter: marisa with love to make this her life's work. >> it is amazing how it has grown and such a need for it all over the world. >> reporter: we have more information on our web site at cbs i'm ukee washington for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> great story, thank you. two young students are learning that hard workings a long way they are earning money for school supplies by selling lemonade, 11 year-old aniyah williams and isaiah lattimore are spending their summer under a bright 10t selling fresh lemonade to customers. students have really impressed neighbors and others with their determination. >> reason why we're doing this to help school costs and school supplies. >> every day we will try to make over a hundred. >> they are proud neighbors have become their best customers, the pair caught at tension of the community advocates and recently spoke at a united way conference and aniyah and eye say plan to grow their business by selling hot chocolate this winter.
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>> diversifying their business portfolio there. >> way to go. >> hard workings a long way. >> sure does. if you are a fan of finding a cozy nook and good book why today is a day dedicated to people just like you. >> and celebrating this weekend pat gallen is live to tell us where whole family can learn about hundreds of live chris's head in our next hour, stay with
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welcome back. looking to a week end that does bring unsettled weather. i'm thinking saturday looks wetest but even that should in the be a wash out. we will talk scattered showers and thunderstorms. sunday likely any wet weather would happen southeast of the city. in the meantime daytime highs stay in the mid 80's for both weekend days, okay. katie, thank you. now for newspaper headlines accredits our region. >> delaware county daily times
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reports chester mother of four was sentenced to five to 10 years in prison after negotiating a guilty plea, to seven counts of the straw gun purchases, vicky perez was charged under brad fox law. pottstown mercury reports montgomery county has its first case of the west nile virus. state health officials made the announcement yesterday without offering more details on the patient, health officials recommend residents minimize exposure to mosquitoes. burlington county times students at willingboro steam camp are using this week to learn about veterinary medicine. doctor ashley macintosh graduated from willingboro high school where she's sharing her knowledge with students. they even got to examine a three week old puppy. that is a look at newspaper headlines around the delaware valley. katie has been saying all morning it should be a nice day, good day to get read a book. >> why not, it is national book lovers day which i include books on your lap top but grab a book and read
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something to celebrate the day fiction, non-fiction, even comic book count. national book lovers day is celebrated every august 9th and on the first saturday of november. as long as you are reading is the point. >> read a magazine. >> does teleprompter count for us. >> no. >> we will get on that. >> more effort, jan. >> got it. coming up next on "eyewitness news" escalating tensions between u.s. and north korea. >> is there an escalating war of word between president trump and north korea over its nuclear program, i'm hanna do va with the threat for both side. >> reporter: did you leave your son in the wood? >> cbs-3 confronts mother accused of on abandoning her special need son in the wood, find out how the boy was found , meisha. we are looking outside to nice dry red ways but we are not accident free we have one on the schuylkill causing slow downs, construction, water main break and street cave-in, yikes, we will have updates coming up but first we will stay right where you are,
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cbs-3 "e
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good morning i'm jan carabao in for jim donovan. i'm rahel solomon. 6:30. here's what you need to know to start dare in the morning minute, wednesday, august 9th. >> north cover rebest not make any more threats to the united states. they will be met with fire and fury. >> north korea responds by threatening a missle strike on guam. breaking overnight vehicle slams in the group of soldiers guarding a paris suburb. eyewitnesses say it was a deliberate act. a powerful earthquake rocks southwest china 6.5 magnitude quake struck a popular tourist area killing
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several people. >> ♪ rine stone cowboy >> music world is mourning loss of the glenn campbell country music's first cross over country star, who his battle with alzheimer's yesterday. he was 81. >> ♪ >> why are you rolling window down. >> ♪ >> that takes me back, all the way back nearly 20 years, philly's own will smith catching a ride with james carden for premiere episode of car pool karaoke the series. >> couple observations on this , katie, i'm not sure how i feel i know i will get some flack on social media i'm not sure how i feel about will smith's new mustache. plus, the giggy video was that -
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>> do you remember. >> was there a dance to go witt. >> yes. >> getting giggy with it. >> yes. >> it is a dance with it, pardon this, whatever that noise is, but whatever the dance is, i don't know it. i think we will need to get some information on twitter. i know you are watching. i know you can come up with this yes, despite noise of the construction what a gorgeous start to the morning. i need to get my industrial strength ear plugs in i think. storm scan three is quiet, all clear out there, absolutely beautiful start to the day. it is interesting i posted a picture on twitter. the sun's shining brutely but moon is still up and nearly full. full moon last couple of nights and still shining brightly despite sunshine. so really pretty view, southwest facing sky if you want to take a look at that.
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sixty-five is current temperature at the airport much cooler by comparison, allentown you may want to walk out with the outlining suburbs with the sweat shirt on. it is cool. real dose of fall outside. sixty-four current temperature in palmyra but by comparison outlying suburbs we will see dark shade of green if not blue show up, indicating temperatures in the upper or mid to lower 50's. today really is, just within of those days thaw will want to savior, bottle it up and take it with you from here on out. we will see two straight days of this sunshine, light win, low humidity. it does not last beyond that point, but we will talk about a rising hugh mid return of wet weather later on. >> thanks very much. stay outside, work out, eat lunch outside whatever you can but first looking outside right now, yikes, this accident on the schuylkill is starting to slow us down. looking at schuylkill eastbound, pulled off to that
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far right shoulder. see activity, outside their vehicles causing a gaper delay we had a left lane blocked that was slowing you down as well. that has reopened, so it is alleviate ago this tension but you will still get a very slow rate of speed traveling by gaper delay. because of that backups are still substantial, take a look at this, schuylkill at blue route, starting to cause backups on the blue route as well, probably still is even they we have eased up just a little bit with that left lane reopening. just a head up i would factor in some extra time around here would i say around 40 minutes or so at lee, and as we push toward 7:00 it will be more so two septa trolleys diverted because of an accident blocking rails so head up route 11, 36 check those schedules on line, rahel and jan, back over to you. following up on our break ing news in france police say a man deliberately rammed his bmw in the crowd of soldiers just outside paris. the attack happened early this
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morning, town's marries calling the attack a deliberate ago. we have learn six soldiers were injured, we are told three suffered minor injuries, other three were seriously injured, authorities are on the hunt for the driver. residents of the guam find themselves smack in the middle of the dangerous war of word between president trump and north korea. >> president issued a threat of fire, fury yesterday and north korea responded for potential force against the island which is a u.s. territory. here's hanna dovo. >> reporter: u.s. air force planes conduct bilateral missions over the korean peninsula this morning with japan and south korea b1 bombers took off from guam where earlier today, the governor eddie calvo addressed residents after north korea said it is examining operation al plans for attacking the island. >> i have reached out to the white house this morning. an attack or threat on guam is a threat or an attack on the united states.
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they have said that america will be defended. >> reporter: pea an yank threat is part of the ram pink up of receipt ran. tuesday president trump issued his most stern warning yet north korea best not make any more threats to the united states. they will be met with fire and fury, like the world has never seen. >> in response it was mixed to the president's choice of word >> the great leaders that i have seen, they don't threaten unless they are ready to act and i'm not sure that president trump is ready to act. >> the president was sending a clear signal to north korea a language they can understand. >> reporter: over weekend u.n. leveed heaviest sanctions yet begins north korea in response to two recent launch tests which show the regime has missiles capable of reaching the u.s. a new assessment by u.s.
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intelligence believes north korea has produce aid nuclear war head that can fit inside of those missiles, hanna dovo for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". death toll is now 19 in a powerful earthquake in the mountain is region of china near boarder with tibet. 6.5 quake struck near one of the most popular national parks, a peak, waterfalls, five of the victims are tourist, almost 250 people were injured and dozens remain missing. atlantic city police continue to investigate after a person is found dead and another person injured inside of a hotel room at tropicana casino and resort. police responded to the 37th floor of the hotel shortly after 5:30 p.m. hotel staff there called 911. right now police are not releasing many details but it is an isolated incident and there are no safety concerns for for the public. chester county man charged with murder after admits to
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shooting and killing his next door neighbor. west goshen police say 51 year-old clayton carter allegedly shot g brooks jennings once in the head and then stood over his body and shot him again during an argument around 1:00 a.m. tuesday morning on fox elder drive. police say carter had a long standing dispute with the victim and other neighbors. carter claims jennings threatened him with the knife and remand todd chester county prison. mother faces endangerment charges after allegedly abandoning her own son near a burlington county military base. thirty-nine year-old deborah wisler is charged with endangering welfare of the child, they say wisler abandoned her 10 year-old son who had special need near joint base maguire, lakehurst, he was left in the wooded a year with luggage. our reporter cleve bryan questioned wisler on her porch >> reporter: did you leave your son in the wood. >> no. >> reporter: you have been charged with that why would police charge with you that. >> can you please leave. >> passerby spotted the boy, notified military personnel.
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the child did suffer minor injuries and is currently in a temporary home this morning. investigators say a bucks county funeral director stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from his clients. police were led to the funeral director david faust, owner of faust funeral home in hume ville back in april and they charge him with forgery, social security fraud this time around they say faust took $300,000 in prepaid funeral expenses, pose lee says that belonged to 54 clients. >> we discover the fact that the defendant david faust had used almost $300,000 in prepaid burial contract money. >> pennsylvania law requires that funeral homes set up escrow accounts for clients wishing to prepay for a funeral, that way money can't be touched without a death certificate, police say some of that money paid to faust never made tonight to those accounts. police are looking for craft i thief break nothing to
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northeast philadelphia businesses through the roof. detectives there in the pennsylvania month and a half rooftop burglar has hit self locations, check cashing agency and bennie the bum's restaurant on bustleton avenue was targeted, so was dunkin' donuts on grant avenue and whacky's piss an on verree road, just to name a few if you recognize this suspect call northeast detectives. here's a question do you feel luck i we will tell you about a first for power ball and mega millions lottery. also ahead back to court today in the civil trial between taylor swift and former denver disk jockey the admission the dj made yesterday but first here's pat we are here at the academy of natural sciences at drexel university, this is a giant katiedid, it looks like a leaf as part of the bug fest tenth anniversary celebration, we will tell but him and maybe harry tarantula as well when we come right back.
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weather giving us love today, katie's back with the forecast, next.
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where you do business. pregnant with him,was had so much life and energy in him. he wanted out, and he wanted to conquer the world. right now, quinton's goal is to be a doctor. it's not easy being a single parent with three kids and having to provide for them. but my son will be an amazing doctor, and he'll help people that are less fortunate. no matter where you are in your college journey, sallie mae can help you find the money you need.
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fans are remembering one of the country pop music's most famous stars this morning , glenn campbell died yesterday after a battle with alzheimer's disease. campbell won five flames, hosted his own tv she and co starred with john wayne in the 69 version of the true grit, glenn campbell was 81 years old. trial between taylor swift and dj she claims groped her continues in denver, colorado, former hoe david mueller testified against swift yesterday, he says that swift
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falsely accused him of groping her during a preconcert photo opp and claimed that accusation led to his firing. his lawyer got him to concede that multiple supervisors at his radio station discussed possibly letting him go before the alleged incident. >> see how that turns out. 6:45. turning to weather. nice day on tap. >> oh, absolutely gorgeous outside. this is one of the days where i don't mind sky deck duty. it is so pleasant outside. it stays that way all day. so make the excuse find your reason to be outside even if you get up, take a quick walk to try to get your fit bit steps in, do it outside, make the excuse to enjoy this beautiful weather. eyewitness weather watchers are checking in with pretty pictures as we take a look we have got a lot of those crickets, grasshopper, whatever that is, and also some beautiful sunrise pictures, just a sampling, zero in on these spots.
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56 degrees coming in from john , he sent this in the last hour or so. starting to warm up, at this point in tabernacle but nice clear sky and sunshine. meanwhile it is only 56 at delores house in newark a much more populated area and just 56 degrees this morning. so comfortable. very beautiful morning for her she sent in a pretty picture as well of that nearly full moon this morning. lets go to just one more, zero into west chester a couple observations there, 56 from sarah 61. trying to click on dineen but they are bet in west chester reporting cool air this morning. storm scan, yes, that is empty moving on what else is new. high pressure is in store here it is absolutely beautiful conditions. fifty-eight current dew points remember dew point measure that moisture content. lower it is more comfortable it feels and it will be within that range 55 and 60. really nice day on tap and
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that lasts us even into tomorrow. so these are the front loaded the forecast with the best days of this forecast, friday seems to be more downhill we can see soaking rain on monday but unsettled as well, meisha. >> all right, thank you so much. beautiful day. looking really nice in terms of the weather for our morning commute, right new but we are not accident free. we have i don't want to say serious one but one significantly causing slow downs, schuylkill eastbound near the curve blocking the left lane that is now opened but you can see right shoulder and activity, and gaper delays here absolutely slowing down, backups, causing backups the blue route, we're limb nate ago this tension because left lane is opened but you still that have gaper delay, still very slow moving and then, also moving in the eastbound direction where backups were near blue route this is where we have emergency road work, again schuylkill eastbound, so opening up one lane here and
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squeezing by so you'll hit this first, travel down and get to the accident. very slow moving give yourself some extra time, jan, back over to you. if the kid are bugging you for something fun to do this weekend there will be an insect invasion at academy of natural sciences at drexel university. >> bug fest is back museum tenth annual celebration. "eyewitness news" reporter pat gallen is live there with a sneak peak, hello there, pat. >> good morning, guys. we have got a few bugs to send to you in a couple minutes so stay tuned for that but we have a bunch of bugs rate here , one calls desert hairy and we have a hairy tarantula, this is karen from the academy of natural sciences good morning. >> this is a tarantula. it is a good name. a lot of these are miss understood. at bug fest that is what we want to highlight, they all have an important job to do. we have three great exterminators here in front of
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us. we have the scorpion, and the tar toll, spied hours do great job of, doing it for free. >> job does tarantula do. >> they will eat anything smaller then themselves, small mice, lizards and they can take over if there are not things feeding on them and they will eat other tarantula. >> it has a venom but not deadly to people. never been reported death of a tarantula bite. >> they get that reputation. >> they do. >> because they are big and hairy and they are really not dangerous. this is one that creeps people out. it has no sting error venom. look at that. but we talk about these guys, but would you like to give it a go. >> yeah. >> it is a great time. >> thank you so much. >> he has those long legs and that creeps people out. >> they cannot see very well.
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they hunt on the way of scent ing and feeling their way around. these are guys you will see up close. >> we will go to predators to the masters of the sky. they will awe have a great job to do this one you can see has spines all over it. but, there is spine are for protection so that it is something like a bird tried to get it it is like a thorn bush these are in southeast asia. dawn see these guys throughout the museum this weekend at bug if he, we will have over a hundred live on display. >> very cool. >> along with our entomology collection, and live show, with big cameras these guys will be larger than life on the big screen. >> it thinks weekend saturday and sunday what time are you opened. >> we will open up at 10 and goes right through to 5:00 o'clock.
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it is an all day event. >> all day bug fest here. >> academy of natural sciences , and it is now a friend of mine. so jan and rahel, the academy of natural sciences has, sent over to the cbs-3 studio some friends for you guys, we have put them in the studios, do you know where they are, have you seen theme haven't seen anything. >> no. >> we're waiting with baited breath though, patrick. >> keep looking. >> no one appreciate what you just did there but in the news room you leave the bugs there, don't bring back any pets, nothing. >> happy to have you there. >> bye. >> now i have to, rahel. >> thanks, pat. 6:51a lot coming up on cbs this morning. >> we have vladamire here with a preview. >> good morning, rahel and jan a head escalating threats
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between north korea and president trump we will talk with republican senator lindsey graham and former vice chairman of the joint chiefs of staff james winfield. chris van cleve will break new details about the problems with the police ford explorer here from an office shore blames a crash on a carbon monoxide leak. epi-pen has new competition why families who use it are still confused over the costs, all that plus the eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> we will be watching, thank you. if you didn't hit lottery last night you are not alone. >> never fear we all have another chance. is there about 382 million reason to pick up a mega millions ticket between now and next drawing friday. check numbers. eleven, 17, 50, 5274 and 14. is there always a chance you won a smaller prize. how about this mega millions and power ball jackpot are now both above 300 million-dollar at the same time, for the first time, ever
6:53 am
, yeah, katie's interested in this is there a million-dollar, match five ticket, on the loose in pennsylvania check your numbers, 11, 21, 28, 33, 45 and 11. that power ball jackpot is worth, you know, just 307 million. >> time to get office pooling. >> yeah. if you are a veteran looking to work for your money here's a job, get your job resume ready, rather. fifty potential employers will be at lincoln financial field for a job fair tomorrow. free hiring event kicks off at is 11:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 . veterans spouses guard man and reservists are welcomed to attend. we will be right back three to go. >> as we head to break we want to invite you this friday for cbs-3 summer fest, this time to new hepp bucks county. fun begins at 5:00 a.m. as pat gallen takes touts bucks county children's museum. >> and then our nicole brewer 's back. >> that is right she's back,
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yeah, hosting summer if het on cbs-3. we will be right
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6:58 am
dune project in margate. heavy rain on monday once again created pools of water on the cities beaches. >> guam's governor says u.s. territory is safe after north consider rhea threatened to strike the island. threat comes amid high tensions between north cover reand u.s. good luck to the up are providence little leaguers, they play a team from jackson, new jersey today, two more wins and they will earn a spot in the little league world series in williamsport. >> way to go. >> that is three to go. >> let get last check of weather and traffic it looks absolutely phenomenal, outside make the mess of this, guys. cloud cover off in the distance south of rehoboth but nothing but sunshine every where throughout the course of the day and it last us for two days, so right through tomorrow but by friday a spotty thunder shower, cloud a higher humidity returning. >> thanks very much, on the right-hand side we are looking at an accident schuylkill eastbound near conshohocken curve pulled off to that far right shoulder. left lane opened. we are looking at emergency road work repair coming around there to your left that has been since clear.
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switching gears now tomorrow morning we are soak nothing some summer sunshine and beauty. >> i can understand why people make it a important to come in here rain check this out. >> there are definitely spots here that remind me of the flint stones we will tell how made them and why some buildings here are meant to look like they are falling down. lets energy another world together tomorrow on afternoon drive at 6:00 a.m. on cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> very cool. >> absolutely. >> yes. >> next up on cbs this morning president trump says north korea will be met with fire and fury as it continues to threaten the lindsey graham takes a close look at actions the remember to join us each weekday morning on cbs-3 starlyarng at 4:30 a.m. at 4:30 a.m. >> have a great
7:00 am
ng funded by cbs good morning. it isth, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." north korea threatens tott terr after president trump says theg like the we'll talk with senator lindsey graham about the escalating conflict. a cbs news investigation finds more evidence that leaky exhaust systems in ford explorers are putting police at risk. one officer describes a crash she blames on the carbon monoxide problem. >> i don't know how i lived through that. i shouldn't be standing here today. also, the new


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