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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  February 5, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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championship, just one, before i left this earth and to see this dream come true, it is a class organization, they came over, they shared, the most beautiful moments that brought the city together. >> we watched that live what a moment. for a fan base that bleed green today was tears and cheers after 58 long years and nfl championship for eagles and for the first time the lombardi trophy is in the city of brotherly love and sisterly affection. what a scene it was from the airport to the novacare complex. the fans lining up to welcome home the world champion philadelphia eagles. good evening, everyone i'm ukee washington. i'm jessica dean. the team touched down today to a hero's welcome and tonight fans, cannot wipe the smiles off of their face. we have team three coverage for you tonight as we revel in the eagles victory, we have reporters out and about and we will begin with anita oh, live at the novacare complex in
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south philadelphia, where the team returned this afternoon, anita. >> reporter: hi, jessica as afternoon progressed the crowd just continued to grow as hundreds, stood outside of the novacare complex waiting for hours welcoming the team back to philadelphia many of them were emotional as they soak in the birds first super bell vick try. a sea of green lined the outside of the novacare complex on monday as hundreds welcomed the new world champions home. >> i'm here today because i have been a life long fan of the eagles and this is an amazing thing to win the super bowl. >> reporter: as philadelphia eagles floated in to their own cars and left facilitate joseph coates got a very special signature monday from quarterback carson wentz adding to his growing collection. >> i got autographs from carson wentz, nelson agholor and kenjon barner and bill bergie, brandon graham, and
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jordan hicks lagarrette blount >> reporter: his father ron says it is incredibly special to see birds bring home a win and pass steam loyalty on to his son. >> welcome him back. great game, very exciting game patriots were number one to be the best you have to beat the best that is what they did. >> reporter: for many it extend generations. >> i was crying, and how excited my parents were. i was like wow in my lifetime. they said it is our lifetime too. it is crazy. >> reporter: even when pats took their first lead in the game eagles fans say they never lost hope, they believed in this team since the very beginning and they said this was just the eagles season to sore and the crowd that we saw here just a small preview of what we can expect during the parade on thursday. live, i'm anita oh for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". in the meantime "eyewitness news" report report's leash a nieves was in
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the receiving line for eagles when their plane landed in philly. >> alycia quite a scene as that team, greeted the fans, waited for them and came right up to the fence. >> reporter: yes, the philadelphia eagles, i mean as they landed here earlier today they just didn't just wave from a far they walk up to this fence behind me, they walk about a foot to the fence , and they were hundreds of fans on the other side, as they then, gave each and everyone of those fans a moment they will never for get >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles. >> reporter: this is how philadelphia eagles fans in philly, welcome their birds. >> wow. >> reporter: as the team landed back home, this afternoon, super bowl champs. >> thirteen years in a row, the eagles have been left stranded on super bowl lii they have gracefully landed. the new england patriots have become their pray, against belichick and brady, they
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skillfully played. they claude. >> reporter: one man wrote a poem for this moment and the eagles super bowl victory. >> the eagles they want it. >> reporter: while hundreds of fans. >> ♪ fly eagles fly >> reporter: stood in the cold singing the team fight song. >> on the road to victory. >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles. >> reporter: singing it for a team that for the for them. >> e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. >> reporter: and in return... this is how the eagles repaid these loyal fans. the entire team walked from the plane, to the crowd to show fans in person the lombardi trophy they brought home for this city. >> i have been a eagles fan since i was five years old, season ticket holder for over 30 years, this is a dream come true, class organization, they came over, they shared the most beautiful moment with us and brought the city together.
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>> reporter: at one point the fans out here just after that moment were cheering in uni son saying thank you, thank you, thank you, loudly, thank you for moment that the eagles gave them here, and also thank you for bringing us full champion ship is here to philadelphia live from south philadelphia the atlantic aviation where philadelphia eagles landed earlier this afternoon, alycia nieves for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> we heard and it was really a neat moment. eagles fans lucky enough to see super bowl in person also return home today. >> our vittoria woodill was there to greet them at philly international airport, tori. >> reporter: ukee and jessica, you know, i want to shout out our cbs-3 pro daughter pat wan ger and he put up a facebook post and said sometimes eagles fans to have explain ourselves, right? but really there is only one explanation that defines
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eagles being so passionate about their team and that is it is about family. a lot of eagles fans that went out to minnesota traveled in flocks of families and we got to greet some of those families returning home today including one very special member of our philadelphia family. lets take a look. >> you cannot get any better than the best, and that is us, right now. season ticket holder for over 50 years. very proud to have my son, my grandson with me on this occasion. hopefully we can celebrate many, many more. >> ♪ filet eagles fly, on the road to victory ♪ >> reporter: my dad had season tickets. he is 70 years old. he was with us out there. he was out there with his grandson, me, my brother-in-law, my nephew, his two grandsons, it was great. it was awesome. i cried like a baby. it just brought all of the family members. >> reporter: we all wait as a family, every year for
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something like this to happen, and now it has finally happened and you guys are together to celebrate. >> it was awesome. >> reporter: bigger then just a game. >> you will remember this. >> yes, definitely. >> reporter: welcome home, go eagles. >> when they are in there playing jacksonville i wanted them to rally and beat them because i wanted to play the best. let record show we played the best and they played their best and we beat the best. >> yes. >> reporter: if anybody knows the city of philadelphia, it is you, so, feeling what it felt like in minnesota coming back to philly right now what do you think this means for all of us that have been waiting for this our whole lives. >> it means no work is going to get done this week. >> reporter: i mean does the former mayor of philadelphia know his city, really though, i mean philadelphia in this moment is your living right now you are also thinking of all of those people in every other generation that believed
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in the eagles and didn't get to feel this moment, so philadelphia family, this is for us, as merill reese said when the eagles clinched that championship last night he said this moment is for us and it truly is. it is for fans and it is for family and as philadelphia international airport you could feel it all day. reporting live, vittoria woodill back to you. >> tears of joy no doubt bit. >> it connects all generations >> thanks, very much. eagles-related merchandise is flying off shelves at local stores, "eyewitness news" cameras caught up with shoppers looking to snag super bowl gear over at modells in center city, some eagles fans could not wait to get their hands on their new champion ship items. >> super bowl tickets, we have got super bowl banners, we have been waiting a long time for this. several seen after the game at dick's sporting goods in
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plymouth meeting last night fans waited in line for new super bowl merchandise and it stretched outside door. i have to shout out to mitchell and ness help hook me up. i got to call them, do i to have bring that back. >> he will call you. >> yeah. >> i need it for the parade. >> yes. >> later, later. >> now for the first time in nearly 10 years we're planning for that parade, we have had phillies in zero eight and details for is what shaping up to be a historic celebration are slowly starting to come out. >> city released tentative plans, today. expected to kick off near sports complex at broad and pattison in south philadelphia at 11:00 a.m. thursday, then make its way up broad, around city hall, and down the parkway ending at the art museum. here's some good news for students in philadelphia, philadelphia public and archdiocese schools will be closed, thursday. you can see the parade of champions live right here on
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cbs-3 thursday, we will be there every step of the way as the team makes its way up broad once again it is "eyewitness news" and the eagles, don't miss it. leslie we're having a parade. it will be great this weekend in eagles history when brian dawkins what's electric in the pro football hall of fame. >> and capped off yesterday with the super bowl victory. this is something. >> it is a movie, yes. under dogs. >> the star quarterback, second industries quarterback takes over. we can all thank nick foles for making the super bowl a philadelphia reality this morning. he is posing with the super bowl trophy 52, mvp trophy with commissioner roger goodell. he became third quarterback to win the super bowl with three or less starts in the regular season. many wondered how wow play after struggled final two regular season games but you know what he saved the best for the post season and today they take all of the credit for the win. >> it goes back to everyone
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wants to point out one individual but i'm fortunate to be the mvp of this game but as you have seen we have had so many mvps throughout this team. different guys stepping up. it is a great honor to be here to accept this but on behalf of the philadelphia eagles i'm fortunate to be part of the great team, great players, great coaching staff and just to play the last several weeks it is just a team thing. >> saint nick, just a great guy. >> in doubt. >> i read that trick play that trick play was called philly special and they saw it, the bears do something like it so they added their own little version. >> they have been waiting for it to break out. >> he did tonight high school. >> something like that. >> they broke it out. >> they did. >> still to come on "eyewitness news" oh, baby eagles are super bowl champions. >> this new been came in the world in the nick of time what his parents had to say about their super bowl baby on the day that he almost did.
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we are tracking a mid week mess that culled bring flurries tomorrow but stronger storm gets here on wednesday, and it will bring snow, ice and rain depending on where you live and will tell you whether it impact your ytwo pancakes. two strips ofr bacon. two eggs. if you ask me, that's a pretty good deal. but you didn't ask me. you know what? i'll mind my own business. denny's $4 dollar everyday value slam. available at
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touchdown what a play call by doug pederson. this play call, has a chance to be remembered as one of the all time, greats, just going for it. >> i could watch that over and over again. >> dougiep dialing it up, fourth and goal and what a play, clement, to foles, and plays like this that helped make the eagles, super bowl champions. >> awesome. >> that was great. >> perfect, perfect. >> eagles fan noah lot of people were picking patriots to win super bowl lii.
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people were wrong. >> when you are facing a quarterback with five super bowl rings you know he will be confident, maybe a little too confident. this is tom brady last week. >> we will go back there and try to win it for you guys and that is all we got, we love you, patriots out. >> okay, mike drop. >> he did his part trying to earn pats their sixth super bowl title, at least when it came. >> not so much when it came to catching the ball. number 12 could not hall this ball in last night, our pro daughter pat hating on tom said he had two big drops in one week, mike drop and then that drop. we had to go there. we had to go there. he is still goat. >> i missed the mike drop. >> you were out in minnesota. >> you didn't miss that. >> no, i did not. i saw that. >> he did. >> local couple is celebrating the eagles super bowl win at the same time as birth of
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their first son. >> marlene and joseph only made it it through first half of the game before matthew james made his grand entrance in the world. super bowl baby was born at 7:50 p.m. at einstein medical center in philadelphia his parents missed the half time show but there was still lots of excitement, of course in the delivery room. >> i'm really intense contractions, and every time they would score, or, something good would happen, joe would just start screaming at my stomach like wow, you will need to back away i'm having contractions i'm excited too but stop screaming at my stomach. >> good point, good point. >> she said, her husband wanted to name the baby dougie p for doug pederson but they went with matthew james instead. >> welcome mat you and james. >> that is great. >> kate bilo's joining us now, weather will be a big factor this week as we look toward the parade on thursday.
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>> it is february, super bowl time so weather will be changeable. it looks like a cold day for a parade but whole lot better then it would have been on wednesday. we are tracking a messy mid week storm that will write rain, snow, sleet, ice, everything and exactly what we don't want. lets look outside we will start off in center city still all lit up in green the honor of the super bowl champions. never gets old saying that. center city looking good tonight. no problems. chilly night. blustery but relatively quiet for now. i say for now because things are changing as we head through next couple days. storm scan three showing clear skies but skies moving in quickly. system quick disturbance moving through midwest bringing some light snow, snow showers to chicago, portions of indiana as well, that will come through bringing a increasing in clouds, light flurries, snow showers to our far north and west. in the meantime it is cold, 31 in philadelphia 27 in
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allentown. sixteen in mount pocono. twenty-seven in millville right now. cold, setting the stage for a system that will move in by wednesday, and it will start as snow and ice. overnight cloud increasing, there will be less wind then we felt today, 24 the overnight low and tomorrow flurries to the north and west to start the day and increasing amounts of sun, 42 not i bad february day. lets talk about this next system though first i want to show you a few stray flurries and snow showers tomorrow morning around 10:00 a.m. poconos, lehigh valley, that is all that is left, of that system. we will start gray, finish with sunshine. questioned here we go starts in the morning as some snow, possibly some freezing rain or sleet, and then pretty quick change over to rain in the sit but at 8:00 a.m. it is snowing in the north and western suburbs. as we head through rest of the morning the rain starts to filter in, still snow, ice, freezing rain through suburbs at 10:00 a.m. and then just
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heavy steady rain through rest of the day, for all of us, poconos, lehigh valley, heavy snow and late day mix. snow, sleet, freezing rain in the morning changing over to all rain in the city and mainly just rain the whole time for south jersey and delaware. heavy snow in the poconos. six to 10 could come down, couple inches in the lehigh val bring change over not much if anything in philadelphia but some light ice accumulations are possible and of course that could lead to very slick conditions on the roads, especially north and west of the city as we head through the day wednesday so morning commute looks slippery , afternoon commute looks wet, wednesday is ugly from start to finish. parade day thursday, cold, blustery but quiet, and sunnies shining and temperatures head up this weekend. >> take them on up, thanks, kate. >> leslie's back with sports. >> some of our local athletes made that trip to minnesota like joel embiid to see bird win the super bowl and will tell us what that was like at
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the u.s. bank stadium. winning super bowl set for doug pederson is a lot to take in has it done from him hear from him up n
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yeah, we did it. >> city of brotherly and sisterly love and affection. >> right here. >> right here. >> eagles gloves on, eagles jersey, carson wentz. >> we did it. the team has been waiting so many years, been through so many coaches and disappointment but now we are champs, baby. e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles. >> wow. >> well, it has been a great week for doug pederson wednesday he turned 50, last night doug led bird to the first super bowl title. doug was not a popular hire when eagles named him head coach two years ago. today his critics are eating crow. he made gutsy calls in the
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biggest moments, and nick foles caught a touchdown pass from tray burton and birds are champs and doug still has not come to grips that he is a super bowl winning head coach. >> it is a little more special waking up today, knowing that you've accomplished something thaw set out way back in april really when i was hired two years ago when were lurie, you know, hired me in philadelphia that this is the game that we wanted to, eventually be in and play in, and win, and i know it will take some time but it is kind of surreal right now. >> and life is good for nick foles after winning super bowl mvp nick and his family went to disney world. he was center of attention during parade in the magic kingdom. and everybody including pro athletes were glued to the tv watching the super bowl. flyers watched as a group and couple sixers went to the game joel embiid and justin anderson made the trip to
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minneapolis to watch sixers win. joel just could not believe what the at months near was like at the game. he hopes sixers can deliver a champion ship to the fans. >> it was amazing. i just love the passion of the fans. >> it is just an a nation story of perseverance. it is an amazing story of belief. >> they will get there. some day. >> you have to start somewhere and then. >> joe joe looked a little tired too. >> he had a late night. >> we will be right
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...before it's too late. suspect it? report it. make the call. 1-800-932-0313 paid for with pennsylvania taxpayer dollars. last night game kept fans on the edge of our seat the entire game. >> one fan could not contain his emotions when he realized the bird were on the verge of victory. >> oh, my god. we were all, that man. >> that is right. >> that man was react to go brandon graham's strip sack on tom brady that all but sealed eagles win. his wife said he is a philadelphia native living in las vegas. i think that, he is embodiment of what we were all feeling. >> in question bit. >> that is great. >> thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at 6:00 back at 10 on our sister station cw philly and back here on cbs-3 at 11:00. up next "cbs evening news"
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from new york here's jeff glor , zach ertz with the captioning sponsored by cbs >> glor: a sharp fall on wall street. [bell ringing] the dow drops more than 1,100 points as a sell-off continues. also tonight, the security plans for an olympics just 50 miles from north korea. holly williams reports from the from the lines -- front lines of a very controversial war. needs flu tests promise quick results, but can you trust them? the biggest rocket since the saturn 5 is ready for launch. with special cargo on board. >> the long drought is over. >> glor: and the leader of the pack of underdogs. >> i'm going to tell you
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