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tv   Eyewitness News at 530  CBS  February 8, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EST

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good morning, i'm rahel solomon. aim jim donovan. katie and meisha will be along in a moment. >> chelsea's here. >> i'm sorry, too early folks. but first here's what you need to necessity to start your day in the morning minute. it is thursday, february 8th. >> who cares.. >> earned it as a city. >> parade day is finally here, and the moment eagles fans, have been waiting for, for decade. >> eagles. got to support the eagles. >> i have never seen this many people, up so early and they are all in a good mood: >> it will be a licensing day. >> i will be all right i'm pumped up. >> i drove all the way from missouri, 18 hour trip, watch my birds play. it has been a long time coming >> e-a-g-l-e-s eagles.
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>> it is going to be a party. >> ♪ >> reporter: take a look at this scene at the beginning of the parade. i also want to show you, the diehard fans i have over here he has been here since i have been here at 3:00 a.m. there he goes. >> getting to the parade could be a challenge, septa and patco ticket are sold out. >> i'm just expecting everybody to have a great time >> it will be the biggest e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles chant you have ever her. such an exciting day did you get any sleep. >> yes. >> i'm wired. i'm wired right now. >> it will be a great day for the city but those fans heading out they will need coffee, hot chocolate lots of layers to keep them warm and i don't think people will mind such a great day. >> they have got eagles spirit to keep them warm. i feel like out here, in the air there is an essence here,
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so much excitement, so much great energy, let me show you what is going on right now on storm scan three we are dry, happy to report no rain on the parade today, we are dealing with dry conditions, a couple cloud lingering around but by day break or shortly thereafter we should see included pushing off the coast welcoming in tons of sunshine, it is 28 degrees, right new though in philadelphia, it is right around 28 in millville. twenty-eight in wilmington. 26 degrees in allentown but then when you factor in the wind on top of it all with the wind chill it feels much colder. it feels more like 18 in philadelphia, like 17 in wilmington, feels more like 14 in allentown. here's what you need to know heading out for the parade today. mostly sunny skies, breezy, cold obviously. temperatures will whoever in the low to mid 30's all day but it will feel much colder then that. would i say dress for teens and 20's, of course, if you aren't already outside that is
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eyewitness weather earnings today for across the region we are looking at 34 degrees for that high in philadelphia. but remember wind chills in the teens and 20's, 34 degrees is forecast high sunshine down the shore and in the poconos right around 23 degrees. we will track those wind chills coming up for new a bit , for now, back over to you chelsea, such a cool picture of carson wentz holding up that lombardi trophy just so cool to see. that we are talking about the victory parade, parade, parade this is parade route starting, as mess of us know this by now broad and pattison. this starts at 11:00 a.m. all the way up broad street and cuts over ben franklin parkway and finishes at the art museum we will show you a live picture broad street, this is where parade route starts. this is a live shot where you can see, how many people, already at 5:30 in the morning , getting their place, right up alongside, that guardrail. you can only imagine the hours
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to come, that, those people are just going to start going like this it will be just a sea of people holding up their phones trying to take a picture and get whatever they can. so these guys are really smart , forgetting out there early. question is do to stand out there that long. then in the world of septa we are talking about this as well special passes are sold out, weekly, inly passes are going to be select. only select stations are open. market frankford line and broad street are offering free rides, free rides, everyone will want that so you know it will be crazy, crazy, insane, busy. regional rails inbound only in the a.m., outbound only after, the parade. also, patco, all tickets they are sold out, only select stations are opened, again, inbound only at 6:00 a.m. so before 6:00 a.m. it is inbound and out bound starting at 6:00 a.m. inbound only outbound only, only after the parade, new jersey transit, ac rail lines tickets are also completely sold out. talking about parking this is
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a biggie, you will be towed don't even think about parking where you can't. so no parking on the parade route until 6:00 p.m. some are even until 9:00 p.m., in parking at stadiums, in parking at fgr park, free parking however at ikea, idea is friendly opening up in south philadelphia but we necessity that will get really busy really fast, more coming up in a bit, jim and rahel, back to you. eagles fans are along the parade route ready to celebrate during today's parade of champions. >> live team coverage, trang do live in south philadelphia where parade will step off but lets start with "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao where parade is ending. we have check in. those fans out there are really bringing the energy, what is it like out there. >> reporter: rahel and jim, good morning, you talk about bringing energy, you guys, can we bring the energy, right now , yeah. >> all right, all right, good.
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i have got a really good crowd this morning, really, a couple of ladies from delran we have stephanie and katherine a you guys took off work today. >> we took off for work for this. >> i didn't even sleep yet, it is cold as hell and we are out here surviving. but i do it for the birds. >> reporter: you can see everybody is bundled up, we have a group from west chester here. >> west chester. >> wow. >> reporter: how many layers do you have on. >> i got on six layers of bird gear on, bleed green, bleed green. >> reporter: what do you have on. >> i have on wentz, under dogs, nfc champs, baby, nfc champs. >> it is getting loud,
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hundreds of people on the other side, they are about to go and stake out their spot. how early have you been here. >> we got here at 3:00 in the morning. >> game plan in place. >> we were ready to go at 3:00 , everything ready to go, eagles , go bird lets do this. >> reporter: how excited were you on sunday. >> we were going absolutely crazy, balling into tears, everyone was going nuts in my house, falling on the ground, just can't wait, amazing. >> reporter: so you guys have hours to go yet. >> we have not slept at all. >> red bull only. >> you cannot ask for anything else other than red bull. >> so cold, anything mixed with red bull, it works. >> reporter: so show me how loud you can get one more time >> one, two, three. >> e-a-g-l-e-s eagles.
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>> super bowl chapel beyonds. >> there is no other fan base like us eagles. >> my gosh. >> why do i think there is more than red bull in their coffee cups. >> something keeping them warm out there. >> it is cold as hell. >> stay warm. >> there are 850 portable poddies out there. >> wearing a onesy it is difficult to get in and out of >> parade steps off from south philadelphia near sports complex obviously. >> "eyewitness news" reporter frank does live at broad and pattison where some fans maybe not as much as jan's live shot but they are starting to arrive. >> who are these people. >> reporter: good morning, guys, south philadelphia is waking up dozens of fans showing up. we have some fans behind me here. >> yeah. >> reporter: give me a fly
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eagles fly. >> fly eagles fly on the road to victory ♪ >> 123. >> e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. >> wow. >> reporter: that was a short version of the fly eagles fly but we are trying to keep with everybody at art museum. where are you coming from. >> delaware. >> reporter: delaware, my good ness. >> middletown. >> reporter: when did you get to philly. >> hours ago. early bird gets the worm and we're the early birds. >> reporter: there you go, i like that. >> that is right. >> reporter: i like your ear muffs too. >> yes. >> i'm warm, that is all that matters. eagles win super bowl, i can look silly, it don't matter and i'm not even drunk. >> forty-five years of watching them, through vermeil era, the ray roads, rich kotite, marion campbell,
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finally, finally got it done. all stacked together don't equal doug pederson. >> reporter: they are not excited at all. >> e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. >> all right. >> you know, lots of fun out here. >> yes. >> stay warm, trang do rather dreary outside yesterday. >> chelsea, hopefully forecast for this parade better then that. >> totally different story obviously today. we will deal with sunshine but man will it be cold. especially factoring in the wind chill we will talk about that throughout the day today and when our next chance for rain arrives in your full forecast coming up, but first here's your cure ought owe insurance travel forecast.
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welcome back, everyone with millions expected along the parade route e ms workers are preparing for emergency fire commissioner tiehl says special event response teams will be wearing red jackets and will be out in full force, they will be three medical tents set up to treat any possible injuries, the tents will be located at on museum steps in front of the rocky statue, also on the north side of the parkway at rodin museum and south side of the 22nd street in front of the park town apartments. thinking of getting an early start to the parade leave now. >> hundreds of fans are on their way, reporter jim mel worth from kyw news radio 1060 joins us now from septa's regional rail station from lansdale, montgomery county. jim, has the first train left the station, yet. >> reporter: first one left at 5:15 and the line is still here, the amount of people who did not get on that train and still lined up here, hundreds
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of people, still waiting here. there are two more trains leaving from lansdale and, i have not done a head count but you have to start to wonder if the people who are here will make it on to a train. they did make an announce. there was possibility that the train coming from further up the line might stop here if there was room but they made the announce. that the first one will in the stop, it will just get through here. these guys to have wait until 6:40 and many of them have been out here a couple hours. >> what is timetable for how often and frequently trains air arriving at the station. >> reporter: there are three trains 5:15, 6:40 and in the 8:00 o'clock hour 8:15 but i'm not sure of the exact time. there are only three trains leaving from lansdale and then again, trains coming from quakertown or i forget exact stations but from further up the line that could stop here if there was room on them but we got the announcement that the first one does not have room so rest of them will not
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either. there are three options each one carrying 930 people and looking at this line and looking at how, many people got on the last train and how line changed from then until now, you have to start wand fairing there will be room some people might be left out in the cold. i will say people that didn't make the train very positive, everybody still having fun out here eagles chants so attitude was great. they are like oh, come on, but , you know, so that was good to see people weren't getting angry but when that third train if they can't get on that one that is a different story. >> thanks very much, jim. we appreciate your reports. we will check back later on. i should point out someone just mention that had new jersey transit's trenton stop the lot there is full, parking lot and patco cherry hill lot is full, as well, so that is other issue people getting these train stations and not being able to park. >> we did hear that the mayor of philadelphia jim kenney say pack your patients, they are doing everything they can to minimize inconvenience but you have ton patient. >> pack some extra clothes.
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>> yes pack some patients and layers because you will need that all day. we have wind chills in the teens and 20's, so birds braved the cold in minneapolis and they are coming home braving the cold once again. here's a live look at eagles nation, glowing in green this morning, so much excitement in the air, and it is right around 28 degrees but, of course, factor in that wind chill, as always, it does feel much colder's feels more like the upper teens and we are going to be dealing with wind chills like that, pretty much all day. teens and 20's, you guys. let me show you our weather watchers they are checking in this morning a lot of them in the 20's at this hour. so we will show you the list of our weather watchers, we have fran, nottingham zanes 24 . eileen in gilbertsville at 26. john, right around 28, barbara in willow grove at 26 degrees. weather watchers are saying they are excited for eagles parade but man, it is cold.
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eld he had in chesterfield around 25. phil in, philadelphia at 26. list goes on and on. we are looking at all these temperatures that are checking in the 20's, at this hour. very chilly start to the day. new showing you those temperatures across the rest of the region. 25 degrees right now in reading. twenty-four in lancaster. twenty-seven in wilmington. twenty-nine in millville. down the shore we are closer to around 30 degrees budd then we are looking at these winds from the north and west from 10 to 15 miles per hour we can see gusting up to 20 miles an hour, so that is going to make it feel so much colder out there we will talk about the wind chill a whole lot this morning and track these wind chills as we head throughout morning because there are folks outside for that parade. fourteen by 8:00 p.m. in philadelphia lots head up to the start of the parade at 11:00, 21 is what it will feel like in center city. by ceremony 1:00 p.m., 24 degrees is what it will feel like and that goes on and on throughout the day we have wind chill values in the upper
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teens and 20's all day long. good news is we will stay dry not going to be rain on our parade passing cloud here and there but tons of sunshine today, bright day indeed so bring the shade and then your daily plan ter day 9:00 o'clock 30 degrees. thirty-one by noon and 34 by 3:00. we will have your seven day forecast in a little bit. meisha, back over to you. looking at trang do and jan out with all of the people i cannot wait to get out there , jim and i will be out there around 11:00. we will get on location around 11:30 or so. if you see us with the microphone come up to us i cannot wait to get out there. we are looking at where the parade route starts, live look , broad street at the pennsylvania son avenue and all ready just more and more people starting to trickle through. i don't know who said it earlier this morning they say if you think you are getting a jump start think again because look at hum people are getting out there. if you are going to a transportation center to take you somewhere earlier rather
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than later because already hundreds of people are start to go leave their homes. so lets start to talk logistics. so septa just waking up with us special passes, they were sold out yesterday, weekly months,ly passes are selected and only select stations are open. inbound only in the a.m., outbound only after the parade market frankford line and broad street they are offering free rides but my goodness you can only machining how crazy busy that will be. patco tickets sold out only flex stations opened inbound only at 6:00 a.m. outbound after the parade. ac rail line tickets they are completely sold out as well, more coming up in a bit, back over to you. philadelphia police need your help finding a man they say vandalized center city macy's after eagles won the super bowl. police say this man was wearing a bandana over his face when he broke a large window at macy's store on market street sunday night. incident was caught on video during sunday's celebrations.
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in other news this morning an hour long standoff in texas end with two people dead including a police officer and suspect in custody. suspect surrendered around midnight standoff began around 7:00 when an officer responded to a report of the disturbance at an apartment complex near dallas. the officer was reportedly shot in the neck, he died, at a hospital, short time later. a second person who has not been identified was found at the shooting scene. president trump is calling on republicans and democrats to support the latest budget deal to prevent a government shut down at midnight tonight. president tweeted that the plan gives defense secretary james mattis what he need to keep america great. it funds the government for next six weeks and raises federal budget caps. they are divided equally between defense and domestic spending. >> bipartisan, negotiations on defense spending and other priorities have yielded a significant agreement. >> budget deal doesn't have everything democrats want, it
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doesn't have everything republicans want but it has a great deal of what the american people want. >> democrats are upset that the agreement does not address immigration reform and senate is expect to vote today followed by the house. back to the eagles. it is parade day in philadelphia and corry clement day and glassboro, glass before he high school is closed in honor of the eagles running back and 2013 graduate and will give students a chance to attend the parade for the super bowl champs. clement wore number six for the bulldogs during his high school career. coming up, dog lovers, listen up. >> new research finding owning a dog can make you healthier, we will tell you the health benefits of having a
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live look at parkway we can see siren, barricade are up people are getting ready. >> yes. >> we have often heard people refer to their dogs as their four leg best friend. >> not only do they provide companionship but new research shows it can good for your health. dogs get people out and exercising which is good for your heart and researchers in colorado say petting a dog releases oxytocin the harmone that ward off depression.
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dog owners agree. >> never talk back. >> when you walk in the door they are so happy every time, but your husband may not be. >> unconditional love. >> true. >> dogs not only steel your heart but they make you stronger and as a huge dog personally can agree, they are great, such a benefit. >> good stuff. coming up next on "eyewitness news" in a town where history is everything we are about to make history today, philadelphia is hosting its first ever super bowl parade we are live where fans have been lining up, for hours and budd light promised free beer for fans at the parade and they have delivered , find out how to get yours
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generations of eagles fans have been waiting for this moment that are entire lives philadelphia is throwing its first ever super bowl parade and millions of fans are expected to line the route and some have already been in place for hours, we are live with the excitement. getting to the parade could be biggest obstacle fans face regional rails are already pack, this is video from just about an hour ago at septa's regional rail station in lansdale montgomery county where regional rail passes were sold out. if you are going to the parade dress in layers, pneumonia layers, upon layers it will be sunny, cold with wind chills in the teens and 20's. >> it is thursday february 8th it is parade day and i'm jim
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donovan. i'm rahel solomon. katie's off. chelsea here. they are keeping an eye on weather and traffic. >> stay layered up. >> everyone is saying are we go to go wear dress and suit. >> don't say anything. >> you have to come out and see for yourself. we are talking about septa and already starting at 4:00 in the morning people are lining up out there. we will break it down coming up but it is a lot of information. >> people lining up, bundled up for sure in video all morning everybody has layers on, hats on, gloves on, you need it, taking a live look at eagles nation from across the river on live neighborhood network in palmyra cove nature park in new jersey and quiet morning. we have clouds starting the day-to-day but this will be pushing off shore very soon. we will break out with sunshine, just in time for the parade, happy to report no rain in the forecast for today 28 degrees in philadelphia. mid 20's in


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