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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  February 8, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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best fans in the world and you make it a joy, and pleasure to play for you. >> this is one of the best days have my life, i love you guys. hey, we're world champions a promise this ain't the last time we're partying on broad street, let's go. >> and, this isn't going to be the last time we party on broad street that was the prom toys day during this super bowl champion parade, good eving, everyone i'm jessica dean with ukee washington, in front of the art museum steps, where it all, ended up to day where we had all of the big speeches and some memorable moments where millions of fans who showed up out here to cheer on their 2018 super bowl champions. >> mark the date down, day so many people including myself will never forget, so many people were here, they came from all around the tri-state area they came from all around the country, around the globe as a matter of fact to see the super bowl champion eagles win
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, and celebrate their very first hopefully the first of many, super bowl titles. we are so happy that you have joined our team and our team has been out in force since very early this morning, to this very minute right now and lets go behind our set right new and check with our good friend, pat gallen, patty, quite a day, my man, quite a day. >> reporter: ukee and jessica on a personal level this has been a extraordinary experience. this entire season really has been following this team through, a 13-three record and then being under dogs throughout the playoffs, yet coming through in the biggest moments that falcons game was incredible, vikings blow out was insane and then super bowl lii culminateness that win over patriots 41-three 3a game we will in the forget and that led to this, here today a parade that millions and millions of philadelphia eagles fans will in the forget , and for that we give you the sights and sounds of
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today. >> e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. >> we have waited so long for our dream has finally come true. >> for millions of eagles fans here in philly this super bowl championship is, for you. together we brought philly this world championship. >> we are in the done yet. we have more to go. more to prove. this is our new normal. >> to be part ofhe philadelphia eagles, to be part of these guys, one of the greatest things i have ever done in my life. >> y'all believe in each other and that is why we are world champs, super bowl lii, baby. >> center of the food balance universe, bark a little bit. >> hungry dogs ran faster. we wanted it more. you want to talk about under dog. because didn't talk about under dog. last two years you have been
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starved for a championship. >> they doubted us as players, as a team and all we ever did was step up, love each other more and have more fun then anybody in the league and believe this is for city of philadelphia we stayed together that brotherly love that we talk about in philadelphia. >> truly are the best football fans in the wld you make it a joy, pleasure to play for you. we are standing up here and here we are today as world chapel beyonds. >> doug pederson says and as millions of eagles fans heard, this is the new normal. they are hoping that with carson wentz and with this core group of players that we will see this happen yet again , maybe not next year or following year but they hope that this is a sustain run of excellence, but for now, we have had quite a celebration. it has been quite a day, jessica and ukee, as i said before, the only word i can
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use is amazing. it was amazing to see all of this. >> i agree, my friend, i agree sad parties all of the players will go their separate ways with their families but good part they will be right back in april to try do this all over again. >> we have been joined by don bell. hi don bell. >> how are you doing. >> you were here all day with us as well. >> the crowd today was absolutely electric. now, i have had an opportunity to go back and look at some of those comments, and hear some of those comments again from the players and it really makes sense they are a unit and message from the guys was really unifying. you know they expressed themselves in different ways, the message is all pretty much the same. we were uer dogs. found a way to get it done. this is family. we reflect you the city. absolutely amazing we want to go tout greg argos with fans as they took in all of this today, in south philadelphia at broad and reed, greg.
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>> reporter: it is quiet here, as you mentioned, anything but just a few hours ago. fifteen minutes ago the city sent out a tweet they are estimating 1.5 million people attended this parade, a few hundred thousand, were right here in south philadelphia and it was, electric. south philadelphia on fire, anticipation from decades of waiting for a championship football team. the fans pack the sidewalks, perched atop roofs and counted the minutes until they got a glimpse of their beloved birds >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles. >> reporter: at lee a few hundred thousand people filled south philadelphia, and forget bomb more throughout the parkway, like any true south philadelphia block party, the music blasts courtesy of the dj at this funeral home, some here passing the time, passing
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the pig skin. philadelphia police getting in on the action, and so did we. >> here we go. >> young, old and unborn, ready for the team. >> when are you doing. >> july. >> you have a name pick. >> what is it. >> carson. >> reporter: when they finally inched by vince lombardi atrophy glistening on broad street boy was it worth the wait. >> eagles. >> reporter: jessica and ukee what a day, hopefully we want repeat this all next year. live from south philadelphia, greg argos for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> i hear you, greg i'm with you on that. lets go now to vittoria woodill autopsy above the crowds looking at them taking it all in, tori. >> reporter: you know, right now i'm taking it in, standing here thinking to myself what was my favorite part of the today, earlier i talk to a few fans and while we listened to them i want you to think of yours too but lets take a
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listen. >> honestly the best, the players coming through the street. we have been waiting forever. i have been a eagles fan since i was been and fact that i got to see them was amazing, worth it, there was tears in my eyes >> best part was when everybody was driving on the bus and we were all screaming e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles. >> reporter: everyone has their favorite part and i hope you are thinking your favorite part at home, jessica and ukee my favorite party was looking at facebook, twitter and a lot of our viewers said you guys made us feel like we were there. that is the best part of our job, and today, celebrating a moment in philadelphia history and sharing it with you guys an everyone at home what a incredible day. again as we have heard so many times just happy to be here. >> absolutely, tori thank you so much. >> amen. we could feel the love no doubt about that. don bell if if i say we can't
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feel the love i'm setting you up for what. >> a trip to love park to visit with our anita oh, anita , take it away. >> reporter: for those who did not have the day off from work or school somalia came up with a creative excuse, one of the viewers sent me a message that said one of his employees told him that he had, parade e-coli it is proof that so many could not miss this historic event. >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles. >> wow. >> reporter: it is chant heard around the world as birds fans welcomed their new world champions back to philadelphia dream come true, i love this, it is an amazing win, been a philly fan since i was kid, always went to the game with my father, it was amazing. >> reporter: fifteenth and jfk boulevard some climbed bus shelters, trees to get a better view of the team passing by. many fans off from work and
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school crowded near city hall since before sunrise, rowan williams said he wouldn't have missed it for the world. >> when i saw nick, carson coming down the way i was excited, i could not even believe it. >> reporter: now that the parade is over, party's over, clean up begins, streets department is doing a great job as our philadelphia police have been doing a wonderful job all day keeping things calm and collected. live from city hall tonight anita oh for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". all right, thank you. i'm sure that the party continues but bars and restaurants all around town. >> they are warmer inside, that is for sure. >> when we come back we will check on mass transit and the roads and see how people are getting back home. >> right now a check of your forecast as we go to break here's kate. >> we are talking about rain heading our way as we get in the weekend coming up we will te temperatures rising and when to plan for wet wet they are weekend.
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♪ national anthem
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that was really a boot fill moment. >> yes, earlier today here on the art museum steps. >> a stirring rendition of the national anthem, fire works, included, and i would probably say, that since we wrapped up, three hours of people here, everybody is on the move. >> would i say so. >> either on the move or they found themselves, you know, and they found themselves, you know. >> a nice stop over. >> exactly. >> exactly. >> a little fly over along the way. >> lets go to alexandria hoff, she's checking on mass transit for us, alex. >> yeah, you know, it was cramped quarters out here for a while but things have been clearing out a great deal and since then, they have released at 7:00 their market frankford and broad street line will be returning to normal services, same goes at 7:00 p.m. for
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patco. that is good news. thirtieth street station we are still seeing essentially a mass exodus of sorts, we have been just seen a little wyoming ago hundreds of people lining up to get home after a very long day. you know, people want to wait on a train, there was another option, we saw hundreds of people walking over ben franklin bridge, to get back to new jersey. so you had to brave the cold for that. but we talk to a father/son duo who said as they timed it out just right they were able to make mass transit work. >> the parade was wonderful. well executed. i got lots of pictures. i enjoyed it very mh. it was an easy ride to south philadelphia and so far we were able to take the subway right backup here in center city and we will walk around and then take that home. >> reporter: lots of happy people out here but more reason to be happy until the end of the day, septa services will still be free. reporting here from center city alexandria hoff for cbs-3
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"eyewitness news". >> that is right, free. >> free, it is great. >> i'm looking for free hot chocolate right now. >> i know. >> oh, all right, let's check in with kate bilo, kate, where is weather watchers tonight, ukee, don, jessica we would like like t report that it is cold outside. >> thank you to our lovely team of weather watchers. you need a fire pet or something right in front of to you warm your hands. you look very arctic right now it is feeling arctic right now if you are outside, and new that the sun has gone down the win has died down and as the sky darkens the sun goes down and temperatures drop very quickly. we don't that have warmth of the sun to get you through like we did today. as our weather watchers told us it is cold outside. here's bethlehem streets in the looking as icy as yesterday still lingering snow on the ground and grass there but looking at storm scan three not a whole lot going on here locally as we widen out our next system is still well back to the west. this is going to be a warm
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front really or present as a warm front for us lifting north across the region as we get into tomorrow and saturday we will bring warmer air in, could touch a few snow showers in the poconos by the time it gets here. mostly we will not see precipitation from that particular front. temperatures right now are in the 20's, dropping, pretty steadily winds have died down, 28 in allentown. twenty-seven in reading. eighteen in pound pocono. and 31 in philadelphia it has been at or below freezing for much of the day, we barely got to the mid 30's but feeling like teens and 20's and no exception it feels like 22 in philadelphia, 19 is what it feels like in lancaster and eight in mount pocono. lets talk about the system headinour way. for tomorrow that system to the west could touch off a stray snow shower well to the north but we have got cloud the and a few breaks of sun south of the cit saturday in between systems snow to the north, rain starts to gather to the south most of the day saturday dry, late day rain showers possible, and then waves of heavier rain
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come through on sunday there is 9:00 a.m. and keeps coming through the day. it is milder enough that this is just rain but we may talk about some potential flooding concerns as most of our models have over a inch of rain falling just through midday sunday, possibly over 2 inches in spots. it is an active pattern late rain develops, sunday period of steady rain and late rain chances return monday night, into tuesday. so here's you're witness weather seven day forecast, friday 40 degrees, mainly cloudy. snow shower to the north. saturday rain develops late and sunday is our rainy day, not a great day to be outside but it is all rain and all ice not ice with the high of 53. next week a few more rain chances but temperatures at or above average. new back to our weather watchers on the parkway. >> we're here for you kate, thank you. >> we want our pictures up and where we're located the whole deal. >> we have you covered. >> we will take i break but when we come back more reaction from players, leslie
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van arsdal catching up with the guys on the steps have the art museum. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future... and those who embrace it. the future is for the unafraid. ♪ ♪
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fly eagles fly, on the road to victory. ♪ >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles. >> it is, a continuous loop in all of our heads. >> love it, celebration for the age it is day, unbelievable. >> that is true. >> now they are taking it down >> truly like right behind us. >> it is all coming down. >> as we speak. >> well, guys, we saw them on the stage, we heard them on the podium but they weren't done talking. leslie van arsdal has more and she joins us now, leslie. >> reporter: that is right, don they wanted to celebrate and keep this party going. you hear players all the time say they want to bring the home the trophy for fans but with this group, they truly, truly mean it especially lane johnson, you know, he embraced the under dog roll and offered to buy every single person in philadelphia a beer if they
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won the super bowl. he knows this group is special he told me not to worry they will be good for a very long time. >> it is a pinnacle what the city has been waiting for a long time. we dream bit. you know, it is really cool. what a beautiful day to celebrate. it will be in my memory a long time. >> they fans never thought were you under dogs. >> you know, i didn't think we had a resilient team, all of the injuries, we have great leaders, this will be remembered for a long time just for the good guys that we had and a lot of fun we had. >> have you ever seen anything like this. >> no, it is very special. >> reporter: let me tell you they want to be right back here, doing this, next year, and lane johnson'sing to go really try to make sure they will do. we will send it back to you guys.
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>> leslie, thank you. we heard the r word, quite a few times today. >> repeat. >> indeed. >> we will take a short break you're watching special champion ship addition of "eyewitness news" just a little bit more to go family glad you are with us, be right back. this is for y'all philly, hey, believe that everybody in here , man, they doubted us as players, they doubted us as a team and now all we have to do is step up, love each other more, and have more fun then anybody in the league and believe at this city
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we are the champions, we are the champions, no time for losers because we are the champions of the world. >> wow. >> what a day it has been here on the ben franklin parkway, in philadelphia, and to celebrate the philadelphia eagles and their very first super bowl win, i feel like we have been through a range ofe motions together. >> sure. >> we have been here since sun was up and now sundown and we are so glad you have been
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along on this ride with us. >> if you want to see it again we have it for you on the cw philly, please, enjoy, this is a program, and an event, for a lifetime, and we like to show it to you at 2:00 o'clock on saturday on the cw philly but until then, as doug pederson says, a team makes the miracle , we thank you so much, for being ale part of our team , on behalf of all of us here at cbs-3 in front of the camera and hard working crews behind the camera and one back at the studios this has been a special day and thank you, thank you so much for being part of it. >> we love sharing with you. back here on at 11:00 on cbs-3 at 10 on the cw but until then guys. >> until then. >> hey. >> can we do it. >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles. >> eagles. >> "cbs evening news" coming up next. see you.
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captioning sponsored by cbs ( bell ringing ) >> glor: a quadruple-digit loss. the dow pledges more than 1,000 points for only the second time ever. also tonight, the doctors telling patients not to come to the office. congress works to head off another government shutdown at midnight. feeding the hungry in puerto rico. fema gave the contract to the lowest bidder, but were they up to the task. >> reporter: did you really think that 11 people were going to do millions of meals? >> glor: drowsy driving is blamed for more accidents than we knew. eagle fever on the streets of philadelphia. >> e-a-g-l-e-s! eagles. >> glor: and a runner's long, hard road to the starting line. >> reporter: you were shot in


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