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tv   Eyewitness News at 12PM  CBS  February 15, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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>> ♪ >> live from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia, this is cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> this noon we're learning more about the teenager accused of yesterday's massacre inside of a florida high school. now officials are trying to pinpoint a motive. good afternoon, i'm jim donovan. >> i'm rahel solomon. >> authorities say the rifle used in the attack was purchased legally last year. the white house flags are flying at half-staff. >> kenneth craig joins us live near marjory stillman douglas high school in parkland
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florida which remains a active crime scene. good afternoon, kenneth. >> reporter:. >> good afternoon to you from parkland florida. i'm standing just a few hundred yards from where this tragedy unfolded. that is the school. you can see a very large presence from police out here this afternoon as authorities try to piece all of this together. 19-year-old nikolas cruz entered the broward county jail this morning. >> the suspect has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder. >> reporter: authorities say cruz began his rampage outside marjory stoneman douglas high school then went inside and continued shooters. some students captured the gunfire others ran out. president trump addressing the nation about the deadly shooting. >> no parents should ever to have to fear for their sons and daughters when they kiss them goodbye in the morning. >> reporter: authorities say cruz had been expelled from
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the school last year. social media posts show him posing with guns. on thursday, fbi agents searched the home of the family where he was staying. a lawyer for the family says he was a friend of their son's. cruz moved in following the death of his adoptive mother in november. >> they were helping him. they had got him agk job at a dollar store where he was working. he was going to school trying to get his ged. >> reporter: the lawyer says they knew cruz had a semi automatic assault rifle when he moved in but they had strict rules to keep it locked up. among those jamie guttenberg and the security guard who ran for help. >> i heard he got in front of a couple people and shielded them. he took the bullets for them. >> reporter: classes have been canceled while the investigation continues. there is still a lot investigators don't know at this hour and they are looking for the public's help. they're asking anyone with any information about this -- about what happened or the suspect to call the fbi.
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kenneth craig reporting live in parkland florida. back to you. >> thank you kenneth. the shooting is raising questions about how school and government officials can best keep students safe. >> 33 states including florida require every school or school district to have a comprehensive safety or emergency plan but is it enough? cbs news correspondent adriana diaz is in parkland with that part of our coverage. >> reporter: all entrances at marjory stoneman douglas high school are locked during the school day reopening when students leave. that's when police say the suspected gunman set off a fire alarm and then opened fire. >> in, in, in. >> reporter: school drills like this are common nationwide to prepare for active shooter situations. >> come on. get out of the hall way. hurry up. >> reporter: teachers at stoneman douglas were trained but while some students report going through an active shooter drill at the school others received less training. >> we did have meetings with our teachers about where we need to go what we should do in these situations but we
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never had an active shooter drill. >> reporter: a lockdown was effective in keeping a shooter out of a california school last year because officials had advanced notice he was approaching but the same plan in florida wednesday turned chaotic. because there was no such notice. and the accused shooter set off a fire alarm sending students rushing out of their classrooms once the gunman was already on campus. former police officer adam cochran teaches students how to deal women active shooter scenarios. >> the situation is very fluid. so to say that you have a one size fits all model for a dynamic situation may not be the total solution. >> reporter: he says training is important but it may be impossible to keep students 100 percent safe. >> if somebody really wanted to get into the school with this malicious intent they could have no matter what. and i don't think any security teacher really could have prevented that other than a prison. >> reporter: while the school locks its doors during the school day they do not have metal detectors.
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expert said a lockdown could be the safest in some school shooting scenarios but not all. adriana diaz park land florida >> say this "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the school shooting. when we're not on television find the latest developments any time on >> back here at home a deadly crash in under investigation in mount laurel burlington county. a person riding a bike was struck and killed by a vehicle on route 73. this happened around 6:30 this morning on the southbound side of the road bank near i-295. investigators say the driver that hit the bicyclist did remain at the scene. police shut down the road for several hours while they cleared the scene. it is now back opened. a darby woman recovering after neighbors helped rescue her from a house fire. flames engulfed the homes on fern street around 2:00 a.m. the fire quickly spread to two nearby houses. four people were forced to evacuate but no one was seriously injured. "eyewitness news" spoke exclusively with the neighbor who helped save the woman who
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was trapped on her roof. >> there was white smoke in mile my living room. she had to climb out of her bedroom window onto the roof. the police officers came and they found a ladder to help her get down. >> the rescued woman was taken to mercy fitzgerald hospital. she's expected to be okay. the red cross is assisting the woman and her neighbors. the cause of the fire remains under investigation. >> a firefighter injured battling a house fire in hammonton atlantic county. chopper3 was over the scene last night. crews battled the flames for about 40 minutes before getting the fire under control. the extent of the firefighter's injures are unclear at this point. officials are still investigating the cause of the blaze. newly released video shows a 78-year-old woman fighting back against her attacker in west philadelphia. philadelphia police hope the video will help them track down the suspect. on january 13th, the woman had her purse snatched in the shop rite parking lot on north 52nd street off of lancaster avenue. she then jumped on the hood of the attacker's car.
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he backed up. she fell off. she was not seriously injured. we spoke to the victim who says that fighting back was her natural instinct. >> jumped. i know it was ridiculous or a bad move in hindsight but i was just protecting whatever was mine, which is normal for anybody to do. >> southwest detectives say the thief likely cased the store looking for his victims. he got away with $100 in cash, victim's checkbook credit card as well as tickets to the please touch museum meant for the children at her church. >> well, the winter gear is getting a break today. we're enjoying an early taste of spring. meteorologist kate fehlinger is live on the cbs3 sky deck with just how warm it will get today. katie, hi. >> yeah, mid 60's, that's the call right now rahel. a little taste of mid april a short two months ahead of schedule with the temperatures we're expecting to hit. cloudy around the sky deck and most everywhere else.
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when you look at storm scan you'll note that on the satellite there's not any wet weather, we're getting that nice break between rain showers but it's definitely still damp. when we look out at our live neighborhood network the kids are out at recess. you can see on the right-hand side of the screen near the pavilion there's still some puddling out there but it's really mild. i think a lot of these kids have sweatshirts or light jackets on. 51 even out in berks county and the wind flow is very modest so it's not a noticeable breeze you have to factor in any kind of a wind chill for. air temperatures right now region wide floating with 60's in millville atlantic city, in dover you're at 58 degrees. here at the airport, we're still at 52. and if we see any little break in the cloud cover, that is going to only help matters along to really send these temperatures climbing so nicely. here in philly we're still calling for 65 degrees. limited but at least a little bit of sunshine but you can't get used to that warmth because with time even as
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early as this evening we'll see wet weather moving in so more showers some drenching rain even within all of that. with time temperatures take another nose dive and the weekend is a system you heard rumors about4jóx possibly bringg in snow. we'll talk you through the scenarios as they currently come because there's more than one. guys. >> katie see you soon. thank you. "black panther" opens nationwide tomorrow but some students fromab0 camden are heading to a special screening today. the campbell soup resource group is hosting the event. the company says it will give students the opportunity to witness diversity on the big screen. the movie is expected to set box office records this weekend. cannot wait to see it. an eagles fan is about to get his prize possession back. >> did you notice there were two lombardi trophies with the eagles during the parade. one was handmade by that fan. coming up how the eagles plan to return the duct tape trophy
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to its rightful owners. >> about to return to the dance floor, waits and who it helps when "eyewitness news" returns.
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>> you could be one of the first people to snag a phillies tickets. >> single game tickets officially went on sale at 9 o'clock this morning at the ballpark and online just in time for the home opener
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against the marlins on april 5th. phillies pitchers and catchers are in clearwater with the rest of the team expected to start spring training workouts this coming monday. >> a die hard eagles fan will reclaim his prized possession today and it's sort of famous. you probably saw it during the parade. ike worked hard on this replica of the lombardi trophy. it's made of duct tape. this is him right before the parade. he took the trophy down to broad street and it was such a big hit the eagles wanted it. mike lovers the birds so he gave it to them. here's the big trophy making it through the crowd right onto one of the buses. now he wants it back. he reached out to the eagles on social media the eagles responded saying we heard you were looking for this. we're told mike is meeting with the team today and will be reunited with his trophy. he says he wants it for his man cave or shall we say bird cave. >> students at penn state gearing up once again to raise money for pediatric cancer. on that kicks off tomorrow.
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thon kicks off tomorrow. money raised benefits pediatric cancer patients and their families at the penn state milton s. hershey medical center. >> it's so much fun. it kind of distracts them from whatever we can for as long as we can. >> anything that i can do to -- to put smiles on those children's faces or give them more opportunity or hope, that's an opportunity that i'm going to take right away. >> well, last year the convenient raised more than $10 million. very impressive every single year. well, many children love mcdonald's happy meals. >> but some favorite fast food items may not be included in the kids' meals anymore. coming up what menu changes are in store at the golden arches. katie. >> uh-oh. got to listen to that one. we have a storm system that can't decide where it wants to go just yet. i'm going to walk you through the scenarios of this storm in my full weather hit after the break but here's what we know for sure.
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saturday night is the timing for whatever's coming our way and it could be just a mix of wintry weather. we'll have all the details in that full forecast coming up. >> ♪
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>> docking is confirmed. after two days of traveling from earth, the international space station a russian cargo ship has docked safely. the ship carried 3 tons of food fuel and supplies to the crews on board. >> went to get some coffee and it was much milder than usual. >> feels comfortable outside.
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>> little damp. >> you would probably want a jacket walking out the door. there are some clouds but it real is for february, no complaints. >> no complaints, not even from you. >> no. [laughter] >> yeah, it's nice outside. we can start things off by looking at what's average. where would we normally be on february 15th in any given year. here in philadelphia, the normal high is 44. so, we are far exceeding that already. we are still pretty far cry from the record. that was last in 1949 so quite awhile ago but we're going to be a good solid -- well, almost 10 degrees shy of that here today. in the meantime we were already long exceeding what's normal even as early as this morning. we ended up at about 43 for an early morning low and that happened even just shy of when the sun came up so we've been only rebounding ever since. looking at storm scan3 lots of clouds currently some hints of precip far off to the west. eventually that is going to spread back in as early as this evening to the northern
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tier of our region but then it will spread through the entire region through the overnight hours so it's almost like a repeat performance of what happened last night. although this time the showers likely linger a little bit longer than they have the opportunity to do so here today. so, that's what to expect later on this evening. in the meantime temperature change in the last 24 hours, really not all that impressive in philly or in reading but in millville atlantic city it's feeling down right balmy right now. 12 degrees difference in atlantic city equates to almost 60 currently at atlantic city international. you do have a decent breeze but it's coming out of the southwest right now so while you might notice that it doesn't really add too much as a wind chill as we discussed earlier but in does -- you know, 52 degrees to start off the afternoon is not bad. let's talk about the weekend. now, before we get nice into into this i want to clarify we're looking at model data. that is important. the first model is the gfs, one of the main ones we tend to look at.
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however in this scenario it's throwing us curve balls. it's flipping back and forth. it should be warm enough we would see rain mixing in that would limit snowfall totals in the city but you could see a couple inches with no problem in the lehigh valley and the poconos. then we switch to the european model with brings the rain-snow line to the southeast. that brings us to the cold air in philly. that means a couple of inches of snow with no problem. here's the thing. it's so warm it's going to rebound on the thermometer very quickly even when this gets out of here so even if this ends up panning out either one of these and we ended up with 3-inches of snow on the ground come sunday afternoon most of it would be melting away. so, you shouldn't have too big of a shoveling operation but saturday night into the very early sunday could be a little dicey for your travels so this is more than anything frankly a nuisance of a system for us but the timing is less than ideal if you maybe pushed your valentine's day plans to the upcoming weekend.
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for tonight anyway the showers are going to be returning as we had mentioned but it's too warm for anything other than plain rolled rain. saturday sets the stage for the storm to come in. we look ahead and weary bounding all over again so a forecast that's sandwiched in here with multiple 60 plus degree days and there will, again, still be some activity to track as early as president's day there might be a few rain showers that move in so no rest for the weary. i feel like we might have said that yesterday but it definitely pertains today as well. >> all over the place katie. >> no kidding. >> thank you. >> big changes are coming soon for the happy meal. mcdonald's says it will be removing cheese burgers and chocolate milk from its popular kids' meals. the changes are part of the fast food giant's global plan to cut calories and provide healthier food options for children. cheese burgers will still be available for happy meals but only by request. the changes are expected to take place in the u.s. by june. i understand the cheeseburger
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but what about the milk? i know it's chocolate milk. >> it's good for you. >> is there a lot of sugar in chocolate milk? >> probably. >> someone on the internet let us know. [laughter] >> well, coming up a birthday celebration for three furry favorites at
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>> well, coming up later today on "eyewitness news" at 5:00 buckle up. on some roads and highways it's a bumpy ride. we take a drive with penndot's pothole patrol hole patrol. again that's today at 5:00. cute and festive a chinese new year party at china's panda preserve celebrated with some of the panda cubs born in the last year. >> they rolled around with several toys given to them as new year's gifts. how cute are they? the preserve is the most successful panda breeding site with the birth of more than 40 cubs last year. >> is the panda cam our official -- >> our mascot was a panda. >> speaking about different colors here, this is the philadelphia zoo celebrating the second birthday of three of the zoo's black and white ruffled lemurs. the brothers were treated to a special snack as visitors sang happy birthday.
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if you can't make it to the zoo today the lemur brothers will be on exhibit through president's day weekend. >> most people don't find rats to be cute but maybe this video maybe will change your mind. meet dean he's a long island rodent turned into a house pet. his owner posted a video of him enjoying a massage from a toothbrush. he loves to be brushed after play time. >> keep thinking of that movie ben. >> i think of ratatouille. >> i do, too, katie. still don't think it's cute but okay. >> on that note that's "eyewitness news" at noon. i'm jim donovan. >> i'm rahel solomon for katie and all of us here. thanks for watching. >> "eyewitness news" continues online. >> "the young and the restless" is coming up next. have a great day, everyone.
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>> previously on "the young and the restless"... >> victoria: we need to guard our secrets from ashley until we're confident that her loyalties lie with us and not with jack. >> victoria: i know in your heart of hearts that you want ashley back at jabot. >> jack: and you want ashley out of newman. >> victoria: maybe we could team up. >> j.t.: you know, you spent half the night with billy on the dance floor with his arms all around you. >> victoria: how insecure are you? >> j.t.: you treat me like -- like an outsider. it's clear you don't trust me. >> victoria: that's not true. >> victor: the entire amount. take this briefcase and don't ask another question. >> nick: i love you, and i believe you. i know we're gonna be okay. >> chelsea: i love you, too. >> phyllis: i am on to the person who masterminded the theft, and victor's involvement confirms my theory. >> j.t.: you've reached the voicemail of j.t. hellstrom. leave a message. >> phyllis: j.t., i don't know


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