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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  March 6, 2018 6:00am-7:00am EST

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we've had columbus boulevard, malfunction traffic lights, pothole, imagine that, weaver pothole reporting, we will be talking about that coming up. >> commute tomorrow morning, then specially tomorrow afternoon. you may want to just opt out altogether, with this second nor'easter that's moving in, but all is quiet right now, beautiful scene, we get a look at the ben franklin bridge. on our roof cam right now. we're about 27, 26 minutes away from official sunrise, temperature, though, little chilly, 29 degrees, to start things offer this morning, winds around 5 miles per hour, so windchill temperature, down at 24 degrees. and we got lots of 20's on the board, 27 in ac, 29 degrees in wilmington, at 24 degrees right now in allentown, and yes, today, is the calm before the storm by the lunch hour. mostly clear, still chilly, 41 s we head into the afternoon hours, that's when we start to see the clouds beginning to increase in advance of our next coastal low, that winter storm watch has been upgraded to warning in many areas,
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including for philadelphia, county, kicks in at 7:00 p.m. this evening. and runs until late wednesday night. storms impact during the time frame, leakily to see significant snowfall, especially west of i-95. icing, looks like low threat at this point, though we could see some sleet certainly across south jersey and down the shore. wind will see moderate wind gusts expected around 40 miles per hour, so not going to see the damaging type six's plus mile per hour winds we saw with the last system but with all of the heavy wet snow and trees already weaken, power lines already weakens from last week's storm, we could see more power outages, unfortunately, as we head through the day tomorrow. so talk more about the snowfall totals coming up in just a few. >> this is no good. this is no good, lauren, not what we want to be talking about as we all are just looking forward to april. i know you're with me when i say i can't wait for june, ah, looking outside right now, okay, we have got reports of a pothole coming up here, so tail taillights southbound 95
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south at girard as you head toward this area. reports of a pothole right up here, if you don't have large tires like me, avenue big rim, that's when you really are going to feel those potholes, can actually do damage to your rim, and lately i feel like it is a landmine, kind of jerking the wheel around all of the potholes. careful. ninety-five south at girard the report of very large pothole. accident in delaware, with injuries here, 95 northbound at airport road. travel around, 15 miles per hour, all of that red, letting you know you're traveling right now around the accident. bumm for bumper conditions. then, of course, we have been talking about this flooding on columbus boulevard, both directions now between race street and dock street. so northbound and southbound, all lanes were block, having to take an alternate, now you can drive-thru it, hopefully this starts to dissipate just little bit. but right now it is still out there. you can see it, we will be talking about malfunctioning traffic lights coming up in just a little bit. rahel, over to you. >> thank you shall meisha. well the timing of the storm
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that we've been mentioning really couldn't be worse. >> yes, thousands of people still in the dark now going on five days, we just have some updated numbers for you. peco says about 24,000 homes and businesses also without power. ppl has about 1700 outages, and outages are much lower for atlantic city electric, delmarva power and pse&g. "eyewitness news" reporter trang do live in hatboro where trang neighbors are spending another day in the dark. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, rahel, jim, yes, being so patient dealing with so much. i can tell you it is very cold out here. still below freezing out here in hatboro, so not only dealing with not having power at their homes, but also dealing with sites like these, take a look, this is a very massive tree, that has been taken care of but still is so big it could really cause some damage if it does fall down, this pile of branches that you see here. now, most of the peco customers who remain without power are here in montgomery county, as well as delaware county. and peco says, their crews are
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working as fast as they can to get the power restored, and they actually gave us a look at their emergency operations center, which has been fully staffed, since friday nor'easter. in all roughly 630,000 of peco 1.6 million customers our area were affected by outages. that's more than one in three. now, employees are working 12 on, 12 off shifts, coordinating crews out in the field. at the same time, peco as well as all of russ monitoring yet another nor'easter, expected to wallop the region on wednesday. it is a race against time to get all customers restored before this next storm hits tomorrow. >> we have every available peco crew, all of our local contractors, and weaver 1,000 personnel, from other utilities, as far away as texas, georgia, arkansas, louisianna all working around the clock to get everyone on specially in front of another potential storm. >> now, to try to get a handle on all of the fallen trees, the state has actually brought in some lumberjacks from the
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forestry commission, and in addition to tree trimming conditions, they've been absolutely slammed. we talk to a number of people who tried to get some companies out to take care of treason their properties, and they were telling them it could be weeks before they even get to them. but for now, live in hatboro, i'm trang do, cbs-3, " eyewitness news," rahel, jim, back to you. >> trang, thank you. >> speaking of trees, ahead of the next nor'easter, crews are working to get rid of downed trees and branches of course when the trees fall, they not only knock down power lines, but also leave a path of destruction, expert say home own kearse spot warning signs that a tree may go, before it actually happens. >> and you also cents want to check the grounds around the tree. because when the grounds saturated like they are now, they tends to uproot easier. >> see them rot. see the change in color, and the tree trunks, and then the bark. >> experts say you should have your trees checked at least once a year for decay and disease, if a tree does call call professionals to get rid
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of it. >> in other news, pizza delivery man fighting for his life after he's robbed and shot in north philadelphia. the man delivering a pizza last night on the 2,000 block of west haggard street, walk up, stole the pizza and shot him in the neck. the man didn't take his money, only the pizza, so far no arrest. >> philadelphia police are investigating this brazen armed robbery in west philadelphia. surveillance video shows the suspect barged last monday into ins mark on the 5200 block of jefferson street, around with handguns, shotgun, roughed up an employee, forced him team at this the cash register. they say the suspect made off with about $1,200. >> florida may be ready to change its gun laws after the schooling that left 17 people at stillman douglas high school dead. today new measure moves the to the house after clearing the senate, and more on the changes lawmakers considering there end senate bill 7026, the secretary will unlock the
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board. >> floridians may have soon to be 21 years old before legally buying a gun, when the rules in the bill to the state senate passed monday. would also establish a three day waiting period for most of gun purchases, and advance bump stocks. >> we must be the last families to lose loved ones, to mass murder in the school. >> this time must be different and we demand action. >> the measure passed the senate by narrow 22-18 margin, and must pass the house before going to governor rick scott's desk. scott, has issued use with some parts of the proposal. >> i don't believe in arming the teachers? spokeswoman for scott says the governor will review the final bill before making a decision. meanwhile, family, friends, of victims of last month's fatal shooting rampage in park lands , are among those calling for change. >> well, we want to know here is how we're going to make our kids safe. going to school every day. and not just our kids, all of your kids. and all of your grandkids. >> we're going to set the
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example that florida, so other states could follow. that's why to me it is so important that this bill gets passed. i don't want to stop in florida i'm not going to be the parent that stops. i'm going to be the parents that will take it from here, to the pacific coast. >> florida's legislature ends the session friday. john loyer ends, cbs-3, " eyewitness news." >> big changes for students in cherry hill. police officers now patrolling all 19 public schools full time. new patrols in response to the deadly florida school shooting ment lasts tuesday hundreds cents of parent and student build the the cherry hill school hooting. the township will pay for offers tears patrol the schools through june. >> bill cosby and lawyers involved in his sexual assault retrial will be back in montgomery county court today. prosecutors want to call more than dozen accusers to the witness stands in the retrial. to establish a pattern of prior bad acts. cosby's lawyers don't want the 19 women to testify. cosby is accused of drugging and assaulting andrea constand in 2004.
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cosby says the encounter was concentual. >> meanwhile, australia senior catholic figure the man in charge of at the vatican, back in australia for court hearing pros cents cute ers say several women have accused pell of sexual assault and the hearing will determine if he'll stand trial. pell denies the accusations and his lawyer accused cents police of bias as investigation. the state of washington is defying washington dc. it is now the first state to create its own net neutrality rules. the goal to prevent internet provide presser entering traffic and blocking content. >> we've led the world in commercial airlines. we've led the world in software. today we're leading the worlds in net neutrality. >> federal communications commission has prohibited laws that went against its decision to repeal neutrality, that means, lawsuits are likely. >> well, still ahead on " eyewitness news" this morning , caught on camera, bus slams into parked cars. sending one airborne. what an eyewitness says the driver was doing right before the crash. >> and in the house watch.
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more and more teenage verse been trying e-cigarette, new reserve search shows how dangerous they are. find out why some doctors are comparing them to chemical weapons. >> plus, ten bucks, and 20 minute of their time, that's all it takes to find out if these firefighters have cancer we will tell you what these masks have to do with it coming up next. >> are you ready for it ♪ >> this just makes you want to dance, i don't know if this next story will want to make you dance. another storm. this will dump a lot of snow on our region. are you ready for it? lauren has the forecast to try to help you get ready for it next. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> mother nature throwing one- two punch at state along the east coast. >> the second nor'easter, yes, 21st headed our way, feeling those affected little to no time. correspondent hena doba more now from new york that could bear the brunt of the upcoming wetter. >> coastal town every ducks berry massachusetts cents is racing, to fix this sea wall. desomated by last week's nor'easter. >> you have until tonight before another powerful storm roams in and threatens home. >> this gets back too far, too close to the house, we're going to end up with the house actually being undermined.
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>> rounds two headed in from the midwest where it already dumped loads of snow and ice. it looks poised to do much of the same all along the northeast corridor. >> move up the coastline, big snow totals, just northwest of the i95 corridor over foot of snow. last night, hundreds cents every thousands of homes were still without power. >> i have nothing, zero. >> crews from mid western and southern states, have been called in to help get homes and businesses back up and running as quickly as possible hena doba for cbs-3, " eyewitness news." lauren, apparently couple of differences from the lasts nor'easter, maybe the wind won't be as bad, could see more snow. so i don't now which one is better. >> not real that i great. i mean, yes, so wind threat with this system, see the damaging type 60-mile per hour winds, widespread in nature like we saw with the last
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system there is one looks like we will see some heavy snowfall across part of the area. right now all is quiet. beautiful scene in center city philadelphia. the sun is coming up. chilly 29 degrees. windchill temperatures right now at 24 degrees, storm scan3 , not much going on, at least right now, but 24 hours from now, will be a much different scenario. so here is the apparent area of low pressure spinning in the midwest, will generate another area of low pressure, and all of this energy is going to swing in, as we head through the day tomorrow, and bring us a chance for heavy snowfall across large portion of the area. but for today, increase in clouds, late day shower, high temperature at 47 degrees. and then for tonight, rain, changing over to snow, 33 degrees, our overnight low, so future weather showing us pretty quiet for this evening commute. precipitation swam starts to build in throughout the overnight period. starting at rain in some locations specially south and east every center city philadelphia, then changing over to snow, then tomorrow morning, as we see some mid- level warm air pushing in
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could see change over back to rain in and around center city , south jersey down the shore maybe even heavy sleet possible throughout the first half of the morning tomorrow, but then as we head into afternoon, as colder air wraps around the back side of this system, we will turn over back to snow specially along i95 and in and around the city. >> this will primarily and snow event west of i95 throughout the duration, as we head tonight and through the day tomorrow and that's where we are going to see the most significant snowfall totals, ten to 14 inches, in some of the western suburbs, up toward berks, lehigh valley and the poconos. right along i95 corridor, expecting six to 12 inches, then pretty sharp cut off far lower totals push into south jersey and down the shore. the rest of the forecast, doesn't even matter. we have to get through tomorrow. >> you're absolutely right. kind whatever we are thinking about in the world of travel, as well. although we know we have to get through today's morning commute. working with a bunch of different things. so there are reports of very large pothole.
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ninety-five south, at girard. the camera shot that you are looking at is actually as you are driving toward where that very large pothole is. and that is obviously many of us know that can really cause some damage, just take it easy around the area. accident in delaware. this is involving injuries. ninety-five northbound at airport road. take a look at all of the red. bumper to bumper traveling on through where the accident is area. then looking at some flooding all morning long on columbus boulevard both directions cents between race street and dock street. you can see now, it is actually looking okay. we still have cones in the roadway. but, it is a lot less water on the roadway now than what we were seeing earlier this morning, that's actually looking a lot bert. we have more flooding in new jersey, route 130 northbound at new broadway, one lane is blocked, because of that, and we also have some malfunction traffic lights, we will talk about coming up in a little bit. jim, over to you. >> thanks, meisha. here is some traffic video meisha won't like. bus driver caught on camera plowing into parked vehicles on the street of dayton, ohio. here it come.
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one car owner watched it all happened and called 911, that eyewitness believes she saw the bus driver on the phone moment before the bus hit the cars. these three vehicles that were parked were damaged, no injuries, fortunately so far. no charges have been filed. put down your phones! >> well on the health watch. people with type two diabetes can now relax little bit about their blood sugar levels. >> doctors used to recommends average blood sugar levels between 6.5 and 7%, now between seven and 8%. the american college of physicians has patients who took medication toss keep the prepare just levels increase risk for heart attacks, other health ailments. >> shows teens who use e cigarettes could be exposing themselves to toxic chemicals. study in the journal of pediatrics found that teens who have used them had three times the amount of chemicals in their bodies, compared to teens who didn't use e- cigarettes. >> so toxic, that it is used in chemical weapons. a trial another chemical found
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in the study, if you breathe it in, you will irritate your lungs. it also is possibly related to brain cancer and breast cancer >> most recent data shows more than 2 million middle school and high school student were current users of e-cigarettes. >> well, cancer has cents become one of the leading causes of death for firefighters. >> one firefighter is devoting more time to detection with dogs. now firefighters in florida have part of cancer screening trial. they breathe no a mask for ten minutes, then specially trained dogs help detect trace odors of cancer 95% accuracy. >> so an interesting concept t can't hurt to get checked. and do have some history of cancer in my family. so good to get checked. >> the mask samples go to facility in canada for further testing, so far, knows dogs have detected three cancer patient. yes. >> well, merium webster added several new words. but you might not know what they mean. up next i hear rahel will give me a vocabulary that is.
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>> class is in session, jim donovan. also, crazy scene on this beach in the uk. find out why thousands of star fish washed ashore coming up a little later.
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>> welcome back on this early tuesday morning. we have crystal clear sky conditions. we are one day closer to that upcoming weekend. and it looks like we're going see some sun on saturday, as we head into sunday, we will see even more, or rain chances going to return, and seasonable high temperatures all throughout the upcoming weekend. before we get to the weekends, of course, we have to get through this second nor'easter , we will talk more about the timing and snowfall accumulations cents, in your forecast coming up. >> all right, lauren, see you soon, thank you. now for a look at newspaper headlines from across our region. >> from the delaware county times families of four men killed and burried on
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pennsylvania farm are suing the parent the man who confessed to the killings. lawsuits allege that cosmo dinardo's parents should have stopped their son from having access to guns, due to his involuntary commitment to a mental health facility. >> the from the press of atlantic city the cape may may lewis ferry hiring, retails, maintenance, and it will be health in april. >> new pilot program at west chester university focused on helping students with intellectual disabilities attend college and prepare for employment. the real achievement matters initiative is seeing first participants to begin their college experience in the family. good for them. >> that's a look at newspaper headlines lines around the delaware and lehigh val ills. all right, jim, the dictionary just got bigger. merium webster added some words, so we have some of the words here, we will test jim's knowledge, because he's always so hip. >> i'm hip and happening. >> the first words is glamping >> like fancy camming?
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>> i knew would you know that. >> i like it. that's easy one. what's next? >> yorki poo? >> a two dogs put together,. >> i knew you would know these , but do you know what hate watch means? >> hate watch? >> oh. >> you like look out for like mean girls or something like that? >> not quite. although to be fairy didn't know this either. to watch and take pleasure in laughing at or criticizing, an example would be people hate watch to dallas cowboys game. >> oh. two out of three, jim, not bad >> coming up in the next half hour of eyewitness new news, why your next gourmet meal may come from walmart. >> walmart. race against time to restore power to thousands in our area trang? >> yes, that's right, rahel, tens every thousands of
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customers still without power in our region, i'm trang do live in hatfield, hatboro, rather, with the race against time to get this power back on before the next nor'easter. meisha? >> and, trang, you know, with another nor'easter coming in we better enjoy the calm roadways today, although we do have some flooding, malfunction traffic lights, and the list goes on and on, all of the updates coming up. first a quick break, stay right where you are, cbs-3 " eyewitness news" will be right b
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enamouttooth surface.urhite, the thing that's really important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime the more that we can strengthen and re-harden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients' teeth are going to be. dentists are going to really want to recommend pronamel strong and bright. it helps to strengthen and re-harden the enamel. it also has stain lifting action. it's going to give their patients the protection that they need and the whiter teeth that they want. ♪
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>> today is march 6, 2018. >> our second nor'easter in a week's time. things will start to get going then deteriorating big time through the day tomorrow. >> this is looking like a significant snow event.
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for a good portion of the delaware valley. >> most of peco's customers who remain without power, are in delaware county, and here in montgomery county and they're going into their fifth day without power they are getting restless. >> bracing for another hit. >> rounds two head in the from the midwest where it dumped lows of snow and ice. looks poised to do much of the same all along the northeast corridor. >> we're planning this morning in berlin, new jersey. >> jim, rahel, i know you guys can do it back in the studio. i would love -- >> we are doing it right now, i'm practically a gymnast. >> i'll solve the puzzle. >> go ahead head. >> philadelphia eagles are super bowl champions. >> that's it. >> today's morning minute. and tomorrow's medical advancement are brought to you by pen medicine. >> you can say that again. >> that was a long time coming
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the eagles super bowl victory on last night's wheel of wheel-of-fortune. >> east r for us around here, but this weather is not easy. >> oh, warm inside, even on ill can i morning, beautiful start to the day, winds calm, temperatures cold. this is the calm before the storm. >> beautiful sunrise, doesn't that look nice? even the ocean is calm and quiet but things will get little rougher as we head into the day tomorrow. but waking up to chilly temperatures, down the shore, upper 20's, right now, 27 degrees in ac. 29 degrees in wildwood. 29 degrees right now in philadelphia. and 24 in allentown. as we head throughout the day today, get those preparations done, mother nature will be kind to us, at least through the mid afternoon hours. by the lunch hour, 41 degrees, seasonable into the afternoon
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winter storm warning, along i95, north and west, kicks in 7:00 p.m. this evening, late wednesday night, contends with the next nor'easter, along the coast, you typically bear the brunt of a lot of these storms but, this particular storm is likely to be the kind he is to you. likely we will deal with strong winds adds we head through tonight into thursday. wind gust to go 35 to 40 miles per hour, but not going to see those 60 and 70-mile per hour wind gusts like we saw on friday. would still deal with downed trees, downed power lines, but see the lowest snowfall accumulations there, about coating to 2 inches as you'll primarily deal with rainfall and wintery mix. but in other areas, not so, where we could see a foot of snowfall or more. >> we know what's coming and right now everything looks so calm looking outside looks absolutely beautiful. accident out here, you can see it off in the wings, flashing
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lights there, schuylkill westbound at conshohocken, pulled off to the right shoulder and kind of bumper to bumper conditions throughout there. just give yourselves extra time there. another accident here, in delaware, with injuries, 95 northbound at airport road, two left lanes are blocked, and you're traveling very slow , you see red, we know it is very slow moving around the area. disable vehicle, schuylkill eastbound past roosevelt boulevard. left lane is compromised. take a look at the red, letting you know how slow moving you are going around the area as well. we have report of a pothole, 95 south, at girard, so as you're headed up to the area, trust me a lot putting on their brakes. flooding reports in new jersey , route 130 northbound, one lane block over there. over to you. >> race against time for utility crews working to get ahead before our next major storm. >> at last check, peco reporting about 24,000 outages , and ppl says about 1700 customers still without power, ac electric, delmarva
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power, pse&g also reporting outages. "eyewitness news" reporter trang do live again in hatboro where residents are spending another day without power. trang, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, yes , it is going to their fifth day without power. so you can only imagine what they're going through. i'll tell you it is very cold out here. we're dealing with temperatures that are below freezing here. so it is just very difficult conditions for these families, so take a look, here's what they're also dealing w we see around here just massive trees just on the side of the road. some in the road still. this one has been taking end care of. but peco has brought in a thousand contractors from across the state and country to help them take care of the scenes like this, as well as repair power lines. take a listen. >> crews are working around the clock, and in addition to county, municipal cruels, they
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brought in 22 lumberjacks in the forestry commission to help with clean up efforts. peco 12 on, 12 off the shifts, coordinating crews out in the field. they are monitoring yet another nor'easter expected to whallop the region wednesday, and those still without power are hoping they'll be restored before the storm hit tonight and tomorrow during the day. >> we lost power on friday around like 4:00, 4:15, ever since then, it has been cold, getting gas for generators, having coffee in the morning, because i know some us can't function without a hot cup of coffee, but it has been a long time, peco has been, you know, casino every changing their estimates, we were supposed to get it back before at like 5:00 and then the fifth, like 66th, now all the way to the eighth.
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>> that mopping of four has been patiently awaiting and got an update from peco still giving her that very sad time line of not getting her power on until thursday. but for now live in hatboro, i'm trang do, cbs-3, " eyewitness news," rahel, jim, back to you. >> all right, trang, thank you >> in other news this morning, president trump is moving ahead with his plan to impose stiff tarriffs on steel anal almost numb despite concerns from allies and members of his own party. >> hearing for detail this week on the timing of the planned tariff. jill schlessinger joins us live with the new policy. good morning, jill. >> good morning. >> jill, if i off, who are the winners and losers from tarriffs? >> domestic steel anal alluminum producers, the biggest beneficiaries by far. now, of covers if their businesses increase enough these producers could potentially hire more. losers, well, they're vast, carman ooh faulk tour ers, equipment makers, construction firms, industries that use aluminum for packaging like
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beer companies and canned food makers, we also should note consumers could lose if these affected companies pason their increased cost to us. the automobile dealers association has already warned tarriffs would drive prices up close sub stanley. >> jill there is has been hot button issue but which countries most impacted? >> well, i know the president has criticized china for flooding the market with cheap metals, but it is actually not one of the top ten importers, sorry, exporters in steel to the u.s. canada, brazil, south korea, mexico, they represent nearly half of all of the steel imports. now, the affected countries are not going to take these tarriffs sitting down. the eu said it would retaliate , canada said any trade i am pedestrian moments unacceptable, although the president has tweeted, trade wars are good, economists and investors, they hear the broad tarriffs and the ensuing
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reactions to result in the next global recession. for more on the tariff talks go to jill on money. com. >> i'm telling you, those canadians are going crazy they really aren't -- >> oh, a lot of people on edge , all right, jim, thank you. >> sure. >> well, doesn't it feel like amazon is slowly taking over the world? >> yes. >> now, they may be getting into the banking business. >> the company reportedly wants to provide checking accounts to customers. sources cents say this new venture would be most likely aimed at millennials, open to using amazon as their main banking account. amazon is already in talks with jp morgan, capitol one and some other banks. >> if you want a quick gourmet meal walmart says they have you covered. it will start selling prepared meal kits at even more stores across the count rip. the kids include free measured ingredient let you cook up all kind of fancy meals. says ten different meals already available in two stores -- 250 stores, but will go to 2,000 stores by the end of the year. >> well still ahead, why uber
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is getting sued by pennsylvania, how you could be involved. >> plus, the beehives hive bass buzzing after beyonce posted announcement about philly, and they took it down just minutes later. we will try to tell you what's going on next. pat? >> reporter: good morning, guys. we're still here at any time fitness in berlin new jersey. we are still planking. why? to go viral obviously, the coup ill shuffle plank challenge has gone viral. millions have seen it, we're trying it, we'll do if when we come back. i'm warming up. i don't know that i'm ready for it, but see if i am when we come back.
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>> are the rumors true, craze
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any love couple could be coming to filly? >> what you didn't see, lauren casey over there doing the uh- oh, dance. >> must watch it. >> v. listed on the run two concert for july 30th at the linc, how much, the post quickly was deleted. know word from the pair whether the post is true or not, but it wouldn't be the first time they've worked together since 2014 on the run tour, let you know if we hearing. >> this man accused of stealing francis mc door man best actress statuette is being held on bail. no words how he got a ticket to the oscar after party. sunday police arrested bryant on suspicion of felony grand theft, apparently, he stole door man's oscar statuette off the table at the ball. a photographer didn't recognize bryant as a winner and followed him leaving the ball. when confronted he handed back the statuette without a fight. >> just not right. >> very bold. >> yes. >> big milestone overnight for space x.
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>> private aerospace company celebrating 50th launch of its the early morning sky around cape canaveral florida, the largest ever satellite, about the size after bus. >> storm moving our way already dumped several inches of snow in minneapolis minnesota, freezing rain mixed with snow made driving difficult. and residents say strong wind gusts made be being outside unbearable. >> might be unbearable around here tomorrow, lauren? >> i think we'll all be in an unbearable mood, another nor'easter, another coastal low, nice start to the day, things will go downhill as we head into tonight. but checking in right now with our eyewitness weather watchers, across the area, some chilly temperatures generally in the 20's, even some teens on the board this morning, with clear skies conditions. so we head west of the river, 26 degrees right now at john's house, seeing a lot of sunshine in downingtown, and she has an opinion about the snow tomorrow. she is so not looking forward to it. i think maybe a lot of us feel
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that way, now, all right, i'm ready for spring, i'm over this winter, but we will have to deal with it as we head into the day tomorrow. 21 degrees right now north and west of the city at john's house, ' as lot of sunshine in perkasie, pennsylvania, and he says yes. french toast alert is in full effect. be ready, plan to give this scale of one piece of french toast to five tomorrow's storm even a four, four and a half. that's hi, guys. specially north and west of i95. western suburbs, could see over a foot of snowfall as we head through the day tomorrow. but storm scan3, all is quiet for right now, but here is our area of low pressure, looking very impressive. checking out the counter clockwise circulation, deal billion this low and generate another low off to the south and west that will ride up along the coast, and bring us that moisture in from off shore. so for today, increase in clouds, 47 degrees, but chance of late day shower, then tonight, things getting going. rain changing over to snow. 33 degrees our overnight low.
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and as we head into the day tomorrow, we will be dealing with the winter weather in the poconos, heavy wet snow, ten to 14 inches. same case in the lehigh valley , all snow in these areas. west of i-95, for for the suburbs, we're going to see primarily snowfall, morning mix possible in the city and south jersey, six to 12 inches , lesser for south jersey on the lower ends of that in delaware down the shore, say coating to 2 inches of snowfall, tough go through tomorrow, look at the know fall totals, people have to prepare for very difficult travel tomorrow specially in the afternoon. >> yep, sure will. absolutely. we all know that this can actually turn dangerous very quickly. specially commuting in the vehicles. looking outside right now, looking at an accident on the schuylkill westbound at conshohocken, pulled all the way off to the four right shoulder know since cleared. beautiful shot here. you can see, the volume levels that you are working with, particularly moving in the westbound direction. accident here, this is in delaware, with injuries. ninety-five northbound, at
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airport road, left lanes are blocked, however, looking at this, showing some yellow. traveling little less than supposed speeds. but better than seeing red which is what we were seeing little earlier. that looks to actually be getting a little bit better. accident on northeast i end show past lansdale, right lane compromised there. and we also cents have some construction creig extension northbound before lansdale, that right lane compromised, in reports of a very large pothole. ninety-five south at girard, is. you can bet that your friends here will be putting on their brakes, give yourselve time, jik to you. >> mixing fun with fitness, new viral, and sure to have you working up a sweat. take a look. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> dance became popular in 2007. around, have the cupid shuffle any time fitness in berlin new
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jersey with the mind behind the viral fitness. >> i've been in a plank45 minut. can you believe that? >> i don't believe ive it. this is my man dan over here. he is the man responsible for the cupid shuffle plank challenge that has seen millions of views on social media world-wide. we got some friends out here, at any fitness this morning. dan, how does one come up with the cupid shuffle plank challenge? >> pat as you know right now this is getting pretty boring, pretty tedious, kind of just hanging out here. >> right. you look at a great song it makes you want to move your feet. >> true. >> so naturally i came up with little exercise, and you know the power of social media, took over, and made it from here all the way to hong kong. so 15 million views for you alone, the people across the world are getting involved. as a new way to move and work out. this is not your first rodeo, though, you had another video
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go viral that was a work out. how many views for that? >> right now that is at 69 million. >> 69 million? >> 69 million. >> which one is that? >> the cha-cha slide plank. that was the first one. and this was the follow up to the cupid shuffle. >> real at this all comes down to let's just not be bored as we work out? >> ex andly, as is perianal trainer always fun and new ways to get people moving. this was one of them. >> okay. >> i like how it works. because it is pretty boring: let's see we can work it out. >> you guys ready? >> oh, they've been doing it. >> all right. so here's what we will do. >> all right? >> everything is on a four count, okay? so wait until it comes in. >> oh, i get to come down. >> come down, wait for good song. ready? all right. so we go up. to the right first. one, two, three, four, left, left, left, left.
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kick, kick, kick, now, run, run, run, run. feet, two, three, four. >> this is really challenging. >> but it is fun. >> you know what, because -- >> kick, kick, kick, run, run, there go. >> yes, planning is no fun. now, i saw jim and rahel back at the studio. did some planking. >> is that right, guys? >> i'm doing right now, skip the gym. >> pat, you look good. >> jim? >> to the right, to the right. >> there you go. kick, kick. >> hey, i'm trying to work out , kick, talk at the same time. not east. >> i arms on fire yet? >> on fire. take it so i can go down. >> all right, pat, thank you. >> wonder if gale will do this with us? >> you got to keep going. left, left, up -- >> time 6:51. a lot coming up on cbs this morning. >> gale king and john dickerson, we're getting a work out here, joining us live
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from new york with a preview. good morning, guys. >> it sounds like it, yes, we've got a lot coming up today on tuesday, good morning , rahel, and jim. house speaker paul ryne takes on the president, over planned new tarriffs on steel anal alluminum. we'll figure out how it could impact jobs. >> plus, part two of our cbs news investigation. into the child labor used for mining a mineral that's needed for cell phones, we follow one little boy home who support his family on a dollar or two a day. plus the people working the rescuing those kids from life of labor. >> oprah is here with us in studio. >> oprah washington. >> williams. >> oh, yes, very easy. >> i get them mixed up. >> we will talk with oprah about her next zero mint speech and her new mop movie. wring nel time. all of that plus the eye opener your world in. >> in 90 seconds. we'll see you at 7:00. >> we will be watching. >> thanks, guys. well, a massive data breach prompts pennsylvania attorney general to sue uber.
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the lawsuit claims the ride sharing company broke state law when it failed to notify more than 13,000 drivers for a year that haak ers have stolen personal information. uber says it is cooperating with investigators, and it has already taken steps to be accountable. >> well, the so-called beast from the ease is being blamed for killing thousands of star fish in the u.s. >> uk, excuse me. >> tens every thousands of dead star fish washed ashore, while no official expert explanation on the phenomenon, some have handle the high tide and became stranded on the beach. >> man. >> well massachusetts firefighters are being called heroes for saving a life right inside their fire station. >> and their work was caught on camera, take a look, fire station cameras shows two neighbors inside their station with their puppy body who was choking. firefighters sprung into action, using a pet size version of the heimlich maneuver on the little fellow there. they also used cpr and special oxygen mask. >> to see someone or something
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in distress, you do what you can to help. and that's what we are trained to do. that's what we did. >> first couple of compressions cents weren't really doing anything, and then i tried to squeeze little harder, i kind of heard a puff of air come out. >> how about this? had only been with his new family for about 24 hours when some of his lunch went down the wrong pipe. good news should make full rolf i. >> look at that face. >> i know. >> well, bosses the one california burger chain a hand in the kitchen will make a big difference. >> the weird part is extra hand flipping burgers belongs to a robot. flippy now in action at kelly burger where they use thermal imaging three addition vision and other futuristic skills to make a perfect burger. they say robot could help at the grill. >> any time you go to kelly burger anywhere you know the patty will be cooked exactly the same. not a fun job. hot, it is greasy, it is dirty >> the kitchen of the future will always have people in it but we see that kitchen as having people and robots.
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>> what do you think, jim? >> i don't know about this. >> okay, kelly burger testing at one of its locations right now, each one cost about $60,000. >> oh,. >> ya. we'll be right b
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i like these yogurt bites. (phone buzzing) and i like these yogurt bites... ah... ooh! apparently, i like them more than i like my phone. where...ah, oh! hello? ah, i missed it. it was my mother-in-law. i'll call her back. don't tell her i told you that. you'll like them both but love our price. award-winning little journey baby essentials from aldi. simply smarter shopping.
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>> customers still without electricity. >> bad news, more snow on its way, this time tomorrow we will be in the midst of
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another nor'easter expected to bring measurable snow to the tri-state area. >> and, bill cosby is back in court today as his lawyers argue to keep several from testifying as the sexual assault retrial begins next month. >> and last check on the weather and traffic. >> all right, this is significant snow event. if you are west of i-95, prepare for a lot of snow, a sharp cut off across south jersey, the closer to i95, the more snow you should expect. >> all right, lauren, thank you. we do have accident northeast extension with injuries, northeast extension southbound past lansdale, pothole reported 95 south at girard. >> thank you shall meisha. cbs this morning is coming up next. >> remember to join us each weekday morning here on cbs-3 starting 4:30 a.m. and whether we're not on your television, you can follow us on for updates throughout the day. have a great day. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ captioning funded by cbs . good morning, it's tuesday, march 6th, 2018. welcome to "cbs this morning." a new winter storm is sweeping across the midwest as millions in the east prepare to get slammed by the second nor'easter in a week. we're taking you to massachusetts where hard-hit towns fear another blast of flooding, snow s. in another day of interviews, robert mueller is dared to arrest nunberg. an investigation into child labor used for mining a mineral needed to power devices such as cell phones. we follow an 11-year-old boy


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