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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  March 7, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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not done with us just yet 's forecast ted the second nor'easter in a week is pound ing the reej on has pounded the region and finally thank flu, it is on the way out. good afternoon i'm ukee washington. i'm jessica dean. live coverage of the storm continues now, and, we will start with our weather team, meteorologist kate bilo, and chelsea ingram in the weather center. guys, it is a mess out there. >> it is a mess all across the area. chelsea, you are dressed for the mess because you are heading outside to the sky deck. >> yes, it is mess mess out there. that kate, that snow is so heavy. it is insane. know fall rates insane as well >> it was like that concrete snow that heavy water content in the snow very hard to get
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off your car, hard to shovel and maybe if you wait it outlet it melt a little bit, it will get heavier. basically no matter which way you slice it, it is a pain. you are heading outside brest us conditions out there in just a moment but lets start off with what is happening, news is good, we are seeing the storm, exit the area. now 10 to is what we said height of the storm. we are still seeing a band of heavier snow over central and eastern, new jersey, but the storm is now trucking toward cape cod where it will head tonight and we will see heavy snow along the southern new england coast around the back edge of the storm, we have been talking about a quick clear. they like to wrap up quickly, you can see that quick, exit, of the storm, and exit of the snow and sun breaking out. great news for kid that is want to do sledding or build a snow man. heavy at accumulating snow for most has ended. burlington county southern burlington county, ocean county and down toward atlantic city you are getting heaviest snow we have seen so far today. it is just push east, up to
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206, but still very heavy snow headed toward, toms river, spots like lbi, and still, seeing over an inch per hour, in, the accumulation rate in this particular band. but this is the last of it, and things are moving out. but lets look at our snow, because this storm didn't perform exactly as expect, every where but for the most part across the north and western suburbs, that six to 12 inches and out just perfectly. broomall, checking in at 1 foot on the knows, 12 inches of snow. bryn mawr 11 inches of snow. lower makefield township at 10.5 inches of snow. berwyn chester county 9 inches folks chase in the city picked up 7 inches. we don't have an updated total from the airport but spots near airport and essington area at 8 inches of snow. likely over a half foot in philadelphia. so, even in delaware northern delaware, greenville at 10.4 inches, brandywine 10 inches, north wilmington at 8 inches of snow. newark half foot and new castle at the airport 5.1 inches of snow. temperatures right now are
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rising a little bit as storm, departs, snow stops falling, temperatures in the mid 30's. been above the freezing mark through the course of today's storm but of course, surface temperatures can above freezing if the snowfalls heavily enough, around the back edge of that storm we are seeing some clearing, visibilities have improved, and 10 field in the past hour or so, in philadelphia, and points west, and still very low visibility mount pocono, down around zero, half mile in trenton and atlantic city but much improved in wildwood and in dover. winter storm alerts, still in effect, although those should gradually be moving out, as we head through the rest of tonight, lets take a look at conditions outside in the city right now because chelsea, i'm guessing it looks different then dit about an hour or two ago. >> i can actually see the sky line behind me which is a huge change from earlier today, and believe it or not i have seen a couple peaks of sunshine too with the cloud thinning out, at lee somewhat. we have several inches of snow that fell here on the cbs-3 sky deck, in surprise there
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with those ban that is moved through. we will take a look at graphic now and show you, what you can expect on the road as we head in the overnight hours, tonight, and then this evening we have got slushy, and snow covered road, in some area, especially areas not treated as well, back roads an inside roads, just beware of that, especially in those locations that kate showed you where we had 10-inch toes a foot of snow. slushy roads possible as we head in the overnight hours tonight, and even as we head into thursday morning we will to have watch out for some slick spots on the road especially because temperatures are going to fall below freezing, as we head in the overnight hours tonight. we are forecasting a low temperature in philadelphia right around 30 degrees and north and western suburbs could actually drop into the upper 20's. we will continue to keep you posted for now from the cbs-3 sky deck i'm meteorologist chelsea ingram now back inside to you. >> chelsea, thank you. this is of course second nor'easter in less than a week to hit the area and power outages are again on the rise. >> peco reports more than
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118,000 outages, majority are in bucks county, 6200ppl customers in the dark, ac electric reports 21,000 outage s, pse and g has more than 39,000 customers, without their power, and del marva reports 63 to outages in new castle county. after taking a beating in last week's storm delaware county is not in the clear. >> or still struggling with problems and even though the snow has stopped in parts of the county the conditions remain dangerous. joe holden has been live in havertown all day and he joins us now with an update, joe. >> hi, jessica and ukee. i can tell you right now we have seen the sun, already there is improvement, there goes one of the out of the state power trucks many of them in delaware county still trying to restore power that was lost, on friday. you can see a peeking sun, is coming out of the cloud. silver lining for what has been a long day out here, we do apologize for the somewhat foggy camera, there is so much
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more moisture with this system the snow, is wet and it is heavy, it is accumulated somewhere in the order of, about 10 inches. hey guys, four wheel drives are out and that will get you around here. this it is a slushy mess on the roadways. we have caught up with haverford township chief john viola earlier today, talking about these back to back storms and how the township, has been dealing with it. >> well, we have 17 cars in the street, between us and radnor we have 906 calls for services for over week friend friday to monday which is a really high number. we were out friday we were non-stop just giving out addresses and we were responding to them. so much so many trees down. medical emergencies, alarms, wire fires, just continuing. >> is there any silver lining to this event right now, thaw are seeing. >> spring is almost here.
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>> reporter: chief has a point , i think we're doing math here, behind the camera, about 14 days until spring, march 7th, give perors a giving way to some clearing and some sunshine. reporting live from havertown, joe holden for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". spring, forward this weekend. it is getting closer. thank you. lets check out road in montgomery county, mobile weather watcher has taken to the streets. we are looking live in montgomery villain you can see the snow piled up in the middle of the road on the side they got hit hard but once again, nothing coming from the sky in this shot, things are starting to move out, kate said earlier between six and 10:00 p.m. this should be on its way out and it is starting to move now, on the road, with the mobile weather watcher. and it is a tough commute even though people stayed home for a snow day here's a look at route 63 woodhaven road between i-95 and franklin mills boulevard. all lanes blocked there because of multiple cars stuck in the snow, is there also a down tree, the eastbound lanes , so just kind of a mess
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there. on the the schuylkill expressway westbound, just past the blue route, all lanes were closed, due to a disabled van that was stuck in the snow , but that road is now reopened as you can see, it seems to be moving much better here's a look at i-95 near cottman avenue, now, that seems to be moving well, as well, you can see snow is in the middle there but the roads seem pretty clear, it is slow going. it is a mess out there. take it slow. we have been giving you what an inside look at how penndot is monitoring road conditions, and managing, resources, up in the lehigh valley. >> "eyewitness news" reporter chantee lans is live with the latest on the snow's impact in allentown, chantee. >> hey, jessica and ukee i have even more good news for you it has officially stopped snowing here in allentown, i think personal snowfall was around 11:00 o'clock last night so a bit of the break for people out here. good news it hasn't really been sticking. we will show you by my food this is mostly slush, it is
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not even enough really to build a snow man. now outside on the road is here we have been focusing up the street here down hamilton street is one of penndot's offices and they have been saying that people have been staying off the roads. they have been grateful for that. on the side of the road though , something our photographer will kenworthy pointed out you can see the melting of the snow, and the stream of water here, yeah, this is water but that is likely going to turn into ice which why is penndot is urging people to continue to stay off the road. >> really have all the of trucks are out on the roadway, full compliment of drivers here in lehigh veil, north in the poconos when we get significant snow it will be mainly a plowing operation, pile the snow on, afterwards we lay materials down and helping melting process. we want to get above the storm and snow off the roadway. >> reporter: and again, 200 pieces of equipment they said have been working around the clock keeping the roads
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cleared so just drive cautious ly if you have to be out and if you don't stay inside. very latest live from down town allentown chantee lans for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> okay, thanks very much. a lot of people have been complaining about this latest bought of snow works man in bucks county has a positive look. >> vittoria woodill, no, wait she's live in doyletown with more. >> tori's always positive. >> finding other people positive as well but tori you are always positive you always find the fun. >> reporter: that is the thing with days like this, like you have to look at it like that. like just inside of the bar chamber 19 it was a no power, happy hour, if you will, i stole that line from someone at cvs, pat, i love that line, creative, i loved it. it is all about perspective. difficult run into a woman battling cancer for quite sometime but today, this snow day, marked an incredible day and truly a day to savior,
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even in the snow. personally it is a great snow day. i finished radiation today, so this morning i got up at five, or 4:00 a.m., drove in the city, drove back by 8:00 a.m. and ready to enjoy the snow day here in doyletown because today was my last, day for radiation. >> congratulations. >> thank you today marks seven months of working and battling breast cancer, and so it is always celebrating a little wins and celebrating the joys of life and the beauty of doyletown is great, the community is great and people are as you om. >> reporter: i mean if that is not a reminder to stay in the moment and be grateful i don't know what else is, i mean ukee and jessica, we wish helen the best of luck but if it wasn't for this snow day i never would have ran into her so i'm grateful for that moment that she shared her store which all
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of us. >> as we see her again give her a hug from all of us, indeed. "eyewitness news" viewers have been sending us photos and we're loving wintry look around the valley, twitter user a new world man sent thus picture of his community in new hope. >> new world, new hope. he is a new world, that is new hope, in case are wondering. the photos were only taking two hours apart, really good perspective. thanks for sending us this birds eye view. it doesn't look like anyone has been able to escape this heavy snowfall. this is the scene in deptford, new jersey, carroll sent thus look at a parking lot where into the snow are visible on the ground there be safe carroll thanks so much for that photo. stay with "eyewitness news" our coverage continues and we will be on the air extra early tomorrow morning again join us rahel, jim, meisha and lauren right here on cbs-3 at 4:00 a.m. crews are trying to clear runways at philadelphia international airport, and if
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you are supposed to fly out, please, check with your airline, or 1800phl gate. >> our coverage continues, taking a live look at west chester, hey, hey, hey. >> wow. >> that is the sun. >> we will check with greg argos at 5:30 and have more storm coverage after the break
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live look from our cape may camera mostly rain down the shore, south jersey seems to be spared the snow, but, we will check with new jersey reporter cleve bryan, coming up at 5:30. again, they got hit hard earlier but now looks good. in fill at snow has stopped here in the city. >> natasha brown joins us from rittenhouse square with the very latest on conditions there, natasha. >> reporter: well, good evening to you both, snow has certainly stopped here in the center city we are in the rittenhouse square area and there is a glimmer of sunshine here off in the distance. so happy to see that at this point but it was a good snow day for some, take a look at a little snow man here, however small, it was a good snow day for nine year-old girl you will meet at 6:00. in the meantime we were able to speak with a group of students, actual friday north
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carolina that came up, for a lacrosse team with temple university, it looks like you take a look earlier marveling at the snow and at our weather , certainly don't see every day down south. here's what they had to say. >> it is your only off day so we are taking advantage of it while we can. it is so cold but so fun. all of the teammates will be around the city, and, it is just so much fun. >> it is like winter wonder land, so, we are from florida and i never see snow ever. it is really cool. >> reporter: really cool, cool time for them. they were enjoying the weather you can see this little boy how adorable trying to make a little snow man, you guys. he has enough snow, few inches or so out here. however, tiny, they are having a great time in rittenhouse square. now that the snow has cleared away and stopped now time for fun, that is very latest from rittenhouse square natasha brown for cbs-3 "eyewitness news".
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>> remind me of, catching snowflakes on my tongue. >> when were you little. >> no, yesterday. >> yeah. >> now, the snowy scene from philadelphia international airport, this is outside the baggage claim, understandably not a lot of people there. inside there have been a lot of cancellations, we're told crews have been trying to keep those runways clear of snow, now that the snow has slowed down and stopped, they should have better luck with that. if you are traveling though it is highly recommended to touch base with your airline, on line or on the phone if you have not already. >> slowing down, and kate has more on that moving out, sun's out in some spots. things are really winding down still snow in southern burlington county, maybe atlantic county but snow's over and storm is heading toward new england and they can have it. we are done witt for the most part the storm performed generally as expected. we had heavy bands of snow and under those heavier bans many spots pick up eight to 12
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inches of snow. few areas that didn't get under heavier bands that had less but all anomia very messy day across the area for vast majority of the region and it continues tonight. even though snow is over the roads are still a mess. lets look outside, out to bethlehem this is one area lehigh valley that the heaviest band just never quite make i had up there. so those totals were less than anticipated, still a little messy outside on the road but they are fairing better in the lehigh valley then they are further south, you can see traffic moving, on those wet, slushy roadness bethlehem and new fresh coating, several inches of snow there on the ground. storm scan three showing storm departing still that heavier band weaken now and we are not seeing that super bright violet color, just a darker purple as it moves it off the coast and lingering snow showers or flurries coming in the back edge with the upper low but the heavy at accumulating snow has ended and skies are starting to clear just in time for sunset. if you do get enough sunshine with the storm off shore, it should be a beautiful sunset
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for many spots. earlier today we had a report of a bolt of lightening near ship bottom. there were reports of thunder snow and thunder sleet, also, just plane rain with thunder and lightening across especially central and coastal new jersey. we did have a few reports of structure fires in and around the ship bottom area, one of these was confirmed with eyes on the scene to be due to a strike of lightening. so, just an extra hazard with storms like this not only do you have heavier snow and messy road but thunder snow causing some very, very nasty conditions with fire in new jersey. we have talked about pennsylvania, delaware at top of the show and now we will talk about new jersey totals, moorestown a lot of this piled up, in a very short period of time, under that heavier band, 8 inches in moorestown, bordentown at 7.4 inches, wet deptford six and a half, cherry hill 5 inches. seaville, cape may count that i one band brought it enough, to dump 3 inches of snow there speaking about these bands lets look at these storm reports in plymouth meeting
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they got 4.5 inches of snow in an hour april a half. insane rates there lower makefield township picked up 2.3 inches in an hour. springfield got an inch and a half in an hour. bellmawr, new jersey almost and inch of snow fell in 15 minutes. banding, certainly the key to these storms and where the bands set up that is where your storm, snowfall totals will be highest. temperatures right now in the 30's, mid 30's. we are seeing temperatures near 40 in lancaster where it cleared out and dried out earlier. and the storm is off the coast by 7:00 o'clock tonight, skies clear, tomorrow, the sunny day , blustery, but temperatures are in the 40's and friday looks like a dry day as well with a chance for a few flurries or a snow shower. overnight again the snow has ended for most of us, continuing to end, through the rest of this evening, clouds decreasing, and tomorrow, 44, and then friday, 43 with a chance for a flurry and weekend looks quiet, we have set those clocks forward on saturday, and sunday, 46, and monday, we have to watch the coast as a storm will be sneaking by to our south. there is some support it could
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try to come up the coast, other models have it staying south, lets hope for the staying south scenario we will keep you posted on that. >> all right, thanks very much nor'easter is on its way out but effects remain. >> here's a live look, driving on, the roads looks okay right now in horsham, montgomery county. but as we showed you earlier road conditions certainly depending on where you are, so road conditions certainly depending on where you are, so take that into ♪ ♪ there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future... and those who embrace it. the future is for the unafraid. ♪ ♪
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don's here and we're going to ship yours to the last two and a half years, we have been talking about weather. >> you have. >> i didn't notice at all. >> yeah, i know. >> now, we will talk about something different. >> big news outside of weather , involving the birds, man, this is real deal. >> huge. >> big deal. >> at the parade it was surreal scene carson told to us get used to it. doug told us it is new normal. today, the eagles, did all
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they could to confirm that. the birds have agreed for a trade for michael bennet of the sea hawks, three time pro bowl shore can play anywhere on the line, he had eight and a half sacks last season and 24 quarterback hits. bennet turns 33 in november, and its salary cap hit could be somewhere in the neighborhood of five and a half million. now the deal cannot officially be announced until next week, when the new league year begins but here's the details. eagles send marcus johnson and fifth round pick to seattle in return, they get bennet and a seventh round pick. now bennet reacting on twitter , it is a picture of him in the eagles jersey,e maine gis and said, free meek mill. no surprise there, bennet, very active, social activist, in fact, he started a book club in seattle and written a book of his own, interesting character, and a leader for sure. >> um-hmm. >> yes, big personality, though. >> fun to have him.
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>> talented too. >> we like that. >> thanks, buddy. coming up how storm is affecting rest of the northeast. >> take a look at this live picture from west chester a snow man in the sun there sporting a cbs-3 hat. nor'easter is moving out and our coverage, continues after th here's something you should know. there's a serious virus out there that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most don't even know it.
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"eyewitness news" coverage continues now, with another nor'easter you are looking at the wells fargo center in south philadelphia, the snow came down, so hard and crews had a hard time, keeping up with all of the plowing. at lee we are not alone in this winter weather, north jersey's getting hit harder then most in our region. this is maplewood, essex county, they are expecting 12 to 20 inches, by the time it is all said and done. i'm ukee washington here in the wenter center with kate
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bilo and chelsea ingram right behind me there say hi, chelsea. >> kate, the forecast, it is a powerful one, that was, and it is moving out now. >> it is. >> and you have your boots on, ready to take it on. >> can you see them, we have to wear snow boots. >> yes. >> outside is covered with snow, you mentioned north jersey we have a report of one area with 14.7 inches of snow over seven fell in just three hours. we had some of those intense back in our region as well. lets look at is what happening now, worries over with. and here's bright news, we have some clearing skies, across the area this evening, and if the sun comes out, temperatures above freezing, the snow will start to melt, already, they will start to see that snow compacting and starting to melt even through this evening as the storm pull s out. it is not done for everyone in ocean county, burlington county hey wait in the over for me still snowing and it is still snowing from toms river, stafford, lbi, even lightly in
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atlantic city but for the most part this has pulled out and left behind quite a bit of snow. bull's eye appears to be delaware county broomall pick up a foot of snow, bryn mawr, montgomery county 11 inches of snow, lower makefield township at 10.5, berwyn chester county 9 inches of snow and fox chase , 7 inches of snow, lets head to delaware where we have high amounts, in northern delaware, greenville at 10.4, brandywine 10 inches of snow, north wilmington 8 inches, newark, new castle with near 6 . so what to expect this evening the snow is departing quickly, we are seeing breaks of sun peak out here and there across the area, snow will start melting and compacting, that should help with the road, efforts, as we head through rest of tonight and tomorrow but roads do remain messy, through tonight and into tomorrow morning. we will have more what to expect on the road and we will have your full seven day forecast and chelsea will check with our weather watchers coming up in a bit. for now, back to you. >> we will check back in a bit now lets check with
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chester county snow has stopped falling in west chester. >> earlier it was coming down heavily our greg air guess has been there all day long, greg. >> reporter: all day long and kate said it best, worries over, worse has been over here at west chester university for at least two hours now. in fact take a look, we are at the quad, center of campus, blue skies and sun, it is beautiful to see because as you mentioned, jessica it was coming down and it was coming down hard here, earlier. we're talking a few inches per hour on the ground, four or five or 6 inches but it that is type of snow. i want to reveal our big surprise, ed spay, our photographer and i have been working on then all day long, 7 feet tall, cbs-3 fan, watching our newscast, some of the student out here were making snow men so we decided to have fun as well. we talk with many folks throughout west chester though , all throughout the day here. some folks putting plows on their trucks and plowing area
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making some extra cash. we have talk to fraternity students they were throwing major party police broke that one up. spoke with other students at library eating free pizza here and studying, right now campus is quiet. you can see that one student right there walking by but for the most part, everyone realizing, this is just, one snow day, tomorrow is back on, so most of the students we spoke with say they will go back to their dorms and what not and they are studying for tomorrow's classes, tomorrow's exams. but really, a beautiful scene here at west chester university. snow men and i just hanging out basically a quiet, beautiful campus, snow is over and that is basically it right now. it was a hectic avenue but now , quiet, clear, and it is a beautiful evening here, in chester county. that is very latest live from chester county, i'm greg argos for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> it is a macing. you look great there with your snow man.
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>> yes. >> good couple: take a look at this "eyewitness news" viewer sarah crosby caught this shot at broad and morris in south philadelphia. it looked like heavy snow smacked a tree in half leaving part of it in the street there police are on the scene directing traffic, waiting for crews to arrive and remove it. take a look at this it is penndot, the penndot plow tracker. penndot web site has live updates on the locations of their plows, you can see the area, it is blanketed with trucks, clearing the highways and byways. to check your roads near you or roads thaw plan to use, we have a lincoln our web site at cbs this latest blast of winter weather dumped snow on parts of the south jersey. >> "eyewitness news" reporter cleve bryan is in moorestown where the road are a slippery mess and i'm worried about isolater on tonight, hi there, cleve. >> hi jessica and ukee. we had about 6 inches of snow in five hours that tapered off about a half an hour ago. these road where is completely
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a mess. we had a foot of slush that has been push over by some of the plow trucks, that go through and that slush has moved over to the side of the road where it belongs up but it is still difficult to make turns on these road because we have to go through that big bit of slush. looking down the street, this is south church street in moorestown and it is at bottom of the hill there is a down power line. we have moorestown fire department going down there right now, police are down there, road closed off, i took a walk and video of what was going on a little while ago. there was a disable tractor trailer at the bottom of the hill right in front of the power line. apparently what happened was tractor trailer tried to stop, because of the power line backup, turn and got stuck there for several hours and it was pretty difficult to get that tractor trailer out. other cars got stuck turning around and i talk to two guys that lived here, in the area, and one of them described for me exactly what was going on down there. what happened here behind you.
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parentally stuck. >> four wheel spin the back there so we're struggling to get traction, but i guess next stop is a ramp to try to toe him out. police hopefully have some ideas. >> reporter: police and fire both there now. we have some plow trucks that are on the roads, they are trying to push this, slush this slop off of the road. it moves easily. cut through it like butter but there is a lot of volume and it will take a little while were these road are cleared but the snow has stopped, the plows are moving, and we are seeing improvement, back to you guys. >> bottom line, thanks, appreciate it, back to you later. well, much of the east cozies getting hit with this latest nor'easter, parts of the maryland including baltimore area expecting up to 7 inches of snow from today's snow. >> kid made the most of their day off playing in the snow as adults focused on clean up but it wasn't all white stuff, some areas even so saw some flooding. storm wreaking havoc on parts of the new york, wet snow
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bringing down trees, power lines in west chester county. and like many people in our area, they are still cleaning up and dealing with power outages from last weeks storm. >> lets look at this close call, captured by police dash camera, during last week's nor'easter, officers in, new york were, struck by a large tree that came down, along with the power line, due to a high speed wind, fortunately no one was hurt and police car , escaped serious damage. well, more storm coverage is on the way. >> we will check on the entertainment news in the hot minute including how actress, sharon stonies looking and feeling so young, kate. and we will take a look at the weekend now that the storm is moving out, we have some pretty nice conditions to look forward to nice, quiet this weekend, temperatures back in the 40's, skies will be clearing through the even of the week. we have sunshine, saturday and sunday, and remember we will springford, saturday night but set those clocks ahead one hour, before you go to bed we set those clocks ahead one hour, before you go to bed we will be right
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in other news we are following a suspect is facing charges for a hit and run in mayfair that left a three-year old girl fighting for her life police say this man zachary lauer ran away after slamming into a mother and her two daughters as they walk on tyson avenue last night, group of bystanders helped rescue the three-year old victim pinned underneath the car. at last check she remains hospitalized in critical condition. the child's mother and four year-old sister are in stable condition, and lauer's facing several charges including aggravated assault, while driving under the influence and child endangerment. a shooter is still on the loose after gunning down three men at a chinese restaurant in west philadelphia incident happened on the 200 block of south 60th street around 1:00 this morning.
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police say surveillance footage, captured the shooter, exiting a car and then firing into a restaurant. three victims are doing okay, so far there is in word on a motive. and two men are wanted forearmed robbery at this restaurant on chew streets, the suspects were caught on camera monday forcing an employee, of golden china restaurant to the back, of the business, at gunpoint, and once inside, they took $1,500, and an employee's iphone. if you recognize either of the suspects you are asked to contact the philadelphia police. the dow jones bounced back this afternoon, earlier it fell more than 300-points on news chief white house economic advisor gary cohn is resigning. his biggest accomplishment was to push president's tax can plan in congress but lost argument over imposing new tariffs on steel and aluminum. white house says president will have no problem filling the position. >> the president's got a number of very accomplished, smart, capable people around him, and he is going to
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continue to line on those people. >> names mentioned as possible replacements include white house trade advisor peter navarro, former federal reserve governor kevin marsh and tv personality larry kud low. stormy daniels who claims she had a intimate relationship with president trum in 2006/07 has filed a lawsuit to get non-disclosure agreement she sign about that alleged relationship invalidated. lawyer for daniels says she's suing because she wants to set the record straight. daniels, who real name is stephanie deliver, claims the agreement is legally null and void because mr. trump did not personally sign it. >> she wants to be heard. she wants to tell the public the true facts of what happened to her. mr. trump was obligated to the sign agreement in order to be legally binding. >> so far the white house has not commented on the lawsuit, daniels allegedly received a pay out, not to talk about the alleged affair.
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when we come right back kate will have her updated forecast. >> here's a live look from our parkway central library cameras snow moving out but effects are still felt all over the area, we will take a tour with our cbs-3 weather watchers when we come
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live look from our camera in bethlehem where the snow has stopped, very pretty shot as we continue our live, storm coverage. you know we love seeing your snow day photos, so much for your traditional snowballs how about a game of catch with this pup, from croyden. this is her dog lieutenant olivia benson enjoying every minute of her snow day. thanks so much, missy for send ago this to us. check out these cuties, eric and patrick playing in the snow in abington, and, little business, they just happen to be our 6:00 o'clock producer's son, we love the smiles, as they settle in for the snow, and pat, thanks for sharing those with us. good way to spend the show day chelsea ingrammys tracking the storm and checking with our cbs-3 weather watchers, chelsea. >> our weather watchers are basically eyes on the ground and they have been working
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really hard today, send nothing tons of reports to us, and some really impressive numbers. especially when it comes to snowfall amounts, lets look at these. lee in landingberg about 8 inches in his neighborhood, barbara in willow grove, 10 and a half inches where she was, lynn in cherry hill, 9 inches in her backyard, joseph, in pennsylvania, 10 inches where he lives, bill , in philadelphia around 8 inchl 10 inches. the list goes on and on. allen in delran about 10 and a half inch west snow, nine and a half for gar any landingberg and blue bell jerry satisfies nine and a quarter inch fell, where he lives and jonathan in philadelphia around 11.2 inches of snow, fall, so some very beautiful images coming from our weather watchers as well. take a look at this from from linc springer kenel a winter wonder land, snow globe looking type picture there but heavy snowfall on the power lines, and tree limbs, weather watchers, sent in note owes of these split in half because
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kate, the snow is just extremely heavy, that fell today and it is no surprise based on those snowfall rates that we saw. >> that is right, chelsea very heavy snowfall rates and lots of moisture with this system. we will get heavy, wet snow, it just cling toss tree branches even when the snow started last night after first 15 minutes, these trees were completely covered, and looks like narnia with the snow clinging to the trees and power lines, and not exactly what you want, with people still without power from last week's storm but we have not heard of many additional power outages, i'm sure there have been several but not the rash of power outages we saw on friday. storm scan three shows us snow is mostly getting out of here. still hanging on a little bit over burlington county, we are seeing sun trying to break out behind this storm but around upper low still off to the west there are a few flurries and showers, snow showers, and cannot rule out a stray snow shower or flurry, rest of the evening but for the most part our area has seen the snow coming to an end, we are still
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seeing it light to moderate over burlington county and ocean county toms river seeing steady snow right now but back to the west, everything is looking pretty quiet. what to expect for the rest of this evening, snow departing quickly we are seeing breaks of sunshine, the snow melting and compacting out there. roads are staying messy though , and if you are on the roads through this evening they are slushy, and, snow covered, and they will be slushy tonight, as well. temperatures dropped below freezing but not very far below freezing. we will go below freezing by day break. there will be patches of ice out there, it is not a wrapped refreeze, outside this evening , and certainly, the quicker road crews can get out there and salt this evening the better roads will be as we head into tomorrow. temperatures right now are in the mid 30's, in philadelphia 35 in allentown. thirty-six in reading. without those temperatures in the 20's and teens like we sometimes see behind a storm like this you will not get that wrapped freeze up at all that black ice mainly just slush and slippery conditions outside on the roads for the rest of this evening and eventually dropping below freezing mark before we start
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tomorrow morning. future weather showing system getting out quickly by 7:00 skies are clear all across the area we have got no problems through rest of this evening, stray snow shower to the northwest, and tomorrow, starts off on a really nice note, your thursday morning, lots of sunshine, it will be blustery. we have high pressure building in, still a strong storm off the coast of new england and that will create that pressure gradient. winds could gust to 30 miles an hour. even heading in to friday beyond a stray flurry in the poconos or lehigh valley, possibly a stray snow shower drifting south and east, most of the day is dry and sun will be shining. overnight forecast the snow ending, fit hasn't already for most of us, it has, for east we are still seeing snow, cloud decreasing tonight 30 degrees is your overnight low. tomorrow pretty nice march day there will be a chilly breeze from the west at 15 miles an hour but with that strong march sun and temperatures in the 40's the snow which is starting to melt already, very , very wet snow, will melt down pretty quickly, through the day.
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eyewitness weather seven day forecast in the too bad. weekend is quiet, spring, forward saturday night. we are watching the coast on monday, some indications a storm will skate by to our south, we will see fit tries to make a move and we will keep you posted on. that for now, back to you. all right, kate, thank you we have more news concerning the storm, this nor'easter is being blamed for dangerous incident. >> a middle schoolteacher was hurt after being struck by lightening in ocean county, it happened this afternoon on ridgeway road and manchester township, authorities say that the with man was holding an umbrella when that happened. she was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. as we continue tonight, how the barbie dollies leading the way for international women's day. and live look from our cape may camera look at that sun, out down the shore and you can see cloud moving off we will check with our team of reporters all across the area in just a
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you might be surprised to find out what she uses to wash her face. plus how a popular toy company is hoping continue on expire young woman, bex from today's 96.5 has it all in the hot minute. thanks, ukee and jessica, sharon stone has become a household name with her countless films, magazine covers, and, awards and as emmy winning actress prepared to ring in her 60th birthday next week, she's soon to be fill in how she always looks so great. she tells insuring times she washes her face with water, cuts her own air, eats in processed food and no alcohol, coffee and soda and when it comes to fitness she said sometimes she just puts on music and dances her brains out, celebrating life. and, tomorrow we will celebrate international women 's day with barbie, leading the way, matel released a new women's series, which is based on real woman including first female aviator to fly across the atlantic,e
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meal use earhardt, frita kayla , olympic gold medal snow boder chloe kim and patty jenkins who shared her excitement, to twitter saying i cannot express how totally mine blowing, and delightful it is to have your childhood favorite, resemble you. and you have to check out this , he is awesome, five-year old duncan took the task on figuring out how many times it takes to get to the center, and hard at work, licking, he accidentally licked marker instead. it has been named over 7 million time. it is awesome. he found his answer. it is 193 licks. that is your hot minute i'm be x from today's 96.5. >> his face. >> i know. >> it happens. >> that is great. >> it happens. >> that is "eyewitness news" at 5:00. now at 6:00, no spot faired,. >> and just like him, much of the state is covered in snow tonight. we will take tout ground to
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see the aftermath, of this latest storm. also, power problems, once again the lights go out for thousands across the area we will have an update as the numbers, rise, kate. and the storm, continuing to move out tonight, but we are still seeing snow in parts of the area and i will tell you just how much fell in today's storm and what to expect, heading towards the weekend. it is a winter wonderland for kids, and for adults, our tori woodill introduces us to two tiny toddlers who didn't mind the snow, at all. another nor'easter, the power, piled up in pennsylvania, flakes fly in the keystone state, counties covered with snow, and, the garden state, didn't escape, the latest nor'easter bringing winter weather to new jersey as well and fresh snow fall in the first state. there is some digging out to
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do in delaware as this heavy wet snow blankets, much of the region. good evening, i'm ukee washington. i'm jessica dean. storm is moving out now but not before leaving quite a mess behind. we have team three coverage tonight with reporters all around the region, and checking on the conditions, after nor'easter. >> let's begin with meteorologist kate bilo with the very latest on where we stand, with this storm, kate. >> the gust nice, most of the storm has ended for our area some spots enjoying breaks of sun as we head toward sunset. so that is good news, the accumulating snow for vast majority of the area has come to an end bit is still falling in coastal, new jersey. the southern shore spots are dry, for now, as is delaware, notice there are some snow showers across western pennsylvania, a few of those could survive, maybe a stray snow showers, flurries tonight


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