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tv   Eyewitness News  CBS  March 8, 2018 2:07am-2:38am EST

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heavy snow came down quickly some parts came down and tonight is all about digging out in time for the morning.
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snow emergency has been listed and the clean-up is underway. hoping spring gets here soon. >> good evening everyone, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm jessica dean. the storm moved on the big issue once again, power outages. peco has about 85,000 outages across the network right now, mostly in bucks county, pseand g is working hard to deal with neroly 4,000 outages. ppl, ac electric and delmarva are in much better shape. we have a team reporters covering the aftermath. katie has more on the concerns from the storm. let's start with the power outages we were talking about a few moments ago. >> reporter: thousands of people across bucks county, we went up
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the road a little bit earlier tonight. that is still dark. people are hoping the power comes on as soon as possible. neighbors cut there was this large tree on magnolia in croydon. it fell a few hours before. >> my parents house will 46 years >> her mother was inside when the tree came crashing down. a few blocks away neighbors clean you wanted from the march snow. while crossing their finger for power to come on >> i have a one-year-old and it's cold outside, so it's going to be cold in the house >> the power went out midaftern transformer blew >> i saw a ball of light and two second later, there was another ball of light. it was flames >> now it's a waiting game to get the lights and heat on as
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soon as possible >> it's the reality of what it is. you know, w happens. >> reporter: and peco crews will work through night. if you have problems call peco to report the outages, can't hurt to call more than once. reporting live in ben salem >> as you showed us a big culprit are the trees that come down, "eyewitness news" was along crescent road in cherry hill where many trees proved to be month match for mother nature, a big clean-up underway. the storm, of course, dumb add significant amount of snow and a short time. >> kate bilo has a look at the hardest hit. >> this storm came in fast and furious once the banding started late into early afternoon, that's when most areas picked set up a lot of snow as we said
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in a short amount of time. one to three inches per hour. the storm is it moving on out. most of the area done with the snow couple of snow showers popped up through the poconos, the center heading up toward cape cod. the heaviest hasn't moved in hours over western massachusetts. many spots looking to get significant snowfall and certainly northerner had more than our area, some reports up to two feet of snow in parts of that area. for, you can see the snow has started to move on out completely. few flakes, recapping some highest snow totals, richboro bucks county. 16 inches of snow. fell there. newtown, 13.2 also in bucks county, haverford picked up 1o
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for awhile 6.1 inches, talking for the past couple nights, right on the board three to six, that certainly up and down out. temperature rain shower 35 in philadelphia. 36 in regular reading in allentown. good news. say january i was get a blast of arctic cold. tapes and 20's that mean a rapid refreeze. temperatures are still above freezing, that helps drews get things under control. winds still relatively strong. at least brisk around the back edge of the storm. that will help dry out the roads, you will still encounter icy spots as we head to tomorrow. few more know totals. bryn mawr 11, make field
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township, ten and a half, and fox chase section picked up over eight inches and here are some of these ridiculous amounts, plymouth meeting four and a half inches, 2.3 inches in lower makefield township. one and a half in an hour in springfield. overnight. watch for icy spots. alert for road closures because of tree and branchs clogging up the roads, skies clearing but rather strong and can offer clumps of snow. don't let that startle you into tomorrow. coming up a lot of chatter about another potential system i'll have more on that with the seven-day forecast. ukee and jessica >> thank you the snow came down in droves in delaware county, >> nicole brewer joins you now from broomall one of the area got a lot of snow >> we're here along west chester pike, not far from the
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intersection in broom. the latest round of winter weather. i'm not sure you can call eight prize but they did for snow totals. at least mere in delawif the stg f lucky to have to be doing this >> i wouldn't call it lucky. i'll take the mega millions >> a foot of snow in newton square and the neighborhood. steve harris who was up for work at 3:30 came home to more heavy lifting >> giving merouble but seems toe scott roberts who works from home had help. >> first couple kids here at home and they were helpful in doing a lot of the work i just hadded to some heavy stop a difficult job that pay off for crew >> doing our thing, plowing.
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>> reporter: shawn gerber said he tried had us best to roll, one to punch from mother nature >> a lot of snow, a lot of people on the roads. >> reporter: as we roll the dice. >> hopefully it will melt and be back for springtime. >> reporter: as you can see, traffic getting by without a problem along west chester pike. really, it's some of the side streets back roads that are still snow covered. and as expected, the sidewalks of the that went alks send some unplowed kind of slippery. slushy at this hour, as the temperature falls. so definitely going to make for a slow start thursday morning, but you know, as our friends said. hopefully it will melt be hopefully it will be feeling like spring soon, latest in delaware county, nicole brewer cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> we can all agree on that
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eyewitness was in west chester earlier as the snow came down hard and fast and a lot of people wisely opted to stay indoors and off the roads, those who did venture out bundled up appropriately for all of that snow. it's a little bit tough getting around the city of philadelphia >> driving and walking is dicey with all of that slush >> alexandria hoff is in old city with latest on conditions here. >> reporter: slush is the right word. and what you're seeing is a testament to clean-up crews it almost seens shortly after the snow stopped. the roadways and sidewalk started clearing up a bit. we were just seeing mainly wet conditions a lot of slush but clearly some of this snow may have melted, obviously not all of it disappeared. the symphony of snow removal
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following an intense moisture rich snowfall digging out the city is proving to be a work-out rigorous enough to warrant shorts >> you're coke r ok, it's a lot of funky stuff. >> reporter: jerry is helping out with clean-up >> the main part of the storm that's when we took our break and went to wawa. >> reporter: at the peak, the weight of rapid accumulation was enough to bring this tree charactering down near morris and broad >> when i pulled up, we heard a crackling and all of a sudden tree went rateth right down. >> reporter: he said the traffic light happened to be red >> if this had been green, somebody would have gotten hit. >> reporter: as cumbersome as clean-up is there were ways to embrace the condition >> i take the as it comes. >> reporter: within the slush there might be heep to be found. that may be, just maybe the worst is behind us >> i want like just nice sunny
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days. >> reporter: again, the city snow emergency what happened set up a at 9:00 p.m. residents can parking on the snow emergency routes. they're asking them not to park too closely to street corners for clean-up crews to get by and to make room for all of this, live in center city, alexandria hoff, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> thank you for that. . as you get ready to led back to work and school, be sure to wake up with "eyewitness news" this morning, we will be on extra early starting at a 4:00 a.m. right here on cbs3. >> our coverage of this latest nor'easter continues we will travel around region to show you more of today's weather impact >> that includes philadelphia international airport. there were hundreds of delays in cancelations throughout the day, we'll have status update for you coming up we'll go up to the lehigh valley to see where people there think about this late blast of
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winter >> the nor'easter may be out of our area, it's certainly leaving its mark on new england, the growing concerns overthis second rm in less than a week. give live look at center city, it's the calm after the storm. kate ask coming back including the next chance for snow. don >> the super bowl champs bring in another super bowl champ. how the eagles added a prime time player to their defensive line. that's later in sports. screech
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only a few people ventured out. south jersey was not spared with snowfall picking up. burlington county a tractor-trailer got stuck trying to negotiate. this led to downed limbs and slow going on the roadways. if that wasn't enough, there was also thunder snow >> how does it comfortably nice and warm. i heard a loud cracking and i ran outside.
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scared me a little bit. definitely not something i was expecting. different experience lightening and thunder in the midst of this thunder and everything. . other south jersey towns are working to get things cleaned up. this nor'easter is being blamed for a dangerous incident a middle school teacher was heard hurt after bee struck by lightening, it happened on richard way road. authorities say the woman was holding an umbrella, she was taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries the nor'easter battered new york city and new england, northern a foot of snow fell on the roads leading to multiple accidents and flooding is also a concern. so far a temporary fix on a sea wall along the massachusetts coast is holding up against high tides check with the airlines
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it was a tail of few passengers and plenty of cancelations. the airport has runways that are cheer of snow and planes were arriving and departing finally. however r, the airport said there may be residual cancelations tomorrow as the airlines worked to get crews and planes back in position. kate bilo joins us. things pretty much calmed down and the storm has moved on and now what >> now we got a couple days the quiets weather before another chance for storm. what we're looking at as far as the chance coming up. we're start off with what's happening. everything is quiet compared to earlier. let's take a look outside and you can see the roads generally just wet across much of the area, certainly up in the lehigh valley where a little less snow than anticipated helps keep the roads and slushy. the main roads are looking just
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wet. but certainly as temperatures drop, watch for icy conditions. stormscan 3 shows the pushing on out. snow showers popped up over the poconos region, last little batch moved out of coastal new jersey. we talked about the pennsylvania know stole thes these are the area that is had the most over a foot in many spots but delaware and new jersey were part of this, nobody escaped, in fact, every state in our region got over a half a foot of snow. ten inches greenville 10.4, newark 6.6. new castle 5.1. marlton pucking up nine inches. cherry hill eight and a half, west deptford 6.5. vineland the shore making a showing here on the list.
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3.5 inches. philadelphia 6.1 inches that brings our snow for year so far to 22.3. or through the winter season, that includes december of last year, 22 with a trace or more of snow. 22.3 close to the seasonal average between 22 and 23. if the snow were to stop as of today. overnight we got clear skies, tomorrow looks good, 5:00 p.m. lots of sunshine, chance for flurries or snow showers mainly north and west. other than that, we're entering into a pretty quiet period that will last through the weekend. wind gusts could start with wind gusting to about 30 miles an hour in the afternoon. not super strong winds but definitely have to be alert for the following clumps of snow and also possibly some additional tre branchs. overnight clearing skies,
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breezy, 30 is your overnight low as we head into your thursday, mostly sunny with a chilly breeze, 44 is the daytime high. again, no arctic blast, when you're talking about temps in the 40's and the strong march sun, major meltdown for tomorrow. an early glimpse sunday into monday, here's a storm, just off the coast. this midday monday notice rain and snow coming in around the storm. this model turns they didn't low up the east coast, possible nor'easter potential rain and accumulating snow. european model, heads offshore and we're grazed by light rain and that's buy it. most of us are routing for this scenario but got to keep a close eye sunday into monday the chance for another system which could bring snow. your seven-day forecast again
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keeps it quiet. we spring forward on saturday. that means sunset will be an hour later than it this week, a good thing. but you know, it's dark when you wake up. a little bit of a trade-off. spring is on the hordes at least >> i'm on team euro by the way >> is up next with sports >> talking about the birds, eagles shocked the nfl by trade forgot another. dynamic player. a rivalry renewed in south philadelphia.
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fly guys down 1-nothing. vorachek. goes off. we're tied at one, almost four minutes later. check out the hard work by travis connectivity, we're tied at two. conner ensure reon the two on one, crosby, no, ensure reyes, flyers lose 5-2. the it was a surreal scene, carson told us to get used to it, doug said it's a the new norm. michael bennett of the squamous cell cancers can play anywhere. he had eight and a half sack. bennett turns 33 in november and
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his salary cap to be software in the neighborhood of five and a half million the deal cannot officially be announced until next week when the new league year begins. but here's the details. they get bennett and a seventh round selection. many birds are fired up on twitter. here's carson's going to miss playing with my man, marcus johnson. at the same time, welcome to the squad, michael bennett excited to have you. also, i'm very glad play our dline, #yes. four innings, punched out five, phils opening day starter looks like ready to roll. bottom of the 9th, phillies clinging to a one-run lead.
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milner gets the faith out from the come backer which he throws to home. phils win 2-1. first round in the atlantic tune tomorrow, u mass taking down lasalle 69-67. the season is over for the explorers. means i won't be able to talk about our good friend. pookpal until next season. this morning the northeastern women's basketball team bus got stuck at st. joe's do practice for this week's tournament, all the girls got out and pushed the bus. >> how about that >> check them out >> mays delaware tomorrowings those women are dedicated. >> thanks. up next, extreme
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. they were competing in the first half of the free ride world tour. and american man took home the top snow boarding prize second year in a row. as we head into the weekend, things looking quiet as we spring forward. weather returns saturday and sunday and temperatures back in the 40's. talking mid to upper 40's both days, skies clearing as you see on saturday. few clouds gather late sunday. but dry and watching
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. morning team is back early at 4:00 with the latest on storm clean-up. for kate, don, i'm ukee washington >> i'm jessica dean, always on at late show up next >> thanks for watching have a good night family. sleep well. - [narrator] the following is a paid presentation for luminess silk, brought to you by luminess air.


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