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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  March 8, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EST

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well, the clean up is on, one day after a second nor'easter hits the region and for second time in the week many people are impact by widespread power outages. as we take a live look from our mobile weather watcher the snow emergency in philadelphia had been lifted and many will be hitting the road. today is thursday march 8th good morning i'm jim donovan. i'm rahel solomon. philadelphia school district is running on a two hour delay and many other delays and closures at bottom of the screen but first lets check the forecast, kelce ingram in for katie, and meisha's looking at the roads. >> we have speed restrictions in play but turf say things are not that looking that bad. we have down wires and trees but it could be worse.
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>> when i drive any had no problems. >> exactly. exactly weather wise we will get a lot of melting happening , that sunshine really is going to take control of the skies to day, 35 degrees, right now in philadelphia, we have a wind out of the west at 10 miles an hour. it does, feel a little bit chilly when we factor in the winds, more like upper 20's up there main point here is a lot of areas air above freezing, 35 degrees, right now in the city, 34 in wilmington. thirty-three in millville. right around 35 degrees in allentown. we are, right below freezing in to lancaster, right around 31 degrees. there are some spots that could be slick out there, meisha will talk more about. that feels more like 25 in wilmington waking up. twenty-eight in allentown. feels like 16 degrees currently in the poconos. coming up plenty of sunshine in the forecast, that is going to help with the melting with high temperatures today in the mid 40's, and then yes, we could be tracking, maybe another nor'easter, we will talk about that coming up in a few minutes but for now,
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meisha, sending it back over to you. >> don't say that. >> i know. >> all right, thank you. we are looking outside right now, just as the clean up is underway for this one as chelsea said there might be another one but we have learn, quickly. we are looking outside right now, lot of what i'm looking at are if things look slick, it is black ice that i normally get very worried about. sometimes looks can be deceiving, wet, and refrozen over. good news is so far we have not seen any accidents, that is really good sign. schuylkill at montgomery drive is giving you a look what you will be dealing with their. ninety-five at cottman looking good there as well. forty-two. still very dark. volume where they should be but we have an update to septa real quick, market frankford line at broad sleet regular schedule. regional rails back to regular schedule. buses some routes are suspended so you want to check those schedules. cct back to full service. mass transit, new jersey transit has an update system wide cross honoring still in effect, ac rail lines
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suspended because of signal issues. amtrak still running a modified schedule and patco back to normal. this is where we had that down tree in washington township route 47 southbound is closed at holy avenue your alternate route 55 is your best bet, jim , over to you. after the late winter blast, big question this morning is folks are waking up and getting ready to head outside how are the roads. >> "eyewitness news" reporter trang do is live, checking out conditions for us, good morning, trang do. >> reporter: good morning, rahel and jim. meisha mentioned that she had no accidents to report so far, and that is really not surprising, to me being outside on the roads, for the pennsylvania hour. let me give you a look at our roof camera. this is west ritner street in south philadelphia one of the smaller streets that we see in south philadelphia, and it is actually pretty clear, it is the worst we have seen so far driving around, i was on i-95, broad street and it was all, clear, so you can see, here on ritner street and some of the
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neighborhoods just residual snow on the side of the cars, that is really as much as we are seeing, we are going to try to turn down these more longer streets in the neighborhoods but you do see that a lot of the cars, the snow has melted off, you can see that car hasn't been cleaned off and it just has an inch or two, a dusting, coating, here, here to there, on different, cars. what we do want to mention is that just to get people started and back into work that the city is actually opening up on time but archdiocese and, public schools here in the city are on a two hour delay, just to give people time, to get acclimated, you know, clean up a little bit but as you can see, our patties pretty much clear, so far, in south philadelphia and i check with the national weather service and they are saying that didn't get hit that hard in terms of our area for snowfall we got about 3 inches of snow. so we're not dealing with a
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whole lot of residual problems here but for now, back to you guys in the studio. >> all right, trang do, thank you. crews are working to restore power to tens of thousands office customers across the region who will be waking up in the dark. >> peco reports 60,000 customers are without power, mostly in bucks county. pse&g has 98,000 without power ppl, 3,000. ac electric has 8,074 del marva customers are without power some people in bucks county are also waking up without power. >> "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt spoke with neighbors in bensalem who are hoping the crews can get power back on quickly. >> reporter: neighbors cut through this large oak tree on magnolia avenue in croyden that fell a few hours before, thanks to the wind and heavier snow. >> we will be there for 46 years. >> reporter: teresa compass says her mother was inside when the old tree came crashing down but thankfully she was not hurt.
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>> it was very quick, not loud at all. >> reporter: few blocks way neighbors on garfield street cleaned up from the march snow while crossing their fingers for the power to come on. >> i have a one year-old daughter and it is very cold outside, so it will be cold in the house. >> reporter: power went out here mid afternoon, when a neighbor heard transformer blew. >> i saw this big, blue, long light, and then, 22nd later there was another ball have light and it was flames. >> reporter: now it is a waiting game to get lights and heat on as soon as possible. >> just reality of what it is, you know, like to see it get fixed quickly but we will wait and see what happens. >> reporter: peco crews have been out all night and expect to be out most of the day as long as it takes, to get that power back on. in bensalem, bucks county david spunt for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". and, this is the big reason for many power outage as cross the region: fallen trees this was on crescent road in cherry hill, it is several trees that cull not
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withstand strength of the wind and weight of the snow. big clean up effort is underway. in delaware county homeowners had to wait to get home from work before they cleared the way... snowblowers were out in force in broomall as residents cleared their driveways in the dark. some people got help from kids who had school cancelled due to the storm but overall everyone was getting the job done. >> it was real heavy, giving me some trouble on the sidewalk but this seems to be going good. >> not too bad, i have a couple kids at home and they were helpful and did a lot of the work for me. i just to have do last clean up here before the plows came in. >> reporter: professional snow you mr. operators had their hands full as well, they had a big job of clearing parking lots of the heavy wet snow. plenty of snow to shovel in west chester as well peco, the storm, there were plenty of customers at wawa and people who had to walk around in the snow, drivers on the other hand, were dealing with
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nearly white out conditions. philadelphia international airport is urging passengers to check with their airline before coming to the airport. here's what the airport looked like yesterday, a few passengers and lots of cancellations. by evening, planes were arriving and departing philadelphia international but they said don't take anything for granted, airport stresses there may be residual cancellations as airlines work to get crews and planes back into position. northeast women's basketball team is in philadelphia for colonial athletic association tournament. >> i guess would you call yesterday a team building exercise. lets take a look. >> one, two, three... the bus got stuck leaving saint joe's after practice, they were on their way to watch the tournament at drexel. they did get the big bus out and hopefully not too tired because the team takes on delaware this afternoon. >> they can accomplish anything. >> yes. >> second nor'easter of march, continues. >> coming up next, we will
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travel around the region to show you more weather impact. and it wasn't just hour area hit hard by this nasty storm we will show you how other parts of the northeast were affected by the very same storm system. dramatic video to show you coming up, a woman takes drastic measures to escape a hotel fire we're back in two minutes. from the world's number one conditioner brand... new pantene light-as-air foam conditioner,
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full of rich pro-v nutrients... ...and infused with air. for 100% conditioning, with 0% weight. strong is beautiful. new pantene. foam conditioner.
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oh, dishwasher, why don't you dry my dishes? oh, he doesn't know any better. you just need to add finish® jet-dry in the rinse aid compartment. it's there for a reason. it dries much better than detergent alone. sorry dishwasher. finish® jet-dry. for drier, shinier dishes. welcome back. they are digging out in delaware after near white out conditions yesterday. this is how they looked at waterfront in wilmington. see ♪ coming down, heavily there. leave room on the plows, for the plows, out on the road is today. to the lehigh valley where people are clearing snow this morning. plow drivers have been working hard since yesterday, able to keep snow from piling up on the highways. we spoke to the pizza delivery drivers who said he was happy to see snow as he worked yesterday. >> we were very much a snow advocate, looking forward, to it, so, you know, i was hoping
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for one big one before it was done for the year, but i'll take what i can get. >> i like it. i like shoveling. it is nice and peaceful. it is mother nature. how can you be mad for mother nature. >> snow advocate. >> people at penndot traffic management center were hard at work as snow fell officials say there weren't many accidents outside on the roads the nor'easter battered new york city and new england. >> nicki batiste said more than a foot fell on the roads leading to multiple accidents. >> reporter: heavy wet snow blanketed roadways from new jersey to new york city as powerful nor'easter lashing the northeast intensifies. >> the phrase says a lot, thunder snow, and that could be between, two and 4 inches, per hour. >> reporter: plow where is out in full force to clean up over a foot of snow that felon parts of the new york and pennsylvania. >> kind of day where you want to, stay at home and binge
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netflix and do nothing. >> reporter: hazardous conditions on interstate 80 in pennsylvania led to multiple car accidents. in connecticut officials say big rigs from major highways as a precaution. >> while the van, i currently see only for tractor and tandem trailers i'm asking folks to stay off the highways now. >> reporter: yes. >> combination of the heavy snow and strong wind from new york to new england triggered mower outages, millions of people were all ready in the dark after another nor'easter, north region, last week. >> food, spoils, and had to be thrown away. it has been a complete and total disaster. >> reporter: as storm system, continues to move north, residents along the massachusetts coast are closely monitoring a six five-year old sea wall, breached by a pounding high tideness recent days. >> it looks like some water had come through the cracks and maybe a little over but the fact that it seems to be really, doing the trick for right now anyway. >> reporter: thousands of travelers affect by flight cancellations are keeping an
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eye on departure boards hoping to finally reach their destinations. nicki batiste for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". this dramatic video is from the first nor'easter last friday, and ryebrooke, new york near connecticut border. two police officers and resident had to scramble out of the way as large tree came down pulling power lines down witt. the scene was caught on dash cam from two different cars, fortunately in, one was injured. wow. >> that is not the nor'easter that was even captured by from space, this is video from the nags ocean and atmosphere administration or nowa showing the storm. its from their go 60 weather satellite. you can see bubbling cloud as you call it which produced rare weather event known as thunder snow. >> thunder snow. >> we had that yesterday. >> 4:14. >> chelsea has another check of the forecast. now you are saying we will have a lot of melting, today and i don't know if that is good thing or bad thing. >> especially given temperatures will rise, above freezing, sunshine, we want to
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see the snow melt and see it melt fairly quickly as well. 35 degrees in philadelphia 34 in wilmington. here's issue i have with these temperatures right now as we head in the next one to two hours we will see a lot of these numbers on the map, dropping below freezing so that is where we can run into issues with slick spots on the road, we are at freezing in willow grove, there could be slick spots out that way in pottstown as well at 31, 35 in media. 35 degrees this morning in mullica. so, watch for some of the slippery spots and icy spots, cannot be ruled out on the morning drive, midday mostly wet, good amount of melting and then mainly wet road as we head in the, evening commute. lets talk snowfall totals. very aggressive numbers in this system and no surprise with the convection involved in it, lot of energy and lift associated with yesterday's system, 16 inches of snow, reported in richboro, newtown around 13.2 inches, and haverford, right around 11 inches of snow, mount
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pocono pick up 9.2 inches. at philadelphia international we saw about 6.1 inches of snowfall, a new record snowfall, record daily snowfall set in wilmington of 4.6 inches. that beats the old record setback in 1969, right around, 2.6. so very impressive system, yesterday, it is long gone from the delaware valley though, we have to go up into new england, portions of vermont, new hampshire they are getting hammered with snow right now but that storm will be retaiting out for them and things improving, up into new england as we head throughout the day-to-day. here at home though pretty quiet. lets talk about the threat potentially as we head into sunday night and into monday. the thing is not all models are on track with this idea but gfs has this particular model, this particular storm system churning up the coast and bringing us yes, a rain/ snow mixture and even some snow as we head into the
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day-to-day, look for high of 45. mostly sunny, breezy, and chilly. we will talk about that potential snow threat in a bit , meisha. >> all right, thanks very much for that. very good morning to all of you, so just think about that, talking about yes we are looking at roadways this morning and we know there will be ice, snow and i think what has me mainly concerned is just thinking about what has refrozen over and what is, ice , that now looks like pavement. that is where we typically see the problems. got news is and if you have a piece to knock out real quick, the good news is no accidents to report. movement that we are seeing out there everyone has been taking it easy, so far. looking out here in conshohocken route 23 at lafayette street this area yesterday, fey yet street, this is an area that caused a lot of problems for many of you, in fact, lot of vehicles were stuck in the snow. right now clearly very early in the morning, looking quiet but you can see how much, of that snow, has, actually melted or no longer there which is good news for those in that area of conshohocken.
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ninety-five at cottman looking g when i see that sheen on the roadway i always just want to say, take it very slow in case you do hit, an icy patch but overall, volume levels, looking just as they should, 309 at turnpike looking nice and quiet, dark and of course, snow off to the side, jim, over to you. in other news, a bill to restrict gun sales and allows teach tours carry weapons to school is on its way to florida governor rick scott. members of the florida house approved the measure wednesday , in the 67-50 vote, the bill, in response to the deadly mass shooting at marjory stoneman douglas high school last month. president trump is still finalizing his plan to impose stiff tariffs on steel and aluminum. president wants to slap a 25 percent import tax on steel , and a 10 percent import tax on aluminum but u.s. allies like canada and mexico could be temporarily exempt. some republican leader remain concerned that the plan could spark a trade war and harm
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u.s. businesses. today is international women's day, actors and producers are promoting their version of the times up movement. they brought their message to the iconic eiffel tower. the words now we act written in french are on the monument and group celebrated with the ceremony. it aims to raise money for sex assault victims who want to pursue legal action. in japan, check out this viral video of food making a peculiar sound. loud cries and screams, are emit need paul shape tree, the sound could be heard as the food is pressed and turn. people are in to this video. it was up load todd social media and it reached 5 million views. >> people made yesterday during the storm too, the sound. >> what kind of food is that. i could not eat it after that sound. video, is causing
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international uproar orangutan is caught on camera smoking an cigarette. animal activist aviator at zoo puts his cigarette butt in the even close another. animal scoops it up and smokes it like he has done it before. the zoo has been accused of mistreatment of animals in the past. in the world of the animal oddities here's another one for you, arlow is cat new instagram cat from los angeles aid hairless breed. his name dark lord, unusual look makes him look like he has human, that is freaky. this photo posted has been viewed more than 750,000 times oh, okay, all right. >> interesting. >> well, still ahead on eyewitness nice this morning star wars meets the snow see how one boy used his imagination to battle the nor'easter. speaking of using your imagination one pennsylvania plow drivers has something to say to other drivers, at the expressed it the best way he knows how. take a lot at conditions from our mobile weather
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watcher, this is what you can expect to encounter as you head out, another messy morning, getting work to school. our coverage of the storm's aftermath continues after this break. stay with us.
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tand, our adulte children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. olay regenerist shatters the competition. hydrating skin better than prestige creams costing over $100, $200, and even $400. for skin that looks younger than it should. fact check this ad in good housekeeping. olay regenerist. ageless. get a steak. not just any steak. steak on the bone. the steak that made 'meat lovers' meat lovers. eat like nothing else in the world will do. because, tonight, nothing else will do. longhorn's bone-in bold flavor. the outlaw ribeye, pork porterhouse
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or the grilled lamb chops. the feeling. the flavor. the place. longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. back now on "eyewitness news" with dramatic video after i woman falling, escaping a hotel fire, this is from turkey where a resort hotel on the caught fire yesterday. we were told two women who fell or jumped from upper floors were saved by fire fighters. a total of four people were injured. another fireman, a scary morning for school children in southern california this were on their way to school when their bus burst into flames.
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the bus was able to pull over on the highway yesterday afternoon, and all 23 children and four adults were able to get off the bus safely n word what sparked that fire. back new to our coverage of the nor'easter and we are seeing incredible video from the aftermath of this storm. check out this video from moorestown, new jersey cars buried under heavy snow, inches of snow, most likely well over a foot in north jersey yesterday. a teenagerser in massachusetts used it as a star wars theme backdrop. you can see him wielding a saber here. he lives in newtown. he said the snow made his neighborhood look like the planet, hask, do not send meehan e-mail, if i miss pronounced that, from the star wars thrilling. >> i'm not either, jim, i cannot help you. closer to home a plow driver in lackawana county has advice for people when the snow starts to fall. over weekend he wrote out his message on his snowplow and became so annoyed during friday's snowstorm when it took him to four hours to get
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monroe county to lack want a he was hopeful things would be different this time. take a listen. >> i was fed up sitting on the highway the other day and i needed to put my message out. everybody loves it. i get stopped all the time. a couple of penndot workers stopped me and gave me a thumbs up and everything. >> penndot says a lot of drivers did get the message, somehow and they stayed off the roads. can i put that on my car too. >> ah, no. snow emergency in fill has been lifted and the clean up is underway. we are live with the very latest on the storm's aftermath coming up next.
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my sinuses. i mean, could you be any more dramatic? i've had it. i'm taking mucinex sinus-max. it's got a triple action formula. carl? carl! mucinex sinus-max. triple-action fights pain, congestion & pressure. let's end this.
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i'm trang do live in mobile weather watch other, with a, and before you head out your door. as you can see from this
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live look at storm scan three, the storm has lifted out of our area, it is gone now but not without leaving clean up behind. it is thursday march 8th good morning i'm jim donovan. i'm rahel solomon. is there a two hour delay for philadelphia school district and many others are also running with delays or they are closed. you can find that information at bottom of the screen or on cbs lets check the forecast with chelsea. it was a mess yet. what is in store for today. >> a much more quiet day is heading our way. lets look at what you can expect heading throughout the day-to-day very quiet conditions, a cold afternoon though, we will see sunshine, breezy, at times and it will feel like the 30's, pretty much all day. 35 degrees right now in philadelphia. thirty-four in wilmington. thirty-three as you wake up in reading. thirty-five in allentown. 35 degrees in trenton. i do think we will see these numbers, dropping a little bit more. in fact a lot of areas will drop below freezing as we head
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in the six or 7:00 o'clock hour this morning, so beware there could be slick spots, and meisha will talk about that. it feels colder when you factor in the breeze, feels like 27 in philadelphia, 25 in wilmington. 28 degrees in allentown a lot of us are waking up to the feels like numbers in the 20's here's you're witness weather daily planner, 37 degrees heading in the 9:00 o'clock hour, tons of sunshine, trying to warm up by noon with the temperature around 41. we will top out at 45 degrees, well above freezing so that should help with a lot of melting out there. let's send it over to meisha for a check of the roads. >> good morning, chelsea. we are looking at the roadways and, we are monitoring and looking at where it looks the most icy. this is an air use that is still looking very slick and icy. route 23, at fey yet street, that is where we saw a lot of problem areas, yesterday. so many people were


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