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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  March 8, 2018 6:00am-7:01am EST

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there are several school delays and cancellations. you can find that at bottom of the screen or cbs >> lets he bring in chelsea and meisha as we get back to normal. >> well, busy, we starred off this morning, there wasn't much other than down wires, you know, down tree here or there but now accident after accident after accident is starting to heat up out there. >> it makes sense. when we first came on air temperatures were above freezing but since then numbers have dropped below freezing. in many locations look at wilmington at least right now at freezing, 32 degrees there. thirty-one in reading. we are at 28 now in lancaster. and temperatures are just way too close to freezing for comfort this morning, 33 degrees in millville. and 33 in atlantic city. up to 34 now in philadelphia but still, there is some areas , where temperatures are just, too close for comfort. and as we head throughout the day-to-day, by the noon time hour making it up to 41 degrees. by 3:00, 45. mostly sunny conditions, it will feel more like 30's factoring in the breeze,
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however, that sunshine and temperatures well above freezing will continue to a lot of melting, going on today , snow totals super impressive. here are highest amounts we saw, 16 inches in richboro where jan carabao's this morning. 13.2 in newtown, haverford around 11. mount pocono over 9 inches and phl right around 6.1, that is a new daily snowfall rorrer. coming up, we are tracking the potential for maybe, maybe, another coastal system as we head into the sunday night, and monday time frame, however , it is not a guarantee , i'll talk about why coming up in just a few minutes, but for right now we are concerned about those temperatures this morning. >> you are the best, we love you, thank to you that information. very good to know, that there are a lot of tricky spots, right now, happening right now , because of the refreezing , as chelsea pointed out. we are looking outside right now and as i pointed out we are seeing some accidents as well. ninety-five north at cottman this is where we have an
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accident pulled off to that far left. look at how everyone is, stopped, and then to make matters worse as we travel further northbound, we have, a car fire, 95 north atwood haven road, that has, all lanes blocked as well, including one, southbound side , lane. this is going to cause, some major issues, on i-95 north. we have cottman and then we have, woodhaven, and you are literally just stuck there. bristol pike is going to be your best bet for an alternate but you guys, stay away from this area as of right now, guys, back over to you. >> thanks, meisha. new this morning two people rush to the hospital after a fire in the lawn dale section of northeast philadelphia this is video from the scene of the 6900 block of rising sun avenue. we know that the call came in just before 3:30 and took 20 minutes for fire fighters to gain the upper hand, and two people, transported to einstein, so far no word on their conditions.
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and tens of thousands of people are still without power today but crews are making progress, we got an update american 53,000 peco customers still in the dark mess of those customers in bucks county. pse and g has 87,000 customers without power. for ppl, 2700 customers are affect. just over 7,000 for ac recollect customers and about 47 for del marva customers. as we just said there bucks county one of the places dealing with the most outages. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabaos is live, showing us what people there are waking up to, good morning than georgia, jan. >> reporter: jim and rahel, good morning they are waking up to a whole lot of snow 16 inches fell here in this area of bucks county, from yesterday's storm that caused a whole lot of damage and power outageness bucks county alone peco says it is still working to restore power to 45,000 customers, but if you remember, during my first live shot at 4:30 they were working to restore 51,000 customers
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with power. slowly but surely they are turning lights on, you can see behind me what they are dealing with this morning, this is bustleton pike and tan yard road in rich before he bucks county. a section of the road is still off limits and close todd traffic because of the down tree that has taken out a power line, fortunately in this neighborhood you can see that the lights are back on but that wet, heavy snow added to a saturated ground here and done so much damage, not only here in bucks county but throughout delaware valley. neighbors yesterday wasted no time at all starting this latest run of clean up in croyden now, where neighbors cut through a large oak tree on magnolia avenue. it fell during the storm during win and heavy snow, a woman was inside at the time when the old tree came crashing down nearby, fortunately she was not hurt, a few blocks, neighbors on garfield street were hard hit too and hard at work yesterday , their power went out around midday when a transformer blue, take a listen. >> standing outside because
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all of this snow, and everything is falling and sounded like saswatch coming through for when is the trees breaking down. then i saw a big, blue, licensing light and 22nd later another ball have light and it was flames and i called meek owe and let them know that our lights were flickering on and off and then after that happened, within two minutes power was out. >> this is worse, these lines are down, like stretched, trees are down more than last week, lieutenant more. >> reporter: that is exactly what we are dealing with here in richboro bucks county this morning. peco says it has emergency operations center, opened, with all of the available personnel working they say they will have 4,000 employees , and contractors, out, throughout the day to get power back on to everyone, still in the dark, and they say, that they are prioritizing the people that were left in the dark, since last friday, you can imagine, just frustration of being in the dark through two storms now. we will continue to keep you
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up to date. we are live in richboro, jan carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". jim and rahel, back to you. all that home is heavy if you own a snow blower we are fining it difficult difficult to use. we are hearing it is jamming them. >> you may have to clear it the old fashion way with the shovel. of course all that heavy snow toys blame for toppled utility poles and trees. why this neighborhood in south philadelphia. >> when i pulled up we heard a sound and a tree went down right across broad street. >> they are asking residents not park too close to street corners so clean up crews can navigate smaller streets. well, after you dig out big question is how are roads. >> "eyewitness news" reporter trang do is live, making her way around town this morning and she has headed out to east mt. airy. trang do, how are the roads there. >> reporter: well, guys, so funny but viewers are telling meo yah we have an inside gig, this is awesome but i will tell you these roads are rocky
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because of all of the snow that remains, on them, take a look here, this is again is in e mt. airy, this is boyar street and justin dicktive, hold on, yep, it gets are rocky here because is there so much snow here, and in the northwest area of the city, and you know, it has been plowed but is there so much left over that has also kind of frozen on to the roads, it is traveling that is very difficult in this area you can see looking at this intersection that it is completely, like, white. even on the roadways. you usually see a little bit of blacktop but we are in the seeing that here. as we look to the sides, it is a pretty large piles of snow. some people obviously taking a snow day yesterday, not digging out at all, you can see the sidewalks there, definitely, some shoveling, needs to be done here and there and so yes, definitely living in these area that we have been driving through for the past hour or so, east and west mt. airy, chestnut hill,
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manayunk, we are definitely seek a lot of snow still on the roadways, especially when we make those corners, you can definitely lose control. do i want to mention though that we were also, in south philadelphia earlier, and the roads, were so much better over there, even on the side streets that is helping plows get through this he were plowed a lot easier commute for people from south philadelphia but again we are in west mt. airy where we will need to take that extra time and dig out your car, and be careful once we do get on the roads. we are live, i'm trang do for cbs-3 "eyewitness news", back to you. doesn't look good or sound good we can hear it pumping all around, be safe. homeowners wasted no time getting started clearing the snow. >> when they got home from work they fired up the snowblowers: residents were clearing the driveway in the dark. chelsea said they got a foot of snow there.
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that hell from kid whose had school cancelled by the storm, everyone was work hard and getting the job done. >> it was real heavy, giving me some trouble on the sidewalk but this seems to be going pretty good. >> it is not too bad, i have a couple kids home too and they were helpful, cleared a lot of the work for me so i just had to do last clean up here with the heavy stuff with the plows in front of the driveway. >> professional snowplow operators had a big job of cleaning parking lots full of heavy, wet snow. people also digging out in delaware after heavy snowfall yesterday, this was the scene on the waterfront in wilmington. folks there had about four and a half inches of snow, some parts of the state had white out conditions so plows will be out clearing the road is today. well, coming up in the healthwatch the vitamin that may protect begins cancer. you mr. new video surfad of one of the teens rescued from the california's so-called house of horrors, hear about the girl held captive by her parents for years. cracking down on sick service animals we will tell you where new law is in the
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works and what people are saying about it. ♪ clean up is underway, before the next storm hit thinkse mt. airy compliments of the trang do and her lovely photo journalist. south philadelphia wasn't looking that bad but east mt. airy, but there is another possible nor'easter in the forecast, chelsea will have details when we come back. >> i want hot chocolate with marshmallows that would be nice. >> okay.
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thunder by imagine dragons but there was newsing imagery about the thunder snow yesterday. >> we have the proof, lets take a listen. that is sound we are talking about, thunder during yesterday's nor'easter in monmouth county. our latest nor'easter may not be the last one of the winter but it was a major one >> a view of the nor'easter from space, weather satellites , beamed these image s back to planet earth, see what looks like bubbling clouds, that caused thunder snow, the storms billowing convection. all right, chelsea's joining us again. we were very busy. hopefully you have a lighter day to day. >> all right, lighter morning, i can finally take a breath, breathe, look at these gorgeous blue skies we are waking up to. clear skies this morning. we will see tons of sunshine out there today and that is indeed going to help with that
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situation for melting, especially in the afternoon and temperatures, may get well above freezing for this time of the year. 34 degrees, right now in philadelphia there are some spots too close to freezing for comfort, this morning, 32 degrees in wilmington. thirty in millville. thirty-three atlantic city. thirty-one below freezing in reading. slick spots certainly a possibility. meisha will have more coming up in a bit. thirty-four right now in mullica. waking up there this morning. thirty-three in cherry hill. thirty-four in palmyra. right around 31 degrees in doyletown. new snowball record, wilmington 4.6 inches of snow, beating old record of 2.6 back in 1969. new daily record snow in philadelphia, of 6.1 inches, old record, 4 inches, setback during the same year. storm scan three shows that next system is a distant memory for us, well up in to new england. we are dry in the delaware valley as high pressure builds in, however, heading in the
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upcoming weekend we are watching potential for area of low pressure making its way to the tennessee valley heading in the saturday time frame and then sunday night into monday, tracking this potential low as it moves up the coast, gfs solution has that system hugging coast and being a potential problem for us but e uro has it moving more to the south which is what we want to see. so by no means a guarantee we will see this system heading in the weekend but keeping an eye on things. for now we are looking at high temperature making to it 45 degrees today. meisha, lots of melting but could see issues this morning. >> absolutely, that was always the main concern that wind that wetness would refreeze, over and we were going to have vehicles having a little bit of trouble as you could not really tell if it was refrozen ice or wet and that is exactly what we're seeing right now. a lot of which has refrozen over and we're seeing lots of problems out there because of it. so first, car fire here, with an accident, 95 north atwood haven road, for a while there,
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all lanes were completely block. you can see one lane closed just barely squeezing by, another accident, i-95 north at cottman, boating in the northbound direction, on interstate i-95, woodhaven and cottman, it is really going to slow you down, thank goodness not in the southbound side because we are seeing volume levels really starting to heat up. then we have another accident in ambler, 309 southbound near susquehanna road pulled off to the shoulder. you can see where a vehicle spun out there and a accident 309 north bound near path turnpike, this is where another vehicle spun out and blue route northbound past macdade boulevard, two lanes are block because of another accident there, and then that is not it, more to come in 10 minutes. jim, back over to you. thanks, meisha use. new video shows a girl, happy, healthy teenager but videos were made by one of the 13 siblings trapped inside of the california home. where police found children chained to their beds and starving. correspondent randy page takes a look at the recordings.
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>> it is over. >> ♪ >> reporter: fictitious on line name this girl, believed to be the 17 year-old daughter of david and louise turpin stood in front of the same white door and performed songs after original song. the themes of her creations are similar to the musings of many teenage girls. but it is difficult to know if there are deeper meanings for example when she sings you blame for everything. >> ♪ >> reporter: she does appear to be clean, often wearing bright, red lipstick with bow ness her hair and her mood appears to be light hearted, at one point she can be seen playing with one of the family 's two dogs. all of the videos which she posted to you tube were recorded in the same room, she
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has been identified as turpin teen who broke out of the home she lived in with her parents and 12 brothers and sisters and alerted authorities, when deputies arrived they found three children tied up, all were mal nourish, the oldest, who was 29 years old, weighed just 82-pounds. david and louise turpin are charged with multiple counts of torture, false imprisonment and child abuse. >> well that as correspondent randy page, reporting they were so malnourished when they were found in january that they are still recovering in hospitals. some airlines are cracking down for service animals and now lawmakers are doing the search in michigan. a bill with make it illegal to use a service animal if people don't need one. ill will allow people to ask people with the service animal what disability they have and what task service dog performed for them or service animal. many who rely are in favor of the legislation. >> they walk in and first thing is is that a real
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service dog. >> people misrepresent their animals they damage the reputation and acceptance, which is an important piece of valid service animals and diminish people with disabilities who truly need them. >> legislation includes a hundred dollars fine for anyone using an unnecessary service animal. in this morning's healthwatch growing evidence that vitamin d may help protect begins some cancer. >> vitamin d plays an important role in bone health and muscle strength, and now researchers in japan say that higher levels of the vitamin are also linked to a lower risk of cancer, particularly liver cancer. vitamin d is produced when sunlight hits our skin but it can be found in certain foods such as eggs, fatty fish and can be taken as a supplement. for the first time ever, you can now order an at home genetic test for breast cancer , the 23 me test, have been approved by the f.d.a. the kit will cost you $199, the test is part of the kit that mostly analyzes dna for saliva for ancestor information. >> what is good about it, you can just use component genetic
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testing in your home. consumer does not have to come to the doctor's office, sit down, do a doctor's appointment, pay for doctorate 's appointment to get that done. for a lot of women that is intimidating. >> experts say you should still see your physician. well, coming up video of the food crying, or at lee that is what it sounds like we will show you next. alexa she's creeping people out with a popular tech gadget is doing, and is amazon working on a fix, coming it's the ross spring dress event. where you'll find the perfect dress at the perfect price. if you want to save big on dresses for every occasion, you've gotta get to the ross spring dress event. on now! ♪ you gotta go to ross.
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if you're looking for anbloom incredible selection of the brands you love, this season's newest trends for a fraction of what you'd pay at department stores, ♪ you gotta go to ross welcome back. i'm meteorologist chelsea in gram as we head in the weekend we are keeping a close eye on things. saturday will be extremely quiet, we will have temperatures that will be in the 40's, and, also plenty of sunshine but we will see increasing clouds heading in to sunday and tracking
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potential for yet another coastal system as we head into sunday night and monday. we will have more details to come in a few minutes. for now, sending it over to you. now for a look at newspaper headlines across the region. >> morning call sources tell newspaper that allentown married he had pawlowski is set to resign one week after jury found him guilty of 47 felony counts. he won a fourth term even as it became clear he was focus of an fbi probe into allentown 's contracting process. and from the news journal delaware emergency, saw 105 percent increase in suspect opioid overdose from his july 2016 through september 2017. that is according to the centers for disease control and prevention. new castle county saw the highest number of overdose related visits curing that time period, totaling 1,529. press of atlantic city, atlantic city public library start aid program that is bringing books to barber shops the program, called, sage to books is an effort that is getting children under the age of 12 to focus object reading
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while waiting for a haircut. >> i love that. >> that is a look from the newspaper headlines around the delaware and lehigh valleys. hair salon does that too. >> good stuff. >> great idea. check this viral video out of food making a peculiar sound. >> loud, cries, and screams are emitted by the treat called tomacoup, as it is pressed and turn, people are in to this video. it was up led todd social media and has reached 5 million views, viral status there. i could not eat that. >> why? >> not while making that noise that is terrifying. >> it is just air coming out of it or whatever that is. that is sound i made yesterday during the snowstorm. >> that is the sound you make every morning when you walk in the studio. coming up next on eyewitness nice cleaning up after the storm, we have live team coverage starting with jan. >> reporter: i'm jan carabao in hard hit bucks county this
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morning where tens of thousands of customers are waking up in the dark. straight ahead how much progress has peco made in restoring that power overnight , trang do? hey, jan we are rocking and rolling in the mobile weather watcher, cross the city, take a look here some people have been waking up to very treacherous road conditions, meisha. >> um-hmm, frank do the wet roadways have now turned into a frozen roadways and wreaking havoc on our morning commute. several accidents out there, car fire, down wires a bound, we have it all, we will have all these updates coming up but first we will take a quick brake stay right where you, i like these yogurt bites. (phone buzzing) and i like these yogurt bites... ah... ooh!
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apparently, i like them more than i like my phone. where...ah, oh! hello? ah, i missed it. it was my mother-in-law. i'll call her back. don't tell her i told you that. you'll like them both but love our price. award-winning little journey baby essentials from aldi. simply smarter shopping.
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it is 6:30. here's what you need to know to start your daily morning minute, march 8th, 2018.
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peco tells us its crews are working around the clock to restore power. >> solve these people in bucks county of been without power for a week now. >> doing our thing, getting through. >> a big clean up is also underway. here in manayunk. you can see that there is that layer of snow still on the roadways, it is definitely going to want to take it easy. >> great example of teamwork. the northeastern women's basketball team bus got stuck in the snow at st. joes. so they hopped out, and they pushed. eagles make a big trade bringing in three time pro bowler michael bennet. >> ♪ fly eagles fly on the road to victory ♪
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>> e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. to. jason kelce and michael kendricks singing fly eagles fly at the well last night. >> they have had plenty have practice over the last several weeks and chelsea, i feel like we have had plenty of practice with these, nor'easter and new we are talking about a potential another one. >> it does feel like we are beginning to get used to it. we have potential for a coastal system heading in the weekend. more to come on. that we will look at temperatures in the region. these temperatures too close for comfort when it comes to how close they are to freezing thirty-three in millville. thirty-three in atlantic city. thirty-two in wilmington. thirty-four in philadelphia 31 . we want to see these numbers much higher so we can get that melting process, started, and it feels chillier though when we factor in the breeze, feels more like the 20's, be mindful of that waking up, and break
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ing out shovel to get your car out of the driveway this morning. snow totals very impressive, double digits for a lot of area, richboro where jan carabao is, right around 16 inches of snow. 13.2 in newtown. philadelphia international we saw about 6.1 inches of snow. throughout the day-to-day, temperatures will be in the 40 's, for philadelphia, and also down the shore, it will feel more like the 30's when you factor in the winds and poconos, 34 degrees for that high today and tons of sunshine and that should help with that melting process. we will talk about the potential for another coastal system, as we head into the sunday night, monday time frame, i can tell you right now it is not a guarantee but we will have details in a few minutes, meisha. >> thanks, very much. looking outside right now, lot of problems, spots, because as chelsea was just saying a lot of what had maybe melted has now refrozen and we are seeing spin outs and accident and that sort of thing. we have a car fire here. we have a car fire and a accident, 95 northbound, this is 95 north atwood haven road,
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the road was closed and it looks like it is still completely closed, as they are trying to get this around you. and another accident 95 north at cottman. very, very slick conditions, around here as well, an accident, on the schuylkill, westbound, past university avenue. you can bet this is going to make things slow pushing in the westbound direction, another accident, in ambler, 309 southbound near susquehanna road and 309 northbound near the pennsylvania turnpike, where are a car spun out. these two on 309 letting us know that 309 is also, very, very slippery. then we have another accident, blue route north bound, past macdade boulevard, two lanes are block, now, you are condense todd that far right lane, you can see people outside of their vehicles as well as gaper delay from your neighbors, pushing in the southbound direction, and an accident in chadsford with injuries, that one has just been cleared, jim and rahel, back over to you. it has been a long cold night for tens of thousands of people in our area without power. >> we have just got off the
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phone with peco who has been working throughout the night and they tell us that more than 50,000 customers do not have power. most of those outages are in bucks county. pse&g is reporting 87,000 customers without power. ppl has almost 27,000 customers in the dark. ac electric has just over 7,000 customers without power, and about 47 del marva customers are affected. oh, my god. >> this may be the reason for outageness bucks county twit ter user posted this video showing a transformer explode nothing croyden. bucks county ace monk the places hardest hit by the winter weather. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao is live in rich before he where she has found some down power lines, jan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, rahel and jim. peco tells us it is still working to restore power to 46,000 customers here in bucks count a loan but if you consider that at 4:30 a.m. they were working to restore customers of 51,000 you can
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see progress being made, it is just slow at this point. you can see what they are work w road conditions that look like this and all of the damage left behind. this is bustleton pike and tan yard road in richboro, bucks county getting 16 inches of snow. that road is still close because of down trees and power lines. that wet, heavy snow has gist done so much damage. taking a lot the video you can see neighbors in bucks county wasted no time at all starting this latest round of clean up, this is croyden where neighbors cut through a large oak tree on magnolia avenue and a few blocks from that locations, neighbors at garfield were hard at work too their power went out midday when a transformer blew. >> i have a one year-old daughter, and it is very cold outside. it will be cold in the house. >> reality of what it is, i would like to see it get fixed , quickly but we will wait and see what happens. >> reporter: now there are going to be 4,000 employees and contractors, from peco working around the clock to
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get power restored. now back inside to you. >> thanks, jan. and meanwhile trang do is in the mobile weather watcher checking out road conditions all morning long. she's been giving us a firsthand look at what lies ahead for your morning white. >> right now she's live in chestnut hill. you are smiling. turf wonder are road looking good there or are you just in a good mood. >> reporter: i'm smiling because this is the last live shot, and i'm also smiling because we are parked and about to get moving and show you guys very treacherous conditions. take a look our roof camera. you can get a wide view, look at this, and this is winston road, and this is how the road s look here in chestnut hill. you can turnaround any corner, down this treat, this street, and they are completely snow covered and people living here of been writing me, texting me , telling me yes, our streets are a complete mess. if you do live here in the northwestern area of the city, we are seeing, very similar conditions, to this, but coming from manayunk, coming
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from east mt. airy, west mt. airy, exactly what i want to tell you, to take some extra time, clean off your car and take it slow. this is what we're seeing. once you get out of these particular neighborhood and on the main roadways, things are pretty much, smooth sailing. you just to have get on it of here. so, you definitely to have take that extra time if you are heading to work today, but again, do i want to emphasize we have been on broad street and kelly drive, we have been on i-95 and those are completely cleared, and, those are main arteries, soakedry roads that still need work. we are live from the mobile weather watcher i'm trang do for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". i get car sick watching this. >> basically don't let smiles fool you, the roads are still pretty bad in chestnut hill. >> oh, yeah, roll down the window right now. >> get some air. >> yes. >> thanks, trang do. a teacher in manchester township ocean county is on the mend after she was struck by lightening during the snowstorm this happened
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yesterday afternoon on ridgeway road, authorities say that the woman was holding an umbrella when the lightening struck. she was taken to the local hospital with non-life threatening injuries. driving in the nor'easter provided dangerous, proved to be dangerous, as well, this aramark truck got stuck in the snow, and could not get out. this happened in moorestown, new jersey. but similar scenes played across, played out across the region. and take a look at this big rig stuck in moorestown, burlington county. we found that most major roadways are clear this morning, but you could still see some issues on some secondary roads, some snow, utility poles and lamps, and all that wasn't enough there is also thunder snow. >> i was inside comfortably, nice and warm, and then i heard a loud cracking and i ran outside and i was actually scared. definitely not something i was expect to go day. >> different experience seeing lightening and thunder in the middle of the light, snow, frozen, i never expect that to
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happen. >> now road crews were working through the night so it should be easier this morning for drivers to get around. in other news, florida lawmakers are moving a new gun bill, to the governor's desk. the florida state how the passed a bill by 67 to 50 vote yesterday to restrict gun sales and allows teach tours carry weapons to school. bill, in response to last month's deadly shooting in the city of park land flashings which killed 17 people. also, there is a possibility that the president trump will sign off on his tariff plan today, the president wants to impose 25 percent import tax on steel , and 10 percent tax on aluminum, am is like canada and mexico could be temporarily exempt from the taxes, some republican leaders in congress are concerned it could trigger a trade war and harm u.s. business interest. it is really starting to creep people out find out why alexa is laughing atticus mers mcdonald's's famous golden arches upside down why the m is now a w, coming up next,
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pat. we see them every day but what do they mean? a local college is constructing and deconstruct ing the historical and artistic meaning of tattoo art, see fascinating course and what the students created coming up next, hi there, chelsea. hi, pat good morning to you. we are tracking temperatures on the rise, into the 40's and sunshine, so we will get some melting going on today but also potential for another coastal system as we head into the ladder part of the weekend early part of next week. we will have details coming up but first here's your cure auto insurance travel forecast
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welcome back. 6:45. we're looking pretty good, jim >> it does, looking a that. >> crew where is working through the day yesterday, overnight last night but trang do has been traveling around in the mobile weather watcher in all neighborhood, south philadelphia, mt. airy, chestnut hill she has been every where but what she's saying is side streets may not be as well maintained. >> nor'easter is having a lasting impact in new england. >> they got 26 inches of snow, someplace is still recovering from last week's storm. as correspondent hena doba shows us clean up efforts are underway. >> around 500 drivers were stuck on route 280 in new jersey during the evening
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commute, snowmobiles had to be brought into show people to safety. the soon in wooster massachusetts not much different. cars seem to be going every which way but forward. >> i'm leaving work but trying to get up the hill but can't. >> reporter: northeastern, university woman's basketball team had to get out and, push the bus which got stuck after practice. in new york city many buses were not moving, nor were trained thanks to very limited service. >> they have cancelled the buses, and i came from the bus terminal over here and i'm seeing trains are cancelled too. i don't know how to go home. >> reporter: situation wasn't much better in airports, more than 2600 flights were cancelled. >> for many places like here, in new york city, as you can tell it was a heavy, and wet snow. >> that led to even more down trees, and power lines, more than 800,000 homes and businesses, have been left without power. hena doba for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> you in know how they say
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misery loves company. it was all of the northeast. but chelsea, yesterday we had the snow but today it is still very cold. >> it is still very cold in a lot of areas, jim and rahel, we're talking about temperatures very close to freezing this morning and that is a problem because we're seeing refreezing, as meisha has been talking about all morning and she will probably continue to talk about that as well. that is causing issues on the roadways. our weather watchers are checking numbers all across egion in the 30's, some spots also in the 20's, and then some beautiful pictures coming out of, yesterday's snowfall, in some locations, lets take a look at this one, jenny janssen send nothing this photo look at how we have think snowfall it is. it is making branches lean down. that is what we dealt with yesterday's system and we are still dealing with it, even this morning. let's show you though numbers now across the region 306789 degrees for eileen in gilbertsville, he had need chester chesterfield 31. john in perkasie, 31 degrees where he lives.
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other numbers, they are just too close to freezing for comfort. i don't like seeing this 31 in reading. twenty-eight in lancaster. thirty-two in wilmington. definitely dealing with slick spots out there this morning. zooming in a little bit closer to philadelphia, the greater ary hill. thirty-four in palmyra. right around 31 in doyletown. again just too close for comfort these 30 degrees this morning waking up in places like pottstown. 29 degrees in willow grove. impressive snow totals from yesterday's system out of delaware, a lot of double digit snowfall totals including greenville area 10.4 . brandywine 10 inches of snow reported with yesterday's nor'easter which is a distant memory for us. it is causing issues in new england. we are quiet here in the delaware valley. high pressure is building in. we are keeping an eye on things as we head in the weekend, an area of low pressure in the tennessee valley could hug the coast. that is what gfs model thinks that could cause us problems, as far as potential for maybe more wintry weather as we head
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in the afternoon we're talking 40's in the forecast, so that should contribute to a lot of melting, meisha. >> everything that was wet has now refrozen over and we are seeing problem spots because of it. we had a car fire an a accident 95 north atwood haven road. having the road completely closed. it has moved over to that far left but still very slow moving around there. ninety-five cottman an cihat has been since cleared but we have another accident here at schuylkill westbound past university avenue pulled off to the right and you are getting a gaper delay, not too far away schuylkill westbound off ramp to conshohocken that is closed as they are trying to get another accident here. you can see how wet it looks, not wet, that is pure ice, all that black ice, starting to pop up out there or refreeze over, ambler, 309, southbound, 309 north bound near pennsylvania turnpike, car spun out there, blue route northbound past macdade boulevard another accident here spin out crash we are condensed all the way off to that far right shoulder and far right lane.
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that is bit, there is more but i ran out of time. move very slow. jim, over to you. mcdonald's franchises are honoring international woman's day by flipping their golden arches upside down to make a w >> and those arches are hard to miss, and in california, 100 other mcdonald's restaurants around the country will be sporting flipped arches. they are all owned by women. many customers thought it was a great way to celebrate and acknowledge would men. >> they deserve more and birthday as a tribute because they do a lot for our kid so it is awesome. >> we spent so much time in our history and much more patriarch for society and for someone as big as mcdonald's to say okay, guys, lets go ahead and celebrate would the men in our culture, i mean, that is a really good thing. >> major. >> upside down logo will be seen on packaging and employee uniforms. a local college, special course is, funding aspect for justice in history.
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>> in an effort to shed light on the world of tattoos. pat gallen is here with more, good morning again, patrick. >> good morning. very interesting class. as you mentioned the class that brings several elements together and called social construction of the tattoo art , its goal to examine the perceptions and misconceptions of a world, that dates back thousands of years. at chestnut hill college is there a criminal justice course using mankins as a way to explore body art and historical implications. >> tattoos have often been equated with deviance, prison tattoos, gang tattoos, they are marker, of people who don't follow the rules. so this course was designed to explore why that is true and fit is true. >> reporter: beyond learning, as part of the curriculum students were task with producing a sketch that would best represent something about the themselves. and it was then drawn on the mankins. alex wall was able to draw on
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her experiences with tattoo art. >> i have helped my friends design their tattoos, i have not gotten them yet but gone through that process with them i do understand meaning they put behind their tattoos and how deeply significant everything that they get is to them. >> reporter: alex's tattoo is that of a crack camera symbolizing her love of photography but also her hazy memory. after much self reflection on victoria fuller produced this tree with the do have symbolizing freedom and branches showing personal growth. inside the dove is hidden video. >> difficult a voice memo of jesus never fails and that is something my grandfather always says. he passed away but it is something that sticks with me and my family. >> reporter: both students were captivated by several aspects of the course. >> i think it is absolutely fascinating from both a contradict nal justice perspective, art perspective, personal perspective. >> i had no idea it was going to be so intricate and that we would return different things
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about the history of tattooing , and where it all started and we move to gang tattoos and we move to how tattoo reflect your personal values and stuff like that. >> reporter: doctor bar owe is thrilled with how her class responded to this non- traditional course. >> i think probably the thing i'm most proud office that they have learned a lot about themselves and the world that they live in. >> students told me it took a lot of self reflection in creating their perfect tattoo and that doctor barrow push them to find tune it over the course of the semester. interesting tidbit i have learned from the doctor, many find art and ran sans training artist are are tattoo art because it is a way to make a living because social acceptance of those tattoos has change in recent years. >> very interesting. >> patrick, people don't know this about me but i'm a tattoo aficionado. you always see me in my athletic physique in suits but if you spot me in the tank top during the summer you would
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see a different jim. here's a rare look at my ink. i have a full sleeve, i have my name, a top, and of course, cbs-3 logo near my wrist. this is how i role, patrick. >> i'm shock by this. >> when did this happen. >> years ago. >> not so long ago we were talking about, an athlete with the back tat and you didn't know what that was. >> i have seen your pastie white arms and that cannot be true. >> i can show you right now but it is morning television. i can't get everybody excited out there. get this alexa creeping out its users. >> because of the it laughs. >> randomly. >> crazy. alexa users have been talking about random laughter since last month, sometimes it hand when no one is using it or when someone tells her to turn lights honor off, and amazon says it is aware and working to quicks it. the device sometimes
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mistakenly hear command alexa laugh. >> i thought she was laughing my tattoo. >> she probably was. >> yes. i own my own company. i had some severe fatigue, some funny rashes. finally, listening to my wife, went to a doctor. and i became diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma... that diagnosis was tough. i had to put my trust in somebody. when i first met steve, we recommended chemotheherapy, and then we did high dose therapy and then autologous stem cell transplant. unfortunately, he went on to have progressive disease. i thought that he would be a good candidate for immune therapy. it's an intravenous medicine that can
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affect the patient's immune system and unleash it against the cancer. with chemotherapy, i felt rough, fatigue, nauseous. and with immune therapy we've had such a positive result. i'm back to working hard. i've honestly never felt this great. i believe the future of immunotherapy at ctca is very bright. the evolution of cancer care is here. appointments available now.
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here's three to go. >> crews are working to restore power to tens of thousands of customers in the dark bucks county one of the hardest hit area bill restricting gun sales heading to the desk of florida governor rick scott and allows teach tours carry weapons on school groundness response to
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the deadly mass shooting in the marjory stoneman douglas high school last month. it is international women 's day. marks for women in history. lets get a last check of weather and traffic. >> quiet day, sunshine, melt ago this will be happening, 45 e are tracking sunday night into monday potential for coastal system. it is in the a guarantee so stay tune. thanks, chelsea. lots of accidents out there schuylkill westbound past university avenue schuylkill west off ram township conn show who can then ramp is closed, 309 southbound near susquehanna to name a few. every dog knows tricks but playing dead pails in comparison to this little fellow this dare devil from china is ready for x games check them out riding a scooter through a crowd just like any human being would. he operates his scooter with his front and back paws. he taught himself how to ride after an observe antiwoman. >> yes. >> cbs this morning is up next >> when you air way call us on cbs for update,
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througho the day. >> have a great day. >r go good morni. welcome to west coast to "cbs this ndreds of dritranded for hours on highways and more homes are flooded this morning. we'reracking the clnu a massiveaster tore up the east coast. floridaegislators come up with new restrictions but will theut all of the changes in jeopardy. we'll hear from student activists at douglas hiorking to change gun laws nationwide. a hospital that's putting patients at risk.
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a new report finds major


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