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tv   Deutsche Welles In Focus  LINKTV  March 13, 2012 10:00am-10:30am PDT

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funding for this program [with captioning] was provided by: additional funding is provided by: and: narrator: each video episode has three parts. watch the program,
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read your book, discuss the program and... rebecca: ♪ that would be enough, enough for me ♪ ♪ everybody needs a dream catcher ♪ ♪ catch me! rebecca: "day 5: alberto helped me out again." "my car broke down. i'll have to take a bus to san francisco." seriously, though, i mean, we... let me take you back to san francisco. it's going to be faster and cheaper. i appreciate the offer but i think i'll take the bus. alberto: yeah, i suppose you have to be careful. you just can't drive with anyone.
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rebecca: but i still don't even know your last name. mendoza. actually, it's alberto manuel mendoza. that's a pretty good spanish accent. my family is from mexico. where in mexico? a little village west of monterrey. so, what's your full name? rebecca mary theresa casey. my grandparents are from ireland. dublin? no, from the west. it's a little town in galway. i'm told it's a beautiful place but it's a very poor town. my family's village was poor, too. you know-- no money, no jobs, just politics. i guess that's why both our families moved to the united states. oh, yeah, that's right-- to have a better life, to get an education and to make a living. yeah, well, my family never did. well, hey, you'll be the first. what do you mean?
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come on, you'll write some wonderful pop song and become a huge hit. yeah. i like the way you think. ( laughs ) me, too. wow. these canyons are spectacular. yeah, it... it says here that these canyons were sacred to the agua caliente indians. it's pronounced "agua caliente." agua caliente. and i've got to take some photos. do you mind carrying my bag? no, not at all. here you go. okay, got it.
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it's hard to imagine what these canyons were like so many years ago. probably much the same as they are today. look at that over there. this is really amazing. they must call this a desert oasis. yeah, i bet you these palm trees are over a hundred years old. this is it.
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could you do me a favor? um-hmm. i... i nd someone in this picture. can you stand over there by the palm tree? alberto, there are more interesting things to photograph in here than me. no, really, i'm serious. i... i need you in the picture to give the picture a sense of scale. but i... i don't know. please? well, since you've gone out of your way, i guess it's the least i can do. alright, yeah, stand over... that palm tree to your right. right there, perfect. alberto: yes, and turn... yeah, turn around a little bit. there, there you go. yes, yes, yes. what time is it? you look great on camera, thank you. oh, we have to go. hold it right there. my bus leaves in less than an hour. hold it, hold it. alberto, please. there's only one bus a day. i have to make it on time. ( sighs impatiently ) thanks. ( police siren wailing )
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oh, man, a cop. hi. do you know how fast you were going? mmm-- maybe 65? 80 miles an hour. license and registration, please. registration. registration, license. officer, let me explain-- we were just trying... i'll be right back. i hope he doesn't give you a ticket. you can say that again. o.k., since you don't have any points on your license this time, i'll give you a warning. thank you, officer. thanks.
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whew! how lucky is that? he didn't give you a ticket. yes, whew. oh, hold on. i'll take the luggage, you get the ticket. thank you. you're welcome. may i help you? yeah, i need a ticket to san francisco. round trip? i need a one-way ticket to san francisco. so, what's taking you to san fran? oh, college and a job. um, people seem to think you can't tie your shoelaces without a college degree these days. uh, let's see... um, $65. $65? is that a one-way or a round trip? one-way. that's what you asked for. yeah. is all this baggage yours? no, it's my friend's. oh, i can take the guitar on the bus. thanks for all of your help. my pleasure. actually, your driver here did all the work. where are you going? san francisco.
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oh, you know, you have to change in l.a.? um-hmm, i really appreciate your help. well, is that it? is that everything out of your car? yeah. your ticket, please. we're leaving in 2 minutes. guess this is it. thanks for all your help. it was wonderful meeting you... i mean, all except for the part when the hood of your car fell on my head. does your head still hurt? no. not really. i'll never forget that look on your face when i found you in the desert. i'll never forget when you were sleeping in your car. and tom the trucker, with that engine he borrowed from a 747-- yeah. thanks for being such a good sport. you're welcome. all aboard. rebecca, look-- since we'll both be in san francisco, um, why don't we get together?
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well... i... i don't think i'll have much free time and with school and work and... you can't study all the time, right? you need to take a break once in a while. yeah. i... it'd be my honor to show you the city. where can i reach you? i'm staying with my godmother. does she have a name? nancy shaw. do you mind giving me her address her phone number? oh, yeah, i have it somewhere. alberto, i need to explain something to you. i had a boyfriend in boston. we broke up before i left. for now, i just want to concentrate on my music and worry about my... rebecca... i just want to show you my hometown.
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thanks. here. yeah. and listen, um, if you have any spare time here's my business card. call me. o.k., folks, we have to go. you two lovebirds have to say good-bye.
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i'd like this dream catcher, please. narrator: now let's review and discuss the story. alberto offers to give rebecca a ride to san francisco. let me take you back to san francisco. it's going to be faster and cheaper. alberto is taking pictures of rebecca in the desert. do me a favor? i... i need someone in this picture. can you stand over there by the palm tree? speaker: suddenly they see a blue light. oh, man, a cop. a policeman came and stop them for speeding. hi. do you know how fast you were going? mmm-- maybe 65?
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speaker: they arrive at the bus station, and there isn't much time left. he gave her his business card. if you have any spare time, here's my business card. call me. she's not going to call him. speaker: rebecca is finally catching the bus and is on the way to san francisco. he went back to buy the dream catcher. i'd like this dream catcher, please. i think they are going to see other. they exchanged phone numbers and he gave her his business card. it seems almost like a thing of destiny. man: let me tell you something-- san francisco is a big city. they're not going to meet each other. but they will... remember, he waved to her and then he went to buy the dream catcher. you don't buy a gift like that and it was meant for her. i agree with her. maybe he bought it for himself. no. you never know. he does have a nice smile. the guy is a hunk. he has a great smile. he's very dashing.
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he's very interesting. why wouldn't she want to see him? hi. hi. hi. nancy? rebecca, is that you? yes, it's me... hi, how are you? it's nice to see you after all these years.
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it's good to see you! my, my... you certainly look like your mother! welcome. welcome to san francisco. it's good to be here. it was a long trip. what exactly happened to your car? oh, my car broke down in the desert and i didn't have the time or the money to fix it, so i sold it. what a shame. that was the car your father bought you, wasn't it? but at least you made it. now let's go home. that sounds good. now, where are your bags? rebecca: uh, they're over there. are all those yours? good grief! i don't know where we'll put them. we'll figure something out. do they have baggage carts here? yes. um... i'll watch your luggage. why don't you go and get a cart. i fit all the luggage on the cart, but i can barely see you! oh, this way. i got the trunk ready. rebecca: wow, this is quite a car. it's old, but it runs... just like me. here we are.
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be careful, this is heavy. is it? i'll help you. we can do this all right. rebecca: it's hard to believe i'm really in san francisco. well, you are. see that building? that's the transamerica building. some people like it, but not me. it's too big. nancy: how's your father? rebecca: he's doing pretty well. his leg bothers him every now and then. i'm sorry to hear that. and your little brother? how's he doing? kevin? he's not so little anymore. he's almost 6 feet tall, and he just graduated from high school.
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is he going to college? at the moment he has a job, but i hope he'll consider it. a college education is so important these days. it's hard to find a decent job without it. you're telling me. the house isn't very far from here. i hope you'll feel comfortable there. i'm sure i will. what a beautiful house! it's been in the family for generations and we love it, but it costs a fortune to keep up. i've got these bags. you get those. ♪ i've got my memories, but they're far behind ♪ ♪ i'm traveling light. ♪ i'm traveling light
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♪ i'm traveling light ♪ i'm traveling light. put those bags down there. wow... this house is really a jewel. i see why you've kept it. yes... it's very special to me. make yourself at home. it's your home now, too. oh, by the way, there's no smoking, and no drugs in the house. and no guests upstairs. i don't think you have to worry about that. i didn't think so. melaku... sorry to disturb you. i'd like you to meet my goddaughter. yes, of course, miss shaw. rebecca casey-- this is melaku tadesse. rebecca? am i pronouncing your name right? it's a pleasure to meet you. uh... it's nice to meet you. is it melaku? yes. melaku is from ethiopia. he's a graduate student in business administration.
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when he gets his degree next year, he'll return home to his wife and two children and start a business in addis ababa. that's correct, addis ababa. oh... rebecca will be studying at the san francisco college of music. melaku: well, very good. perhaps you will play or sing for us. what do you think, miss shaw? as long as it's not that loud rock music. oh, no, don't worry. all i have is an acoustic guitar. we'll leave you to your studies now. i hope you enjoy it here. i do. i'll see you at dinner. thank you. nancy: this is the living room. my uncle's favorite place. let me introduce you. uncle edward-- this is rebecca casey, margaret's daughter. here, let me help you. please, don't trouble yourself. no trouble at all, rebecca. it's a pleasure to meet you. it's very nice to meet you, mr. shaw. please call me edward. i met your mother once, many years ago.
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you look like her, if memory serves me. that's what people tell me. i'm very happy to be here. we're very glad to have you here. i, uh... i think i'd better sit down. i'm afraid these visits here are rather tiring. they take the wind out of my sails. can i get you anything? no, i'll be fine. just let me rest a while. are you going to stay for supper? i wouldn't miss it. go on, now, and show her the rest of the house. and i'll see you at supper, rebecca. that'll be very nice. nancy: my uncle edward lived in the house his whole life. but his physical condition deteriorated too much and i had to move him to one of those retirement homes for the elderly. it was a very difficult decision for both of us... but at least he comes home once a week.
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today's the day. he's a very distinguished gentleman. and he was a very good musician, too. he used to play the piano beautifully but he can't anymore. he's... just too frail. come see the kitchen. and this is the kitchen. who left this mess? we each buy our own food. and we all share the refrigerator, so please put your name on your food. see, like melaku does. excuse me... does melaku live here? oh, yes. he's one of my renters. he is going to go far, that young man. he's always studying. now, the pots and pans are up here... the glasses are here... the dishes are here... and the utensils are in this drawer. now... you must be thirsty.
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would you like some iced tea? yes, i'd love some, please. this is the house phone. local calls are free, but don't stay on too long. of course, we each pay for our own long-distance calls. we keep a list. i... didn't know that you had renters. i didn't write to you about the renters. oh, rebecca, i'm sorry. i am so embarrassed. i guess i'm not quite used to the idea myself. it was just kind of a surprise. yes, of course. ever since my uncle moved to the retirement home, the bills have been coming in so quickly. i had to do something. renting out rooms seemed like a good solution. i'm sure the rent money helps. i just couldn't take care of edward by myself any longer--
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to bathe him, dress him. and he fell down once when i was out and he couldn't get up by himself. it was terrible. i can see it's a big responsibility. the house, your uncle... what choice do i have? would you like to see your room? yeah. oh, please-- let me help you with those. oh, thank you. rebecca, you have enough baggage for an army! i didn't know what i'd need so i brought everything. i'm the same way-- better safe than sorry. melaku... would you put the suitcases in rebecca's room, please? of course, miss shaw. thank you. melaku lives on the third floor; you and angela are on the second. angela? mm-hmm.
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oh, hi. angela, this is rebecca casey, from boston. she'll be living here, too. hello. oh, terrific! i understand you've had quite an adventure. yes, i... is it true you drove all the way across the country by yourself? i drove almost all the way. oh, unbelievable! well, i'm afraid i have to rush. it's nice to meet you. i'll see you later. yes. see you later. nancy: she's studying to be a nurse, and working part-time. she's kind of wild. well, here we are-- this is your room. it's a little dusty. oh, it'll be fine. it's very charming. oh, what a nice view. the bed looks comfortable.
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rebecca, can we talk? this is very difficult for me to say. you know i wanted to let you stay here rent free... yes, i appreciate... no, please... listen. this is extremely difficult for me. i'm afraid... i'll need to ask you for some rent money to help pay the house expenses. i feel bad about this. i've tried everything... but if i can't pay my bills, i'll have to sell the house. that would be terrible. the cost of the retirement home is unbelievable-- much more than we expected. i understand. i wish i could help you a little more. i mean, you are my goddaughter, for heaven's sake! i understand. i want to pay my share. i want to contribute. how much are you thinking of? can you manage... $250 a month?
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tell me if you can't afford that much. no, it'll be fine. $250. are you sure? i'm sure. it's good to have you here. well, why don't you wash up and settle in a bit. dinner's at 6:00. o.k. narrator: now let's review and discuss the story. speaker: rebecca arrived in san francisco. speaker: then nancy shaw is waiting for rebecca. welcome to san francisco. it's good to be here. nancy is rebecca's godmother. nancy? rebecca, is that you? yes, it's me. hi, how are you? nancy shaw is a very opinionated old lady. see that building? that's the transamerica building. some people like it, but not me.
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it's too big. speaker: they drive through san francisco. nancy shaw drives an old, old car. speaker: it's a big old american car. her uncle edward is a very distinguished man. edward is in a retirement home because he's not able to really function well on his own. i'm afraid these visits here are rather tiring. they take the wind out of my sails. melaku is from ethiopia. is it melaku? yes. melaku is from ethiopia. melaku is away from his family and being away from your family is not fun. angela is from the philippines. she's a "whoa!" kind of person. hi! angela, this is rebecca casey from boston. she'll be living here, too. hello. oh, terrific! nancy tells rebecca she has to pay rent. i'll need to ask you for some rent money to help pay the house expenses. speaker: that was something that she didn't count on.
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it was a little unfair of nancy shaw to tell rebecca that late. she was chosen to be the godmother, so she was supposed to be looking out for her. [captioned by the
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funding for this program [with captioning] was provided by: additional funding is provided by: and:
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