tv Witness LINKTV May 2, 2012 10:00am-10:30am PDT
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rebecca: ♪ that would be enough, enough for me ♪ ♪ everybody needs a dream catcher ♪ ♪ catch me! r beeping ) ( short, steady tone ) what did the nurse say? dad's in pretty bad shape. she said to hurry back. hello, i need a cab right away. it's an emergency. kevin... i'm sorry, we shouldn't be arguing at a time like this.
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we need each other. nurse: let me take you to your father. before you see him there's something i want to tell you. your father has just had another heart attack and at this point it does not look good. what are you saying? he made it through the first one... well, not entirely. and the second heart attack was more massive. aren't there any new drugs you can give him? there are new drugs, but they won't help... not in his current condition. i can't believe that there's... i'm very sorry. you should probably notify any other members of the family. ( beeping ) hello. i'm father o'connor. oh, father, thank you for coming. i want you to know
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i'm here for you and your family. is this your father? yes. can we talk for a minute? tell me about your father's condition. my father just had his second serious heart attack in the last two days. i'm so sorry. it must be very difficult for you. are you very close to your father? yes. kevin lives with my dad. i did too until recently. we're all pretty close. and your mother...? my mother died of lung cancer almost twelve years ago. what a loss. now, are there any other family members, besides the two of you? not really. there are some relatives in ireland, but we've never met them. we have a great-aunt on my mother's side, and, uh, my father's brother, brendan. oh, your father has a brother? does he know your father's in the hospital? no, he lives in illinois. he has a farm there.
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my father and uncle don't talk to each other. they haven't for years. maybe this is the time for them to make peace. perhaps you should call him. i don't want to upset my father. maybe kevin and i need to talk before we do anything. give it some thought. i will begin my prayers for your father. god bless you. thanks, father. yes, i need the number for a brendan casey. ( cow moos ) anne: brendan!...
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brendan, telephone. it's rebecca casey. hello, uncle brendan. it's rebecca. i'm afraid i have some bad news about my father. he's in the hospital? what do the doctors say? i see... yeah, i'll take the next flight out. oh, and rebecca... thank you for calling. goodbye. anne: was that patrick's daughter? yeah, she called about patrick. he's in the hospital. he just had a heart attack. oh, honey, i'm sorry to hear that. it doesn't look good. i'm going to take the next flight to boston. yeah, i'll pack your bag.
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( labored breathing ) ( weakly ): kevin... kevin... take care of kevin. i will. call... my brother. call brendan. i already did. i called uncle brendan. he's flying out, he'll be here soon. can you do something about the pain? i can increase the medication a bit. mr. casey, this'll make you feel a little more comfortable.
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kevin called and told me. how are you doing? terrible. i flew in this morning. this is my worst nightmare. how is he? he's barely hanging on. the doctors aren't hopeful. becky, i feel so sorry for you. how is he doing? rebecca: he keeps everything inside. i don't know... he seems so different. poor kid. sandy, you should see the apartment. it's a total mess. there's no food in the refrigerator, nothing. i guess he still needs someone to take care of him. i feel bad... i yelled at him this morning. it's o.k. you're upset, that's normal. i know, but i shouldn't have yelled at him. i mean, he doesn't... i bet you could use a cup of coffee. there's a cafeteria on the third floor. what do you say we go? yeah. it's so good to see you. i feel guilty for leaving dad alone.
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i don't know... the doctor said things don't look good. i asked for a second opinion. the other doctor said the same thing. i don't know if he's going to make it. rebecca... your dad's always been a fighter. he'll make it. one coffee. two coffees, please. thank you. thanks. so... how's life in san francisco? maybe i should have gone with you. it's good. school's hard, but the teachers are great. did you get my letter? yeah. how's it going with that roberto guy?
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( laughs ): alberto. right, that's it. he's very nice. anything serious? i don't know. it's still new. take my advice-- get to know him before you fall in love. ( chuckles ): i will. how's jack? mm... we're living together, you know. when's the big day? the wedding? that's off, for now. he says he just wants to live together. sandy, your face is all black and blue. what on earth happened to you? why are you wearing sunglasses? it's nothing. i... ( agitated ): i bumped into a door. did jack hit you?
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oh my god, he hit you, didn't he? i can't believe he hit you! there's no excuse for that. none! rebecca, uncle brendan's here. i'll be right there. don't move. i'll be back in a few minutes. do you hear me? ( sighs heavily ) the father has taken a turn for the worse. your father has just had another heart attack and at this point it does not look good. the priest comes. hello. i'm father o'connor. oh, father, thank you for coming. the priest asks them if there are any family members who should be present.
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now, are there any other family members, besides the two of you? we have a great-aunt on my mother's side, and, uh, my father's brother, brendan. oh, your father has a brother? does he know your father's in the hospital? speaker: kevin is so different. his face... i don't know, is so sad. rebecca goes to the phone and she has to call her uncle. hello, uncle brendan. it's rebecca. i'm afraid i have some bad news about my father. he's in the hospital? brendan and patrick are two brothers who haven't seen each other for a very long time. speaker: rebecca's girlfriend sandy came to the hospital. speaker: obviously she's coming to give her friend some moral support. rebecca noticed that sandy had a bruise on her face. sandy tells rebecca that it was just an accident. but rebecca doesn't believe her because she remembers that jack used to be quite aggres3ive. sandy, your face is all black and blue.
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what on earth happened to you? why are you wearing sunglasses? it's nothing. i... i bumped into a door. did jack hit you? speaker: i think that she just doesn't want to give any explanation at that point. she felt that's the wrong place, the wrong time. it's already very difficult for rebecca... that's what i think-- that she doesn't want to give rebecca any extra trouble. rebecca? uncle brendan. it's so good to meet you, finally. yeah, i wish it were under happier circumstances. how are you holding up? we're o.k. it's dad i'm worried about. does he know you called me? yes. he wants to see you. can i go in and see him?
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excuse me. this is my unclerendan. he'd like to see my father. yes, come in. he's resting. uh... i'd like to see him alone for a few minutes, if that's o.k. yes. of course. i hope we did the right thing. kev, are you all right? i'm worried about you. i'll survive. do you want to go get something to drink? no. i'm going to go and say "goodnight" to sandy. i'll be back. patrick?
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where did sandy go? i don't know. i can't believe she took off. what's wrong? looks like jack's been beating sandy up. you've got to be kidding. actually hitting her? yeah, you should see her face. she has a huge black and blue mark right here. that pig. he should have his face kicked in. kevin, don't talk like that. this thing won't take my money. do you have any change? how much do you need? seventy-five cents.
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kevin, i'm sorry i yelled at you. that's all right. that's all right. it's all right. ( beeping ) ( beeping stops ) nurse! hurry! help! what's wrong, uncle brendan? what's going on? bring in the defibrillator. he's not breathing and he has no pulse. we're going to shock him. everybody stand clear. clear! shock! shock! shock! begin cpr. can we get lidocaine? one milligram of lidocaine. one, two, three and four and five. and one and two and three and four and five. ( sobs ) brendan: it's okay.
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( phone ringing ) hello? brendan: oh, hi, hon. i have bad news. patrick passed away a few hours ago. oh, honey, i'm so sorry. were you able to talk to him? we made our peace. anne: oh, that's good. how are kevin and rebecca taking it? rebecca's, uh... pretty upset. kevin's a little quiet. yeah, i understand. i'd like you to come out to the funeral. of course. aunt molly? it's rebecca.
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who's this guy? oh, how thoughtful. he's a friend from san francisco. uncle brendan. and you must be anne. thank you for making the trip. i'm very sorry about your father. it all happened so fast. we can't believe it. thank you for the flowers. they're... just beautiful. i don't know anyone here. where's kevin? over there. excuse me. it was good you called brendan. you did the right thing. it's wrong for a family to be like that.
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i know. brendan can be very stubborn. but i guess your father was, too. yeah. how're you holding up, kid? pretty good. you know, i don't know a soul here. do you know who any of these people are? not all, but some. that guy over there worked with dad at the fire department; and that's mrs. peterson. she lives in our building. oh. that guy over there-- that's frank welles. he's a fireman, too. he's an old friend of dad's. oh, my god! i can't believe my eyes! is that molly over there? kevin: aunt molly? yeah. frank welles picke$ her up at the retirement community. you know, we used to get christmas cards from her but i haven't seen her in i-don't-know how long. brendan's so sad about losing his only brother but at least they made peace
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before your father died. i was happy about that. um... can i ask you something? yeah. dad never told me what their disagreement was about. d/ you +n/w? you mean you don't know? no. i think it would be better i& r%n$a.t/l$ yo5 (i-s%l&. r%b%c#aúa.d k%v)n s%e t(e u.c,e. rebecca? uncle brend!n. it's so good to meet you finally. t(e u.c,e a3k3 if he can go in the room to se% the brot(er (e h!sn'4 s%e. fo2 3o many 9e!r3. c!n i go in and see him? they make peace. i'm ready...
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to forgive and forget. unfortunately, he passed away. c!n you res0o.d to -e? bring in the defibrillator. he's not breathing. ( r%bec#a s/b"ing ) brendan: it's okay. brendan called his wife on the farm... a.d a3k%d h%r to co-e to boston to the funeral. i'd like 9ou to c/me out to the funeral. o& #o5r3e. w%r% 9o5 !b,e t/ 4a,k t/ (i-? w% -a$e o5r p%a. speaker: it's really a shame peo0l% do.'4 2e!l)z% %a2l)e2 that they should just tryt/ 2en m!n: y%a(, t(a4'3 2i'h4. ...before they realize, "oh, it's g/ing t/ "e t/o l!t%." åw/m!n:i t(i.k i& 4h/s%two b2o43 c/uld go back they wouldn't have lived their l)v%s tha4 wa9. don't you think? they would havem!de !m%n$s b%f/. maybe, maybe not. but sometimes, you know, like, calamity /r dis!ste2s
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