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tv   Earth Focus  LINKTV  February 4, 2013 7:30am-8:00am PST

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funding for crossroads cafe was provided in part... by the departments of education of the states of... california florida, illinois... and new york. and by the united states department of education... and the united states immigration and naturalization service.
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thank you. [ mr. brashov ] ground beef, $247.16. coffee, $164.12. bread-- where is the bill for my bread ? advertisements, pamphlets, everything but what i'm looking for. why aren't you in your office, victor ? air conditioning problems. it is a miracle i can find anything here-- ah ! here it is. bread, $96.41. total for the week: ground beef, coffee, bread-- $21,215.22 ! the crazy machine !
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why do they make the keys so small ? looks like you got more than an air conditioning problem. we could start our own recycling center. one last cup, jess ? please. - guess who's late again ? - he'll be here. i know he'll be here. - thanks, katherine. - what a calculator ! it can do everything except add. it's just a machine, vtor. it only does what you ll it to do. i could do a better job adding on my fingers. mr. brashov, did henry at least call ? interest on loan for equipment: two-and-half percent monthly ! do they think i run a restaurant or a bank ? mr. brashov, don't forget to order more sugar for next week. one more thing to remember. mr. brashov ? yes, yes, what is it ? you do know this is the second time this week that henry's been late ! i'll talk to him. he knows i have to pick up my children after school every afternoon. if he doesn't gehere soon, i'll be late. why don't you go katherine ? i can finish.
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mr. brashov, you have enough to do. it's henry's job. he should be here. you are right. it is his job. but we are like a family here. and if there is a problem, everyone helps. and speaking of problems-- ¿ que ? i que te escucho. no estoy sorda, eh ! rosa, what was that great sauce on the chicken today ? - that was cactus sauce. - i ate cactus ? mr. brashov. you've been doing that paperwork all afternoon. how about having lunch ? no, thanks, rosa. i am too busy to eat. - now, that's something i never thought i'd hear. - rosa ! - did you change your mind about lunch ? - no. the only food i have on my mind is next week's specials. can we talk about that ? any time. how about in a half hour ? - any time but today. i'm in a hurry. - what is going on here ? - everyone is in a rush. - everybody except henry. remember ? i told you about my business management class. oh, yes, i forgot. what time does your class start, rosa ? not until 6:30, but it's a long bus
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ride. and i need to go to the library-- what was that ? oh, jamal ! sorry about the noise. the air conditioner in your office... is almost ready, mr. brashov. i just have to replace this one part, and then you can move back in. - why don't you just get one of those ceiling fans ? - a ceiling fan is all right but it won't do all the things my system will do. we are very lucky to have... an engineer working here at crossroads cafe. i'll be running a final test of the air conditioner in 2 minutes and 27 seconds. is he testing the air conditioner or launching a rocket ? - that's jamal. - mr. brashov, if i don't leave right now my children will be advertising for a new mother. please, go. don't worry about it. - maybe rosa can finish up ? - what ? didn't you hear anything i just said
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? i have to leave too ! why don't you let mr. brashov decide who does what ? why don't you let mr. brashov answer for himself ? why don't you both go and do what you have to do ? - and brashov will take care of everything else-- - hi, everybody. - sorry i'm late. - it's about time-- katherine, please. - henry, where have you been ? - i was buying tickets for a rock concert. henry, you should call if you're not going to be on time ! but i had to stand in line. the tickets were almost all gone. - that's no excuse ! - i was starting to worry about you. okay, sorry. i'll get right to work. now maybe i can get back to work. and your children don't need a new mother after all. you're lucky i'm not the boss. -we are all lucky you're not the boss. -now i get some peace and quiet. why-- i give up ! let me help you ! no, i'll help !
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would you like me to put these in order ? excuse me. one minute and seventeen seconds to go ! here's the phone bill. where do i put the utility bill ? everyone, stop ! you, go to the library ! you, go pick up your children ! you, go pick up the dishes ! - i will take care of the papers ! - you don't need any more help ? - everyone, go ! - see you tomorrow. - so long, everybody. - good-bye, good-bye. here, let me give you a hand. the one thing i do not like... about having a business is all the paperrk. listen, my son has a friend who was the number-one student in his business school. maybe he could help you get organized. i doubt it. you really should meet this guy. jess, what are you looking for ? i think he gave me his business card. look, it's your lucky day. i do not need any more luck today. just keep it in case you change your
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mind. i have enough paper already. i appreciate what you're trying to do, but i-- oh, jamal. no problem. - i'll fix it. - well ? well, what ? what's all this stuff for ? i'll explain in just a minute. what's going on here ? everybody, have a seat and i'll explain. i want to give you the opportunity... of solving a real-life business management problem. now, i'll need two volunteers. how about armando and rosa ? could
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you two come up here ? what do we have to do ? you and armando... are the managers in the mail room of a large company. okay, the four of you work for rosa, and the rest of you work for armando. during the break, i set up the materials the employees need to do their job. rosa, you and armando are the managers. it's your job to make sure that your employees work as efficiently as possible. so, what's the work that needs to be done ? your employees have to pack these very important boxes... so that you and rosa can get them to the post office before it closes. - how much time do we have ? - each team has three minutes. yeah, but how do we organize everybody ? that's the problem you and rosa have to solve. when you hear this whistle-- you can start. any questions ? ready ?
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- okay. take the paper. - the paper first ? but hurry up. you have only three minutes, okay ? okay, let's roll it up. let me do it, okay ? very nice, very nice. good job. excuse me. can you go a little faster ? okay. here, let's put this on. who has the next step ? i do. - okay. - no, no, no. that's not going to work that way. i was thinking that-- please. take your time. take your time. no rush. here, let me do it, please. let me do it. okay. all right. maybe you should try it the other way around. like this ? exactly. you have to turn this over. all right, take your time. please, i can do it. okay. all right, time's up. will everyone have a seat, please ? this is ridiculous ! what we've experienced are two different approaches to management. now, does anyone have any comments ?
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so you see, mr. brashov, when you divide your bills into categories, like rent, supplies, utilities, and you keep them separate it makes everything much easier. but there are so many bills. i need some way to tell when to pay this one how long to hold that one. that's what this calendar is for. you can make a schedule at the beginning of the month... that shows exactly when you have to make your payments. emery, i see you've been helping mr. brashov organize his life. not an easy job. a challenge perhaps, but nothing we can't solve. how are you, mr. washington ? fine. thanks. what did i tell you ? he knows his stuff. so, how's it going over there ? so far, so good. all right, that's a tuna melt, extra cheese, no mayonnaise, cole slaw on the side ? right. oh, something to drink ? that's interesting. what is ?
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oh, forget it. it's-- it's nothing. oh, please, mr. bradford. emery. call me emery. all right, emery. what is the problem ? you see the way... katherine puts the pencil behind her ear every time she stops to write an order ? - yes. so ? - every time she does that she is wasting time. she is ? two-and-half seconds to be exact. that doesn't seem like much. mr. brashov. time is money. it is ? two or three seconds may not seem like much but do you know how many seconds there are in a year of work ? - i could figure it on my calculator. - 7,488,000. - amazing ! - like i said, he's practically a genius. every second your employees waste is money you lose. i never thought of it like that. well... good-bye mr. brashov. can you come back tomorrow ? we can talk some more. do you have any other ideas ?
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mr. brashov, in less than one week, i can have crossroads cafe running like a fine watch. good morning. it 7:22 a.m. and the freeways are wide open. [ narrator ] in many countries, including the united states, time controls the world of business, the professions, transportation and sports. farmers use the sun to time their activities.
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parents struggle against time... trying to juggle the needs of a famy and a job. to ignore time to be late... often causes serious problems. come on in, joe. i'm sorry i'm late. joe, this is the third time this week you've been late. this cannot continue. but you see, my alarm clock didn't go off this morning. then i couldn't find my car keys. and then my car wouldn't start. joe, i cannot run a business on excuses. this is your final warning. if it happens again, you're going to have to find another job. - may i help you ? - yes, i have an appointment with dr. bennett at 2:00. i know i'm late, but-- the doctor has a full schedule the rest of the day. are you sure there's no way he can see me now ? you're quite late. would you like to make another appointment ? well, i guess i'll have to.
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[ narrator ] no matter how you look at it it pays to be on time. i can't believe the changes around here. the way everyone's working it looks like they're having a contest. according to mr. brashov they are. oh. is that elm drive or elm street ? okay. right. i have it there in 25 minutes. did i say 25 ? i meant 20. i'll be there in 20 minutes. right. good-bye. rosa ! one chicken special to go ! - coming right up. - henry, delivery in five minutes !
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here you go. that looks delicious. enjoy your meal. quickly. katherine, can you check on the takeout order in the kitchen ? anything you say, mr. brashov. emery, do you really think all this running around is going to be good for my business ? absolutely. look how fast all your people are moving. the question is, how long can they keep it up ? they all want to win the contest as the most efficient employee at crossroads cafe. believe me, that will keep them going. i know the contest you set up is a good idea, but i am not so sure i can afford to pay the $100 prize. mr. brashov. an investment in your people is an investment in your future. rosa ! rosa, come on. where are you ?
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i'm right here ! where is my order ? it's on the stove. i'm cooking it. well, you need to hurry up. i'm not going to lose this contest because of you. i ojale y pierdes ese caracter tan simpatico que tienes ! i heard that. i didn't understand it but i heard it. madam. mr. brashov, can you get along without me for a few minutes ? we will try, jamal. where are you going ? to bidwell's hardware store. i need a new filter for the air conditioner in your office. jamal, wait a minute. why aren't you going to joe's hardware ? - the filters are cheaper at bidwell's. - how do you know ? i called all the stores in the phone book to compare prices the way mr. bradford said we should. yeah, but joe is our neighbor. we always shop there. i know, but bidwell's isn't very far away. and they sell the filters i need for ten cents less than they do at joe's. good work, jamal. that was the right thing to do. is saving ten cents more important than the friendship with our neighbor ? at home, maybe not. but here at your business, it is more important.
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all right. go, go, go. rosa, i forgot the ketchup. coming right up. thank you. coming through. step aside, please. thank you. oh, yes. i have been to greece several times. it is beautiful, especially at night. mr. brashov. i'll be right with you. the western part of the country, along the coast-- it's important, mr. brashov. excuse me, please. what is so important that i cannot talk with my customers ? you'll make more money if you let them eat quickly and then leave, so others can come in. you know what i always tell you: "time--" "is money." how could i forget ? so, victor, are you ready to announce the big winner of your contest tomorrow ?
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mr. bradford's contest not mine. you don't seem very happy, victor. what's the matter ? i don't know, my friend. i am not so sure about all this. why don't you join me for another episode of "word play" ? wasn't that a tactful way to make a suggestion ? we'll begin with the phrase, "why don't you ?"
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the phrase "maybe you should" is also used in making suggestions. what was that you said ? why don't we get back to the story ? i'd say that's a good suggestion.
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all right, both groups did very well. lots of good ideas from everybody. that's it for tonight. your exams are in two weeks, and your term papers are due two weeks after that. so, study hard and i'll see you next week. should we move the chairs back ? no, i'll take care of it. good night, everybody. is this all right ? yeah, that's fine. thank you. good night. so, how are you doing with your paper ? pretty well. good. good. did you register for next semester yet ? no. i don't know if i'm going to take any more classes. oh, really. why ? i just-- i'm not sure i'm ever going to be a good manager. what makes you say that, rosa ?
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i did such a terrible job in class last week. - some of the other students are still not speaking to me. - i'm sure they'll get over it. what's more important, rosa, is that you learn from the experience. - you mean what not to do ? - no. just that sometimes being a good manager means being part of a team whether it's running a business or moving furniture. i better get going. my bus will be here any minute. okay. thanks for the help. rosa, you've got a lot of talent. don't give up on yourself so quickly. good night. of course, this small increase in efficiency is just a start. but at least we're moving in the right direction. now, let's get to our contest results. the winner is someone who is efficient... and effective even under the most
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difficult conditions. it is my pleasure to introduce to you the winner... of the first crossroads cafe race for success: rosa rivera. rosa, why don't you come forward and say a few words ? thank you. i am very honored, but i cannot accept this award because it does not belong just to me. it belongs to all of us. without jamal, henry mr. brashov, even katherine there would be no crossroads cafe. wait a minute. there has to be a winner. and there is. my friends the real winner here is crossroads cafe. but the person who deserves this prize... is emery bradford. me ? i don't understand.
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my good friend, emery, you have done something very special for this restaurant. thank you, mr. brashov. and now you can use your skills and talents at some other business-- but, mr. brashov, there's still much more to do right here. and we will do it. we will take what you have given us... and continue. but i-- i-- i-- you have done enough. so, from all of us at crossroads cafe thank you... and good-bye. that's much better.
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well, victor, i see you got that mountain of paperwork again. lots of paper, but more organized... thanks to you, jess. eight, nine and ten. thank you. three minutes to go, mr. brashov. don't worry. he'll be here. mr. brashov, your office is ready ! hallelujah ! - hi. - well, look who's here. and a minute early at that. see you in the morning. rosa, do you have time to talk about the kitchen supply list ? can it wait until tomorrow ? what's the big rush ? don't tell me you have a date. no. i have something even more important to do. i am going to register for another business management class. - good for you ! - see you tomorrow, everybody.
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oh, i'll get this ! that was close. closed-captioned by captions, inc. los angeles
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crossroads cafe is a series that teaches english... to speakers of other languages. for more information call toll-free:
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