tv Deutsche Welle Journal LINKTV March 9, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm PST
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a group of u.n. peacekeepers captured by syrian rebels has crossed the bored to jordan. parted of the disputed golan heights is under the control of a u.n. mandate to enforce the israeli cease-fire. > former south african president nelson mandela has been admitted to hospital for what are being called routine tests. he spent three weeks in hospital in december after developing a lung infection.
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at least 19 people have been killed in two suicide attacks in afghanistan. one -- two policemen and an aide worker were among those killed the and nine people were killed outside the ministry of defense in kabul. the spokesman said he wanted to end a message to defense secretary chuck hagel, making his first trip to the area since his selection. and now to politics. the free democratic party in berlin is holding its congress. the party is doing very badly in elections. all that was on the minds of delegates as they re-elected rosler to the point of leader. >> a unanimous show of support for the candidate after he
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addressed the party. following months of power struggles, the f.d.p. is putting on a united face. he almost lost his grasp on power but now is safe in the runup to the election. he asked the delegates for their backing. >> yes, there were times that were really tough. sometimes i made mistakes and i hope that i learned something from them. there were also really idiotic evenings which were spent pondering some very fundamental questions. >> he has gained fresh confidence for the task ahead of him. he says the party must carry its message of freedom into the next election. but not lose track of what concerns ordinary people.
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>> i'll tell you all something. the determination, the unity, and the will for victory of the free democratic party should not be underestimated. we know what we're fighting for -- for our convictions, our ideas, for our country, for germany. >> the much-anticipated vote followed the speech and delegates gave him the strong mandate he asked for. he won 85% of the ballots cast, a result he can be happy with. >> i happily accept your votes. it will be a good weekend. i have a good feeling about the upcoming elections. thank you. >> the party now enters their campaign more unified than before but they have a tough road ahead. polls put their support at a feeble 4%. joining us now from the conference is our correspondent. so feeble 4% in opinion polls
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and yet the party's leaders back him. why have they give em him their support? >> well, we can't look into the hearts and sowlss of the elegates -- souls of the delegates here today but he has overcome the real low point of being at the helm of the party last december december when some senior members of his own party came out quite openly in questioning can -- whether he rg -- really is the best person to lead this party into the upcoming elections. so this ballot today proves that the party's united it must unite behind him and in a way he has delivered because in the lower saxon elections, there the party went into the elections polling at 3%, came out with 9.9% at the ballot box so delegates here need a new reason to believe in those opinion polls in the first
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place. >> do you think he can reverse his party's slide in the polls? >> well, this will be decided on the 22nd of september. but delegates here today overwhummingly believe deshes he is the right person at the helm of the party but also sent the clear message that they don't believe he can do it on his own. that's why the leader of the party in parliament came bock -- back into play. he's a senior politicians seen as a seasoned hand who can lead his party forward come election day in september. >> reporting from the f.d.p. party congress. thanks very much. and a dramatic the n the bundesligament
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win propelled them back into the champions league. bayern munich twice came from behind. 3-2 bayern the final score there. and other scores here. 14 -- four teams are still to play tomorrow. that friday night match was certainly an eventful one. despite a blunder in the nuremberg keeper, he was able to put the brakes on.
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>> at times it was fast and furious football from nuremberg. after 20 minutes they took the irect route. p 1-0. this header ended up in the net courtesy of the nuremberg eeper. a powerful strike right through the wall secured nuremberg the final win. >> here's how the bundesliga table is shapele up this weekend. bayern, schalke clawed their way back into the champions
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league places for the first time this year. hoffenheim ha -- have closed the gap to just two points. looks like they'll be playing in the second division again all too soon the french -- a fren -- frenchman has won the event. p biathlon today's race was a look at what lies ahead the >> the biathlon course here isn't just grueling, it's dangerous. a single lapse in concentration can spell disaster for competitors. frensel showed the others how it's done. the win reinforces him as a favorite for next year's winter
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olympics. >> i want to get a gold in the olympics. i just want one gold. >> most other athletes had a harder time of it. lesser was the top placed german, in sixth. most urse is one of the challenging on the circumstance the even the winner was critical of it. and hink it's not normal we have to make the track better. >> that's an opinion shared by many athletes. organizers have less than a year to get the track up to scratch. >> to find out more on all our stories, please visit or web site, dw-tv. we're back with more news at the top of the hour.
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than some people do in a long conversation. wherever this puppy love comes from, it doesn't come cheap. my research shows dogs cost german owners a lot of money. 1.38 billion euros get spent every year on dog food alone. and for some pet owners, their dog needs to wear more than just a natural coat. and in cities like berlin there are plenty of activities to keep them busy. today it's sherlock dog in the woods. together, master and hound have to solve a pretend murder. they're supposed to hunt for clues. although sometimes they get a bit distracted. >> organizer melanie gets them an or way. it's more -- all about team work. the owners put the clues together. like this student i.d., and
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their assistants lead the chase. >> rudy and sarah are joining in, although rudy doesn't seem too interested in solving rimes. according to sarah, rudy gets sidetracked very easily. compared to her, at least. while the rest of -- are busy trying to solve a murder, rudy is making himself the center of attention. >> rudy, rudy, rudy, come here! rudy, come on! come here! come here. >> this isn't how it's supposed to go, but melanie isn't too worried as long as he's
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enjoying himself. she says that dogs today aren't put to work, and because of that they're not properly engaged. she feels it's important for dogs to be kept busy and that's i can't -- why she organizes these events. i don't have a dog. a partner and child are enough for me. i find the dogs in the park annoying at times and sometimes downright irritating. and as there are 150,000 canines in berlin, that means dogs are a constant problem for me. because they're not all soft and cuddly like these little ones. i've come to meet the schubert family. they live in a suburb close to a lake. it's perfect for their 3-year-old daughter. at least it was until six months ago. she tells me they were sitting
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at this bench when it happened. the father asks his daughter to tell me the story. she says a dog came over and bit her. she was stroking it and giving it a cuddle, but then the dog suddenly attacked her. her father shows us exactly where she was bitten on the side of her face. the wound has not healed with. it's been a terrible experience for the little girl. i asked whether they could see the owner but she says the nalm -- animal was running around on its own. the incident has made her wonder whether the relationship people have with dogs is a good one the -- one. she says dogs would never decide to live in a city. dog owners make the decision to keep them there. "i don't think a dog would ever
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decide to live in a flat." she thinks that whereas cats are independent, dogs take after their owners when it comes to being placid or greaflts some people them potential owners should have to pass a test to prove that they canning control their pets. it might not be a bad idea. in fact, suggestions like these are already being sussd -- discussed in berl inl due to the huge problems caused by dogs. a new dog law could be brought in, and politicians want people to take part in shaping it. this is sabina. she says it's an emotional issue. she says that a dog really canning man's best friend. for some people they act as a replacement for a family or child. and for elderly people they're a social institution. she says that when dogs live with people, it's important
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that they feel accepted. but she also says that dogs can cause fear just by the way they look. corolla is here, too, and quickly realized that the people in the room aren't generally dog lovers. they want to make sure their pets have plenty of freedom. >> but i also want the feeling that my child has the freedom to run around, she says. the impression i get is that there is more love here for animals than for fellow human beings. of course, dogs don't have to be like their owners. even chinese cresteds is have be trained sometimes. sarah tells the trainer that rudy can be disobedient and she doesn't -- doesn't know what to do. miss chief maker thinks he's in charge. sarah is worried he's ignoring her, but the trainer can see
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the cause of the problem right away. rudy and sarah don't make eye contact. a new accessory is intended to help. she plains that when rudy hears the noise, he knows he's done something good and he'll get a treat. in the first training session, rudy only gets a treat when he looks up at sarah. that means he has to do what she wants. it's working, and it's made me realize what puts me off getting a dog myself -- they always need someone to look up to. then things get a bit more exciting. trainer monica brings her dog in. of course he's very well behaved. as expected, rudy hasn't quite got the hang of it yet. >> good. >> she says you can't expect everything to be going perfectly after just one hour of training, you have to work on it, and that's the good thing, that work is part of her
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friendship with her dog. obviously there are some owners whose commitments get knot -- in the way of caring for their dogs. for those people the paws hotel is perfect. the dogs get taken out to the country while their owners are at work. ♪ >> i'm keeping my distance here. i find rottweilers especially scary. it costs 20 euros a day, twice as much as someone on social welfare gets. the dog's owner says she finds it reassuring to know her pet is being looked after. after a 45-minute drive out of town, rick's out in the fresh air. so i take a look at the paws hotel. it seems like they've got everything here, even an aqua fitness pool.
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i'd book a room myself if it wasn't just for dogs. today nemo, a 9-year-old labrador, is having a checkup. the expert says he's got problems in some of his joints, including arthritis. while rick the rottweiler enjoys himself outside, nemo is taken for accu puncture and a massage. i can't decide whether it's love or madness, but nemo's owner thinks that if you decide to get a dog, it's a lifelong commitment. i go back to see you'd -- rudy, peter, and sarah. i i keep thinking the same thing, that i wouldn't have all this time and patience to look after a dog the way they look after rudy. i come to -- and come to think of it, i wouldn't want to either the sarah shows me rudy's very own facebook
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profile and shows me where he got his name from. in this picture it's easy to see the likeness to the german soccer legend. rudy has 21 friends on facebook and sarah puts up all her latest pictures of the pooch. even this one where the poor guy's all wet. sarah says many people have asked her whether rudy might one day have his own puppies. lots of people see his pictures and imagine having their own rudy at home, a little one like him. it's raining out, so sarah gets rudy to do some indoor activities instead. it's supposed to help his concentration and strengthen the bond between the two of them. rudy isn't a replacement for a child, says sarah, but yes,
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