tv Deutsche Welle Journal LINKTV April 16, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT
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in oth news, from washingtoda a special senate select committee began its hearings on the tarbrush bill which could affect what you watch on tv. correspondent leslie drews has the story. senate conferees met today in closed session to discuss a bill that could limit the type of material which can be transmitted via satellite from one state to another. the so-called tarbrush initiative, named after the popular television evangelist, would make producers of adult material guilty of a felony if they transmitted their programs to areas where they violated local community standards. following the meeting, senator montgomery wilde of ohio called a press conference to share his views. ...that the founding fathers, in their god-given wisdom, neveintended that the constitution of these united states should ever protect the traitors, the pornographers, the drug dealers and the smut-peddling purveyors of indecency and lewd
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and lascivious filth. my fellow americans, i can tell you that all of these are the sworn enemies of the american way and of the sanctity of the american family. as parents, as christians and as good americans, we must, we must purge them from our midst. while the hearings still have two more days to go, smart money on capitol hill is backing the initiative. and the likelihood is that satellite transmissions of adult programs will soon be a thing of the past. leslie drews reporting from the senate office building for news center 3 at 5:00. thanks, leslie. we'll be following that story closely but apparently not on our satellite dishes. next on news center, a blood-and-guts story on the gulf war makes it big at the box office. [music] ♪ either way, i'm looking 10 years older ♪ ♪ dykes on bikes that's what this woman likes ♪
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♪ don't be so cruel you're starting to drool ♪ ♪ when the clock ticks down your time will then be gone ♪ ♪ oh, she's my enemy ♪ jumpin' on strangers-- ♪ savin' the money just to make yourself young-- ♪ ♪ 19 whipping under a-- --on the ground ♪ ♪ --twisted ground wondering why we don't-- ♪ ♪ oh, she's my enemy ♪ oh, she's my enemy [music] cool it down. slow it down.
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breathe. slow it down. get your heart rate down. very good. slow it down. now, we're gonna work the legs. grab your chair. now, we're gonna work the chest. grab your weights. put them up. tight. hands up. and in, out. squeeze it. out. work those pecs. i find it offensive. the things you find... smut. oh. oh god, oh god, oh god, lance. oh, lance, i have something to tell you. oh. oh. you know i've wanted this from the beginning. now, come on, admit it. you wanted me too. oh, but, lance, what about tracy? oh, she's nothing to me. nothing. - what about brett? - nothing. - muffy? - nothing. - stacey? - nothing. - conchita? - nothing.
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then at last, my love, i can truly believe it really is me. then can you truly forget my shadowy past? oh, yes. my questionable present? oh, yes. oh, yes. - my cloudy future? - oh, yes. oh. lance, do i hear your voice? what? tammy, is that you? yes, sugar lips, it's me. who are you talking to? oh, why, no one. i guess i must have been talking in my sleep. look, why don't you make us some tea and i'll join you in the kitchen? and by the way, what are you doing home at 3:00 in the afternoon? i told mr.--morrison i needed the afternoon to attend to some personal business. by the way, lamb shanks, how do you want your tea? with sugar? sure. well, i brung the sugar to you in that basket.
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two lumps? [makes noise] oh, hi, tammy. verna. all have to pay for things that we may find offensive. i mean, personally, i find the pentagon budget offensive, but i still pay my taxes. well, pardon me. and i'll tell you, gentle folk, if you seek the evidence, you won't have far to look for the devil and his legions are all around you. you need look no further than your neighborho movie screen. you need look no furer than the latest magazine. you need look no further than that television set that you're lookin' at right now to s him, to see tt master showman, the one who dazzles your eyes while he blackens your soul. and who am i talkin' about? well, i think you know. i'm talkin' aboutthe antich. i'm talkin' about beelzebub. that's right, brothers and sisters.
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i'm talkin' about satan himself who appears before you in all his carnal guise and tempts you. that's right, dear. and i'm sure you know what i mean. when my son first married you, he hadn't yet found the lord. but no, nor the reverend tarbrush either. now that he has found them both, it is only right and proper that you should follow in his footsteps. you could exercise some restraint in your dress and in your speech. and that goes for the children too. mary ann is developing great interests in young men. and she's going to need watching closely. as for my other grandchildren, well... is jolene still living with you?
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huh? what? well, of course, i'm watching him, it's one of his most uplifting sermons. oh, no, that's all right. i've seen it. it's a rerun. and with the help of those who believe as we do, a bill now stands before the united states congress, a bill which will end this scourge of misery. if we are successful, these purveyors of smut and pornography will receive their just desserts. daddy? but to have such a bill passed-- what is it, sugar? supper's ready. well, i'll be right up, sweetheart. --put aside my prideful nature-- we're actually first cousins. - what? - what? i have to tell you both something about our relatives. [music] and out. and breathe. and out. [music]
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[speaking french] [music] it's very stimuling discussion because the chitchat clock tells me we're just about out of-- tighten up. bring it in. [music] ♪ returto madness disgusting. [music] --and for all thy bounty which thou dt bestow, we give thee thanks through christ, our lord. amen. amen. here, mary ann, help yourself to a pork chop and pass them over to your cousin. oh, no, thanks. danny, you can have mine. but you girls cooked them, doreen. what's the matter? you know something we don't? oh, no, they're okay. i just don't do red meat, that's all. oh, i see. well, here. these brussels sprouts ought to keep you from starving till we ship you back to san francisco next month.
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and you do do brussels sprouts, don't you? oh, sure. they're cruciform. uh, well, whatever. danny, pass the rolls. i'm makin' a plate to take up to mom. is she awake? yeah, when i went up about half hour ago, she was watching tv. oh, tarbrush? well, actually, no. she said that the fluid settled on her stomach and she was afraid that if she watched tarbrush preach, the excitement might make her, well, you know? launch her lunch? danny. i can sympathize. the guy's have the same effect on me. well, most people find him inspiring. you mean, most normal people, don't you, dad? mary anne, would you mind terribly asking the geek seated at the opposite end of the table, if you would mind passing the butter? so, i take it you girls couldn't see you're way clear to watching the family unification televival this afternoon? well, we turned it on about 3:00. and they had on this black gospel choir and they were pretty good. and tarbrush?
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well, he came out and talking about how he needed to raise some money and pass some big bill in congress and how he just sold off this big farm in mississippi to raise some cash. oh, poor man. well, then it was time for the thrasher countdown. and so we kinda switched the channel. i see. well, they had on the spawn of satan. it really kicked. sounds wholesome. i'm gonna take mom's plate up to her. mary ann. sorry. may i please be excused? yes, you may. and tell your mother i'll be up to see her after we finish dinner. i will. oh, and mary ann... yes, daddy? i want you to get right to your homework. i don't wanna catch you hanging out with walter on the phone. i won't, daddy. that's my little girl. and remind your mother to say grace. well, what's wrong, doreen? you don't approve of saying grace? i don't give a fart in a windstorm. whatever gets you through, you know? yes, well, so danny,
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did you catch any tv this afternoon? yeah, a little. oh, tarbrush? oh, no. he wasn't exactly on yet, but while i was waiting i watched a program on stress dynamics, in moving bodies. kind of a physical science kind of a program, you know? it was really informative and i got a lot out of seeing the gravitational aspects of the physical chemistry kind of science, kind of-- [music] ♪ everybody's looking, but they can't get away from here ♪ knock, knock. oh, hi, dad. can i talk to you for a minute? sure. come on in. thank you. doreen, i was wondering if i could get you to turn that down. i have to talk to mary ann. okay. in private. hey, no problemo.
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oh, what i meant was, i wanted to talk to her alone. what? i said, i wanted--never mind. may i? so, how are you doing in algebra? it's geometry. oh, yes, of course. well? pretty good well. i think mr. waldron will pass me. is there some question? well, he gave me a d at midterm. what are you going to do about it? i told her to wear a short skirt and sit in the front row. doreen. oh, thank you not to interrupt, young lady. sorry. now, mary ann, honey, i want to talk to you about your plans for after you graduate. what about them? now, don't get excited. i was just discussing your college plans with your mother and-- discussing what? your plans, where we're sending you for college. but we know where we're sending me. chico state's already accepted me. if you graduate.
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i will. god. all i've got to do is get through geometry. you will, sweetheart. but that's not the point. i think that chico state maybe isn't the best place for you after all. what? i was thinking that-- no, no, i wasn't thinking. i decided to send you to a more suitable school. where? now, i don't want you to get upset over this. i've given this a lot of thought. i've weighed your educational needs and i've also considered what you want, but i've also got to consider your spiritual needs. oh, no. now, i know you don't understand my concern for your spiritual well-being. nobody in this family does. but i've got to follow what the lord says, and he tells me that you'd be perfectly happy in oklahoma. oklahoma? that's right.
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come september, i'm sending you to the tarbrush bible institute. daddy! are you crazy? now, sweetheart. you mustn't act like this. it's not like i'm sending you to the ends of the world. practically. are you joking? is this a joke, uncle med? no, i'm not. and you can just butt out. why don't you just shoot her now and have it over with? i'm warning you. holy shit. look, i've had just about enough of your disrespect. all right. all right. i'll shut up. good. now, mary ann-- but i'll be thinking. no more lip, do you hear me? what? why do you hate me, daddy? now, sweetheart, i don't-- now, that's not fair. i love you. i love you very much. i only want what's best for you. and if you really love me, you'd obey. now, the scripture tells us that the child must be obedient and obey her father's commands. you mean, you came up with this idea out of the bible?
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yes, the scripture is full of good council and i intend to follow it. like what? send the tribes forth into the desert? no, like, "he who spares the r, spoils the child." whoa, spankies. you're pushing it. now, mary ann, sweetheart, let's just talk about this sensibly, okay? do you think we can do that? oh, that's better. now, no more tears, okay? okay. now, i just want you to imagine, just for a moment, how quiet and peaceful life in oklahoma will be. mom. mom, i've got to talk to you. well, i'm really glad we all had this chance to share. now, if you don't mind, i'm gonna return to the program already in progress. you know, you could be a little bit more helpful. you're her cousin and mary ann looks up to you.
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you could set a better example. well, we all do what we can. i thank the lord thatou're on my ece and not my daughter. that makes two of us, uncle med. that makes two of us. [music] ♪ oh, my enemy ♪ o she's my enemy why? because they-- i know that. nobody has argued with me of anything. yeah, that's right, i'm-- do you ever hear of it? well, i'll see you in court. yeah, i love you madly too. that guy ought to leave off practicing law and open up a charm school.
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clarence, i need your help on a legal matter. what is it this time? a mass murder or parking in front of your neighbor's driveway? no, nothing like that. i need to rearrange my financial affairs. why, are you gonna start paying your bills in deutsche marks? no. i want to arrange a bequest. what kind of bequest? i want to start transferring my earthly estate to my heavenly lord and savior. and who's that? why, the lord jesus christ. hey, no problem. what's his address? does he take a check or do we need plastic? no. i'm not kidding, clarence. i really want to make a substantial contribution to the works of the lord. and this lord, by any chance, have an earthly physical agent? yes. and would this heavenly helper, by any chance, be the reverend orville c. tarbrush? now, look, clarence, if you don't wanna help me
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with this, just say so, but i don't think it's necessary to ridicule my christian beliefs. - i didn't say-- - you were going to. and mary ann is supposed to start college in the fall, right? how you plan in covering her tuition? she'll already taken care off. she's getting a scholarship. to chico state? to the tarbrush bible institute. i've changed my plans for her. [music]
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walter, is something wrong? what gives you that idea? i don't know. you just seem so remote. it's just the way i happen to react to great news. some people do, "wahoo." i do remote. what news? what news are you talking about? oh, it's nothing much. it's just that doreen told me about that little change in your educational plans. about how your dad nuked the whole idea of sending you to chico and how he is gonna ship you off to the tarbrush bible institute in bumfiddle, oklahoma where a, he can make sure i keep my hands off you and b, he can turn you into a self-righteous scripture quoting dip. oh, that news. well? well, i was meaning to tell you, but i just couldn't seem to find the right time. is he joking? dad doesn't do jokes anymore. well, what are you gonna do? i don't know. you don't know? well, oklahoma doesn't really sound all that bad.
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well, i'm sure there's some nice people there, i guess. you guess? well, what do you think i should do? do you really wanna know? yes. go to oklahoma. what? yeah. go to oklahoma. nice people, nice scenery. i won't be there to distract you. it's perfect. fine. i will. and thanks for the advice. don't mention it. you know, it's pretty good in a way that i found out how little i really do mean to you. oh, stop it, walter. you're the one who said i should go. you already made up your mind. how was i supposed to find out? you would have. how? when i got a postcard from you in the mail with a picture of a jackalope holding a bible? oh, i just want to say, the issue is simple. there is such a thing as good and bad. and it doesn't take some kind of a genius to tell the difference. i believe that satan is real. the evidence is all around, even in the united states congress.
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and it is his hand that is spending your tax dollars not on the planes and weapons that make this great country of ours safe and free, but on the kind of crap that this person here wants you to look at. look, that isn't what i said at all. i mean, i'm just trying to point out what should be obvious to anybody with the intelligence of a fruit bat, and that's the difference between what is really are-- what did you call me? i didn't call you anything. i'm just trying to finish my statement. well, ladies, i'm afraid we're out of time. you heard her. she called me a fruit bat. hey, if the shoe fits, you might as well wear it. you take that back, horse face. i don't apologize to morons. ladies. it takes one to know one. may god strike you dead. idiot. sinner. sycophant. you watch your mouth, you filth-mongering slut. there's children watching. watch this bitch. oh. [screaming]
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i'm afraid that's all we have time for today. [doorbell] why don't you join us tomorrow in two more fascinating interviews-- i'll get it. reverend tarbrush? i must confess that is me. and this is my attorney, vincent bellicosi. pleased to make your acquaintance. how do you do? look, at the risk of seeming impolite, i was really expecting to speak with the reverend alone today. would you think i was being awfully rude, mr. bellicosi, if i asked you to wait in the kitchen? oh, not at all. this way? yes. would you please sit down, reverend? thank you, mrs. parnell. please, just call me ellie. very well, but on the condition that you call me by my christian name. well, you mean, orville? that's right. well, i'll try to remember. look, i hope that i didn't insult your friend, but i very much wanted a chance to speak with you alone.
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oh, no. it's perfectly all right. if i may paraphrase, they also serve the lord those who only stand and wait. yes. well, i know that you came here today to pick up the contribution that medford promised you and i have the check. in fact, i was just signing it when you arrived. and a very generous contribution it is, ma'am. lord be praised. orville, i want you to know that this check represents a substantial chunk of our savings. and before i give it to you, i want to say something. please do. well, this is hard for me because--well, in all the years that medford and i have been married, i have never gone against his wishes, but i want you to know that i don't agree with this donation. i don't agree with the size of it and i don't agree with his motives for giving it to you. now, ellie, i feel i must point out that when you married, you promised to obey.
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and a wife must and always be governed by the will of the husband. please, reverend. spare me the sermon. this donation is important to him and i'll stand by him. you'll get your check. your obedience is exceeded only by your boundless charity. not quite boundless. there are a couple of conditions that i want you to agree to before i hand this check over. oh, and what are those? one is that i want you to convince my husband to drop his plan to send mary ann to that school of yours in oklahoma. you would deprive your only daughter of her chance to learn at the fountain of scripture? look, i want her to get an education that allows her to make her own choices. now, if that choice includes you and your preaching, fine. i might not like it, but it's her choice. what is not her choice is getting carted off
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against her will to some school in oklahoma in this crusade of yours. i see. and you mentioned a second condition. yes. i want you to promise me that this will be the last money that you pry out of us. now, ellie, my ministry only accepts what is freely offered. we do not threaten. we do not coerce. and we certainly do not pry. look, you and i both know that, that is not true. i've watched you on television long enough to see how you work. i've seen you scare people senseless and tell them that the only way that they're going to find salvation is if they give you money. there's nothing wrong with returning the fruits of ones good fortune to the source from which it comes. for it is written that charity-- they can't afford it. they can't afford it and neither can we. you are playing on the worst fears of people. can't you see that? it's extortion.
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and i don't want my family to have any part of it. well, you've certainly made your position clear. and do you accept it? i would say there is room for agreement, depending... depending on what? on your response to my-- oh, call it a counter proposal. what do you mean? as a man of god, i've been given a gift of vision. i see the beauty of the lord as it is expressed in his word. i see it as it is expressed in all his creation. i see it expressed in all his people. i see his beauty in all mankind and womankind too. but captivated as i am by the beauty of the spirit, i am not blind to the beauty of the form as well. the form? now, ellie, you are a very attractive woman. and while i hold your husband in the highest regard, i have studied enough of the way of the flesh to know
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that a woman like you has carnal longings beyond what some call respectable. if medford ever heard you say that-- i have nothing but love for your husband. he is the foundation, the bedrock of our crusade. i can't believe i'm hearing this. you're hearing right. now, ellie, i know you've had thoughts about me. it's not unusual. many of the women in the crusade do. they write and confess to me as much. all i'm saying is right here and right now, we have the god-given chance to do something a little nice for each other, if you catch my meaning. you want to have sex with me. all i want you to do is, is yield to the cravings of your heart, admit what you and i both know is true. tell me, "orville, i want you." i want you. that's right, ellie. come on, say it, say it. admit that you lust for me as i lust for you. lust? come on. come, my child, reward these eyes that know the beauty of your spirit with the sight of the beauty of your physical charms. reveal your perfection unto me. come on, ellie, present the evidence of heavenly beneficence unto my worshipful gaze. oh, come on, ellie, show me your tits.
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please, reverend tarbrush, please. hey, what--what are you doing? son, the lord doesn't like a snoop. but i wasn't-- good. then you won't be needing this. hey, that's mine. what were you going to do with it? i was gonna show it to my father. now, give it back, you big creep. i--i don't think so, son. if he wants to see it, he can ask me for it. in the meantime, we better make good-- and sure nothing happens to it. what could happen to it? you never know. [music] i just can't believe what any of you are telling me. either this is the most scandalous behavior i've ever heard of in my life or it's the most vicious lie. well, it's true, dad. honest, it is. danny, if you're lying to me, i-- he's not lying, med. why would he wanna do that? for the same reason you would. this whole family has been against my expression of faith from the very beginning. now, brother parnell, i must ask that you not judge the boy too harshly.
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