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tv   Deutsche Welle Journal  LINKTV  May 23, 2013 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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them alive from the dw duty owes here in berlin, this is -- >> live from the dw studios here in berlin, this is journal quote -- "journal." we will have a live report from london. >> a lively annual meeting. >> and a milestone in european politics. germany's social democrats celebrate their 150th anniversary.
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we now know the name of the british soldier who was killed yesterday in a savage attack in woolwich in london. , he was 25-year-old lee rigby. he was the father of a two-year- old boy. >> police arrested two more people in connection with the alleged murder. six homes in london have been searched. we have more now in this report. >> police searched houses linked to the suspect, trying to find clues as to whether the man could be part of a bigger plot. the attack in woolwich in eastern london has baffled even investigators. the soldier was killed in broad daylight. the suspects even asked passersby to film them. some eyewitnesses tried to save the man while others struggle to understand what was going on. >> there was someone on the pavement.
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i thought it was a traffic accident. i saw a bloke at the side by the wall on the pavement and two people leaning over him. i thought they were trying to resuscitate him. >> both men are said to have converted from christianity to radical islam. it is -- has also been revealed the two were already known to british intelligence. speaking after an emergency response meeting, prime minister cameron called the killing an attack on britain. >> the people who did this were trying to divide us. they should know something like this will only bring us together and make us stronger. >> both suspects are due to be questioned soon. for now, they remain in the hospital for treatment after police officer shot and injured them during the arrest. >> we want to go to our correspondent in london.
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we know more about the soldier who was killed yesterday. tell us what you have learned. >> his name is lee rigby, only 25 years old him a from manchester. he was a drummer and machine gunner in the 2nd batallion the royal regiment of fusilliers ar here key has been described s witty and cheeky and talented -- fusiliers. he has been described as witty and cheeky and talented. he leaves behind a two-year-old son. what we don't know is if he was targeted. >> what about concerns about revenge attacks in london? beyond the military barracks and bases, is security being tightened in the uk? >> last night, we saw far right activists gathering in woolwich. they were seen as a menacing presence and were fairly
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quickly dispersed by a quite large number of police officers. so far, we have not seen anything like that today. walking through london, it seems to me that there were quite a lot more offices out and about -- officers out and about, more than usual, i would say. after the 2005 bombings, there were windows being smashed. those were fairly isolated. there is also the danger of copycat attacks. even though there is no type of panic in london, at least i don't see it that way, the security services will definitely be more present these days. >> in two days, we have the champions league finals taking place in the uk. that certainly has to have security forces on edge. >> definitely. the british security forces are always fairly confident in big events like those. we had the olympics and everybody was really frightened whether there might be an attack or incident, but nothing
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happened. they are fairly confident that they can handle large gatherings like that. >> thank you very much. >> in other news, the u.s. secretary of state john kerry is in israel, trying to bring palestinians and israelis back to the negotiating table. after meeting with benjamin netanyahu, he knew there was skepticism and cynicism about the process -- prospect for the stalled talks to resume. kerry is on his third visit to the middle east in as many months. he meets with the palestinian officials later. >> he was also in jordan wednesday for a meeting on cereal with his allies -- on syria with his allies. president bashar al-assad's resignation is part of the plan. leaders are hoping to bring both sides to the table at a
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conference in geneva that is supposed to be held next month, but it is still not clear if that will happen. >> inside this istanbul hotel, syrian opposition leaders find themselves between a rock and a hard place. the international community wants syria's national coalition to sit down to talks with the assad regime in geneva next month, but the coalition is not sure it wants to risk alienating rebel fighters on the ground. >> we have a lot of unknowns about the geneva conference. we are for any conference that helps the transition the situation -- helps transition the situation away from the dictatorship. >> the coalition insist that the geneva conference must -- insists that the geneva conference must be in that assad's removal. -- must be aimed at assad's removal.
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russian minister live rock -- lavrov say they value receptiveness to talks and hope the opposition will react similarly. 1.5 million syrians have already fled the country. human rights group amnesty international has called on the year in union -- on the european union to grant more syrians refuge. >> the u.s. president, barack obama, has defended the use of drone strikes, calling them "an effective and legal means of fightin terrorism." >> he also acknowledged moral concerns about accountability and civilian casualties. in a speech at the national defense university, he announced he signed a policy document setting out strict guidelines for washington's use of drones. he says conventionally -- conventional air less effective and that ground invasions would lead to more casualties. we are joined by our washington correspondent. you were listening into that
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speech. it wrapped up just moments ago. what more can you tell us? >> obama reaffirmed his national security priorities, especially the war on terrorism in the u.s. and worldwide. he said that drone strikes are effective, legal, and also necessary. he significantly expanded drone strikes since 2009. we have seen more than 1000 drone strikes. many dangerous terrorists have been killed by them, but the u.s. is paying a high price for that. we have seen so-called -- so- called collateral damage. many innocent civilians have been killed. that's one reason americans are not so popular in the so-called muslim world. it was important what he said about wonton amo. we might see another -- about wonton amo -- guantanamo. we might see another attempt to close guantanmoamo.
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>> the timing of this is very interesting. why is that? >> he is giving the speech right now for several different reasons, i would speculate. i think the most important reason is that there is a hunger strike in guantánamo. and this puts a lot of pressure on him and his administration. i think the second reason is that president obama is going to travel to europe and africa, and they have all been asking how long he will not keep his promise to close guantánamo. i think it was useful to just say i'm trying to close amo, but unfortunately there are politicians on the hill that don't allow me to do that. another reason is that he knows that as long as guantánamo exists, there is propaganda for many muslims worldwide against the u.s.
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for that reason, he also wants to close wonton among as soon as possible. -- guantánamo as soon as possible. >> can deutsche bank clean up its image? that's what the company's co-ceos tried to do on thursday at the thanks annual shareholder meeting. >> they admitted they had made big mistakes that tarnished the bank's reputation. they promised a moral makeover, but not everyone is convinced. >> these activists accuse germany's largest bank, deutsche bank, of making profits from arms sales. demonstrators vented their anger outside the annual general meeting. inside, there were protests of a different kind to hecklers interrupted the speech by cochair -- by one cochair. >> we have and we are determined to make which a bank fit for the
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future and create long-term -- to make deutsche bank fit for the future and create long-term, sustainable -- >> profits were down last year, earning about 300 million euros after the bank set aside 2.4 million euros to settle legal issues. the institute is still paying for past scandals. in the u.s., the bank came to a pricey settlement over its role in the subprime mortgage crisis. in a separate incident, its employees allegedly in the belated the benchmark libor interest rate, and it was ordered to pay damages in the collapse of one media empire. >> if deutsche bank really wants to change its culture, it needs to fill the top positions with people who are not seen as tainted. that means the two investment bankers who were made ceo and head of the supervisory board last year have to be romantic -- have to be replaced
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immediately. >> there was criticism from shareholders. the bank's new leaders said they would work to improve its reputation as well as its bottom line. >> onto the markets now. after months of almost constant gains, traders in japan got a shock on thursday when the nikkei plunged by more than 7.3%. our correspondent has more. >> three days in a row, the german market reached new record highs, followed by a dramatic dive. the heavy setback in japan made traders very nervous, very insecure. the german basque lost 70. carmakers were the worst performer. one reason for the setback were very disappointing chinese economic data, which is of great relevance for the german economic -- economy. there is a question of whether we are seeing the beginning of a correction or the beginning of harder times. there is no consensus.
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>> the head of the imf, christine lagarde, has been questioned by a paris court over allegations of wrongdoing airing her time as france's finance minister. she is suspected of overseeing a 400 million euro compensation payment to a wealthy businessman who accused the state owned bank of defrauding him. judges will now decide whether to formally charge lagarde. the imf says it has full confidence in her abilities to carry out her duties. the battle of the german giants is just two days away. the champions league final takes place in london on saturday when bulrushes bartman is set to -- when baruch a doorman -- when borussia dortmund is set to face off against bayern munich. borussia dortmund looks
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like the underdog ever since losing their star to injury. >> locals say their team will do just fine. >> what has he done lately? he has missed so many shots. if he slipped up against bayern munich, people would have said he did it to let them win. then it's too bad that he cannot play. we will see what they come up with. >> people are getting ready for a big night of soccer. the trucks are prowling downtown. people will either drink away their sorrows or celebrate a championship win. there is even a special pastry in honor of the game. >> i am so excited. so are our customers. these are selling like hot cakes. >> with two days before the final, there is still time for locals to plaster the names of their favorite stars all over town. >> all right.
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stay with us. we will be back in about 70 seconds. >> welcome back, everyone. it is a landmark day in european politics. this -- the spd is celebrating its 150th anniversary. >> chancellor angela merkel, not a member of the spd, was at the celebration in the eastern germany city of leipzig. >> there were plenty of diehard party members there, as well as some who have been in the spd for a very long time. >> they had been members for more than 80 years, a length of time no other party in germany can post. since its founding, they have positioned themselves as a champion of freedom, justice,
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and solidarity. >> the party leaders say that campaign resonates just as much today as it ever did. >> in light of growing social and cultural division in europe and in our own society, we are once again facing the same task -- to create conditions that allow every person's a chance for a successful life -- every person a chance for a successful life. >> 1600 just -- guests gathered for the celebration in leipzig, where the spd was founded in 1863. the head of the rival conservatives, chancellor angela merkel, joined in the festivities, added -- as did special guest french president francois hollande. he praised his german comrades for their social reforms and pay particular tribute to the last spd chancellor -- and paid particular tribute to the last
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spd chancellor. >> those were courageous decisions in difficult times. and that was gerd heart schroeder -- her heart schroeder -- gerhard schroder in germany. >> they hope that this will help boost enthusiasm ahead of septembers national election. -- september's national election. >> [inaudible] -- of the social democrats. one defining moment was recited several times during the official celebrations. and that was in 1933. social democrats were the only delegates who were brave enough to stand up to adolf hitler and to refuse to give their boat to the enabling act -- vote to the enabling act which handed him full power over parliament. later followed street celebrations in leipzig.
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this brings the spd back to the here and now, where they are struggling. 62% of germans, according to the latest polls, want to see the conservative chancellor reelected for further time in office. the social democrats are also struggling to add a few percentage points to their all- time low in the last elections here in germany, where they only got 23%. right now, they are not a serious threat to the conservatives. with four months to go till the elections, they have their work cut out for them. >> let's take a moment to dive back into the history of the spd. >> from their early roots in leipzig, they went on to take a stand against hitler before he banned the party. later, they played a key role in rebuilding germany's reputation after the second world war. >> more recently, they have struggled to compete with their arch rivals, angela merkel's
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party. they are hoping their illustrious history will help them reach out to voters. here is the story of the spd, which started out with a completely different name. >> ferdinand lassalle founded the general german workers association on may 23, 1863, in leipzig. at different times in its history since then, the party has faced persecution, has governed, and has served in the opposition, and it has become an essential part of german political life. >> i cannot imagine how germany would have had to democracy without the social democrats and without social democracy. and there never would have been a welfare state. certainly not the kind we have today, without the party and social democracy. >> in 1933, adolf hitler engineered passage of the enabling act.
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this law allowed him to pass legislation. the communist party was already banned. when the bill came up for a vote in the assembly, the spd was the only party to vote against it. >> for me, that's the most important event and the most important day in the history of our party. and that speech, with hitler looking on, he was composed. and with a steady voice, he gave that speech with those famous words -- liberty and our lives, but they cannot take away our honor. [applause] >> and then he said this -- no enabling act.
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>> the spd had to wait until the end of the 1960's to influence many of their ideas. the first postwar spd chancellor help build the welfare state -- helped build the welfare state. he also introduced the policy of detente and apologized for german war crimes. in 1998, the party returned to power with gerhard schroder as chancellor. he was known as the six man of europe. -- six man of europe -- sixth man of europe. his efforts were met by wide- ranging protests. anyone who tries to implement this type of reform -- >> anyone who tries to implement this type of reforms runs the risk of not being reelected. >> peer steinbrueck was their
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candidate in 2013 -- is their candidate in 2013. they want to lead change, not only go along with it. like germany itself, the spd is constantly evolving. >> ♪ >> they need to work on their rhythm. >> an unusual food to livery service in the gaza strip. >> we have -- food delivery service in the gaza strip. >> we have news around the world. a bomb attack in southwest pakistan has killed at least 13 people, including 11 police officers. the bomb was hidden in a rickshaw when it blew up next to a truck carrying security personnel. the region around quetta is a hotbed of islam is militancy and separatist insurgency -- islamist militancy and separatist insurgency. >> the g-8 -- gerd party has declined to form a new party.
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the socialist art he has been asked to form a coalition -- socialist party has been asked to form a coalition. >> at least 20 people have died in a suicide attack in niger. the bombs went off in agadez and arlit. an islamist group has claimed responsibility for them. it said it was avenging french intervention in neighboring mali. when you order take-out for dinner, you might not be happy if the food shows up four hours later. >> if you live in the gaza strip and you have a taste for american-style fast food, you might be prepared to wait. gaza has been under blockade -- people still depend on a network of tunnels to smuggle in goods from neighboring egypt. >> now a local businessman has started using the tunnels to bring in something many of us take for granted -- american fast food. >> fried chicken, burgers -- it
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turns out they cannot get enough of them through those tunnels. here is the story. >> the smuggling tunnels of the gaza strip -- a lifeline for the people of gaza. everything possible is brought through here, weapons, smart phones, car pots can -- car parts, even animals. a month ago, a new commodity was added to the list -- fast food, and it is in high demand. customers are making bulk orders of chicken, french fries, and dips from the u.s. chain. all of the vacuum packed and transported from egypt. once in gaza, the rush is on to deliver it to the customers. >> lots of people in gaza want to try it and try something new. people here are very curious. >> the delivery services' owner says he first had an idea for a
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delivery service four years ago. he is happy that it has now become a reality. he has created 50 much-needed jobs and strengthened ties with egyptian partners across the border. >> we are looking for a challenge, even if we are cut off from the outside world. the delivery service reaches people here very well. >> on this occasion, the delivery is not going as planned. this 35-gyro order is late and the customer is visibly annoyed. he promised his daughter a chicken burger and french fries for supper. now it is almost midnight. despite the weight, she seems thrilled. -- the wait, she seems thrilled. >> it is really quite late, but thank goodness they managed to get here. >> the next day, there is a shock. the ruling party in gaza has banned the fast food service. the owner makes frantic
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telephone calls. >> the people here have the right to eat what they want. people like american food. >> he wants to keep his business going despite these difficulties to bring some semblance of normality back to gaza, even if it is just chicken burgers and french fries. >> colonel sanders is everywhere. >> not the best for you, but it tastes good. >> we love our fried chicken. that is going to wrap it up from the "journal." >> see you next time. captioned by the national captioning institute
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