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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  June 6, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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so much and getting it so wrong, but people who have been deeply involved in issues. to have those deeply involved meet analysts' is remarkably different. we ask you to make the call for authenticity, for independent media. the number to call is 866-359- 4334. today we focused on harvest of empire, the untold story of latinos in america. that is the name of a new film out, based on my colleague juan gonzales, who you have seen here on democracy now! as a founding co-host. he wrote a book a decade ago called "harvest of empire," published it for revised editions, and it is required reading around the country.
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filmmakers were astounded by this book and they decided to .ake a film based on that today we're offering you that film and it is rare that we can offer it to you. $100 contribution, the book and movie together, $150. i want to encourage you to pledge even as you watch it. for the first time, we are able to play a larger excerpt of the helm. "usesilm "harvest of empire rarely seen archival material revealing a direct connection between a long history of u.s. intervention in latin america and today's immigration crisis. the international documentary association presented it with an award for best use of archival footage. there was a ceremony in los angeles. for the first time we are
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planning these extended segments for link tv. you want to go to a segment that deals with the assassination of oscar romero. it was 1980 in el salvador. this clip features the voices of a former u.s. ambassador to ambassador -- el salvador, but begins with a father when the same -- talking about what he witnessed in el salvador. >> i had never seen anything like el salvador. i was more frightened there, than in vietnam. i had never seen such brutality of a military towards their people. the death squads were running wild. what was going on there was the slaughter of the innocent.
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anyone against u.s. foreign landy -- talking about reform -- were labeled subversive, enemies. >> [speaking spanigh] [speaking spanish]
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>> we could talk for hours about bishop romero. he was special. like most of us, he went through this conversion, silent, aloof, but something happened to bishop romero.
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he began to hear the cry of his people, he felt their suffering. i am a said was, catholic bishop with a lot of influence and power. i must speak for my people who do not have a voice. >> every sunday, the whole country listened to him. you could walk down the block and not here -- miss a word he said because everyone was listening. and he would say, is enough already, stop the killing. of archbishoprmon oscar romero that he gave in the cathedral before he was assassinated, he made a special plea to the military saying, stop the killing. weapon, disobey your superior officers telling fellowkill your
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countrymen, and obey a higher law. the law that says thou shalt not kill. >> his assassination in church stunned the entire nation. grow,the crowd started to they realized this was going to be a very difficult time. , all of ald see sudden, there were shots fired. .nd then the bomb went off everybody scattered. then they opened fire.
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lord. it is important the world now .hat we stood behind him for the first time, someone had said, you are killing the people you are sworn to protect. we received a telephone call saying a man had seen the bodies .f four women .ery definitely american
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he began reading the descriptions of the four women. as he read each one, i could say, that was jean. that's jean. that's dorothy. got down there a to pray. my prayer, as i said before, how long, god, must this continue to happen? this fellow. what is your position? repression in el salvador. >> let me say a word about all saw the door. maybe it will help. >> are we killing priests in el salvador? if youwill understand, read our reporting that it was
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the military that killed these women. no doubt about that. we learned that the vast majority of those who participated in these massacres and human rights abuses were trained right down the street from here. united nations truth commission report on el salvador documented that those who killed bishop oscar romero trained here at this school. killed theaped and churchwomen of those responsible, four of them were graduates. of the 12 responsible for the killings of children, 10 of them are graduates of this school of the americas. it was highly secret.
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some of the worst tyrants in central american history have come through the school of america's, and it is essentially an indoctrination tool to build close ties with the people we identify as future military leaders in central america and south america, and american military representatives. when you finance and train a game of uniformed butchers, and they began wholesale killing, wiping of whole villages, the people do not immigrate, they they flee.igrate,
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>> paul salvador is a prepared example of how u.s. policy in latin america affects migration. in 1980, there were only 94,000 salvadorans in the united states. , tens ofar escalated thousands of salvadorans fled to this country. today, the salvadoran population of the united states is the third largest of all latino groups in the country. >> i believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and have lived here, even though some time back they may have entered illegally. >> a lot of people forget it was president ronald reagan, perhaps the most conservative president lawll time, signed into the immigration reform of 1986.
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[inaudible] >> you have been watching an excerpt of "harvest of empire," the remarkable one told story of latinos in america. to guatemala,yond
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dominican republic, mexico, and honduras. this documentary is yours for $150. for a $100 contribution, if you call and might now, you can get the book. one gonzales has written the book on which this film is based. together, $150. perhaps you want to send a set to the public library, high school, college library, prison library. the number to call is 866-359- 4334. on to themove dominican republic and "harvest of empire," but in order to them -- to do that, we need you to call. we are asking you to call in because this is remarkable. as the immigration debate rages in washington, it is also
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happening in every community around the country. as one person said, we are not talking about people who are emigrating to the united states, we are talking about people who are fleeing. we urge you to call and right now. 866-359-4334. i want to bring you the parts on mexico and dominican republic, but we need you to call in. if you live in new mexico or arizona, you know exactly what we're talking about here. we must understand who our neighbors are, who are our families are. untoldt of empire, the history of latinos in america." forbook and dvd our doors $150. 866-359-4334. we are only offering this today. we cannot do this without you. your call mix the difference.
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you may click tv happen. montana or the dakotas, we are asking you to make the call that makes a difference. colorado, we need your support. if you live in missouri, maine, or maryland, make the call that makes a difference. we need you to call in, call in and support the stated independent media. link tv is not brought to you by corporations for profit. we are not brought to you by with the oil and coal industry. oklahoma is so hard hit right now. now this massive storm is coming up the east coast. we urge you to call in and let us know that you are there. dust bowl conditions in the midwest, a fire condition that we have not seen in california
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and colorado. i often encourage you to tune away, because i know that you will come back, when they talk about severe weather, there should be another flash, and that should be climate change, global warming, global disruption. we urge you to call and write them. there is something we can do about it, other than changing our clothes or preparing for a tornado or hurricane. we can turn back can move forward, insure that we are contributing to more even weather. it is the extreme weather that is such an increasing problem in our country and all over the world. call in right now. when we bring you news on health care, we are not being sponsored by the health care companies.
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make the call that makes it possible. if you want to come to the set of democracy now!, we are in the chelsea neighborhood in the shadow of the empire state building we went up to host you and a special guest. come to the said and watch the broadcast. then i get to host you for dinner. we post lynn tv, we get to share stories, and we've become old friends fast. this is a charitable contribution that goes directly to link tv. please call in. 866-359-4334. youdo not have to know when want to do dinner and a show. maybe you live in the city or you need to make a special trip. just make the pledge. then my colleague will call you and ask, when the want to come
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to new york? we have done this hundreds of times and it is a wonderful way to support link and get to know each other. maybe there is a graduation or holiday, anniversary. we would love to treat you really here. for those that live in the greater new york area, i will be doing a public interview with ralph nader at the 92nd street y. call 866-359- 4334. book, a leading journalist in the country, "harvest of empire." we are showing your exclusive footage of the film. we have never been able to play this much of the film. upurge you to call and stand for independent media.
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but go to a segment of the film on the dominican republic. please call in and fill up our phone lines. 866-359-4334. the american nation cannot, and will not permit the establishment of another communist government in the western hemisphere. >> i am here because the united states invaded my country in 1965, an illegal invasion, complete trunk of excuse to invade intimate -- dominican republic and crush our democratic hopes. we have lived the consequences of that illegal invasion, politically, economically, and in the bodies of those wounded and killed. we have been living here for over 40 years.
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there have been two major u.s. occupation of the dominican republic. first was in 1916. the u.s. army trained a new dominican national guard. it hand-picked a former railway security officer to lead that and he then uses the power of the military to seize control of the government. he was the most horrific imagination of a dictator. kill people with impunity. he basically ruled the dominican republic for 30 years with absolute, total control. he routinely kidnap and
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assault and the wives even of his supporters. , made itt his career extremely easy for american companies to do business in the dominican republic, but was a savage dictator. nine state even the government could not stomach his the ciaof operation, so join with disgruntled military officers to organize his assassination. >> for the first time in 30 years, the people of the dominican republic are breeding the sweet air of liberty, and the streets are jammed with celebration. [music] >> 1963, you had the election of a liberal, social democrat,
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who attempted to institute new social reforms. but his government did not last long, only a few months into his term in office, there was a military coup. popular turn, started a resurrection that led to the u.s. invasion of the dominican republic in 1965. when the rebels finally agreed to lay down their arms, the u.s. government scheduled new elections, but it also allowed he right hand man of trujillo to run in those elections. he would go on to win those elections. the problem was there was enormous retraction -- repression on the former administration, killing on an
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almost daily basis. so the united states than began allowing large numbers of former dominican rebels to come to the way, again,s as a of using migration as a safety valve. thousands of dominicans started to come to new york city. tothey said we are coming the united states, whatever that meant. i thought we were going up the road to some mystical place. when i finally saw a map of how we -- how far we traveled, i remember being astonished and literally terrified. standard was your phraseology a military guy that would check his children's hands and jews and hair before we left the house. we had to tie our shoes a certain way. i lived in what i called the littered the dictatorship of our house. when i moved to new jersey, it
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was a crazy time. i immigrated in 1974, a few months before the fall of saigon. this was not a place that was very welcoming. i found myself facing a tremendous amount of racism and bigotry, not just from white americans, but from black americans, and latinos. think of any -- every immigrant child in the country. if it were a lot to tell the real emotion and truth of their experience here, people with discarded. we make immigration a more horrific experience than it needs to be. i feel as a country, we are in a dream, where there are no mistakes, there is no evil, we are always good, we hurt no one. you cannot grow if you do not admit mistakes. all those hundreds of
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thousands that sneak into our country could be diseased. >> illegal immigrants are attacking our culture and way of life. >> you are watching "harvest of untold history of latinos in america. we are asking you to go to the phones and stand up for independent media. it is an on inspiring, educational film like we have never seen, go to the roots of immigration in this country. it deals with cuba, mexico, the dominican republic, guatemala, el salvador. the rockwell as well. we urge you to call 866-359- 4334. -- nicaragua as well. maybe you are from one of these countries or you are just interested. we ask you to go to the phone right now, 866-359-4334.
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if you want to get a copy of the film, it is $100 on dvd. ,he book that it is based on yours for $100. together, $150. 866-359-4334. your call count. one other thing. remarkable second book. it is called "news for all the people." yours,erback version is a signed copy of that book for a $125.bution of the two books, and the dvd of this film, you can get them all for a contribution of $250. if you call in right now, 866- 359-4334.
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your call makes the difference. you make link tv happen. bill the phone lines. let us know that you are standing up for independent media. make that call right now. we are also offering something else. if you would like to get everything we have offered from the beginning of the drive to the end -- everything -- this pack that we are now offering, the book and dvd of "harvest of book, scahill's $150, a conversation that he had with noam chomsky. if you live in los angeles,
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washington, d.c., check out where we will be. not to be missed. we have also offered you michael "cooked." that book is available for a $150 contribution. interview, $75. books, signed copies, and beginning with " exception to the rulers," and then "static." either of those for $25. particularly relevant as we talk .bout the obama administration freedom fighters of our time. a book of columns.
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i wrote this with my brother. "breaking the sound barrier." all five of those signed copies for you for a contribution of $200. all of these add up to much more, especially with the tote bag, t-shirts, bumper sticker, a democracy now! mugs and our own brand of coffee. contribution, you get all the gifts that we have offered from the beginning to the end. the black power mix tape" as glover.n danny an explosion of books, dvd's, mugs, everything that we have offered in these weeks of fundraising.
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tv are keeping democracy alive on the tv on link tv and kcet, broadcasting and in the greater los angeles area. 866-359-4334. get a "democracy at .ork" by richard wolf you also get the remarkable film "king." a $150 get that for contribution, were part of the entire pack. the movie was shown only once, but we have it for you. the number to call, 866-359-
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4334. now we want to go back to "harvest of empire" to the section on guatemala that is so relevant today. as a former dictator that came coup, this mana was tried in the last few months and was found guilty of murder, crimes against to manatee -- humanity. this man was tried in the last few months and was found guilty of murder, crimes against to manatee -- humanity. acord has set aside the verdict, but the trial can happen again. these trials are not easy they often indicate that the current government may be involved. that is certainly what is going on in guatemala, so there is a lot of fight back. we urge you to go to the phones. if you want to see what happened in the background, why the
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people of guatemala have attempted to try their former dictator. 866-359-4334. make the call that makes a difference. as we return to the film "harvest of empire." pick one day to where u.s. foreign policy toward latin america went wrong, the date would be 1954 in guatemala. that was the beginning of this terrible, terrible attitude the nine states develop towards latin america, particularly towards central america, where change became our enemy. [speaking spanish]
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>> guatemala was one of the few countries in latin america after world war two actually experienced a period of democratic rule. the president was determined to reduce poverty by affecting
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major land reform in guatemala. owners controlled 75% of the arable land. those, the united fruit company was the largest, with some 600,000 acres of property. it was such a powerhouse, owning its own railroads, shipping lines. it really was more powerful than any government throughout most of the 20th-century. became, latin america the incubator for all of the great american multinational companies. principles in the government, secretary of state under president eisenhower, his brother, the head of the cia, had both been partners in the main law firm that presented the
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united fruit company. we couldeling was that easily overthrow this progressive government and make it easier for the united fruit company and other businesses to operate in central america. got heavily involved in managing public opinion, of the the image president as a crazy radical. was a systematic effort, mobilization of financing, opposition forces, until the government was overthrown. allcious repression of progressives and supporters of the government ensued. guatemala began to establish a new pattern whereby the united
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states government used covert operations, employed local proxy's to destabilize and overthrow governments in the region. >> it is a great day for the liberation leader as the populist demonstrates their joy from been rescued from the tyranny that prevailed during the tyranny pure the end of the civil war and more important, the end of another attempt by the kremlin to get a foothold in the new world. >> after the overthrow, you had the beginnings of a civil war. people were picked up on the streets in the middle of the night, kidnapped, assassinated. you have the growth of a guerrilla war and of the government's efforts to counterinsurgency. as the rebels retreated into the countryside, they built up big
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support among the my and and other people who had always been discriminated against by the guatemalan government. the civil war when from the 1960 cost to the 1980's. as it escalated, the government responded with resettlement campaigns and a genocidal war against them. >> [speaking spanish]
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>> and exurbs of the award winning film, being shown here for the first time outside of movie theaters, "harvest of empire." yours for a $100 contribution. i want to play the trailer for you, but we ask you to call 866- 359-4334. the documentary footage in this film has never been put together in this way before. what they have pulled together from dominican republic, el salvador, guatemala, mexico, nicaragua -- weaker due to colin right now. 866-359-4334. as they say in the film, we are all americans in the new world and our greatest enemy is not each other but ignorance between us. this film breaks down the ignorance. if you want to get the book by the same title by juan gonzales,
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who basically their rates this is short forok $100. one book will be signed by gonzales. together, $150. get in these last days of fundraising drive, the books will be signed. we urge you to call and might now. 866-359-4334. we cannot do this without you, simple as that. your call makes the difference. you make it possible for link tv to happen. please call in before we play more of the film. let us know that you are in the house. this is the penultimate day of our fund-raising on the link tv. you can get everything we have offer from the beginning of the drive to the end. if you have a big picture of this table, you could see --
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let's see if we can take up the phone number. ifis a bit of a mess, but you piled all of these books together, it would fill your bookshelf, unless it is my bookshelf, which goes for about 17 feet. we have a lot of gifts to give you, any one of them, or all in combination. for $1,500, every book, dvd, everything that we have offered from the beginning of the drive to the end. let me go through what we are offering. what we're offering right now is "harvest of empire," the book or the dvd. i cannot say enough about getting an extra copy and giving toto the public library or somebody else that you have in mind. 4334.59- the film "harvest of empire" is
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not to be missed. we urge you to call 866-359- 4334. for $1,500, you also get gabor mate's book. "in the realm of the hungry ghosts." a canadian doctor, talking about addiction, attention deficit disorder, on the mind- body link. books and dvde alone or as part of the group of everything. we spent an hour with michael for $1,500, you alsopolland. you can get his book "cooked."
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he is a professional -- profession of journalism at the university of california berkeley. to add hisd like latest book, now out in "news for all the people," it is an amazing account of the media in this country. that book can be yours for $125. if you want to get it with the other book and movie, $250, or it could be part of the $1500 pack. if you want to getyou could get. you can also get the interview
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that i did with him in germany. a dvd set with the father of peace studies. one of the founders of the world's social forum. there was a farmer that took monsanto to the canadian supreme court. the book and dvd can be yours as part of the pack. as well, jeremy scahill's film in cities all over the country. if you're in the new york area for san francisco or los angeles, washington, opening up this weekend, and that across the nation. the book can be yours, and jeremy will sign it for you for a contribution of $150. then you have the library of five books, my five books.
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i will sign them for you. breaking the sound barrier has an introduction from bill moyers about the importance of independent media. and was written with david goodman and dave moynihan. thebook canyou can get that asf five-book pac, $250. i have not even talked about julie assange. we had him for an exclusive interview. you can get the entire dvd for $100. you can also get his book "cypherpunks."
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you can get those alone or as part of the $1,500 set. i have not even talked about julie assange. we had himjust ask and they canu about all of them. you may remember we had alice walker here. she wrote an amazing book on meditations, collections, essays. the book is available to you, as well as our interview with alice walker, alone or as a part of the whole democracy now! package. many people call in and just say, give me everything. then you have gifts to give to people and you can build your own library. we go through hundreds of books and shoes these particular ones to offer to you. and then for $25 or as part of the democracyck, now! bumper sticker. please call in, 866-359-4334.
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we do not know if it is possible to raise $10,000. maybe one or two people pledged for dinner and a show at the $2,000 mark. we were just pitching on a station in los angeles, pacifica radio, and lily tomlin called in and said that she would be contributing to thousand dollars. maybe you could do the same -- would be contributing to thousand dollars. maybe you could do the same. $2000. you can come to the set of the show, in the shadow of the empire state building in new york city, you can meet the amazing team that makes democracy now! happen. amazing miracle workers every day. you can meet the guests in
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stereo. it might be alice walker, route nader, it might be in jeremy scahill, noam chomsky. we urge you to call in. who knows who will be in studio. we can tell you that you will have an amazing time. you maybe get to meet juan gonzalez, other members of our team. we have two producers that went to texas -- that went to the same high school in texas 10 years apart. maybe you have the chance to ist carlos de jesus, who usually behind the camera. our director rebecca. meet the democracy now!
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family. julie crosby will be right there. remarkable making all this happen, the general manager. you get to see the whole thing happen. we urge you to go to the bone, 866-359-4334. show, we cannot wait. i am doing it this week and the next week, and the next week. isw that your contribution tax deductible. it is a charitable contribution that keeps link to be alive. maybe somebody could pledge $5,000 or $10,000. we need your support. inry once in awhile, someone the country who has done well and what to do good and deeply believe in independent media says, i am willing to give that amount of money. one time somebody gave $50,000. if you could afford that, please call in.
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dinner and a show for $2,000 is a great chance to ensure the future of liberty be for someone who has not yet discovered it. maybe next year they could start contributing because they have discovered it. maybe somebody who cannot contribute now can do so in two years. we urge you to call and write down. we cannot do this without you. 866-359-4334. make the call that makes a difference. if you are thinking, $2,000, are you kidding? package?r the whole it could also get them individually. if you are thinking, i cannot do any of that, i cannot afford that.
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how about the bumper sticker, $25? you can even put it on your refrigerator, your car, bicycle, or you couldhow about the bumper no whatever you can pledge, we urge you to go to the phones, 866- 359-4334. everything for $1,500. what counts is your call right now. 866-359-4334. if you are looking for the everything that we have offered from the , andning of the drive julian assange, and jeremy scahill's book, gabor mate's all five of my other books not
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available in this country, but available for live tv viewers, where he lays out guiding bellies for new economics. in that book and dvd are available to you if you call 866-359-4334. this go to the trailer of film that we have been talking about today, "harvest of empire, the untold story of latinos in america." the book and dvd can be yours for $150. please call 866-359-4334. noor as a part of the everythig pack. everything that we have offered for $1,500. you will be helping to keep
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linty be alive. let's go to the trailer of th "harvest of empire." the streets of our country were taken over today by people who do not belong here. >> immigrants come with a culture of criminality. >> they put a strain on our social security, health care. school never teach us in that the utility a presence here is the direct result of our own actions in the latin american countries and caribbean over the decades. thousands of porter reiskin were recruited to come to work in the u.s. >> the feeling was we could overthrow this progressive government and make it easier for the united fruit company and other businesses to operate in central america. >> from the very beginning, the west depended for its labor on mexicans. >> are due to a communist?
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>> wait for history. history will say who we are. >> i have never seen anything like el salvador. what was going on there was the slaughter of the innocent. >> when you finance and train a gain of uniformed butchers, and they made in the wholesale killing, people do not emigrate, they flee. >> the instability we have contributed to creates the kind of instability and disorder that leads to more immigration. >> i believe in the idea of amnesty, and even those who may have put down roots, even if they may have entered illegally. >> the reality is, america is changing. the majority of the people will trace the origins not to europe,
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but to latin america. >> we are all humans with the same potential. a america has always been nation in the process of change. it is an immigrant nation. , that is "harvest of empire the history of latinos in america." we urge you to call and might now. 866-359-4334. make a call that makes it possible for the tv to continue. we have just a few minutes to go. we cannot do this without you. if you want to get the film it has just empire," opened up in theaters across the country. we have it for you for a $100 contribution. if you want the book, book and dvd together for $150. maybe you can get another said
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that you can give to somebody else or to a library. today is the second to last a week to ask for your support. we have two special offers. $1,500 for everything we have offered from the beginning of the drive to the end. "harvestahill's book, of empire" book and dvd, all five of my books signed, juan gonzalez's books. from lakecalled in joan calling in from clearly, wisconsin. don calling in from new mexico. thanks to the folks calling in from california. janet called in from georgia.
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james from houston, texas. nancy calls in from berkeley, california. louise calls in from tennessee. marcia calls in from denver, colorado. can we hear from the western slope? sarah has called in from california. margaret from washington. san francisco is in the house. barbara calling in from north carolina. keep the phone calls coming in. it is nice to hear from texas. can we hear from austin, dallas, fort worth? can we hear from college park, annapolis, and entail, west virginia? dante called in from mississippi. keep the phone calls coming in. rabin calls in from new jersey.
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karen called in from missouri. keep the phone calls coming in. please call in. $2,000, dinner and show. or you could get all of the dips and just visit. you could also get
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