tv France 24 LINKTV October 8, 2013 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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>> as the death toll from the shipwreck near lampedusa hits 200 30, officials are pushing for more money to launch sea patrols to cope with the flood of refugees knocking on europe's door. a teacher in protest of more -- for more pay module violence. they wrap -- they smashed through a gate near city hall. a vote over electronic cigarettes could reclassify the fake smoke products as medical
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products, making them only available in pharmacies. divers off the coast of italy's lampedusa island have recovered dozens more bodies from the sunken boat that went down last week. some of the deep sea drivers -- deep-sea divers described as unpacking a wall of the whole of the ship full of people. it was filled with asylum- seekers from africa trying to reach a better life. eu ministers are scheduled to discuss that tragedy in luxembourg at a meeting today. italy and others have been calling for reform of immigration rules. they currently deal with migrant solely on the country of arrival. >> remembering the victims of the lampedusa boat disaster, this vigil was organized by members of the italian
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parliament. they want action to be taken at the eu level to help countries like there's deal with the influx of migrants. but we want first to remember the victims. -- >> we want first to remember the victims, but also to look to the future and we want europe to provide solutions for this as it is not possible for just one country to deal with this on its own. >> inside the chamber, the parliament president martin scholz began with a moment of silence. when we talk -- >> what we talk about illegal paragraphs, we are talking about things that are quite extraordinary. i cannot believe that the fishermen were being threatened with prosecution for helping the illegal immigrants. >> italy and others have called for changes to the so-called dublin regulation that that -- that governs immigration into
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the european union. under those rules, just one member state has to protest those applicants and it has to be the first country that the migrants arrived in. the rules were designed to thwart other countries who deal with their borders ineffectively. according to the european commission 90% of asylum applications are handled by just 10 eu member states. >> here in france, there are an estimated total of 400 to 500,000 illegal immigrants. their hope of getting official papers came last year when the first socialist president in 17 years was elected. here is a look at whether or not things have really changed. >> refusing to remain invisible the illegal immigrants who want the french government to give them the papers they need to
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work and live properly. this man moved from mali in 1993 to make money from -- for himself and his family at home. he worked on the black market for years before getting a temporary permit just a few months ago. >> we want the criteria to be suspended and we want all of the illegal immigrants to be granted papers. >> marching across hundreds of kilometers, some of those protesting had to take a day away from work in order to be present. >> i have come straight from work. i have worked here for 18 years. do you think it is normal that i'm still in the situation? >> during his campaign, the french president promised that criteria would be laid out for illegal immigrants and their cases would be examined individually. it has become easier for families, miners and indeed, somewhat easier for job seekers but they still must prove that they have been in france for the last five years and have been at
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work for at least the last two. >> the criteria on the one hand requires payslips to get work documents, but at the same time the work -- the law states that it is illegal to take on jobs until you have the paperwork. you can see the problem. >> the protest ends with a meeting at the town hall. the delegates are told that the mayor understands, but is not in a position to change a lot. nevertheless, it is a victory for the group. >> we think we have done our part. the french understand us now. they are stirring to come out and join us. that is how we can fight the system together. >> not every district was so welcoming. >> a giant teachers rally in brazil turned violent monday. things were peaceful at first with thousands coming to back the teachers who are pushing for more pay. then a masked anarchist group known as black block took over
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set aside -- set a fire at the gate of city hall. officials were forced to use tear gas to get the crowd under control. >> the day started peacefully enough. some 10,000 protesters were demanding higher pay for teachers. but as night fell, so did the mood. the crowd turned violent. demonstrators broke into bank emma setting atm's a light and they torched a bus. much of the violence is blamed on the anarchist group black night -- black block. but we are here to end oppression. that is all we have to say. >> teachers have been asking for higher pay for months. they say if they can pay for sporting events they can afford
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to pay them more. >> where's the money for our education and for our health and everything else? >> police forces have come under criticism in recent months after cracking down on protesters. the situation is an ongoing challenge for authorities. to keep brazil as a safe destination for visitors. >> u.s. forces captured an alleged top al qaeda figure and took him out of libya. tripoli has called that a kidnapping. the u.s. has brushed off criticism, saying the man known as anas al libi was on the fbi's most wanted list. and the european parliament is taking on electronic cigarettes. it took a vote that would plan to read classifies the fake smoke devices as something that
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would be available only by prescription. lex some 8 million smokers have switched from tobacco to e cigarettes and have a gum known as vapors. it is designed to wean smokers off of the harmful effects of tobacco. but critics argue not enough research has been done into the potential health effects. and the european parliament is set to vote on whether they should be reclassified as medical products am only available from pharmacies. there has been intense lobbying from all sides. tougher regulation could strangle the industry. the pharmaceutical industry is mostly in favor of regulating their ease cigarettes -- there he cigarettes, which they see as competition for their anti- tobacco products. >> the lobbyists are very present, not just from companies, but also governments.
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these viewpoints are dependent on their own economic interests. for us, the most important thing is to find a response to the most important public health issue. >> the european parliament will also discuss a range of other measures as part of a draft initiative. health warnings may soon cover 75% of cigarette packets and there could be a ban on techniques critics say making smoking popular with young people, flavors like vanilla and meant could be banned, as could slim cigarettes, and so called misleading words, like mild, light, and low tar. the proposal could become law as soon as next year. >> nobel week is continuing with the physics prize. and as expected, that has just gone to britain's peter higgs and belgians françois hagler. they won four predicting the higgs boson, also known as the god particle.
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it explains why matter has mass. they won after showing their experiment in a giant particle collider that you see there. stay with us. >> taking us through the papers today, hello there. we will start with the reaction to the deadly shipwreck of the dasch off the intel you in advance of lampedusa. -- off of the italian island of lampedusa. >> there are about 50 divers from italy's military emergency services who are recovering bodies from the wreckage. it is really difficult because of the current, but also psychologically. this article in the guardian is
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really tragic. they talk about what they are discovering in this ship. they finally managed to reach the whole of the second ship and they described the horrible situation with dozens of bodies packed in so tightly they are on their feet. basically, there are about 500 people on the boat and those who paid extra money got to be on top of the boat. if they did not have as much money, they got into the whole of the ship where they were standing there packed 20220. -- packs toe to towe. >> the prime minister granted symbolic citizenship to the drowned survivors, but what about the survivors? they are looking at expulsion from italy. this goes back to a law from 2002, which makes it a crime to emigrate to italy. in italy, there have been calls
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to revamp this law, especially from the immigration minister. and also in italy, people are saying this is not just an italian problem, but a european problem as well. >> ministers will be looking at this throughout today in luxembourg. >> there is an interesting article in the "wall street journal" that says there has been a debate reignited over immigration. and there has been a feeling that everyone is stunned by how horrible this accident is. a lot of people have shown sympathy for the captain of rome's soccer team who wore a t- shirt on sunday that said "life is a right for all." but there is not that much that is being done. it does not seem there is any quick change in policy that will stop people from trying to risk their lives in such a way. the international tribune points out that there is -- this is not
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the first time there is been a tragedy like this and it is probably not the last time. this is a real graveyard at europe's door. let's start engaging about the direction we want europe to take on refugees. the eu is actually going to introduce by the end of the year a new border surveillance system called euro serve. the timing of this could not be worse. lex what have the american papers been saying about these raids over the weekend by special forces in africa? >> the international tribune looks at the one that took place in libya. a man named anas al libi was captured. according to the cia, he is an expert in computers that helped surveilled the embassy in nairobi ahead of the bombing in 2008. -- in advance of the bombing in
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1998. but others say he was just supporting the freedom of others. there is an interesting article from london that points out that his arrest reminds us that the war against al qaeda is still very much ongoing. and it wonders whether we can fight al qaeda without america. no, we cannot, according to this article, but america also needs the cooperation of islamic states as well. >> and off to a happy story. a british boy is finally off to home from abu dhabi. >> is name is joe thompson. he is 12 years old. he was in abu dhabi, stranded for 18 months, because he developed a debilitating fear of flying. thanks to hypnotherapy, he was able to get over it. but his parents have spent 40,000 pounds trying to cure him
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of this fear and also canceled plane tickets. after his journey, he said, i'm so glad to be home. i cannot believe how cold it is here. and the first thing he wants to do is go see his has not seen in almost two years. >> thanks very much. >> back in action in shanghai this week. he was hoping he could decide his poor run at the u.s. open where he lost in the fourth round. and secure his position in the season-ending world tour in london.
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>> it is part of my goal to end the season as definitely a driving shot force for paris. i'm also trying to qualify for the world tour as well as to win it. i can draw motivation from different angles and not just from going out and playing one good match. >> praise for rafael nadal who is back from injury. he is set to end the year as the world number one. >> he is amazing. i was that it was wrong for people to say it might be the end for him. we did not know how long his injury would take, but i figured at the moment when he was going to come back he would always be very strong. to be playing that is what raphael or myself, that is what we do. you want to be competitive, beat the best, play the best, play
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consistently every day and train. he deserves to be back at world number one. i am personally very happy for him and i'm sure i will see him either tomorrow or the next day. >> it will be a tournament for the swiss who will possibly face in the doll in the final. -- who will possibly face rafael nadal in the final. an equally dramatic finish with some key stages. eight stages for sprinters three time trials, and they begin in northern ireland and the ninth of may. >> a very nice route. it is always a surprise journey
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with stages that had many difficulties. you have to be very careful and clever. organizers said rodriguez will ride. chris said he will not compete. their feet this weekend. munich went clear to the top of the bundesliga for the first time in the season. >> sporting director said it happened wonderfully, due to the fact that it covers his lack of hair. but he does not get away with it. it is very well integrated here and it is a joy to work with him. his identity and the way he lives his just fantastic. >> enjoying a sign with others
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he said, they should celebrate freely and enjoy the beer. >> the world cup playoffs in africa this week as the 10 groups playoff for the five births in brazil. the first leg on friday takes place in will be due to where they return a few days later to algiers. >> it is going to be a very difficult match because it is all or nothing. they are like finals. the teams want to qualify. we will play to win the first leg and that will be tough. we have to be strong mentally and we have to be united. this match is really going to test our coherence and we need to support each other in order to win it. they want to win this match just
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as much as we do. everything will depend on this. >> he led his country to world appearance in 2010. he will be looking for another victory. >> today on the net, a new symbol of support for the muslim brotherhood. a chinese campaign to get sharks off the menu. and taking to twitter to demand wage increases. dozens were killed in egypt on sunday during clashes between security forces and members of the muslim brotherhood who had
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gathered to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 1973 arab- israeli war. known as the foreign arabic salute there was a bloody crackdown in the square. they were forcefully evicted thousands of protesters. it has become a rallying symbol for the muslim brotherhood displayed in the streets or in networks to portray oppression and to denounce what they consider to be a military coup d'état against a democratically elected government. others in tunisia and turkey for example are picking up on the symbol.
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there have also been countless parodies of the black image on the yellow background online. most created by opponents of the muslim brotherhood to poke fun at the political rivals. hundreds of web users across china have joined a social net -- show shall network -- a social network pledging not to eat shark. they have been posting photos online in which they pose with their hands over their mouths along with the caption "i am finished within -- with fin." they are seeking to protect the species from overfishing. 17 million sharks are estimated to be killed every year there. they are served at special occasions in china, such as
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weddings and large banquet. the campaign to get sharks been off the menu across china has resulted in dropped consumption substantially from last year. beijing did indeed promised to ban the dish from government banquets by 2015. in hong kong, which is the center of the global shark fin trade, the government has already implemented the measure. saudi workers have taken to twitter to call for higher salaries under the # salaryisnotenough. they have been urging the authorities to raise the minimum wage to counter inflation and
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unemployment. they have posted pictures online to show the property that affects millions in saudi arabia. -- the poverty that affects millions in saudi arabia. did a users from google's sharing platform will drive innovation. a ceremony will feature performances from lady gaga and others. it will be aired live on google's site. nominations will be announced october 17. norwegian photographer spent three weeks in september drive tooling around iceland. he traveled all a thousand kilometers taking 40,000 photos along the way. this photo shows the and sculpted by fire and ice.
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