tv Journal LINKTV December 12, 2013 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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to from dw in berlin. >> thanks for joining us. coming up -- >> pressure mounts on the ukrainian government as protests enter their fourth week in central kiev, repeating their demands and reinforcing the barricades. >> the u.s. and european parliament are considering sanctions against the country. russian president vladimir putin has called for the country to solve its political impasse around violence. >> protesters have turned down talks with the government saying nothing short of new elections will do. >> tensions remain high on independence square in kiev. security forces have withdrawn from the area, but demonstrators are wary. many have reinforced her barricades to prevent further assaults. people here do not trust the government, a feeling ukrainian opposition leaders reiterated again on thursday. >> on the one hand, the president says he wants to sit at the negotiating table, but on
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the other hand, he sends the police to disperse the people, which is contrary to all proposals. our demands have not changed. >> the opposition has called for the president and his government to quit, and they want jailed demonstrators freed. pressure from abroad is mounting. the european parliament is planning to send a delegation to ukraine. legislators passed a resolution saying the eu should consider sanctions against kiev. it is unclear whether the president is listening. although the eu's top diplomat returned from kia with some potentially good news for mdu trade agreement with ukraine. >> he made it clear to me that he intends to sign the agreement. >> russia has maintained pressure on the ukraine. in his annual state of the nation address, however, president vladimir putin was far less outspoken. >> i hope that all political forces in ukraine can reach a
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deal in the interest of its people and solve all the current problems. >> putin said russia was not forcing ukraine to do anything it did not want to do, but since ukraine is a crucial economic and strategic partner, moscow is unlikely to let it go without a fight. >> there has been breaking news in this story just before going to air. let's bring in our correspondent in kiev or more. we are hearing that ukraine's deputy prime minister says that kia will be signing that trade agreement with the eu "soon." what should we make of that? >> i suppose he should be very skeptical when it comes to ukrainian officials assuring they were ready to sign this treaty with the european union. so the protesters here in independence square and europe. they understand this as another u-turn, a tactical maneuver in the great game playing, east against west against both sides
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to help ukraine avoid bankruptcy. >> yanukovych is in a very unenviable position under immense pressure from his powerful neighbor, russia. america is increasing the pressure. we have the street situation there as well. what are his options right now? >> well, i suppose he will go on trying to play east against west to get the most out of both sides, and people here on independence square, they fear he will travel to visit and meet with president putin next week in moscow, and people fear that they will face a crackdown, that riot police will try to remove them again, and they are also afraid president yanukovych might sign a treaty with russia to join a customs union with russia. russia had put this on the table
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a long time ago and put a lot of rusher on ukraine to join this customs union with russia. >> thanks so very much. moving out to bangladesh where an opposition has been executed for war crimes he committed. >> just hours after the supreme court rejected a last-minute appeal, the politician was convicted for his role in war crimes in the 1971 war of independence against pakistan. the execution is expect it to further inflame tensions between the government and opposition protesters after weeks of deadly violence. in thailand, the leader of antigovernment protests says it's time for the country's security forces to decide where their loyalties lie. >> is asked to meet military officials to demand they choose sides in the uprising, either for or against the prime
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minister. he is been indicted today in connection with the shooting death of two protesters back then. he has denied the charges. in germany, it is the moment of truth. it all rests with the spd. >> yes, because the social democratic party members have until midnight to submit their ballots and approve or block a coalition deal hammered out between chancellor angela merkel's conservatives and spd leaders. the spd chairman has been campaigning hard for acceptance of the coalition by his party's grassroots, and most are predicting he is going to get it . if he does, germany can have a new government before christmas.
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>> so is voting for this deal a good thing for social democrats? >> a significant faction is not convinced. >> these young voters are the future of the spd, and they've got quite a different take on where the party should be headed. most of the young socialist are against the coalition deal with chancellor merkel's christian democrats. the head of the young socialists' berlin branch feels the spd is abandoning its socialist principles. >> we campaign for a redistribution of wealth for higher taxes, not just a finance the government hospital and but also to further our vision of society. that is completely out now. on a european level, chancellor merkel is going to keep going with her austerity, and that is definitely not what i campaigned for. >> most here would rather see their party going to opposition.
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party leaders wanted to have the young socialists on the side. >> young members are always a bit more radical than the party as a whole. that's how it should be. >> still, he did not give up so quickly. he told the young socialist that the party's political relevance was at stake and that spd leaders have helped shape the coalition agreement. he even tried to convince them that conservatives were not as right wing as they are. the audience responded with laughter and plenty of criticism. when applause did come, it was mostly from those who did not need persuading. >> i voted in favor of the coalition agreement, not because i'm 100% satisfied. no one in the party is, but there are lots of things in the agreement that i do not want to see get delayed again. for me, it is about getting those things done. >> most of the young party members were less interested in
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pragmatism. they wanted to send a signal. after intense debates, they put the matter to a vote. the majority was clear -- the young socialists were not afraid of raking with party lines. still, most think the coalition is likely to go through. >> if the grand coalition does go through, we will keep doing what we always do with any government -- we will address problematic issues. whenever we disagree with party leadership, we will get on their case about it. that is what we like to do. >> most of the young socialist'' 50,000 members agree. >> let's bring in terry martin at our parliamentary studio for more on that. what does it look like? is this going to work out? >> almost everybody is anticipating a positive outcome to the vote. the spd party leadership am obviously, is confident, but even critics of the coalition
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agreement within the spd itself acknowledge that the vote is likely to go through. we will not know for sure until saturday when all votes are counted, but that little detail is not shopping would be coalition partners from already getting together and thinking about how to proceed on thursday morning. leaders met in the chancellery, presumably to discuss the division of labor within the cabinet. to some degree, the discussion has already moved on beyond the vote to who will be doing what in the next government, assuming the government is sworn in on wednesday. >> what about the country as a whole? how does it feel that one party is in the driver seat right now, even though it lost the elections? >> that's right. there is some resentment. there is a feeling that the spd is holding the country's political process hostage with this about. there are many who are simply frustrated that the formation of
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a new government is being delayed by this vote, but on the other hand, there are those who say this is actually very democratic. why not ask members whether they should approve a controversial coalition agreement? there are two minds about it. >> thanks so very much. dramatic moments in a german court room when the country's first president to ever face criminal charges saw his estranged wife give testimony in his defense. >> prosecutors's have charged christian wulff with receiving a bribe of 700 million euros. he resigned over the affair and vowed to clear his name. >> at the court, she met her husband. although the couple has separated, she greeted him warmly. and then spoke in his favor. the trial focuses on a trip the
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couple took to the munich oktoberfest. some of their expenses were paid for by a film producer. at the time, state premier of lower saxony, wulff allegedly helped the director get funding for his work. she testified for more than an hour, testifying that her husband and the director were such good friends that they often shared restaurant ills. >> she did not incriminate him at all. she described the friendship is very close and said mr. wulff always carry cash and always had cash in his pockets as he did not carry a wallet. she confirmed a lot of details with heard throughout the trial. >> her testimony also included information about a are where the director had paid for friends. >> she is certain she was not in the bar, which is at the center of things, but remembers things that will help her and her husband but cannot recall things that are a bit more murky.
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>> the judge is expected to give an interim conclusions on the evidence so far in the coming weeks. >> moving along now, a severe winter storm has hit parts of jordan and syria and caused freezing temperatures for part of the region. >> life just became much more difficult in the region. >> sheltering and a former school, she and her six-year-old daughter are among the 14 families finding refuge here. the conditions are are from ideal. >> we are suffering in the cold weather. i had to sell our unhcr coupons to buy a gas cylinder. we cannot get our room warm enough for our children. a cold draft comes in through the window. >> the first real winter storm has pushed temperatures to below freezing, making life even tougher for the syrian refugees.
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each of the families staying in the school has a classroom to itself. there are holes in the windows. a few days ago, some of the rooms were flooded by heavy rain. refugees say they will get through the winter as best they can, but the cold season has only just begun. >> now to some lighter fare, nominations have been announced for the golden globes. the u.s. film prizes decided by hollywood's foreign press association. two films lead with seven nominations each -- con artist caper "american hustle" -- >> and "12 years a slave," that accounted one of the most difficult periods in american history. michael fassbender is up against another german who places a racing car driver in the formula
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one drama "rush." still ahead, the eu votes to protect taxpayers from ever having to bail out eggs again. >> plus slovenia tries to avoid a european bailout at >> welcome back to the "journal ." europe's taxpayers should never have to write a check to bail out banks again. but that's the promise from european leaders. they are set to create legislation to overhaul how troubled banks are bailed out. >> the deal is not without critics, who claim it puts bondholders in the line of fire. >> in the future, major eurozone banks will have to set aside large blocks of capital. if they get into trouble, shareholders and bondholders would be first at the plate. the eu financial commissioner said taxpayers are no longer in
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the front line to pay for banks mistakes. banks will have to put money aside for rainy days. in the so-called bail in process, shareholders and bondholders will have to bear at least 8% of the liabilities. only then will national crisis funds step in. those would be transferred to a common eurozone resolution fund over 10 years. the finance ministers agreed that the resolution fund will be up to 55 billion euros. the ministers will present this compromise to the du summit next week. if approved, the new regulations will come into effect at the beginning of 2016. >> with eu policymakers paving the way for new banking rules, what are traders making of the deal? we have this report from the frankfurt stock exchange. >> the news from brussels has
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been good news. they will not have to pay for collapsing banks and other countries for the next 10 years, but what if the national rescue funds are too small? there would be a crisis. this would bring taxpayers from all over europe back into the game. the market would've for new economic data from the u.s.. unemployment has been higher than expected, which has been taken is good news because as long as the unemployment stays high in the u.s., the federal reserve will keep money cheap and easy. >> let's have a look now at how markets traded on thursday. in frankfurt, the dax was down over .5%. the euro stoxx 50 also down .65% . across the atlantic, the dow jones also down, currently
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trading at 18 775, and the euro trading at $1.3740. slovenia says thanks but no thanks to a european bailout land for its embattled banking sector and decides to take matters into its own hands. >> the country decided to go in alone and capitalize its troubled banks rather than rely on outside assistance at comes with stringent conditions. >> but it will have to find four point 2 billion euros to plug holes in the national banks' balance sheets. >> slovenia's banks have billions of euros of that debt on their books, most of it issued during the country's boom years from the 1990's three 2008. then the crisis hit. now when the country's three largest state owned banks need a bailout to stay a float -- stay afloat. slovenia's by minister brought the good news to brussels.
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her government should be able to fund the bailout itself. the eu welcomed that. >> this is good news and demonstrates the paramount importance of decisive action by authorities and the fact that overall economic recovery of the eurozone is now solidly under way. >> the european commission is supporting slovenia's plans to set up a so-called bad and, which would take about 4.5 billion euros of the bad loans. that is both -- central to reestablishing trust in the system. the country's economy would be on a steady path to recovery. >> germany's chemicals industry has been holding its annual conference. it is a bellwether industry. if chemicals are booming, the vest is sure to follow. >> this year, the sector does not seem to be optimistic about the outlook, even though in the past year, it did export chemicals worth 165 alien euros. >> chemicals are needed in most branches of german industry, rum agriculture to medicine.
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the sector is the third most important in the country, but it has suffered from a drop in prices and lower worldwide demand. this year, chemical sales rose five point five percent. expectations are slightly higher for 2014. >> we don't really expect a huge recovery. the emerging markets, asia, latin america, are not strong enough or that. growth will continue to be slow in europe. we expected better year, but not much better. >> there is also little optimism about growth in china or the u.s. american customers are not expected to order more. products tend to be cheaper in the u.s. because energy costs are lower there than in europe. the german chemicals branch is struggling to hold on to its prices. >> that's always the crucial question. we hope that prices will rise, but we fear they could drop slightly. the forecast is thus we will
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have a slight increase in turnover in terms of quantity and prices. >> chemical sales are predicted to gain 1.5% to 191 billion euros next year. >> mexico's heated debate over privatizing its oil sector extended into a second day after the lower house gave approval to legislation to end the 75-year state oil monopoly. >> opponents of this bill say it will end national control over the country's oil and gas resources and pave the way for profiteering by multinationals. >> despite protests, mexico said it has passed energy reform legislation. among those opposing the new law is the left-wing prd, who fears that if the state owned oil company is exposed to competition, the icon of national sovereignty will not survive.
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>> we want to warn all private, national, and, above all, transnational companies that want to come and invest in next the code in order to take the profits off mexican petroleum to think again. >> the senate passed the bill with a clear majority and sent it on to the house of deputies. >> we've legislated on energy reform that will undoubtedly bring benefits to mexicans. we've legislated and great seriousness and great passion. it was colorful at times. >> until now, state-run pemex had a monopoly in mexico. it's one of the worlds biggest oil companies, but recently, they have been investing less, and production has declined. under the new law, more oil would likely low from mexican wells again.
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opponents are hoping to bring the issue to a referendum, a last-ish effort to stop the energy market reform -- a last ditch effort to stop the energy market reform. >> two men from across the divide are holding out hope or the future. >> a christian pastor and a muslim imam believe peace is possible and have opened an interdenominational center to prove so. >> they have just received a german afrika prize for their efforts. >> imam mohammed and pastor james used to incite their congregations to fight each other because they represented different religions. today, they remember the victims of the conflict on what is known as peace island. >> this is a place where unfortunately the first victims were killed. this is the spot.
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this is where we plant the seed of peace. >> eggplant member it's the crisis sparked by the introduction of islamist law. more than 200 people were killed in the violence that erupt it. two members of the imam's family were killed. the pastor lost part of his arm. >> this also helps me remember my hand that i lost in the fight trying to say i was defending my faith, which was out of anger, which we used to say if you do not change, your anger can destroy you. >> there is a climate of fear. the mosques in mainly christian districts have been set on fire. churches in muslim areas have been destroyed.
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the city looks like a fortress, but the police play down the situation. >> our situation here, and a lot of groups have come around. >> they have founded one such organization. their painful experience has moved them to set up the interface mediation center. >> i think the biggest challenge we face is rigging the roles -- breaking the walls. this engraved deep within the social cycle of our society. >> together with their coworkers, they want to show that reconciliation is possible, even in a country where tensions between religious communities run so high. >> it took me quite a while to
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process my pants, to deprogram myself of the hate that i have. i don't feel it is easy to forget. the solution to move forward in life is to let go of the pains and the injuries perceived to have been done to somebody. >> the former enemies are now more than just colleagues. after work on the they often eat together. they travel to crisis areas to mediate a tween enemy groups. they sometimes share the same hotel room. the only thing the pastor cannot accept is that the imam calls him junior, even though he is only six months older. >> that is all for now. thanks so much for joining us. >> stay with dw. captioned by the national captioning institute
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>> ukraine's deputy prime minister says his country will sign the trade agreement with the aeu. and the red carpet treatment in brazil. the latest on a potentially lucrative resident from the french president -- lucrative visit from the french president and his entourage. and the crime filled "american among those nominated for a golden globe. you are watching
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