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tv   Journal  LINKTV  December 26, 2013 2:00pm-2:31pm PST

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testing testing hello hello
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>> well, it was a surprise visit with very predictable consequences. japan's prime minister paid his at a war shrine -- paid his respects at a war shrine. >> china and south korea slammed the premier's visit, calling it a provocation. many of japan's neighbors view the shrine as a symbol of japan's past military aggression. shinzo abe is the first to visit the shrine and seven years. >> some symbolic steps in the heart of tokyo. japanese prime minister shinzo abe approaches the shrine. he said his visit was to remember his country's war dead and not aimed at hurting the ealing's of other nations. -- hurting the feelings of other nations. >> i pray for peace for the souls of all the people whose lives were taken by the war. also, i made a vow to renounce war, and it has made me more
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determined to make sure we live in an era where people's lives are not engulfed in pain by the misery of war. >> despite his comments, there was a swift response from countries that suffered under japanese occupation during the second world war, like south korea. >> it's not very convincing, when he says he is open to dialogue at the same time makes a visit to the shrine. we need to look at who exactly is creating obstacles to dialogue and stability in the region. >> there was also a sharp reaction from china. beijing summoned the japanese ambassador to voice its anger. >> the visit has jeopardized the political foundation of the china-japan relationship and created new obstacles to improving and developing bilateral ties. japan bears full responsibility for the consequences. >> the visit comes as relations
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with china are already tense. in recent weeks, and ongoing row has again flared up between the nations over disputed islands. it's the first time an incumbent japanese prime minister has visited the controversial shrine since 2006. >> earlier, we talked to our correspondent in tokyo and asked what kind of message they -- what kind of message aid -- what kind of message abe was trying to send. >> he is trying to show supporters and right wing conservatives that he is a strong, decisive leader, who is keeping his promise and that he will not back down to china over the island dispute in the south china sea.+ at the same time, he is also taking a stand against war, and that is in line with the emperor's comments a couple of days ago. he really made a point of saying that japan should never wage war again and that he really has no intention of hurting feelings in
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china or south korea, but other countries are not seeing it that way. they say that it is a provocation and it is insulting to them, and there is really no need or this right now. >> we heard how angry china and south korea are with this visit, but how damaging could this move before japan's ties with neighbors? >> it is potentially very damaging because the stakes are already quite high. you had u.s., japanese, and chinese, planes and ships challenging each other around the disputed islands in the south china sea. and also a very young leader in north korea who just executed his uncle. there is concern that the visit could add fuel to this fire. the united states saying today they are disappointed that japan's leaders had taken an action that will increase tensions in the region, and japanese are also worried about a backlash against them in
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china. in the past, chinese leaders have used incidents like this to allow people to riot against japanese and destroy their shops and restaurants and car dealerships in china. we are waiting to see how the chinese will react to this and south koreans as well. >> thanks for joining us from tokyo. tyler's electoral commission has called for upcoming polls to be delayed as street battles continue between security forces and protesters. on thursday, a police officer was killed, and around 100 people were injured. >> the country's to petey prime minister criticized the violence, saying it could not be called a peaceful protest -- the country's npd prime minister. -- the country's deputy prime minister. >> egyptian police have arrested at least 18 members of the muslim brotherhood a day after the government granted the group
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a terrorist organization. >> egypt's interim government blames the muslim brotherhood for attacks across the country. on thursday, a bomb on a city bus in cairo left 500 people injured. police defused a second bomb stuck to a nearby billboard. turkey's prime minister says he believes he's the target of the big corruption probe that has rocked ankara in recent days. >> he was forced to reshuffle his cabinet wednesday after three ministers resigned in connection with the inquiry. the scandal has highlighted deep divisions in the government as the pressure on the premier grows. >> the prime minister presented his new cabinet -- 10 of 26 ministers are new, all loyalist allies. the reshuffle comes during the biggest challenge yet to the premier's grip on power. police have launched a money laundering and bribery probe against high-level officials and
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businessmen. he believes the investigation is orchestrated by his archrival. the muslim cleric lives in the u.s. but remains a major force in turkey. >> we have two choices -- either the a k party or the movement, but we want a third choice. we know there's a power struggle going on, but we do not want to be part of it. >> the prime minister has to take to the inquiry as a plot against him. he has already purged more than two dozen high-ranking police officials in the investigation. he says the movement has infiltrated the police and the judiciary. >> the reason our party has been successful and has been ruling the country for 11 years is our honesty, our commitment to the country, and our determination to fight against corruption.
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the ak party does not overlook or tolerate corruption. if it did, it would lose its reason to exist. >> the scandal has reignited antigovernment street test. popular support is eroding. >> the political turmoil in turkey is taking its toll on the economy. the lira has hit an all-time low against the dollar. >> i will have a report on that for you a bit later in the show, but first, israel says it is getting set to announce plans to build a new jewish edelman -- settlements, rather, at the same time as it frees a third round of palestinian prisoners. >> the planned release of 26 inmates on sunday as part of a u.s.-brokered peace process, which calls on the sides to negotiate for nine months, but the palestinians warned resch settlement building could destroy already fragile peace talks. here's more -- fresh settlement
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building could destroy already fragile peace talks. here's more. >> under the peace plan brokered by u.s. secretary of state john kerry, the freedom of more than 100 inmates in or waves is meant to bolster trust join the two sides, but at the same time as the two previous releases, israel has announced lance to build new jewish homes on land the palestinians say is theirs. the israeli defense minister says it is israel's right to build according to their understandings and agreements with the americans. the settlement plans have vocal opponents. >> what is clear to the international community and to many israelis and to the palestinians is not clear to netanyahu -- building and promoting of settlements is devastating for the two-state solution and counterproductive. >> a palestinians boatman said the settlements were illegal under international law and a deliberate attempt to torpedo peace talks. >> the activities were not in
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line with efforts to reach piece. these activities are looking for the failure of the american efforts. >> israel seems determined to press ahead with settlement building. previous peace talks ran aground on the same issue in 2010. >> the united nations says a batch of military reinforcements and equipment should be on the ground in south sudan and audio hours. the security council approved a plan on tuesday to double the human peacekeeping force in the country and not a moment too soon. >> there are fears that well over 1000 people have been killed in a little over a week of fighting between rival groups. this all comes as south sudan's neighbors work toward a diplomatic solution to the crisis. african mediators tried to broker a peace deal on thursday. >> the ethiopian prime minister says words, not weapons, can resolve south sudan's sectarian conflict. he met with the south sudanese president and the kenyan
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president for peace talks. ethiopia's foreign minister called the meeting constructive and candid. >> leaders have also underlined the means to remove democratically elected government, should be condemned, and they have condemned that. and any solution to this crisis should be through political dialogue. >> his rival, the former vice president, remains in hiding, although on monday, he told international media that he is open to negotiations. violent territorial struggles continue across the country with the government regaining control of two key towns. it also announced it is preparing to retake capital of
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rebel-held unity state. people say the rebel forces carried out mass ethnic killings while they control the town. >> the difference between life and death for people in this town was everything. we were actually traumatized by seeing a good deal of the population, our people suffering from the hands of the people. >> amid all the uncertainty, nine healthy babies have been born over the past few days in relative safety. >> one of the 30 greenpeace activists arrested by russia has now left the country on a train from st. petersburg to helsinki. so far, 14 of the activists have received exit visas. >> the others are expected to be cleared to leave by friday. the environment list -- the environmentalists work rescued. they have been facing up to seven years in prison until russia formally dropped criminal charges under amnesty. >> sports can be an important
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tool for social and economic change. that is certainly the message that drives this german football coach who is living and working in namibia. >> he is also one of the people in the running for the title of football ambassador for 2014. we sat down with him and found out why. take a look. >> this is namibia, where this german football coach has lived for the past four years. it's a country of stark contrast . in many places, scenes of hunger and poverty. in others, prosperity and european culture. his role as technical director of the namibian football association is not only about promoting the sport among them -- men and women but also improving the quality of life here. >> we've taken girls off the street and through our project managed to get them into school. it's not just about football. there's a whole educational
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aspect to it. it's a key part. >> he has close ties to the west alien soccer association in germany. they helped build this hospital in the namibian capital. it houses eight women and girls, and it offers them a better life. the project has earned him huge admiration. now his work has gained him new recognition. he has been nominated as german football ambassador of 2014 in honor of his humanitarian efforts abroad. he wants to use football to bring people together. >> racism is everywhere. there are racists in germany, too, but people have to be able to live with each other. my main hope is for the young people who go to school together, who do sports together, who are not as set in their ways as older people. >> he shows that in namibia and elsewhere, football really can
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achieve change. >> coming up, armed groups roam the streets of a libyan capital. we look at the struggles facing triple he -- tripoli. >> >> welcome back. in libya, the afterglow of the arab spring has faded into a complete breakdown of law and order. >> militias run the streets of the capital, carving out and ruling over their own little fiefdoms as they see fit. >> recently, deadly clashes broke out between armed groups and residents. ordinary libyans have had enough. >> it's a difficult time for tripoli's mayor. he is facing all kinds of problems on a range of fronts. a policeman on patrol in gauges him in conversation. he wants to complain about the deteriorating security situation
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, tripoli's biggest problem. he says no one respects the police, and the crisis is getting worse. his next task is to sign off on compensation payments for people whose homes were destroyed in the country's civil war. it is an important step towards restoring normality. >> we have a high percentage of unemployment. >> jubilation at the demise of the former leader has long faded. routine has returned, which means queuing for long periods to get fuel, a scarce commodity these days and tripoli. >> there is supposed to be petrol here, but we've been waiting for hours. >> the police have no control over this gas station. militiamen decide who can fill up their tank and who cannot. >> we are the militia in this area, and we are trying to protect residents and smooth out disputes.
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some people push and shove. i just turned up with cancer. we hope the petrol crisis will soon be over. we do our best, but tensions arise. >> that's also true for relations between various militia groups. the state has lost all control of them. some routinely kidnap their rivals and run secret prisons. >> they created real parallel structures to the police and the army that are also stronger than the state institutions, stronger than the police and the military , and the militias are, of course, armed to the teeth. >> on november 15, furious residents demonstrated against the militias, demanding they leave the city. suddenly, militiamen opened fire on the crowd. 47 people were killed, and hundreds more wounded.
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we meet a colonel in the libyan army who says the military received no orders to protect the demonstrators. >> i was sad when i heard some of my countrymen have been killed there. they were young people who had taken part in the revolution in libya. >> the libyan army is trying to win back control by setting up check points. but it lacks young soldiers. the pay is just read hundred euros a month -- too little to provide for a young family. without new recruits, the libyan army cannot gain the strength it needs to disarm the militias. >> we need time to gather all the weapons again. it could take five or six years for us to regain control of things. >> peace will not return to
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libya until the army regains authority, and that is unlikely to be any time soon. >> all right, we turn our attention now to another arab country mired in conflict -- serious -- urea -- syria. one man who saw the heartbreak and bloodshed unfolding in the international headlines felt compelled to help. he makes people laugh or a living. the german standup comedian decided to raise money for syrians under siege. >> the papers are signed, and the donation is ready. these firetrucks serve a small bavarian town, but now, they belong to this comedian and activist, who plans to take them to aleppo, the flashpoint of syria's civil war. >> they are ready to hand over. yes, it will look at the different. we still nee instructions in arabic.
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>> two years ago, christian springer founded an aid organization. he has launched several relief organizations. now he is focusing on firetrucks. >> when we took an aid convo a lego, the mayor asked me if i would come back. they have 4 million people in the city and fires from air raids destroyed homes, but they could not help the bull because there were only two working firetrucks, so i promised i would come back and bring one. >> he has now collected seven fire engines, the result of tirelessly writing to politicians and celebrities. in bavaria, he is well-known as a successful standup comedian. he is on age almost every weekend. politicians, elections, car tolls, jokes about the annoyances of everyday life in bavaria are a our cry from the
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troubles faced by people caught up in the serbian conflict. but the 48-year-old also uses the stage to get a serious message, and he asks his audience is for donations. >> help these people, whether through my organization or another. >> it's a message that resonates with the audience. springer assures them that all donations will actually go to the victims of war. his aid organization has or teen members, all of whom are volunteers. whenever possible, he delivers the supplies personally, like here in october at a refugee camp in lebanon. he has a connection to the middle east -- he speaks arabic, and he has friends in the region. he was especially affected by the flight of the syrian refugees -- the plight of the
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syrian refugees. stranded syrians in lebanon are the hardest hit, he says, so his quick tries to get them at least the basic necessities, something it is not always able to do. >> the medical care is very poor . i walked through hospitals and saw 100, 200 cases, and in the car, someone asked, "who are you going to help now?" my money is enough for 10, maybe 20 operations, but not for 100 or 200. operation. we have to rely on doctors who have to save quite pragmatically, "we won't help those who have no chance of survival anyway but operate on those who might have a chance to her cup >> springer and his assistants have collected thousands of bags of soft toys, medicines, and clothing. he says politicians have left refugees in the lurch. that's why he felt forced to
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act. the next load of supplies is going to aleppo in convoy with the firetrucks. it's a long and dangerous journey, but the volunteers expect to be in aleppo by the end of the year. >> let's switch gears now and take a look at some business news. the german economy is looking bullish, trading on the frankfurt stock exchange at record highs, and economists expect 2014 to bring more of the change. >> that's right. the cologne institute for economic research says the financial outlook is good. the economy is expected to continue growing. >> germany's engineering sector is now booming, so much so that some companies are having a hard time keeping up with orders. compared to other industries, and generic got off to a relatively slow start in 2013, but expected revenues of some 200 billion euros make for a rosy forecast of 2014 -- engineering got off to a relatively slow start in 2013.
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70% of german companies asked say they expected revenues to increase in 2014. 20% predict no change, while only eight percent forecast a decline. the industries feeling the pinch include mining, energy and water providers, mineral oil processing companies, and the financial sector. >> and a lot of the markets stayed closed following the christmas holiday, but in new york, wall street is back in action. the dow is currently trading up. the euro is also a take up, trading at $1.3691. as we mentioned earlier, the turkish prime minister's government has been feeling the heat this week. >> a probe into government corruption has resulted in scores of arrests. among them,) allies and all the political uncertainty is having a negative effect on the economy. >> istanbul stocks have been falling steadily since the first arrests. on thursday, they lost another
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two percent despite the cabinet reshuffle. foreign investors are beginning to unwind their positions in turkey's banks and construction companies or anything else that could be tainted by the corruption scandal. the country's currency hit an all-time low on thursday. though it has been tumbling for much longer. it has lost over 18% against the euro this year. once touted as a tiger during its heyday, turkey's economy is now faltering. like many emerging economies, the country benefited from the flow of cheap money the u.s. federal reserve was pumping into markets. now the u.s. federal reserve has begun to c back its stimulus. turkey is reliant on those currency inflows, though, because the country imports far more than it exports. it is dependent on oil imports and has a huge current account deficit. the latest political upheavals are only making matters worse. as they cause even more foreign
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investors to pull out. >> as christmas this year comes to a close, pope francis has announced the violence and discrimination against christians all over the world -- pope francis has denounced highlands and discrimination against christians all over the world. >> the pontiff asked for a moment of silence to think the persecuted christians around the world. he appealed for freedom of religion to be more fully realized. that is all we have time for, but you can head to our website. that's, for all the latest news and information. >> thanks for watching. captioned by the national captioning institute
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theressure is mounting on turkish prime minister amid a widespread corruption scandal. police are accused of blocking the investigation. .e was accused of complicity was named as part of the investigation. good evening. what is the latest you can tell us? >>


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