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tv   France 24 AM News  LINKTV  February 17, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PST

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>> the force of gravity was strong last night in the baftsas , six prizes, but unflinching drama "12 years a slave" that took the top prize last night at the british movie awards. libya is marking the third anniversary of the revolution that toppled moammar qaddafi, of both political and security issues on the ground have left many with very little urge to celebrate. we will take stock of the situation with former british ambassador to libya. you, let's head to italy where the president has just asked 39-year-old matteo renzi to form a new government.
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that puts them on track to be the youngest prime minister in the country's history. renzi is already the democratic party leader and he has been remover -- numeral -- maneuvering to replace enrico letta for months now. here is what he had to say. >> the president has given me the task of trying to form a new government. i accept it, as you know, in full knowledge of the responsibility and the importance of the challenge. thanked the president and assured him that in these difficult circumstances, he will have the utmost of my and our energy and commitment. >> now that renzi has been confirmed, the hard work at about to begin. he actually has to form that government and make it stick. our rome correspondent explains.
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>> the president has handed that mandate over to matteo renzi to form the next government. though now, he is the prime minister in waiting, if you like. what happens next is that he really has to begin those consultations with the various groups of people, particularly he party of angelina alfano, leads the new center-right party, the smaller party that was part of the left-right coalition led by the former prime minister enrico letta and he needsa his support. not a given, we want to see the program renzi is supposed to bring forward. if the policies are too left-leaning, he says, they are not going to go for that. we will have to see what happens but as far as we know, alfano's party really does not have that ish public support so there an incentive to support renzi's program. in terms of the timetable, media reports say they expect him to
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perhaps be sworn in either wednesday or thursday and then there will be that vote of confidence in both the lower house as well as in the senate for it to move forward. the passengers on board the hijacked ethiopian airlines flight are all safe and sound. that plane bound for rome was to geneva's international airport by the plane's copilot who was reportedly trying to seek asylum in switzerland. the copilot is now in police custody. a passengers and crew walks -- walk safely off the plane at geneva airport with their hands in the air after a brief hijacking drama. the boeing this october half past -- half past midnight local time and was set to land in rome sudan0 but somewhere over the copilot reportedly took controlled children diverted it to geneva, finally landing after
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a couple of hours circling with a military escort. >> at 10 past six, the copilot climbed out of the cut it, down the road, and handed himself down -- into police who were surrounding the plane. he announced he was the hijacker. he explained he had prepared his action before the flight and shut himself in the cockpit while the pilot went to the toilet. recordings online. to show them asking for asylum in switzerland. none of the 222 passengers was injured or threatened to ethiopian airlines says it will do its best to get them to rome as soon as possible after the dramatic rerouting. geneva airport had to be closed for a couple of hours, but flights are now getting back to normal. of venezuelaent has expelled three u.s. diplomats. nicolas maduro is accusing them of working with opposition to overthrow his government. his order came just as a fugitive opposition leader
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leopoldo lopez resurfaced calling for another mass rally, challenging the government to try to arrest him. michelle ferguson has details. >> promoting efforts to destabilize venezuela, the accusation leveled at washington as president nicolas maduro announced plans to expel three u.s. consular officials. facing the biggest protest of his 10-month-old president -- presidency, he focused on what he felt with that to sovereignty >> >> from the outside. venezuela we are expected to go to the ultimate consequences, in defense of our peace, independence, and democracy. >> u.s. secretary of state john kerry expressed deep concern about an arrest warrant for opposition leader lopez. police searched his home but failed to locate him. hasn't posted a video on his twitter -- he has since posted a
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video on his twitter account saying he had nothing to fear and will join them in protest tuesday. >> they said they want to arrest me. i will be out there showing my face. i have nothing to fear. i have committed no crime. >> in the meantime he called on the mostly student demonstrators to continue rallying. many angered by rising inflation, crying, -- crime, and the death of some antigovernment protesters, have thou to do so until nicolas maduro presents. >> in japan farmers breached their arcade in front of the prime minister's temporary office, angry over slow payments from a controversial rice pledging scheme. the farmers from nearly 20 provinces trampled razor wires and shoved soldiers who were guarded compound of shinawatra's office, demanding they meet him and that she meet them in person. asylumum system -- seekers have broken out of an australian immigration detention
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on top of new guinea's island. they were quickly rounded up by security but several people were hurt in the process. tensions have been on the rise about their fate under hard-line policies. under a scheme aimed at deterring people smugglers, any asylum seeker arriving by boat or intercepted at sea is transferred to manas or narrow for processing and permanent resettlement outside of australia. ukraine, authorities say they will drop charges against opposition activist arrested since the protests began three months ago. that promise of amnesty is part of a deal against the protesters leaving key of's occupied city hall. kiev has been in political turmoil ever since the president turned his back on a key you trade deal in favor of russia -- key eu trade deal in favor of russia. the government said it will drop the charges against the detained protesters but what has happened really? has it indeed happened? >> know, for the moment the
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charges have not been dropped. the public prosecutor said yesterday evening he was satisfied that the protesters have met the conditions necessary for this long to come into force and for the charges to be dropped but it would take a certain amount of time. and that is not with the protesters thought was going to happen yesterday when they left kiev city hall. they were expecting from him -- one moment to the next an announcement to be made that all charges have been dropped. now they are feeling rather disappointed. whether or not it was a misunderstanding in the first place or whether or not it is another bit of ms. just -- this just from prosecutors, i guess you view depends on what side you're on. one reason why the protesters are all the more disappointed the charges are not simply dropped against these demonstrators -- many of home, i should stress, they believe are completely innocent -- why they were not dropped immediately was disappointing all the more because charges were dropped against the head of the kiev city administration and other officials on the number of
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policemen who have also been , ofsed of misbehavior committing crimes during the violence that took place. so the people on the government side have seen the charges dropped against them without much further ado while the protesters still have to wait. feeling like from the protesters there who are still out on the streets. is it a step in the right direction or do they think it is just more talk? well, first of all, it is important to stress it is only really -- quite a small concession made by protesters, only about 100 still left occupying kiev city hall. the streets where the classes have taken place are open to traffic. but the main area of independence whereas the other buildings on independence square are still occupied. protesters are questioning the strategy, why the opposition leaders decided it would be a good idea to make these concessions because they simply don't think the authorities can be trusted. the argument is being made, though, that it was necessary to
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show foreign partners, the eu and the united states, that opposition is willing to make compromises. >> thanks for that. reporting from kiev. france, president francois hollande is continuing his charm offensive to your foreign investors to the country. counseld attractiveness -- a so-called attractiveness counsel met today just a few days after the french president got back from another pr trip to silicon valley. as explained, it is all about jobs. >> hollande is continuing to charm offensive. the head of 30 companies, including siemens, volvo, and ge, are at the palace for what is called the council of attractiveness. the companies invited have combined annual revenues of 850 billion euros in the president is hoping he can convince them to invest more in france. >> there are 20,000 foreign
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companies in france. they employ over 2 million workers. and this accounts for 30% of our annual exports. on sunday evening, the company had met with the french prime minister. the government is trying hard to improve its image, an image marred by one of europe's highest labor costs and a reputation for government interference in business deals, like preventing yahoo!'s takeover of dailymotion. currently 75% of foreign companies president -- present in france are from europe, 20% from the united states and the remaining from canada, japan, and emerging markets. the objective of the council is to increase levels of -- for best foreign investment by 40% of the next few years, with the company set up in france each year. in an effort to make it happen, the president is expected to offer fast-track visas and simplify customs procedures. >> of the awards season in hollywood wraps up with the oscars just two weeks from now but last night all eyes were on london.
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that is where the annual british don't awards also known as bass the and -- baftas were held, and "gravity" was the biggest winner with six awards but the drama "12 years a slave" took the top honors. 21 million people in slavery as we sit here. when he one million people. 21 million people. i just hope 150 years from now i'll ambivalence will not -- allow another filmmaker to make this film. >> i want to start with steve mcqueen. thank you. work,you for your artistry, your passion in this project. you really just brought us all through it. thank you for this. this is yours, by the way did i know that, you know that. i'm going to keep it. [laughter]
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but it is yours. >> time to take a look at the headlines this hour. a new prime minister has been named in italy and he is the youngest ever in the country's history. the nine-year-old matteo renzi, who takes -- 20 -- 39-year-old matteo renzi after a part or -- power grab in his own party. the hijacker that forced a plane to land in geneva has been arrested. the suspects, the copilot, was trying to seek asylum in switzerland. compromise ins of ukraine. authorities say they will drop charges against protesters arrested since the antigovernment unrest began. this is after -- after the activists and their occupation of kiev city hall. it has been exactly three years now since a band protesters in benghazi were shot at by libyan security forces. at a marked the beginning of the revolution in libya that eventually top it -- toppled
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muammar gaddafi. thousands of people gathered last night to celebrate the evil of the anniversary with fireworks, but for many in libya, there is not that much to celebrate. the situation there three years on is the subject of today's inside look. sky and the in the explosions of joy in the street. thousands of libyans gather in tripoli to celebrate the third anniversary of the revolution that brought down moammar gadhafi. those that do some celebrating were too young to remember life under the dictator. today i am happy in my heart and in my soul. it reminds me of the moment of our liberation, a historic moment in this nation that will be written in history for the coming generations. >> today my happiness is indescribable. great joy. what can i say? i think i am going to fly with joy.
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i hope our country will be united together and may god protect all libyans. >> anti-gadhafi protest first started in the eastern city of benghazi in february 2011, and later a u.n. approved coalition led by france, britain, and the u.s. launched an offensive against qaddafi's forces. in october the same year, gadhafi was captured and killed by rebels and libyans to the streets to celebrate the end of his 42 year rule. but lawlessness and political instability still reign in the north african country. libya's leaders insist progress is being made. >> i want to tell the libyan people that they can be proud of what they have accomplished. libyans have managed to start from zero and create a state. >> leftover rep -- weapons from the revolution circulate, crime
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on the rise in the united nations says is is concerned about the course the country is taking. this --more on >> for more on this i'm joined by specialist and former british ambassador to libya, oliver miles. i get for joining us. what are your thoughts? we just heard the u.n. says it is concerned about the course libya has taken since the overthrow of qaddafi but libya's leaders are insisting progress has been made. do you agree? has progress been made there in the last three years? .> yes, i do agree i am an enthusiast for the libyan revolution. i think it was a very happy event. i think the libyans have every right to feel proud of what they achieved in the getting rid of and setting up the beginnings of a structure of a democratic system. since then, power has changed hands, i think twice, different leaders have taken over peacefully. adue legal in the past few months they seem to have lost momentum.
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problem now is that the government is extremely weak. it doesn't seem to be able to face up to the serious problems that are around. it has not collapsed. it is not a failed state. but it is very weak. to gettingthe answer some handle back on the state of affairs in libya? armedare hundreds of militias still roaming the country unimpeded today. what can be done to get the control back on the security situation? the securityink situation has got to follow from politics. the first thing to do is to get a solid structure in place for government. on they are making a start that again. they seem to have lost momentum, as i said. is to beursday there an election, at last, of the vitally important committee of the general national congress which is to draw up a constitution. they have 120 days to do that.
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that is what they need. they need to have the central authority established. it was sketched out. the first steps have been taken but then they lost momentum. if they are capable of doing that, the security problems will begin to fall into place. talk not quite right to about militias roaming the country. it makes it sound like it is the wild west. life in most of libya, in tripoli, and many other parts of the country, is normal and life here -- now is much better than under qaddafi. >> yet there are reports of gun battles almost everyday outside tripoli. the prime minister himself was briefly kidnapped. it does not sound like a state that is doing quite well. >> no, it is not doing well. like i said, it is extremely weak. general whoretired spent 20 years in america during the gaddafi period actually announced a coup d'état last week. there was a rather good tweet on the subject doing the subject going around in libya saying
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that it had its sunny side because we have a coup d'état but no army to carry it out and there is no army to end it. life goes on. that is what it said. and i think it is to get >> yet there are all these weapons are still present on the ground, left over from muammar gaddafi's militias for three years ago. what can be done to round up those weapons to control this continuing violence which indeed is still happening? ,> it is a difficult problem and it is causing problems not only in libya but outside libya because the vast accumulation of arms that qaddafi made during his 40-odd years in power have been not properly protected and they have fallen in all kinds of different hands. but a lot of those have been destroyed and more are being destroyed. is the central government with an army which will be able to tackle the problem seriously and get the
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people in the militias either to join the army or to hand over their arms. the processes going on. there are now, i believe, something on the order of 20 thousand soldiers being trained outside libya to form a new army. but it is slow. and it is lower than it should be. have saidbeen, as i repeatedly, a loss of momentum. that is the problem, as i see it. >> what about the members of muammar gaddafi's former government? some reports are they are reportedly starting their own political movement aimed at more radical change in the country. could that movement can -- movement succeed? could there be a return of qaddafi's men? >> i don't think so. i think it is very unlikely. it is true that there are some former supporters of qaddafi who have not completely been eliminated or removed, but they have no leadership. i don't think they have any chance a reimposing their rule. the problem is rather the other way around. nobody in libya once a strong
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ruler under the qaddafi pattern but they must have a government which is strong enough to deal with their problems, and that is the dilemma they have not yet solved. >> aggie so much for that for -- thank you so much for taking time to speak to us, for men and vast -- former ambassador to libya, talking about the state of the country three years after -- three years after the revolution. the latest from the sochi winter olympics coming up in sport, but first, a very warm homecoming for a french athlete who reach record-breaking new height in the polevault. >> 24 hours after breaking the indoor polevault world record, lavillenie got a warm welcome back in france. he beat a market that stood almost anyone years. his achievement still has not sunk in. >> i am happy. ofis a moment incomprehension because i am
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just not aware of what is happening really. i still can't realize it. i'm trying to tell myself it is real, like a dream. >> i can't say it is good. i did six meters 16 and now i can think about other things. i want to jump higher. i want to push myself and expand my aims. calls that desire lavillenie to cut his ankle and as a result he could mix -- missed next month indoor championship in poland but for now he is enjoying the moment. is going to be worse than that, but the price of fame. it makes me happy to see the sort of reaction and it is better to be this way rather than them -- throwing tomatoes are rocks at me. lavillenie who is yet to win
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the world title competing for several more years and is determined to defend his olympic crown. >> the ideal long-term is to win a second olympic gold medal in rio in 2016. i am not finished. i am 27 years old. there was -- he had a record of 31. that is four years ahead of me. >> the frenchman will hope to better a record of six .41 meters. the second metal of the sochi winter olympics, gold in the men's super g, continuing his scandinavian nations best of one domination. destination's domination. >> cross-country, sweden secured second relay gold in two days the women's four by five and on
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sunday, four by 10, comprehensive victory. hellner finishing 27.3 seconds ahead of his russian opponent. in theepublic took gold women's snowboarding cross -- czech republic. samkova wins the czech republic's first gold medal in sochi. marseille, a win to move to fourth place. just one other match in france on sunday. final draw,er --chester city against
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advances that sheffield advanced at the expense of nottingham forest. to respond to the disappointing formants we had against liverpool last week. we had an opportunity to go to the quarterfinals of the fa cup . and i am very pleased with the intensity of our commitment and our response, our determination. you can feel like it was a clinical desire and my team to take every opportunity, so i think it was a great game between two good teams. lead --thanks to 3-0 victory, awarded a penalty in 12 minutes one someone was brought them in the box.
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norfeld the wrong way. then bad to worse for the visitors as they conceded another penalty just five minutes later. a penalty. could really have no complaints about that decision. once again, no mistake in sucking away the spot kick. the danish international completed his hat trick in the final seven minutes, giving him his 10th goal of the season. 3-0. tennis, tomas berdych first title in 16 months beating marin chillic, the world number seven last title in 2012 -- the only player in the top 10 not to win a title. after taking the first set 6-4, berdych went out early in the
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second with powerful ground strokes. form, whood run of beat andyñagg99ññwçça7guc
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[tuning kamancheh] [playing kamancheh]


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