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tv   Journal  LINKTV  April 4, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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>> this is the journal. >> great to have you with us. coming up in this bulletin, the bounds ahead of afghanistan's election. a prize-winning photojournalist has been shot dead. >> a classified report on torture and the cia post-9/11. the u.s. senate says the world should know the facts. >> many in london still struggle to come to terms with a genocide 20 years ago.
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in afghanistan, violence and murder just hours before voters go to the polls. >> a police commander opened fire on to journalists covering the election. prize-winning german job for shot dead. one is still fighting for her life. >> and the taliban is denying responsibility. if that is the case, that would mark the first insider attack on journalists. >> on your new dream house -- anya and her catholic -- and her canadian colleague were traveling in the east of the country. the convoy they were with was distributing balloting information and had unarmed escort. but armed officers had little chance to react when another policeman manning a checkpoint
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opened fire on the women. anja niedringhaus died at the scene. kathy gannon was taken to a nearby hospital. >> the wounded journalist is 60 years old and in critical condition. our surgical team is providing her with medical aid. fax cap the -- >> kathy gannon's injuries are likely not life-threatening, but for anja niedringhaus, it is too late. >> seeing and coping with that situation is a test you put yourself through. are you created for this? can you take it? that was the most important thing for me, and that is why i never quit. i have noticed i can take it. i can do it.
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anja niedringhaus had the goal of showing the effects of war on everyday lives. she shared a pulitzer prize with her ap photography team. reports say the killer was arrested at the scene. the taliban have carried out numerous attacks, but have denied responsibility for this crime. >> we want to get more now. we are going to cross to our correspondent in kabul. she joins us now. what has been the reaction in afghanistan to this killing? >> the reactions were really disturbing. i spoke to a lot of people who knew anja niedringhaus, and they were in shock. she was a very good photographer. she did brilliant work. since the beginning of 2014, two foreign journalists and three afghan journalists have been killed so far.
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this is very worrisome, especially for the journalists, it also the afghans themselves. >> what do we know about what happened? were these journalists shot at deliberately? some people have said it was a mistake. what do we know? >> i was told she was shot deliberately. the police officer who shot both of the women tried to take revenge for the presence of foreign troops in afghanistan. >> do we know for sure that the shooter was a member of the police force? it was not someone just wearing a uniform? >> we know he was a member of the police. he has been working with the police for a while now. we know his name and where he came from. it is pretty sure that he was a member of the police. >> what is this going to do to trust in security forces in afghanistan? >> right now, the security situation is very worrisome. the streets are empty.
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the journalists i know, the foreign journalists that go outside, they have told me they have been bugged a lot by the police and security forces. you never know who you can really trust. >> our correspondent in kabul, covering the story for us. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> as we said, this deadly attack comes a day before afghans elect a new president. you can follow me on twitter. there is the handle on the screen for you. >> we will have more on that ballot and what it means later in the show. be sure to check out our election coverage online. afghanistan will no doubt be part of the cia report on torture the u.s. senate intelligence committee wants the world to see. >> dianne feinstein has read the
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classified report and says it is shocking and exposes brutality, in stark contrast to the values of the u.s. x the report documents the detention and interrogation program following the 9/11 attacks. >> the content is expected to reignite a debate on how far is too far when getting at the truth. >> this is khalid sheikh mohammed, alleged chief planner of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. to get information about possible co-conspirators, the cia interrogated him in a secret risen in poland. the waterboarded him 183 times, simulated drowning. that is something the justice department revealed years ago. but now the senate intelligence committee report shows how harsh some cia methods were in the struggle against islamist terror. >> the report exposes brutality that stands in stark contrast to our values as a nation.
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it chronicles a stain on our history that must never be allowed to happen again. this is not what americans do. >> the list is long. secret prisons, interrogations without a warrant, terror suspects dumped in ice water before they -- until they talked. after the attacks, the bush administration was apparently willing to take whatever steps it saw necessary. senator feinstein said the u.s. must face up to the past. she said the cia made serious mistakes. but not everyone agrees. many believe these methods saved thousands of american lives. >> let us pull in our washington correspondent, max hoffman. the u.s. president has to sign off on this before the report is declassified. what do you know? is he expected to say yes? >> obama has always opposed so-called enhanced interrogation techniques by the cia.
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he has made it clear he wants to release this executive summary of this report will stop the question is, in one form will it be released? the administration will conduct a review. that includes the cia having a say in what gets released or not. at the very least, what we will have is this executive summary of the report. almost 500 pages. the cia and some republicans made clear which parts of this report they think are actually true and not true. >> people are going to be arguing about its validity. what impact do you think it is going to have on the fight against terrorism? >> we are talking about events that are in the past. the administration of george w. bush. president obama made very sure that nothing like this would happen under his watch in 2009.
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the cia is very much linked to what the admin restriction wants, what the administration thinks. the idea behind this is, the administration tells the cia what it should do and not do. it does not look like this report will change anything in the legislative framework for the cia. it always depends on the administration, which means in theory a future administration could conduct the same kind of policy, but it seems unlikely. after 9/11, many americans realized they are not in the same page with what the cia did, that this was against american values, against american beliefs. is it likely to happen again? is it likely to fall back. >> we have already had that change, as the administration has changed its policy. >> the actions of the united
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states on german soil, coming under scrutiny at the highest political level. >> a parliamentary committee has begun investigating allegations of nsa spying. >> reports the u.s. is using its air force base in germany to coordinate drone operations around the world. >> the use is controversial, as civilians are often mistakenly killed in the strikes. >> brandon bryant left his job with the u.s. army three years ago. he said he wanted to stop helping to kill people. he was connected as a remote drone operator to the u.s. base at einstein. -- at rammstein. >> this is essential in the drone where for -- warfare operations around the world. >> he piloted thousands of missions, all connected by the
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base. internal u.s. air force documents show the path taken by the data. because of the distance the signal traveled from the u.s. to the mission areas in pakistan and yemen. in the korean network linkedin, they said they evaluated live images while working there. what is germany's role? the german government said there was an agreement with the u.s. that armed drone operations would not be commanded him germany -- from germany. they said they know nothing of the data links described. >> we have heard about this story time and again. why is this committee only now getting attacked? >> you mean the nsa story? a has been long-unfolding. this particular aspect of the
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drone warfare being conducted, with germany as a pivotal point, is also not new. it first emerged about a year ago, with reference to drone attacks in somalia, being coordinated through stuttgart, the u.s.-africa command. at the time, the german foreign minister took up the matter with his american counterpart, john kerry, who told him america was not doing anything illegal, but did not give any details. even if the government were to take up this matter again and be hard that the government intends to address this matter with washington, there are unlikely to be any concrete details coming out. >> what did the german government know about this?
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>> when germany joined nato in 1955, it had to adopt the protocol with the nato statute. that meant a kind of surrendering a certain aspects of sovereignty in germany. the german government has virtually no leverage to find out exactly what is going on at the american basis. -- bases. there is widespread condemnation of drone warfare among the german population. we know from polls that among germans it is considered to be thoroughly unethical. perhaps that region, the americans decided not to inform the german government, as it would put them in an embarrassing situation. >> the situation between russia and ukraine remains very dangerous. it remains very tense.
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those are the words of minister hage. >> he says the european union must prepare stronger sanctions against moscow and be prepared to use them if necessary. there is a chance now for diplomatic efforts to bear fruit. the eu can play a role in getting moscow and kiev to talk. >> authorities in the solomon islands say that flash flooding has killed more than a dozen people in what is being described as the country's worst disaster ever. aid workers say the death toll is likely to rise dramatically. >> days of heavy rains have caused the river to overthrow its banks in the capital. entire houses have been washed away. more than 10,000 people, one in seven city residents, have reportedly been made homeless. damage to infrastructure is hampering relief efforts.
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>> coming up, we are going to return to afghanistan, where those presidential elections are taking place tomorrow. taking place tomorrow. >> and afghan police commander has shot dead a high-profile german photographer and critically injured a canadian correspondent. >> they were covering afghanistan's presidential election, which will be on saturday. the taliban vowed to cause chaos at this poll. >> if it goes ahead, it will be the first time in history that power is transferred democratically. >> despite taliban threats to disrupt elections, afghans are still turning out to register to vote will stop in the last presidential poll five years ago, hamid karzai's victory was considered a foregone
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conclusion. now that he cannot run again, many afghans feel their vote could count. >> we want reconciliation in our country. we want a government that fights injustice. and i want everyone to vote. then, there can be no fraud. >> but democracy is weak in afghanistan. this human rights commission is forced to hide behind thick walls. it takes half an hour of security checks to get to the office of the election monitor. she sees the long lines as a good sign. >> they are ready to take risk in order to make the democracy a reality in this country. of course, it is still a very long way to go. but i think it is a good sign. >> most afghans want peace and think the government is corrupt. that is how candidate ashraf g
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hani sees it, although he was a former employee of the world bank. he thinks reconciliation with the taliban could succeed. >> this is a durable peace. if it is rejected, they will be responsible. >> abdullah abdullah was runner-up in the last presidential election. he wants international troops to stay in the country. abdulla says -- abdullah says there is uncertainty because karzai refused to sign a security agreement with the u.s. zalmai rassoul was a close confidant of karzai. despite the range of candidates, mohammed has no plans to vote because he fears there could be repercussions. his mosque received a threatening level -- letter for registering people to vote. >> i had my voter card in my
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pocket, but the taliban have threatened us. if we go to vote, they will burn down my house. >> not far from his village, the taliban gather in front of our camera. the warning is clear. whoever votes puts their life in danger. >> we are not interested in elections. democracy has brought nothing good to our people. that is why we will not allow elections to be held in our country. >> but these threads are not going to determine the afghans, who are determined to vote. they are hoping for a peaceful election day. and a choice that is as free and fair as possible, under the circumstances. >> time for a reality check. john kerry says washington is considering pulling out of its role in monitoring the middle east peace process, with talks on the bring of collapse. >> benjamin netanyahu has asked
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the army to consider retaliatory measures in response to palestinian efforts to sign up internationally for a palestinian state. >> that her promise not to do that as part of john kerry's ground rules for negotiations. and the israelis pledged to release the last of about a thousand palestinian prisoners. >> palestinians clashed with troops in the west bank, angered by israel's decision to halt the scheduled release of prisoners. palestinians say they have made concessions and it is up to israel to show more willingness to compromise. >> we have come a long way. we have come a long way in these negotiations. but i am yet waiting to hear one israeli official to say, i accept the state of palestine will exist on 1963 lines. >> u.s. secretary of state john kerry said washington was running out of patience, with
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israelis and palestinians dragging their heels. >> that never has been an effort. the president said that from the beginning, and i have said that many times, including in the last few days. it is reality check time. we intend to evaluate precisely what the next steps will be. >> the clock is ticking, with an end of the month deadline on whether to continue talks. >> i do not know if you can remember, but i have never been able to get it out of my head. hundreds of thousands of people slaughtered in rome on the 20 years ago. >> and it was simply because of their ethnicity. the world has been remembering the awful events of the genocide on this anniversary. >> something many would rather forget, but something the international community needs to be reminded of. >> even churches offered no
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sanctuary. hutu killers went on a murderous rampage, and the scale of the horror is still hard to grasp today. just as incomprehensible is the way the u.n. possibly -- passively watched the genocide unfold. they warned that foreign in action have made it worse. >> the international community ailed when u.n. peacekeepers were pulled out over wanda in the midst of violence 20 years ago. >> the lessons of history must be learned. that was the message of the debate. and speakers said there must be military intervention when necessary. >> the international community must learn to speak more often with one voice. that is the only way it will be able to help and conflict. the goal of this debate should be to teach us lessons for the
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future. we must be able to say, there will be no more genocide. >> rwanda has been slow to come to terms with what happened. 100 days of official remembrance start on monday, but the country is still far from reconciliation. >> troops being withdrawn from the central african republic after troops in chad opened fire on a crowded market. >> a u.n. spokesperson says the attack in the capital that left 30 civilians dead and another 300 wounded was unprovoked. chad says its troops were fired on first by christian militia. >> demand for german products is on the rise. german industrial orders went up for the fourth consecutive month. >> figures suggest growing momentum in europe's largest economy.
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increased domestic demand is driving the growth. most came from within the eurozone. in contrast, orders from the rest of the world drop shortly. a three-day strike by lufthansa pilots is drawing to a close. the first flight took off from singapore, headed for frankfurt. >> the pilots union called the stoppage to demand better pay and secured generous early retirement benefits from management. the two sides are no closer to agreement. >> relatively strong jobs data in the united states for last month gave european equities a nice nudge to end the week. here is more from our markets correspondent in frankfurt. >> the u.s. labor report went down well for investors in the german equity market. it shows again the biggest economy in the world is
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recovering. that is very important also for german incorporates who are depending on exports. daimler had the best month in the history of the country, as sales are picking up again. in euro zone countries, but also elsewhere in the world. the new models are fitting to the taste of its customers. bmw reported a surge in sales in china, which also went down pretty well with investors. today was a positive day. the dax could add 4.7%. >> let us check out those market numbers. closing here in germany, the dax up in positive territory, up by almost a third of a percent. the euro stoxx 50 closing by a similar job. let us keep the camera on me.
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the dow jones fell a little on the day. the euro down at this hour. you are back in the picture. >> schumacher has been in a, for almost three months after a skiing accident in france. >> there have been encouraging response of moments of consciousness and awakening. >> finally, what could be some good news for michael schumacher and his fans. he is showing the first signs of regaining consciousness. she refused to give any more details in order to protect his family. for two months now, doctors have been reducing the medications keeping him in an artificial coma. a spokesperson says that is surprisingly long. >> it can take this long, but this is not how it normally goes
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after such a serious injury. however, we are not sure how quickly we are receiving the information. this news could be a few days old, or even a few weeks old. >> schumacher has been in grenoble's university clinic since his accident in december. the chances of a full recovery are slim. >> that brings us to the end of this bulletin. thanks for joining us. >> we will be back again at the top of the next hour.
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the chadiany after government announced it was pulling out of a peacekeeping mission, soldiers are packing up already. >> chadian soldiers shot and killed 30 people and injured 300 more in an unprovoked


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