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tv   France 24 Mid- Day News  LINKTV  June 24, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> good evening. the russian president vladimir put in out to the upper house of parliament and -- vladimir putin asked the upper house of parliament and moscow -- this after the rebels said they would respect a piece deal approved by the ukrainian president petro poroshenko.
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ourill speak to correspondent in kiev. let's start by talking about today. announcement how is it going down where you are in kiev? >> it is to some extent encouraging. if his intent was to reassure ukrainians he has peaceful intent, that was not a success going at the reaction is overly skeptical. some were even saying ukrainians should prepare for a wider scale invasion. overall though, i think the broad belief here is this is simply an attempt by vladimir off possiblee sanctions from the u.s. and the ee you, possibly to pull the rug from underneath european -- from pull the runbly to from underneath european efforts
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for broader european reform, and certainly this does not leave without the tools necessary to escalate the situation in ukraine if he so wants to. the --the authorities of people's republic have implied the rule does not apply to them since they do not consider themselves to be ukrainian territory. some encouragement, but very much skepticism. >> all right, lots of talk of diplomacy in any case from all sides right now. despite that talk, there are signs of unrest, aren't there? >> absolutely. when you look at the situation on the ground, there are clearly no signs of de-escalation. ever since the ukrainian president petro poroshenko announced the cease-fire last week, there have been skirmishes on and off between ukrainian forces and the pro-russian fighters.
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these have been quite violent with multiple deaths, and indeed several hours ago we saw yet another ukrainian helicopter the city of slovyansk. i think once again this highlights the fact that russia's tools are very wide and up the russian president wants to further escalate the situation, there is -- if the russian president wants to further escalate the situation, there is no need to send in the tanks, these so-called little green men and the russian armor -- there is no need to send in the takes. these so-called little green men and the russian armor being sent across the border is well enough. >> thank you for that update. thethe president of ukraine, petro poroshenko, has warned he might terminate that weeklong cease-fire there in
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ukraineeast of precisely because of those attacks we were hearing about just there. in particular the downing of a ukrainian helicopter which resulted in the deaths of nine servicemen. we will keep an eye on that story and bring you details as we get them. moving on, u.s. secretary of state john kerry continued his he haso iraq today where been holding crisis talks with the country's leaders. this comes at a time when jihad tests have been making gains in the northern and western part of the country. after spending much of the day in baghdad, he met kurdish leaders in the north of the country. >> how are you? >> an important leg of the middle east crisis chore for the important u.s. diplomat -- crisis tour for the important u.s. diplomat. john kerry persuaded the -- try to persuade the kurds. >> in
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recent days the security operation between the kurdish critical.been >> washington seeks cooperation among the kurds and holding iraq together, but it must tread lightly. days after isis captured mosul, north,gest city in the kurdish fighters took control of another city. the oil-rich city has been an incentive to stay in iraq. aware, a number of important developments have taken place the last two days. after these changes, iraq is facing a new reality. >> a rat's prime minister, nouri al-maliki, is under intense pressure to form a government
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that includes all minorities. he has been criticized for failing to reach out to sunnis and fueling sectarian tensions. called on himader to step down. meanwhile, the jihadists are gaining more ground in the west of the country as well as the north. they have control of important highways and border areas with syria and jordan. isthe situation in iraq volatile. the country is awash with armed groups and violence can flare up we have innt, as this exclusive report filmed just to the south of their cook -- kirkuk. week, six kurdish fighters were killed by jihadists. forces are right there. and these are our forces,
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deployed here. >> only days ago at this position, 15 civilian bodies, executedy -- summarily by isis, were returned to their loved ones. >> the village of cashier -- taken by thebeen islamists. >> we leave in the morning without hearing a single gunshot. [indiscernible] >> heads down, heads down! stay here. i will cover you. targeted ack military convoy taking the same road as us. reinforcements quickly arrived. >> we are in the middle of a fight here. stop! stop! those are our guys over therere. stop!
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they are hours. >> -- they are ours. >> the kurdish regulars have captured some. now under fire. they turn out to be men from the turkmen militia. the result -- one dead, two when did. they question the militia leader as to what happened. the militiamen admit to firing first, saying they thought they .ere shooting at insurgents >> i do not think they targeted me personally, but the convoy was attacked. i do not think they knew that i was in the convoy. >> whether a misunderstanding or a deliberate attack, the response immediately improve the turkmen sentiment toward them. >> from now on there will be very good coordination.
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we are brothers. there is no difference between us. i hope you will understand there is nothing to make a fuss about here. >> even if it were the most serious incident of its kind, it is by no means the first on the kurdish commander wants to restore order to be territory. >> there is no real leader. from now on there is no question atseeing them on the streets our backs. >> thanks to the collapse of the iraqi army, the kurdish have achieved a during. , they the chaos of iraq must prove they can hold the ground. >> clearly an extremely volatile situation they're in iraq. is facingria, lebanon a wave of sectarian violence, too. a suicide bomber blew up his vehicle close to an army checkpoint in southern beirut, killing an officer and wounding several others.
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as of the latest in a series of attacks in lebanon. three days earlier, a suicide bomber killed one person and wounded 30 others close to the syrian border. following an appeal, one of france's top courts ruled today that life support being given to a 38-year-old victim of a car accident can be switched off. a vegetativen state ever since that accident in 2008, but the question whether to keep them alive has caused the divisions not just within his family, but also in terms of public opinion. she just learned that the government agreed to turn off the life-support machine of her paraplegic son, and outcome she has been fighting against for months. >> [indiscernible] he is not a vegetable. >> he has been on life support
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since a road accident in 20 oh eight. dr. sebi the 38-year-old has no brain activity -- a road accident in 2008. the 38-year-old has no brain activity. disagreed about this. in the first decision of its kind for the supreme council of law. >> it follows from the statement that he had made before his accident that he clearly and repeatedly expressed his wish not to be kept alive artificially. event of him being in a state of total dependence. >> is deeply catholic parents planned to argue the case for keeping them alive -- his deeply catholic parents plan to argue the case for keeping him alive
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at the european court. >> two world cup games played during the course of this tuesday. it'll a phased you're a guy -- uruguay and lost. the italians packed their bags and headed home. costa rica played england's in a game that did not matter to england, because it was already decided the english side would be heading home. the result there, 0-0. later this evening and -- coast and, ivory colombia. we have all the latest on today's games. >> italy out. it is amazing in this group. that rica the only side has never won, already going on to the games and it is the european side heading home. that is a big surprise. today it will be all about luis he hasonce again because
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been involved in another biting controversy. on thegiorgio chiellini shoulder. there are pictures of him after the game with big teeth marks, or what look like big teeth marks, in his shoulder. bannedarez has been twice in the past for biting opponents during a match. the team was very good for his team, you're a guy -- uruguay winning 1-0. he is having a fantastic season. it is hard to talk about anything other than the apparent madness, luis suarez biting opponent. completely remarkable. >> extraordinary story from rio de janeiro. dan leavy with the latest from the world cup. a reminder of our top stories. a possible step to peace .
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russian resident vladimirputin oscar the upper house of parliament to cancel the authorization of military force in ukraine. putin.imir one half of the european phone scandal walks free on the other goes to jail. in a show of support from the united states, u.s. secretary of state john kerry visits the kurdish region and pleads for support of the government of nouri al-maliki. now for a check of the markets. marcus carlson is here. let's begin with a bit of a world cup field to our business update. do just that. the world cup is more than a sporting event. it is an opportunity for companies and brands to be seen. gear forans to sell more than 2 billion euros this year, cementing the german
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ebony's position as the number one company for -- german company's position as the number one company for sporting goods. it is being challenged by the american company nike. we have more. pima.e, adidas, fema -- among theition sportswear brands. for years a small bavarian city has hosted an ongoing match between the two turman brands -- german brands. they lived less than one kilometer apart and everyone in the city can record the passion of battle that boosted both brands. >> each one wanted to be the best. in this competition, it spurred them to rise to the top. between adidas and pima continues today, but now on the global football
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market. each company has a strong global strategy. the international turnover of the three stripes label could this year.on euros >> there are products that sell really well during the world cup. the bazooka or the team jerseys. this will increase our sales. >> pima has invested in character players and numerous african teams. 18 teams are wearing its cat logo. >> africa is the sleeping giant. we believe we will get great returns in our investment when african countries benefit more from economic growth. duel that plays out in stadiums worldwide, but primarily in the shops. the market for football clothing and equipment is excited to reach over 12 billion euros this
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year. >> moving on, italy's prime minister has fired a broadside against the european union budget rules. he called for a course change for the eurozone away from austerity. eu's set to take over the presidency. french president francois hollande also chimed in this tuesday calling for more budget flexibility from brussels. both france and italy are struggling, fearing that further budget cuts will undermine growth. so far germany has set the scene for soft talks. -- tough talks. >> we respect the rules, but europe must change direction. the number of unemployed is to too high and there is no growth. if we do not get to create
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wealth, there will be no stability. >> a story to keep watching ahead of these summits later this week. stockl take a look at the market next though. in the united states, we have lost steam up with these iraqtion that the situation is escalating. overshadowing better economic data such as home sales rising in may. the nasdaq holding onto a gain of better than a 10th of a percent this hour with 40 minutes left to go in the trading session. results., mixed there is economic weakness in the eight demand for minerals. higher in frankfurt with even as german business fell in june to its lowest level so far this year. of a percent.
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stocks we're other watching for you. the french government has agreed to sell a 3.1% stake in a french uez.any s that transaction is part of an agreement to sell parts of out stomp to general electric. to general electric. was theh of france hardest hit by flight cancellations, but there were affects across europe. the strike is set to continue until sunday. air traffic controllers are protesting against a plan to streamline european airspace. they believe it could lead to job cuts. we will finish up in asia. japan throw prime minister has unveiled a fresh round of reforms. they include a lower corporate
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tax rate as well as a greater role for women and foreign workers in the japanese economy. japan has been struggling to get out of a cycle of deflation and low growth. the stock market was mixed in tokyo and it will take time before the reforms pay off. that was the business news. back to you. >> thank you very much indeed for that business update. ise now for a check of what happening online. whether news is next -- whether news is next. ws is next. >> still to come on today's show. going viral. a trademark by the u.s. patent office. usual ski dueling. -- unusual ski dueling. when folks in california picture for their
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facebook page after resting them on crimes charges, a were never expecting the picture to go viral, but that is what happened. web users admired his handsome looks. thedid and sudden -- unexpected and sudden rise to generatedtardom has some 12,000 shares and over 95,000 facebook likes. it is drawing a lot of complement your comments, from women in particular, praising his high cheek runs, chiseled high cheek bones, chiseled face, and striking blue eyes. are predicting the felon and advertising shots for well-known advertising, suggesting he could make a career for himself and modeling. and making the most of his
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isfound popularity, his mom raising money to cover his legal fees on gofundme. has been pledged already in just three days. in a landmark decision, the u.s. patent and trademark office has canceled the trademark of the findingon redskins, that the football team's name disparages native americans. this does not mean that the redskins will have to change their team name, but it strips them of legal protections. leading consequences when the name is used on t-shirts and other such articles. many web users are hailing the
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federal agency decision, saying it was high time the washington-based team changed its name and logo and wondering why it took so long in the first place. the move has inspired online comedians sharing all manner of parodies of the washington redskins logo. more often than not, they are posting their creations under #n ewredskinsname. it does not look like they will change the name dust yet. the team owner says it will not impact their rights to use the name and logo. they took to see the and the newspapers to say they would not appear in the print edition until they change their name.
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this info graphic was put together by the website shark and suggest that numbers of great whites could be 50 cent lower than thought in rabia studies. -- 50% lower than thought in previous studies. diagon alley has been trending on social networks with harry potter fans commenting on the u.s. traction in the it will officially open july 8, but a few lucky individuals would get a preview. they shared photos online, which of course have gone viral,
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causing much excitement. "he online version of "slate newsmagazine has produced a "game of thrones" virtual graveyard. fans can leave flowers for their dearly departed heroes. stark, for example, has over 134,000 virtual flowers. this video shows an american participating in a somewhat unusual activity. it is called ski dueling, and it involves skiing while being pulled by a horse.
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you can check it out on the youtube channel. ♪ go!o, go, 1uogo'ñoa7guc
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06/24/14 06/24/14 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] >> from pacifica, this is democracy now! the support will be intense, sustained, and if iraq's leaders take the necessary steps to bring the country together am a it will be effective. it will allow iraqi security forces to confront isil more effectively and in a way that respects iraq sovereignty while also respecting america's and the region's final interests. >>


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