tv Newsline LINKTV October 15, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PDT
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hello, welcome back to "newsline." i'm miki yamamoto in tokyo. first the headlines for this hour. clashes between police and pro-democracy protesters in hong kong turn violent, as demonstrators try to set up barricades. families and friends of the nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by an islamic extremist group have come together to mark six months since their abduction.
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and we go inside fukushima's no-entry zone where high radiation keeps people from returning to their homes. violent scuffles broke out in hong kong between police and pro-democracy protesters. the police swept in to scatter the demonstrators. officers took more than 40 people into custody. hundreds of demonstrators, including students, had gathered to set up new barricades near the hong kong legislature. columns of police officers wielding pepper spray moved in. the protesters tried to hold their ground. but police cleared them away. officers have been tightening security in the area. protesters have been staging sit-ins at three locations in central hong kong since late last month. they're demanding authorities in beijing strap restrictions on who can run in the next election
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for hong kong's leader. china's commune party newspaper people's daily has condemned the students' protest and expressed support for increased pressure by the hong kong police. the newspapers said in a front page editorial that facts and history tell us that radical and legal acts that got their way only result in more severe illegal activities exacerbating disorder and turmoil. the editorial said stability is bliss and turmoil brings havoc. the daily also used the word turmoil 25 years ago to describe the pro-democracy movement at beijing's tiananmen square. the latest commentary criticized the protesters, saying they're trying to play a role in a revolution. the head of the u.n.'s mission for ebola emergency response warns the outbreak could grow even worse. anthony banbury says the number of new infections could surge
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from 1,000 per week now to 10,000 by early december. banbury was citing figures based on a world health organization estimate. he spoke to members of the security council by video link from ghana's capital accra where the mission is headquartered. he set a deadline of december 1st for at least 70% of ineffected people to be isolated and receiving treatment. and he said at least 70% of burials should be handled without the risk of contamination. >> we either stop ebola now, or we face an entirely unprecedented situation for which we do not have a plan. >> security council members voted unanimously last month to adopt a resolution. the document says the ebola outbreak is a threat to international peace and security, and requires an all-out global effort. u.s. health officials say it's still unclear how a health
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care worker contracted the virus at a hospital in dallas, texas. they say other employees at the facility are at risk. and they say they're now monitoring staff that were exposed to ebola while caring for a liberian man who died of the disease. thomas friedan, the director of the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention, announced the measure on tuesday at a news conference. >> there were at least 76 people who might have come in contact with him or his blood, and who are being monitored now. >> frieden also says the cdc will be ready to respond to any new cases in the u.s. should they emerge. >> starting today, is establishing a cdc ebola response team. we will put a team on the ground, within hours, with some of the world's leading experts. >> u.s. president barack obama
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says american hospitals are stepping up their readiness. >> we are going to make sure that all the lessons learned from dallas are then applied to hospitals and health centers around the country. as i've said before, we have the public health infrastructure and systems and support that make an epidemic here highly unlikely. >> obama also says the world as a whole isn't doing enough to contain the threat of ebola, and he's urging other leaders to do more to stop the outbreak. obama and japanese prime minister shinzo abe have talked on the phone about combatting the virus. they've agreed that leaders around the world must work together to bring ebola under control. obama and abe spoke for 25 minutes. abe explained japan's efforts to tackle the outbreak by sending drugs and medical experts to west africa. he said japan will speed up
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efforts to deliver various kinds of aid. obama expressed appreciation for japan's efforts. tuesday marked six months since members of an islamist group kidnapped more than 200 nigerian schoolgirls. the girls' relatives and friends held a rally to urge government leaders to do more to free them. members of the group boko haram seized the girls from their school in april. people around the world have campaigned for their release. the protesters gathered in the capital abuja. about 60 people wearing red t-shirts, with the message "bring back our girls" marched near president goodluck jonathan's home. more than 150 armed police guarded the residence. >> we're angry nigerians. it's taken too long. 183 days today. >> mr. president, she was
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checked -- >> jonathan has said that he and members of his administration are doing all they can. to the latest in business now, japanese and u.s. trade officials have wrapped up their current round of free trade talks for the transpacific partnership and agreed to meet again next week. japan's deputy chief negotiator and u.s. acting deputy trade representative wendy cutler have ended six days of negotiations in tokyo. they held intensive discussions in an effort to narrow their differences on tariffs on five key categories of farm products as well as auto parts, before ministerial talks in sydney later on this month. negotiators from 12 countries will be taking part in that meeting. >> i believe our talks produced concrete results.
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we made progress day by day. >> but oe said both sides are still far from reaching an agreement. cutler said the negotiators must compromise if they're to strike a deal. >> we were encouraged by the progress we made this week during our negotiations. but we need to underscore that the issues before us are tough. >> both sides have agreed to hold one-on-one talks next week prior to their administerial meeting in sydney. well investors in asia took an opportunity to buy shares after recent selling pushed down the region's major benchmarks to multimonth lows. you can see most of the markets have finished higher. many investors, though, still a bit uncertain about the outlook for the global economy. here in tokyo the nikkei averaged climbs 0.9%, it finished at 15,073. that's the first gain that we've seen in six trading days. investors were out there looking for some bargain stocks. airlines led the way higher today.
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investors thought they will be benefitting from a recent tumble in oil prices. and the shanghai composite snapped a three-day losing streak. it was up by 0.6%. country's consumer inflation in september grew by a less than expected rate of 1.6%. some people are expecting that beijing will be providing additional monetary easing measures. bucking the trend today, though, was seoul. the kospi down almost 0.2%, 1,925. the bank of korea cut its key interest rate for a second time this year. and trimmed its economic growth forecast. well, managers at some small and midsize companies in japan are having a pretty tough time coping with higher raw material costs. they are more expensive now because of the weaker yen. government officials want people in the financial services industry to help those firms to deal with the situation. the weaker yen and other factors have pushed up the cost of raw materials. some smaller firms are finding it hard to raise the prices of their products and services to reflect the additional expense. officials at the financial
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services agency have asked industry groups like japanese bankers association to lend a helping hand with this. the agency wants financial institutions to give smaller businesses advice on financing. it also wants lenders to be flexible when it comes to setting terms for loans. robots that can talk, walk, and even care for elderly people, are among the latest displays at a three-day robotic fair that's being held here in tokyo. more than 140 businesses and organizations are taking part. many exhibitors are displaying nursing care robots. there are new machines for all sorts of medical applications as well as the service industry. one robot turns to face the person speaking to it. it can even hold a simple conversation. and there are robots to help a person use the bathroom, or even take a bath. some manufacturers are displaying new robots for use in disaster zones or on construction sites. there's a box-shaped robot that's able to inspect the aging of buildings and bridges. japan's population is shrinking
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and aging. against this backdrop robots are increasingly finding a place not only in the factory, but also in the home and care facilities. the government's target is to raise the use of robots in nonmanufacturing industries to 20 times the current level by the year 2020. japanese textilemakers are promoting their innovative man ricks in the world's fashion capital milan. they're facing more intense competition now from cheaper imports so they're frying to boost their sales in europe with a made in japan label. ♪ >> reporter: the world's top fashion show, milan fashion week, was held in september. streets filled with shops selling luxury brands gave the city of milan an air of glamour. the international textile fair known as milano unica was held just before the fashion show. only the world's top italian and other european textilemakers
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exhibit at milano unica. this year, however, after decade of negotiations, 29 japanese firms finally secured a place at the show to exhibit their products. japanese makers' strength lying in their cutting-edge technology. a special technique is used to weave this veil-like fabric. different materials and knitting methods are used to create the right and wrong sides of the fabric. >> translator: this material is 100% cashmere. it's warm and luxurious. >> reporter: japanese textiles were well received for offering high quality at a reasonable price, thanks to the weak yen. >> japan is always such an inspiration. also because it's very refined. >> reporter: this textile manufacturer based in hamamatsu
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city received inquiries from over 100 buyers at the fabric trade show. the weaving company was founded 86 years ago, and has just eight employees. the fabrics have a high thread density. the firm's fabrics use 20% more thread than conventional fabrics. this creates a textile that is as strong as cardboard despite being just 0.3 millimeters thick. many buyers in milan expressed interest in using this material to make coats and jackets. this fabric was created by the president of the company, who has been in the business for 46 years. he creates unique fabrics by fine tuning the shuttle loom with his practiced hand.
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fabric is created by moving warped threads up and down to insulate them with a crosswise thread. he modified the company's shuttle loom to raise the warp thread higher to increase their angle in the weaving process. the steeper angle brings the crosswise threads closer together in the fabric. this requires more thread, and thus creates a denser textile. he continues to make refinements to develop new textiles and plans to exhibit his fabrics at milano unica again next year. >> translator: it's very important to keep going to italy every year in person. it's vital to get feedback and advice from highly discerning designers. >> reporter: japanese textile
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firms hope their first exhibit at the textile fair in milan will expand sales across europe. however to survive in the fast-paced worlds of fashion, companies must continue to improve their technologies, and develop new fabrics. okay that is going to wrap it up for biz this hour. here's a check of the markets. japan's foreign ministry has deleted a document from its website of a now defunct foundation that compensated those referred to as comfort
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women. the top government spokesperson says it was removed to avoid misunderstanding. the chief cabinet secretary yoshihide suga said the document was not issued by the government. he said it was published by the organizers of the asian women's fund to solicit contributions from the public. suga added that it was posted on the foreign ministry website to clarify developments on the issue. >> translator: the document has been removed to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. external links to the fund's website remain on the foreign ministry site, so anybody can access the fund's website. >> a lawmaker in a debate at a lower house committee earlier this morning. foreign minister kishida said he would consider whether to delete the document or add some explanation.
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the operator of the fukushima daiichi nuclear plant says there's been a surge in the levels of radioactive substances in ground water. the reading of cesium is the highest ever measured on the coastal side of the plant. officials at tokyo electric power company say last week's heavy rainfall from a typhoon may be the cause. they say water taken from a well contained two types of cesium. they say the level of radioactivity measured more than triple what it had been four days earlier. the well for observing groundwater is located on the coastal side of the number two reactor building. highly contaminated water that flowed into an underground tunnel after the 2011 accident seeped into soil in the area. tepco officials say the heavy rainfall from the typhoon last week likely caused radioactive substances in the soil to flow into the groundwater.
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they're planning to increase the frequency of water sample tests to monitor the effects of the heavy rainfall. and they say it will be difficult to take drastic steps, because they don't know how far contaminated water seeped into the ground after the accident. the nuclear accident at fukushima daiichi spread radioactive contamination over land, stretching for dozens of kilometers. more than three and a half years later, authorities still classify many affected area as evacuation zones, and they've designated one particular area a no-entry zone. the radiation level is so high, people who once lived there face the prospect of never returning home. nhk world joined one evacuee who went back for a look.
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>> reporter: akinori and his family once lived in a rural municipality not far from touch shima daiichi. the nuclear accident forced them to evacuate some 30 kilometers west, where they now live. he made a tough decision earlier this year. he gave up on the idea of returning to namir and decided to start a new life. trngz this is my second hometown now. over there is my real home but we can't even enter that area. >> reporter: still he is eager to follow the situation in namir so he's applied to enter the restricted zone with some radiation experts from niigata university. since the nuclear accident, the group has been involved in regular service in namir.
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they allowed me to follow them into the restricted area. we are right in front of the no-entry zone around fukushima daiichi. access beyond this point is restricted. we need this two-day permit to get in. according to the research, radiation levels went down in the no-entry zone. but they remain high in some areas. then, we accompanied shibata to his home. it's been about six months since he last visited.
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the house has become moldy and grown cobwebs. it's clear the family had to pack in a rush. the hands of this clock are frozen at the exact time the disaster struck. shibata finds some belongings that have a special meaning for the family. his children's school diplomas. >> translator: my kids worked hard to get these, so i'd really like to take them back with me. but they're contaminated, so i can't. >> reporter: the researchers take some measurements around the house. the experts explain to shibata the radiation is still too high
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for people to move about. >> translator: radiation levels are very high in this area. >> translator: i think making a quick decision was the right thing to do. i want my aging parents to enjoy the rest of their lives, and my children still have a future. that's why i want to give them a normal life in a normal house. >> reporter: many evacuees like the shibatas are weighing a similar decision. they are torn betwee the hope of going back one day, and giving up entirely to make a clean start. nhk world, fukushima. all right. it's time to look at the world weather with meteorologist
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jonathan oh. jonathan, a lot of focus has been given to tropical systems close to north america. but what's causing the flooding in peru and south america? >> hello, miki, yeah. a very different story. usually when we talk about south america we have to talk about a very different and change in the weather pattern. you're talking about an area where there's a lot of moisture toward the northern portions of south america because of the intertropical convergence. so that's an area where constant lifting of air continues to produce rain. but we have to look a little bit further south before we focus on an area where we saw some unusual amounts of rain that caused some serious flooding. let's look at the video coming out of peru where flooding and mudslides left hundreds of people stranded there on monday. drenching rains triggered mudslides that were carried along a river, destroying bridges and several houses. you can see, wow, that mud just flowing right down the river. and also taking out that bridge. at least 500 residents were not able to return to their homes, and you can see the reason why.
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now, i think the good news is that the rain is starting to let up in cuzco, looks like sunny weather will be returning. here's a look at the forecast map. cuzco located in the southern portions of peru. not much in terms of rain fall. you will continue to see some rainfall because of the weather pattern that takes place as we go throughout the next several weeks. here's a look at the forecast. back in the northern hemisphere. and we're focusing on tropical storm ona located south and east of hawaii. this is a system those living in hawaii need to pay attention to because it is expected to become a hurricane by thursday, move toward the northwest and then eventually impacting hawaii, probably directly by the weekend. but indirectly in terms of the rough surf and the winds picking up as early as friday and then moving over the chain of islands throughout the weekend and into the first part of next week. so you probably need to start making those preparations at this time. meanwhile we're talking about a slightly calmer weather pattern
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in north america. during the past few days we had these strong storms rolling through the deep south. and now we are seeing that last breath of the system still producing some rain, some isolated strong storms, but focus from the mid-atlantic states all the way into the southern portions of quebec, i think as we go toward thursday, that's when we're going to see the system finally depart from the area. but once again looking out for some rain there. also over toward the pacific northwest, we have a low that's trying to come onshore and that's going to not only bring rain, maybe even some snow, but also some strong winds as we go in to later wednesday, also into thursday. so you can see here, vancouver, seattle, los angeles, you'll be dealing with rain along the west coast. and again, that frontal boundary that's moving through on the east coast will be bringing some rain from atlanta into new york on our wednesday. i do want to direct your attention into the atlantic. this is a major hurricane. gonzalo, that is continuing to move toward the north and west eventually expected to make a turn by thursday and headed for
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bermuda under hurricane watch right now. you already dealt with hurricane fay during the weekend. you're going to get impacted once again as this system passes between friday and saturday as we go toward the weekend. a quick look at the forecast for east asia, we have a low located south of tokyo, dealing with rain all day. more rain expected as we go into early thursday and then a low pressure system crossing over the korean peninsula will be bringing rain for the northern portions of japan by thursday, and drier conditions continuing as high pressure controls the eastern side of china. so, 24 in taipei, 24 in shanghai. wet weather for seoul and also into tokyo for thursday. hope you have a good day wherever you are. here's your extended outlook.
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headlines.e the barack obama says there's no stop fix in the fight to the islamic state group. international coalition is digging in for a drawnout campaign to win back key areas. shocking pictures from hong kong as officers appear to beat up a protester. hong kong has seen some of the worst clashes since the pro-democracy rally kicked off over two weeks ago. a new twist in the case of 43 missing mexican students. their bodies are n
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