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tv   France 24  LINKTV  November 5, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PST

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>> here are the headlines -- more violence in east jerusalem as a van rams into pedestrians causing several casualties. is really police shoot at the driver of what they called the deliberate attack. in the u.s., the republicans have tightened their grip on the house and take the senate. the party suites the midterm elections as expected with victories from coast to coast. and france has just named its top literary award in the annual fall book season and the winner is lydie slalvayre for her novel on a spanish civil war.
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also, the former boss of apple tells us why he thinks the united states will have to change the way taxes companies and oscar-winning actor but if the odell tauro -- benencio del toro tells us about slipping into the skin of pablo escobar. ♪ first, to east jerusalem where a palestinian driver has deliberately rammed a car into a proud -- a crowd of pedestrians hurting several people. the tribe or went on to attack others with an iron bar before being shot dead by the holy spirit for more on this, let's bring in our jerusalem correspondent. what do we know about the attack echo?
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>> we know one person is dead. a number of people had gotten off the train and were waiting to cross the road. the dividing line in the supposedly united city, and this driver rammed into them as they were on their way across the road back to their barracks, to their base. he then kept driving until his car hit another car. when his vehicle was then -- his van could not go any further, he got out and took an iron bar and rent hitting people, which gives you the sense that it actually was a planned action and sometimes in these cases palestinians say it was not intentional, but that particular added action gets at the feeling that it was in fact an intentional act not just accidentally running people over, and that was when he was shot. >> irris this attack comes after another similar attack in
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the same area where a baby was killed. could there be any link between these two attacks? >> that is a very interesting question. when you look at them side by side, they are similar. they are on the same side, to stop the part, on the same side of the city. but it may be more worrying for israeli police and people worrying about escalation in the city. they might be copycats, not related to each other. it might just be an out crying of anger. hamas has claimed some sort of association with this man but has not claimed they have sent him. there is a feeling -- i have to because she's here -- but there is a feeling coming out of the israeli police that he was acting alone as the previous man had been acting alone. what you are seeing is an outpouring of rage from east jerusalem and we are seeing it on the temple mount in clashes, seeing it in attacks jews
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against muslims, muslims against jews. this is a very tense time in this tense city. >> irris, you mentioned there are tensions on the mount where clashes broke out. tell us about that. >> there were clashes today. that is also ongoing. this is not the first day of clashes on the temple mount. police closed the temple mount to tourists and jewish worshipers and a chase the palestinian men throwing rocks and those men took refuge inside the mosque. he was later criticized by the imam of the mosque. those men are still holed up in the mosque and we do not know what will happen within. we know the israeli police opened the general area, compound two israelis to enter
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and that is part of this tension. should this long-standing policy of juice not praying on the temple mount be changed? and if it is to be changed should it be changed under their plan of peace talks or changed unilaterally? i think that is part of the reason we are seeing that tension here. >> things,ankss, irris. irris makler reporting on jerusalem and the violence there. now to the u.s. where the republican party tightened their control and a house of representatives and crucially also won the senate. as largely protected, there were republican victories across the country, riding the wave of discontent across the continent. to tell us more on reaction from the morning after the vote, let's bring in philip krauter. philip, how does the white house
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reacted a, and what does this mean concretely for the president? >> the white house will include u.s. president barack obama. there was no way he was not going to show his face in public after this wave of defeat last night in this midterm election he or he will beginning a news conference later on at the white house. he will be staring the truth in the face. it will be interesting to see whether we will see a defiant president or one who said he will be willing to work what is now in place in congress, and that is two houses against the president essentially, two houses controlled by republicans. what you tend to see on a day after an election like this one what the white house called the last time a shallow king, -- a s shall -- that is what we will hear today. that is what we heard yesterday as well from the new senate majority leader mitch mcconnell.
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at least he will be very soon. he won his election in kentucky to he will say let's work together as well and that is an absolutely crucial relationship for the next two years p or the relationship between mitch mcconnell, the new majority leader in the senate, and president barack obama. there will also be clearly at least behind the scenes at the white house, a clear realization as to how things have changed. president obama after all came into the white house with a control of both houses, of the house of representatives and the senate. that ideal situation for him only lasted for two years. after that in the first midterm elections of his time in the white house, he lost the house of representatives. now everything has turned against him and it does look like it will be two years of pain after all for the white house, for those last two years of the obama residency. >> philip, let's look ahead to 2016, to the next presidential election there.
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we had especially astonishing yesterday who's at a big republican win which came to pass, could actually be the best thing for the democrats. >> it is strange to think that way, but that is one way of thinking. it is not entirely wrong. the first thing that republicans will have to do in congress, now that they have control of both houses, is that they will have to show that they can legislate. in other words that they can come up with bills that they can agree together and send bills toward the white house. they well, if they go completely against democratic thinking they will be vetoed by the president. that is the pressure that republicans are under now. there has been so much disruption in washington that they will want to prove that they can get beyond that. there is also this fact, that is the first day after any midterm election, at least when it comes six years into a presidency, that is also the very first day of the next presidential campaign.
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there are a lot of republican contenders who are in this congress who will now be positioning themselves either to the right of center or toward the center to make sure they get those crucial votes if or when they decide to -- decide that they will be going for president. the one person we have not talked about yet is hillary clinton. she will be looking at this very closely as well. she will be hoping that she can get into the white house in 2016, not just herself but also a wave of democrats in the senate once again, hence that theory that republican losses might well be good news for democrats. the whole thing could be turned around again in just two years time. >> interesting stuff. tthank you for that stuff philip crowther and your hard work yesterday or one thing americans will likely remember from this midterm campaign at least where the attack ads. more on those commercials that were particularly vicious this year and the money behind them.
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>> this has been the most extensive election cycle ever with over $3.7 billion spent. but where does all of this money come from? most of it is spent by the candidates themselves followed closely by political parties. outside sources like special interest groups are rapidly catching up. they gave $900 million annually and thanks to a supreme court ruling in 2010, a donor's identity can stay hidden, making it harder to know who is behind the message and allowing big spenders to unleash a barrage of ads, mostly negative, just days ahead of the election. both sides tapped into this so-called dark money. liberal and conservative groups spent roughly the same amount to support their candidates and attack their opponents. the most expensive race of 2014 -- north carolina where it topped $100 million.
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democratic senator kay hagan fight a fierce battle against tom tillis and the contest turned ugly. tillis try to link to hagan to the ongoing chaos in the middle east. >> while isis grew, obama did nothing. senator hagan did not. to change, change your senator. >> posters say they are effective. more than half of all ads aired this election were negative. lesson appear only republicans have gone negative, a liberal group ran an ad that seems to suggest republicans caused the ebola outbreak. >> the nih saw its budget cut. greg there are outbreaks happen today that we are not able to recognize, stop. >> all right let's come back now to france where the country has just named it topped literary award in the annual fall book season. the winner is lydie salvayre
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for her novel on a spanish civil war. our eve irvine is out there at the place where the award is announced first of all, tell us a bit more about the winner of this year's prize. >> lydie salvayre said she was both honored and taken aback as that price was announced, and now she actually studied medicine and has a psychiatric cabinet donna versailles. it is her fourth novel you said it mentioned the spanish civil war. it has two generations, one, her 90-year-old mother who was 15 at the time in 1936 when the events were happening and gets her events of what happened through this civil war and then as a writer of the time, george over and although, he was outspoken against the church of spanish the time, so takes a look at
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two there a different point of view. she got the prize six votes to four winning by just that, too votes out of a 10 person jury. the other book looks like the outsider by albert camus. it goes back over this famous story of camus looking at the brother of the shooter, the man character of "the outsider," and really it is trying to give a different scene of events there at that time. >> eve tell us more about, previous winners. big names have won this prize. >> indeed. actually, the top prize here in french literature gives an award of just 10 euros, which is not, to lie, but again -- but it puts people on the map and they get a sales boost more than anything
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else spear last year's winner, p air lamasierre lamasse, his agency said his revenue went from 30,000 to 620,000 after he won that frame this prize here in france. >> all right, even irvine, thank you for that. let's look more in detail of this procedures literary prize -- at this prestigious literary prize prix goncourt. >> for 100 years, the jury meets to discuss the finalists in paris. >> the academy sets up shop in a restaurant. they plan to hold dinners, seeing as how the first members were not exactly young. >> the announcement is not always go down well. often acclaimed, the goncourt has also been highly contested in the past with cream pies,
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pamphlets, parallel announcements, and even sit satirical counter prizes. behind the goncourt is a litany of entry, backstabbing and scandal, and it is the jury that bears the brunt of the public's obsession. some microphones have been hidden to the inside scoop of the members squabble among themselves. [speaking foreign language] the man in a center gave the cold shoulder for seven years for her to his fellow jury members had chosen to award a forgettable novel instead of "journey to the end of the night," that remains a classic. >> other members were on the second floor he was below and
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had a waiter or maybe even a bailiff take his boat upstairs. >> to this day the goncourt serves heated debates but the prestigious award remains a pillar of french literature. >> you are watching "france 24." more violence in east jerusalem as a van rams into a crowd. israeli police shot dead the driver of what they call a deliberate attack. in the united states republicans tighten their grip on the house of representatives and take the senate. the party sweeps the midterm vote as expected with victories from coast to coast. and france names its top literary prize in the annual fall look award season. the winner is salvayre for her novel on the spanish civil war. time for business news now we have got stephen carroll with a spirit you are looking ahead to
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the opening of wall street, given the results of the midterm elections in the u.s. >> where two hours away from the opening of the market on wall street, and we are expecting a bang in line with the trends we've seen in the past that mid to midterm votes 10 to cause a rally regardless of their outcomes. according to research from credit squeeze, midterm election years have since 1930 seen the s&p 500 index rise by an average of more than 7% in the 100 days following the vote. the biggest rises are seen when you have a democratic president in a unified republican congress or it we will see how that works out for the rest of the year. trading in europe, you can see pretty positive picture across the market. london ftse 100 shares up almost 10% after they reported a rise in underlying profits for the first time in their financial
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year. the first time in four years the company has seen those result.s. >> the former boss of apple has some think he to him in for the new congress says it has to change the corporate tax regime. >> john scully was the chief executive of apple for 10 years. he says the nine states need to change the way taxes companies to put a halt to the practice of what is known as tax inversion where companies are moving abroad to lower their tax bill. he has been speaking to us from dublin. >> i think the u.s. is going to have to put on their agenda. now with the new elections behind them on rethinking and hopefully revising the tax code and maybe that will have some -- offset the u.s. companies that locate in places like ireland will not be so dependent on those as alternatives, but we will have to wait and see. i think ireland is not going to change any more than it has to
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in terms of having advantage for international companies like apple and others. >> you think it is likely that american authorities would change the tax code? are they that worried about companies fleeing the country ? l>> they are worried about companies fleeing the country and that is why they are worried about inversion, which has a foreign company by a u.s. company so that you can go to the lower taxes of what that international company is he versus the extort an early high taxes for corporations -- is paying versus the extraordinarily high taxes for corporations in the u.s. if obama wants to have a legacy for his presidency, there is no much to show in less he can get the congress, now controlled by the republicans, to negotiate on things, which they have interest in. they have a lot of interest to revise the tax code. >> the government signed off on part of the engineering firm alstom this year.
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general election and others were locked in a business. ge was chosen and today the french government has signed off on a deal worth 12.4 billion euros as the company forced a big fall in that profit, but shares of alstom are trading up today. >> it was the bidding war at the heart of french industry. the french government signed off on a takeover deal of engineering firm alstom. american giant general electric is set to purchased the company's energy division. alstom energy activities account for nearly three quarters of its revenue. french economy minister says in a statement he guarantees that france's interest, the future of the nuclear industry, and the circular it he of french industry supplies have been thoroughly considered. enactment comes at the company reported a 32% fall in profits to 219 million euros.
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ge and germany company siemens had been locked in a fierce battle for alstom, who favor the american ss. the german company even went as far as extended to the company its right to veto foreign takeover bids. the alstom ceo said the billions paid by ge would go toward the development of the group promising they would be prudent when it comes to dividends. one more hurdle left. the shareholders must now approve the takeover at their annual general meeting next month. >> just to wrap up, it is the most successful disney film ever, and "frozen" looks like a continues to snowball the world. >> huge money coming from dvd sales. disney now says the merchandise is picking up even further. it says is sold 3 million "frozen" dresses this year alone in north america. the company says that adds up
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for them since it addresses cost between $50 and $100 each. this after a survey from the u.s. retail federation in the usa and that 2.6 million children dressed up as characters from "frozen" this halloween. disney expecting sales to pick up even further out of christmas. >> my four-year-old daughter once both elsa and anna costumes. thank you so much stephen carroll. time now for the press review. we have got nicholas rushworth with us on the set to see how the press and how the internet has been responding to the midterm elections. >> hi. of course those midterms dominating the u.s. press, but i want to go to a tweet that caught my eye. actually, re-tweeting a cartoon some of the storytelling for us, what we can see is actually the republican standing on the back of that donkey, ouch, and the
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headline "the day obama became a lame duck or." bad news for obama and the democrats. if you're a democrat, you are feeling the pain. republicans really doing as expected really with the forecast before hand very much in their favor. i want to go to another cartoon it is in one of those websites the nitty-gritty detail websites about politics in the states some real clear politics p or there are other ones out there like politico and the hill that you can go to. i love this cartoon. take a look. you can see the assistant to barack obama as she walks in his says oh, i noticed that you have seen what is in your inbox. of course it is a very fat elephant again, so that republican dominating, crushing win that has seen a senate going their way. >> of course he said it is all
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about hope and now it seems like hope this turned into nope. >> of course this is from the "new york daily news" where we get the tabloid take about the u.s. midterm, and it has this headline here saying -- the grand old majority of the gop republican party is celebrating an historic night. is sort of rejects that hope slogan to nope, which is obviously for caustic for a lot of americans, more so now as this feeling of anti-ombama kind of prevails. let's switch from the tabloid take to a more serious brushy one and go to the "washington post," which is saying that -- no, the "new york times," sorry, you can see president obama left fighting for his own relevancy. that piece there is saying that really now we are in a deeply polarized, hyperactive time in history, and he faces a daunting
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challenge in reasserting his power in washington. what he will see is that everybody will be focused on 2016 and he will be a lame-duck. no one will be interested in him at all. the public is of course have the task of coming across as -- republicans of course have the task of coming across as credible. >> you have another article from the "wall street journal," ascii if the two sides can work together in the next two years. >> the wall street journal's arguing that as "the new york times" has been saying that obama will be blamed for much of the carnage that has been seen now in its u.s. midterm, and he has his work cut out to burnish his troubled legacy, that is their quote, and the republicans will be really having to show again that they are credible in terms of what voters want.
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it is pessimistic as well in saying that even in the very short-term you will see splits within both parties. the republicans and the democrats, the messy hill politics we have seen will come up. there "usa today" has analysis and editorials saying the voters are fed up with all of them. it is not just these democrats, the republicans are scoring very low in the polls are to the photo that goes with that is very much -- congress, get on with it, do your job, do your work, the sense of the gridlock must end. let's go to a tweet from harry reid, the senate majority leader -- >> outgoing. >> outgoing as you say. he says it is a glimmer of hope for some sort of harmony on the hill, and there you can see voters make it clear they wanted to work together. i stand ready to work with
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