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tv   Newsline  LINKTV  November 7, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PST

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welcome to "newsline," i'm keikichi honda in tokyo. here are some of the stories we are following this hour. japanese prime minister shinzo abe is expected to meet with chinese president xi jinping on the sidelines of next week's apec meeting. concerns agreeing over possible damage to japan's marine environment caused by a flotilla of chinese ships. and the first japanese
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nuclear plant to meet stricter government requirements is now a step closer to going back online. the leaders of japan and china are likely to meet one-on-one early next week. government officials from both nations have agreed to arrange their meeting on the sidelines of the asia pacific cooperation forum in beijing. it would be the first official summit between the two countries since may 2012. prime minister shinzo abe has been seeking a meeting with chinese president xi jinping. and he's been laying down the groundwork for the talks. he sent a senior government official to china this week for coordination. the head of national security secretariat met with the chinese state counselor. japanese officials want to hold the summit without any conditions. but the chinese counterpart said
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japan should first recognize there's an issue of sovereignty over islands in the east china sea. japan controls the senkaku islands. china and taiwan claim them. the japanese government maintains the islands are an inherent part of japan's territory. it says there is no issue of sovereignty to be resolved. china also said it wants abe to state clearly that he won't make any more visits to yasukuni shrine. the shrine in tokyo honors japan's war dead, those remembered include leaders convicted of war crimes after world war ii. prime minister abe will fly on sunday to join other world leaders at the apec meeting in beijing. a situation has developed in the pacific ocean that threatens to harm relations between japan and china. since september, a growing number of chinese vessels have been spotted in japan's territorial waters off the
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ogasawara islands. the islands lie about 1,000 kilometers south of tokyo. the ship's crews are suspected of poaching coral, and their presence has upset japanese fishermen, and government officials, alike. >> reporter: this footage was shot last month. the unidentified fishing boats are close as ten meters from a boat belonging to the ogasawara fisheries cooperative. this ship is flying a red flag. and is dragging a net from its stern. it's thought to be a chinese fishing boat searching for coral. on another vessel, people can be seen working on the deck. the crew is apparently lowering a net into the water. several japanese coast guard ships have been patrolling the area. the crews are trying to identify boats operating illegally. but it's not easy. last month, crews from two
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chinese ships were apprehended. for illegal fishing. but that's only the tip of the iceberg. the coast guard has confirmed that as of monday, 205 chinese boats were operating near the ogasawara islands. under international law, officials cannot make arrests. even in japanese territorial waters. unless they actually witness poachers in the act of putting nets into the water. t the chinese ships are believed to be targeting coral varieties known as precious corals. the coral is considered a symbol of good luck. the most popular variety, red coral, fetches around $21,000 per kilogram. one expert says chinese crews are poaching coral around japan because they've been chased out of their own waters.
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>> translator: china has designated red corals as the most heavily protected species along with the giant panda. fishermen can't harvest that coral in chinese waters, so they come to japan. >> reporter: on thursday, a representative from the fisheries cooperative reported to the tokyo metropolitan government. he said the environmental damage that's being caused is irreparable. >> translator: poaches tear out the coral completely, leaving nothing behind. i don't know when we'll be able to harvest coral like we used to. >> reporter: a poacher can rip out a coral bed in hours that took decades to grow. chief cabinet secretary yoshihide suga said a diplomatic letter had been sent to china's foreign minister.
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he said the letter expressed regret over the alleged coral poaching. and asked that china stop it immediately. chinese foreign ministry spokesperson hong lei's response did little to ease concerns. >> translator: we hope that cooperation between regulatory authorities in china and japan will properly resolve the issue. >> reporter: earlier this week, the flotilla of chinese ships operating of ogasawara moved outside of japanese waters. to avoid an approaching typhoon. but coast guard officials say by friday, more than 100 of the vessels had returned. they say they will keep monitoring the situation around the clock. after the 2011 fukushima disaster, japan's government imposed tougher requirements on
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nuclear power plants. now, a plant in kagoshima prefecture is at the critical juncture. it's the first to meet the new requirements, and has gained the approval of the governor to restart its reactors. >> translator: i thoroughly examined the situation from various angles. i've decided we have no choice but to restart the two reactors at the sendai nuclear power plant. >> a citizens group submitted the petition to the prefectural assembly calling for sendai's reactors to be reactivated. the assembly voted to support the petition, and gave its approval for the restart. >> translator: i think it's important to gain the understanding of local residents before the reactors are restarted. we should put all our effort into discussing the matter with them. >> anti-nuclear protesters gathered in front of the
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assembly building. some of them said the decision was too hasty. others said they will keep on fighting. japan's nuclear regulator would first have to approve the move, and inspect newly installed facilities at the plant. officials at the plant have had to overcome many hurdles to reach this point. >> all 48 nuclear reactors at japan's 16 nuclear power plants have been offline since the accident at the fukushima daiichi plant. to get them back online, electric power companies have applied for screenings for 13 nuclear plants, including the sendai facility. they are required by the nuclear regulation authority, the nra, to see if their safety measures meet new government regulations. the screenings include checks on the safety of equipment, and on measures envisioning possible
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earthquakes, and other disasters. officials at kyushu electric power company strictly revised the scope of a hypothetical earthquake which may hit the plant. the operator raised the maximum strength of the quake. the new scenario takes into account quakes that could be triggered by currently unknown active faults. the sendai plant is the first among japan's facilities undergoing screenings. its estimated earthquake level has been assessed by the nras abeing reasonable. plant officials have also raised the estimated level of maximum tsunami height. it built 15 meter high walls to protect equipment that is pumping sea water to cool the reactors. the nra has put priority on screening the safety measures of the plant. but, not everyone is happy with
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the government's nuclear policy. people opposed to the restart held a rally near the diet in tokyo. they were vocally against restarting the sendai plant. >> translator: i want government officials to reconsider their priorities. our lives and the lives of our children are more important than japan's economy. >> reporter: city council members from the area near the plant have been discussing whether they would approve the restart of the facility. last month, the mayor of the city, and council members, accepted the proposal from the operator. the mayor said government leaders are responsible for restarting the plant. >> translator: it's a tough decision when we consider the opinions of people who are cautious about the restart. but i'll do my best to ensure public safety.
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>> reporter: the local government has given a green light to restart the plant. however, the sendai nuclear plant is not expected to be reactivated until the first part of next year at the earliest. japanese officials say they're testing a man for the ebola virus. the health ministry officials say the man returned home to tokyo on tuesday, after staying in liberia in west africa for two weeks. the man, in his 60s, is en route to the national center for global health and medicine in central tokyo. he reported having a fever. the health authorities say the man told them he had no contact with ebola patients during his time in liberia. last month, a canadian journalist was sent to the institution after arriving from liberia. he was tested for the virus, but the results were negative. japanese government officials have agreed to do more
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to help fight ebola outbreak in west africa. they have announced they'll disburse up to $100 million in additional grant aid to help contain the virus. >> translator: the ebola epidemic poses a threat to international peace and safety. japan has offered assistance before. but the support must be accelerated as the situation remains dire. >> suga says prime minister shinzo abe will explain japan's efforts to tackle the epidemic at next week's apec summit. the government has already pledged $40 million to fight the epidemic. the aid package is currently being disbursed. at the cabinet meeting on friday, suga said the money is being used to provide medical supplies and equipment to guinea, liberia, and sierra leone. the rest will go to fund u.n. activities.
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he said that the $40 million that abe pledged at the u.n. general assembly will now be put to specific use. a u.s. newspaper reports that president barack obama has reached out to iran in the fight against islamic state militants. "the wall street journal" says obama wrote a letter to iran's supreme leader, though the two countries do not have diplomatic ties. the newspaper says the letter was sent to ayatollah khamenei in mid-october. the article says it describes the shared interests between the u.s. and iran in fighting the extremist group. it says the letter stresses that any cooperation on the issue would depend on iran agreeing to a nuclear deal with six world powers. the deadline for the nuclear
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negotiations is set for november 24th. u.s. secretary of state john kerry, and iran's foreign minister mohamed javad sharif will begin talks in oman on sunday to try to reach an agreement. let's now turn to the latest in biz with ron madison. >> well, japan's minister in charge of the trans-pacific partnership hopes that upcoming talks will speed up negotiations on the free trade deal. akira amari will attend a meeting of trade ministers from 12 countries on saturday in beijing. the gathering will take place on the sidelines of the apec conference. amari told reporters that the u.s. has already said it will be hard to reach a broad agreement on the tpp at the talks in beijing. >> translator: it will be difficult to settle you aremaining issues at the upcoming talks. >> negotiators are trying to arrange a meeting of leaders from the 12 countries after the ministerial talks. amari says he expects such a summit will happen.
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>> translator: sharing the achievements of the talks so far among ministers and leaders of the participating countries would be an important step in the tpp negotiations. >> well the most recent meeting of the tpp ministers took place late last month in sydney. they say they made major progress during that meeting. well in other trade news members of japan's diet have given the okay to an economic partnership agreement or epa with australia. it's japan's 14th such deal. australia will be japan's biggest epa partner in terms of trade value. lawmakers in the upper house approved the pact. lower house lawmakers endorsed it last week. japanese authorities will lower tariffs on chilled australian beef from 38.5% to 23.5% within 15 years. their australian counterparts will remove a 5% tariff on certain types of japanese cars soon after the deal takes effect.
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the prime ministers of japan and australia signed the deal in july. it also gives japan a stable supply of liquefied natural gas from australia. the country is the biggest exporter of lng to japan. the pact is expected to take effect early next year, after relevant bills are passed. let's get a check of the markets now. investors are waiting for a key jobs report due out in just a couple of hours. ahead of that, encouraging corporate earnings are supporting overall sentiment in europe. here's how the major benchmarks are doing at this hour. fairly mixed picture right now. we're seeing some markets retreating from earlier gains. london is still up by 0.6%. frankfurt, though, is down by 0.1%. paris' cac 40 is moving lower, as well, nearly half a percent. we have been seeing better than expected profit in the third quarter helping shares of arcelor mittal the world's largest steelmaker and shares of allianz are rising thanks to strong earnings.
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tokyo's nikkei rebounded from thursday's losses as the yen remained weak. some investors took profits ahead of the release of key economic data out of the u.s. moving on to currencies now, the dollar little changed against the yen. now trading at roughly 115.16. many traders are holding back ahead of u.s. nonfarm payroll data. and in other trading the euro remains under pressure against the dollar. this came after the ecb vowed to take action to support the region's economy. managers at major home appliance retailers in japan say the consumption tax hike is still weighing down on sales. they're lowering their earnings forecast now. officials at industry leader yamada trimmed the firm's sales forecast through next march by 6.7%. company officials predicted the effects of the tax increase in april would last only a few months. they thought sales would recover. but they say spending is still stagnant. other electronics retailers are taking a look at their sales
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projections. k's holdings lowered their forecast by 8.2% and edion revised down by 7.8%. okay. that's going to do it for biz tonight. i'll leave you with the markets. japan's top wrestlers will be back in action this sunday at the grand sumo tournament in kyushu. and they'll be keeping a close eye on one competitor.
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40-year-old tengho is quickly becoming the newest star despite being the holdest inside the ring. nhk world has the story. >> reporter: he won near the end of the previous torn innocent in september. the victory makes him the first 40-year-old in 73 years to earn more wins than losses. he credits his success to focusing on an important resolution he made before the tournament. >> translator: if i had lost the match i would have fallen out of the division. i had privately thought that if i lost and ended up with a losing record i might retire from sumo. >> reporter: today, mongolian wrestlers are a powerful force in sumo. in 1992, he was one of the first wrestlers from his country to compete in japan. however, the sumo society wasn't sure how to deal with them. at one point, he went back to
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mongolia because of problems with diet, communication, and other matters. but he renewed his resolve and tried again. his hard work lay the foundation for all the mongolian wrestlers who follow. in the 2012 may tournament, he performed brilliantly, winning his first championship in the top division. at the age of 37 years and eight months he had become the oldest wrestler ever to win a championship. >> translator: when i look back over the past 20 years of competing in sumo, i'm truly happy. thank you. >> reporter: even at the ripe old age of 40, kyukutenho still trains with wrestlers in their teens and 20s. he's a good role model for his juniors.
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>> translator: he doesn't look anywhere near 40. we look older than he. he eats a lot. drinks like crazy. and trains twice as hard as the rest of us. >> translator: he's always teaching us different things. i try my best to follow his example. >> reporter: his remarkable career also inspires people of his own age group. one of the reasons he isn't willing to retire is his fixation on his place in sumo history. for example, he ranks among the top ten wrestlers ever for total appearances in a tournament. he holds other records, too. >> translator: that's what motivates me these days. leaving behind impressive records. everyone's joking about me winning the tournament.
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but the thing that energizes me, and keeps me going, is challenging the records. >> reporter: his family gives him great support. one of his children drew this family portrait. his third child was born recently. he wants to keep competing until the infant is old enough to appreciate what her father is doing. >> translator: when the fans cheer it makes me stronger. i want to keep wrestling in a style that's suitable for my age. but also, with youthful energy. >> reporter: kukutenho is aiming for several records at the november tournament, including being the holdest wrestler ever to compete. everyone will be watching him to see if he becomes a living legend. hiro morita, nhk world.
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japan's northern main island of hokkaido is experiencing winterlike weather today. meteorologist sayaka mori joins us with the details. >> thank you. people in hokkaido are experiencing winterlike weather conditions. we saw below freezing temperatures in the morning, and some areas like sapporo saw snow flurries. the reason is that we have a wintry pressure pattern. a high pressure system over the west and a low pressure system over the east. under such conditions cold air flows in from the north. but as the high pressure system moves towards the east, conditions will get back to normal, as we go into saturday over hokkaido. now this low is actually what was once severe tropical storm nuri and it's still developing. it could reach the bering sea late friday at the most intense system on record for the region. and that will provide extremely high waves, extremely strong winds, and also torrential rain before the western parts of the
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aleutian island, and also blizzard conditions for southern parts of alaska, as we go in to next week. now, across the americas, heavy rain is pounding coastal locations over the northeastern u.s. up into atlantic canada and also heavy snow is falling for inland locations, up to 15 to 25 centimeters of snow is likely into friday on top of that, up to 100 kilometers per hour that could lead to low visibility, making for very treacherous road conditions. now, across the west, snowfall over the central parts of canada and the west, as well. and temperatures are going to be quite low for this time of year over the east. take a look, only 7 in chicago despite sunshine, 3 degrees in toronto. the cold air conditions to push toward the east as we go into saturday. now, across europe, flooding is still a main concern over italy, and surrounding areas due to a slow-moving low pressure system. it is still packing lots of moisture enough to cause more flooding as well as mudslide
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landslides over italy and the western parts of the balkan peninsula as we go into the weekend. just heavy rainfall, there's a concern for large hail, damaging winds, and even some tornadoes. in fact a couple of tornadoes are cited in italy on your thursday. wet and windy over the british isles. and across the east, sunny weather and temperatures a little bit on the high side. 12 in kiev, and 15 degrees in warsaw. but still on the chilly side in stockholm, only 4 degrees for the high on the last day of the business week. now, across asia, we have a deep depression moving over the bay of bengal. this one will likely reach the east coast of india as we go into next week and another system just to the south of the indochina peninsula, this one is setting up moisture for the southern areas of thailand, as well as cambodia, and also malaysia, as we go into the weekend. now, across the philippines, actually tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of typhoon haiyan. tacloban is one of the hit areas, and this area will see some scattered thunderstorms.
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now, to the north, rain will finally taper off over the southern parts of china. but across the north, thanks to a big high pressure system, sunny weather will continue, that includes beijing area, where the apec forum is taking place. sunny weather on your saturday with 12 degrees but chillny morning. and the nice conditions will likely continue into your sunday. all right. that's all for now. up next is your three-day forecast.
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and that concludes this edition of "newsline."
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i'm keikichi hanada. on behalf of our team, thank you for staying with us. gg99ññwçç
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>> welcome to the "france 24" newsroom. jerusalem is on edge. we get an update from our con -- our correspondent. says jobhollande growth will return or he will not eat reelection. who killed osama bin laden? two u.s. navy seals say they fired the shot. both men now under fire for breaking a so-called code of silence. coming up in this program, a business update. 25 yrs


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