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tv   France 24  LINKTV  November 10, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PST

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'ke a look at what is making headlines this hour. a historic meeting between the leaders of china and japan the first time after more than two years with high tensions amid territorial disputes. voters in catalonia have backed independence from the bad news -- from the spanish region. the u.s. and eu worried over reports of a buildup in sector three -- in reinforcements in
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ukraine as shelling continues around the city of donetsk. the day's business news, including china agreeing to buy some 300 billion more of russian debt, in a bill blog -- badly needed by moscow. an accident took place at the train station in central tel aviv. local media are reporting authorities are treating the incident as a possible terrorist attack. according to one newspaper police have arrested a palestinian man. he rammed his car into
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pedestrians in central jerusalem, the second such incident of its kind in as many weeks, killing two israelis. israeli police shot the driver dead. tensions over access to a jerusalem compound housing isl am's third holiest site. we will bring you more details on that story as they come. the leaders of china and japan have met for formal talks after more than two years of severe tension over a territorial dispute. the chinese president and japanese prime minister met on the sidelines of an opec summit in beijing. the talks between the two leaders -- for more on the story, let's head to beijing. it's a rather historic meeting.
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did anything substantial come out of it? >> they are trying to establish a crisis hotline between the two countries. fighter jets and ships have been coming into close contact near a contested chain of islands. the islands are rich in natural resources. there are other tensions causing -- >> there are other issues causing tensions between these countries, aren't there? >> china feels like it was
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victimized by japanese wartime atrocities during world war ii. that is very fresh in the memories. shinzo abe has visited wartime memorials honoring fallen soldiers. china says the soldiers honored by the japanese leaders are guilty of war crimes. china feels that japan is part of the united states attempt to encircle china, to contain china's economic rise, and not america is using japan as an ally to do this. -- and that america is using japan as an ally to do this. >> some 1.6 million people in spain's northeastern region of
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catalonia have voted in favor of raking away from the country in a mock independent poll -- of breaking away from the country in a mock independence poll. the spanish government has declared the poll to be illegal. >> reveling in the results of their symbolic vote. voters for an independent catalonia hit the streets of barcelona after casting their ballots in the straw poll. catalonia's leaders now have to convince madrid to allow for unofficial referendum -- four on -- for an official referendum. >> i asked the people of the world, the media, the democratic governments of the world to help the catalog -- catalan people to decide its political future. >> after a boycott from
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anti-independence operations, many of the regions five one 4 million voters did not participate -- the region's 5.4 million voters did not participate. it could put pressure on madrid. >> people who are willing to have their voice in this process , even if it is for or against independence but who want to have their rights recognized. >> bolstered by the scottish referendum two months ago, backers of independence hope to force the spanish government to negotiate for more autonomy and to allow for an official referendum. >> we want to decide on our own future. we believe we have the right. we want this rightly recognized. -- this right to be recognized.
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we want to reach a common agreement. >> a buildup of reinforcements in ukraine. shelling has continued around the city of donetsk, shaking and already -- shaking an already shaky cease-fire. we have more from kiev. critics the organization -- >> the organization said this convoy of 40 military vehicles included heavy artillery, as well as personnel wearing green uniforms without insignia.
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of course, that is significant because of accusations that russia has been bringing troops -- sending troops into eastern ukraine to support the rebels, something moscow has denied. the osc is seen as a -- the o osce is seen as a rather neutral body respected by both sides. it's reporters -- its reporters saw them vehicles entering -- saw the vehicles entering including with troops and artillery. in the a jihadist -- >> a jihadist organization has pledged allegiance to the islamic state organization. the announcement was made in an audio speech posted late sunday on the group's official twitter
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account. it reflects the growing regional appeal of the islamic state group. they are a self-styled caliphate in syria and iraq. i'm joined in the studio by wasim nassir. tell me about this group. >> the ancestor of this group was created in 2001 in the sinai , by a doctor, a dentist. this group has started to make terrorist operations against tourists and against israel.
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it found the hands of the egyptian army. -- it bound the hands of the egyptian army. today, the group is at the pinpoint [indiscernible] >> it's a bit like the wild west in that part of the world, isn't it? >> exactly. this group never about allegiance to al qaeda. al qaeda never recognized the group as an affiliate of al qaeda. today, we are seeing a shift with all jihadist groups. for these groups to valid allegiance to the islamic state -- to vow allegiance to the
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islamic state is like a slap for al qaeda. >> what are the implications? >> implications are made real day by day. if this is an emboldened group -- and when we've had allegiance before in nigeria sporadic allegiances from yemen. this is the first group to vow allegiance, which has to be accepted by the islamic state which makes it stronger on the regional level, and gives it the capacity to head further from syria and iraq. also, the islamic state is saying we are fighting with the regime in egypt. the moves the egyptian army made lately by destroying houses and trying to secure the frontier --
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front here -- [indiscernible] they will see them as an ally. it is very critical. we know that fighters from gaza are in the ranks of the islamic state in syria and iraq. two weeks ago, a palestinian from gaza made a suicide attempt in iraq. the islamic state gave recognition to his death. his martyrdom was celebrated in gaza. they are saying the war will be beyond syria and iraq. they are getting more attractive day by day because of this caliphate they have established. >> wassim thank you so much. 9 police have been killed in separate attacks in pakistan.
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there was an attack on police headquarters in the eastern -- in an eastern province. officers were also killed when a bomb carried on a motorbike exploded near their vehicle in another province. the albanian prime minister is set to visit serbia, his first visit in some 68 years. on the agenda will be a membership for both countries and the disputed kosovo region. it is an attempt to bury the hatchet between the two detonations. >> an unidentified flying object that set off a diplomatic row between serbia and albania. it was a provocative fly featuring the so-called -- flag featuring the so-called greater albania. fans stormed the pitch, forcing
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the teams to flee to their locker rooms. the match was canceled. the historic visit to serbia was postponed. that meeting is finally taking place this monday. he and his serial -- somalian counterpart will discourse -- discussed the region -- he and his somalian counterpart will discuss the region. >> when it comes to the way serbia has treated albanians up till now, this has not solved the problems. it's time for surgery. to say that belgrade can't solve the problems in the south of the country, it needs to allow opinions to be free and unite -- allow albanians to be free and unite kosovo. >> the two leaders are keen to dispute the incident and be seen
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to be turning the page on their confiscated history. -- complicated history. >> our minder of what's making news this hour -- a reminder of what's making news this hour. it's a yes with 80% of those voting in catalonia having backed independence in the spanish region in a mock full. -- wpoll. madrid declares the poll to be illegal. shelling continues around the city of donetsk. it's time for the day cost business news. -- the day cost business -- the date's -- the day's business news. >> barack obama making the case for the countries to work
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together to boost growth. american and chinese citizens could be granted visas up to 10 years to live and work in each other's countries. there are still many checks -- steps to take that will strengthen ties. >> we look to china to create a more level playing field in which foreign companies are treated fairly, so that they can compete fairly with chinese companies, a playing field where competition policy promotes the welfare of consumers and doesn't benefit just one set of companies over another. we look to china to become an innovative economy that values the protection of intellectual property rights and rejects cyber theft of trade secrets for commercial gain. >> the country signs another major deal to buy gas from russia worth more than 300 billion euros to russia's gazr
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prom the second major gas deal between the two countries signed this year. >> i handshake that should see china become the largest consumer of russian gas -- a handshake that should see china become the largest consumer of russian gas in the world, worth more than $300 billion after a further deal reached earlier this year. l >> cooperation between the people's republic of china and the russian federation is extremely important for keeping the world in line with national law -- with international law and making the world a more stable and productive place. >> it's a boost for moscow as it feels the pinch from u.s. and eu sanctions. the west is responding to the kremlin support of pro-russian separatists in eastern ukraine. the deal comes at a good time
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for china. the third quarter saw growth in the world's second-largest economy slowing to rates not seen since the 2008 global financial crisis. >> china's economic growth rates may be slower, but it's real growth remains considerable. the size of the chinese economy is no longer what it used to be after more than 30 years of rapid economic growth. >> china's latest deal with russia secures the natural gas it needs by the end of the decade. the delivery of 67 billion cubic meters is still under half that -- what moscow supplies to europe. >> the value of the ruble has fallen sharply in the past week as russia's central bank allows the market to set its value. around 3% against the dollar.
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let's take a look at what's happening on the stock markets around the mid-and in the trading day -- the midpoint in the trading day. oil companies are gainers as energy prices rise. that is helping shares in france. club med is up. a quick look at some of the days companies -- company news. a five-month strike has caused -- cost them more than $300 million. it was reported that $326 million -- down from a profit of 140 million. burger king is to open 12 outlets in india in the coming months. they will are those hamburgers with chicken and vegetarian
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sandwiches. the company's late entrance to the rival mcdonald's, which has been here for almost 20 years. following sales any string europe. -- appalling -- followingfalling sales in eastern europe. finally, some good news in the music streaming service. spoitify saw taylor swift pull her music last month. cobalt a company that connects royalties for musicians said spotify brought in 13% more for its artists than apple in the past three months.
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it is a big shift in the music industry. perhaps it is not all over for spotify yet. >> another sign of the digital revolution having an effect on musicians and their incomes. thank you so much. welcome back. it is time to take a look at what has been making look -- making news in the days's newspapers. nicholas rushworth. looking at the french newspapers, not surprisingly looking at a political scandal. >> the latest scandal in france. it centers on a former prime minister and the chief of staff. the former prime minister is reeling from a report that he urged presidents francois hollande's chief of staff to push ahead with legal complaints
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against the former resident -- president, nicolas sarkozy. "le figaro" says it is a scandalous state. it is asking who wins in this latest episode of french politics. it says the far right national front does. marine le pen, what is she doing in her speeches? she lumps the opposition party and the socialist party together. she calls them the umps. marine le pen thanks the politicians for pointing to her argument that there is collusion at the top. >> this political weight his front-page news -- this political quake is front-page news. >> and looks at the two protagonist -- it looks at the
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two protagonists. it is a shooting gallery. it says president nicolas sarkozy could not have dreamt of a better event from his rivals. this is a windfall in his bid to portray himself as a victim of his rivals, that there is a plot against him. let's go to the editorial, saying windfall for him, but will it last. he will get a short-term boost from this, but in the long term, there are judicial questions he will have to face about a series of major scandals in france over the years. to wrap this up about politics in france, let's go to the cartoon. it shows nicolas sarkozy. we have france while -- we have
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francois. he says, "no, there is a plot against me." then there is in the one -- is another one who says, "no no, i will have the final say." he was convicted of mishandling funds. >> is the french reality -- it is the french reality version of "house of cards." germany is marking the 25th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall. >> let's have a look at a couple of german front pages. this has the headline "berlin beings alike to the world -- "berlin beams a light to the world."
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a look at another main german paper, which has a photo album of the jubilee events over the weekend. the photo is of chancellor angela merkel looking at gorbachev, now 83. the architect of terminal reunification, more or less. she says, i thank you for that. i thank you for letting things happen. >> gorbachev's, and that the world is again on the brink of a new cold war -- it's getting a lot of attention, isn't it? >> a lot of analysis pieces are about this statement by gorbachev that there could be a new cold war. let's go to the u.k. pic of the day. -- u.k. pick iof the day. the paper concludes that it is
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not possible to justify taking control of the crimea and backing a non-rebellion in eastern ukraine. for more analysis of this question is there a cold war we can go to the guardian -- "the guardian." it says, yes, there is. there are no big ideas at stake. it's not left versus right or the state versus the individual. on both sides, we have the most rapacious and least honest approach. she says that, depressingly, it looks as if there is a new cold war emerging, both sides have their arguments and they will
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h the popularity of social media and new technology, people seem to be more connected than ever. can we use these connections to take a more holistic approach to solving the world's biggest problems? i'm mike walter in los angeles. let's take it "full frame." dr. deepak chopra is a world-renowned author


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