tv France 24 LINKTV November 26, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PST
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♪ >> a second night of protests in ferguson, missouri has resulted in the arrests of more than 50 people. some tear gas and pepper spray was used last night as demonstrators smashed windows and started a blaze. but protests were calmer than the night before. the violent chaos was sparked by a grand jury's decision not to charge a white police officer for the killing of an
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unarmed black teenager. during a tv interview last night, the officer in question, darren wilson, said he had a clean corks. >> i know at least one of them hit him. i don't know where but i saw his body gliverage a little. after that you paused and yelled stop, get on the ground and he ignored all the commands and kept running. after he kept running again i shot another series of shots. at least one of those hit him because i saw the flinch. he was about 15 feet away. i was backpedaling and he was still not stopping. he gets to 10 or 15 feet and he starts leaned forward. i fired and i saw it went to his head. >> you have a very clean conscious. >> because i knee i did my job right. >> darren wilson speaking there about the incidents that sparked that unrest. we have a reporter in ferguson with the latest. >> there have been two nights
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of violence so far in ferguson since the grand jury decision. the first night was unexpectedly violent. the second night was much better. in the words of the police, at least, now here in the daylights in ferguson, everything is calm. it is a situation of major differences between the nighttime and daytime. they were plenty of shop windows that were shattered last night and have now been cleared up and a lot of people are coming to terms with the second night of violence, the kind of violence they didn't want to see. this is a community that has lad months to prepare for this and was hoping for largely peaceful protests. if there is a trend, it means there will be even fewer arrests tonight if the violence does again happen in the center of ferguson as is, sadly largely expected. 45 arrests last night. there were 60 in ferguson alone
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the night before. there was less violence and less tear gas used as well last night. fewer cases of arson as well. so it is a positive trend but only on two nights in a row. no one knows what might happen tonight. yesterday, of course, was the night of coordinated nationwide protests. that is not the case here tonight. we will have to wait and see but certainly the local police force and indeed also the national guard which is out here in force with around 2,000 men, they were ready to step in if necessary. >> phillip reporting from ferguson missouri. several weeks have passed since 43 students vanished without a trace in mexico but the sense of public anger remains undiminished. it's assumed the 43 were kill and would their remaims -- remains incinerated. this portion of the country has
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been plagued by an epidemic of murder and kidnapping. a report on another less-high profile mass occurrence. >> he was one of dozens who saw the kidnapping in co-kuehla but she's been too afraid to speak out. >> on the seventh of july i was in the center of the market when the killers came and took the children away. they took my daughter with the others. they grabbed them as they were cooling out of school. we don't know where they took him. >> it was their last day at school before the holidays. >> everyone else there was terrified. they didn't move. they were so afraid because the men with guns told them not to move, not to say anything or tell anyone. i was so scared and crying because they took my daughter. >> the masked men dressed in navy blue uniforms arrived from
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broad daylight with no tomplete disguise their vehicles. >> they took the kids away from police trucks. the hooded men grabbed them and took them away. not just three or four kids, about 30. >> other witnesses not willing to speak on camera confirmed 31 teenagers were kidnapped here. she and her family have now fled cocula. after their daughter was taken they received anonymous calls telling them to keep quiet. they realized they couldn't stay when rosset's husband was killed nammed for a few hours. >> i don't know why but they let him go. they cut his finger off. >> cocula has taken headlines lower to the 43 kidnapped in september.
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the government says this is where they died. >> president al-sisi has been holding talks in the french kal against francois hollande who calls for a clear partnership between france and cairo. to continue on its path to democracy. the two men focused on the fighting between extremists as well as other things. >> building bridges and repairing old friendships. egyptian president abdel fatah al-sisi met with his french counterpart on wednesday thanking him for the washing welcome, an exchange that human rights groups were extremely uneasy about. this two-day trim to paris is an attempt to bring paris out of the cold am four turbulent years, something al-sisi affirmed was necessary. >> we'd like to say that egypt
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is one of our partners. our partnership must be strong because egypt needs france. france should be clear in its relationship with egypt. we also hope to oversee the period of democratic transition. >> hollande spoke for the need of investment in certain sectors of the egyptian economy and france's commitment to the development of the country. there were security concerns in and around egypt that share the border with over 200,000 kilometers with bolivia -- libya. the country has become a hot bed of insurgency. safety concerns that have heavily affected tourism in egypt since the 2011 revolution compounded by a string of jihadist attacks in sinai this year. president al-sisi reiterateed
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that regional stability is paramount, underlining as the most pressing issue for the arab world achieving a peace agreement between the arabs and palestinians. >> the palestinians must have a state with east jerusalem as their capital and this would give palestinians real hope. for the israelis it would allow them to affirm their presence in the region in a way that would be acceptable for them and for the region. >> egypt's role as mediator between israelis and palestinians have been sidelined in recent years. and al-sisi's heavy handed crackdown on the muslim brotherhood has seen his presidency questioned in certain quarters. >> the world health organization announced that the death toll from the ebola epidemic has rise on the 5-u 689. cases have also been reported in five other nations.
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the u.n. health body says that 600 new cases in the three worst affected west african countries have been reported in the course of the last week alone. nato's top military commander ha -- has today been visiting ukraine, where he's been prejudicing -- pledging supports for the country. while speaking in kiev, general phillip breedlove confirmed a large number of russian troops are active inside ukraine and enough to mount a major incursion. >> secondly, we're concerned that the capabilities in crimia that are being instaaled will bring effect to almost the entire black sea and this is of concern. coastal missiles, surface to air missiles and other capabilities that are able to exert military influence over the black sea.
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>> that was the general breedlove speaking. he also expressed concerns of moscow's militaryization of the criticala peninsula. -- crimea peninsula. >> represents all of the times of aviation. warplanes that you see now, the s.u.-27 s.m., the s.u.-30 m. 2. generation 4-plus planes, attack bombing aviation and all army aviation, transport aviation and combat aviations. it enables up to -- us to fulfill all our assignments. >> 40 years ago a key speech was delivered in france's national assembly. a passionate defense for the legalization of abortion. she was addressing just nine
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women lawmakers within the assembly. but four months later it was given the all clear. for more we speak to a doctor, a women's rights activist and spokesperson. she joins us from amsterdam. thank you for speaking to us. that was a bold speech wasn't it, being made by simon veil when you consider it was made back in 1974? >> it was groundbreaking and extremely important. it put france on the forefront of -- all the legal changes within europe to legalizes -- legalizing abortion. the netherlands was only in 1983 when it was legalized. interesting that that trend is still ongoing. france at this moment is the country with the most progressive regulations concerning medical abortion,
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which can now be provided by general physicians. >> just how much has changed right across europe is a-- >> in the last 40 years, abortion was basically legalized in almost all european countries. there were a few countries that were set back. for example, poland, abortion used to be lealle -- legal but it was made illegal in 1993. and the rest of the countries -- portugal legalized abortion recently in 2007 and there's only now i think three or four countries where abortion is still illegal, this is ireland, poland and malta. and actually, ligtenberg also very recently realized abortion. >> in terms of those countries that you mentioned where abortion is still illegal
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isn't the argument that if it's going to be safe it's got to be legal. is that argument getting through to the leadership in those countrys? is that the sort of message your group is trying to get across? >> i think that actually that is not anymore the main argument. for example, in countries like poland and ireland, women also have access to medical abortion and that's extremely safe, to be done by women themselves at home. like is happening in france and women get it through the internet or they you know, so actually, abortion is available in these countries. the problem is that it's causing a social injustice because it's the women without money without access to information who are really suffering from these laws. they don't have access to internet, they don't know how to find their way. it's the poor women. so the main argument about
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legalizing abortion is it's causing social injustice. it's the people that have money, that are rich, that have access to information that will always find a way to have a safe abortion. >> clearly a lot has changed since that speech in 1974. >> that changed -- i mean, that was a revolution for women and it was.comed in france. >> thank you so much doctor, in amsterdam. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> and finally, a -- an important and valuable discovery, a copy of a rare compilation of william shakespeare's plays have been found in a laich near callai. published just a few years after shakes bear -- shakespeare's death, this brings to 293, the total number of copies that exist in the world. the laichian where this one was -- librarian where this one was
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found said he's going to lock it up safely in a safe. more arrests in ferguson, missouri. a second night of unrest followed a jury decision not to charge a policeman with the killing of an unarmed black teenager. the police officer at the center of the debate said he has a clean conscious. public anger undiminished several weeks since 43 students disappeared in mexico. another explosive case of massive disappearance uncovered. and in defense of abortion, the frenches national assembly recalls a key speech delivered by the health minister of the day, precisely 40 years ago. time now for a check on the top business news stories. marcus carlsson joins me. good evening. let's talk about oil and the question of the there going to be a cut in production or isn't there? >> to cut or not to cut, that is the question facing opec
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members. the 12 members of the oil cartel will gather in vienna on thursday and discuss cutting oil production at a time when prices have fullen more than 40% since yule july. the biggest numbers of opic -- opec is signaling there won't be one. the oil minister has said the market will stabilize itself. we have a closer look at opec and its weight in the global energy industry. >> the organization of petroleum exporting countries began in the 1960's as a way to control oil prices in countries but the commodity was a prime resource for citizens but the group's reach has become far wilder than that. they control 12 of the world's biggest exporters including saudi arabia venezuela, caw
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wait and iraq and control nearly 80% of the world's crude oil reserves and 40% of oil production so decisions of opec can be a -- can have a big impact. public in 1973 when the group put an embargo on oil. in the 1980's and 1990's, they diminished the supply. in 2001 oil prices rose once more in 2011 opec set production quotas at 30 million barrels per day. the global economy has drastically changed and it's proving to be too much again. demand for oil has been affected by consistent problems in the eurozone and a slowdown in growth in some emerging countries, notably china. at the same time the growth of shale oil business in the u.s. has ensured plenty of supply.
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leading to the crude hitting a four-year low, trading below $80 a barrel. the question is whether to cut oil production or not. >> we are seeing oil prices coming under pressure once again in session on this signal from saudi arabia that there won't be a production cut when opec ministers meet on thursday. that's the story there. we'll of course be watching that very closely when that meeting gets under way in vienna. we'll take a closer look at the stock markets now in the united states session. pretty mixed with the dow jones industrial arch trading slight little below the flat line. the sm 500 are gang somewhat on a mixed bag of economic reports. the number of americans who applied for jobless benefits rose last week. the european close, also, we saw a little bit of a mixed
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picture on this side of the atlantic as well. in london and paris. traileden be -- trading down, whereas the dax in frankfurt was up about half a percent. the european commission is launching an e.u. backed investment fund. the european fund will rely on 21 billion euros from i.u. institutions. the money will be used to entice private investment and the end is to inject 350 billion euros into the economy. experts say the plan is unlikely to turn the economy around on it own and question whether the starting amount will be enough. >> it's a question of looking at some of the detail but overall they have asked for this plan. they have wanted us to present
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something quickly but something examine -- which doesn't make additional debt. what he's done now i think is probably the only feasible way of achieving the goal of 300 billion. >> here's the stories kerr we are watching. thomas coke shares were 17% down. achieve executive harold green is stepping down. credited for turning thomas-koch around. she'll be replaced by the current chief operating officer. angela merkel says more economic sanctions on russia are unavoidable. she says nothing excuses russia's involvement in the crisis in ukraine. a russian minister said earlier this week that the sanctions are set to cause the economy
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about $40 billion this year. and the owners of british mobile operater e.e. says talks will steyer rant talks with b.t. about a potential sell. analysts believe that b.c. would have to fork up around 10 billion pounds for the u.k.'s biggest mobile network. b.t. said on money it's also in talks with a company in spain which owns o-2 the rival network. let's see if there will be a deal done. we've seen lots of them in the telco sector this year. >> lot going on there. >> thank you very much indeed. time for us to turn our eyes on what's happening online where the news is up next here on france fwrans. -- "france 24." >> hello and welcome to the web news. we pick up the stories making
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the headlines. coming up on today's show, the reaction to the grand jury decision in the controversial michael brown shooting. outrage over the suicide of a student nurse in india and a rally driver and control specialist in los angeles. >> danche wilson, the white police officer who shot dead an unarmed black teenager michael brown in ferguson, missouri, on august 9, will not be facing criminal charges. after months of deliberation, the 12 members of the grand jury reached their decision on monday determining there was no probable cause to file any indictments against the police officer. the news has drawn heated reaction online and across the united states. many have taken to the streets in several large cities in the u.s. to voice their outrage over the decision which they say is a denial of justice.
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spontaneous rallies have been staged in new york city, los angeles, washington, chicago and also oakland with thousands gathering, shocked by the grand jury decision. tensions have been high and some demonstrations descended into violence. riots erupted in ferguson with protesters vandalizing storefronts and loothing and setting fires. police were unable to stop the violence after being deployed to stop the violence. and while some have taken their anger to the streets, others have been sharing their grievances on official media. the vast majority of posts announce a he'll farce and travesty of justice and pledge to continue to campaign for justice for michael brown. the movement has support from several organizations. just a few moments after the
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ruling was announced, a video went online with members promising to do what it takes to avenge the young man's death. >> this is a breaking statement from anonymous. the world is watching and it is time for us to act. we will avenge mike brown. ♪ >> early november, 19-year-old student reggie white who was working in a private hospital in india was accused of bullying two fellow students. a few hours later she was dead after falling from the 10th floor of the hospital. local police didn't see any need to open an inquiry but a growing number of indians think otherwise and are questioning the circumstances around her death. they've taken to the streets demanding answers and the movements is also gaining ground online. around 50,000 people have united around their campaign on facebook started november 10.
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many have posted a tribute to the student, sharing photos in which they're lighting canledlings to pay their respects. -- candles to pay their respects. others are angry saying the hospital who employed reggie white did everything it could to hush up the story and there was no commentary from mainstream media or politicians. the web users are now calling for a boycott of indian press in protest of the media silence and with the online and streets campaigning gaining momentum. the interior minister has gone to his facebook page, announcing there will be an investigation into the death. his posthas garnered over 4,000 likes. 285 million people in the world have died with type 2 diabetes. 80% of cases can be prevented with lifestyle changes.
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