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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  December 15, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PST

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12/15/14 12/15/14 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] >> from pacifica this is democracy now. >> there is a movement growing in this country. more than 50 cities had engaged the day of resistance. what we are seeing in the united states is what; uprising, and uprising of young, black, people that also people across issue, cross raise led by young black people saying enough is enough, you can't keep killing black people and we are not going to stop because black lives do matter. >> tens of thousands of people
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march across the country against police killings from new york to oakland to washington d.c. in the nation's capitol the parents of michael brown, eric garner, amadou diallo and tamira rice spoke at freedom plaza just a block from the white house. >> my son was 12 years old, just a baby. a baby. my baby, the youngest out of four. he is here with me right now and this is what he would want me to do. i want to thank the nation and the world for the support, because that is the only way i'm standing up right now. >> then from the cops to the cop. at the u.n. climate change conference in lima, 190 nations have agreed on the building blocks of a new-style global deal to cut emissions, but is the deal strong enough to actually prevent a catastrophic climate change? many say no. governments, they
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.ave failed us for 20 years and here in lima, they are failing again. >> all that and more, coming up. welcome to democracy now,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. the united nations climate summit in lima, peru wrapped up over the weekend with a deal that forms the basis for a new global agreement on climate change. the lima accord marks the first time all nations have agreed to cut back on carbon emissions, and says all countries have "common but differentiated responsibilities" to deal with global warming. but it is not legally binding and gives each country until next march to announce how much it will reduce. the final agreement will be negotiated at the climate summit in paris next year. in a statement, the environmental group friends of the earth international criticized the lima accord, saying -- "the only thing these talks have achieved is to reduce the chances of a fair and effective
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agreement to tackle climate change in paris." we'll have more on this story later in the broadcast. tens of thousands marched across the united states on saturday in the largest day of protest since the killing of michael brown set off a national movement four months ago. from oakland to new york city, protesters called for indictments in the case of police officers who've killed unarmed african-americans and broader reforms to policing and criminal justice. in washington, d.c., the families of slain african-americans led a rally and march on the white house. among them were leslie mcspadden and gwen carr, the mothers of michael brown and eric garner. >> thank you. wow. what a sea of people. if they don't see this and make a change, then i don't know what we got to do. thank you for having my back.
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know, they may not be here in body, but they are here with us in each and every one of you. you all brought them here today. ok? and i thank you. i thank you so much. >> saturday's actions included a "millions march" that drew tens of thousands to the streets of new york city. a massive crowd took over the streets after gathering in washington square park, heading uptown before turning around and closing at police headquarters downtown. a smaller group of thousands then broke off to march across the brooklyn bridge. professor and poet was allegedly -- was arrested for allegedly assaulting two police officers. in boston, dozens of people were arrested in a protest that drew hundreds of people. around 45 people were also arrested after thousands marched in oakland and san francisco. we'll have more from saturday's protests after headlines.
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the u.s. senate has approved a controversial spending bill that gets a key part of financial regulation. the 1.1 clean dollar crominbus avoids a government shutdown before the end of the congressional term and funds must federal agencies or september. but it divided democrats over the repeal of a major role in the dodd-frank financial reform bill that limits risky trades by federally insured banks. the financial giant citigroup reportedly authored the provision, calling a citigroup on the senate floor, democratic senator elizabeth warren accused the financial giant of wielding too much power in washington and said it should have been broken into pieces under wall street reform. in recent years, many wall street institutions have exerted extraordinary influence in washington's corridors of power. citigroup has risen above the others. its grip over economic policymaking in the executive branch is unprecedented.
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there is a lot of talk lately isut how dodd-frank imperfect. there is a lot of talk to me from citigroup about how dodd-frank is imperfect. let me say this to anyone who is listening at citi. i agree with you. dodd-frank is imperfect. it should have broken you into pieces. >> she introduced in a minute that would have stripped the citigroup provision from the spinning growth -- bill but it was left out. increasing tenfold the amount of money allowed for certain political donations. the bill also strips millions in funding for the environment of protection agency and approves cuts to retiree benefits at some multiemployer pension plans. the senate passed a measure 56-40 in a rare saturday night vote. president obama is expected to sign the bill after urging lawmakers to approve it. speaking ahead of the senate's
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approval, obama called the bill a compromise worthy of support. >> this by definition was a compromise bill. this is what is produced when you have be divided government that the mecca people voted for. >> the bill sets up a new showdown over immigration, with republicans winning an effort to fund the department of homeland security only through february. they intend to use new funding as leverage to stop president obama's deportation reprieve for up to five million undocumented immigrants. texas republican senator ted cruz attempted to begin that challenge on saturday, but that allowed senate majority leader harry reid to exploit a procedural loophole and advance two dozen stalled nominations. these include vivek murthy, whose nomination as surgeon general has been held up for more than a year after the national rifle association opposed his support for gun control. dr. murthy called for tougher gun laws in the wake of the newtown shooting massacre, whose two-year anniversary was on sunday. the senate will begin taking up murthy's and other stalled nominations today.
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senior officials from the administration of president george w. bush are pushing back against criticism of their abuses and calls for their prosecution following last week's senate findings on cia torture. speaking to nbc's "meet the press," former vice-president dick cheney refused to label the cia's abuses as torture, and said he wouldn't hesitate to use them again. >> with respect to trying to define that as torture, i can back the proposition. torture is what the al qaeda did to 3000 americans on 9/11. it worked. it worked now for 13 years. we have avoided another mass casualty against the united states ended capture bin laden and an awful lot of senior guys who were responsible for the attack on 9/11. >> while cheney defended the cia's abuses, the bush official who authored the legal memos behind the torture program admitted some cia agents may have violated the law. but speaking to cnn, john yoo also said torture methods such
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as forced rectal feeding, violent threats, and week-long sleep deprivation were never authorized, and at the same time, he doesn't trust senate investigators to confirm they were used. >> those are very troubling examples. they would not have been approved by the justice department. they were not approved by the justice department. at the time. have to question whether they are true because i cannot take the face by you of the committee's report because the renault republicans involved. i agree, look, if these things happened, as there described in the report, as you describe them, those were not authorized by the justice department. they were not supposed to be done. in this people who did those are at risk legally because they were acting outside their orders. >> also on sunday, democratic senator ron wyden said he will unveil a bill that calls for prosecuting any official who carries out torture in the future. wyden said he was responding to cia director john brennan, who last week left open the possibility of torture's use under future presidents.
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>> in sydney, australia, gunman has taken an unknown number of people hostage at a chocolate coffee café in the city center. the hostages were reportedly made to display an islamic flag in the window of the chocolate shop. five people have been seen fleeing from the scene after they either escaped or were freed. there are no reports of injuries so far. police have surrounded the area and are reportedly negotiating to free the remaining hostages. and detroit has formally exited bankruptcy after 17 months. a recently approved debt adjustment plan kicked in last week, allowing the city to restructure finances, shed around $7 billion in debt, and partially restore vital services. the plan was approved after city workers agreed to accept significant cuts to their pensions and benefits. detroit's emergency city manager, kevyn orr, welcomed the bankruptcy exit. >> we are thankful that at this point, the city will emerge later today, by the time i go to bed, from bankruptcy.
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we will exit. we look forward, truly, to better time for the city going forward. >> with detroit no longer in bankruptcy, orr will return formal authority to the mayor and the city council, whose power he has overrode for well over a year. detroit's finances will remain under strict state oversight. and those are some of the headlines, this is democracy now,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. tens of thousands marched across the country on saturday in the largest day of protest since the killing of michael brown set off a national movement four months ago. from oakland to new york city, protesters called for indictments in the case of police officers who've killed unarmed african-americans and broader reforms to policing and criminal justice. in washington, d.c., the families of slain african-americans led a rally and march on the white house. more than 10,000 people took part. the reverand al sharpton intruced the speakers at the rally in washington d.c. >> let us your first michael brown lesley mcspadden. >> how are y'all doing?
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all the way from st. louis, the brown family love y'all. man, well kept us alive. all of the families. we love you all. we really do. we love you all so much. >> the mother of michael brown, juniors sister, lesley mcspadden . hey, washington. thank you. wow. people.ea of if they don't see this and make a change, then i don't know what we got to do. garner,other of eric ms. quinn carr. >> good afternoon, everyone.
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it is just so overwhelming to see all of you have come to stand with us today. i mean, look at the masses. , all the races, all religions. this is just a great moment. this is a history-making moment. and you know we need to stand like this at all times. know, they may not be here in body, but they are here with us in each and every one of you. you brought them here today, ok? and i thank you. i thankhe so much -- you so much. because without you, we would
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have [indiscernible] we just love you all so much. said, wereverend al will come here as many times as it takes. we will come here over and over and over again. but the next time we come, we don't want to come, you know, when we come, we want to come for celebration, not an assassination. rice, whoher of tamir has come from cleveland just yesterday, the autopsy released. pain, she wanted to stand with the people today. give they can -- old, justwas 12 years a baby. a baby. my baby. the youngest out of four. he is here with me right now and this is what he would want me to
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do. inant to thank the nation the world for the support because that is the only way i'm standing up right now. that is the only way. may god bless this nation, all the families who share the same pain, all the mothers across the world that got shootings and police shootings for they sons. hands up, don't shoot. i camp rate i can't breathe. please am shoot, i want to grow up, too. thank you. >> give sister rice a hand. the family of john crawford. the father who lost his son with a toy gun in ohio. >> my name is john h crawford, junior, the father of the slain john h crawford iii, who on
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august 5 was murdered in the biggest retail store in the entire world. that would be walmart. let me say the name loudly for you. walmart! where most of america spends their money. at one time, including myself, but that is no more. today to support the rest of these families in this wall of shame. i'm here today to let everyone know that my son's name, along with the rest of these families, will be vindicated. i worked under the system often on promised 20 years under the criminal justice umbrella. never before have i been so ashamed. that ie same system
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carried out my duties is the same system that i am receiving and justice for. the same system that we all are receiving injustice for. like to let everyone know to please stay focused. don't forget the name john crawford iii. don't forget walmart. associate the name with the place. he wasn't killed at a department store. he wasn't killed on the street. he was killed in the biggest retailer in the world. get oneidn't even condolence. walmart was under no prohibitions whatsoever to not release the footage when he was murdered. but did they do so? absolutely not.
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sorry, our"i'm deepest condolences"? absolutely not. shame on you. shame on you, walmart. shame on you, walton family. please, stay focused of what is going on. what is going on is simply, we have prosecutors who are not prosecuting. prosecutors who are not prosecuting. which,ases, most of and shut. are open these cases should even make it to the federal level. let's just be frank about it. just under a month ago in a public housing in brooklyn, new york, the pink houses, a young
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girly. killed named we responded to his partner. he has a two-year-old child that she will have to explain what happened to their daddy. they are trying to get all kinds of disputes going, that she said, i don't care about disputes, i want justice for my partner justice for my who i bid this child with. she rode gun here with this baby to stand up in the nation's capital for him. give them a hand as this family comes. kimberly. i thank everyone for the support. we really appreciate it.
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i was killed by police officers for no reason walking down the stairs on his way home. all i really need right now is justice. how do i explain to his two-year-old a daddy isn't coming home? i'm yelling at justice for his daughter as well. thank you all for the support. shot.9, the young man 41 bullets in the bronx, new york. his mother came and stood for him. she is still standing for him and others. .he mother of amadou diallo >> why are we here today? let me tell you something. i know in 2000 when the four
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white officers were acquitted of killing my son of all charges, i thought the world was ending. had then the conversation that we began in this country. i want to lift this one up and show the world. amadou diallo on the cover of "time" magazine. what did we say then? we said cop brutality and race. and today, 16 years later, we are standing still and demanding the same thing. just make about that for a moment. think about all these young children who were taken away from us. put a face, humanity, behind the headlines. my son's wallet looked like a
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gun. when sean bell went out to celebrate the best time of his life for his wedding, she looked suspicious -- he looked suspicious. 41 bullets were shot at my son. i thought that was so much. with sean bell, 50 bullets. i went to the hospital to see the survivors of that brutality and violence from police guns. i went and saw them in the hospital. they had chains on the bed. they had handcuffs. and i cried. traumacan imagine the for me because i was seeing this young man, for no reason, in gun down and came out of it. my son never lived through that.
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he did not stand a chance. i'm here today to support the eric garner family. michael brown family. family.ce any young man who was killed in brooklyn. in the end, we all have to ask the same question. why our sons looked suspicious? and why each time our sons being gunned down there was stereotypes and portrayed. why? leslie son was supposed to go to college, but in the news, you see something else. trayvon martin when out to get something to drink. it in the news, it is something else. time and time again, we are going through the same history. i relive my tragedy every time. but as long as i have bones in my body, i will not fail amadou.
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i will not fail my son. i promised him i will stand for him, to speak for him because he is the longer there to speak for himself. the solidarity of sisters, week, the moms, we don't want to belong to this group. we would pay a heavy price -- we pay a heavy price to be here. many people on the stand, whenever we see people in the neighborhoods that touch as an hug as, that gives us comfort. gwen carr, i'm sorry that eric and theas killed officers who are responsible will not be put to trial. i am so sorry for that. michael brown, leslie, i'm sorry that it has to end like this. but this is not the end. this is a sea of people who stood up and said, we need justice. we cannot close the book. we have to carry on until
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justice for all. equal justice for all the victims, despite where you are coming from, whether it is [indiscernible] bell's fulton or sean mom, or leslie or gwen carr, we are all here. i love you all. please, don't forget us. don't forget that our sons die so we can open up the book and review what is happening so that we can open up conversation around the nation, so that we .an start building communities and finally that happens, when we have strong laws, when we have good cops policing our neighborhoods, then we can heal heal.e we want to we need healing, amerco. thank you.
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god bless you. >> the mother of amadou diallo. he died in a hail of 41 police bullets as he put the key in his door. andas coming home from work bronx, new york. she spoken washington, d.c. on saturday and there was a slight interruption in the rally. >> next, we have missed barbara -- president of the lawyers committee. barbara,e our sister but what i have here is ferguson people that want to speak and we need to let them speak. we need to let them speak1 let them speak! >> later in the rally, young woman from ferguson was brought up to speak. when we come back, the millions
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march in new york. tens of thousands marched here in new york city as well. stay with us. ♪ [music break]
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the music features been developed over these last few months. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. saturday's actions across the country included millions march that drew tens of thousands to the streets of new york. a massive crowd took over the streets after gathering in washington square park, heading uptown before turning round and closing a police headquarters downtown. a smaller group of thousands they broke off to march across the brooklyn bridge. democracy now!'s aaron maté and samantha riddell were in the streets of new york city for the millions march.
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they filed this report. >> [chanting] everyre had been actions single day in new york city since the grand jury elected not to indict officer daniel penta lael the killing of eric garner. none acre than this billion march behind me. thousands here arched in square park, marching drop the city to demand justice in the case of eric garner as scores of other unpunished and and prosecuted police killings of honor and african-americans across the country. because black lives matter. my son basically says black lives -- my son basically says black lives matter and it the other side says the color of my skin does not determine the validity of my life. when you see me, treat me with respect. >> we want to work with the police.
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because all the names of the people who have died over the last however many years is ridiculous and appalling and i feel like this is the part that i can do, i have no choice. >> my name is michael. we are calling for the immediate indictment of pantaleo. it is unreasonable to think someone would do something like that and we have a system that allows them to get away with it. we would like an independent office for the prosecutor to investigate these crimes. anytime someone dies in custody, it should be investigated. it does not matter. it should be investigated. there should not be an investigation, there should be a trial because a loss of life occurred p. eriod.
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>> i'm a black new york city educator and i'm tired of seeing students who get gunned down for no good reason. >> we surprised when officer pantaleo wasn't indicted? >> i could say i was surprised and then again, i wasn't surprised. you saw what happened the way the chokehold went down for so long that i thought, surely, in this one instance, surely, we have video and blatant evidence on our side and then it turned out not to be the case. and of course, i wasn't surprised when i think about the grand scheme of things in the so-called american justice system. >> we are marching for justice against police brutality in new york city, ferguson, open, and all around the country and around the world. we want to see officer pantaleo fired for killing their partner. we want to see york city pick another protester prosecuting and to try and police officers that kill people. we want to see a total eradication of the police militarized state. we cannot live like this anymore.
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>> did you bring your son today? >> i did, my son garby. >> i'm a bang. i'm here with my mom. we are trying to fight for our rights. eric garner, tamir rice, and a lot of people who are dead by that police. is >> your site has a silhouette of a black woman within a target. >> this is my artwork. it is inspired by the hip-hop group public enemy's logo. i wanted to embody the fact that black women are often times ignored in these issues and black women, we are people, not always at the forefront. and brown becomes addicting that is important and important think about black man, but also to talk about black women like trance people and the other people were also being killed. their stories don't get heard.
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if we are joined to do this as a revolution, we need to be inclusive of everyone. >> we see a very diverse, multiracial, multinational crowd. of all of those here, the largest by far is young people. i am here because black lives matter. >> how old are you? >> 21. i think we are starting to rise as a generation how important this is. comeor generations to after us. we need to stand up now. if we don't stand up, how are the generations after is going to have an example? we had an example of the 1950's, 1960's, 1970's movement of civil rights. we are trying to make this into a big movement. i think that is why we are coming out to make a stand. >> here's a group of young people, 15 and 16-year-old. you came together? is anyone here protesting for the first time? what brought you out today? wewell, i think because
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really wanted to support, especially new york, a lot of people came together and we think that is a really powerful message to send so we kind of got together. looks as the march continues, one of the things we keep hearing from people that we speak to is a sense of not feeling safe, not feeling safe themselves and not feeling safe for their loved ones. people of color and heavily policed communities. what does your sign say? >> me, my father, my son, who's next? point, i know i am a productive citizen and i don't feel safe in my own committee. i have never been in trouble with law enforcement. from what i'm seeing on the news, i wonder if i'm next. i wonder people in my community are next. it is open season on minorities and we want to know if we are really safe. >> i'm here because americans
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are being preyed on right now. african-americans are fighting for the right to be human, and i think that is horrible. >> do you as a person of color feel unsafe? >> i feel that daily. i feel that is a preconditioned nature now. i feel threatened. and mark and cornered. and everybody here feels the same way. we are trying to keep our humanity. >> what does your shirt say? >> don't kill my son. >> how old is your son? he 8. >> can you talk about your concern? >> that he might dine the streets. he is an innocent child. that is why we out here fighting for he's life at eight years old. get back!
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>> fight back! >> i'm here because i'm a teacher. students to live in fear. i don't want them to be afraid in their neighborhoods. theyt them to have police can trust and not be afraid the police are going to shoot them or be brutal to them or use violence against them. >> is a group of demonstrators singing a song we have heard at the protests since the air, granger decision that includes his last words. it says "i can hear my brother saying, i can't breathe. now i'm in the struggle singing, i can't leave." >> ♪ were not going to stop until people are free i can hear my brother saying, i can't breathe ♪ >> this millions march for
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justice is very long and very slow because there's so many people packed into the streets. now we're hearing from organizers that at least 10,000 to may up to 30,000 people have turned out. >> i'm here because what is happening in this country, what has been happening from emmett till 50 years ago to eric garner is showing that it is still a death sentence to be black in america. >> talk about the scene today, tens of thousands of people coming out to this millions march. >> it is amazing, and powering. this is my first protest of this magnitude and ethel feel so proud. i am elated. i. and empowered. i'm grateful to be a part of changing history because that is what we need to do. march thatvery long has spanned dozens of city
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blocks, we have arrived at the final destination. police headquarters downtown. lives matter! we will hear from those have lost someone they love because blackountry tells us that lives don't matter! >> my name is ron davis. the father of george davis who was killed. [indiscernible] you are suffering along with us. day, every single night there's another young family member being killed in the streets. every life matters.
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no more, no more, no more. please follow. no more1 >> no more! i am [indiscernible] i am the father of ron marley graham. homears old, killed in his in front of his six-year-old brother. [chanting] millions march is
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wrapping up and his we stand out your outside police headquarters, we're going to speak to some of the organizers who put this day together. we are here with two key organizers of this means march today. was day one for you a grand jury decision was announced? >> it was when i heard the verdict on the non-indictment of darren wilson. that is what started it for me. then after the air corner case, -- eric garner case, the number skyrocketed after that. everyone was really outraged and upset and what it to do something about it. >> that is why we named it day of anger. that was our emotion. we were sad, but we were anger. hasfficer daniel pantaleo got to go. he took someone to death and there is footage. they're pretty much slapping people in the face by not indicting him and i think he has got to go. said a public lynching. >> i felt watching eric garner's
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was like watching a public lynching. >> i'm here with two more organizers of today's millions march protest. talk about what happened. >> with people taking to the streets and demand injustice. people of all colors, different ages and people of different backgrounds. -- evolve are ready as human beings. we can finally evolved past racism in something so petty a skin color, that will be a revolution for everyone. that will mean a better world for everyone. i think people recognize that and that is what the numbers reflect. the things you see happening in ferguson and oliver, we're working together, building a movement. we believe we can live in a better world. i think it is also a sign of the time. to find a jobt and pay student loans. everything is very difficult. it forces you to ask questions, why is it like this? when you see people being killed in the streets and police officers knocking being held accountable, that is just one
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more thing that tells you that something is really, really wrong and if we don't do anything about it, but this is the world we're going to inherit as adults. it is hard to think that having children as a black woman in this world right now. that is where i'm coming from. >> this is not the way you're supposed to police and talk to communities. restoringhould be on justice and not the way it is done now. it is not just about policing. this entire system is not broken, it is working just fine. it needs to be dismantled and rebuilt. something that works for people that were asked against inequality and for justice -- works against inequality and for justice. >> there's a movement where we can see today with more than 50 cities had engagement day of resistance. we have had times where 50, hundreds of cities have mobilized. what we're seeing in the united states is what some call and uprising, and uprising of young black people but also people across issue, across race led by
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young black people saying enough is enough. you can't give killing black people and we are not going to stop because black lives do matter. >> this is just the beginning. we have been shutting it down since after mike brown was killed august 9 and we will continue shutting it down because we have -- until we have justice. i can hear my brother saying, i can't breathe. ♪ voices from the millions march rally as tens of thousands marched saturday in new york. that piece from aaron maté and samantha riddell. special thanks to shanika powell, hany massoud and mike burke. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. cops to the cop, we go to lima, peru, the yuan, some is over. stay with us.
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>> this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. after more than 30 hours of extended talks, a global agreement on climate change was reached over the weekend in lima, peru at the united nations climate conference. the talks were scheduled to end friday but lasted two days into overtime. shortly before 2:00 a.m. on sunday, negotiators from nearly 200 countries agreed to a new deal that forms the basis for a global agreement on addressing climate change. the final deal will be decided next year in paris. this is president of the talks and peru's environmental minister, manuel pulgar vidal. >> allow me to tell you all that as with all tasks, this is not perfect. not what isbased
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the proposed to the president of cop. with this text, we all are winners, no exceptions. i've heard from all of the groups and have the absolute assurance with the text we are to receive, we are all winners. >> the new climate agreement is called the lima accord. supporters say it marks the first time all nations have agreed to cut back on carbon emissions. the final draft says all countries have "common but differentiated responsibilities" to deal with global warming. the deal is not legally binding and gives each country until next march to announce the amount it will agree to cut. the countries most dissatisfied with the outcome in lima were those who are poor and already struggling to rebuild from the impacts of climate change. well for more, we host a roundtable. in lima, peru, suzanne goldenberg is the u.s. environment correspondent for the guardian. in london, asad rehman is head of international climate for friends of the earth. and in delhi nitin sethi is associate editor at "the hindu." , kenny first respond
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to what was concluded in lima? what is the lima accord? >> well, thank you, first, amy, for allowing me to be here. what was agreed here was meant to be a roadmap toward peers next year, which is meant to be a conference of agreement to do two things. first of all, to increase the inel of ambition -- emission the pre-2020, the most critical period. these, talks to face in the context of the super typhoon hitting the philippines, droughts and floods around the world, climate scientist telling us to take more urgent action, and 2014 being the hottest year on record. of that inomponent terms of taking action now, we saw very, very little. in fact, we saw nothing. we saw no revisiting or increasing ambition. the second part of the framework is meant to be what is going to be agreed from 2020 onwards.
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there again, the presence of the cop, everybody was a winner. it was a fair serving of compromise that maybe was a when a for the politicians ever political leaders, but was a total and absolute failure for the planet and people. on theas no finance put table. no clear roadmap. it was weak language. it was lots of shells. they cyclic, full of loopholes. >> nitin sethi your speaking to us from india. you are with the business standard. leaked reported that secret lima draft decision was delayed, but now we have come to the end. it is called the lima accord. your assessment from india? thingsink one of the that happen out of lima, the developed countries promised to renege on all of their existing limits and working already even
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before the next edition russians for the 2015 agreement, into passing on obligations into a new era. the burden gets shifted on to larger developing economies. that is what we had a huge still make install the attempt to bring up the secret documents. a lot of developing countries [indiscernible] [no audio] 12/15/14 12/15/14 you, seem to have lost nitin sethi. i want to turn to a, negotiator for the pacific island who criticized the disappearance of loss and damage commitments from the cop 20 text. >> this is a crucial issue for the poorest and most vulnerable. our communities suffer from floods and route, storm surges,
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sea level rise. often these poor communities are left with nothing. losthave lost their crops, livestock, lost everything. we need a permanent arrangement to help the poorest of the world rebuild from the impacts of climate change. it would be an absolute tragedy if we denied the needs of the poorest. i implore everybody in this room not to allow this cop to be the one we denied the poorest in the world. thank you. >> ian fry. i want to bring in suzanne goldenberg who is still in lima, peru, the us environment correspondent for the guardian. there as the talks
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wrapped up. the significance of the so-called lima accord and what is this firewall? iswell, the lima accord important, basically, because it keeps moving things forward toward paris. and because it begins to shape the deal we will see in paris. there are a few important things there. one, there is now an obligation or commitment from the bigger developing economies such as india, china, brazil that they will have to cut their greenhouse gas emissions going forward and are going to have to begin putting their planes on the table by march. although, there is room on those deadlines in india, in particular. two, following the very passionate and moving address from ian fry them a there is provision in the document now for loss and damage. that means country like lose everything with climate change cans low-lying states that
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save by putting up a little sea wall or something, there is going to be a commitment to help them there. is a great this agreement. but i think it keeps things moving forward. and i think it keeps some important principles alive. one is that we are all in this together. everybody has got to do their part. two, we have to help everybody out including those most vulnerable states. three, i think it is important that even the leaders here acknowledged there is not very peace in thisy of agreement. it depends on something they're calling your pressure. i think that gives the really big role to the public to put pressure on these leaders and show they have to do something. , you're shaking your head. can you talk about in this particular role and suzanne goldenberg's assessment?
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>> i see slightly different from suzanne in the sense of passing the burden and not even a sense of evolving shared responsibility. one, complete passover the conversation of finance. , a reference to loss and damage the criminal section which is says, faster we talked about loss and damage and we should talk about it in the next two years. three, absolute redline singh [indiscernible] what is addressed to you is developed countries [indiscernible]
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they do want to part with existing commitments and pass it poor, developing countries. there is no action that is going to happen between now and 2020. just said we are not going to do any more than what we are doing so far in the burden can shift onto the post 2020 era. to me, [indiscernible] as negotiations drew to a close on friday, civil society groups organized a die-in action at the cop 20. it was led by members of frontline communities in the global south. participants tapped their chests to create a heartbeat rhythm. among those who spoke at the protest was gerry arances from the philippines. , governments have
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failed us for 20 years. and here in lima, they are failing again. country, myn my brothers and sisters in the aslippines are dying governments here discuss the people my people and the of this world. >> gerry arances from the philippines. speaking on what was supposed to be the last official day of the cop. the chief negotiator, to the shock of many, did not attend the yuan summit, was not invited by his government to be the chief, negotiator. so well-known for breaking down at the summit last year and demanding if not here, where? if not now, when?
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talkrehman, if you could about what happens next and the significance of this die-in. >> first of all, i think what we're seeing here is rich countries bullying poor countries. we saw before the run up to copenhagen and we are seeing it again. world voices.d what we saw was poor countries were basically bullied into outcome whichak will be catastrophic for the majority of their citizens. three key things were meant to be delivered, emissions reductions deceptive planet and at the let's look finance. $2.5 billion has been pledged each year for four years. homage people are putting forward. when you put that into context trillion in$2.7
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terms of bailing out the banks and the borders, it gives your sense of importance developed countries are putting on supporting poor countries. that is a real issue. the burden is been shifted from the rich to the poor. the poor, even india, which is still that an average per person income of only $3000, worries in the united states, we have an average of $40,000, 5% of the population are $40,000 year. in india, nearly 20% of the world population are $3000 year. it is not a fair system. what we are requiring and what that protested what the protests are looking to on the streets in peru are, we need to build a movement, a powerful movement. yes, we all need to do our fair share, but it has to be a fair share of based on who is , who has the wealth
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and who has -- how do we help the poor be able to access energy? there are 2 billion people without access to electricity around the world. one billion don't have access to fresh water. these are real challenges for poor, developing countries. they need to technology, but any developed countries to take a lead. >> asad rehman, in the last 10 seconds, what this means for paris next year? >> what it means is, people are the only hope, that we need a powerful movement built here in europe and around the world that holds our leaders accountable to put their feet to the fire. to actually negotiate in good faith and deliver an agreement that is good for the planet, good for the poor, and actually changes the kind of economic for thisich is driving climate -- >> we have to leave it there. thank you for being with us, asad rehman, suzanne goldenberg and nitin sethi.
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