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tv   France 24  LINKTV  December 24, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PST

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>> jordan confirms one of its pilots has been captured by an state. flying as part of the u.s.-led coalition and shot down in syria. the film at the heart of the scandal between the u.s. and north korea set to be screened. the parody was pulled after hackers took on sony pictures. russia says nato pushed ukraine to give up its neutral status in hopes of joining the alliance. and that that will complicate peace talks set for today. those are the headlines here on france 24. thanks for joining us.
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jordan has confirmed one of its pilots has been captured by the islamic state militants. the plane was shot down over the syrian city of raqqa by ainn air raid by the us-led coalition. let's bring and adam. what can you tell us? >> getting confirmation from several sources the islamic state group claims to be holding a jordanian jet fighter pilot. the man's identity having been confirmed as a flight lieutenant. moaz youssef al-kasasbeh. on jordanian tv, they hold the isis militants responsible for the mayor's safety.
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in man's father, saying he and a man's son were contacted by the jordanian air force to tell them their son has been captured. he confirmed the identity and has spoken out in a jordanian newspaper. in which, even at this early stage, he made a plea for mercy for his son. now it's not the first time the islamic state group has shot down war planes. they have in the past shutdown syrian planes and helicopters. it is the first time one of -- a plane from the us-led coalition has been shot down. perhaps it might leave questions as to the enthusiasm of the other partners to continue in the strikes. particularly the arab nations. alongside jordan there is the uae, bahrain, and saudi arabia taking part in strikes. i don't think many of these nations would have considered
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the islamic state group had the capacity to take down one of those planes. this will change that equation and how they consider going about the strikes against the islamic state group in syria and iraq. >> thank you for that. reporting from beirut. the israeli military says it has deployed tank fire and an airstrike on target in gaza after its troops came under attack by palestinian snipers on patrol on the israeli side of the border. the islamic militant group hamas says one of its members has been killed. on friday, gaza militants fired a rocket at israel. that prompted an israeli airstrike in retaliation the next day. the first one since the 50-day war this summer. the film that provoked the massive cyber hacking of sony pictures is due to come out after all. the release of "the interview"
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was canceled following the attack and threats from anonymous hackers. the fbi is convinced north korea was behind the sony hack. and that film, seth rogen and james franco played journalists recruited to assassinate north korean leader kim jong-un. barack obama says he was happy on hearing the news of the release. saying it will let people make up their own minds about the movie. mark thompson has more. >> hello, north korea! >> and last-minute christmas present from sony. the company says its controversial comedy "the interview" will be available at limited theaters on december 25. the ceo said it was proud to have stood up to those who attempted to suppress free speech. "the interview" is set to show and more than 300 mostly independent theaters across the country. compared to the initially scheduled 3000. it could also be a made available online.
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demand is expected be high. >> i could not have imagined a situation on christmas when we were going to show the movie on christmas day. miracles happen around christmas. >> i want to see the movie. i feel like we should not set a precedent of backing down to terrorist threats. >> the film centers around an ill functioning plot to assassinate kim jong-un. >> taken out. -- take him out. >> for drinks? >> no,k take him out. >> you want us to kill the leader of north korea. >> sony's systems were downed by a cyber attack the fbi believes came from north korea. criticism from the president who said sony made a mistake ceding to threats. pyongyang denies playing a part
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in the attack. the release of the film could leave sony open to further embarrassing revelations. the group is possible for the heck warned -- the hack warned of repercussions if the movie is shown. >> also in the u.s., police shot dead a black teenager nearly town of ferguson, missouri. where they shouldn't of an unarmed black teenager led two weeks of protests -- where the shooting of an unarmed black teenager led to weeks of protests. crowds turned out at the scene some of them looting. the officer opened fire on the teenager as he was holding a handgun. anti-police protests continue in new york despite a call from the mayor to spot -- to stop. bill de blasio call for calm until after the funerals of the policemen.
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about 200 protesters began marching through the city behind banners reading "stop racist police." the group has called for a march on times where to disrupt the traditional new year's eve celebration. russia says nato pushed ukraine to give up its neutral status in hopes of joining the alliance. and that that will come to kate peace talks between the sides that are set for today in minsk. the conflict in new crane killed close to 5000 ppv's talks in -- the conflict in ukraine has killed close to 5000. previous talks in minsk yielded a pac cease-fire that failed to hold. >> russia says they see ukraine's decision to drop its s tatus as a sign that nato pushed
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ukraine to drop mutual status. the defense minister saying this will complicate a difficult situation. this echoed what sergei lavrov, russia's foreign minister said tuesday. he said this was a counterproductive decision that would heat up the confrontation or likely to increase tensions between russia and the west. moscow has been concerned about nato expansion to the east. >> for more on the talks in minsk, let's bring in our international affairs editor. it seems that things are tense with the latest move by ukraine towards nato. the talks are still set to take place. >> getting the parties back -- russia, ukraine, pro-russian separatists as well as the osce. getting them back to the table has been a little bit like pulling teeth.
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the minsk ceasefire, in name only back in september it was the prelude to continued war killing and bloodletting through the east. the disconnect between what is going to be going on today in minsk with the parties trying to address vital issues and what has been happening on the ground could not be more stark. that said, in the past 2 weeks since december 9 there has been in place, the russian and ukrainian president have agreed on a sound regime -- a silent regime. an abating in fighting. an drop in intensity of fighting. it could not have gotten much worse. 4700 people have died in this conflict since it broke out last april. here's a startling number from the u.n. of those 4700, 1300, more than that, have died since the
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cease-fire was signed. why you saw a lot of reports saying it is a joke of a cease-fire, it is a mockery. coming into talks today with a lot of divergent positions. they want to talk about withdrawal of troops and heavy weapons from the theater of the heaviest fighting. they want a prisoner exchange and humanitarian aid. the separatists accused ukraine of an economic blockade. cutting off services. there are people in need of basic necessities. those issues are going to be addressed. there is a lot of daylight between them. one of the separatist leaders someone from the donetsk people's republic, self-proclaimed, he says there will be a second round of talks but the separatists are still gunning for greater autonomy. they want more political leeway to call their own shots.
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>> you were talking about the economic situation. in russia the situation is london. what effect might that have? >> probably a big effect. i cannot give you precise numbers on how much has russia been financially aiding the rebels. but we can say is that money has been running short in the rebel heartland. part of that is ukraine cutting off banking sources. hospitals do run mostly because staff have been volunteering. people do not have services. a few pensioners who are getting paid are the ones who have managed to reregister in towns under government control to it i asked the ukrainian ambassador to france, i said why doesn't ukraine send money? is not going to turn the east against kiev? he says we cannot send it, it is almost logistically impossible to ensure the money is getting into the right hands. that is the problem the talks have to address. how do you get the economy
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functioning and the fighting stopping? how do you get all the people, over one million displaced and more than one million outside ukraine, how do you get them back to the region? even to a slight semblance of mahmoudiya. >> thank you. -- even to a slight sibilance of normality. >> thank you. a dozen children have been killed in a militant attack. militants in assam say militants pulled villagers from their homes before shooting them at point blank range. rebels have intensified a separateist campaign. narendra modi condemned the acts as an act of cowardice. unemployment in france. a new record for the number of people out of work. in november close to 3.5 million claimed unemployment benefits, up .8% from october.
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france's interior minister visiting the port of calais. set to met migrants, mostly from eastern africa and the middle east to have been camping out hoping to cross into britain. migrants have been risking their lives to reach the u.k., where they hope to find work and get refugee status. they will spend their christmas and france. on tuesday they got a visit from humanitarian ngos, julia can reports. >> bringing christmas cheer to the migrants of calais. charity workers distributing food and presents. children received toys and suites. -- sweets. a brief celebration for the migrants on christmas eve. >> they really enjoy that.
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getting heating plates for food. joy and happiness in these difficult times. >> some have lost hope of being granted asylum in england. they wait in limbo enduring harsh conditions as temperatures plummet. their attempts to reach the u.k. are getting desperate. 15 migrants died in calais in 2014, the highest annual death toll seen so far. the french interior ministry will visit. being met with skepticism from eight associations. >> i don't see the use of coming to calais. the goal is to send soldiers. i feel it is more about pr than real action. >> the growing influx of
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refugees in the past few months has angered residents of calais. in september, protesters demanded the explosion of migrants. a few meters away, those in solidarity. >> in bethlehem, the place christians believe jesus was born. pilgrims are there now to begin the global celebration of christmas. they are waiting for the arrival of the head of the church at jerusalem. >> a warm welcome. down from the mountain, kurdish peshmerga fighters in iraq reach yazidis who have been trapped on mount sinjar. in turkey, a minardi that makes up 50% of the population. it's place of worship is not
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recognized by the state. in bethlehem nuns at one orphanage are doing all they can . hoping they might find a family for the infants. kurdish fighters in iraq claimed a victory against islamic state. taking back control of mount sinjar where thousands of yazidis have been trapped since last august. airlifted to safety by peshmerga forces, yazidis are not relatively safe. fighting continues in the region. taking us through how the peshmerga went about breaking the siege on the mountain. >> the leader of iraq's kurds relishes the moment. he's reached the top of mt. sinjar. the site had been under siege for months. >> what the peshmerga have
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achieved this historic. never expected to win all these battles. >> the sinjar offensive was launched last wednesday, coalition forces carried out assault on targets to allow fighters of kurdistan to move in. on the ground, the battle was fierce. as shown on footage filmed by the soldiers. this kurdish man was among the injured. at the foot of mount sinjar the town is where most of the fighting took place. >> we were fighting in the town, there were snipers everywhere. i had a machine gun and rpg r ockets were targeting us. i got shot by a bullet in the leg. >>the yazidi stronghold of sinjar was seized by is
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jihadists on august 3, leading members of the religious minardi to flee homes. those who stay behind or subjected to violence. the jihad, backed by local sunni muslims, the yazidis were forced to convert to islam. women wear rate. these grandmother spent 10 days in the hands of the group. our team met them. >> they were beating up women. they took away the most beautiful and youngest women. those who resisted were killed. >> some found refuge at the top of mount sinjar, only to be encircled by jihadists. the iraqi army sent aid to 10,000 people trapped as the site was under siege. the situation and the massacre of innocent yazidis by the
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islamic state group played a part in the u.s. president's decision to intervene militarily in iraq. retaking sinjar was important. it helped cut the supply route between syria and the town of mosul. the peshmerga are considering joining forces with the iraqi army to launch an offensive on mosul, the main iraqi town in the hand of jihadists. >> hoping to deliver medical supplies into aleppo and other areas in syria, the world health organization says it has received letters of permission from damascus. the trucks will depend on the security situation. the fact that both the syrian government and other parties have agreed to allow envoys to enter aleppo is already a massive step forward. some towns have only had one shipment of supplies in the last two years, according to the who. this might come at the european
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court of human rights condemns turkey for religious discrimination against the alevi a muslim minority. ankara refuses to recognize the places of worship of this branch of shiite islam. which represents 1/5 of the population. a place of alevi where some of the ways they pray are different. women only where the veil during prayers and men and women pray side-by-side. >> as they hand out pastries and tea, the atmosphere is festive. these are the premises of one of the main alevi organizations. a muslim minority that represent between 15% and 20% of the turkish population. the european court of human rights has condemned ankara for discrimination. >> the government spends $5
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billion to six point dollars covering the worship in mosques. what does it give alevi? nothing. >> the legal battle was launched 4 years ago by an alevi religious leader and president of the foundation. he believes the government has to recognize alevi places of worship. >> there's no place for dictators. let's see if he complies or not. >> one -- while important symbolically the recognition of places of worship would require state subsidy like mosques. the muslim community supports a secular state. this will not be met with everyone's approval. >> alevi are muslims like us and
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they should do as the koran says and pray in a mosque. >> everyone should be able to pray wherever they want. >> alevis don't really pray. >> despite the fact that alevis represent the largest religious minardi in turkey, -- minority in turkey, the women only wear veils in prayer. men and women pray side by side. >> women are superior to men. >> alevis respect other people's rights. god created us all. >> we don't believe in discrimination. we respect the way others worship. we would like to be respected and return. >> the ceremony, accompanied
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by religious songs and the symbol of god's love. every week, they come to play. she takes her son, who is learning to play the instrument known as the koran with strings. she says she worries about her son's education. >> they try to force children to play. i am alevi and i want my son to learn his culture. >> the turkish government has a few months to apply the decision. it seems unlikely to do so which will risk aggravating tensions in the country. >> christians around the world
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are in the midst of christmas festivities. according to the bible god's son was born in bethlehem in what was known today as the occupied palestinian territory spirit a group of catholic nuns are hoping the orphans they take her of can enjoy the holidays. >> the work of the daughters of charity takes on official meaning at christmas. these catholic nuns run an orphanage in bethlehem close to the church of the nativity. the birthplace of crazed according to the bible. -- the birthplace of christ according to the bible. >> god is incarnated in these children. by serving these children, we are serving god. >> in the occupied palestinian territory, poverty is on the rise. some parents cannot afford to
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take care of their children. others were abandoned because of a disability. >> we have 8 children in this room. some were diagnosed with a severe heart disease. >> the nuns collaborate with the neighboring holy family hospital . it boasts one of the best neonatal units in the region. some of the children who are with the daughters of charity were born here. those who work in this department let miracles happen every day in this ward. >> this child is 25 weeks old. he weighs 500 grams. >> some of the newborns were left behind by women who hid here to give birth, often prematurely. local culture rarely tolerates pregnancy outside of wedlock. for some patients the story has
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a happy ending. >> i'm happy i brought him back so you can see how he grew up. >> i'm glad to see him again. >> the daughters of charity tell us that christmas is when hope is renewed. theirs i
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