tv France 24 LINKTV January 19, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PST
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t the terror threat in europe this as authorities continue to search for the mastermind of a jihadist cell in belgium. in yemen, with the rebels -- who super bowls -- tutsi rebels opened fire on government officials. and 60 children have been kidnapped, including -- 60 people have been kidnapped including children.
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we will look at oxfam's new report saying that the top 1% will own more wealth than the rest of us altogether by next year. and a first in french medicine, the first french patient to survive on an artificial heart has now been allowed back home. ♪ i'm jeannie godzilla in paris. -- i jeannie godula in paris. they did rule out sweeping laws in the wake of the attacks here in paris. a potential new policy that would share air travel data within the eu known as the pnr
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four passenger name records. catherine clifford takes a closer look. collect details of just the passenger name, contact videos age, sect, and travel issue -- travel history can come under what is known as pnr, or passenger name records. it has already been in stated in the u.s. and can introduce its own international system. legislation to introduce it into european countries has been blocked by the parliament partly over data protection concerns. now in the wake of the deadly islamist attacks in france and anti-terror events in belgium they were new. >> it is an invaluable means to control the movement of terrorists in the making. and those already fighting against our freedom. and a means that does not have
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to endanger data protection. we are calling for -- >> we are calling for the european parliament to vote as quickly as possible on the pnr legislation. >> europe faces a heavy rest from radicalized citizens who have come back after being trained abroad. >> services are to identify 60% to 70% of the would be jihadists before they leave. 30% to 40% of the time they are pnr access kept by the airline companies. >> several states are also calling to curb passport free travel. in the meantime, belgian police are still searching for the man believed to be the head of the
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jihadist network that was dismantled last week. the 27-year-old travel to syria last year to fight along the islamic state group and is thought to be hiding out in greece. prosecutors have asked for extradition of a person thought to be linked to the plot attack on belgium belize. -- belgian police. >> he is public enemy number one in belgium the man who gave orders by phone to carry out attacks in belgium. he regularly calls on more people to join the jihad, even going as far as recruiting his own brother, 13-year-old seen posing in this photo with a gun. early sunday morning police raided his home in this neighborhood of brussels after intercepting phone calls between him and suspected jihadists. they say he is the mastermind of
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the jihadist network dismantled last week and in which 13 people were arrested. five are still in police custody. he traveled to syria in 2014 fighting alongside the islamic state group. but since then has travel to greece and has managed to escape authorities so far. >> the men we were looking for has not been found on saturday in greece. but the investigation is ongoing and i hope we will be able to arrest him soon post-up >> he regularly posted online gruesome photos of attacks kill -- carried out by fellow jihadists. but in recent months, yes dialed down. to escape police he has even faked his own death. >> a riot today in germany was canceled over a threat. police cited a concrete threat against the anti-islamist group known as picky death -- known as
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pegitas. the movement actually gave a press conference earlier today. what came out of that? >> they did not say much about the threat themselves. just that these the -- leader was the target and is now under police protection. they did say they refused to be silent. and furthermore, they also went on record to say they are not a xenophobic anti-islamic movement, but that their message was misrepresented in the media. it is difficult not to be -- it is difficult not to be confused when they carry "fear of islamization" in their name. collect outside of germany, we
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have been hearing more and more about these rallies happening almost every week in the past few weeks. how popular is this movement, this anti-islamist movement there, really? collects it is growing at a rapid rate here in germany. it started interest in in october -- it started in dresden in october and is now up to 25,000 just in dresden alone and there could be more in the coming weeks with what happened in paris and what is happening now here in germany. but what is striking is that it is not the far right nationalist movement they were at first. there is a strong turnout of mostly white, middle-class men and families. most of them are really barely employed. it is now more fueled by frustration and general fear to lose both stable economic standing and a cultural identity in this country that is
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changing. >> thank you. reporting from berlin. in yemen, hutu rebels opened fire on the president convoy earlier today. that follows clashes new the presidential palace in the capital. that was between the presidential guard and shiite militia who have been in control of the capital for four now. civilians fled the fighting as columns of black smoke rose over the palace. at least two people were killed and another 14 wounded. doug has been following the story for us. yemen has been trying to get back to stability. this is another in a long line of clashes. why is it taking so long for the country to get back on its feet? >> we are going back a decade, if you really want to be honest. most of the time when we talk about yemen these days, it's not
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for good reasons. it is home to al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. not a good thing right? it is one of the most dangerous notorious organizations in the world. it has also been a regular target of u.s. drone strikes. that is one major region -- reason we talk about yemen. and they belong to a minority of the shiny -- of the shia islam. from 2004-10, this group waged of 26 wars against the -- waged up to six wars against the government. it basically ousted the then and now former president from power. he had been there for 33 years.
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there had been hope that there was a chance for democracy justice, and there was a national dialogue conference, a big gathering of all of civil society. lots of women and marginalized groups involved. that conference and did he year ago and nothing much has come from it. it takes him i was ill have the raging fighting. the hutus entered the capital in september. they have seized that, but also other regions of the country with a have encountered resistance. they have encountered resistance from sunni elements and also have links to al qaeda. it is a very unstable situation. the current president is basically blaming elements now linked to the now ousted president, who belongs to the same branch of islam as the two rebels -- the hutu rebels, who
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is seen as being behind the chaos right now. >> some have been saying this was the first step toward a coup. is that what the rebels want? >> they are not calling it a coup. they are calling it a revolution. they would say their actions are aimed at imposing a new morality on society to wipe up -- white out all of the corrupt officials and bring normalization and ethics to society. most people will not agree it is a revolution. most people say if it is not a coup it looks and smells very much like a coup. on a broad level, the hutus are about a third of society. they have been marginalized, they say, and they have these broader goals. but the immediate catalyst may be the draft constitution. they are meeting right now to draft it up. it would create a federal yemen and divide it into six regions and the cooties are --hutis
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are very against it. they want nothing to do with this constitution. right now, no sign of stability despite a u.n. brokered peace deal that was signed recently that was supposed to form a national unity government and get the country back on track and integrate rebels back into society and into yemen's militias. >> thank you for that. next, tensions between hezbollah and israel are escalating after six hezbollah fighters were killed in the golan heights sunday. among the dead, the son of a prominent hezbollah fighter who was himself killed in 2008. other reports say iranian fighters were killed in the airstrike as killed -- as well. one general is among the dead.
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the african islamist group boko haram has focused in nigeria, but has now moved over to cameroon. they kidnapped at least 60 people a day after troops went to chad to fight boko haram. collect these chadian soldiers are on a -- >> these chadian soldiers are on a mission, fighting boko haram. the president came to greet them personally. based on the attacks on their tapers -- their neighbors doorsteps in neighboring nigeria and cameroon. >> we are also calling on the whole of the african continent and all african countries to come together to form a coalition force in older -- in order to face boko haram and its network.
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and to show the world that africa is capable of handling this problem. >> loaded was light and heavy weaponry, some 400 military vehicles entered cameroon. here, they received a hero's welcome. they have seen an increasing number of attacks on their soul you -- on their soil. the chadian troops headed for the main town in the country's far northern region. from there, they could cross into nigeria. chad has a reputation as one of the best militaries. it supported efforts to control sectarian violence in the central african republic. this time, the threat is closer to home. earlier this month, boko haram decimated villages.
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and it was in a remote town in northern giant you're at that was less than 200 kilometers -- in northern nigeria that was less than 200 kilometers from the border. >> i am nigerian. a message of support. the deadliest attack yet, which left as many as 2000 civilians dead. this terror campaign is sitting too close to home. >> i had someone close to me, my cousin, who was slain, killed and butchered by boko haram on january 7 when they attacked the village. they came and massacred the people of the village, including
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my cousin and three of his children. they massacred over 100 people in the village and they took all of the women to use them as sec slaves. --sex slaves. >> the nigerian government is working its boko haram, who it sees as creating -- attempting to create an islamic state. >> -- in recent groups -- months, the insurgent group has scorched villages, taking hostages, and carried out bombings. >> let's take a look at our headlines. eu foreign ministers meet in brussels to discuss ways to fight the terror threat in europe, this as authorities continue to search for the suspected mastermind of a jihadist cell in belgium.
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in yemen, who'd see rebels opened fire on the president's convoy. he escaped unharmed. there were violent clashes around the capital earlier today. and a deadly attack by boko haram militants in cameroon, some 60 kidnapped including several children. time for business news. let's start with this report by oxfam that has come out just ahead of the world economic forum in doubles. >> the timing of this report is interesting, as it coincides with the annual meeting in dallas, switzerland. d --avos, switzerland. it says that the top 1% will control over half of the world well. what's more than half of the world's wealth -- >> more than
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half of the world's wealth in the hands of only 1% of the population. the charity says the world's wealthiest people own 44% of all global wealth in 2009, which stretch to 48% last year. meanwhile, only to -- the least well-off own 80% -- the least well-off 80%, own only 5.5%. the top 1% owned more wealth than 3.5 billion people. after the financial crisis, the richest have seen their assets rise in value at the same time that many run have seen a drop in living standards. global leaders like imf head christine lagarde have warned for years that inequality
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threatens growth and could damage the world economy. >> let's stay with the theme of inequality and shift our focus to the state of the union address in the united states. the president is expected to call on tax cuts for the middle class. he hopes to raise 300 $20 billion in the next 10 years and cut taxes by $175 billion in the same. . the plan is expected to face strong opposition from a republican led congress, but experts don't see the president hacking down. but i don't see the president going in with his tail between his legs because his party lost in november. he will feel empowered because he is -- he sees that with his immigration decision his decision on cuba, that the american people like
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decisiveness they like action. they like somebody taking us to the next step. >> how are the markets doing this sunday? >> trading in europe is still underway. markets are eagerly awaiting thursday's announcement from the central bank. it is expected to announce a bond buying program, which is sending all of the indices higher at this hour. the shanghai composite enter the session tumbling nearly 8%. chinese leaders have charged several brokers with illegal margin trading. the drop comes just a day before the fourth quarter gdp is announced. let's see some of the other stories we are tracking. the controversial ridesharing service uber says it is looking for a fresh start in the europe. it plans to create 50,000 jobs across the continent this year. it has faced regulatory issues in all of the major capitals.
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protests have been planned at oil refineries, factories, highways, and airports with truck drivers calling for a 5% wage hike and salary by the end of each year. protests are expected to last until tuesday. in talks to record -- to require -- to acquire a mobile company. they laid off 60 people last week as it scouted for a new buyer. >> thank you for that look at today's business news. time for the press review. nicholas rushworth is here on the set with us today. let's start with a look at the french press. >> we come with the news that we have heard has changed france so
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much over 10 days now, the charlie hebdo massacre. france is finding out that there is a world out there that is not charlie. one of the french papers is leading with his friend page, a series of story -- it's front page, a series of stories, about how pakistan, jordan, senegal there have been anti-charlie protests. that paper is pointing out that some of these countries are very close allies of france. and friends now "is in a very uncomfortable position." >> is their security in the wake of what happened? >> new security measures are expected to be in place. we've got eu foreign ministers meeting in brussels to work together on security concerns. you can see 20 minutes with the
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headline about a united effort -- about whether there will be a united effort in this. another paper is also saying yes, what we do need our monitoring of suspects, information sharing. and weapons to fight terrorism. but it's not just about europe. it does not have to happen solely at the eu level but it must happen globally. it says there is a global threat and it requires a global response. jihadist him have bombs, they say. -- jihadists don't have bombs they say. and when editorial says they must address radical islam because they are the first --
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the french must address radical islam because they are the first victims. the front page photo of the china daily, you can see protesters in yemen holding up a sign saying "stop charlie" and the words in arabic next to that saying, you cannot depict mohammed, saying he is the messenger of allah. and this picture reflecting a call for a boycott of french products and death to blasphemers. >> you also look at the pakistani papers where one article tried to pin down the causes of military extremists. >> one of the papers that we
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know is doawn. this was written by a former pakistan and back at her -- pakistan ambassador to the united nations. he says one of the causes is the failure of the muslim state to deliver jobs and justice to young people. muslim states are weak on policing and intelligence capabilities. he very much points a finger at muslim society, saying also in that piece that certain western actions have been misguided. worse, there is plenty to say about that, isn't there? the lebanese newspaper looking at western in action -- inaction. and you have this papers saying remember bashar al-assad.
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and saying remember we failed to stop the radical event and are paying the price for it. this paper is saying that what we have now is a situation in which you put yourself in bashar al-assad position, he is laughing because he knows ultimately western governments will come around to his line of thinking and believe that he was right all along in how to deal with the radical islamists. that sent shivers down my spine when i read that article. there is a really strong material out there in the press. very gloomy material, indeed. correct thank you for that. -- >> thank you for that
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