tv France 24 LINKTV February 24, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PST
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st of economic reform plans to brussels meeting a deadline. both of the european commission's indicate and agreement to the bailout extension. kiev says separatist forces are closer to the port city. one rebel leader claims his forces have begun pulling back heavy weapons as per the cease-fire agreement. an liable for terrorism, a u.s. jury has found the -- responsible for attacks in
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israel over 10 years ago. hundreds of millions of dollars of damages have been awarded to american families who brought the case. and also coming up to you over the next hour, a call from oscar-winning actress bliss -- patricia arquette. what the report says gender wage parity is good for any economy. as the first anniversary of the russian annexation of crimea approaches our citizens happy with the new disposition? this is live from paris. ♪ and our top story after coming close to missing a monday deadline, it has now been confirmed that greece's a list of economic reform plans to european institutions and the
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imf just before midnight after weeks of wrangling. athens has requested a four-month extension to its bailout and return it pledged to not roll back any ongoing or completed privatizations and ensure efforts to address the human syrian crisis in the country. here is jeroen dijsselbloem, head of the eurogroup with his take on how things stand. >> the greek government has expressed a strong commitment to a broader and were structural reform process, and durably improving growth and employment prospects, and enhancing social fairness. the new greek government, when it comes reforms, i think they are very serious. >> let's get the very latest on the relevance from brussels. our correspondent maeve mcmahon joins us on the line. the eurozone minister is set to discuss the proposals.
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tell us more. >> indeed, clare. this is a positive sign. 1115 and has no box last night. it means the new greek government has passes protest and is rebuilding trust with eurozone partners. the friday agreements, as he is calling it, is the first sense and working together. he also said he had positive signals from the institution and he is positive he will agree in the eurogroup this afternoon. they welcome reforms as sufficiently comprehensive to be a valid starting point for a successful conclusion of the review. these experts in morning said they were encouraged as ashley over the plans of cracking down on tax evasion. wolfgang schaeuble, the finance minister, saying he is paving the way for the germans when his
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bank and the austrian finance, positive results this afternoon. >> but it is all of this a sticking plaster solution meabh? will we have to revisit all of this again? >> that is a possibility. if not ruled out the possibility of a third bailout, but at least the lobby signature of a new greek abdomen and they will behold to prepare it together. the reality is it was positive this morning in brussels by greece have a long way to go. all focus is on finishing the first program. they are waiting on the second bailout, 7.2 billion euros, and they have to pass a fifth review of the bailout program. that has been on hold for months, and that is why they have not got any money. what we heard this money -- this morning is the implementation of the reforms, head of the eurogroup said it will take time to get the details added by new contracts for the greek authority, something that will
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take on for the next few months. it is baby steps. trust has been established, and all about talk and speculation has been put to bed. >> ok, made mcmahon -- meabh mcmahon in brussels, thank you. at least 90 people were abducted from syrian christian villages. the british-based observatory for human rights said it took place after dawn in villages inhabited by the christian minority. this latest defense by i.s. continues to push against the militant group. let's ring you details we have coming into us from your mental set security forces have announced a french woman and her yemeni as boards have been -- escotrt have been kidnapped. french authorities have yet to confirm the abduction, but this comes after most western
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nations have closed their embassies there and evacuated their staff. there are concerns the security situation -- more on that as we get accurate ukrainian city of mariupol may now be in sites of pro-russian rebels. kiev reports forces are amassing half a million people and continuing to target positions there. the minsk cease-fire is not holding in several places, and the planned pullback of heavy weapons has not materialized, although one rebel leader is now claiming his or says have begun a large-scale retreat of artillery to create a buffer zone. >> honoring soldiers and veterans in the pro-russian stronghold of donetsk ukraine's rebels have adopted their neighbors' tradition, marking defenders of the father lunday. >> for me it is a great holiday
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and should be celebrated. the fact that it is for bed and in ukraine is very painful to us and very -- the fact that it is forbidden in ukraine is very painful to us. >> residence in debaltseve can do little more than pick through ruins, struggling to survive. nearly 6000 dead. it continues on the international stage. >> if the minsk agreements are realized, the situation will gradually return to normal. europe is it interested in this as russia is. no one needs a conflict in the neighborhood of europe especially an armed conflict. >> the minsk accord called for the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the frontlines by both sides, but fighting continues at the rebels insisted on taking the strategically located deba
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ltseve last week. they are ready to push on with what many in the u.s. believe has russia's support. >> russia should be in no doubt that any attempt to expand that territory, whether toward mari upol or elsewhere will receive more sanctions. economic pains will increase. >> western leaders are still holding out they might yet be persuaded to stick to the terms of the minsk accord. >> a u.s. jury has found a palestinian authority responsible for supporting terrorist attacks in israel. defining relates to over six shootings and bombings between 2002 and 2004 in the jerusalem area. the attacks contributed at the time to the al-asqsa martyrs brigades and hamas. >> a verdict welcome by israel
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as a moral victory. this court in the u.s. said the palestine liberation organization are labeled pay damages to the israel victims. many of them are american, more than 218 million u.s. dollars. >> now they palestinian authority knows there is a price for sending suicide bombers to our mall, to our cafés, and blowing our buses up. we will pursue and we will make sure that the plo will pay every dollar of this adjustment. >> their label on 25 separate counts, connected to six attacks in israel between 2002 and 2004. the bombings and shootings believed to be carried out by hamas and the al-aqsa martyrs brigade, killed 50 people and
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wounded many more. their lawyer, senior living court on monday, said last week the claims were baseless. >> there is no conclusive group that the leaders of the palestinian authority or the plo committed acts of violence or that they approve them. >> it remains unclear how the palestinian authority will pay. victims had demand more than $350 million, and the u.s. antiterrorism attack could allow that to be tripled. >> more world news in brief for you -- execution of 11 conducts on death row, most on drugs charges, will not be late. joe go would otoe signaling that foreign countries should not intervene in jakarta's right to capital punishment. despite pleas from countries they are said to be executed by
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firing squad. to denmark where the funeral service of the final person to lose their life during the recent copenhagen gun attacks have been taken place. a 55-year-old film maker had been involved in several documentary and feature films died after a gun attack on a free speech event in the capital last week. mourners also gathered for the funeral of a jewish community worker. attacking -- the lone attacker omar calhounal-hussein, has also been buried. and a latest attack to a troubled region with explosion blamed on local. tuesday's incident happened at a motor park on the outskirts of the city for no immediate information on the number of as with casualties. france's defense minister said to meet of indian counterpart.
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negotiations have been deadlocked with india for years, and this will be the second visit to the country and less than three months. the latest push comes after the first successful foreign sale of the jets to egypt. >> for months, france has been rolling out the red carpet to india, wooing them. reporters have been granted unprecedented access to the fighter jets but despite the show a bilateral corporation, the deal has been brought from the start. oin january 2012, the french company won the tender to apply 126 rafael fighter jets to -- estimated 17.6 billion. the indian defense minister last week added more on whether it will indeed go ahead. >> if you go to a supermarket
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with your wife, you want to buy everything. then there is zero budget, and you can only buy what your budget allows. i would like to buy many jets, but i cannot spend that kind of money. >> with costs higher-than-expected, india has demanded guarantees from dessalt for the jets. only 18 have been sold ready to fly. the 108 others assembled in an indian facility, but dessalt has balked at the idea of taking responsibly for indian-made aircraft in a facility in has no control over. it will be decided over the negotiations in early march. if the deal collapses, it will be a huge embarrassment to the french government, which is due to host indian prime minister narendra modi later this april. >> a valid starting point,
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greece has sent a mix of economic reform plans to brussels meeting a deadline. the european commission now it it will establish a bailout for the debt-mired country. lasting near mariupol kiev forces say russian separatists continue to target. one says they have pulled back as for the cease-fire agreement. an liable for terrorism, a u.s. jury has said the palestinian authority and the plo are responsible for tax years ago. hundreds of millions of dollars have been awarded to american families who brought the case. time now probably dave of the day's business news. stephen carroll is here. it has been a deja vu. >> such an improvement on toy for hours ago, the list has been sent we are told -- such an
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improvement on 24 hours ago. the list has been sent. they're queuing over the details before they speak over phone and 45 minutes time for stop is six-page document from the greek government makes more risks, cuts down on corruption and save money on public spending, but it also sees the syriaza government running back promises and raising the minimum wage. >> a step in the right direction, greece presented its list of proposed reforms to its european partners just before the monday night deadline. if the list is approved, greece can receive a much-needed extension of its loan deal. >> the greek government has is pressed their strong administrative broader and deeper structural reform process, and improving growth and employment process, ensuring stability over the financial sector, and enhancing social fairness. how serious is the new greek government when it comes to
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reforms? i think they're very serious. >> some of greece but the proposals were largely -- some of greece's proposals were largely expected but there were also some surprises, including an extensive review of all government spending to make sure there is no abuse of pollack money, making public service is more cost efficient, and establishing minimum pension payments. in an apparent concession, the syriza government said it will not stop the sale of assets already underway. greece also rollback on a campaign promise to increase minimum wage saying it will be done over time and in consultation with the eu. cost estimates were not given for any of the proposals, but the greek government says it's 400 million euro plan to reduce poverty will not have a negative repercussions on the budget. with greece's telik pla -- bailout plan, athens hopes it'll
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be enough to extend the bailout deal for another four months. >> news of that deal certainly helping things on the market. let's look at how things are trading in greece this lunchtime. the athens share index, closed yesterday for a three-day weekend, has risen 7%. the big risers -- the banks yet again. shares we see either directly upwards are medically down, almost every day over the past couple of weeks with this crisis , so within about today by about 10%, obviously relieved at the prospect of more finance on the way. across the rest of europe on the markets, trading pretty flat at this point it be day. investors looking ahead to the federal reserve. janet yellen has a speech to congress later. mining group bhp billiton reporting a slump in profits
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of almost 1/3. the markets had been expecting worse, so little bit of relief on their share. the next grazprom says it is limiting supplies to ukraine because the government has not met repayment conditions for stop it says it will stop supplies in today's if it is not the money that is owed. gazprom claims it is owed more than $2 billion at an interruption of the supply to ukraine is thought to be unlikely to affect european supplies. highlighted at the oscars on sunday nights, pay equality between men and women, best supporting actor winner patricia arquette race the issue in her acceptance speech. let us remind you what she had to say. >> to every woman who gave birth to every taxpayer in cincinnati this nation -- taxpayer and citizen of this nation we have lot for everybody else is equal rights.
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it is our time to have wage equality once and for all, and equal rights for women in the united states of america. [cheers and applause] >> meryl streep there supporting patricia arquette, more support for the cause for the international monetary fund says a new report that paying women more has benefits for the whole economy. the i must study says closing the gender gap can help boost economy by up to 35% removing access to unemployment with a key factor for women too. let's listen to a deputy director of the imus. >> 90% of countries, there was one law that impacted women differentially than men. this we lost that applies to women's ability to open a bank account, to own party, to inherit property, and indeed even to be able to look for a job. we found that the removal of these restrictions can lead up to a 5% increase in female labor force for dissipation rates. >> -- force participation rates.
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>> an idea in new zealand looking to take off. this is a company called martin aircraft. they make jet packs, for filling many childhood dreams. that is debuting on the us trillions stock exchange raising more than $20 million this tuesday. share say more than 60% in the first days of training. this is where their promotional videos. it is pretty impressive when you see what they can do. these jet packs can rise to over 1000 meters and travel at speeds of over 100 kilometers an hour. a have yet to deliver these to any customers yet. the first deliveries set to take place next year and will have a retail cost of around $200000. they say they have got plenty of orders. august investors think it is a good idea. pretty impressive. i quite like the idea. >> that would have been a nice way to get to work this morning. [laughter] >> much easier. >> steven terrell, to what --
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steven terrell, th -- stephen carroll, thank you so much. time to take a look at what is grabbing headlines all around the world. floors villeminot is with me. >> the meeting in kuwait is getting a lot of attention all over the world. it is only from page of a lebanese paper that talks about how washington is promising the islamic sage group an irreversible defeat. a lot are focusing on the new defense secretary, as carter, hit the ground running six days after being sworn in as the chief of the pentagon. he organized this closed-doors strategy session to figure out how the u.s. can change its strategy to fighting is the islamic state group. >> the "wall street journal" focuses on this meeting as well
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as us about how team america plots as a strategy on the islamic state. take a look at what happened behind the closed doors. it was billed as a freewheeling, candid discussion, a major brainstorming session without the usual protocol, for instance powerpoint presentations were banned, and to quote one senior defense official, this was "a breath of fresh air." >> "the guardian" focuses on drone warfare. >> we keep hearing about this, especially raised by pakistan, u.s., yemen, etc. who is behind the wheel or the joystick actually? take a look in "the guardian," a fascinating in-depth look at the life of a draw an operator. these drone operators are operating these drones thousands of miles away, behind the safety of the screen, but "the guardian" wonders -- is there a human cost of this remote-controlled combat? according to the article, there
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is a psychological cost, some quite chilling quotes from these drone operators, for instance one says drone warfare consists of hours and days of crushing boredom, peng shuai to bite a few moments of stark terror -- boredom, punctuated by a few moments of stark terror. there is no reset button. >> there's a lot of controversy at the moment for comments made associating young muslims with violence. tell us more on that. >> that is right, this is a scandal from comments made speaking to radio europe one yesterday. he is the head of the council of jewish institutions in france, and he was commenting on the recent wave of anti-seven -- anti-semitism with seen recently in france, and he said today all violence is perpetrated by young
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muslims. he did go on to say of oars this is a small minority of the muslim community, and muslims are the first victims of this but the damage was already done, and actually in reaction to those comments, many muslim leaders boycotted an annual dinner that is held by the c.s., so the council of jewish institutions was held last night, and they boycotted it in protests. >> that was not really controversial thing yet is a. >> that is recommended same interview, he said the leader of the far right, the personality was "irreproachable," and the national front has often been accused of anti-semitism. this article suggests he might have regretted the comments. at the annual dinner, he backpedaled. he said i want to be clear we are not advising people to vote for the national front. >> the national front is set to do well in upcoming local
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elections. >> that is right, especially in rural areas. the national front is reaping the harvest in the countryside for the very first time. the far right party is going to run in virtually all of the departmental elections in march. it is a turning point for the national front according to "le parisien"," and proof that its strategy to company countryside has really worked according to "le parisien." all of this will give plenty of cannon fodder to a certain magazine we have been hearing about, and that is a satirical magazine, "charlie hebdo." it will hit newsstands tomorrow. the second issue since the deadly "charlie hebdo" attacks last month lisicki does he do front page of tomorrow's magazine, an issue that will run until march 10, a drawing that was done by -- we can see a dog holding "charlie hebdo" in its mouth and being followed by a very hostile looking pack of
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crimination against women in the workplace in politics, and even in their own communities is deep-rooted in history. but when it comes to the present, it's still very real for millions of women around the world. this week, we'll meet women determined to change that once and for all. they want to empower all women to reach their full potential. i'm mike walter in los angeles let's take it "full frame."
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