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tv   France 24  LINKTV  May 1, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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h toll is steadily rising, passing 6200. aid -- as workers observe mayday in france, instead of wage hikes french values are at the heart of the march. the latest world fair kicks off in -- in milan.
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critics say it is a much -- a waste of much-needed money. first, rescue teams in nepal have begun reaching the areas worst hit by last saturday's earthquake. bad weather and aftershocks have hampered efforts to reach those in need. towns have been devastated by the 7.i -- 7.8 magnitude quake. the united nations says 8 million people have been affected, with at least 2 million in need of urgent aid. in the himalayas climbing is set to reopen on mount everest. saturday's quake triggered a massive avalanche that went through base camp and destroyed equipment -- that ripped through
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base camp and destroyed equipment. naomi: he's injured climbers are being taken to the nepalese capital -- these injured climbers are being taken to the nepalese capital for treatment. this small village, the only one in the region to have an airport, has become the central point for rescuers bringing help. it is here that the survivors mountaineers and guides are being looked after and swap stories. >> we were at camp one. camp two had much more strong wind and rocks. [inaudible] >> at our base camp, guys hid behind rocks. that really saved them from the wind. naomi: this is the base camp
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that was worst-hit. around 800 climbers were in the dungeons -- th emountains when the great -- quake hit. they say that the damage can be fixed by next week. the season for climbing everest normally finishes in mid-may to end of may. there is a short window to resume. they must decide whether to abandon the climb or get back up in the mountains. molly: in jerusalem, clashes broke out on thursday. some 2000 israelis of ethiopian descent protested against police brutality and racism. the protest was in response to a brutal beating by police. reporter: set up by police brutality and racism -- fed up b
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y police brutality and racism. frequent accept violence and discrimination by the police. >> the police are acting [indiscernible] reporter: when demonstrators tried to march on the prime minister's residence, scuffles broke out, sending some seven people, including two officers to the hospital. earlier in the day police on horseback tried to push back crowds. the outpouring of anger was sparked by this video, which shows the brutal beating of an israeli ethiopian serving in the army. the policemen were immediately suspended. the prime minister released this statement. >> i unequivocally condemn the striking of the soldier for the -- from the ethiopian community and those responsible will be
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brought to justice, but nobody has the right to take the law into their own hands. reporter: more than 120,000 are jewish ethiopians. they have struggled to be fully integrated into israel society. molly: it is morning in baltimore. another night of imposed curfew. the u.s. city is at the heart of unrest over alleged police battalion -- brutality. the areas anger -- there is anger over the death of freddie gray while in police custody. he suffered a spinal injury after being arrested. officials say the van made an unscheduled stop. here is oliver farry. oliver: baltimore was largely calm on the third night of the curfew. the streets were mostly cleared of protesters who had been demonstrating the death of 25-year-old freddie gray in police custody on april 12. gray, an african-american, died
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as a result of spinal injuries after a ride in a police van. they say the police then made a next her stop after greg -- made an extra stop after gray's arrest. >> the second stop was revealed during the course of our investigation and was previously unknown to us. we discovered this new stock based on our thorough comprehensive, and ongoing review of all cctv cameras. >> maryland governor larry hogan visited businesses in neighborhoods that had been damaged by writing and looting. he asked baltimore ravens -- by rioting and looting. he asked baltimoreans to wait for the answers. >> are not involved in the
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investigation -- i'm not involved in the investigation by the state attorney. >> baltimore police have upset is -- have alleged freddie gray died of self-inflicted wounds, others say it may have been a "rough ride," where the drivers inflicted wounds. molly: workers in indonesia are demanding better pay. in france, the event is being marked as well. mayday is when the far right national front takes to the streets as well. they hold their event for french values. clovis, you are standing outside in paris, in the center of the city. things appear to be clearing out.
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we heard from marine le pen. what did she have to say? clovis: she addressed her supporters outside of the paris opera. she blames the socialist government, nicholas sarkozy the ump party, for the chaos. she called for the end of immigration. she said that france should follow the australian example of turning away all migrant boats and sending them back from where they came from. that's what she said, marine le pen, who also said these migrants are lured by the french social model and that these migrants are only here to get french aid money and that the french people are suffering as a consequence. she said the only way to put an
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end to terrorism is to close friends's borders. >> france has the right to know who is living on its territory. we have to re-examine conditions for accepting refugees to avert infiltration. we have to deport any french citizen who supports islamic state. any person with double citizenship who joins the jihad will lose his french nationality. those who return will be tried for their crime. molly: there is the party leader speaking, addressing supporters. i understand there were reports of several incidents in today's rally. tell us about them, clovis. clovis: the far right leader's speech was interrupted at the beginning by three feminist activists, three women who were
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standing on a balcony nearby and waving flags that looked like nazi germany flags. of course, the national front supporters gathered and started insulting these feminist activists. then security dislodged these three feminist and marine le pen -- three feminists and marine le pen resumed. later, journalists were hit -- violently hit by several party supporters. it all started with european mp -- a european mp targeting these journalists, pushing them, trying to grab their material. party supporters punched these three journalists. i saw one journalist being violently kicked. they were pulled away by security forces. really quite a scary scene
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things we should never see during any type of lyrical rally -- of political rally. molly: we did not hear from marine le pen's father, the founder of the national front. what did people make of that? clovis: party supporters still appreciate very much jean-marie le pen despite the comments he has made in the past few years and that he repeated recently, saying, for instance, that the nazi gas chambers were merely a detail of history and that french historians judged a bit too severely the french leader that worked in collaboration with nazi germany. those words, those comments infuriated national front heavyweights and his daughter marine le pen, the current leader, who is trying to un-demonize the party, make it more acceptable in order to get
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into power. during the pen is trying to put her father aside because she knows he brings -- marine le pen is trying to put her father aside, because she knows he brings bad publicity. that's why jean-marie le pen for once did not address supporters during this rally, even though he was the one who came up with the idea of the far right taking to the streets of paris every may 1, back in 1988. molly: thank you for that report. now milan's world fair officially opens today, the first global exhibition since shanghai hosted five years ago. the expo has been hit by delays as well as protests. we have more from -- from milan. reporter: the italian prime minister is inaugurating this major exhibition, in which 145 countries are participating.
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the theme of the exposition is food as a sustainable and equitable -- is a sustainable and equitable food for the planet. italy will be showing off its new -- it's own agricultural products and cuisine -- off its own agricultural products and cuisine and hoping to give a boost tourism here. the hope is that 24 million tickets will be sold during the six months of the exposition. molly: it is concerning a sustainable food. it is hoped it will boost the economy. that being said, this expo has been met with some major protests. reporter: that's right. there were protests yesterday in -- in milan.police fear there could be worse protests today. there could be -- they have made
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a number of arrests and seized material they say people were planning to use for violent purposes. there is fear that members of the blacklock may infiltrate protests -- the black flock may infiltrate protests. thousands of extra police have been drafted in. this is a controversial issue. the protesters say that the exposition has been taken over by the major multinational corporations and it is a capitalist festival. but the organizers say it is actually about their supply of food for all and sustainable -- about fair supply of food for all and sustainable food for the planet, something almost no one could disagree with. last night apparently hackers from the anonymous activist group -- anonymous hacktivist group attacked online ticket
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sales for the event. there is a lot of anxiety about the possibility of violence during the course of today. molly: it is coming up on 15 minutes past the hour. let's get a check of the headlines. scenes of devastation near the epicenter of nepal's earthquake. the death toll from the massive tremor passes 6200. workers observe world labor day this may 1. here in france, the national front is taking to the streets for their annual rally. instead of wage hikes, french values are at the heart of the march. britain's political leaders are grilled by voters on live television in the final stretch of campaigning with one weeks ago before the general election. -- one week to go before the general election. time for the day's business news. it is may 1, international labor day. you are going to start with a new study concerning workers.
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reporter: unions are scoring very low on opinion holes in france -- opinion polls in france. reporter: just like every year trade unions will parade on the streets for labor day. recently, their influence has been waning. in the last 30 years, the membership rate for the unions has been halved in france. french workers have varying theories about this decline. >> the problem is that unions think about themselves more than employees. >> no one has ever asked me to join. it has never happened. reporter: unions are more present in the public sector than the private one. factory workers do not have the highest union membership rates only 5.9%, compared to 14.5% for
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managers. trade workers are on the front lines of every labor dispute and at every negotiation table. >> they are here to defend us, to improve our rights and working conditions, to make sure we are not taking -- taken advantage of. reporter: the story is different elsewhere in europe. unions are much more popular. in finland, 59% of workers are unionized. 55% in belgium. 26% in the u.k.. 18% in germany. >> in a lot of countries, in order to have any advantages from the union, you need to be a member. unions are not necessarily stronger, they are just bigger. reporter: all workers can benefit from agreements signed by the major unions. william: let's get a quick update on the market. trading volumes are like since
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many markets are closed -- are light since many markets are closed for may day. bhp billiton is among the best performers on the index. time for a quick look at some of the day's other top stories. lloyds bank lost 900 million euros on the forced sale of the bank, tsb. they were forced to spin off tsb after the government bought a stake in the group in 2009. they reported a rise in pretax profit in the first quarter. shares of more than 5%, the best performer on the ftse. tesla has unveiled a line of batteries for homes and businesses. the products will still -- store solar power. ceo elon musk says they will transform how battery power is delivered. a massive plant will employ 6.5 thousand people -- 6500 people.
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twnew figures show global shipments of tablets have dropped nearly 6%. it has some people asking if tablets have gone the way of the personal computer. experts say consumers are holding onto their gadgets longer. apple has reported a 22% dip in ipad demand. are you ready to rumble? saturday is a long-awaited fight between two taxing legends, filipino mailing patio -- filipino manny pacquiao and floyd mayweather. some tickets are selling for as much as $100,000. we look at the numbers surrounding a fight valued at $500 million. reporter: getting ready to rumble in what is being billed as the fight of the century. saturday's boxing match between
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floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao is expected to generate record-breaking sums, even for sin city. mayweather could pocket up to $180 million, the biggest payday in sports history. floyd mayweather: it's really not about the money. some things are about the money. reporter: the same goes for philippine's native manny pacquiao who could walk away with up to $120 million. manny pacquiao: let's focus first on the fight. reporter: the two men have been duking it out for sponsors. pacquiao's talking -- boxing shorts are said to be worth $2.5 million. mayweahter -- mayweather's shorts are worse -- worth a cool
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$25,000. mayweather has had you gone -- has had to market himself. >> he has a percentage of every hot dog and t-shirt sold in the arena. reporter: this clash of titans won't come cheap for fans. it will cost $95 to watch the fight on cable tv. frenzied getting pushed to get prices -- frenzied bidding pushed ticket prices to $100,000. william: if i was paid as much as floyd mayweather during this five minutes, i would have made $25 million. molly: we will see if that's in your contract. will hildebrandt with a look at the business news. it is time now for our business -- our press review. i'm joined by florence, with a
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look at what is making headlines around the world, a lot of focus on baltimore. florence: one of the big questions is what caused the spinal injury that freddie gay -- freddie gray sustained while in police custody. the baltimore medical examiner has found that freddie gray's fetal spine injury was caused when he slammed into the back of the police transport van. yesterday, i was talking about an article that reported that another prisoner said that freddie gray seemed like he had intentionally turned himself. -- harmed himself. he said he heard him banging his head against the wall of the van during the ride. that information was leaked by the baltimore police department self-serving way -- self-servingly. they suggest that he is -- intentionally broke his own
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spine while in custody. is that possible? can one break one's own spine? the short of it is, no, not in the way freddie gray's spine was broken. molly: he was not strapped into a seatbelt when he was in the van, in department -- violation of department policy. some are wondering if it may have been deliberate. florence: there is an article that says this is a "roguh -- "rough ride." a suspect is put in the back of the van and the van is driven in a rough and bumpy manner to do as much damage to the suspect without having to administer a blow. "the new york times" says this can be even more damaging than a police baton. it is a hard thing to determine officially.
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molly: the investigation is underway. let's focus on france. there is a lot of shock, reaction in the press over allegations that french troops sexually abused childrenwhile -- children while they were posted in central african republic. florence: a lot of shock as details start to emerge. 16 french soldiers are accused of rape in the central african republic. it is an embarrassing scandal for the french army. the scandal might come as a surprise in france, but in the capital of the central african republic it is "an open secret." it seems like it was not that surprising in bangui. a preliminary investigation was launched in july when the report about these abuses leaked to french authorities.
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you might wonder how does the french justice system work for soldiers. an article in "huffington post" explains there is no court-martial system. soldiers are tried in civilian court. molly: a quick word about what has been dubbed the fight of the century. florence: tomorrow night floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao. the boxing match that has been long-awaited for many years a match already breaking financial records. you can read about it in "the financial times." no sporting event in history can match it dollar for dollar. that out is worth $400 million -- the about is -- the bout is worth between $400 million and $500 million. it has smashed records.
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pacquiao's shorts worth $2.25 million. mayweather's mouthguard -- is embedded with diamonds. tickets are going for up to $100,000 each. molly: shreds of $100 bills. people are excited for the match, but not everyone. florence: not everyone is excited. there is an article that says, "there will be disappointment." this is going to be "an exorbitantly overpriced dud." it is overhyped because the boxes are in the autumn of their career. the fight will likely do more harm than good to a sport already on life support. molly: only 15 years into this century. flo, thank you for walking us
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through the press. for more stories, log onto our
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aw. i just want to say a few things . i worked at the "l.a. times" for 30 years and -- so i know something about mainstream journalism. and i have a particular respect for chris hedges coming out of that environment, trying to work in these institutions, trying to maintain your integrity and up against everything from insufficientrable arrogance, bureaucracy, and timidity. and tunism. and it's really sort of been interesting to switch rules -- roles and be the editor of


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