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tv   France 24  LINKTV  May 12, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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and in nepal as a new earthquake rocks the country and the number looks set to rise. it registered a few points below the major tremor a few weeks ago that left 8000 dead. the u.n. says thousands of migrants stranded at sea without food or water could die unless governments move now to help. françois hollande calls for an end to the u.s. embargo on cuba. the french president meets with fidel and rival
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castro on his visit to havana. greece borrows from an emergency fund to pay the imf. we asked if greases again lurching towards default. and one anonymous fire has a lot of cash on hand. he or she has set a new record in the art world, paying over $179 million for a painting by pablo picasso. that and more on the way, but for startup story. -- first come our top story. genie: first for you now, this news out of nepal where a new earthquake has hit the nation. it has been registered at 7.3, a few points below the major quake that struck the region less than three weeks ago, killing a thousand people and destroying
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hundreds of thousands of homes. the latest numbers today say that close to 20 were killed, almost 1000 injured. the number looks due to rise. reporter: less than a month after huge earthquake devastated the nation nepalese citizens have again been confronted with another large tremor. >> this was a jolt just like the big one last month, although it was not that long. i was very scared. anything can happen to me. reporter: people scrambled to leave buildings in the capital kathmandu. the center of more than eight cap -- the specter of more than 8000 who died last month room to large. -- loomed large. >> and worried for my family. reporter: according to the u.s.
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geological survey, the 7.3-magnitude quake struck in a region near the border with china, where buildings were reported to have collapsed. it was powerful enough to be felt more than 1000 kilometers away in the indian capital, new delhi. >> we were in class when another student entered the room screaming "earthquake." we thought he was joking but we realize he was telling the truth so we rushed out. reporter: aid workers from around the world flooded into nepal with humanitarian assistance after the april 25 earthquake. however, the nation's still struggling to cope with the infrastructure which prevented much help from getting to where it was needed the most. genie: the earthquake struck near the base of mount everest, sending shockwaves into neighboring india, where two people were killed in the state on the border. as you heard in the report, the tremors were felt as far away as
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the indian capital of delhi were many people were evacuated from buildings. we go to new delhi now. did you yourself feel the tremors? >> yes, we did, actually. the tremors were felt all the way down in several other parts of india. right here in our office and studio we felt the building's way and shake for a couple of seconds and we had to be evacuated, as did hundreds and thousands of others across the city and other parts of india. there were dramatic images on indian television as journalists and news readers to be evacuated as well. in delhi, transcend to be shut down. mr. and relief workers are on alert, on standby waiting to see if they will be sent anywhere. the damage in india looks
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minimal but there were unfortunate deaths and reports of walls collapsing. we are waiting for the indian ministry of affairs to tell us more about the extent of the damage here in india. genie: mandakini, what more are you hearing from your contacts in kathmandu now? mandakini: devastating news out of kathmandu. there are caused a lot of fear and panic. hundreds of thousands of people on the streets once again. the earthquake this morning came while nepal was already dealing with nearly half a million people still homeless and living in temporary shelters, aid still to reach some of the remote areas which have been cut off by the earthquake on april 25. the big concern now based on previous experiences is the possibility of landslides. the epicenter is fairly close to
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the greater himalayan mountain range, and if one were to come tumbling off the slopes, -- mud were to come toppling off the slopes, it would cause a lot more confusion as authorities have yet to assess the damage so far. genie: mandakini thank you for that. in the meantime, aid measures are getting underway in the wake of this latest earthquake. to talk about that, let's bring in a surgeon with doctors without borders. you have just come back from nepal, where you were part of the rescue mission as part of the first earthquake in april. have you had a chance to talk to your people on the ground since the latest earthquake happened today? >> we got some news on the ground. we are in the more affected district by the first earthquake and unfortunately, we have more
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news about that relatives but how teams are safe. we have teams in the mountains and in many towns. one is very, very remote. they are working and the populations -- the news is very difficult to have. what we know about them, they are free and not injured but we have no news about their relatives. genie: gerard given all the devastation when you were in nepal, what effect might this earthquake have on the situation that is already so horrible? dr. pascal: with this newest
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earthquake, buildings were eviscerated. and now the new buildings has collapsed. we don't know exactly currently the situations. we know that in remote towns in the mountains, of course some buildings are destroyed and we heard about some dead people. so we don't know exactly, but we know that there are dead people in kathmandu, around 20 people now, and other people are dead in those countries. more in the mountains. but not very clear on these things informations, because the networks are very damaged 10 because our teams now -- and because our teams now are isolated. it is difficult to share with
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them some informations. genie: all right gerard, thank you for taking time to speak with us. gerard astana with doctors without borders. the u.n. says thousands of migrants stranded at sea without food or water can die unless asian governments move now to help. the urgent cry for help comes as indonesia's navy says it turned away a boat carrying hundreds of migrants after giving them warm fuel. claire williams explains. claire: after two months at sea these men, women, and children can finally for proper meal. some are from england --, most are refugees from burma, muslim minority who escaped persecution back home. they were towed to safety by indonesian fisherman, but they have all been trying to reach time a -- thailand. >> when we were near thailand,
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we were captured by what i believe is the country's navy. they detained us in the boat for 20 days. claire: there have been similar scenes on the northwestern malaysian islands, packed out with refugees. the number reaching the indonesian and malaysia chores has suddenly surged, as thai authorities crackdown on human traffickers. thailand had been the first destination in southeast asia for the people-smuggling network. within the borders now tightened, smokers and begun visit -- smugglers have begun visiting refugees, leaving them at sea with little food or fuel. >> international crime has caused this problem. we need to help each other to deal with it. if we keep accusing each other we will only have deadlock.
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claire: 2000 refugees are believed to have been abandoned in the last 48 hours of the indonesian and malaysia and coast. rights group fears that a thousand refugees could still be stranded at sea. genie: u.s. secretary of state john kerry is due to meet with vladimir putin today. it is his first trip to russia in two years ever since the falling out between moscow and washington over policy on syria and ukraine. kerry is meeting the russian president and russian foreign minister today in sochi. meanwhile, the french president made an historic trip to cuba. francois hollande became the first western leader to visit the island since the saw in relation -- since the thaw in relations between cuba and the u.s. he called for an end to the embargo that has been in place for decades. in a surprise on the schedule,
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the french president spent an hour face-to-face with fidel castro. oliver farry has the details. oliver: francois hollande inspects with cuban counterpart raul castro where he became the first western leader in more than 30 years to visit the country. he was a company by seven ministers and a plethora of french business leaders keen on getting in on cuba's economy as it opens up to the world. it was part of an and shuttle -- unscheduled visit to fidel castro away from the glare of the media. it was a busy day for hollande. he laid a wreath at the grave of was a marquee -- jose marti and called for an end to the u.s. embargo. president hollande: the measures that have hindered cuba's development can finally be ended
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and done away with. so that every country can be respected in its identity. that is what we must do. oliver: he also opened a new cultural center in havana. the visit profit a lot of excitement on locals stop -- prompted a lot of excitement on locals. >> it is a great event for us part of the friendship cuba has always had with european countries. >> this visit is really important for our country and relations and such. i am really excited by all. -- all of it. oliver: the visit comes six months after the united states decided to restore ties with cuba after a standoff of over 50 years. françois hollande says he expects other western leaders to soon follow. genie: a masterpiece by pablo
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picasso has smashed the world record for the most expensive artwork sold at auction. the painting, called the women of algiers, went for over $179 million in new york. >> $120 million. reporter: chapter 11 anxious minutes of getting, -- after 11 inches min civilian, the women of algiers made history. the painting had already been sold at christie's in 1997, but the price today's five times the amount, with the buyer wanting to remain anonymous. the previous record was for francis bacon's "three studies of lucian freud." >> the triptych by bacon last year and $142 million. the most stylish of 20 century
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painters, in my mind, picasso, should sell for $180 million. it is a wonderful, wonderful work. reporter: it is part of a series of paintings. it was inspired by picasso's fascination with 19th century french artist eugene delacroix and was made to commemorate henri matisse, who died the year before. another record was broken for the must expensive sculpture. life-size "tournament -- "pointing man" sold for $144 million. genie: let's look at our headlines on "france 24." close to 20 dead in nepal and 1000 hurt as an earthquake rocked the country. it registered a few points below the major tremor a few weeks ago that left 8000 and. the u.n. says thousands of migrants stranded at sea without food and water could die unless
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asian governments move now to help. and francois hollande calls for an end to the u.s. embargo on cuba. the french president meets with fidel and raul castro on is a stored visit to havana. -- on his historic visit on hundred what do you have for us today? stephen: this is what is called the sharing economy airbnb uber the idea that companies that individuals to share or rent their own assets to make money. they have homes or cars. the problem is that a lot of these arrangements cut out the tax man. the french government is tried to tackle this tricky issue. reporter: paris hotels, hotel taxes, employer costs, company taxes. for every 100-euro room, they
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play 24 euros in taxes. airbnb's posts can average of $.50. french lawmakers think it is time to make them pay more which could collect millions in taxes. 108 million people have booked rooms in apartments in the french capital. the city where airbnb has but most successful. >> it is very likely that many hosts don't even declare their revenue to the state. it means the state is losing a lot of money. they also represent unfair competition to official businesses. reporter: airbnb is only one example. peer to peer business has prospered in france. senators want to collect money from all platforms, anything that can be used over and over again. they also want to tax online sales, people who sell secondhand items online may have
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to declare those revenues, too. genie: another big business story today is greece. greece has gotten over another get hurdle but it is getting closer to running out of money. stephen: a payment of more than 750 million euros to the international monetary fund. the government did make it on time but $650 million from an emergency account the country holds at the imf. greece's financial situation has become -- the country's finance ministers as the government has a couple weeks worth of money left and it will be unable to make the next set of payments to the international monetary fund of 1.5 billion euros in june. no sign of a deal yesterday. still plenty and to discuss this further, let's talk to the head of sovereign risk at ihs in london. what is the risk that the deal won't be done in time? >> well, there has always been
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the risk. the greek government has got to come up with the goods got to convince the eurogroup that it is worth handing over the money. it is about substantive reforms on the labor market, on pensions. it has to convince the eurogroup, simple as that. if it doesn't, the greek government faces the choice of debt payments were civil pensions, either or both -- but not both. stephen: do you think they would be able to have that deal done which has been going on for such a long time? jan: we have two deals, one is the short term liquidity keeping athens afloat. it may be handed over in parts based on each particular reform.
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greece is kept dangling on the water. in the eurogroup situation, the magic of the eu is that they always had an agreement at the 11th hour. that may still happen. on balance, i think there will be an agreement but it will be right down the wire. stephen: there are a lot of issues in play. jan: it really is ultimately a political agreement. what does it take for a country like greece with the government it has got, the democratic elected government, to pursue reforms it wants, and what is acceptable to the eurogroup? the bigger crunches the next bailout in june onwards. that has to do with overall debt and structural reforms. at the moment we are just talking about liquidity. the bigger issues will come in june.
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i think it will get over the liquidity issue and i think unless the government compromises, it may split the coalition of the loose groups it has a may have to ditch the hard left and realign with the centerleft in order to do that. but that is politics increased. stephen: watching that very closely. jan randolph, thank you for joining us this afternoon. genie: what kind of reaction has there been from the markets to all of this? stephen: the markets are having a hell of a day. across all the main indices -- as you can see, the main ones there. the selloff a government bonds driving down shares. one of the companies taking a beating today on the markets easyjet down after the french air traffic controllers strike
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in april. a bit player in the american markets -- the american football mode -- mobilephone network verizon has agreed to buy aol for $4.4 billion, $50 per share. the shares are expected to open up over 17% when the american markets open in just about 40 minutes time. genie: makes me wish i bought aol. [laughter] time for the press review. time now to take a look at what the papers have been saying around the world. a lot of focus today in the press on president barack obama's meeting with several arab leaders and several notable absences. reporter: absolutely. four out of six gulf monarchs are not going to accept the white house's invitation could you can read it on the front page of this lebanese paper.
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the kings of bahrain, oman, the united arab emirates, especially the king of saudi arabia, they will not attend this summit meeting. the paper says this is really a snap for the u.s. president, and another paper based in london goes even further, calling it a humiliating slap in the face for barack obama. what does this really mean especially the fact that king salman of saudi arabia is not attending? you can read more about the implications in "the new york times" today, talking about the drift, the saudi-u.s. marriages adrift because of this absence. four powerful factors have contributed to the rising tensions between the u.s. and saudi arabia, according to "the new york times." iran, the rise of the islamic state, the arab spring specifically in yemen, and the fourth factor is the transformation of the world energy markets. genie: interestingly, some
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papers are agreeing with what both countries have said, that the king's absence is not a step and one is playing down the significance. florence: that's right. there is an interesting article in the daily beast by christopher dickey saying you have to pay attention to the inside story on this so-called snow. the saudi king did not snub obama, according to christopher dickey. the king sent 2 of his most senior deputies, the crown prince and his son, a deputy crown prince, also minister of defense. the fact that he send these two high-profile people shows that saudi arabia still appreciates the importance of america, recording to this article. similar feeling in an article in slate by joshua keating. "don't read too much in saudi arabia's snub.
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the u.s. and saudi arabia still stuck with each other." genie: and francois hollande's historic visit to cuba. florence: the first visit since the cuban revolution in 1959. he not only met with his counterpart while castro -- raul castro, he met with fidel castro. francois hollande was on cloud nine and he mainly talked business, saying that france would be by cuba's situs cuba opens up to the rest of the world, but he also brushed on a minefield of the subject, human rights, but it was mainly subliminal messages. genie: that visit of the president to cuba comes a few days after his visit to the middle east. florence: that's right. you can read more about it here, talking about how hollande is on a diplomatic role and this is
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part of opportunist diplomacy. he is trying to push forward france's reputation as a diplomatic and military power, putting france's foot in the door and taking advantage of the country's opening, all the while trying to counterbalance the influence of the united states in the region. and in the middle east, francois hollande is taking advantage of the fact that america's, i guess, popularity is dropping, specifically with respect to saudi arabia. basically, francis taking advantage of this. -- france is taking advantage of this. all of this d
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mike: what happens when physical limitations, logistical challenges, and unbelievable odds become irrelevant? well, the extraordinary becomes ordinary. this week on "full frame," remarkable athletes who are living beyond limits and having an impact far beyond the field. i'm mike walter in los angeles. let's take it "full frame."


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