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tv   Dw News  LINKTV  May 19, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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l. thanks for joining us. the headlines for you this hour. in peru indeed, no wind inside. the protest against a third term for president s sees a -- ziza. >> a new law that allows the state to ban ngo's it deems undesirable.
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>> we begin ember and you were the government will not take revenge against those in last week's failed to. -- coup. the eu and the african union have called for a postponement on elections due on june the 26. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> the protesters say they won't give up even though the government uses force against them. the day before, they used bullets. more than 20 people have been killed since the protests began. baroody's president says elections will go ahead in june with his name on the ballot. but many say his bid for another term is unconstitutional. >> we will continue to protest
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until the day he agrees to step back from the elections. we will continue even though they want to finish us. until the last generation, we will fight. >> many fear the violence will get worse. over 100,000 people have fled randy to neighboring rwanda and tanzania. refugee camps are struggling to cope with the numbers. >> we arrived last night and we still don't have anything to eat. children don't have anything to eat. there's no sanitation here. it is very dirty. even if they gave us containers, we would fetch water. >> health workers say there has also been a cholera outbreak in the cap. for those affected by the unrest, the situation is becoming ever more dire.
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>> russia has tightened its grip on foreign ngos with a controversial law that would allow -- overwhelmingly approved the bill. it is likely to become law. ngos could be hit with fines and see their employees jailed if they are deemed to be threatening to russia's security. the bill is widely seen as retaliation by moscow for the west's response to the ukraine crisis. >> for some reaction to this new law, she is from amnesty international and moscow. thank you for joining us. how will this new law affects the work that you are doing then amnesty international is doing and moscow. >> the rights organizations and
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lawyers, different activists all this can be quite tough. we don't exactly know how it will be implemented. there was immediately different organizations to be targeted or -- [indiscernible] we expect to see an impact on russian society. we have seen the past regarding the law. it has just been implemented. >> the lawmakers that pass this law have been arguing that there is a double standard of play. at the west is opposing sanctions so it has every right to ban organizations like cures
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which are, in fact, representing western interest. that is the argument from the lawmakers from the kremlin. how would you respond to that? >> there is no understanding for the perception. [indiscernible] it is quite strange quest. >> where does that fear come from? why do they believe that a foreign non-governmental organization is a threat to russia? >> there is a tendency to streamline everything in the russian federation. the media is totally controlled
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by the government. the state society organizations are also quite strictly following government rules. they fail to implement this to protect human rights. >> thank you so very much for your time and your input today. the former prime minister has appeared in court on criminal charges. on the day the country's military backed government said it would postpone general elections by at least six months. the prime minister announced
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there would be a referendum on the newly drafted constitution. >> they receive a level of attention normally reserved for rock stars. a year after the former premier was forced from power, she still has many fans. thailand's first female prime minister appeared in court to defend yourself against criminal negligence charges. i feel confident to present she said. everything will be followed by due process and rule of law. smiles aside, a major power struggle has been underway for years. it pits the country's urban elite and the military on one side against the shen what camp on the other.
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they have the rural population to thank for their decisive win in the 2011 elections. she instituted it and it got them into league. they clashed repeatedly with the ryalist military establishment while she was in power. critics say she was a puppet of her exiled brother did -- exiled brother. he, too, has been charged with corruption. a planned amnesty that would have benefited tax in triggered street protests divided the country.
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thailand has yet to recover from the civil strife. outside the courtroom, she reiterated her innocence. supporters urged her to fight on. if found guilty, she will face up to 10 years in jail. her next court appearance is in july. >> there have been some fast-moving developers in iraq as the country musters its forces to regain ramadi which has been lost to islamic state fighters. the white house has said it will back a multi-sectarian forced to retake the city, which means it has accepted the use of a led shia militia in that effort. it is about 100 kilometers from the capital of baghdad. the loss was a major blow to the government. >> authorities have agreed to allow thousands of families fleeing the islamic state into the capital. they fear the militants might infiltrate baghdad. >> ramadi is deserted after the
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islamic state seized control of the city. a black flag flies over the town's main square. some iraqi troops only got out by helicopter in the very last moment. months of fighting have left their mark on the city. the fall of ramadi is a significant setback for the iraqi army. >> it threatens the situation in the capital and southern provinces. >> thousands of people have fled fearing for their lives. the united nations is struggling to look after them. iraq's government has been reluctant to work with shia militias in the fight for ramadi fearing that it could alienate the city's majority population.
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>> we will not accept anything less. we will be a real backbone for the security forces. >> with her help may come from neighboring iran. government forces recently routed are being brought forward again taking back ramadi. >> climate change is on the agenda as representatives of 35 countries meet in berlin for some informal discussions. the petersburg dialogue aims to lay the groundwork of the climate conference later this year. at the meeting, angela merkel and french president francois hollande called on the world to stop using fossil fuels by the end of the century. environmentalists protesting
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depicted leaders of development in this super heroes. the world this really needs super heroes of it's going to reach his targets on curbing the warming of the planet. it has to end in paris. the finger-pointing must stop. every country has to do its homework into the run-up. they say germany has to do more. germany formulates its goal differently. it aims to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by 40% from 1990 levels. at the meeting german chancellor angulo merkel and french president francois hollande spoke of their common goal of reaching a binding agreement at the u.n. climate change talks in paris in december. >> the challenges we face because of climate change would be much easier to overcome if we knew that our partners the world
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over were working towards the same goal. it is one of the reasons why we need an agreement.+ >> a comprehensive and binding agreement is only likely if developed nations agree to considerably boost financial support for poor countries and tackling climate change. >> are political correspondent is following events for us. >> i can't really tell you that but certainly today was moving in the right direction. about generating and keeping up momentum. it is why the german chancellor angela merkel announced that the german government would double the amount spent by germany every year in supporting those developing countries from 2 billion to 4 billion euros.
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it's all about redirecting not just funds but also persuading countries to invest in carbon friendly development. and this certainly still is an uphill struggle. >> you mentioned the persuasion efforts, getting everybody on the same page on this issue. why is it difficult to get support for a global solution? >> the country they are the ones that have done their homework. they are way on the way. about to hand in their proposals of what their own targets are. and that is the change from the kill no protocol. countries will be making their own suggestions. more than 190 countries getting those countries to sign on the dotted line is the challenge. >> we only have one planet. we better take care of it.
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>> going to a short break. prince charles is in ireland. >> sexual violence has become a subject of fierce debate within india. several brutal rapes and murders have made international headlines as part lots of discussion about the general attitudes and india towards women. india's family ministry indicates 40% have been raped. >> our reporter in the indian capital did find one woman able to speak out. >> it is wedding season. they are seen everywhere. it is triggering painful memories.
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she doesn't want to be recognized. >> and when i tried he pulled me towards the floor. and then when i tried running he hit me with a torch light times on my head. >> it wasn't the first time. the 27-year-old that works for a multinational company was repeatedly raped and tortured by her husband. the lawyer says the cases is simply not taken seriously. >> it was so poor that she goes to the police station and is told by the police that these are normal things. that it is between husband and wife and you should settle the matter.
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she worked in the city for over 20 years. >> it was in 2012 at the gang rape of a student prompted the government to tighten rape laws. last month they said it considers marriage sacred. and it cannot be criminalized. >> the country is still dealing with the idea of rate.
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it is really a way down the curve >> there is no political consensus. few accept the argument. prominent human rights lawyer. >> a vote of patriarchy and misogyny. it seems to be the mindset of those who are in the ruling dispensation. >> he hopes that sexual violence becomes a talking point in the country. she plans to continue her fight for justice. >> a little further on such things, just because they have a license.
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they cannot treat a woman like that. everyone has a right to say yes or no. >> and no means no. that's what indian women are demanding. >> gerry adams at the start of his four-day visit to that country. >> the political wing of the now inactive irish republican army. the organization that carried out several acts of terrorism in its fight for independence including assassinating the prince's great uncle in 1979. >> they shook hands in public and expressed regret over the troubles three decades. >> what looks like a simple handshake was much more than that. prince charles became the first to meet with the party.
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adams had a private meeting with the prince. >> we met. we did discuss the need for the entire process to move forward. particularly in terms of people who have suffered. the need to heal and have relations between the people. >> the turn of the, station was one of reconciliation. both men have a personal connection to the troubles. prince charles talked about his great uncle. >> the fact that he has suffered given an affinity and understanding of other people. >> many are calling a historic
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day. >> the european union is considering whether to follow the u.s. by introducing tighter controls on so-called conflict minerals from war zones. armed groups often fund their activities. >> the european parliament is to vote on a resolution that would force refiners to -- t blood metals like tungsten, 10, and gold do not go to warlords. >> selling precious metals is a way armed groups often fund their activities. for example, in the republic of congo. many of these blood metals make their way to europe. it's something the eu wants to clamp down on. >> we see ella terry or
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paramilitary forces are financed by trade. something needs to be done about this. at the same time, my parliamentary group wants to make sure we don't remove them over the import of raw materials. >> some of these materials are used as key components in laptops and mobile phones. europe accounts for one third of the mobile trade. a crackdown could have a significant impact. only handful of manufacturers would have to disclose the origin of the metals they use. it would be voluntary for all others. >> we won't get anywhere with voluntary measures. it's ultimately about people whose human rights are threatened. >> the regulations are supposed to make trade more transparent.
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but they don't give eu citizens any guarantee that their purchases don't help finance bloody on -- conflicts around the globe >> catch me up with some business news now. oh we are euro sent shares in frankfurt rocketing. javier sent us this summary. >> the markets are back on track after statements of one of the officials of the european central bank who are sure to investors that the ecb will continue with its bond buying program and that there will be comprehensive acquisitions of bonds in the months of may and june. both of which are characterized by less movement in the markets. investors like the news, but the euro did not. they lost after the news came out. it is good for germany and the eurozone.
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>> was take a quick look at tuesday's numbers. the dax was up by nearly 2.15%. the euro stoxx 50 also looking great this tuesday. across the atlantic on wall street, the dow, let's call it flat. and the euro plunging as we said, trading at a value of one u.s. dollar 1150. >> train drivers going on strike again. this new strike is open-ended and threatens travel chaos over the coming holiday weekend. >> the union's demand a 5% pay hike. shorter working hours and the right to represent other rail workers. >> the last strike ended just over a week ago.
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>> is now the ninth strike in their dispute with rail operator . >> air trying to blackmail society. it is hard to feel much sympathy with them. it is a power struggle. nothing more. >> i am really annoyed. >> many companies are angry. urgently needed good with -- goods will remain in limbo. business groups estimate the strike is costing the economy 100 million euros each day. >> those figures are about right and they will increase every day because a strike affects the ability of countries and their customers to plan. that is why the costs rise so sharply. >> there is still a glimmer of hope.
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representatives of the train drivers union are still talking. they say they do want to reach a deal. >> a british magazine has created a huge sensation. a published a portrait that they claim is the only image of him shakespeare made in his lifetime. >> they found the illustration of the handsome young man. >> other experts disagree. recognize the mustache. >> that's right. it's all we have time for. thanks for joining us.
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n in ramadi where isil has begun their fight in the city. the flag is flying over multiple important buildings as shiite fighters fight for an appeal for the government to take up positions and arms nearby. in advance of the speculative advancee, the rebels are beginning defensive positions. sunni gained control after days


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