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tv   France 24  LINKTV  May 20, 2015 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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x the first french defense minister has confirmed that two high-ranking al qaeda members have been killed by french troops in africa's sial region. one has been named as the man who claimed responsibility for the death of a journalist in 2013. luke brown has the story. >> the mastermind behind a spade of kidnappings in the region. looking to notoriety after his fighters claimed responsibility for the killings of the two journalists from the french radio station shot dead minutes after being teased in northern mali.
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he was at the head of one of the principal brigades that make up al qaeda. these the ransoms for kidnapping foreigners to fund the jihadist activities. in 2010, he died four months later, killed by the man himself according to one capture jihadist. they seized to frenchmen. he connectivity two years later while another had to wait until last december to be freed. he also played a role in the released for in 2013. his tactic of targeting foreign nationals for kidnapping seemingly part of his downfall. the french military has been hunting him since the start of operations over two years ago.
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anchor: to the latest violence in burundi where they have been clashing on the streets. a soldier were shot dead by police this wednesday as they sought to restore order one week after a failed attempt asked a president. we have the latest. >> shots heard in the burundi capital in the clashes between police and protesters. here the government demonstrators had security forces on wednesday. teargas and bullets. >> firing on peaceful demonstrators. we call on the police to get out immediately and for the army to take the lead. reporter: the crowds were sent fleeing. all but one in this local
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resident that brandished his only weapon. the bible. the parliamentary and local elections will be pushed back to june 5. it may be a prelude to further deepening tensions in a country with a long history of mass ethnic killings. anchor: and the president is calling on refugees that fled the violence to return. he claims 99.9% of the country is now peaceful and safe. or than 100,000 people. their live reports of a collar out rake. moving to iraq, preparations to
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retake the city from the islamic state group. iraqi troops and the shiite popular militias are gathering on the outskirts of the city. the fall of ramadi is one of the first earth -- one of the worst if each for the iraqi army, leaving civilians at the mercy of the extremists. >> the eye of the storm, up to 75,000 militia fighters preparing for battle in ramadi. bolstering their ranks, the government has rallied shiite militia men. wresting control of the capital of the heartland for the islamic state group. >> we don't expect the liberation to take long. in a matter of days, ideas and plans will be put into place. preparations have reached final stages.
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after this, we will carry out the liberation operations. they helped our cause by shaking the foundations of the islamic state. >> 30 kilometers from rome body, the police and army and allied forces are amassing around the base. overnight tuesday, insurgents attacked government lines nearby, only to be pushed back. at least 25,000 people have escaped according to an estimate. it is said to be a major counteroffensive. the u.s. is poised to ramp up. considering faster training and more arms supplies for iraqi tribes. >> joining me now is a visiting scholar from the middle east. thank you for being with us. in myriad of fighters preparing to retake ramadi. how will the tribesmen shiite
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militias be able to work together effectively? >> it is a very long and bloody battle. even before the ramadi town was taken, it was under the control of isis. right now, isis is controlling 95% or 96% of the province. i think the fall of ramadi symbolizes the failure of u.s. and iraqi strategy to retake sunni provinces. also to arm fighters to fight isis. i personally believe there will be a counter attack by shia militias and sunni tribes. but i think it is too little too late. the same applies to the u.s.. considering stepping up support
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to iraqi troops and supplies, it is too little too late. right now, isis is controlling the province. it has exacerbated the problem in the province. so, yes, they will wage a counter attack. a very long and bloody battle. an outcome is, by no means, certain. >> it has been reported that troops far outnumbered the islamic state fighters in ramadi. just how did they manage to score such a stunning victory? >> the iraqi army is demonstrably week. at the moment, the powerful forces are the shia militias.
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the iraqi army is weak. it has been demoralized. i think we cannot blame the iraqi army for the fall of ramadi. we can blame the u.s. strategy and the iraqi government failure to reach out to sunnis. and to arm and train them so that -- we should remember that there were 5000 sunni tribes there. they were no match to the well trained and armed isis fighters. anchor: when it was retake in from the jihadists, optimistic people were talking about this being the beginning of the end
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for isis. it doesn't look like that now. where du think the group could be headed next? will they march on baghdad? >> they will not march on baghdad at the moment. but they are engaged in a very strategy to end smart way of attrition war against iraqi troops. it is a very strategic military force. it's got weapons and advanced weapons taken from you. it also has a strategic position with what they aim for. i do not expect it from body --
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if ramadi is taken, that it will be the end of isis. it's got borders with syria and with jordan. they know this train very well. they know the secret drones. those who expected the end of isis. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> the advance of fighters in syria for the city of how myra. they will seek to destroy it. the city is strategically placed.
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after seven weeks of fighting, the warring parties in yemen are to sit down for talks at the end of this month. ban ki-moon says it will talk in geneva. >> shell fire pounded across the place. it's the first time that the yemeni capital braced for such a hit. in the crosshairs of the saudi led coalition, the presidential palace and hootie held weapons depots opening new front lines they fired rockets at the border region for this stronghold. fire on the ground came as a conference on the crisis closed on tuesday. members of yemen's exiled government. the hootie's were notably absent. >> the conference was a complete failure.
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>> it took place outside the borders in the yemeni people were prominently represented. wax they are responsible for the crisis in yemen. >> they have urged all parties to come to the negotiating table for talks set for later this month in geneva. >> we have accepted the invitation and we are studying the possibility of going to geneva. we hope the conference will open dialogue and lead to a peace treaty. >> they broke a five day cease-fire on sunday during which the u.n. had attempted to deliver humanitarian aid to more than half a million displaced people. they allow the u.n. to expect a ship bound for yemen on tuesday, averting a showdown with saudi led forces accused iran of backing the rebels. >> five of the world's biggest
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banks. tell us more. >> jpmorgan, citigroup, the royal bank of scotland, ubs, and barclays find 5.57 billion dollars after pleading guilty to foreign exchange rigging. starting as early as 2007, a group of traders who call themselves the cartel began to trick the system. speaking earlier, loretta lynch described it. >> for five years, every day traders use a private electronic chat room to manipulate the spot markets exchange rate between euros and dollars. using coded language to conceal their collusion. they acted as partners rather than competitors in an effort to push the exchange rate in directions favorable to their banks but detrimental to many others. >> acquisition news.
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a french billionaire enters the u.s. market. a 70% stake in cable operators unlink munication's. the expansion plans are far from over. >> introducing the sudden link tivo stream. >> it is now majority-owned by this man. the french israeli businessman. in a $9.1 billion deal. he is the founder and head of european telecom group. >> the market loves patrick. the shares are up 7% or 8% today. the company went public in january of 2014 and the shares have only gone up. >> the french cable company brought france's largest mobile carrier in a $23 billion deal.
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it is giving the former monopoly a run for its money. few people expected him to move sites out of europe so soon. but now he has. there is speculation about his next move across the atlantic. >> the sudden link deal does not change his interest in time warner cable. he is still interested in that company. i think you can expect him to do more acquisitions. >> he confirmed that those acquisitions would still continue in europe. further evidence of the 51-year-old tycoon's intention to build a global empire in cable and mobile. >> europe ended the session in the green. despite lingering fears over greece shares ended higher between 2% and 3%.
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the biggest winner up .3%. the united states markets anxiously awaiting minutes of the fed meeting in april. those have been released and it indicates they felt data coming out of the u.s. was not good enough to increase key interest rates in june. they see the main indices higher. the dow jones flat. the french carmaker has launched its first budget car in india. it will cost $4700. they account for 1.5% of the car sales of india. they are hoping the quit will change that. >> india has the market with the highest growth potential for the next five years. it's when and china, these are the markets for certain sizes. 6% plus growth potential a year. >> take a look at the other
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stories making headlines this hour. the government preventing unions from bringing entire sectors to halt. it is expected to last at least a week. reporting a rise in annual profit for the first time in years. they were up 6.1% to over -- analysts say it is too soon to predict a recovery of the retailer. they are chasing long-term opportunities across several markets including france and india. >> a profit warning was issued for burberry. it will be 50 pounds lower than it may blame currency fluctuations and the decreased map in hong kong and the united states. they sent shares plunging 5%. and with that, it's a wrap on business.
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>> up next, a rendezvous at the cannes film festival. she is meeting behind one of the most creative storylines. directed and produced inside out, a riveting adventure that takes place in a little girl's mind. stay with us. >> hello from the cannes film festival. we are taking you at to a place everyone knows but has never seen. it inside out is set inside the
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head of a little girl called riley. her family moves to the big city. it makes you laugh cry, and gasp at the inventiveness of its creators. >> how is the first day of school? >> fine, i guess. >> did you pick up on that? >> signaled a husband. >> she is looking at us. >> what did she say? >> we left the toilet seat up. what is it, woman? >> nice to meet you. congratulations on the film. where did the idea come from? >> it kind of appeared in my head. it using emotions as characters seemed really fun. at the same time, my daughter was growing up. she had gone from being a rambunctious and energetic little kid to be a little more quiet and reserved.
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she turned 11. putting those ideas together, we started to explore what going on inside of a person's head. >> this is anger. this is discussed. this is fear. >> there are five emotions. joy, sadness, fear, discussed. -- disgust. >> it was part of the first thing that flashed in my head. i called her optimism at the time because i did not know what the emotions actually were. it it felt like the way out want to approach life. i want life to be good. i wanted to be happy. the reality is, that's not all that's going to happen. and in the course of the film, we learn that that is useful.
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>> make sure riley stands out today. but also blend in. >> the other kids will look at their outfits and barf. >> may i add that i love your dress? it's adorable. i have a super important job just for you. follow me. this is the circle of sadness. your job is to make sure all the sadness stays inside of it. >> sadness has a role? >> she has an important role. cousin to your first question. we thought she would be in the captain's chair, so to speak. a character in denial. all the other emotions think she can do a better job than they do.
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even as he made the movie, why would you need sadness? we certainly don't want your kid to be sad. it felt like the way to dramatize it and it turns out you do may be needed. -- need it. >> is everything ok? >> i don't know. >> tribe. -- try. core memories! >> riley is the setting of the film. during the journey you see the part of the tale will she keeps her deepest darkest fears. little kids watching the film, is that a good place to take them? >> yeah. i think there is a grand tradition not only in the disney films were you give -- have things like pleasure island and pinocchio. you see bambi's mother get shot. there are very adult themes that
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are dealt with. but even before them the grimm fairy tales were collected short stories that everybody would tell each other. there is dark material there. i think kids need to be exposed to some degree, to that kind of stuff. >> i saw her go -- that is the idea. >> congratulations, san francisco. it's the birthday girl. >> you met with professional scientists to find out more about the brain. what was the biggest challenge? >> nothing existed that we could point to end say, make it look like that. we had to completely make up what the characters and the world actually looked like. the brain being like the blood
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and the dendrites, the physical piece of meat. >> that's why we didn't make that. >> it is much more abstract. consciousness, personality attributes. >> we just have to get back to headquarters. >> that his long-term memory. you can get lost in there. >> think positive. >> i'm positive you can get lost in there. >> sadness, joy, disgust. >> we sat in story meetings and i remembered i was horribly embarrassed by this moment and it was very, like, the moment i grew up. we would have these long discussions and ultimately try to thread that into the film. >> that is why it was so fun. they are based on all of our personal experiences. you are just sharing that
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experience. everybody had that moment. i remember when i was embarrassed about my toys or when i mystics you -- missed a cue. >> it is huge. >> and imagination land? >> i loved you and carried dream adventure part seven. i love you. >> have you found joy? >> it is overwhelming. we watch the movie and i was a little nervous because there was not a lot of response. people laugh but not as loudly as i have seen. i wasn't sure how it would go over. it but the lights came up and we got a 10 minute long standing ovation. >> it was wonderful. >> it felt like my heart was going to blow up. >> we walked in with fear and we
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walked out with joy. >> hang on.
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♪ s is democracy now! sergeant brown: i can't breathe. i can't breathe. i can't breathe. amy:


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