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tv   Journal  LINKTV  June 15, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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>> coming to you from dw here in berlin, i am brian thomas. sarah: i'm sarah harman. these are our top stories this hour. brian: despite an international warrant calling for his arrest on genocide. sarah: germany will not be blackmailed by athens. that's the message from berlin at the latest negotiations on greece's collapse. brian: "a ticking time bomb." the human secretary journal --
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the u.n. secretary-general urges a deal. welcome. the sudanese president omar al-bashir has returned to cartoon from south africa. sarah: he flew out of south africa despite a court order barring him from leaving and an international warrant for his arrest. brian: the international criminal court has called the failure to arrest the president disappointing. reporter: omar al-bashir was triumphant as he landed back on sudanese soil. al-bashir managed to leave south africa while judges deliberated his case. by the time georges -- judges ordered he be arrested and handed over to the international
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criminal court al-bashir had already left the country. the icc has been waiting for over five years to try al-bashir on charges of war crimes and genocide. >> i think i can speak on behalf of the prosecutor to say that, we are disappointed. south africa has always been a strong supporter of the international criminal court. in our view, it was very clear what their obligation was. their obligation was to arrest president al-bashir. reporter: the icc and human rights advocates consider al-bashir a brutal dictator. in 1989, he staged a coup in sudan, establishing a strictly authoritarian regime. but his indictments at the icc relate to sudan's western darfur region where al-bashir is accused of waging a bloody campaign to crush the insurgency. as many as 300,000 people died in the conflict and millions were forced to flee. al-bashir was in south africa to attend an african union summit.
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before leaving, he posed for a group photo with other african leaders, including the south african president, jacob zuma. the south african government is facing criticism at home and abroad for defying its own judiciary and allowing al-bashir to walk free. brian: what went wrong? our -- a spokesman at the international criminal court is joining us live on the line from the head. did the icc really believe that omar al-bashir was going to be arrested in south africa and finally face the charges against him? >> just before answering you. -- you, i need to make a point that mr. al-bashir is presumed innocent, like all suspects. only after a trial is guilt proven beyond a reasonable doubt. mr. al-bashir is present innocent but he is suspected of having committed war crimes,
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crimes against humanity, and genocide in darfur. for the icc, it is important to arrest mr. al-bashir in order for the proceedings to go ahead for the victims to see that justice is being done, and also for humanity to show that there is a progress and a fight against impunity for the perpetrators of these horrible crimes that took the conscious of all of us -- that choke the conscious of all of us. second point, it's not about what we believe or not. it's about the system. the system is built in a way that the icc can order the arrest of a suspect. and the execution, the implementation of these orders relies on the states that are parties to their own statutes. the states have an obligation to cooperate with the icc. brian: thank you very much. i have to ask this, does the icc have backing from an credibility
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with african governments right now? the african union has raised questions about your court in the past. >> there are some questions about specific cases, like the case against mr. al-bashir and others, but we have more than 20 cases before the icc and the cooperation continues with the african governments and with the african union on various levels related to all these other cases. brian: one last question for you . when and where do you think omar al-bashir will answer for the crimes against him? >> i think you may look to reformulate the question. we are stating about crimes he is suspected of having committed, not crimes against him. brian: of course. >> and the other thing, it depends on the cooperation of the states that are parties. if the states do not cooperate there is a legal possibility for the court. they can make a finding and
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refer -- they can take steps -- any measure they deem appropriate in order to ensure the implementation of the icc decision. brian: ok. the spokesman for the international criminal court in the hague, thank you so much for your time and for being with us today. sarah: turning to some financial news now, there is anger and frustration in both athens and brussels as greece and international creditors harden there position -- harden their positions following the collapse of talks. brian: germany's eu commissioner says the time has come to prepare for a "state of emergency." sarah: the greek prime minister is blaming creditors for the impasse after what is being called "the biggest setback to date" in these long-running talks. reporter: time is running out for athens.
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negotiations with eurozone crditors have broken down. greece has said no to their proposed reforms. >> we will not adopt measures that will cut pensions, raise taxes on basic goods, or keep pushing us down this vicious spiral of austerity. reporter: german chancellor angela merkel and her finance minister have dismissed any talk of a debt write-off for greece. the german government wants guarantees that athens can turn its economy around first. the vice chancellor has warned greece not to push the eu too far. >> there are some in athens who think europe is so afraid of what could happen that we will have to agree, but europe and give in to blackmail -- europe will not give in to blackmail. reporter: the president of the european parliament says he is confident a compromise can be found. >> i'm convinced there will be an agreement, because there has
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to be an agreement. the greek government has to grasp the fact that it will be putting the greek people in a very difficult situation if they don't accept this compromise deal. the greek people have already suffered enough. reporter: europe's finance ministers meet on thursday. experts warn that could be the last chance for greece to strike a deal. brian: thursday, possibly the last chance for a deal. against that background, let's bring in our correspondent in athens. she joins us now live on the line. the german media are saying that there was a deal on the table between greece and the eu, but that the imf, the international monetary fund, shot it down. what are you hearing? reporter: there is a strong kernel of truth in that, in that the talks effectively started to melt once the imf pulled out of these negotiations a couple of
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days ago citing a lack of progress on the greek side, but greek officials i've been speaking to say that, in the course of these negotiations and despite whatever issues creditors may have and continue to have with greece, there is an ongoing tussle between the imf and the european commission over a host of issues. one side, the imf, is more willing to go ahead with added debt relief for greece. europeans are saying, no way it's out of the question. this they say, is being played out on greece's back. yes, the imf did pull out and it did mark the end of -- the deadlock we are currently facing, but the imf, they are saying, is not just to blame. brian: it's not just a deadlock. the eu is painting an extremely dire picture of the consequences of a grexit. what would actually happen if
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greece left the eurozone? are they ready for that? reporter: the greeks themselves are not ready for this. they are in deep denial. they do not believe that they will wake up to any financial armageddon. they believe and they want the government to strike a deal, whatever this deal is, even if it means added pain and added austerity, to rid this country of this continued and prolonged uncertainty. is the government prepared? it is coming out and saying we are simply continuing our efforts to strike a deal, but it is not disclosing what a plan b or c may include. brian: the greek government says this is a matter of national honor. with the people except more austerity -- would the people accept more austerity? reporter: the opinion polls show there was a showing of more
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than 50% of greeks who say they are prepared to sign up to further austerity for the sake of keeping greece within the euro. that is a main condition one of the main conditions on which the series -- the government of tsi pras campaigned. they don't want to see greece drift off and become a pariah state. brian: thanks so very much. sarah: with athens just two weeks away from a catastrophic default on its debt, there is little sign that it's creditors are going to budge. brian: the president of the european central bank, mario draghi said it was greece's responsibility to make new concessions. mario draghi: you cannot interrupt. >> at times, there was more heat than light during druggie's --
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draghi's statement to the european parliament. nerves are fraying as the deadline moves closer. mario draghi: while all actors will now need to go the extra mile the ball lies squarely in the camp of the greek government to take the necessary steps. reporter: in the end, the outcome of the talks will be decided by politicians, not central bankers. both greece and its creditors want to avoid a grexit but some economists think a switch back to the drachma could be a way out of the crisis. >> print would become cheaper for greek citizens. they would buy their own -- greek products would become cheaper for greek citizens. they would buy their own. reporter: the lack of progress on the bailout negotiations weight on athens' benchmark index, falling over 5% following a similar drop on friday.
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greece, it's creditors, the ecb and investors are all hoping a deal can be reached before it is too late. sarah: across the european financial markets, there was already an immediate signal as to where investors' confidence was heading in this greek debt drama, namely south. here is more from frankfurt. reporter: there is nothing we haven't heard about the greeks crisis. however, investors had trusted the political will to keep greece in the eurozone. is that changing? if you take a look at market reactions today it might be. the athens stock exchange lost about 5%, clearly showing investors are clearing out of the country. this will continue to destabilize the financial system and might even cause capital controls to be implement it in the country. this is causing uncertainty not only in athens, but in all financial markets in and out of the eurozone. here in germany, the docs plunged below the important -- the dax plunged below unimportant psych -- below an
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important psychological mark. sarah: let's get a quick look at the day's trading numbers now. germany's dax dipped below the 11,000 mark, finishing at 10984, a loss of 1.9%. euro stoxx 50 was down 1.8% on the day. in new york, trading is still underway, but the dow is in negative territory. the euro is holding strong at 1. 12. let's -- brian: let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines. dual suicide attacks have rocked the capital of chad, n'djamena. officials say boko haram was responsible. chad is part of a regional push to oust the islamists. sarah: the 19th century cathedral in n saint
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dimensionantes -- cathedral in nantes saint-donatien, caught fire. sarah: welcome back. in the united states, former florida governor jeb bush is poised to formally announce he is running for president. the republican hopeful is running under his first name jeb. brian: as the son and brother of two former american presidents he is keen to carve out his own image. jeb has pledged o -- to fix what he calls a "dysfunctional washington." sarah: for more on this, let's go to our correspondent in washington, richard walker. jeb has been unofficially
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campaigning, some might say, for months now. what might he gain by making the official announcement? richard: it is interesting. it does appear that jeb bush will be having something of a shadow campaign for the last six months or so. he has said it's about trying to come to the right decision. it has been clear for quite a long time that that's exactly what was going to happen. the reason he has been holding out for so long is essentially about money. as an undeclared candidate, you can stash are subject to much looser fundraising rules -- you are subject to much looser fundraising rules. he has been going around the country trying to raise as much as $100 million in advance of his official announcement. there are some signs he might not raise quite as much as that. he has been getting criticism
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from critics who say that he is disrespecting the spirit of the rules. he will be emerging with a pretty handy warchest, somewhere approaching $100 million. sarah: let's talk about the other republican candidates. how are jeb's chances looking? richard: he is really republican royalty, effectively. he would not be entering the race if he did not have a good chance. having said that, he is not entering the race as the front-runner that many people would have expected. that's partly because the field is just so huge. many republicans have denied to the other side, the democratic side, hillary clinton, -- have an eye to the other side, the democratic side, hillary clinton. many republicans feel if you are running against her, you need a fresher face, and they look to marco rubio, the much younger senator from florida. jeb bush's campaign strategy
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appears to be a couple of things, sticking to a centrist position, trying to reach out to the disabled, to minorities stressing education as a big part of his pitch, sticking to that line, allowing those on the right of the republican party to tussle amongst themselves during a long primary campaign, then having enough money to stand -- to be the last month standing -- the last man standing. sarah: how much is the u.s. presidential campaign going to cost? richard: i've been looking through the numbers. they are pretty astronomical. we are certainly talking about billions of dollars. some estimates say it could be as much as $10 billion. every last dollar being spent -- anyone hoping to spend less money on american politics is going to have to just dream on. sarah: richard walker, thanks so
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much. brian: u.n. secretary ban ki-moon -- secretary-general ban ki-moon has called for peace in yemen. he is leading the negotiations, which are expected to last two days to three days. houthi rebel leaders are expected to join calls with the government later today. sarah: the saudi-led coalition bombarded the capital overnight an area controlled by the houthis. brian: it's estimated that 2600 people have been killed in the conflict. ban says the country is on the verge of collapse. reporter: without diesel, sinnott shuts -- sanaa shuts down. for the past two months, this bizarre has been -- this bazaar has been off the grid. those with generators are the lucky ones, but fuel is scarce. the bombing campaign has turned
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lives here upside down. >> of course i'm scared. they are even bombing the old town now. they have no pity for the old or even the young people. reporter: protesters condemned the saudi strikes and yummy -- yemen's exiled government. people are anxious about peace talks in geneva. >> the dialogue there has to be exclusively between yemenis. our saudi enemies need to stay out of it. they've gone out of their way to kill yemenis. we won't forget it. reporter: bombs, missiles, and antiaircraft fire provide the soundtrack to daily life here. even the defense minister's home has been destroyed. correct your sleep -- miraculously, no one was killed. houthi rebels still control of capital and much of the north of the country. >> in geneva, we want to find out if the other side is really ready to address yemen's
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problems. if so, the uw -- united nations might be able to broker a fair deal for all sides. reporter: give talks break down, though, the killing will continue. -- if talks break down, though, the killing will continue. 12-year-olds with assault rifles are increasingly common. "the enemy is attacking us, but we will defend ourselves with all our might," says this schild. his father adds, "we are giving these young heroes guns and making sure they can use them." it is time for the negotiators to do better. brian: turning to libya now where the u.s. military has conducted airstrikes targeting what it is calling one of the most wanted terrorists in the world. sarah: bolivian government says that the attack has killed -- that libyan government says that the attack has killed belle molitor -- belmokhtar.
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reporter: u.s. set of $5 million bounty proof of how much it wanted him captured or killed. the pentagon has confirmed he was the target of an airstrike. officials say they are still assessing the results to see whether belmokhtar was killed. authorities have several times said they killed belmokhtar only for the 43-year-old resurface -- to resurface very much alive. he reportedly lost an eye in the 1980's fighting for the mujahedin. he was a member of an al qaeda group before splitting off to form his own organization. he became known around the world as this is acted mastermind -- as the suspected mastermind of an attack on a gas field in nigeria.
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nearly 40 people were killed. many who died were westerners. if the u.s. military has succeeded in its bid to kill ball mark. -- to kill b elmokhtar, it would be a significant step in combating terrorism in north africa. sarah: many of us use the internet to socialize, shop, or carry out financial transactions, but how safe is our personal data when we are surfing the net? for many people, the answer is quite simply, not safe enough. brian: european union is moving closer to forming a single set of rules for governing data privacy on the internet. reporter: apps, smartphones social media. today, technology plays a central role in our daily lives. but misuse of digital data is a major worry. now, the eu has agreed to a new reform plan to protect this private information. >> in short -- we will ensure a high level of protection for
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citizens. it will equip them to exercise their fundamental rights in our digital world. >> in the future, providers won't be able to escape to places where there is no privacy protection. reporter: the data protection reforms will be in effect for all eu member states. companies must also abide by the new regulations, regardless if they operate inside the european union or abroad. what's not clear is under which circumstances companies can use their customers' information. data mining regulations are still up for negotiation. >> being able to use the data, while, at the same time protecting the privacy of individuals, will be a balancing act. reporter: critics say member states will exploit loopholes in the system. they are counting on the eu council and parliament to deliver. sarah: rescue workers in the jordan capital civilly see are
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searching -- in the jordan capital are searching for people still missing after the flooding yesterday. 12 have been confirmed dead. brian: they are also on the lookout for wild animals. the local zoo was all but this lord -- all but destroyed in the floods. reporter: this crocodile was spotted out in the city today, half buried in mud. it has now been returned to the zoo. a hippopotamus roamed the streets on sunday. a bear clinging to the side of the building. half of the zoo's 600 animals are missing, most are thought to have died in the floods. the army has been called in to help round up the rest. >> the relevant services are working intensively to capture animals still on the loose. we think there are not that many now. they will be brought back to the
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zoo. reporter: heavy rains turned the river that flows through tbsilisi into a raging torrent that washed away everything in its path. entire homes were washed away. the government has declared monday a day of national mourning for the victims even as the search for the missing continues. the army and schools -- scores of volunteers are helping to clear away the endless mud. officials say cleanup operations are likely to take weeks. brian: that's all for now. thanks so much for joining us. sarah: see you at the top of the hour. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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one 00 sydab's -- sudan's president slips the net again wanted for war crimes and genocide in darfur. the terrorist known as the untouchable one has finally been caught. libya claims he has been killed in a u.s. airstrike. the pentagon has yet to confirm that. and could there be a third bush in the white house? jeb bush, younger brother of


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