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tv   France 24  LINKTV  June 16, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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'resident mohamed morsi, is sentenced to death. an egyptian court confirmed capital punishment for the leader for his role in the 2011 mass jailbreak. al qaeda's number two figure is killed in a u.s. airstrike. nasser al-wuhayshi's death is the latest in yemen. and the parties come together to form a united political. this at the european parliament.
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france's marine le pen. molly: we begin in egypt, the former egyptian president, mohamed morsi, is sentenced to death. the sentence is for the former leader's role in a mass jailbreak in 2011. that took place during egypt's uprising that ultimately led to the ouster of former strongman hosni mubarak. a short while ago, this in court wrote out a separate trial on spying for more hamas morsi. -- four mohamed morsi.
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for more on this, i am joined in the newsroom by armen georgian. walk us through this series of now both charges, verdicts, and sentences against mohamed morsi and other members of the muslim brotherhood, the leader, who has been handed 25 years in jail or a life sentence. armen: it has been going on for exactly two years now. it was in july 2013 that mohamed morsi was ousted by the man who is now president of egypt. at that point he was the chief of egypt's armed forces. and after that ouster at the beginning of july, 2013, the government launched a furious crackdown on supporters of the muslim brotherhood essentially
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not just in the streets but also in the courts. there is some talk of judicial war against the muslim brotherhood. there was also in a sense street war against them. more than 1400 being killed and 15,000 being jailed. since those days of july 2013, the crackdown has widened to secular activists, including those he spearheaded the 2011 resolution -- revolution against hosni mubarak, trade unionists, students. it is not all the muslim brotherhood, although they have been the main targets of the government crackdown. we have seen a series of mass trials and mass convictions, but opponents of lcc -- of al sisi's
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administration. we have seen acquittals of security and police force, and also former members of them american regime. -- of the mubarak regime. interestingly, not a lot of people now willing to stick their neck's out to defend this judicial campaign against the muslim brotherhood because many people have such bad memories of morsi's time in power. they were accusing him of centralizing power, of trying to increase his political control rather than really building a new nation, which is what they considered really should have been the priority after the fall of mubarak. it seems that because the former president, mohamed morsi presided under massive unemployment and degradation of public services and so forth, a lot of people appear to be willing to turn a blind eye to
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these verdicts. molly: thank you for that analysis of the situation. mohamed morsi, a court has upheld the death sentence against the former egyptian president. al qaeda has confirmed that its number two figure has been killed in a u.s. airstrike. nasser al-wuhayshi is the leader of a branch in yemen. its former military chief has been named as the new leader. >> in a video posted online comment al qaeda and the arabian peninsula confirmed what the u.s. had already suspected, that their leader, nasser al-wuhayshi, has been killed. >> al qaeda and the arabian peninsula mourn that nasser al-wuhayshi passed away in
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american strike which targeted him and two of his brothers. may god rest their souls. >> al-wuhayshi was osama bin laden's former aide and deputy to his successor, i'm announce our here he -- i'm in house that weary. the group orchestrated several plots against the united states, including an attempt to blow up a commercial airliner on christmas day in 2009. the u.s. government had offered a $10 million reward for information leading to his capture or death. his group also claimed responsibility for the deadly attack against the french magazine "charlie hebdo" in february, which killed 12 people. the group's leaders have already met and chosen their military chief, qassim al-raymi, to succeed al-wuhayshi, as their
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new leader. molly: backed by us-led airstrikes, kurdish fighters and syrian rebels pushed back islamic state militants from salam fayyad -- from tel ab yad. nick rushworth has the details. nick: flags have been raised over the border compound at tel abyad. the scenes filmed from within turkish territory show how close the islamic state group was to turkish soil before four days of fighting saw them pushed out of the town. supporting claims from the main kurdish fighting force in the region, the director of the syrian observatory for human rights has said fighting has stopped and kurdish fighters now have full control of the town. the law steals a major blow to the islamic state group, who are using it as a supply route between turkey and its defector
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capital -- and its de facto capital. it will now have to rely on other crossings hundreds of kilometers away. 23,000 syrians have fled into turkey and the last two weeks. more than 3000 arrive on monday alone. this is now a common fight at the border. stream -- a common site at the border, strangest people waiting to cross into turkey from syria's chaos. molly: rocket fire has killed at least 34 civilians in aleppo. 12 children were among rebel factions as the area was pounded with more than 300 rockets. rocket fire came as the u.n. peace envoy arrived in damascus for fresh talks with government officials. trying to end the four-year conflict.
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eu interior ministers have gathered in luxembourg this tuesday, discussing how to tackle europe's growing migrant crisis. disturbing asylum-seekers more evenly across all 20 -- distributing asylum-seekers more evenly across all 28 european states. 250 migrants on the border of france and italy remains unclear. the two countries clashed over where they should go. for days they have been camped on rocks in italy. thomas waterhouse has more. thomas: a punch in the face for europe. that is how italy in's interior ministry has described these african migrants, stranded on the ukrainian coast, caught in a to the medic -- on the mediterranean coast. french border police blocked the passage into france. >> i do not know what life i am
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going to have. i want to settle in france. i am asking that france open its border. >> on monday, france's interior minister said border officials turn the migrants away because european law dictates new arrivals should be processed by the country in which they first land. but italy's prime minister says that regulation is no longer appropriate, given the right -- given the number of hybrids arriving on his shores since the start of the year. he is threatening a plan b to deal with the crisis, a plan he says will have consequences for the rest of europe. italian media are reporting that could involve issuing migrants temporary visas, giving them the right to travel through the schengen zone. >> what is the meaning of a europe that tells us everything about economic obligations and balances but then lets people die or thinks that you can close borders?
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faced with such a problem, we should not let national egoism close our eyes. we need the interest and effort of everyone. >> in luxembourg this tuesday, his interior minister will -- will ask eu counterparts for a system of housing markets as well as creating processing caps on libya's shores. molly: the far right parties in the european parliament have mustered enough unity to form a political group, bringing together france's national front, austria's freedom party, and italy's northern league. together it will give them more weight in the european legislature and add more of an anti-eu bend to proceedings. it will come under the leadership of marine le pen. >> i am delighted to announce creation of the group.
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the group will have political strength that his incomparable with our previous situation. it is the result of one year of hard work, but also of our desire not to give into questionable alliances. the makeup of this group is good news for our own factions, but also for our countries, for our people, and for freedom. molly: now for more on the story, we go to france 24's correspondent standing by in brussels. most of these parties failed to find enough unity and cohesion to form a united group. that being said, how do they manage it this time around? >> they did make gains or marine le. marine le pen won 25% of elections.
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groups around europe already have five groups. a number of negotiations and meetings the polish congress of the new right, as well as in english mep. and the independence party. she was actually -- she had to leave her group after she was involved in a scandal. the group now known as the europe of nations and freedom as people from seven countries, and there is a requirement that you need to form a political group here in the european parliament. molly: what impact will all of this have on parliament there? >> it will not have much of an impact. at the end of the day, the europe of nations freedom will -- it will be the smallest group --
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what will happen, however, is 17.5 million euros in the next two years, two were asked for meetings and to use that money for everything, that they feel set apart from campaigning for european elections. they want more speaking time, more visibility, and extra funding as well as organizing public seminars in the european parliament. whether or not the group will -- they have never really lasted when they have formed in the parliament. they are more determined. and marine le pen is saying that she wants to bring back the nationstate in the european union. she will keep a close eye on the european commission and other parties. today was compared to d-day saying it was liberation.
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molly: thank you for that. reporting there from brussels. we are coming up on 15 minutes past the hour. let's get a check of our headlines. egypt's former president mohamed morsi, is sentenced to death. an egyptian court confirms capital punishment for the former leader for his role in a 2011 mass jailbreak. al qaeda's nubber two figure is killed in a u.s. airstrike. nasser al-wuhayshi's death is the latest. and far right eu parties come together from a unified political group, this in the european parliament. france's marine le pen is in the front of the pack. let's get a checkup today's business news. we cross to "france 24's" stephen carroll, at the paris air show. aviation giants have been gathering there and will do so for the rest of the week at the french capital. of course, this is where we see
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the big giant, airbus and boeing, battling it out for the most number of orders. currently, who is on top? stephen: it is the hottest rivalry in aviation, the between airbus and boeing. airbus has come out on top at the end of the first day monday. but boeing is coming through with the launch of several 737's per we are going to see both major aircraft manufacturers adding new orders as the week goes on. they tend to end pretty neck and neck as the week goes on. it is not just aircraft manufacturers that are here, it is airlines as well. in the past few hours, we've had the sky trax airline awards take place. turkish airlines won four major awards ink including best
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airline. thank you for being with us on "france 24." congratulations on your win. what is your secret? >> in the last five years, we make sure that we are working hard enough. work for them, and they will love you. stephen: you say passenger growth at the same time, passenger numbers up nearly 9% again. where are you seeing future growth coming from? >> we are a traditional european airline. passengers were our boss, you know? from their, we expand really heavily in africa, central asia. we grow in the number of passengers six times and in arabia about seven times.
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we target by -- stephen: in terms of regions any particular area in the world? people often talk about asia being a real market. >> africa is not anymore the africa in the past. so many, 99%, were poor. it is coming out. we tripled there. 1.2 billion africans. stephen: you mentioned the idea that when you privatized, subsidies were avery big issue
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in the air show, there was a big spot between qatar airlines in the u.s.. >> i became -- we were running seven programs, and employees said there is no state anymore. there are other issues, but the issue is in a state company, the mindset does not work. so they should be subject to the same thing, same regulation. but the skies should open, you know? the turkish export from turkey from africa, is one person export, 20%. increase about 20 times. subsidies, poison is killed.
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subsidized airlines killed other airlines. expect to stay with a passenger not the government. stephen: thank you so much. just time for a quick look at the market for you before we leave you. all of the main european markets trading down again today, over continued fears over the greek debt talks. we will be watching that story debut here on "france 24," but for now it is back to you in the studio. molly: stephen carroll reporting from paris. it is time now for our press review. molly: it is time to take a look at the day's press review. i'm joined by florence philomena. florence: a lot of people are saying that the final curtain in the greek debt drama could be about to drop. the finance minister, yanez
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verify this, -- lots of papers are focusing on it today. he rules out from the eurozone in this interview, saying that is not a sensible solution to the debt crisis. he says the only way forward is a debt restructuring. you can see he is putting a lot of pressure on the chancellor, the german chancellor, angela merkel. that quote says miss merkel must lead the way. lots of papers are focusing on angela merkel being in the spotlight today, particularly the front page of the wall street journal. they also say she is being tested as the greek crisis comes to a head. pull out those car cartoons -- pull out cartoons, in "the new york times," you can see angela merkel saying we do not have a plan b for greece, but we do have perhaps a plan d, default. another cartoon, a greek paper.
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you can see here this group about to get out of this labyrinth. very exhausted by everything that has happened up until now. of course, the door leads into a much bigger labyrinth. it seems like kind of a nightmare we are headed for in the greek debt crisis. molly: papers are certainly focusing on the announcement from jeb bush. he is officially running for president. flowflo: it is not a complete shocker, but papers are dealing with his announcement today. there is one very personal feature that he cannot escape, and that is his last name. his father and his brother were president before him. despite the very heavy family baggage, he has a good shot at winning the republican presidential nomination, according to this editorial. he is a strong conservative, and according to "the washington post," he is the only republican candidate who actually seems
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interested in governing. according to the editorial, that is why voters should judge him on all those features, not his name. that is why the title of the editorial today is "jeb bush is much more than a name. molly: we say it is just to. exclamation point. flo: you can see him there. in the editorial they agree he is a very strong candidate. the race for the white house could actually come down to who wins the hispanic vote. one of jeb bush's strong suits is he is fluent in spanish, is married to a woman born in mexico and he has a degree in latin american studies. according to "the independent," he can take the white house if he makes his genuine appeal to hispanic voters count. hillary clinton might want to
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use a few spanish phrases herself. molly: in france we have focused on the prime minister, once again pushing through an economic reform package. flo: it is aimed at boosting the french economy but it is very controversial. let's take a look at the photo. it is very hypnotic today with these spiral eyes. it looks a little bit like -- this makes "kaa" from "the jungle book." come on, you can trust me. molly: he does not say it in that voice. that is a little bit creepy. flo: there was a controversy when there was -- they tried to push the loss through parliament. you can see the figure on the front page of "liberation." they will use the same constitutional loophole to push the second version through.
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why is he bulldozing it through parliament? he wants to avoid any kind of protest vote from socialist rebels who do not like the fact that these laws are very pro-business. molly: our next story is the test times in france, students gearing up for tomorrow. flo: the baccalaureate kicks off tomorrow. the first test will be philosophy. students are stressing out about that, but one thing they can relax about his spelling. if we look at that article, you have a sneak peek and you can read about it. spelling is the oversight of the baccalaureate, and inside, we are told that spelling mistakes are less sanctioned by examiners. i cannot believe how lucky students are to be passing this year. according to this article, examiners have received guidelines to be more lenient with students. some students might be excited about this, but the prime minister is outraged and says it is best for the nation. former u.s. president andrew
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jackson said, "it is a damp or mind that can only -- it is a damned poor minds that can think of only one way to spell a word." you can read about this in "the independent." nasa bought six scientists and eight-month all-expenses trip to hawaii. it sounds amazing, but there is one catch, that they had to spend eight months cooped up together in conditions designed to simulate a mission to mars. they were crammed into what they described as a dome on the side of the volcano in hawaii. researchers were trying to study the physical and the psychological effects of being cramped up together for such a long time in such a small space. they wanted to see if they would develop cabin fever. it turns out they were able to put up with quite a lot especially because there is one detail i like. one of the scientists that was in this space was learning how to play the ukulele.
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none of them went crazy because of this. it bodes well for us. molly: the ukulele is a nice sweet sounding instrument there. foqoq
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>> bullying-- it's a social ill that affects children and adults of all ages and in every culture around the world. and in this era of mobile technology, it's taking on new, even more dire, forms. this week on "full frame," from celebrities to former victims, meet the people who are taking a stand against bullying. i'm mike walter in los angeles. let's take it full frame. [theme music playing]


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