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tv   France 24  LINKTV  June 17, 2015 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> first, 33 years after a terrorist attack on the jewish quarter of paris, a suspect has been arrested in jordan. he is accused of bombing a restaurant in 19 82. six people were killed and 22 injured in the blast. he's one of three men wanted five rants for the attack. he was detained in jordan for several hours today before later being released on bail. he had more on that story from the jordanian capital. gail: we still know very little about the 60-year-old man who is allegedly behind the 1982 paris
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attacks. he's a jordanian of palestinian ascent -- palestinian dissent. that's the latest we have. the police also told us he had been arrested in one of jordan's largest cities 20 kilometers east of the capital. he was bailed out really shortly after his arrest, but he has to remain in the country. he has to refer to the police on a daily basis, and his passport is now with authorities, who refuse to give up more details about his whereabouts in jordan. laura: this attack happened decades ago. why has he only been arrested now? gail: in jordan, there are over 2000 palestinian refugees, and he could really easily blended
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and without coming under the radar of the jordanian authorities. he was arrested in not only jordan's second largest city with over half a million citizens but it's also one of the cities with the largest number of palestinian refugees in the country, so that is something that could have made it much harder for the jordanian authorities to arrest the man was identified three months ago. laura: are israel and arch enemy hamas holding secret talks on a peace deal? there's regulation that is what is behind a one-year-old union. the threat of jihadi groups with links to the islamic state are reportedly of concern to hamas which runs the gaza strip. for more on the story, i'm joined on the line.
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they were at war just a few months ago. could hamas and israel really be holding talks? >> both sides do not make any effort to deny too much. it seems more than likely. bear in mind, there have indirect talks between hamas and israel before. the cease-fires, exchange of prisoners, so this is not so new. in a sense, when their interest meet, they need to discuss it. also hamas understands that if they want to break out of the blockade, they need at the end of the day to find some common ground with israel, and then there might be the case of some
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prolonged cease-fire. laura: for the past year, israel has been blaming the union between fatah and hamas as a complete block to negotiations. now that government appears to be dissolving. is there some hope that the israelis and palestinians might hit down around the table again? yossi: i'm afraid it might actually decrease the chance of serious negotiations. prime minister netanyahu might reach a conclusion that there is no threat. he keeps building settlements in the west bank. there is no threat coming from the west bank, so actually, it might achieve the opposite than
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going back to the negotiating table and discussing outstanding issues and reach a two state solution. laura: are you surprised that this government is dissolving today you can it has been very difficult for them to work together. they are after all warring factions. yossi: two months after the government was formed, the ruling governor took place the government was a government of technocrats, and it was supposed to lead to new elections and that does not seem to of happened. hamas will not let this government basically function within gaza, so it was difficult to begin with, and it did not achieve what was expected of this government, so i think probably it is a surprise that is survived the 14 months that it did.
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if the rumors about negotiations are true, i think there will be a government in the west bank this will ultimately moved to a pre-state solution -- a three-state solution. laura: thanks very much indeed. yossi: my pleasure. thank you. laura: moving to the latest on europe's migrant crisis, france says it will house another 10,005 hundred asylum seekers. italy accused france of stroking its responsibilities this week after french pulleys barred hundreds of africans from crossing the border. tens of thousands of migrants have arrived on european shores in recent months, and around 2000 have drowned. >> concrete, realistic, but ambitious -- that's how the interior minister described the government's brand-new plan to
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help avoid scenes like these. it illegal migrants sleeping rough under a real rape bridge in paris or here crammed into railway plants -- illegal migrants sleeping under a railway bridge in paris. 1500 places will be created in an emergency accommodation for illegal migrants already on french soil. >> the government has an ambition to achieve a set of clear objectives, to respect right -- the rights of migrants the right to asylum, the right to say which are the rules of our republic because our public is exactly that -- a balance of rights and responsibilities that allow us to live together. >> he was keen to stress that while the recent surge in migrants arriving on the europe's southern shores was a
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factor, the new plan actually responds to long-standing deficiencies in the french system. in the past seven years, the number of asylum seekers who have arrived in rants has doubled, a total of 64000 and 2014. process of dealing with their claims will now be sped up. but on one point, the government refuses to budge. it will not let more illegal immigrants into france. these african migrants have been stranded in ventimiglia on the border with italy for days now after french police turned them away. border controls will now be tightened and a police task force set up to target people smugglers. france also wants to make it easier for migrants to return to their country of origin with the number of people benefiting from this help doubling from 4000 to 8000 this year. laura: the islamic state in yemen has claimed responsibility for two car bomb attacks in the capital. the bombers targeted the headquarters of the shiite rebels. dozens of people were killed and
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injured. earlier in the day, at least 31 people were killed when saudi airstrikes hit a convoy of civilian vehicles. the violence comes as peace talks for yemen continue in geneva. hundreds of men, women, and children have begun to return to their homes in syria. they had been seeking refuge in turkey as fighting raged. the kurds have now captured the town, driving the extremists away from the frontier in an advanced backed by u.s.-led airstrikes. clare murphy has the story. clare: the united nations says this border crossing witnessed 23,000 people stream into turkey as they fled islamic state's occupation of their hometown. news has trickled through. the flow of people is reversing. almost three quarters of the refugees were children and women. many took flight in the clothes
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on their backs. returning home, their only chance of reclaiming belongings, but they remain fearful. >> of course, why wouldn't we be afraid of the bombs? >> there are no opportunities for us here. turkey is very expensive. back home, everyone has a job and a house. clare: but the inhabitants are an ethnic mix, and some view the continued presence of kurdish troops as untenable. >> will not accept the kurds because they are bad. this is not their land. it has always been the arabs' land and we don't want our country to be ruled by kurds. we will stand against them. >> the islamic state group may represent a common enemy, but kurdish gains are rattling nerves. ankara in particular can only stand by as syrian kurds solidify their control over territory that now runs over half the length of the border with turkey.
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laura: 20 people have now died from the mers virus in south korea. the world health organization said the crisis was a wake-up call, blaming a lack of knowledge and substandard controls and hospitals for the spread of the disease. officials urge all countries to be more vigilant. it comes amid alarming reports that new cases have slipped through quarantine measures, already affecting thousands of people. pro-democracy protesters in hong kong are back on the streets as lawmakers debate the controversial bill on electoral reform. china had promised elections for the nation's chief executive but now once only candidates preselected by beijing to run. >> "no to state democracy" shall these protesters outside hong kong plus parliament as lawmakers debate a controversial electoral reform bill.
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>> i know this government proposal is a lie. under this law, there will be no chance we can vote or who we really want to be our chief executive. >> under the one country two system framework, hong kong enjoys a high degree of autonomy and limited democracy. china last year promised direct elections for hong kong's chief executive in 2017. cabinets must be preapproved by the central government. that announcement sparked mass protest. clashes between activists and police as well as between pro-and antigovernment demonstrators plunged the city into chaos. rallies this time have been largely peaceful, although the city has been on high alert following the arrest monday of some 10 people suspected of making bombs. police said the suspects are linked to a radical political group formed out of the pro-democracy movement. >> any kind or any form of
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illegal activity, violent or nonviolent. >> in parliament, opposition lawmakers vowed to vote down the electoral reform bill under the same note to democracy slogan. the proposal needs to thirds of the house to pass. the pro-democracy manages to block it, the chief executive will continue to be chosen by a 1200-member committee rather than by voters directly. laura: it has been described as an explosive intervention -- the pope has called for urgent action to tackle climate change and save nature from what he called the tyrannical >> location of man. his hotly anticipated speech will be released thursday, but a draft has already been leaked in what vatican officials claim was a plot to damage the pontiff's message. >> is a call for a revolution of
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hearts and minds, and ethical call and transformation to save the world from ruin. the pope's and cyclical on climate change is a teaching document for the world's 1.2 billion catholics -- the pope's encyclical. francis also says his letter is specifically to every person on earth. the release of his writings is highly anticipated after much of the contents were leaked in the italian press in spite of a call from the pontiff to refrain from publishing the document as it was not the final version. in the draft, pope francis urges change to avert the unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem before the end of the century. he warns failure to act when have grave consequences for us all. the draft also states that the attitudes that stand in the way of a solution even among believers range from negation of the problem to convenience -- two in difference to convenient resignation or blind faith in
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technical solution. the pontiff also calls for the development of war countries and regions and while stressing our god-given responsibility as custodians of the planet, he does reject the idea of carbon credits as a viable solution to the crisis. the pope's intervention comes in advance of his september trip to the u.s. where he is due to address congress and the united nations. observers say francis may be hoping to influence leading republicans, many of whom continue to deny climate change is man-made. laura: it was france's most humiliating defeat the battle of waterloo in belgium, when napoleon bonaparte lost to british and russian forces, leading directly to the imperva political death. and it also put france onto a completely different part of history. where asking now what exactly went wrong for the french. take a look. >> shots, shells, and cavalry charge. the armies of a british coalition and france have taken
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to the field of atul of waterloo. napoleon bonaparte's most ignominious defeat. the french emperor fielded an army of some 70,000 against the duke of wellington's similar numbers. >> napoleon had a great plan. everything pointed towards a huge victory. but from the moment it went into action, everything started to come apart at the names. >> the french soldiers were exhausted after spending a night in the pouring rain. what's more, napoleon was so sure of his victory he failed to scout the terrain. >> english troops were entirely hidden from view. napoleon did not aware enemy troops were. it was typical of wellington. he always hid his troops. >> around 140,000 soldiers.
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by evening, more than 10,000 lay dead. the next french arrow would repeatedly try to take this house in the center of the battlefield. the british would punch the french back each time. >> they would get here, see the building, and be fired upon. it was connors, slaughter. the french soldiers fell in the hundreds. -- it was carnage, slaughter. >> in the late afternoon unsuspecting french forces fell. the emperor's rule was done and destiny forever altered. >> waterloo was the end of the great franco british struggle, which had gone on for several centuries. it ended in a british victory, and britain would become in the 19th century probably the greatest power the world had ever seen. >> 200 years later, the fields of waterloo are again in focus as france commemorates one of the most fateful days in its
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history. laura: a little history lesson for you here on "france 24." time for a quick reminder of our headlines -- a suspect has been arrested in jordan more than 30 years after a terrorist attack in the jewish quarter of paris. he was detained but quickly released on bail. france will accept more than 10,000 extra asylum-seekers this year after italy accused france of not doing its bit to help ease europe's migrant crisis. and hundreds of men women, and children returning to their homes in syria this wednesday after kurdish fighters chased islamic state militants from a town knew the border with turkey. those are the international stories we're following for you. let's get to business news now. markus karlsson is with us in the studio. we talked about greece because it getting pretty tense now isn't it? just a few days to go until the
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end of the month, and more and more people warn that greece could default on its debt and could be kicked out of the eurozone. markus: absolutely. one such warning came from an unprecedented direction this wednesday, the greek central-bank. he came out to say that a greek exit from the eurozone would be painful. this is an unusual step as this is the first time that any greek authority mentions the possibility of a so-called grexi t. this came as talks over a charge over still -- the top -- the focus is now shifting to a meeting of eurozone finance wristers on thursday. progress still seems far off though, which increases the risk of greece defaulting on its debts. eu officials say greece needs to budge, or the country's prime minister is not showing any signs of doing that. >> the insistence that this
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money must come from new cuts in pensions for us is an incomprehensible insistence. we must now not with the technocrats but with the political leadership in europe come to a political decision. >> what we are doing is making reasonable, moderate, realistic proposals. the ball is in the greek authority's court. we are not going to engage in negotiations ahead of the eurogroup. these will be discussed really eurogroup meeting. we have to because this as we don't have much time left. markus: the greek prime minister, alexis tsipras, and jean-claude juncker have held a telephone conversation. things have been pretty tense tween the stillman the past few days. perhaps a sign of august but there have been signs of progress many times before, so we will have to keep an eye on this or you.
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greece has been negotiating for months with creditors, and during the talks, the market expectation has been that there would be a deal. earlier, i spoke to angus campbell in london. he said the risks of a greek exit from the eurozone has increased, from market perspective, though analysts do expect there will be a deal. let's listen in to what angus told me earlier. angus: the clearly palpable fear, concern, a lot of weight and see from other investors who just want to see what the outcome of these negotiations are tomorrow. the eurozone finance minister meeting. the problem, of course, we face is, as you were saying just before i came on air, is that there is no new proposal from greece. despite the efforts from european leaders from jean-claude juncker as well, trying to commit a new proposal
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it seems like the finance minister of greece is going there tomorrow without any new proposals. it's like going to a birthday party without taking a present. markus: that was angus campbell they're speaking earlier. the greek situation weighed on european markets on wednesday. all three indices the side of the atlantic in negative territory. in the united states this hour, the markets are in positive territory. things turned around after a federal reserve meeting. that wrapped up a little bit earlier. this as investors are digesting the signs coming out of the fed when it comes to higher interest rates. the fed kept interest rates steady this time around when it refrained from giving clear clues on when it will start hiking those rates. that is seen as good news for investors because they would rather keep these very low interest rates we have seen basically since the days of the
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financial crisis. let's move on now and turn to the aerospace sector. the pace of new orders of the paris air show slowed somewhat during the third day of the event. european plane maker airbus still ended the biggest order in number of planes. brazil's synergy aerospace agreed to buy 62 aircraft of the type a 320 neo. boeing seems to a got the single most lucrative contract, meanwhile. a russian cargo company ordered 20 freighters. the boeing's got together slightly more than the $16 billion with the business racked up from airbus. the paris air show is more than just a race. it's also about a chance to look at where the aviation industry is heading in terms of innovation. here's something to think about next time you fly. there's a good chance that several parts of the plane came from a printer.
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>> 3-d printing is being used more and more industries, not least in the aerospace sector. airbus says more than 1000 parts of its jets have been used -- made using a 3-d printer. take for example parts of the aircraft while, but also some of the housing for cabling and even when it comes to aircraft. markus: and it's not just inside the plane that the technology is being used. 3-d printer manufacturer stratus's can also calibrate its machines to make parts of the wing. >> instead of building from a block of material, you can build the inside with a structure which will make it much lighter, so the benefits for the manufacturer will be the low consumption of fuel, the cost per part being on the plane is going to help them reach their target. stephen: as well as using less
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waste is an advantage as well. most of the parts can be made in a matter of hours. markus: they would go. progress in the aviation sector right there for you. let's talk you through a few other stories where watching. shares of fedex under pressure on wall street this wednesday after it latest quarterly earnings fell short of expectations. the delivery company reported a loss of $895 million in the quarter that ended in may. the firm says it was hit by a $2.2 billion charge for a change in accounting of pension cost. a carmaker and conglomerate are entering a partnership to make electric cars together. the deal will see you distribute loose summer using batteries developed. they have also agreed to market car sharing schemes. they struck a deal last year with a french rival to make a
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model blue car. here is a question for you -- you see the answer right there at the bottom of your screen. the capital of the african company angola according to an annual survey. it ranks cities based on the cost of things like rent transport, and restaurants. hong kong is never two in zurich in switzerland is number three. there we go. paris not even in the top 10. laura: i wonder what it is that makes life so expensive. markus: you had to think about it. it's from an expert perspective not actually for locals. but how expensive it
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♪ is is democracy now. >> i have a huge issue with blackface. this is not from birth of the nation mockery. this is on a real, connected level. not just a visible representation, but the experience. amy: rachel dolezal breaks her


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