tv Journal LINKTV June 18, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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sarah: welcome to the program. our headlines -- after the failed shooting at a black church in south carolina, the suspect has been taken into custody. we go live to our correspondent in the states. brian: crunch talks to resolve a five-month standoff with greece and its creditors. an emergency summit is now set for monday. sarah: the vatican says people need to change how they live in order to fight global warming.
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brian: we begin this broadcast in the u.s. where police have arrested a 21-year-old man suspected of a church shooting. after a major manhunt, the suspect was caught in the state of north carolina. sarah: he's accused of opening fire in a black church in south carolina killing nine people. president barack obama has expressed anger and heartache at yet another gun tragedy. reporter: friends and colleagues remembered reverend pinckney also a member of the south carolina's and it. -- south carolina senate. the pastor was leading service when a gunman opened fire, killing him and others.
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a 21-year-old suspect named dylann roof was arrested on thursday in the neighboring state of north carolina. police have classified the shooting rampage as a hate crime. the u.s. president said his country had to look at how violent people get their hands on guns. president obama: any shooting involving multiple victims is a tragedy. there is something particularly heartbreaking about a death happening in a place in which we seek solace and we seek peace. reporter: the church is a charleston landmark founded by free blacks in the 19th century. that such an attack could have happened here was particularly shocking to residents and the president. president obama: the fact that
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this took place in a black church obviously also raises questions about a dark part of our history. this is not the first time that lacked churches have been attacked -- that black churches have been attacked. we know that hatred across races and faiths pose a particular threat to our democracy and ideals. reporter: the suspect was charged with trespassing earlier this year. brian: let's go to our correspondent who is standing by with more details for us in washington. we are getting more news from authorities about the shooting about the assailant. how did police managed to apprehend him so quickly? richard: this is quite remarkable, especially given how far he had managed to travel. the spot where he was picked up in shelby, north carolina in the next state, a good 400 kilometer
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drive away, a good four hours in the car. you can imagine what a big amount of ground that is to cover. police say he was picked up at a stop sign, and that it was a tip from a citizen that put them onto him. that is one thing he stressed in his statement, earlier today, the charleston police chief. he said they followed up on all the tips they received after revealing the identity of their suspect and also hailing the cooperation between the various agencies that had to work on this. obviously, the fbi involved because it was across state lines. one last thing that is quite striking is although the suspect had traveled a great distance, it appeared he had not made an effort to disguise himself. it appears he was also driving the same car he was openly seen in in that security camera footage, so it's not totally clear really how serious an attempt this was to make a full
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escape. brian: can you tell us more about the suspect? we know he is a 21-year-old male . and about his possible motives. richard: as we heard in the report there's much discussion of this as a hate crime partly based on things that he is alleged to have said during the attack and also partly based on images that have been surfacing online. for instance, one image shows him wearing a jacket with badges of apartheid and his license plate appeared to be the controversial confederate flag. taken together, it appears this was someone with potentially white supremacist views. an organization that monitors white supremacist groups in the region says he was not known to them, so this looks like it was a potential lone wolf kind of
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white supremacist attack, but they point out there are 16 white supremacist groups operating in south carolina so this is certainly an issue in that state. brian: richard walker following the shooting in the state of south carolina for us. thanks so much for that. a eurozone debt crisis summit has been called for monday afr talks between greece and international creditors ended without any results just over an hour ago. sarah: greece is set to run out of cash at the end of the month, and there are fears that it could leave the euro. we go live to luxembourg where those talks were held. reporter: eu finance ministers met again for crunch talks on greece this time in luxembourg, and again, the discussions ended without any sign of a solution. the euro group president stressed it was up to athens to put forward credible budget proposals. eurogroup president: incredible to say too little progress has
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been made in talks between the institutions and greece and that no agreement as yet is insight -- in sight. as of today, it is still possible to find an agreement and extend the current program before the end of the month, but the ball is clearly in the greek court to seize that last opportunity. reporter: greeks are increasingly worried. the central bank says a most 30 billion euros have been withdrawn from accounts so far this year -- almost 30 billion euros. the finance minister said he believes failure is simply not an option. finance minister: some time ago, the president of the european central bank said quite correctly that for the euro to succeed anywhere, it must succeed everywhere. we think that is absolutely spot on. reporter: that emergency summit of euro zone leaders has been
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called for monday to discuss greece's urgent need for an extension at the highest political level. brian: max hoffman has been following these talks for us in luxembourg. kris running out of money at the end of this month. what are we to make of these talks ending without any result? -- greece running out of money at the end of this month. max: that was to be expected. nobody anticipated a breakthrough here in the last couple of days, but how it went down was nevertheless interesting, maybe even impressive. we've been hearing from people who were at the meeting saying that the greek finance minister was trying to give a lecture but really did not have any new proposals, being cut off by the head of the eurogroup. actually premature talks on greece. when you listen to the imf later at the press conference,
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christine lagarde said they needed to return to dialogue with adults around the table. that basically tells you what she thinks of the greek finance minister. brian: a lot of drama in that room. the sticking points so far -- pensions and value added taxes -- they will not go away over the weekend. what about talks on monday, this emergency summit? what new will come out of that? max: you are absolutely right. those problems will not go away. the hope is that they find a political solution. that is something the greek prime minister wanted all along. he did not want a technical solution. he wanted a political solution. he is finally getting what he asked for. it is not certain at all he will get a political solution, but if he does, leaders could ask the institutions to work out the details of that agreement. it would still take a lot of time to put it into effect.
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for example you need to translate it and get what is called a full staff agreement -- 40 or 50 pages. you need to bring it to the parliaments that need to vote on it. all of that is not possible within the deadline, which ends on june 30 but if they do find an agreement, they would try to extend that deadline. brian: there is some time, as you mention, but in a worst-case scenario, does brussels have an emergency plan? max: there really is no way there could be an orderly grexit. there is no mechanism for that. having said that, some finance ministers have shown themselves very worried about capital flight from greece. they do not know what that means for other countries and that's why some countries like france insisted that this emergency summit take laced on monday, not later in the week.
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they want to make sure that if they find a solution, it comes as early as possible. brian: we look forward to hearing from you again on monday. max hoffman following talks for us in luxembourg. thanks. sarah: the looming greek default is having an effect on global stock markets, but it's not the only thing influencing investors at the moment. our markets correspondent sent us this wrapup from frankfurt. javier: investors want to believe there will be an agreement between greece and creditors, but the signs coming from both the greek government and its lenders are not positive there or causing enormous volatility in the markets. the best example was the athens stock exchange where we saw gains after having lost more than 3%. the good vibes are not only coming from some optimists on the greek case but also the united states with the dow jones's sword after the federal reserve decided to keep low interest rates and gave investors helps that there will
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not be an interest rate hike any time soon -- the united states where the dow jones soared. the greek crisis continues to loom over europe. brian: exit polls showing a dead heat between the left-wing government and conservative opposition in denmark. sarah: the premise or has promised to reduce immigration and give gains a big tax cut -- the prime minister has promised. his opponent says she will increase government spending if reelected. brian: voting is still going on in greenland and those votes could tip the balance of the vote. lawmakers have rejected a beijing-backed bill to change the way the regions leader is elected. sarah: the bill would have given citizens the right to directly
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vote for their chief executive but only after beijing had approved candidates. the proposal sparked violent protests in hong kong last year and even demonstrations in the parliament. yellow umbrellas, as you see there, are a symbol of the democracy. for millions of muslims around the world, the holy month of ramadan has begun. the faithful will abstain from food and drink during the day but it's much more than just a fast. brian: it's also a time of deep, personal reflection and giving thanks. reporter: this market, known for its traditional indonesian food, is doing a brisk trade tonight. it's not long until sundown on the first day of ramadan and lots of hungry people are looking forward to checking in -- to tucking in. the mood is jovial. >> i'm happy i've been granted a long life. i want to observe ramadan this
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year even more faithfully than in the past. reporter: the food is served but no one is touching it yet. the self-restraint of these market goers is tested as they wait patiently for the go-ahead to break their fast. and they are away. this bank worker is looking forward to repeating this ritual for a whole month. >> thanks be to god. i'm so thankful i can fast again this year. i'm very grateful. i have enjoyed fasting today and i hope i will continue to receive a blessing every day. reporter: for the next 30 days, worshipers throughout the muslim world will gather together to break their fast at sundown each day, including here in the afghan capital kabul. ♪ reporter: ramadan is intended to
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cleanse the body and spirit, bring worshipers closer to god and to remind the faithful of the suffering of those less fortunate. sarah: we're going to take a short break sarah: thanks for staying with us. pope francis has issued a new in cyclical on the environment, warning that humans are destroying the only planet we have -- pope francis has issued a new ethical -- a new encyclica l. in this document, the pontiff calls on the faithful to put aside doubts that climate change is the result of human activity a view held by conservative skeptics in and outside of the church. reporter: pope francis' long-awaited encyclical is
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finally here. it's a sweeping environmental manifesto, over 200 pages long aimed at inspiring global change. the pope toss namesake, the nature-loving francis of assisi, served as inspiration for the work -- the pope[''s namesake. pope francis: saint francis showed us how caring for nature, fairness towards the poor, engagement in society, and inner peace are one practice and inseparable from one another. reporter: the paper focuses on the challenges of climate change taking aim at consumerism and capitalism which he blames for the problems. the pope calls for economies to move away from also fuels to halt global warming -- move away from fossil fuels to halt global warming. many welcome the call for global responsibility. archbishop of washington asked u.s. leaders to reflect on the work.
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archbishop: there are no directives being given to people , politicians, people in the economic world people in the world of finance. it's an invitation to take a look at the situation. that's why i think the encyclical does us a great service by beginning with problems we can all recognize. and then the pope says, "let's all take a look at this together." reporter: the pope wants his thoughts to be understood by as many people as possible. the governments of almost 200 nations will meet in paris in december to try to hammer out a global accord on climate change. sarah: faith and reason come together in this document and the in is expected to move forward climate change talks being held in paris later this year -- the encyclical is expected to move forward climate change talks being held in paris later this year.
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peter: i'm joined by the executive director of the united nations environment program. the pope has been getting a lot of praise for his in static intervention -- in static intervention -- emphatic intervention in the global warming debates. what you think about it? director: i think a clarion call that is very much rooted in a moral and ethical appeal, to act in the face of grave consequences, and is pope francis has shown from the beginning, he looks at topics from a scientific discourse but also focusing on the poor of this world and intergenerational responsibility. in that sense, i think he will speak to an audience far greater than the catholic community he is addressing. peter: is pope francis is
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essentially asking us to cut back on consumption and consumerism and be in essence less greedy? are we likely to listen? director: the decoupling of our economies at the most recent g-7 summit leaders omitted themselves towards a pathway of decarbonization. these conversations are happening all over the world now and we are beginning to acknowledge we must change the way we run our economies. not to the detriment of this generation but for the benefit of future generations and in particular, as pope francis highlights, to recognize the impact we have on the poor. it's about accepting responsibility. this is where that moral and ethical dimension will resonate with many people across the planet. peter: when we look to the future, is this likely to give a boost to the united nations conference on global warming climate change that will take place in paris towards the end
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of the year? director: perhaps the climate negotiations are the secular approach to trying to deal with very great challenges in rethinking our economies. also addresses the need for partnerships across boundaries. addressing the needs of one group of consumers on one part of the world literally has an effect on someone are away for thomas -- far away from us. what is added by the pope's in cyclical is the further reinforcement of taking responsibility for our actions -- what is added by the pope's encyclical. it's not only a matter of science and economics but an matter of -- a matter of ethical and moral imperative. that attitude is building up around the world in paris and beyond. peter: thank you for sharing those insights with us today. that was the executive director of the united nations environment program.
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sarah: in germany, and author of iranian heritage has won one of the countries most prestigious writing awards. brian: judges say they picked him for his contribution to promoting understanding between people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds. reporter: he has made a name for himself as one of germany's most reductive and influential authors. the 47-year-old practicing muslim holds a doctorate in islamic studies and has traveled to many middle east war zones. his writing focuses on religion, cross-cultural encounters, and the challenges of modern society. some of his most widely discussed essays have dealt with how muslims view christianity. last year, as part of the ceremony to celebrate germany's constitution kermani urged germany to take in more refugees
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in his speech. he's a vocal advocate of greater dialogue tween different religious communities. he will be presented with this year's book trade peace prize at the frankfurt fair in october. brian: one of the most famous battles fought on european soil is marking a milestone anniversary. sarah: ceremonies are under way in belgium to mark the 200th anniversary of the battle of waterloo. a service was held thursday to remember the 50,000 casualties romp -- from napoleon's army at his final defeat. tens of thousands of spectators will turn out to watch reenactments over the coming days. less famous is napoleon's final victory before he met his famous defeat. history enthusiasts reenacted that show in belgium between the armies of france on one side and britain and prussia on the
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other. reporter: these actors give just a small taste of what the scene must have been like 200 years ago. prussian troops fought tooth and nail, losing an opening engagement before the battle of waterloo. >> it really was not great for the prussians. they did not have great food. it was raining and they did not have tents, either. reporter: that has not put off 1500 enthusiasts from reenacting the scene as faithfully as possible. this truck driver from leipsic marched all the way here on that just for a scrap. >> if you are up against a superior force, you do not stand a chance. you either end up captured or dead. reporter: unfortunately for him
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you cannot argue with history. france will win today. this was napoleon's last victory over the prussians. >> we will win this battle for the kaiser and the empire. >> dear cousin, of course we will win. >> no, we are the strongest. reporter: and so begins a two-hour spectacle. at the end of the real battle, 11,000 french lay dead and more than twice that number of prussians and allies. eventually mike too, gets caught in a deadly ambush. >> the french pressured our flank less than they would have. i think knowing they already were going to win, they held back a bit. a were very humane today -- they were very humane today.
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reporter: afterwards, it's back to camp where enemies live side-by-side. they have traveled to be here from as far afield as australia. >> i came from a long way. 40 hours by plane. >> 650 kilometers on foot from east germany. >> to share a glimpse into the past and its commemoration always in the back of your mind is about what these people went through. how they suffered. how this town at that time was destroyed. reporter: after defeat by the french and a battle with the sunshine mike calls it a day. he can look forward to victory at waterloo, thanks in part to the rain that fell here 200 years ago. the sodden ground produced the artillery -- the effectiveness of the artillery.
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-- the sodden ground reduced the effectiveness of the artillery. >> let's wait and see. i've been trying to win this battle for 200 years. maybe this time it will be my year. reporter: maybe napoleon could have won, but he was too quick to celebrate. the united allied army was too strong and consigned him to defeat at waterloo 100 days after he had returned to the throne. brian: back to the present let's recap our top stories. sarah: talks between greece and international creditors have ended without any result. brian: and it looks like a dead heat in denmark's parliamentary elections. we'll be back at the top of the hour. sarah: see you then. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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