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tv   France 24  LINKTV  July 13, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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after record-breaking talks late into the night, eu leaders came up with a unanimous agreement on a new deal. but in that deal, eurozone leaders have made greece surrender much sovereignty to outside supervision in return for a green -- for agreeing to talk on a 36-year-old bailout to keep the near bankruptcy greece in the euro.
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alexis tsipras has to get parliament to approve the plan. here is more of what he has to say. alexis tsipras: the deal is difficult and we have prevented the pursuit of a transfer of public property abroad. we have prevented the plan of financial asphyxiation, and the collapse of the financial system . a plan that was designed up to its last detail, perfectly, and had started to be implemented. finally, we achieved in this hard fight in these negotiations, restructuring of the debt, re-secure financing for the median term. genie: nathalie savaricas joins us from athens. the terms of this deal are tougher when it comes to the austerity part than the deal the greek people rejected before the referendum. how is alexis tsipras going to get the deal through parliament? nathalie: it is pretty simple in
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the sense that the opposition party leaders are well aware that the alternative is grexit. it became clear during the 17 hours during the summit yesterday. so that is what we have. the leader of the main opposition parties said greece took responsibility and we will try to help greece keep its footing within europe, which means they are going to back this deal. of course, many questions remain. yes, see rita -- syriza and tsipras will be a look to pass this to parliament, but questions remain as to what happens within syriza itself. genie: what kind of effect might this have on the greek prime minister long-term? will there be political fallout for him? nathalie: indeed. tsipras has the leading party of this coalition government, and
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there is lots of dissent within the party. speaking to a senior official longing -- not long ago, he says there was disrupting in the party because of the bailout and it is unlikely that the administration can last for very long. he mentioned that elections could be imminent. it remains to be seen. some senior hardliners or even ministers have hinted that this is -- that this bailout is just a catastrophe essentially, and prime minister tsipras will have to work on how to lead his party and the country. genie: nathalie savaricas reporting from athens. the greek prime minister spent most of the past night with the french president and the german chancellor. let's listen what to what -- let's listen to what i had to say.
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angela merkel: i think we found ways where it is true what i have repeatedly said, that advantages clearly dominate disadvantages. the basic principles, which we always followed, too dressed you -- to rescue the euro, are always there. on the other side are the responsibility of the country where changes need to take place. genie: the french president, francois hollande, was also a key player in the final negotiations hammering out the details and playing peacemaker between the german chancellor and the greek prime minister. catherine has more now on france's role in the greek debt crisis. >> france to the rescue as a deal to keep greece in the eurozone is clenched. since the start of the crisis, francois hollande has always opposed the greek exit, even if that has meant publicly disagreeing with angela merkel. francois hollande: greece is in
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the eurozone or greece is no longer in the eurozone, and in that case that is a europe that retreats. >> there will be no agreement at any price. >> europe has been divided into three camps, those who opposed another bailout for greece including germany, finland, the netherlands, and the baltic states. then there is the uncertain cap, including spain portugal, italy, and ireland countries that also suffered from austerity measures. france remains the only country that continuously showed its support for greece and tried to convince the rest of the eu. >> a favorable outcome that is essential to everyone. >> harris pulled out all the stops. a team of finance officials insisted the new -- paris pulled out all the stops. a team of finance officials drafted the final.
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genie: for more now on the details of this bailout deal let's bring in our correspondent from brussels. we have been talking about the fact that there is a deal, but tell us more about what is actually inside. it seems to be the start of the very rough road ahead for greece. >> it is indeed. the prime minister of italy matteo renzi, put it well. he said that we should not be triumphant nor should we diminish it. angela merkel said that for the moment, plan b has been excluded and that greece had shown its will to stay in the eurozone, but it would be a long and difficult road ahead for greece. since the five minutes of euphoria that took is here at about 8:50 before then markets opened they had the time to
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find combed the details through this deal. for greece, it is a very technical document. it is asking a lot of greece. by this wednesday already they will have to implement a number of laws and a number of others by july 20. the list is endless, all this under the supervision of the european institutions in the imf. you know how syriza feels about this. they were promising when they were elected to put an end to austerity measures. so a very bitter pill for alexis tsipras as well, after some 17 hours of talks here with his european counterparts. the only good news for him is that for the moment the european central bank will not put out
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the essential -- genie: as you said, it is a bitter pill for the greek prime minister and asking a lot of the greek people. how will this fly in athens? meabh: a very good questions. when he saw nathalie savaricas already saying that it will be possible that elections could be on the horizon. we all know that right now greece needs stability in order to get on with all the implementation of the reforms are the last things the greeks need is instability and fresh elections this wednesday they need to start implementing. if not this deal could be off because at the moment is is a piece of paper. it is not a real deal. the p bank of funding -- the piggy bank of funding desk when greece votes on it this
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wednesday, other european parliaments will have to vote on that piece of paper. jean-claude juncker said this was your average typical european agreement. he said a compromise had been released and it was neither winners nor losers, but definitely it will be a tough week for alexis tsipras. genie: thank you very much for that. now to another major international deal that could also be locked in today over iran. negotiations over that country positive their program are in their 17th day in vienna. our correspondent has more. >> it has been a diplomatic marathon. painstaking talks with an iran nuclear deal. secretary of state john kerry has been -- he was hopeful that -- but tough issues remain. secretary kerry: we believe we
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are making real progress toward a conference of deal. despite all the progress we have made -- and it is real -- some of the tough issues remain unresolved. >> if a deal is reached, kerry will have to convince congress to sign up for the agreement. speaking on fox news, the republican senate majority leader expressed his doubts. senate majority leader of o'connell: i think it will be a tough deal. >> if majority -- if -- according to an arranged up a map remaining points come down to political will. on sunday, the iranian spokesman took to twitter to express hopes for a deal. the pace of negotiations came to a crawl on the lifting of the arms embargo claimed by terror ehran. and the iranian involvement in several conflict, including iraq and yemen.
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the deadline for reaching agreement is set for today. this is the third extension and just two weeks. genie: we have been speaking a lot about deals this monday on greece and possibly iran. there has been another major agreement in colombia. the government there and the leftist farc rebels have agreed for the first time to reduce anti-rubble operations in the armed conflict that has gone on for decades. that move marks a significant step in peace talks between the two sides that began in november 2012. they have been hampered in recent months by an increase in violence. mexican drug lord guzman has escaped from a maximum security prison for the separate -- for the second time. he was last seen near a prison outside the capital of mexico city. he faces multiple federal drug traffic and indictments in the
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u.s. and was on the dea's most wanted list. >> and escape worthy of a holiday -- of a hollywood film. security cameras lost sight of walking guzman. they found an empty cell and a whole leading to a tunnel. 1.5 kilometers long. >> the tunnel was equipped with plastic pipes, presumably for ventilation, as well as lighting, and a motorcycle with a traction mechanism. >> mexican authorities had been expecting -- inspecting the tunnel that guzman used for his escape. >> we already have evidence that they left yesterday at midnight. investigations to connect the fingerprints, anything that could be found. >> it is an embarrassing blow for the mexican government. guzman, known as "el chapo,"
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was the leader of the sin a lower drug cartel. he escaped by hiding her laundry cart. after 13 years on the run, he was recaptured in february 2014. the government had held the arrest as a two parading him in front of journalists. now the president has vowed to do all he can to bring guzman on to justice. >> this is undoubtedly an affront to the mexican government, but i am also confident that mexican institutions, particularly those charged with public security, will rise to the challenge strength, and determination to capture this criminal. >> guzman is also wanted on drug trafficking charges in the u.s. american authorities have
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offered assistance in the manhunt. genie: now we will head up nearly 5 billion kilometers from earth to a spacecraft traveling toward pluto for more than nine years, and now nasa posner verizon horizon is closing fast on what has been described as an unexpectedly spotted planet. the pro has come close to the most distant planetary body ever explored. it's radio signal traveling at the speed of light. it takes nearly 4.5 hours to reach the ground. the data will be radioed back to earth over the next 16 months. >> after working on this so long and having images that were so crude before, we got on the spot. there were just a few pixels across -- to see that double and then quadruple and then a factor of 10 -- we have had a total of a factor of 30 improvements, and now when you look at an image of pluto, you see a real planet are you see a complex world that
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just begs for exploration. yet we are going to do 100 times better than that with the images made on tuesday. the images made will have 10,000 times as many pixels in each pixel as we see now. genie: also on board nasa posner verizon's face craft are the -- spacecraft are the ashes of the man who first discovered the icy world 85 years ago. you're watching "france 24." first, a deal on greece after record-breaking talks late into the night. eu leaders came to a unanimous agreement on a new bailout. world negotiators now in their 17th day of talks on iran posner their program. iran's point person saying that there is hope for a deal and no promises. the most notorious drug lord in mexico breaks out of prison for the second time in 14 years escaping in a tunnel.
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right under his cell. let's get back now to our top story on greece. let's bring in our business editor, kate moody. a deal finally reached, paving the way for the third bailout package for athens. we're still waiting to hear about the new funding for greek banks. kate: shortly after the deal for a new bailout was an ounce, the european central bank said he did not mean he would increase the funding it provides to greet banks. the ecb was keeping the great banking system afloat for months now with emergency liquidity assistance. that money was frozen about two weeks ago, and suspended greek banks have been closed and account -- cash reserves dwindle. the new bailout has been a greek or the ecb says it will maintain funding, just enough to keep the banks from collapsing or the ecb pulse governing board will be holding a teleconference later monday to discuss raising the ceiling, but nothing will change
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until the greek parliament has ratified the reforms. that is expected around wednesday. only then will the ecb consider something more money into greece, potentially allowing the banks to reopen and get the day that getting the day to day economy up and running again. genie: what kind of correction has the been in the markets today? >> the deal came through just as the european markets opened earlier monday. about midway through the trading day, you can see the bounce continues. the banking sector across europe in particular is trading higher, as concerns about exposure to the greek crisis subside. for more on this, we can turn to jasper lawler, an analyst with cmc markets in london. thank you for speaking with us this morning. the news of the breakthrough came as the european markets were opening, and investors are riding the wave. what is going to be coming next? jasper: i think the optimist thsm is going to continue.
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it has been largely greek lead. the rally started thursday. the deal looked very hopeful on those concessions that came from athens late thursday and so now as we see a deal being reached, i think there is a general sense of optimism in the markets. we are not going through the roof, and that probably reflects the fact that we do need to see the greek parliament ratified this deal, and there is certainly a lot of uncertainty around that. this deal seems more austere than back in january when syriza was first elected. that will not sit too well with the syriza party in degree government. that means that optimism is there but with a little bit of caution. kate: with that part of getting the agreement from the syriza government?
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jasper: certainly that is going to be a major headwind, and also the fact that we have not quite that certainty from the european central bank yet. it seems like the almost certain banking crisis what what spurred prime minister tsipras to sign the deal for greece, and we do need the european central bank to at least step in with some sort of interim financing to carry greece through until they actually have the full deal worked through. that combination of uncertainty surrounding exactly how the european central bank will respond, along with the greek vote and a few other government votes, not to mention the likes of finland, not too happy that greece is getting bailed out whereas they have had to go through tough austerity measures themselves. there is uncertainty, but i think i general feeling that they have avoided the worst of it. kate: in terms of the ecb, how do -- how quickly to you
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expected to make a decision and potentially get the great banking system up and running again? jasper: we are going to hear a decision today on whether it gets extended. my feeling is it will remain frozen, and i think they probably do not want to pull the trigger too early, but i am confident that we will get through this hurdle on wednesday in the greek parliament, so should that hurdle then be crossed, i think the european central bank will be comfortable that that is still in the rules that they are operating in. one of the most important rules is that greece is actually part of the bailout deal, in order to extend this financing. if greece suddenly is not in the bailout deal, contingent on this parliament vote, then suddenly the ecb do not want to be stuck in a position where they suddenly extended the ela. so then they would have to retract it. i think they will take a cautious approach for the time being and keep it frozen, which i do not think will rattle the markets too much.
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kate: jasper lawler, thank you for that insight from london. we will be following the decision from the ecb. genie: thank you so much for that. it is time to take a look at today's press review. oliver farry is with us for a look at the papers today. oliver, obviously greece again is a big story. oliver: and negotiations reached a deal this morning. too late for today's press because they pretty much describe a different world from the one we inhabit now from 8:00 this morning. there is an awful lot of criticism for germany in the press, particularly over -- the prime minister's -- the front cover of "liberation" features
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angela merkel with a headline "what is germany up to?" rarely in the european meeting has germany been shown on the front line risking a serious crisis in franco-german relations. there's fresh and between berlin and paris but also in the government between schauble, who remains incredibly popular. he is involved -- emboldened by his popularity. that leaves tend to let angela merkel -- that leaves chancellor angela merkel -- one could hardly question our german partners commitment to europe, but they appear to have kissed greece goodbye. that has all changed in the last couple of hours. schauble said that could be turned. how can -- genie: a lot of people
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throughout the course of this crisis have been talking of a greater split between france and germany. of course, the bedrock for the european union -- i think there are a few articles that talk about that as well. oliver: that is right. francois hollande's government was one of those that was a little bit more indulgent toward greece, and the position of it itself today is more sympathetic than it has been in the past few months. it speaks of two europes engaged in two completely political logix. rules of the game are required to save the euro. we may have seen them in the agreement today, but it is probably too soon to say. the real cement of the european union -- what is happening with greece is nothing compared to
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what threatens to happen if trust breaks down between germany and paris. genie: that is dramatically woods that has been getting more dramatic throughout the last weeks. oliver: inside "the london daily," and editorial says the greek crisis began with a cloud that was no bigger storm -- no bigger than a storm in a man's hand. chancellor angela merkel now has to choose between alienating her closest ally, which is france, and her closest allies at home. she may end up doing both. at "the new york times," economist paul krugman was a strong critic of germany and the eu in general. he said germany is --
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it was not the greeks who did it. that of course is all in the past, but he does mention the pressure on the greek government, which shows the trending #this is a coup. this was exactly right. genie: that #has been trending across europe today. people showing a lot of anger. oliver: hundreds of thousands of tweets were sent using the hash tag. including the leftist leader in spain, an ally of syriza. "all of the support to the greek people." and "even the most loyal are furious with schauble today." no this is not a union, this is a coup. a french tweeter writes about
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the proposed transfer of greek assets. schauble, convinced of greek corruption, will oversee the sale of 50 billion euros in greek holdings. manuel said earlier on that that will be located in greece now. that is a little bit of thing of the past at this point. there had been some untoward stuff on there as well, with nazi slurs and others being cast towards germany and others. some are also not -- one journalist says that this is a pretty egregious overstatement. genie: thank you very much for that.
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